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Śāntideva: Bodhicaryāvatāra

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 1: Bodhicittānuśaṃsaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 2: Pāpadeśanā
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 3: Bodhicittaparigraho
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 4: Bodhicittāpramādo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 5: Saṃprajanyarakṣaṇaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 6: Kṣāntipāramitā
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 7: Vīryapāramitā
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 8: Dhyānapāramitā
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 9: Prajñāpāramitā
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 10: Pariṇāmanā
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
San: Minayeff (1889) 220,19-20
punaś ca kṣaṇadaurlabhyaṃ buddhotpādo ’tidurlabhaḥ |
kleśaugho durnivāraś cety aho duḥkhaparamparā ||163||
Chi: T. 1662 560b25-26
復於刹那中 難得生覺悟
過去未來苦 難竭煩惱海
Tib: Tg la 37a5
slar yaṅ de la brñed dka’ źiṅ | | saṅs rgyas ’byuṅ rñed śin tu dka’ | |
ñon moṅs chu bo spaṅ dka’ ste | | e ma sdug bsṅal brgyud par gyur | |
Fre: La Vallée Poussin (1892) 461,21-26
—Et [cette existence une fois perdue], il sera impossible, ou presque impossible, d’obtenir à nouveau une naissance humaine en sa perfection, d’obtenir l’apparition d’un Bouddha, d’arrêter le torrent des passions.—Hélas ! quelle succession de souffrances !
Eng: Barnett (1947) 93,22-24
it is hard to win a brief return, exceeding hard for the Enlightened to arise to us; the torrent of passion can scarce be stayed. Alas, how sorrow follows on sorrow!
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