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Asaṅga/Maitreya: Ratnagotravibhāga

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: The Matrix of the Tathāgata
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: The Matrix of the Tathāgata
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: The Properties of the Buddha
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: The Acts of The Buddha
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: The Merits of Faith
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
San: Johnston (1950) 7,9-12
yo buddhatvam anādimadhyanidhānaṃ śāntaṃ vibuddhaḥ svayaṃ buddhvā cābudhabodhanārtham abhayaṃ mārgaṃ dideśa dhruvam |
tasmai jñānakṛpāsivajravaradhṛgduḥkhāṅkuraikacchide nānādṛggahanopagūḍhavimatiprākārabhettye namaḥ || 4 ||
Chi: T. 1611 822b23-c1
佛體無前際 及無中間際 亦復無後際 寂靜自覺知 既自覺知已 為欲令他知 是故為彼說 無畏常恆道 佛能執持彼 智慧慈悲刀 及妙金剛杵 割截諸苦芽 摧碎諸見山 覆藏顛倒意 及一切稠林 故我今敬禮
Tib: Tg phi 77b3-4
tshigs su bcad pa | gaṅ źig thog ma dbus mtha’ med źi saṅs rgyas ñid raṅ rnam saṅs rgyas || saṅs rgyas nas ni ma rtogs rtogs phyir ’jig med rtag pa’i lam ston pa || mkhyen brtse’i ral gri rdo rje mchog bsnams sdug bsṅal myu gu gcod mdzad ciṅ || sna tshogs lta thibs kyis bskor the tshom rtsig pa ’jig mdzad de la ’dud ||
Eng: Takasaki (1966) 155
(Kārikā 1) I bow to the one, who has realized the Buddhahood Which has neither beginning, middle nor end, and is quiescent, And who, having realized himself, taught the Path, Fearless and eternal, in order to enlighten the ignorant, And who, having in hand the excellent sword and thunderbolt Of Wisdom and Mercy, cuts in pieces all sprouts of Sufferings, And breaks the wall of doubts concealed In the forest of various views. || 4 ||
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