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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER THREE. ON IMPERMANENCY
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER SIX. ON MOMENTARINESS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER EIGHT. ON MEAT-EATING
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionCHAPTER NINE. THE DHĀRANĪS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSAGĀTHAKAM
|| Laṅkāvatārasūtram || 
(479a1)(2)  No.670(3)
laṅ kar gśegs pa rin po che’i mdo las saṅs rgyas thams cad kyi gsuṅ gi sñiṅ po źes bya ba’i le’u | (192a1) || bam po daṅ po || 
(56a1)rgya gar skad du | ārya laṅ ka a ba tā ra ma hā yā na sū tra | bod skad du | ’phags pa laṅ kar gśegs pa’i theg pa chen po’i mdo | bam po daṅ po || 
(487a1)(2)  No.329(3)
(1*)1 (1,1)oṃ namo ratnatrayāya | oṃ namaḥ sarvabuddhabodhisattvebhyaḥ ||

nairātmyaṃ yatra dharmāṇāṃ dharmarājena deśitaṃ |
laṅkāvatāraṃ tat sūtram iha yatnena likhyate || 
(5)  朝議大夫直龍圖閣權江淮荊淛(6)等路制置鹽礬兼發運副使上護軍(7)賜紫金魚袋蒋之奇撰(8)之奇嘗苦楞伽經難讀。又難得善本。會南都(9)太子太保致政張公施此經。而眉山蘇子瞻(10)爲書而刻之板。以爲金山常住。金山長老佛(11)印大師了元持以見寄。之奇爲之言曰。佛之(12)所説經總十二部。而其多至於五千卷。方其(13)正法流行之時。人有聞半偈得一句而悟入(14)者蓋不可爲量數。至於像法末法之後。去聖(15)既遠。人始溺於文字。有入海算沙之困。而於(16)一眞之體。乃漫不省解。於是有祖師出焉。直(17)指人心見性成佛。以爲教外別傳。於動容發(18)語之頃。而上根利器之人。已目撃而得之矣。(19)故雲門至於罵佛。而藥山至戒人不得讀經。(20)皆此意也。由是去佛而謂之禪。離義而謂之(21)玄。故學佛者。必詆禪。而諱義者。亦必宗玄。(22)二家之徒。更相非而不知。其相爲用也。且禪(23)者。六度之一也。顧豈異於佛哉。之奇以爲。禪(24)出於佛。而玄出於義。不以佛廢禪。不以玄廢(25)義。則其近之矣。冉求問聞斯行諸。孔子曰。(26)聞斯行之。子路問。聞斯行諸。曰有父兄在。如(27)之何。其聞斯行之。求也退故進之。由也兼人(28)故退之。説豈有常哉。救其偏而已。學佛之敝。(29)至於溺經文惑句義。而人不體玄。則言禪以(479b1)救之。學禪之敝。至於馳空言玩琦辯。而人不(2)了義。則言佛以救之。二者更相救。而佛法完(3)矣。昔達磨西來。既已傳心印於二祖。且云。吾(4)有楞伽經四卷。亦用付汝。即是如來心地要(5)門。令諸衆生開示悟入。此亦佛與禪並傳。而(6)玄與義倶付也。至五祖。始易以金剛經傳授。(7)故六祖聞客讀金剛經。而問其所從來。客云。(8)我從蘄州黄梅縣東五祖山來。五祖大師常(9)勸僧俗。但持金剛經。即自見性成佛矣則(10)是持金剛經者。始於五祖。故金剛以是盛行(11)於世。而楞伽遂無傳焉。今之傳者。寔自張(12)公倡之。之奇過南都謁張公。親聞公説楞(13)伽因縁。始張公自三司使翰林學士出守滁。(14)一日入琅琊僧舍。見一經函。發而視之。乃(15)楞伽經也。恍然覺其前生之所書。筆畫宛然。(16)其殆神先受之甚明也。之奇聞。羊叔子五歳(17)時。令乳母取所弄金鐶。乳母謂之。汝初無是(18)物。祜即自詣隣人李氏東垣桑木中。探得之。(19)主人驚曰。此吾亡兒所失物也。云何持去。乳(20)母具言之。知祜之前身爲李氏子也。白樂天(21)始生七月。姆指之無兩字。雖試百數不差九(22)歳諳識聲律。史氏以爲篤於才章。蓋天禀。然(23)而樂天固自以爲宿習之縁矣。人之以是一眞(24)不滅之性。而死生去來於天地之間。其爲世(25)數。雖折天下之草木以爲籌箸。不能算之矣。(26)然以淪於死生。神識疲耗不能復記。惟圓明(27)不昧之人知焉。有如張公以高文大册再中(28)制。擧登侍從。秉鈞軸出入朝廷。逾四十年。風(29)烈事業。播人耳目。則其前身。嘗爲大善知識。(479c1)無足疑者。其能記憶前世之事。豈不謂信然(2)哉。故因讀楞伽新經。而記其因縁於經之端(3)云(7)楞伽阿跋多羅寶經序(8)  朝奉郎新差知登州軍州兼管内勸(9)農事騎都尉借緋蘇軾書(10)楞伽阿跋多羅寶經。先佛所説。微妙第一眞(11)實了義。故謂之佛語心品。祖師達磨。以付二(12)祖曰。吾觀震旦所有經教。惟楞伽四卷。可以(13)印心。祖祖相授。以爲心法。如醫之難經。句句(14)皆理。字字皆法。後世達者。神而明之。如盤走(15)珠。如珠走盤。無不可者。若出新意。而棄舊(16)學。以爲無用。非愚無知。則狂而已。近歳學(17)者。各宗其師。務從簡便。得一句一偈。自謂(18)子證。至使婦人孺子。抵掌嬉笑。爭談禪悦。高(19)者爲名。下者爲利。餘波末流。無所不至。而佛(20)法微矣。譬如俚俗醫師。不由經論。直授方藥。(21)以之療病。非不或中。至於遇病。輒應懸斷死(22)生。則與知經學古者。不可同日語矣。世人徒(23)見其有一至之功。或捷於古人。因謂難經不(24)學而可。豈不誤哉楞伽義輒幽。文字簡古。(25)讀者或不能句。而況遺文以得義。忘義以了(26)心者乎。此其所以寂寥於世。幾廢而僅存也。(27)太子太保樂全先生張公安道。以廣大心。得(28)清淨覺。慶暦中嘗爲滁州。至一僧舍。偶見此(29)經入手。恍然如獲舊物。開卷未終。夙障冰解。(480a1)細視筆畫。手迹宛然。悲喜太息。從是悟入。(2)常以經首四偈。發明心要。軾遊於公之門。三(3)十年矣。今年二月過南都。見公於私第。公時(4)年七十九。幻滅都盡。惠光渾圜。而軾亦老於(5)憂患百念灰冷。公以爲可教者乃授此經。且(6)以錢三十萬。使印施於江淮間。而金山長老。(7)佛印大師了元曰。印施有盡。若書而刻之則(8)無盡。軾乃爲書之。而元使其侍者曉機走錢(9)塘。求善工刻之板。遂以爲金山常住。(10)元豐八年九月九日(14)楞伽阿跋多羅寶經卷第一(15)  宋天竺三藏求那跋陀羅譯 
(3)(4)新譯大乘入楞伽經序(5)  御 製(6)蓋聞。摩羅山頂。既最崇而最嚴。楞伽城中。實(7)難往而難入。先佛弘宣之地。曩聖修行之(8)所。爰有城主。號羅婆那。乘宮殿以謁尊(9)顏。奏樂音而祈妙法。因鬘峰以表興。指(10)藏海以明宗。所言入楞伽經者。斯乃諸佛(11)心量之玄樞。群經理窟之妙鍵。廣喩幽旨。洞(12)明深義。不生不滅。非有非無。絶去來之二(13)途。離斷常之雙執。以第一義諦。得最上妙(14)珍。體諸法之皆虚。知前境之如幻。混假名(15)之分別。等生死與涅槃。大慧之問初陳。法(16)王之旨斯發。一百八義。應實相而離世間。(17)三十九門。破邪見而宣政法。曉名相之並(18)假。袪妄想之迷衿。依正智以會眞如。悟縁(19)起而歸妙理。境風既息。識浪方澄。三自性(20)皆空。二無我倶泯。入如來之藏。遊解脱之(21)門。原此經文。來自西國。至若。元嘉建號。跋(22)陀之譯未弘。延昌紀年。流支之義多舛。朕(23)虔思付囑。情切紹隆。以久視元年歳次庚(24)子。林鐘紀律炎帝司辰。于時避暑箕峯。觀(25)風頴水。三陽宮内。重出斯經。討三本之要(26)詮。成七卷之了教。三藏沙門于闐國僧實叉(27)難陀大徳。大福先寺僧復禮等。並名追安遠。(28)徳契騰蘭。襲龍樹之芳猷。探馬鳴之秘府。(29)戒香與覺花齊馥。意珠共性月同圓。故能(587b1)了達沖微。發揮奧賾。以長安四年正月十(2)五日。繕寫云畢。自惟菲薄言謝珪璋。顧四(3)辯而多慚。瞻一乘而罔測。難違緇俗之(4)請。強申翰墨之文。詞拙理乖。彌増愧恧。伏(5)以此經微妙。最爲希有。所冀破重昏之暗。(6)傳燈之句不窮。演流注之功。湧泉之義無(7)盡。題目品次列於後云(8)(9) 
saṅs rgyas daṅ | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ thams cad la phyag ’tshal lo || 
saṅs rgyas daṅ byaṅ chub sems dpa’ thams cad la phyag ’tshal lo || 
(5)  天竺三藏求那䟦陀羅 譯經(6)  支那沙門蕅益釋智旭 疏義 
(1)1 Om! Salutation to the Triple Treasure! Salutation to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
Here is carefully written down the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra in which the Lord of the Dharma discourses on the egolessness of all things. 
rāvaṇādhyeṣaṇāparivartaḥ prathamaḥ | 
(16)  一切佛語心品第一之一 
(11)大乘入楞伽經卷第一(12) 大周于闐國三藏法師(13)實叉難陀奉  勅譯 (14)  羅婆那王勸請品第一 
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一切者。通指十方三世也。佛者。覺也。佛說無量法。唯明一心義。故云佛語心為宗也。迷心逐語。則語成糟粕。離語覓心。則心若龜毛。今以心契語。以語印心。故名佛語心品。然茲一經。共有三譯。此名宋譯。最居其先。文有四卷。品題唯一。次元魏菩提留支所譯。文有十卷。品有十八。次唐朝實叉難陀所譯。文有七卷。品題有十。必須三譯並參。方知此經脉絡旨趣。而今譯序分甚略。流通未傳。故亦旁引二譯。方成三分。初序分1 。二正宗分2 。三流通分3
初序分二。初通序。二別序。4 初中二。初標聞法時處。二引聞持之伴。 
evaṃ mayā śrutam | ekasmin samaye bhagavāṃl laṅkāpure samudramalayaśikhare viharati sma nānāratnagotrapuṣpapratimaṇḍite mahatā bhikṣusaṃghena sārdhaṃ mahatā ca bodhisattvagaṇena nānābuddhakṣetrasaṃnipatitair bodhisattvair mahāsattvaiḥ anekasamādhivaśitābalābhijñāvikrīḍitair mahāmatibodhisattvapūrvaṃgamaiḥ sarvabuddhapāṇyabhiṣekābhiṣiktaiḥ svacittadṛśyagoca(2*)raparijñānārthakuśalair nānāsattvacittacaritrarūpanayavinayadhāribhiḥ pañcadharmasvabhāvavijñānanairātmyādvayagatiṃgataiḥ2 || 
’di skad bdag gis thos pa dus (2) gcig na | bcom ldan ’das lho phyogs kyi rgya mtsho’i ’gram laṅ ka’i ri’i rtsa mo rin po che’i me tog sna tshogs kyis bkod pa na | dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun chen po daṅ | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po’i tshogs saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ sna tshogs tha dad pa (3) nas ’dus pa dag daṅ thabs cig tu bźugs te | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po de dag thams cad kyaṅ tshad med pa’i tiṅ ṅe ’dzin daṅ | dbaṅ po daṅ | stobs daṅ | mṅon par śes pas rnam par rtsen pa śa stag la | byaṅ chub sems (4) dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po blo gros chen po ni gtso bor gyur te | saṅs rgyas thams cad kyi phyag gis spyi bo nas dbaṅ bskur bas dbaṅ bskur ba | raṅ gi sems snaṅ ba’i spyod yul gyi don la rab tu mkhas pa | sems can sna tshogs kyi sems daṅ | gzugs (5) sna tshogs dag | ’dul ba’i sgo tshad med pa rnams ji lta ba bźi du kun du ston pa | chos lṅa daṅ | raṅ bźin daṅ | rnam par śes pa daṅ | bdag med pa gñis rtogs par khoṅ du chud pa’o || 
’di skad bdag gis thos pa dus (2) gcig na | bcom ldan ’das laṅ ka’i groṅ rdal na | rgya mtsho’i ri ma la ya’i rtse mo rin po che’i rigs daṅ | me tog sna tshogs kyis brgyan pa la dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun chen po daṅ | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ sna tshogs pa nas ’dus pa tiṅ ṅe (3) ’dzin daṅ | dbaṅ daṅ stobs daṅ | mṅon par śes pa du mas rnam par rol pa | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ blo gros chen po la sogs pa dag saṅs rgyas thams cad kyi phyag gi dbaṅ bskur bas dbaṅ bskur ba bdag gi sems snaṅ ba’i spyod yul yoṅs su śes pa’i don la mkhas pa | (4) sems can gyi sems sna tshogs daṅ | gzugs daṅ tshul daṅ | ’dul ba rnam pa tha dad pa’i cha byad ’chaṅ ba | chos lṅa daṅ | raṅ bźin daṅ | rnam par śes pa daṅ | bdag med pa gñis khoṅ du chud par rtogs pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ dag gi tshogs chen po daṅ thabs (5) cig tu bźugs te | 

二正宗分。大科為二。初總明一百八句。二別明三十九門。初總明一百八句。9 文分為三。初說偈讚佛。二請佛垂許。三正申問答。初中二。初經家敘儀。二大慧偈讚。 
5. 魏云。婆伽婆住大海畔摩羅耶山頂上楞伽城中。彼山種種寶性所成。諸寶間錯。光明赫燄。如百千日。照耀金山。復有無量華園香樹。皆寶香林。微風吹擊。搖枝動葉。百千妙香。一時流布。百千妙音。一時俱發。重巖屈曲。處處皆有。仙堂靈室。龕窟無數。眾寶所成。內外明徹。日月光輝。不能復現。皆是古昔諸仙聖賢思如實法得道之處。○唐云。佛住大海濱。摩羅耶山頂楞伽城中  6. 魏云與大比丘僧。及大菩薩眾。皆從種種他方佛土。俱來集會。是諸菩薩。具足無量自在三昧神通之力。奮迅遊化。善知五法。自性。識。二種無我。究竟通達。大慧菩薩摩訶薩而為上首。一切諸佛。手灌其頂而授佛位。自心為境。善解其義。種種眾生。種種心色。隨種種心。種種異念。無量度門。隨所應度。隨所應見。而為普現。○唐云。與大比丘眾。及大菩薩眾俱。其諸菩薩摩訶薩。悉已通達五法。三性。諸識。無我。善知境界自心現義。遊戲無量自在三昧神通諸力。隨眾生心。現種種形。方便調伏。一切諸佛手灌其頂。皆從種種諸佛國土而來此會。大慧菩薩摩訶薩為其上首  7. 二譯有。今經缺  8. 二法者。因如來說。法尚應捨。何況非法。乃問何者名法。何名非法。何得有二也  9. 魏云。問答品第二。○唐云。集一切法品第二 
Thus have I heard. The Blessed One once stayed in the Castle of Laṅkā which is situated on the peak of Mount Malaya on the great ocean, and which is adorned with flowers made of jewels of various kinds.2 He was with a large assembly of Bhikshus and with a great multitude of Bodhisattvas, who had come together from various Buddha-lands. The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, headed by the Bodhisattva Mahāmati, were all perfect masters3 of the various Samādhis, the [tenfold] self-mastery, the [ten] powers, and the [six] psychic faculties; they were anointed by the hands of all the Buddhas; they all well understood the significance of the objective world as the manifestation of their own Mind; (2) they knew how to maintain [various] forms, teachings, and disciplinary measures, according to the various mentalities and behaviours of beings; they were thoroughly versed in the five Dharmas, the [three] Svabhāvas, the [eight] Vijñānas, and the twofold Non-ātman. 
tena khalu punaḥ samayena bhagavān sāgaranāgarājabhavanāt saptāhenottīrṇa ’bhūt | anekaśakrabrahmanāgakanyākoṭibhiḥ pratyudgamyamāno laṅkāmalayam avalokya smitam akarot - pūrvakair api tathāgatair arhadbhiḥ samyaksaṃbuddhair asmiṃl laṅkāpurīmalayaśikhare svapratyātmāryajñānatarkadṛṣṭitīrthyaśrāvakapratyekabuddhāryaviṣaye3 tadbhāvito dharmo deśitaḥ | yan nv aham api atraiva rāvaṇaṃ yakṣādhipatim adhikṛtya etad evodbhāvayan dharmaṃ deśayeyam || 
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yaṅ de’i tshe na bcom ldan ’das rgya mtsho’i klu’i rgyal po’i gnas nas źag bdun lon te byuṅ nas brgya byin daṅ | tshaṅs pa daṅ | klu’i bu mo bye ba du mas bsu ba daṅ laṅ ka’i rim la yal gzigs te | laṅ ka’i groṅ rdal gyi rim la ya’i rtse mo ’dir sṅon gyi de (6) bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rnams kyis kyaṅ ’phags pa so so raṅ gis rig pa’i ye śes | rtog ge’i lta ba mu stegs can daṅ | ñan thos daṅ raṅ saṅs rgyas daṅ | ’phags pa’i yul ma yin pa de dag gis bsgoms pa’i chos bstan (7) te| ṅas kyaṅ de ñid du gnod sbyin gyi bdag po ’bod ’grogs kyi phyir de ñid bsñad ciṅ chos bstan to sñam nas ’dzum pa mdzad do || 
At that time, the Blessed One who had been preaching in the palace of the King of Sea-serpents came out at the expiration of seven days and was greeted by an innumerable host of Nāgakanyās including Śakra and Brahma, and looking at Laṅkā on Mount Malaya smiled and said, “By the Tathāgatas of the past, who were Arhats and Fully-Enlightened Ones, this Truth was made the subject of their discourse, at that castle of Laṅkā on the mountain-peak of Malaya, —the Truth realisable by noble wisdom in one's inmost self, which is beyond the reasoning knowledge of the philosophers as well as the state of consciousness of the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas.4 I, too, would now for the sake of Rāvaṇa, Overlord of the Yakshas, discourse on this Truth.” 
aśrauṣīd rāvaṇo rākṣasādhipatis tathāgatādhiṣṭhānāt - bhagavān kila sāgaranāgarājabhavanād uttīrya anekaśakrabrahmanāgakanyākoṭibhiḥ parivṛtaḥ puraskṛtaḥ samudrataraṃgān avalokya ālayavijñānodadhipravṛttivijñānapavanaviṣaye preritāṃs tebhyaḥ saṃnipatitebhyaś cittāny avalokya tasminn eva sthitaḥ udānam udānayati sma - yan nv ahaṃ gatvā bhagavantam adhyeṣya laṅkāṃ praveśayeyam | tan me syād dīrgharātram arthāya hitāya sukhāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca || 
No Tibetan 
de nas gnod sbyin gyi bdag po ’bod ’grogs de bźin gśegs pa’i byin gyi rlabs kyis bcom ldan ’das rgya mtsho’i klu’i rgyal po’i gnas nas (56b1) byuṅ ste | brgya byin daṅ tshaṅs pa daṅ | klu’i bu mo brgya stoṅ du mas bskor ciṅ mdun du bdar nas rgya mtsho’i rlabs la gzigs te | kun gźi rnam par śes pa’i rgya mtsho la ’jug pa’i rnam par śes pa yul gyi rluṅ gis bskyod ciṅ de dag gi sems ’byuṅ bar gzigs te | ched du (2) brjod pa ched du brjod pa mdzad do || źes thos nas | bdag soṅ la bcom ldan ’das la gsol ba btab ste la dkar gśegs par bya’o || de ni bdag daṅ lha daṅ mi rnams la yun riṅ po’i don daṅ | phan pa daṅ bde bar ’gyur ro sñam ste | 
[Inspired] by the spiritual power of the Tathāgata, Rāvaṇa, Lord of the Rākshasas, heard [his voice]. Indeed, the Blessed One, surrounded and accompanied by an in-numerable host of Nāgakanyās including Śakra and Brahma, came out of the palace of the King of Sea-serpents; and looking at the waves of the ocean and also at the mental agitations going on in those assembled, [he thought of] the ocean of the Ālayavijñāna where the evolving Vijñānas [like the waves] are stirred by the wind of objectivity. While he was standing there [thus absorbed in contemplation, Rāvaṇa saw him and] uttered a joyous cry, saying: “I will go and request of the Blessed One to enter into Laṅkā; for this long night he would probably profit, do good, and gladden (3) the gods as well as human beings.” 
atha rāvaṇo rākṣasādhipatiḥ saparivāraḥ pauṣpakaṃ vimānam adhiruhya yena bhagavāṃs tenopajagāma | upetya vimānād avatīrya saparivāro bhagavantaṃ triṣkṛtvaḥ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya tūryatālāvacaraiḥ pravādyadbhir indranīlamayena daṇḍena vaiḍūryamusāra(galva)pratyuptāṃ vīṇāṃ priyaṅgupāṇḍunā anarghyeṇa4 vastreṇa pārśvāvalambitāṃ kṛtvā ṣaḍjarṣabhagāndhāradhaivataniṣādamadhyamakaiśikagītasvaragrāmamūrchanādiyuktenānusārya salīlaṃ vīṇām anupraviśya gāthābhigītair anugāyati sma - 
No Tibetan 
de nas gnod sbyin gyi bdag po ’bod (3) ’grogs ’khor daṅ bcas pa me tog gi gźal med khaṅ du źugs nas | bcom ldan ’das ga la ba der soṅ ste phyin pa daṅ | ’khor daṅ bcas te gźal med khaṅ nas babs nas rṅa daṅ sil sñan rnams rab tu bsgrags te | bcom ldan ’das la lan gsum bskor ba byas nas pi baṅ gi (4) khog pa in dra nI la la baiḍūrya daṅ | mus ras spras pa | gos ṅur ka pri yaṅ ku ’dra ba rin thad med pas tshar du dpyaṅs te | ’khor rnams rab tu dga’ bar byas nas | glu’i dbyaṅs śardzA daṅ | riśa b+ha daṅ | gā na dha ra daṅ | d+he.e bA ta daṅ | ni śA daṅ | ma d+h+ya ma daṅ | ko.o śi (5) ka daṅ | glu’i dbyaṅs maṅ por sbyar ba la sogs pa daṅ ldan źiṅ | rgyud rjes su ’thun pa daṅ pi baṅ gi naṅ du chud par byas te tshigs su bcad pa’i dbyaṅs kyis glu blaṅs pa | 
Thereupon, Rāvaṇa, Lord of the Rākshasas, with his attendants, riding in his floral celestial chariot, came up where the Blessed One was, and having arrived there he and his attendants came out of the chariot. Walking around the Blessed One three times from left to right, they played on a musical instrument, beating it with a stick of blue Indra (saphire), and hanging the lute at one side, which was inlaid with the choicest lapis lazuli and supported by [a ribbon of] priceless cloth, yellowish-white like Priyangu, they sang with various notes such as Saharshya, Rishabha, Gāndhāra, Dhaivata, Nishāda. Madyama, and Kaiśika,5 which were melodiously modulated in Grāma, Mūrchana, etc.; the voice in accompaniment with the flute beautifully blended with the measure of the Gāthā. 
cittasvabhāvanayadharmavidhiṃ nairātmyaṃ dṛṣṭivigataṃ hy amalam |
pratyātmavedyagatisūcanakaṃ deśehi nāyaka iha dharmanayam || 1.1 || 
(17)心具於法藏 離無我見垢
(18)世尊説諸行 内心所知法 
(10)心自性法藏 無我離見垢
(11)證智之所知 願佛爲宣説 
No Tibetan 
sems kyi raṅ bźin tshul ñid chos kyi gter || bdag med lta daṅ rnam bral dri ma med ||
so so raṅ rig (6) śes pa ston pa yi || chos tshul mgon po ’dir yaṅ bśad du gsol || 
1. “The truth-treasure whose principle is the self-nature of Mind, has no selfhood (nairātmyam), stands above all reasoning, and is free from impurities; it points to the knowledge attained in one's inmost self; Lord, show me here the way leading to the Truth. 
(2,1) śubhadharmasaṃcitatanuṃ sugataṃ nirmāṇanirmitapradarśanakam |
pratyātmavedyagatidharmarataṃ laṅkāṃ hi gantu samayo ’dya mune || 1.2 || 
(19)白法得佛身 内身所證法
(20)化身示化身 時到入楞伽 
(12)善法集爲身 證智常安樂
(13)變化自在者 願入楞伽城 
No Tibetan 
dge ba’i chos kyis yaṅ dag bsags pa’i sku || bde gśegs ’phrul pas sprul pa ston pa ste ||
so so raṅ rig rtogs pa’i chos dgyes pa || thub pa deṅ ni laṅ kar gśegs pa’i dus || 
2. “The Sugata is the body in whom are stored immaculate virtues; in him are manifested [bodies] trans-forming and transformed; he enjoys the Truth realised in his inmost self; may he visit Laṅkā. Now is the time, Muni! 
(4*)laṅkām imāṃ pūrvajinādhyuṣitāṃ putraiś ca teṣāṃ bahurūpadharaiḥ |
deśehi nātha iha dharmavaraṃ śroṣyanti yakṣabahurūpadharāḥ || 1.3 || 
(21)今此楞伽城 過去無量佛
(22)及諸佛子等 無量身受用
(23)世尊若説法 無量諸夜叉
(24)能現無量身 欲聞説法聲 
(14)過去佛菩薩 皆曾住此城
(15)此諸夜叉衆 一心願聽法 
No Tibetan 
laṅ ka (7) ’di na sṅon gyi rgyal ba daṅ || de yi sras rnams gzugs maṅ ’chaṅ ba bźugs ||
mgon po ’dir ni chos rab bśad du gsol || gzugs maṅ ldan pa’i gnod sbyin kun kyaṅ ñan || 
3. (4) “This Laṅkā was inhabited by the Buddhas of the past, and [they were] accompanied by their sons who were owners of many forms. Lord, show me now the highest Truth, and the Yakshas who are endowed with many forms will listen.” 
atha rāvaṇo laṅkādhipatiḥ toṭakavṛttenānugāyya punar api gāthābhigītenānugāyati sma - 
No Tibetan 
de ltar laṅ ka’i bdag po ’bod ’grogs kyis to ṭa ka’i rgyud du glu blaṅs nas yaṅ tshigs su bcad (57a1) pa’i dbyaṅs kyis glu blaṅs pa || 
Thereupon, Rāvaṇa, the Lord of Laṅkā, further adapting the Totaka rhythm sang this in the measure of the Gāthā. 
saptarātreṇa bhagavān sāgarān makarālayāt |
sāgarendrasya bhavanāt samuttīrya taṭe sthitaḥ || 1.4 || 
(28)如來於七日 大海惡獸中
(29)渡海至彼岸 出已即便住 
(18)世尊於七日 住摩竭海中
(19)然後出龍宮 安詳昇此岸 
No Tibetan 
bcom ldan ’das ni dguṅ bdun te || chu srin gnas kyi rgya mtsho yi ||
rgya mtsho’i dpa’ bo’i gnas nas ni || slad du byuṅ ste ’gram na bźugs || 
4. After seven nights, the Blessed One leaving the ocean which is the abode of the Makara, the palace of the sea-king, now stands on the shore. 
sthitamātrasya buddhasya rāvaṇo hy apsaraiḥ saha |
yakṣaiś ca nānāvividhaiḥ śukasāraṇapaṇḍitaiḥ || 1.5 || 
(515b1)羅婆那王共 妻子夜叉等
(2)及無量眷屬 大智諸大臣
(3)叔迦婆羅那 如是等天衆 
(20)我與諸婇女 及夜叉眷屬
(21)輸迦娑剌那 衆中聰慧者 
No Tibetan 
saṅs rgyas bźugs ma thag tu yaṅ || ne tso sa ra nas brgyan pa’i ||
(2) gnod sbyin rnam pa maṅ po daṅ || ’bod ’grogs lha mo lhan cig tu || 
5. Just as the Buddha rises, Rāvaṇa, accompanied by the Apsaras and Yakshas numerous, by Suka, Sarana, and learned men, 
ṛddhyā gatvā tam adhvānaṃ yatra tiṣṭhati nāyakaḥ |
avatīrya pauṣpakād yānād vandya pūjya tathāgatam |
nāma saṃśrāvayaṃs tasmai jinendreṇa adhiṣṭhitaḥ || 1.6 || 
(4)各各悉皆現 無量諸神通
(5)乘妙花宮殿 倶來到佛所
(6)到已下花殿 禮拜供養佛
(7)依佛住持力 即於如來前 
(22)悉以其神力 往詣如來所
(23)各下花宮殿 禮敬世所尊
(24)復以佛威神 對佛稱己名 
No Tibetan 
mgon po gaṅ na bźugs pa yi || lam der ’phrul gyis soṅ nas ni ||
me tog bźon las babs nas kyaṅ || de bźin gśegs la mchod phyag ’tshal ||
rgyal ba’i dbaṅ pos byin brlabs nas || (3) de la mṅon par mi bsñad pa || 
6. Miraculously goes over to the place where the Lord is standing. Alighting from the floral vehicle, he greets the Tathāgata reverentially, makes him offerings, tells him who he is, and stands by the Lord. 
rāvaṇo ’haṃ daśagrīvo rākṣasendra ihāgataḥ |
anugṛhṇāhi me laṅkāṃ ye cāsmin puravāsinaḥ || 1.7 || 
(8)自説己名字 我十頭羅刹
(9)願垂哀愍我 及此城衆生
(10)受此楞伽城 摩羅耶寶山 
(25)我是羅刹王 十首羅婆那
(26)今來詣佛所 願佛攝受我
(27)及楞伽城中 所有諸衆生 
No Tibetan 
bdag ni ’bod ’grogs mgrin bcu ste || srin po’i dbaṅ po ’dir mchis so ||
groṅ rdal ’di na su gnas daṅ || bdag gi laṅ ka rjes su zuṅ || 
7. “I who have come here, am called Rāvaṇa, the ten-headed king of the Rākshasas, mayest thou graciously receive me with Laṅkā and all its residents. 
pūrvair api hi saṃbuddhaiḥ pratyātmagatigocaram |
(5*)śikhare ratnakhacite puramadhye prakāśitam || 1.8 || 
(11)過去無量佛 於此楞伽城
(12)種種寶山上 説身所證法 
(28)過去無量佛 咸昇寶山頂
(29)住楞伽城中 説自所證法 
No Tibetan 
rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas sṅa mas kyaṅ || so so raṅ rig spyod yul ni ||
rtse mo rin chen brgyan (4) pa yi || groṅ rdal dbus su rab tu bśad || 
8. “In this city, the inmost state of consciousness realised, indeed, by the Enlightened Ones of the past (5) was disclosed on this peak studded with precious stones. 
bhagavān api tatraiva śikhare ratnamaṇḍite |
deśetu dharma virajaṃ jinaputraiḥ parīvṛtaḥ |
śrotukāmā vayaṃ cādya ye ca laṅkānivāsinaḥ || 1.9 || 
(13)如來亦應爾 於此寶山中
(14)同諸過去佛 亦説如是法
(15)願共諸佛子 説此清淨法
(16)我及楞伽衆 咸皆欲聽聞 
(588a1)世尊亦應爾 住彼寶嚴山
(2)菩薩衆圍遶 演説清淨法
(3)我等於今日 及住楞伽衆
(4)一心共欲聞 離言自證法 
No Tibetan 
bcom ldan gyis kyaṅ de ñid kyi || rtse mo rin chen brgyan pa la ||
rgyal ba’i sras kyis yoṅs bskor ciṅ || rdul med chos ni bśad du gsol ||
gaṅ rnams laṅ kar gnas pa daṅ || bdag cag de riṅ ñan par ’tshal || 
9. “Let the Blessed One, too. surrounded by sons of the Victorious One, now disclose the Truth immaculate on this peak embellished with precious stones; we, together with the residents of Laṅkā, desire to listen. 
deśanānayanirmuktaṃ pratyātmagatigocaram |
laṅkāvatārasūtraṃ vai pūrvabuddhānuvarṇitam || 1.10 || 
(17)入楞伽經典 過去佛讃歎
(18)内身智境界 離所説名字 
No Tibetan 
(5) bśad pa’i tshul las rnam grol ba || so so raṅ rig spyod yul te ||
laṅ kar gśegs pa’i mdo sde ni || saṅs rgyas sṅa mas gsuṅs pa’o || 
10. “The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra which is praised by the Buddhas of the past [discloses] the inmost state of consciousness realised by them, which is not founded on any system of doctrine. 
smarāmi pūrvakair buddhair jinaputrapuraskṛtaiḥ |
sūtram etan nigadyate bhagavān api bhāṣatām || 1.11 || 
(19)我念過去世 無量諸如來
(20)諸佛子圍遶 説此修多羅 
(5)我念去來世 所有無量佛
(6)菩薩共圍遶 演説楞伽經
(7)此入楞伽典 昔佛所稱讃
(8)願佛同往尊 亦爲衆開演2  
No Tibetan 
rgyal ba’i sras kyis yoṅs bskor ciṅ || sṅon gyi saṅs rgyas dag gis kyaṅ ||
mdo sde ’di ni bśad par dran || (6) bcom ldan ’das kyis bśad du gsol || 
11. “I recollect the Buddhas of the past surrounded by sons of the Victorious One recite this sūtra; the Blessed One, too, will speak. 
bhaviṣyanty anāgate kāle buddhā buddhasutāś ca ye |
etam eva nayaṃ divyaṃ śikhare ratnabhūṣite |
deśayiṣyanti yakṣāṇām anukampāya nāyakāḥ || 1.12 || 
(21)如來於今日 亦應爲我等
(22)及諸一切衆 説此甚深法
(23)未來諸世尊 及諸佛子等
(24)於此寶山上 亦説此深法 
(9)請佛爲哀愍 無量夜叉衆
(10)入彼寶嚴城 説此妙法門 
No Tibetan 
ma ’oṅs dus na ’byuṅ ba yi || saṅs rgyas saṅs rgyas sras dag kyaṅ ||
’phrul gyi tshul te ’di ñid ni || rtse mo rin chen brgyan pa la ||
gnod sbyin rnams la thugs brtse phyir || ’dren pa rnams ni ston par ’gyur || 
12. “In the time to come, there will be Buddhas and Buddha-Sons pitying the Yakshas; the Leaders will discourse on this magnificent doctrine on the peak adorned with precious stones. 
divyalaṅkāpurīramyāṃ nānāratnair vibhūṣitām |
prāgbhāraiḥ śītalaiḥ ramyai ratnajālavitānakaiḥ || 1.13 || 
(25)今此楞伽城 微妙過天宮
(26)牆壁非土石 諸寶羅網覆 
(11)此妙楞伽城 種種寶嚴飾
(12)牆壁非土石 羅網悉珍寶 
No Tibetan 
’phrul (7) gyi laṅ ka’i groṅ rdal ’di || mdaṅs dga’ rin chen sna tshogs daṅ ||
thel sdiṅs rdo steṅs dga’ ba daṅ || rin chen dra ba’i bla res brgyan || 
13. “This magnificent city of Laṅkā is adorned with varieties of precious stones, [surrounded] by peaks, refreshing and beautiful and canopied by a net of jewels. 
rāgadoṣavinirmuktāḥ pratyātmagaticintakāḥ |
santy atra bhagavan yakṣāḥ pūrvabuddhaiḥ kṛtārthinaḥ |
mahāyānanaye śraddhā niviṣṭānyonyayojakāḥ || 1.14 || 
(27)此諸夜叉等 已於過去佛
(28)修行離諸過 畢竟住大乘
(29)内心善思惟 如實念相應 
(13)此諸夜叉衆 昔曾供養佛
(14)修行離諸過 證知常明了 
No Tibetan 
rnal ’byor ñes daṅ rnam bral ba || so so raṅ rig sems pa yi ||
bcom ldan ’das ’di na gnod sbyin dag || saṅs rgyas sṅa mas [57b1] mdzad sruṅ ba ||
theg chen tshul la dad pa yi || mṅon par źen ciṅ gźan ’dzud pa || 
14. “Blessed One, here are the Yakshas who are free from faults of greed, reflecting on [the Truth] realised in one's inmost self and making offerings to the Buddhas of the past; they are believers in the teaching of the Mahāyāna and intent on disciplining one another. 
(3,1) yakṣiṇyo yakṣaputrāś ca mahāyānabubhutsavaḥ |
āyātu bhagavān śāstā laṅkāmalayaparvatam || 1.15 || 
(515c1)願佛憐愍故 爲諸夜叉説
(2)願佛天人師 入摩羅耶山 
(15)夜叉男女等 渇仰於大乘
(16)自信摩訶衍 亦樂令他住3  
No Tibetan 
gnod sbyin mo daṅ gnod sbyin bu || theg chen rtogs par ’tshal ba mchis ||
laṅ ka ma la ya yi rir || ston pa saṅs rgyas gśegs su gsol || 
15. “There are younger Yakshas, girls and boys, desiring to know the Mahāyāna. Come, Blessed One, who art our Teacher, come to Laṅkā on Mount Malaya. 
(6*) kumbhakarṇapurogāś ca rākṣasāḥ puravāsinaḥ |
śroṣyanti pratyātmagatiṃ mahāyānaparāyaṇāḥ || 1.16 || 
(3)夜叉及妻子 欲得摩訶衍
(4)甕耳等羅刹 亦住此城中 
(17)惟願無上尊 爲諸羅刹衆
(18)甕耳等眷屬 往詣楞伽城 
No Tibetan 
bum pa rna la sogs pa (2) rnams || srin po groṅ rdal gnas pa dag ||
theg pa che la rton pa rnams || so so raṅ rig ñan par ’tshal || 
16. (6) “The Rākshasas, with Kumbhakarṇa at their head, who are residing in the city, wish, as they are devoted to the Mahāyāna, to hear about this inmost realisation. 
kṛtādhikārā buddheṣu kariṣyanty adhunā ca vai |
anukampārthaṃ mahyaṃ vai yāhi laṅkāṃ sutaiḥ saha || 1.17 || 
(5)曾供養過去 無量億諸佛
(6)今復願供養 現在大法王
(7)欲聞内心行 欲得摩訶衍
(8)願佛憐愍我 及諸夜叉衆
(9)共諸佛子等 入此楞伽城 
(19)我於去來今 勤供養諸佛
(20)願聞自證法 究竟大乘道
18 (21)願佛哀愍我 及諸夜叉衆
(22)共諸佛子等 入此楞伽城 
No Tibetan 
saṅs rgyas rnams la bgyi ba bgyis || da ltar na yaṅ śin tu bgyid ||
bdag la rjes su thugs brtse’i phyir || laṅ kar sras daṅ bcas te gśegs || 
17. “They have made offerings assiduously to the Buddhas [in the past] and are to-day going to do the same. Come, for compassion's sake, to the Laṅkā, together with [thy] sons. 
gṛham apsaravargāś ca hārāṇi vividhāni ca |
ramyāṃ cāśokavanikāṃ pratigṛhṇa mahāmune || 1.18 || 
(10)我所有宮殿 妻子及眷屬
(11)寶冠諸瓔珞 種種莊嚴具
(12)阿舒迦園林 種種皆可樂
(23)我宮殿婇女 及以諸瓔珞
(24)可愛無憂園 願佛哀納受 
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(3) khyim daṅ lha mo tshogs rnams daṅ || se mo do yaṅ sna tshogs daṅ ||
mdaṅs dga’ a śo ka yi tshal || thub pa chen po bźes su gsol || 
18. “Mahāmati, accept my mansion, the company of the Apsaras, necklaces of various sorts, and the delightful Aśoka garden. 
ājñākaro ’haṃ buddhānāṃ ye ca teṣāṃ jinātmajāḥ |
nāsti tad yan na deyaṃ me anukampa mahāmune || 1.19 || 
(14)我於如來所 無有不捨物
(15)願大牟尼尊 哀愍我受用
(16)我及諸佛子 受佛所説法
(17)願佛垂哀愍 爲我受用説 
(25)我於佛菩薩 無有不捨物
(26)乃至身給侍 *惟願哀納受 
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bdag ni rgyal sras de dag daṅ || saṅs rgyas rnams kyi bka’ bźin bgyid ||
bdag gis mi dbul gcig ma mchis || (4) thub pa chen po thugs brtser dgoṅs || 
19. “I give myself up to serve the Buddhas and their sons; there is nothing with me that I do not give up [for their sake]; Great Muni, have compassion on me!” 
tasya tadvacanaṃ śrutvā uvāca tribhaveśvaraḥ |
atītair api yakṣendra nāyakai ratnaparvate || 1.20 || 
(18)爾時三界尊 聞夜叉請已
(19)即爲夜叉説 過去未來佛
(20)夜叉過去佛 此勝寶山中 
No Tibetan 
de yi tshig de gsan pa daṅ || srid gsum dbaṅ pos gsuṅs pa ni ||
gnod sbyin dbaṅ po ’das pa yi || mgon pos rin chen ri bo la || 
20. Hearing him speak thus, the Lord of the Triple World said, “King of Yakshas, this mountain of precious stones was visited by the Leaders in the past. 
pratyātmadharmo nirdiṣṭaḥ tvaṃ caivāpy anukampitaḥ |
anāgatāś ca vakṣyanti girau ratnavibhūṣite || 1.21 || 
(21)憐愍夜叉故 説内身證法
(22)未來佛亦爾 於此寶山中
(23)爲諸夜叉等 亦説此深法 
No Tibetan 
so so raṅ rig chos rnams bstan || khyod ñid la yaṅ thugs brtser dgoṅs ||
rin chen (5) rnam brgyan ri bo la || ma ’oṅs rnams kyaṅ gsuṅ bar ’gyur || 
21. “And, taking pity on you, they discoursed on the Truth revealed in their inmost [consciousness]. [The Buddhas of] the future time will proclaim [the same] on this jewel-adorned mountain. 
yogināṃ nilayo hy eṣa dṛṣṭadharmavihāriṇām |
anukampyo ’si yakṣendra sugatānāṃ mamāpi ca || 1.22 || 
(24)夜叉此寶山 如實修行人
(25)現見法行人 乃能住此處
(26)夜叉今告汝 我及諸佛子
(27)憐愍汝等故 受汝施請説 
No Tibetan 
’di ni rnal ’byor ldan pa dag || mthoṅ ba’i chos la spyod pa’i gnas ||
ṅa daṅ sras rnams dag gis kyaṅ || gnod sbyin dbaṅ po brtser dgoṅs rigs || 
22. “This [inmost Truth] is the abode of those Yogins who stand in the presence of the Truth. King of the Yakshas, you have the compassion of the Sugatas and myself.” 
adhivāsya bhagavāṃs tūṣṇīṃ śamabuddhyā vyavasthitaḥ |
ārūḍhaḥ puṣpake yāne rāvaṇenopanāmite || 1.23 || 
(28)如來略答竟 寂靜默然住
(29)羅婆那羅刹 奉佛花宮殿 
No Tibetan 
bcom ldan gnaṅ nas mi gsuṅ bar || źi ba’i (6) blo yis rnam par bźugs ||
’bod ’grogs kyis ni phul ba yi || me tog bźon par bźugs par gyur || 
23. The Blessed One accepting the request [of the King] remained silent and undisturbed; he now mounted the floral chariot offered by Rāvaṇa. 
tatraiva rāvaṇo ’nye ca jinaputrā viśāradāḥ |
(7*)apsarair hāsyalāsādyaiḥ pūjyamānāḥ purīṃ gatāḥ || 1.24 || 
(516a1)如來及佛子 受已即皆乘
(2)羅婆那夜叉 亦自乘華殿
(3)以諸婇女樂 樂佛到彼城 
王及諸菩薩前後導(5)從4 。無量婇女歌詠讃歎。供養於佛往詣彼(6)城。 
No Tibetan 
de ñid du ni ’bod ’grogs daṅ || ’jigs med rgyal sras gźan yaṅ ste ||
lha mos bźad gaṅ rol mo yis || rab tu mchod ciṅ groṅ du gśegs || 
24. Thus Rāvaṇa and others, wise sons of the Victorious One, (7) honoured by the Apsaras singing and dancing, reached the city. 
tatra gatvā purīṃ ramyāṃ punaḥ pūjāṃ pralabdhavān |
rāvaṇādyair yakṣavargair yakṣiṇībhiś ca pūjitaḥ |
yakṣaputrair yakṣakanyābhī ratnajālaiś ca pūjitaḥ || 1.25 || 
(4)到彼妙城已 羅婆那夜叉
(5)及其夜叉妻 夜叉男女等
(6)更持勝供具 種種皆微妙 
No Tibetan 
dga’ (7) ba’i groṅ rdal der gśegs nas || mchod pa rab tu yaṅ brñes so ||
’bod ’grogs la sogs gnod sbyin gyi || sde daṅ gnod sbyin mos kyaṅ mchod ||
gnod sbyin bu mo gnod sbyin bus || rin po che yi dra bas mchod || 
25. Arriving in the delightful city [the Buddha was] again the recipient of honours; he was honoured by the group of Yakshas including Rāvaṇa and by the Yaksha women. 
rāvaṇenāpi buddhasya hārā ratnavibhūṣitāḥ |
jinasya jinaputrāṇām uttamāṅgeṣu sthāpitāḥ || 1.26 || 
(7)供養於如來 及諸佛子等 1  
No Tibetan 
’bod ’grogs kyis kyaṅ saṅs rgyas kyi || rin (58a1) chen brgyan pa’i se mo do ||
rgyal ba’i sras daṅ rgyal ba yi || stod kyi yan lag rnams la btags || 
26. A net of jewels was offered to the Buddha by the younger Yakshas, girls and boys, and necklaces beautifully ornamented with jewels were placed by Rāvaṇa about the neck of the Buddha and those of the sons of the Buddha.6  
pragṛhya pūjāṃ bhagavān jinaputraiś ca paṇḍitaiḥ |
dharmaṃ vibhāvayām āsa pratyātmagatigocaram || 1.27 || 
(8)諸佛及菩薩 皆受彼供養2  
No Tibetan 
bcom ldan rgyal sras mkhas bcas pa || mchod pa phul ba bźes nas ni ||
so so raṅ rig spyod yul gyi || chos ni rnam par bstan pa (2) mdzad || 
27. The Buddhas together with the sons of the Buddha and the wise men, accepting the offerings, discoursed on the Truth which is the state of consciousness realised in the inmost self. 
rāvaṇo yakṣavargāś ca saṃpūjya vadatāṃ varam |
mahāmatiṃ pūjayanti adhyeṣanti punaḥ punaḥ |
tvaṃ praṣṭā sarvabuddhānāṃ pratyātmagatigocaram || 1.28 || 
(9)羅婆那等衆 供養説法者
(10)觀察所説法 内身證境界
(11)供養大慧士 數數而請言 
No Tibetan 
gnod sbyin sde daṅ ’bod ’grogs kyis || smra ba rnams kyi mchog mchod de ||
blo gros chen por mchod ciṅ || gsol ba yaṅ daṅ yaṅ ’debs pa ||
khyod ni saṅs rgyas thams cad la || raṅ rig spyod yul ’dri ba yin || 
28. Honouring [him as] the best speaker, Rāvaṇa and the company of the Yakshas honoured Mahāmati and requested of him again and again:7  
(4,1) ahaṃ hi śrotā yakṣāś ca jinaputrāś ca sann iha |
adhyeṣayāmi tvāṃ yakṣā jinaputrāś ca paṇḍitāḥ || 1.29 || 
(12)大士能問佛 内身行境界
(13)我與夜叉衆 及諸佛子等
(14)一切諸聽者 咸請仁者問 
(12)我今諸大士 奉問於世尊
(13)一切諸如來 自證智境界
(14)我與夜叉衆 及此諸菩薩
(15)一心願欲聞 是故咸勸請 
No Tibetan 
’di ni bdag daṅ gnod sbyin (3) daṅ || rgyal ba’i sras rnams ñan pa mchis ||
khyod la rgyal sras mkhas pa daṅ || gnod sbyin rnams kyaṅ gsol ba ’debs || 
29. “Thou art the asker of the Buddha concerning the state of consciousness realised in their inmost selves, of which we here, Yakshas as well as the sons of the Buddha, are desirous of hearing. I, together with the Yakshas, the sons of the Buddha, and the wise men, request this of thee. 
vādināṃ tvaṃ mahāvādī yogināṃ yogavāhakaḥ |
adhyeṣayāmi tvāṃ bhaktyā nayaṃ pṛccha viśārada || 1.30 || 
(15)大士説法勝 修行亦最勝
(16)我尊重大士 請問佛勝行 
(16)汝是修行者 言論中最勝
(17)是故生尊敬 勸汝請問法 
No Tibetan 
smra ba’i naṅ na smra chen khyod || rnal ’byor can gyi’aṅ rnal ’byor źugs ||
khyod la gus par gsol ’debs kyis || ’jigs pa (4) med pas tshul dris śig || 
30. “Thou art the most eloquent of speakers, and the most strenuous of the Yogins; with faith I beg of thee. Ask [the Buddha] about the doctrine, O thou the proficient one! 
tīrthyadoṣair vinirmuktaṃ pratyekajinaśrāvakaiḥ |
pratyātmadharmatāśuddhaṃ buddhabhūmiprabhāvakam || 1.31 || 
(17)離諸外道邊 亦離二乘過
(18)説内法清淨 究竟如來地 
(18)自證清淨法 究竟入佛地
(19)離外道二乘 一切諸過失 
No Tibetan 
raṅ rgyal ñan thos rnams daṅ ni || mu stegs ñes las rnam par grol ||
so so raṅ rig chos ñid gtsaṅ || saṅs rgyas sa ni thob byed pa’o || 
31. “Free from the faults of the philosophers and Pratyekabuddhas and Śrāvakas is (8) the Truth of the inmost consciousness, immaculate and culminating in the stage of Buddhahood.” 
nirmāya bhagavāṃs tatra śikharān ratnabhūṣitān |
anyāni caiva divyāni ratnakoṭīralaṃkṛtāḥ || 1.32 || 
(19)爾時佛神力 復化作山城
(20)崔嵬百千相 嚴飾對須彌
(21)無量億花園 皆是衆寶林
(22)香氣廣流布 芬馥未曾聞 
No Tibetan 
rtse mo rin chen brgyan pa daṅ || gźan yaṅ lha rdzas rnams kyi ni ||
rin chen bye bas brgyan (5) pa dag || bcom ldan ’das kyis der sprul te || 
32.8 Thereupon the Blessed One created jewel-adorned mountains and other objects magnificently embellished with jewels in an immense number. 
ekaikasmin girivare ātmabhāvaṃ vidarśayan |
tatraiva rāvaṇo yakṣa ekaikasmin vyavasthitaḥ || 1.33 || 
(23)一一寶山中 皆示現佛身
(24)亦有羅婆那 夜叉衆等住 
No Tibetan 
mgon po ri bo re re la || ñid kyi sku ni rab tu bstan ||
’bod ’grogs gnod sbyin de dag na || re re la ni rnam par gnas || 
33. On the summit of each mountain the Buddha himself was visible, and Rāvaṇa, the Yaksha, also was found standing there. 
atra tāḥ parṣadaḥ sarvā ekaikasmin hi dṛśyate |
sarvakṣetrāṇi tatraiva ye ca teṣu vināyakāḥ || 1.34 || 
(25)十方佛國土 及於諸佛身
(26)佛子夜叉王 皆來集彼山 
No Tibetan 
thams cad ’khor ni ma bri bar || re re na yaṅ śin tu snaṅ ||
de na źiṅ rnams thams (6) cad daṅ || gaṅ yaṅ de na ’dren pa daṅ || 
34. Thus the entire assembly was seen on each mountain-peak, and all the countries Were there, and in each there was a Leader. 
rākṣasendraś ca tatraiva ye ca laṅkānivāsinaḥ |
tatpratispardhinī laṅkā jinena abhinirmitā || 1.35 || 
(27)而此楞伽城 所有諸衆等
(28)皆悉見自身 入化楞伽中
(29)如來神力作 亦同彼楞伽 
No Tibetan 
de na srin po’i dbaṅ po rnams || gaṅ dag laṅ kar gnas pa’aṅ snaṅ ||
de daṅ ’gran pa’i laṅ ka daṅ || 
35. Here also was the King of the Rākshasas and the residents of Laṅkā, and the Laṅkā created by the Buddha rivaling [the real one]. 
anyāś cāśokavanikā vanaśobhāś ca tatra yāḥ
ekaikasmin girau nātho mahāmatipracoditaḥ || 1.36 || 
(516b1)諸山及園林 寶莊嚴亦爾
(2)一一山中佛 皆有大智問 
No Tibetan 
a śo ka li tshal gźan daṅ || nags tshal bzaṅ po de dag kyaṅ || rgyal ba yis ni mṅon par sprul ||
mgon (7) po ri rnams re re la || blo gros chen pos bskul ba daṅ || 
36. Other things were there, too, —the Aśoka with its shining woods, and on each mountain-peak Mahāmati was making a request of the Buddha, 
dharmaṃ dideśa yakṣāya pratyātmagatisūcakam |
dideśa nikhilaṃ sūtraṃ śatasāhasrikaṃ girau || 1.37 || 
(3)如來悉爲説 内身所證法
(4)出百千妙聲 説此經法已 
No Tibetan 
so so raṅ rig rjod pa yis || chos ni gnod sbyin rnams la bstan ||
stoṅ phrag brgya pa’i mdo sde dag || ri bo la ni ma lus bśad || 
37. Who discoursed for the sake of the Yakshas on the Truth leading to the inmost realisation; on the mountain-peak he delivered a complete sūtra with an exquisite voice varied in hundreds of thousands of ways.9  
śāstā ca jinaputrāś ca tatraivāntarhitās tataḥ |
adrākṣīd rāvaṇo yakṣa ātmabhāvaṃ gṛhe sthitam || 1.38 || 
(5)佛及諸佛子 一切隱不現
(6)羅婆那夜叉 忽然見自身
(7)在己本宮殿 更不見餘物 
No Tibetan 
ston pa daṅ ni rgyal sras rnams || de ñid du yaṅ mi snaṅ gyur ||
gnod sbyin [58b1] ’bod ’grogs bdag gis lus || khyim na gnas par mthoṅ ba daṅ || 
38. [After this] the teacher and the sons of the Buddha vanished away in the air, leaving Rāvaṇa the Yaksha himself standing [above] in his mansion. 
cinteti kim idaṃ ko ’yaṃ deśitaṃ kena vā śrutam |
kiṃ dṛṣṭaṃ kena vā dṛṣṭaṃ nagaro vā kva saugataḥ || 1.39 || 
(8)而作是思惟 向見者誰作
(9)説法者爲誰 是誰而聽聞
(10)我所見何法 而有此等事 
No Tibetan 
bsams pa ’di go ji źig sñam || gaṅ gis bśad de su yis thos ||
ci źig mthoṅ gi gaṅ gis mthoṅ || groṅ khyer de dag gaṅ du soṅ || 
39. Thought he, “How is this? What means this? and by whom was it heard? What was it that was seen? and by whom was it seen? Where is the city? and where is the Buddha? 
tāni kṣetrāṇi te buddhā ratnaśobhāḥ kva saugatāḥ |
svapno ’yam atha vā māyā nagaraṃ gandharvaśabditam || 1.40 || 
(11)彼諸佛國土 及諸如來身
(12)如此諸妙事 今皆何處去
(13)爲是夢所憶 爲是幻所作
(14)爲是實城邑 爲乾闥婆城 
No Tibetan 
saṅs rgyas de dag źiṅ de rnams || rin chen (2) nags bzaṅ de ga re ||
’di na sgyu ma’am rmi lam rol || dri za’i groṅ źes bsgrags pa’am || 
40. “Where are those countries, those jewel-shining Buddhas, those Sugatas? (9) Is it a dream then? or a vision? or is it a castle conjured up by the Gandharvas? 
timiro mṛgatṛṣṇā vā svapno vandhyāprasūyatam |
(9*)alātacakradhūmo vā yad ahaṃ dṛṣṭavān iha || 1.41 || 
(15)爲是翳妄見 爲是陽炎起
(16)爲夢石女生 爲我見火輪
(17)爲見火輪烟 我所見云何 
No Tibetan 
rab rib yin nam smig rgyu’am || rmi lam mo śam bu byuṅ ṅam ||
bdag gis ’dir ni gaṅ mthoṅ ba || mgal me bskor tam du ba’am || 
41. “Or is it dust in the eye, or a fata morgana, or the dream-child of a barren woman, or the smoke of a fire-wheel, that which I saw here?” 
atha vā dharmatā hy eṣā dharmāṇāṃ cittagocare |
na ca bālā avabudhyante mohitā viśvakalpanaiḥ || 1.42 || 
(18)復自深思惟 諸法體如是
(19)唯自心境界 内心能證知
(20)而諸凡夫等 無明所覆障
(21)虚妄心分別 而不能覺知 
No Tibetan 
’on te sems kyi spyod yul (3) la || chos rnams kyi ni chos ñid dam ||
lta ba med ciṅ blta ba’aṅ med || smra med smra bar bya med na || 
42. Then [Rāvaṇa reflected], “This is the nature as it is (Dharmatā) of all things, which belongs to the realm of Mind, and it is not comprehended by the ignorant as they are confused by every form of imagination. 
na draṣṭā na ca draṣṭavyaṃ na vācyo nāpi vācakaḥ |
anyatra hi vikalpo ’yaṃ buddhadharmākṛtisthitiḥ |
ye paśyanti yathādṛṣṭaṃ na te paśyanti nāyakam || 1.43 || 
(22)能見及所見 一切不可得
(23)説者及所説 如是等亦無
(24)佛法眞實體 非有亦非無
(25)法相恒如是 唯自心分別 
No Tibetan 
raṅ gi rtog pas myos pa yi || byis pa rnams kyis mi śes so ||
gźan du rnam par du rnam par rtog pa ’di || saṅs rgyas daṅ ni chos ltar gnas ||
ji ltar mthoṅ (4) bźin su lta ba || de dag ’dren pa mi mthoṅ ṅo || 
43. “There is neither the seer nor the seen, neither the speaker nor the spoken; the form and usage of the Buddha and his Dharma—they are nothing but discrimination. 
(5,1) apravṛttivikalpaś ca yadā buddhaṃ na paśyati |
apravṛttibhave buddhaḥ saṃbuddho yadi paśyati || 1.44 || 
(26)如見物爲實 彼人不見佛
(27)不住分別心 亦不能見佛
(28)不見有諸行 如是名爲佛
(29)若能如是見 彼人見如來
(516c1)智者如是觀 一切諸境界
(2)轉身得妙身 是即佛菩提 
No Tibetan 
rnam par rtog pa mi ’jug ciṅ || gaṅ tshe saṅs rgyas mi mthoṅ la ||
’jug med saṅs rgyas yin par ni || gal te mthoṅ na de saṅs rgyas || 
samanantaraprativibuddhe parāvṛttāśraye svacittadṛśyamātrādhigame ’vikalpapracārasthitasya laṅkādhipateḥ pūrvakuśalamūlasaṃcoditasya sarvaśāstravidagdhabuddher yathātathyadarśanasya aparapraṇeyasya svabuddhivicālanakuśalasya tarkadṛṣṭivyapetadarśanasya aparapraṇeyasya mahāyogayogino mahāviśvarūpadhāriṇaḥ upāyakauśalyagatiṃgatasya sarvabhūmyuttarottarasvalakṣaṇādhigamanakuśalasya cittamagomanovijñānasvabhāvavivekaratasya trisaṃtativyavacchinnadarśanasya sarvakāraṇatī(10*)rthyavyapetabuddheḥ tathāgatagarbhabuddhabhūmyadhyātmasamāpannasya sthitabuddhabuddher gaganād adhyātmavedyaśabdam aśrauṣīt  - sādhu sādhu laṅkādhipate, sādhu khalu punas tvaṃ laṅkādhipate | evaṃ śikṣitavyaṃ yoginā yathā tvaṃ śikṣase | evaṃ ca tathāgatā draṣṭavyāḥ dharmāś ca, yathā tvayā dṛṣṭāḥ | anyathā dṛśyamāne ucchedam āśrayaḥ |  cittamanomanovijñānavigatena tvayā sarvadharmā vibhāvayitavyāḥ | antaścāriṇā na bāhyārthadṛṣṭyabhiniviṣṭena |  na ca tvayā śrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthādhigamapadārthagocarapatitadṛṣṭisamādhinā bhavitavyam | nākhyāyiketihāsaratena bhavitavyam |  na svabhāvadṛṣṭinā, na rājādhipatyamadapatitena, ṣaḍdhyānādidhyāyinā | eṣa laṅkādhipate abhisamayo mahāyogināṃ parapravādamathanānām akuśaladṛṣṭidālanānām ātmadṛṣṭivyāvartanakuśalānāṃ sūkṣmamabhivijñānaparāvṛttikuśalānāṃ jinaputrāṇāṃ mahāyānacaritānām | tathāgatasvapratyātmabhūmipraveśādhigamāya tvayā yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ |  evaṃ kriyamāṇe bhūyo ’py uttarottaraviśodhako ’yaṃ laṅkādhipate mārgo yastvayā parigṛhītaḥ (11*) samādhikauśalasamāpattyā | na ca śrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyānupraveśasukhagocaro yathā bālatīrthayogayogibhiḥ kalpyate ātmagrāhadṛśyalakṣaṇābhiniviṣṭair bhūtaguṇadravyānucāribhir avidyāpratyayadṛṣṭyabhiniveśābhiniviṣṭaiḥ śūnyatotpādavikṣiptair vikalpābhiniviṣṭair lakṣyalakṣaṇapatitāśayaiḥ |  viśvarūpagatiprāpako ’yaṃ laṅkādhipate svapratyātmagatibodhako ’yaṃ mahāyānādhigamaḥ | viśeṣabhavopapattipratilambhāya ca pravartate | paṭalakośavividhavijñānataraṃgavyāvartako ’yaṃ laṅkādhipate mahāyānayogapraveśo na tīrthyayogāśrayapatanam |  tīrthyayogo hi laṅkādhipate tīrthyānām ātmābhiniveśāt pravartate | vijñānasvabhāvadvayārthānām abhiniveśadarśanādasaumyayogastīrthakarāṇām | tat sādhu laṅkādhipate etam evārtham anuvicintayeḥ | yathā vicintitavāṃs tathāgatadarśanāt | etad eva tathāgatadarśanam || 
(3)爾時羅婆那十頭羅刹楞伽王。見分別心過。(4)而不住於分別心中。以過去世善根力故。(5)如實覺知一切諸論。如實能見諸法實相。不(6)隨他教善自思惟覺知諸法。能離一切邪(7)見覺知。善能修行如實行法。於自身中能(8)現一切種種色像。而得究竟大方便解。善(9)知一切諸地上上自體相貎。樂觀心意意識(10)自體。見於三界相續身。斷離諸外道常見。(11)因智如實善知如來之藏。善住佛地内心(12)實智。聞虚空中及自身中出於妙聲。而作(13)是言。  善哉善哉楞伽王。諸修行者悉應如汝(14)之所修學。復作是言。善哉楞伽王。諸佛如(15)來法及非法如汝所見。若不如汝之所見(16)者名爲斷見。  楞伽王。汝應遠離心意識。如(17)實修行諸法實相。汝今應當修行内法。莫(18)著外義邪見之相。  楞伽王。汝莫修行聲聞(19)縁覺諸外道等修行境界。汝不應住一切外(20)道諸餘三昧。汝不應樂一切外道種種戲(21)論。  汝不應住一切外道圍陀邪見。汝不應(22)著王位放逸自在力中。汝不應著禪定神(23)通自在力中。楞伽王。如此等事皆是如實修(24)行者行。能降一切外道邪論。能破一切虚妄(25)邪見。能轉一切見我見過。能轉一切微細識(26)行修大乘行。楞伽王。汝應内身入如來地(27)修如實行。如是修行者。得轉上上清淨(28)法。  楞伽王。汝莫捨汝所證之道。善修三昧(29)三摩跋提。莫著聲聞縁覺外道三昧境界以(517a1)爲勝樂。如毛道凡夫外道修行者。汝莫分(2)別。楞伽王。外道著我見。有我相故虚妄分(3)別。外道見有四大之相。而著色聲香味觸(4)法以爲實有。聲聞縁覺見無明縁行以爲(5)實有。起執著心離如實空。虚妄分別專著(6)有法。而墮能見所見心中。  楞伽王。此勝道(7)法。能令衆生内身覺觀。能令衆生得勝大(8)乘能生三有。楞伽王。此入大乘行。能破衆(9)生種種翳瞙種種識波。不墮外道諸見行(10)中。  楞伽王。此是入大乘行。非入外道行。外(11)道行者依於内身有我而行。見識色二法(12)以爲實。故見有生滅。善哉楞伽王。思惟(13)此義。如汝思惟即是見佛 
時楞伽王尋即開悟。離(10)諸雜染證唯自心。住無分別。往昔所種善(11)根力故。於一切法得如實見。不隨他悟。能(12)以自智善巧觀察。永離一切臆度邪解。住(13)大修行爲修行師。現種種身善達方便。巧(14)知諸地上増進相。常樂遠離心意意識。斷三(15)相續見離外道執著。内自覺悟入如來藏(16)趣於佛地。聞虚空中及宮殿内咸出聲言。  善(17)哉大王。如汝所學。諸修行者應如是學應(18)如是見。一切如來應如是見。一切諸法若(19)異見者則是斷見。  汝應永離心意意識。應(20)勤觀察一切諸法。應修内行莫著外見。  莫(21)墮二乘及以外道。所修句義所見境界。及(22)所應得諸三昧法。汝不應樂戲論談笑。  汝(23)不應起圍陀諸見。亦不應著王位自在。亦(24)不應住六定等中。若能如是。即是如實修(25)行者行。能摧他論能破惡見。能捨一切我(26)見執著。能以妙慧轉所依識。能修菩薩大(27)乘之道。能入如來自證之地。汝應如是勤(28)加修學。令所得法轉更清淨。  善修三昧三(29)摩鉢底。莫著二乘外道境界以爲勝樂。如(589a1)凡修者之所分別。外道執我見有我相。及(2)實求那而生取著。二乘見有無明縁行。(3)於性空中亂想分別。  楞伽王此法殊勝是大(4)乘道。能令成就自證聖智。於諸有中受上(5)妙生。楞伽王。此大乘行破無明翳。滅識波(6)浪不墮外道諸邪行中。  楞伽王。外道行者(7)執著於我。作諸異論不能演説離執著(8)見識性二義。善哉楞伽王。汝先見佛思惟(9)此義。如是思惟乃是見佛 
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laṅ ka’i bdag po gnas śin tu gyur pa daṅ | raṅ gi sems snaṅ ba (5) tsam du khoṅ du chud pa rab tu rtogs ma thag tu rnam par rtog pa’i rgyu ba la gnas pa | sṅon gyi dge ba’i rtsa bas bskul ba | gtsug lag thams cad la mkhas pa’i blo de bźin ñid ji lta ba bźin du mthoṅ ba | gźan gyi driṅ mi ’jog pa | bdag gi blo rnam par dpyod pa la mkhas (6) pa| rtog ge ba’i lta ba dad bral bar lta ba | gźan gyi driṅ la mi ’jog pa | rnal ’byor chen po’i rnal ’byor can | gzugs sna tshogs ’chaṅ ba chen po thabs la mkhas pa khoṅ du chud par rtogs pa | goṅ nas goṅ dus thams cad kyi raṅ gi mtshan ñid rtogs par bya ba la (7) mkhas pa | sems daṅ yid daṅ kyi rnam par śes pa’i raṅ bźin dben pa la dga’ ba | rgyud gsum chad par lta ba | rgyu daṅ mu stegs can thams cad kyi rgyu daṅ bral ba’i blor gyur pas de bźin gśegs pa’i sñiṅ po | saṅs rgyas kyis la naṅ du sñoms par źugs pa (59a1) la gnas źiṅ saṅs rgyas kyi blos nam mkha’ daṅ naṅ nas sgra thos pa  laṅ ka’i bdag po legs so legs so || yaṅ laṅ ka’i bdag po khyod ni legs so || ji ltar khyod slob pa de ltar rnal ’byor can rnams kyis bslab par bya’o || ji ltar khyod kyis (2) mthoṅ ba de bźin ñid du de bźin gśegs pa rnams daṅ | chos rnams la blta bar bya’o || rnam pa gźan du bltas na chad pa la gnas par ’gyur ro ||  khyod kyi sems daṅ yid daṅ | yid kyi rnam par śes pa daṅ bral źiṅ naṅ du spyod pas | chos thams cad rnam par (3) bsgom par bya ste | phyi rol gyi don du lta ba la mṅon par chags pas ni ma yin no ||  khyod kyis ñan thos daṅ | raṅ saṅs rgyas daṅ | mu stegs can gyi mṅon par rtogs pa daṅ | tshig gi don gyi spyod yul du lhuṅ ba’i lta ba daṅ | tiṅ ṅe ’dzi na du ma yin | gtam (4) daṅ sgruṅ la dga’ bar ma yin |  rig byed kyi raṅ bźin du lta bar ma yin | rgyal po’i dbaṅ gis dregs pa la lhuṅ bar ma yin | bsam gtan drug la sogs pa la bsam gtan par ma yin te | laṅ ka’i bdag po ’di ni rgyal ba’i sras rnal ’byor chen po’i rnal ’byor daṅ (5) ldan pa | pha rol rgol ba rab tu ’joms pa | lta ba ṅan pa sel ba | bdag tu lta ba rnam par bzlog pa la mkhas pa | blo źib ciṅ rnam par śes pa | śin tu ’gyur ba la mkhas pa | theg pa chen po la spyod pa rnams kyi dam tshig go || de bźin gśegs pa’i bdag (6) gi so so raṅ gi sa la ’jug ba khoṅ du chuṅ par bya ba’i phyir khyod kyis brtson par gyis śig |  de ltar byas na laṅ ka’i bdag po gaṅ khyod kyis tiṅ ṅe ’dzin la mkhas pa’i sñoms par ’jug pas yoṅs su bzuṅ ba’i lam ’di ni phyir źiṅ goṅ nas goṅ du rnam par spyod pa yin te | (7) ji ltar byis pa mu stegs can gyi rnal ’byor la rnal ’byor can bdag tu ’dzin par snaṅ ba’i mtshan ñid la mṅon par chags pa ’byuṅ ba daṅ | yon tan daṅ rdzas kyi rjes su spyod pa | ma rig pa’i rkyen du lta ba la mṅon par cags pas mṅon par źen pa | stoṅ pa daṅ | skye [59b1] bas g-yeṅs pa daṅ | rnam par rtog pa la mṅon par chags pa | mtshan ñid du lhuṅ ba’i bsam pas brtags ba | ñan thos daṅ | raṅ saṅs rgyas daṅ | mu stegs can rjes su ’jug pa’i sgo’i spyod yul ni ma yin no ||  laṅ ka’i bdag po bdag gi so so raṅ gis rig pa (2) rtogs par byed pa’i theg pa chen po khoṅ du chud par byed pa ’di ni gzugs sna tshogs rab tu ’thob par byed pa’o || bye brag gi srid par skye ba yoṅs su ’thob par yaṅ ’gyur ro || laṅ ka’i bdag po theg pa chen po’i rnal ’byor la ’jug pa ’di ni khebs pa’i g-yogs ma rnam (3) par śes pa sna tshogs kyi rlabs zlog par byed pa yin te | mu stegs can gyi rnal ’byor gyi gnas su lhuṅ ba ni ma yin no ||  laṅ ka’i bdag po mu stegs can gyi rnal ’byor ni mu stegs can rnams kyi bdag tu mṅon par źen pa las byuṅ ba’o || rnam par śes pa’i raṅ (4) bźin gñis kyi don la chags par lta bas mu stegs can rnams kyi ’di yaṅ rnal ’byor ma yin no || laṅ ka’i bdag po de legs so || de bźin gśegs pa mthoṅ źiṅ ji ltar rjes su bsams pa’i don de ñid rjes su soms śig daṅ de ñid ni de bźin gśes pa mthoṅ (5) pa yin no || 
The Lord of Laṅkā was then immediately awakened [from his reflection], feeling a revulsion (parāvṛtti) in his mind and realising that the world was nothing but his own mind: he was settled in the realm of non-discrimination, was urged by the stock of his past good deeds, acquired the cleverness of understanding all the texts, obtained the faculty of seeing things as they are, was no more dependent upon others, observed things excellently with his own wisdom (buddhi), gained the insight that was not of discursive reasoning, was no more dependent upon others,11 became a great Yogin of the discipline, was able to manifest himself in all excellent forms, got thoroughly acquainted with all skilful means, had the knowledge of the characteristic aspects of every stage, by which he would surmount it skilfully, was delighted to look into12 the self-nature of Citta, Manas, Manovijñāna, got a view whereby he could cut himself loose from the triple continuation, had the knowledge of disposing of every argument of (10) the philosophers on causation, thoroughly understood the Tathāgata-garbha, the stage of Buddhahood, the inmost self, found himself abiding in the Buddha-knowledge; [when suddenly] a voice was heard from the sky, saying, “It is to be known by oneself.” 
“Well done, well done, Lord of Laṅkā! Well done, indeed, Lord of Laṅkā, for once more! The Yogin is to discipline himself as thou doest. The Tathāgatas and all things are to be viewed as they are viewed by thee; otherwise viewed, it is nihilism.  All things are to be comprehended by transcending the Citta, Manas, and Vijñāna as is done by thee. Thou shouldst look inwardly and not become attached to the letter and a superficial view of things;  thou shouldst not fall into the attainments, conceptions, experiences, views, and Samādhis of the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers; thou shouldst not have any liking for small talk and witticism;  thou shouldst not cherish the notion of self-substance,13 nor have any thought for the vainglory of rulership, nor dwell on such Dhyānas as belong to the six Dhyānas, etc. “Lord of Laṅkā, this is the realisation of the great Yogins: to destroy the discourses advanced by others, to crush mischievous views in pieces, to keep themselves properly away from ego-centered notions, to cause a revulsion in the depths of the mind fittingly by means of an exquisite knowledge. Such are sons of the Buddha who walk in the way of the Mahāyāna. In order to enter upon the stage of self-realisation as attained by the Tathāgatas, the discipline is to be pursued by thee.  “Lord of Laṅkā, conducting thyself in this manner, let thee be further purified in the way thou hast attained; (11) by disciplining thyself well in Samādhi and Samāpatti, follow not the state realised and enjoyed by the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers, which rises from the imagination of those who discipline themselves according to the practices of the puerile philosophers. They cling to the individual forms of the world created by their egotistical ideas; they maintain such notions as element, quality, and substance; they cling tenaciously to views originating from ignorance; they become confused by cherishing the idea of birth where prevails emptiness; they cling to discrimination [as real]; they fall into the way of thinking where obtains [the dualism of] qualifying and qualified.  “Lord of Laṅkā, this is what leads to various excellent attainments, this is what makes one grow aware of the inmost attainment, this is the Mahāyāna realisation. This will result in the acquirement of an excellent condition of existence. “Lord of Laṅkā, by entering upon the Mahāyāna discipline the veils [of ignorance] are destroyed, and one turns away from the multitudinous waves of the Vijñāna and falls not into the refuge and practice of the philosophers.  “Lord of Laṅkā, the philosophers' practice starts from their own egotistic attachments. Their ugly practice arises from adhering to dualistic views concerning the self-nature of the Vijñāna. “Well done, Lord of Laṅkā; reflect on the signification of this as you did when seeing the Tathāgata before; for this, indeed, is seeing the Tathāgata.” 
atha tasminn antare rāvaṇasyaitad abhavat - yan nv ahaṃ punar api bhagavantaṃ sarvayogavaśavartinaṃ tīrthyayogavyāvartakaṃ pratyātmagatigocarodbhāvakaṃ nairmitanairmāṇikavyapetam adhigamabuddhir (12*) yad yogināṃ yogābhisamayakāle samādhimukhe samāptānām adhigamo bhavati | tasya ca adhigamād yogināṃ yogaśabdo nipātyate adhigamaneneti |  tad ahaṃ kāruṇikaṃ kleśendhanavikalpakṣayakaraṃ taṃ jinaputraiḥ parivṛtaṃ sarvasattvacittāśayānupraviṣṭaṃ sarvagataṃ sarvajñaṃ kriyālakṣaṇavinivṛttaṃ tayaivamṛddhyā (6,1) paśyeyam, taddarśanān nādhigatam adhigaccheyam, adhigataṃ ca me nirvikalpācāraḥ sukhasamādhisamāpattivihāras tathāgatagatibhūmiprāpako vivṛddhiṃ yāyāt || 
(14)爾時羅婆那楞伽王。復作是念。我應問佛。(15)如實行法。轉於一切諸外道行。内心修行所(16)觀境界。離於應佛所作應事更有勝法。所謂(17)如實修行者證於法時。所得三昧究竟之樂。(18)若得彼樂是則名爲如實修行者。  是故我應(19)問大慈悲如來世尊。如來能燒煩惱薪盡。(20)及諸佛子亦能燒盡。如來能知一切衆生心(21)使煩惱。如來遍至一切智處。如來如實善能(22)知解是相非相。我今應以妙神通力見於(23)如來。見如來已。未得者得已得者不退。得(24)無分別三昧三摩跋提。得増長滿足如來(25)行處 
(10)爾時羅婆那王。復作是念。願我更得奉見(11)如來。如來世尊於觀自在。離外道法能説(12)自證聖智境界。超諸應化所應作事。住如(13)來定入三昧樂。  是故説名大觀行師。亦復(14)名爲大哀愍者。能燒煩惱分別薪盡。諸佛(15)子衆所共圍遶普入一切衆生心中。遍一(16)切處具一切智。永離一切分別事相。我今願(17)得重見如來大神通力。以得見故。未得者(18)得已得不退。離諸分別住三昧樂。増長滿(19)足如來智地 
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de nas de’i skabs su ’bod ’grogs ’di sñam du sems te | yaṅ ’di ltar bdag gis bcom ldan ’das rnal ’byor thams cad la mda’ mdzad pa | mu stegs can gyi rnal ’byor rnam par zlog pa | so so raṅ gis rig pa’i spyod yul ston pa | ’phrul pas (6) sprul pa daṅ bral ba | thugs su chud pa’i blo la gaṅ gi phyir rnal ’byor can rnams rnal ’byor mṅon par rtogs pa’i dus na tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi bde ba daṅ | sñoms par ’jug pa rnams khoṅ du chud par ’gyur te | de khoṅ du chud pa’i phyir ’dis khoṅ du chud do źes rnal ’byor can rnams kyi rnal (7) ’byor gyi sgrar gdags te |  de’i phyir bdag gis thugs rje can ñon moṅs pa ’bar ba’i rgyu daṅ | rnam par rtog pa zad par byed pa | rgyal ba’i sras rnams kyis yoṅs su bskor ba | sems can thams cad kyi sems daṅ bsam pa’i rjes su źugs pa | thams cad du khyab (60a1) pa| thams cad mkhyen pa la byed pa’i mtshan ñid rnam par log pa’i rdzu ’phrul gyis de ltar blta’o || de mthoṅ bas ni khoṅ du ma chud pa khoṅ du chud par bya’o || rnam par mi rtog pa la spyod pa bde ba’i tiṅ ṅe ’dzin daṅ | sñoms par ’jug pas gnas pa de (2) bźin gśegs pas thugs su chud pa’i sa thob par byed pa bdag gis khoṅ du chud par yaṅ rnam par ’phel bar ’gyur ro sñam mo || 
At that time it occurred to Rāvaṇa: “I wish to see the Blessed One again, who has all the disciplinary practices at his command, who has turned away from the practices of the philosophers, who is born of the state of realisation in the inmost consciousness, and who is beyond [the dualism of] the transformed and the transforming. He is the knowledge (12) realised by the Yogins, he is the realisation attained by those who enjoy the perfect bliss of the Samādhi which they gain by coming to an intuitive understanding through meditation. 
May I see thus [again] the Compassionate One by means of his miraculous powers in whom the fuel of passion and discrimination is destroyed, who is surrounded by sons of the Buddha, who has penetrated into the minds and thoughts of all beings, who moves about everywhere, who knows everything, who keeps himself away from work (kriyā) and form (lakṣana); seeing him may I attain what I have not yet attained, [retain] what I have already gained, may I conduct myself with non-discrimination, abide in the joy of Samādhi and Samāpatti, and attain the ground where the Tathāgatas walk, and in these make progress.” 
atha bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyāṃ laṅkādhipateran utpattikadharmakṣāntyadhigataṃ viditvā tayaiva śobhayā daśagrīvasyānukampayā punar apy ātmānaṃ śikhare subahuratnakhacite ratnajālavitate darśayati sma |  adrākṣīd daśagrīvo laṅkādhipatiḥ punar api dṛṣṭānubhūtāṃ śobhāṃ śikhare tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ dvātriṃśadvaralakṣaṇavibhūṣitatanum | svātmabhāvaṃ caikaikasmin girau tathāgatānāṃ purataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ mahāmatinā sārdhaṃ tathāgatapratyātmagatigocarakathāṃ prakurvantaṃ yakṣaiḥ parivṛtaṃ tāṃ deśanāpāṭhakathāṃ kathayantam | te ca (13*) kṣetrāḥ sanāyakāḥ || 
(26)爾時世尊如實照知楞伽王應證無生法忍(27)時至。憐愍十頭羅刹王故。所隱宮殿還復(28)如本。身於種種寶網莊嚴山城中現  (29)爾時十頭羅刹楞伽王。見諸宮殿還復如本。(517b1)一一山中處處皆見有佛世尊應正遍知三(2)十二相妙莊嚴身而在山中。自見己身遍(3)諸佛前。又見一切諸佛國土及諸國王念身(4)無常由貪王位妻子眷屬五欲相縛無解(5)脱期。便捨國土宮殿妻妾象馬珍寶施佛及(6)僧入於山林出家學道。又見佛子在山林(7)中勇猛精進投身餓虎師子羅刹以求佛道。(8)又見佛子在林樹下讀誦經典爲人演説(9)以求佛道。又見菩薩念苦衆生坐於道場(10)菩提樹下思惟佛道。又見一一佛前皆有(11)聖者大慧菩薩説於内身修行境界。亦見一(12)切夜叉眷屬圍遶而説名字章句 
(20)爾時世尊。知楞伽王即當證悟無生法忍。(21)爲哀愍故便現其身。令所化事還復如本。  (22)時十頭王見所曾覩。無量山城悉寶莊嚴。一(23)一城中皆有如來應正等覺。三十二相以嚴(24)其身。自見其身遍諸佛前。悉有大慧夜叉(25)圍遶説自證智所行之法。亦見十方諸佛國(26)土。如是等事悉無有別 
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de nas bcom ldan ’das kyis de’i tshe laṅ ka’i bdag po ma skyes pa’i chos la bzod pa thob par thugs su chud nas mgrin bcu la thugs brtse ba’i (3) phyir rin po che maṅ pos brgyan pa | rin po che’i dra bas bres pa’i bdag gi ri’i rtse mo la mdzes pa de lta bu ñid du bdag ñid bstan nas |  yaṅ yaṅ ka’i bdag po mgrin bcus mthoṅ ba daṅ | myoṅ ba’i mdzes pa daṅ | rtse mo la de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag (4) par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas mtshan rab sum cu rtsa gñis kyis brgyan pa’i sku daṅ | ri bo re re la bdag gi lus kyaṅ de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rnams kyi spyan sdan ’dug pa daṅ | de bźin gśegs pa blo gros chen po daṅ thabs (5) cig so so raṅ gis rig pa’i spyod yul gyi gtam mdzad pa daṅ | gnod sbyin gyis bskor ciṅ bśad pa brjod pa’i gtam gsuṅ ba daṅ | mgon po daṅ bcas pa’i źiṅ de dag kyaṅ mthoṅ bar ’gyur to || 
At that moment, the Blessed One recognising that the Lord of Laṅkā is to attain the Anutpattikadharmakshanti showed his glorious compassion for the ten-headed one by making himself visible once more on the mountain-peak studded with many jewels and enveloped in a net-work of jewels.  The ten-headed King of Laṅkā saw the splendour again as seen before on the mountain-peak, [he saw] the Tathāgata, who was the Arhat and the Fully-Enlightened One, with the thirty-two marks of excellence beautifully adorning his person, and also saw himself on each mountain-peak, together with Mahāmati, in front of the Tathāgata, the Fully-Enlightened One, putting forward his discourse on the realisation experienced by the Tathāgata in his inmost self, and, surrounded by the Yakshas, conversing on the verbal teachings and stories [of the Buddha]. Those (13) [Buddha]-lands were seen with the Leaders.14  
atha bhagavān punar api tasyāṃ velāyāṃ parṣadam avalokya buddhyā na māṃsacakṣuṣā siṃharājavad vijṛmbhya mahāhāsam ahasat | ūrṇākośāc ca raśmiṃ niścāryamāṇaḥ pārśvorukaṭikāyāc ca śrīvatsāt sarvaromakūpebhyo yugāntāgnir iva dīpyamānaḥ tejasendradhanurudayabhāskaropamena prabhāmaṇḍalena dedīpyamānaḥ śakrabrahmalokapālair gaganatale nirīkṣyamāṇaḥ sumeruśṛṅgapratispardhini śikhare niṣaṇṇo mahāhāsam ahasat |  atha tasyā bodhisattvaparṣadaḥ teṣāṃ ca śakrabrahmādīnām etad abhavat - ko nu khalv atra hetuḥ, kaḥ pratyayo yadbhagavān sarvadharmavaśavartī mahāhāsaṃ smitapūrvakaṃ hasati? raśmīṃś ca svavigrahebhyo niścārayati? niścārya tūṣṇīm abhavat svapratyātmāryajñānagocarasamādhimukhe patitāśayo ’vismitaḥ siṃhāvalokanatayā diśo ’valokya rāvaṇasyaiva yogagatipracāram anuvicintayamānaḥ || 
(13)爾時世尊智慧觀察現在大衆非肉眼觀。(14)如師子王奮迅視眄呵呵大笑。頂上肉髻放(15)無量光。肩脇腰髀胸卐徳處及諸毛孔。皆(16)放一切無量光明。如空中虹如日千光。如(17)劫盡時大火熾然猛炎之相。帝釋梵王四天(18)王等。於虚空中觀察如來。見佛坐於須彌(19)相對楞伽山頂上呵呵大笑。  爾時菩薩衆帝(20)釋梵天四天王等作是思惟。何因何縁如來(21)應正遍知。於一切法中而得自在。未曾如(22)是呵呵大笑。復於自身出無量光默然而(23)住。專念内身智慧境界不以爲勝。如師子(24)視觀楞伽王念如實行 
(27)爾時世尊普觀衆會。以慧眼觀非肉眼觀。(28)如師子王奮迅迴盻欣然大笑。於其眉間(29)髀脇腰頸及以肩臂徳字之中。一一毛孔皆(589b1)放無量妙色光明。如虹拕暉如日舒光。(2)亦如劫火猛焔熾然。時虚空中梵釋四天。遙(3)見如來坐如須彌楞伽山頂欣然大笑。  爾(4)時諸菩薩及諸天衆咸作是念。如來世尊於(5)法自在。何因縁故欣然大笑。身放光明默(6)然不動。住自證境入三昧樂。如師子王周(7)迴顧視。觀羅婆那念如實法 
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de nas bcom ldan ’das kyis da’i tshe saṅs rgyas kyi śa’i spyan gyis ’khor la (6) gzigs nas | seṅ ge’i rgyal po ltar rnam par bsgyiṅs te | bźad mo tshar bźad nas | mdzod spu daṅ | rtsib logs daṅ | brla daṅ | sked pa’i phyogs daṅ | dpal gyi be’u daṅ | spu’i khuṅ bu thams cad nas ni ’od zer rab tu ’byin | dus kyi mtha’i me bźin (7) du ni ’bar | gzi brjid ni ’ja’ lta bu | ’od kyi dkyil ’khor ni ñi ma śar ba daṅ ’dra bar śin tu ’bar | brgya byin daṅ | tshaṅs pa daṅ | ’jig rten skyoṅ pa rnams kyis ni rnam mkha’i dbyiṅs nas lta źiṅ ri rab kyi rtse mo la ’gran pa’i zom la bźugs nas bźad mo cher bźad [60b1] do ||  de nas byaṅ chub sems dpa’i ’khor de daṅ | brgya byin daṅ | tshaṅs pa la sogs pa de dag ’di sñam du sems te | rgyu gaṅ daṅ rkyen gaṅ gis de ltar bcom ldan ’das chos thams cad la mṅa’ mdzad pa sṅon du ’dzum pas bźad mo cher bźad ciṅ raṅ gi sku las ’od zer rab (2) tu ’byin | phyuṅ nas kyaṅ bdag gi so so raṅ gis rig pa’i ’phags pa’i ye śes mthoṅ ba’i spyod yul tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi bde ba la dgoṅs pa rab tu bźag ste | gzigs mo med par seṅ ge’i lta bas phyogs su gzigs nas ’bod ’grogs kyi rnal ’byor rtogs pa rgyub la rjes su dgoṅs (3) śiṅ caṅ mi gsuṅ bar gyur sñam mo || 
Then the Blessed One beholding again this great assembly with his wisdom-eye, which is not the human eye, laughed loudly and most vigorously like the lion-king. Emitting rays of light from the tuft of hair between the eyebrows, from the ribs, from the loins, from the Srivatsa15 on the breast, and from every pore of the skin, — emitting rays of light which shone flaming like the fire taking place at the end of a kalpa, like a luminous rainbow, like the rising sun, blazing brilliantly, gloriously—which were observed from the sky by Śakra, Brahma, and the guardians of the world, the one who sat on the peak [of Laṅkā] vying with Mount Sumeru laughed the loudest laugh. 
14. There is surely a discrepancy here in the text. T'ang reads: “In all the Buddha-lands in the ten quarters were also seen such events going on, and there was no difference whatever." Wei is quite different and has the following: “Besides, he saw all the Buddha-lands and all the kings thinking of the transitoriness of the body. As they are covetously attached to their thrones, wives, children, and relatives, they find themselves bound by the five passions and have no time for emancipation. Seeing this, they abandon their dominions, palaces, wives, concubines, elephants, horses, and precious treasures, giving them all up to the Buddha and his Brotherhood. They now retreat into the mountain-woods, leaving their homes and wishing to study the doctrine. He [Rāvaṇa] then sees the Bodhisattvas in the mountain woods strenuously applying themseves to the mastery of the truth, even to the extent of throwing themselves to the hungry tiger, lion, and Rākshasas. He thus sees the Bodhisattvas reading and reciting the sūtras under a tree in the woods and discoursing on them for others, seeking thereby the truth of the Buddha. He then sees the Bodhisattvas seated under the Bodhi-tree in the Bodhi-mandala thinking of the suffering Beings and meditating on the truth of the Buddha. He then sees the venerable Mahāmati the Bodhisattva before each Buddha preaching about the spiritual discipline of one's inner life, and also sees [the Bodhisattva] surrounded by all the Yakshas and families and talking about names, words, phrases, and paragraphs." This last sentence is evidently the translation of the Sanskrit deśanāpathakatham, which is contrasted in the Laṅkāvatara throughout with pratyātmāryajñānagocara (the spiritual realm realised by noble wisdom in one's inmost consciousness).  15. Swastika. 
At that time the assembly of the Bodhisattvas together with Śakra and Brahma, each thought within himself: “For what reason, I wonder, from what cause does the Blessed One who is the master of all the world (sarva-dharma-vaśavartin), after smiling first,16 laugh the loudest laugh? Why does he emit rays of light from his own body? Why, emitting [rays of light], does he remain silent, with the realisation [of the Truth] in his inmost self, and absorbed deeply and showing no surprise in the bliss of Samādhi, and reviewing the [ten] quarters, looking around like the lion-king, and thinking only of the discipline, attainment, and performance of Rāvaṇa?” 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ pūrvam evādhyeṣito rāvaṇasyānukampām upādāya tasyā bodhisattva(14*)parṣadaś cittāśayavicāram ājñāya anāgatāṃ janatāṃ cāvalokya deśanāpāṭhābhiratānāṃ sattvānāṃ cittavibhramo bhaviṣyatīti yathārutārthābhiniviṣṭānāṃ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyayogabalābhiniviṣṭānāṃ tathāgatā api bhagavanto vinivṛttavijñānaviṣayā mahāhāsaṃ hasanti |  teṣāṃ kautūhalavinivṛttyarthaṃ bhagavantaṃ paripṛcchati sma - kaḥ khalv atra hetuḥ, kaḥ pratyayaḥ smitasya pravṛttaye?  bhagavān āha - sādhu sādhu mahāmate, sādhu khalu punas tvaṃ mahāmate, lokasvabhāvam avalokya kudṛṣṭipatitānāṃ ca lokānāṃ traikālyacittāvabodhāya māṃ praṣṭum ārabdhaḥ |  evaṃ paṇḍitaiḥ paripṛcchanajātīyair bhavitavyaṃ svaparobhayārtham | eṣa mahāmate rāvaṇo laṅkādhipatiḥ pūrvakān api tathāgatān arhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhān praśnadvayaṃ pṛṣṭavān |  mām apy etarhi praṣṭukāmo yad anālīḍhaṃ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyayogayogināṃ praśnadvayaprabhedagatilakṣaṇaṃ vibhāvayitum | ya eṣa praṣṭukāmo daśagrīvo ’nāgatān api jinān prakṣyati || 
(25)爾時聖者大慧菩薩摩訶薩。先受楞伽羅婆(26)那王所啓請已念楞伽王。知諸一切大菩[(27)薩衆心行之法。觀察未來一切衆生。心皆樂(28)於名字説法。心迷生疑如説而取著於一切(29)聲聞縁覺外道之行。諸佛世尊離諸一切心(517c1)識之行能笑大笑。  爲彼大衆斷於疑心。而(2)問佛言。如來何因何縁何事呵呵大笑。  佛告(3)聖者大慧菩薩。善哉善哉善哉大慧。復善哉(4)大慧。汝能觀察世間妄想分別之心邪見顛(5)倒。汝實能知三世之事而問此事。  如汝所(6)問智者之問亦復如是。爲自利利他故。大(7)慧。此楞伽王。曾問過去一切諸佛應正遍知(8)如是二法。  今復現在亦欲問我如是二法。(9)此二法者。一切聲聞縁覺外道。未嘗知此(10)二法之相。大慧。此十頭羅刹。亦問未來一切(11)諸佛如此二法 
何因縁故欣然大笑。爲斷彼疑而問於(13)佛。  佛即告言。善哉大慧。善哉大慧。汝觀世(14)間愍諸衆生。於三世中惡見所纒。欲令(15)開悟而問於我。  諸智慧人爲利自他。能作(16)是問。大慧。此楞伽王。曾問過去一切如來應(17)正等覺二種之義。  今亦欲問。未來亦爾。此二(18)種義差別之相。一切二乘及諸外道皆不能(19)測。 
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de nas byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po blo gros chen po sṅar gsol ba btab pas ’bod ’grogs la sñiṅ brtse ba daṅ | byaṅ chub sems dpa’i ’khod de dag gi sems daṅ | bsam pa daṅ | rnam par spyod pa yaṅ śes śiṅ ma ’oṅs (4) pa’i skye bo’i tshogs la’aṅ bltas nas bśad pa brjod pa la mṅon par dga’ ba’i sems can rnams daṅ | sgra ji bźin du mṅon par źen ba rnams daṅ | ñan thos daṅ | raṅ saṅs rgyas daṅ | mu stegs can gyis la ’byor gyi stobs la mṅon par źen pa thams cad ’di ltar bcom (5) ldan ’das de bźin gśegs pa rnam par śes pa’i yul las phyir log pa rnams kyaṅ bśad mo cher bźad do sñam du sems śiṅ sems rnam par myos par gyur na mi ruṅ ṅo sñam nas |  de dag gi ṅo mtshar rnam par bzlog pa’i phyir | bcom ldan ’das la źus pa | bcom ldan (6) ’das rgyu gaṅ daṅ rkyen gaṅ gis ’di ltar ’dzum pa mdzad |  bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | blo gros chen po legs so legs so || yaṅ blo gros chen po gaṅ khyod kyis ’jig rten gyi raṅ bźin daṅ | ’jig rten rnams kyi lta ba ṅan pa la bltas te | dus gsum gyi sems khoṅ (7) du chud pas | ṅa la dri bar brtsams pa ni blo gros chen po khyod legs so ||  de ltar mkhas pa rnams kyis bdag daṅ gźan gyi don daṅ | gñis ka’i don du yoṅs su ’dri ba’i raṅ bźin can du bya’o || blo gros chen po laṅ ka’i bdag po ’bod ’grogs ’dis ni sṅon gyi de bźin gśegs (61a1) pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rnams la dri ba gñis dris so ||  bdag la yaṅ gaṅ ñan thos daṅ | raṅ saṅs rgyas daṅ | mu stegs can gyi rnal ’byor la rnal ’byor pa rnams kyis ma myoṅ ba’i dri ba gñis kyi bye brag khoṅ du chud pa’i mtshan ñid rnam par (2) bsgom pa’i phyir dri bar ’dod do || ’di ltar ’dri bar ’dod pa’i mgrin bcu ’di ni ma ’oṅs pa’i rgyal ba rnams la’aṅ ’dri bar ’gyur ro || 
At that time, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva who was previously requested by Rāvaṇa [to ask the Buddha concerning his self-realisation], feeling pity on him, (14) and knowing the minds and thoughts of the assembly of the Bodhisattvas, and observing that beings to be born in the future would be confused in their minds because of their delight in the verbal teaching (desanapatha), because of their clinging to the letter as [fully in accordance with] the spirit (artha), because of their clinging to the disciplinary powers of the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers, —which might lead them to think how it were that the Tathāgatas, the Blessed Ones, even in their transcendental state of consciousness should burst out into loudest laughter 
—Mahāmati the Bodhisattva asked the Buddha in order to put a stop to their inquisitiveness the following question: “For what reason, for what cause did this laughter take place?”  Said the Blessed One: “Well done, well done, Mahāmati! Well done, indeed, for once more, Mahāmati! Viewing the world as it is in itself and wishing to enlighten the people in the world who are fallen into a wrong view of things in the past, present, and future, thou undertakest to ask me the question.  Thus should it be with the wise men who want to ask questions for both themselves and others. Rāvaṇa, Lord of Laṅkā, O Mahāmati, asked a twofold question of the Tathāgatas of the past who are Arhats and perfect Buddhas;  and he wishes now to ask me too a twofold question in order to have its distinction, attainment, and scope ascertained—this is what is never tasted by those who practise the meditation of the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers; and the same will be asked by the question-loving ten-headed one of the Buddhas to come.” 
jānann eva bhagavāṃl laṅkādhipatim etad avocat - pṛccha tvaṃ laṅkādhipate | kṛtas te tathāgatenāvakāśaḥ | mā vilamba pracalitamaulin | yad yad evākāṅkṣasi, ahaṃ te tasya tasyaiva pra(15*)śnasya vyākaraṇena cittam ārādhayiṣyāmi |  yathā tvaṃ parāvṛttavikalpāśraye bhūmivipakṣakauśalena pravicayabuddhyā vicārayamāṇaḥ pratyātmanayalakṣaṇasamādhisukhavihāraṃ samādhibuddhaiḥ parigṛhītaḥ (7,1) śamathasukhavyavasthitaḥ śrāvakapratyekabuddhasamādhipakṣānatikramya acalāsādhumatīdharmameghābhūmivyavasthito dharmanairātmyayathā tathākuśalo mahāratnapadmavimāne samādhijinābhiṣekatāṃ pratilapsyase |  tadanurūpaiḥ padmaiḥ svakāyavicitrādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitais taiḥ padmaiḥ svakāyaṃ niṣaṇṇaṃ drakṣyasi, anyonyavakramukhanirīkṣaṇaṃ ca kariṣyasi | evam acintyo ’sau viṣayaḥ yad ekenābhinirhārakauśalenābhinirhṛtaś caryābhūmau sthitaḥ |  upāyakauśalaparigrahābhinirhārābhinirhṛte tam acintyaviṣayam anuprāpsyasi, bahurūpavikāratāṃ ca tathāgatabhūmim | yad adṛṣṭapūrvaṃ śrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyabrahmendropendrādibhis taṃ prāpsyasi || 
(12)爾時如來知而故問羅婆那王而作是言。楞(13)伽王。汝欲問我隨汝疑心今悉可問。我悉(14)能答斷汝疑心令得歡喜。  楞伽王。汝斷虚(15)妄分別之心。得地對治方便觀察。如實智慧(16)能入内身如實之相三昧樂行三昧佛即攝(17)取汝身。善住奢摩他樂境界中。過諸聲聞(18)縁覺三昧不淨之垢。能住不動善慧法雲等(19)地。善知如實無我之法。大寶蓮花王座上而(20)坐。得無量三昧而受佛職。楞伽王。汝當不(21)久自見己身亦在如是蓮花王座上而坐(22)法爾住持。  無量蓮花王眷屬無量菩薩眷屬。(23)各各皆坐蓮花王座。而自圍遶迭相瞻視。各(24)各不久皆得住彼不可思議境界。  所謂起一(25)行方便行住諸地中。能見不可思議境界。(26)見如來地無量無邊種種法相。一切聲聞縁(27)覺四天王帝釋梵王等所未曾見 
爾時如來知楞伽王欲問此義。而告之(20)曰。楞伽王。汝欲問我宜應速問。我當爲汝(21)分別解釋滿汝所願令汝歡喜。  能以智慧(22)思惟觀察。離諸分別善知諸地。修習對治(23)證眞實義。入三昧樂爲諸如來之所攝受。(24)住奢摩他樂遠離二乘三昧過失。住於不(25)動善慧法雲菩薩之地。能如實知諸法無我。(26)當於大寶蓮花宮中。以三昧水而灌其頂。(27)復現無量蓮花圍繞。無數菩薩於中止住。  (28)與諸衆會遞相瞻視。如是境界不可思議。  (29)楞伽王。汝起一方便行住修行地。復起無(589c1)量諸方便行。汝定當得如上所説不思議(2)事。處如來位隨形應物。汝所當得。一切(3)二乘及諸外道梵釋天等所未曾見 
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de nas bcom ldan ’das kyis mkhyen bźin du | laṅ ka’i bdag po la ’di skad ces bka’ stsal to || laṅ ka’i bdag po khyod la de bźin (3) gśegs pas skabs phyes | cod pan rab tu g-yo ba ma sdoṅ par ci daṅ ci ’dod pa ṅal dris śig daṅ | ṅas dri ba de daṅ de’i luṅ bstan pas1  
ji ltar khyod rnam par rtog pa’i gnas śin tu gyur nas | sa’i mi ’thun pa’i phyogs la mkhas śiṅ rab tu ’byed pa’i blos so so raṅ gi rig pa’i (4) tshul gyis mtshan ñid kyi tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi bde bar gnas pa la rnam par dpyod ciṅ tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi saṅs rgyas rnams kyis ni yoṅs su bzuṅ | źi ba’i bde ba la ni rnam par gnas te | ñan thos daṅ raṅ saṅs rgyas kyi tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi ñes pa las ’das nas mi g-yo ba daṅ | dge ba’i (5) blo gros daṅ | chos kyi sprin gyis la ni rnam par gnas | chos la bdag med pa’i yaṅ dag pa ji lta ba bźin la ni rab tu mkhas pas rin po che’i pad mo chen po btiṅ ba la tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi rgyal bas dbaṅ bskur ba thob par ’gyur źiṅ |  de daṅ rjes su ’thun pa’i pad mo dag la bdag gi (6) lus rnam pa sna tshogs su byin gyi rlabs kyis byin du brlabs te | pad mo de dag la bdag gi lus ’dug pa mthoṅ bar ’gyur ba daṅ | gcig gis gdoṅ la gcig lta bar yaṅ byed par ’gyur ba daṅ | de ltar gaṅ gi phyir bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i yul de ni mṅon par sgrub pa la (7) mkhas pa | gcig gis mṅon par bsgrub pa yin te | spyod pa’i sa la gnas śiṅ  thabs mkhas pas yoṅs su bzuṅ ba’i mṅon par bsgrub pa mṅon par bsgrubs pas | bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i yul de’aṅ rjes su ’thob par ’gyur ba daṅ | de bźin gśegs pa’i sa gzugs [61b1] rnam pa maṅ por rnam par ’gyur la | ñan thos daṅ | raṅ saṅs rgyas daṅ | mu stegs can daṅ | tshaṅs pa daṅ | dbaṅ po daṅ | ñe ba’i dbaṅ po rnams kyis sṅon mthoṅ ba de’aṅ thob par ’gyur bar khyed kyi sems raṅs par bya’o || 
Knowing that, the Blessed One said to the Lord of Laṅkā, thus: “Ask, thou Lord of Laṅkā; the Tathāgata has given thee permission [to ask], delay not, whatever questions thou desirest to have answered, I will answer each of them (15) with judgment to the satisfaction of your heart.  Keeping thy seat of thought free from [false] discrimination, observe well what is to be subdued at each stage; ponder things with wisdom; [seeing into] the nature of the inner principle in thyself, abide in the bliss of Samādhi; embraced by the Buddhas in Samādhi, abide in the bliss of tranquillisation; going beyond the Samādhi and understanding attained by the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas, abide in [the attainment of the Bodhisattvas] in the stages of Acala, Sadhumati, and Dharmamegha; grasp well the egolessness of all things in its true significance; be anointed by the Buddhas in Samādhi at the great palace of lotus-jewels.17   Surrounded by the Bodhisattvas who are sitting on lotuses of various sorts each supported by the gracious power of the Buddhas, thou shalt find thyself sitting on a lotus and each one of the Bodhisattvas looking at thee face to face. This is a realm beyond the imagination.  Thou shouldst plan out an adequate plan and establish thyself at a stage of discipline by planning out such a plan as shall include [all kinds of] skilful means, so that thou comest to realise that realm which is beyond imagination; and thou shouldst attain the stage of Tathāgatahood in which one is able to manifest oneself in various forms, and which is something never seen before by the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, philosophers, Brahma, Indra, Upendra, and others.” 
atha khalu laṅkādhipatir bhagavatā kṛtāvakāśa utthāya tasmād raśmivimalaprabhād ratnapadmasadṛśād ratnaśikharāt sāpsarogaṇaparivṛto vividhair anekavidhair nānāprakāraiḥ puṣpamālyagandhadhūpavilepanacchatradhvajapatākāhārārdhahārakirīṭamukuṭair (16*) anyaiś ca adṛṣṭaśrutapūrvair ābharaṇaviśeṣair viśiṣṭais tūryatālāvacarair devanāgayakṣarākṣasagandharvakinnaramahauragamanuṣyātikrāntaiḥ sarvakāmadhātuparyāpannān vādyabhāṇḍānabhinirmāya ye cānyeṣu buddhakṣetreṣu tūryaviśeṣā dṛṣṭāḥ, tān abhinirmāya bhagavantaṃ bodhisattvāṃś ca ratnajālenāvaṣṭabhya nānāvastrocchritapatākaṃ kṛtvā sapta tālān gagane ’bhyudgamya mahāpūjāmeghānabhipravṛṣya tūryatālāvacarāṇi nirnādya tasmād gaganādavatīrya sūryavidyutprabhe dvitīye mahāratnapadmālaṃkṛtau ratnaśikhare niṣasāda |  niṣadya upacārāt smitapūrvaṃ bhagavatā kṛtāvakāśo bhagavanta praśnadvayaṃ pṛcchati sma - pṛṣṭā mayā pūrvakās tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ | taiś cāpi visarjitam | bhagavantam apy etarhi pṛcchāmi |  deśanāpāṭhe cāyaṃ buddhais tvayā cāvaśyam anuvarṇitaṃ bhaviṣyati | nirmitanirmāṇabhāṣitam idaṃ bhagavan dharmadvayam | na maunais tathāgatair bhāṣitam |  maunā hi bhagavaṃs tathāgatāḥ samādhisukhagocaram evodbhāvayanti | na ca gocaraṃ vikalpayanti | taṃ deśayanti | tatsādhu me bhagavān svayam eva dharmavaśavartī dharmadvayaṃ tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho deśayatu | śroṣyantīme jinaputrā ahaṃ ca || 
(28)爾時楞伽王。聞佛世尊聽已問已。彼於無(29)垢無量光明大寶蓮花衆寶莊嚴山上。無量(518a1)天女而自圍遶。現於無量種種異花種種異(2)香散香塗香。寶幢幡蓋寶冠瓔珞莊嚴身具。(3)復現世間未曾聞見種種勝妙莊嚴之具。復(4)現無量種種樂器。過諸天龍夜叉乾闥婆阿(5)修羅迦樓羅緊陀羅摩睺羅伽人非人等所(6)有樂具。復隨三界欲界色界無色界。所有(7)樂具皆悉化作。復隨十方諸佛國土。所有種(8)種勝妙樂具皆悉化作。化作無量大寶羅網。(9)遍覆一切諸佛菩薩大衆之上。復竪無量(10)種種寶幢。羅婆那王作如是等變化事已。(11)身昇虚空高七多羅樹。住虚空中。雨種種(12)伎樂雨種種花。雨種種香雨種種衣。滿虚(13)空中如澍大雨。以用供養佛及佛子。雨供(14)養已從上而下。於虚空中即坐第二電光(15)明大寶蓮花王種種寶山上[  (a16)]爾時如來見其坐已發於微笑。聽楞伽王(17)問二種法。時楞伽王白佛言。世尊。此二種(18)法我已曾問過去諸佛應正遍知。彼佛世尊(19)已爲我説。  世尊。我今現在依名字章句亦(20)問如來。如來畢竟應爲我説。世尊。應化化(21)佛説此二法非根本如來。  世尊。根本如來(22)修集三昧樂境界者。不説心識外諸境界。(23)善哉世尊。如來自身於一切法而得自在。(24)惟願世尊應正遍知説此二法。一切佛子及(25)我己身亦願欲聞 
(4)爾時楞伽王。蒙佛許已。即於清淨光明如(5)大蓮華寶山頂上。從座而起。諸婇女衆之(6)所圍繞。化作無量種種色花。種種色香末香(7)塗香。幢幡幰蓋冠珮瓔珞。及餘世間未曾見(8)聞種種勝妙莊嚴之具。又復化作欲界所有(9)種種無量諸音樂器。過諸天龍乾闥婆等一(10)切世間之所有者。又復化作十方佛土昔所(11)曾見諸音樂器。又復化作大寶羅網。遍覆(12)一切佛菩薩上。復現種種上妙衣服。建立幢(13)幡以爲供養。作是事已即昇虚空高七(14)多羅樹。於虚空中復雨種種諸供養雲。作(15)諸音樂。從空而下。即坐第二日電光明如(16)大蓮花寶山頂上。  歡喜恭敬而作是言。我今(17)欲問如來二義。如是二義。我已曾問過去(18)如來應正等覺。彼佛世尊已爲我説。我今亦(19)欲問於是義。唯願如來爲我宣説。  世尊。變(20)化如來説此二*義。非根本佛。  根本佛説三(21)昧樂境。不説虚妄分別所行。善哉世尊於(22)法自在。唯願哀愍説此二義。一切佛子心皆(23)樂聞 
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de nas laṅ ka’i bdag po lha mo daṅ (2) bcas pa’i tshogs kyis yoṅs su bskor ba | bcom ldan ’das kyis skabs phye bas rin po che’i pad mo’i ’od zer gyis dri ma med pa’i ’od rin po che’i pad mo daṅ ’dra ba’i rin po che’i rtse mo de nas laṅs nas me tog daṅ | phreṅ ba daṅ | spos daṅ | bdug pa daṅ | byug pa daṅ | (3) gdugs daṅ | rgyal mtshan daṅ | lha’i ba dan daṅ | se mo do daṅ | do śal daṅ | cod pan daṅ | thor tshugs rnam pa du ma rnam pa tha dad pa sna tshogs daṅ | sṅon ma mthoṅ ma thos pa’i rgyan gyi khyad par rnam par ’phags pa gźan dag daṅ | lha daṅ | klu daṅ | gnod sbyin (4) daṅ | srin po daṅ | dri za daṅ | mi’am ci daṅ | lto ’phye chen po daṅ | mi las lhag pa las kyaṅ ’das pa’i rṅa daṅ | sil sñan rnams daṅ | ’dod pa’i khams su gtogs pa’i rol mo’i cha byad thams cad kyaṅ rnam par sprul | gaṅ yaṅ saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gźan gyi rol mo’i (5) khyad par mthoṅ ba de dag kyaṅ mṅon par sprul | bcom ldan ’das daṅ byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams la rin po che’i dra bas ni mṅon par bkab | gos sna tshogs kyi lha’i ba dan ni rab tu bsgreṅ | ta la bdun tsam du ni nam mkha’ la mṅon par ’phags | mchod pa’i sprin chen po’i char ni (6) mṅon par phab | rṅa daṅ sil sñan rnams kyi sgra ni rab tu phyuṅ ste | nam mkha’ de las babs nas ñi ma daṅ | glog gi ’od lta bu rin po che’i pad mo chen pos brgyan pa’i rin po che’i rtse mo gñis pa la ’dug go ||  ’dug nas źe sar ’dzum pa sṅon du byas te | bcom ldan ’das kyis go (7) skabs phye bas | bcom ldan ’das la dri ba gñis dris so || sṅon gyi de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rnams la’aṅ bdag gis źus nas | de rnams kyis kyaṅ lan bla na te | bcom ldan ’das la’aṅ da źu’o ||  bstan pa brjod pa las kyaṅ (62a1) ’di ni saṅs rgyas rnams daṅ | khyod kyis kyaṅ gdon mi ’tshal bar bśad par ’gyur te | bcom ldan ’das chos gñis po ’di ni ’phrul bas sprul pa rnams kyis bstan pa lags te | ṅo bo’i de bźin gśegs pa rnams kyis ni ma gsuṅs so ||  bcom ldan ’das (2) ṅo bo’i de bźin gśegs pa rnams ni tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi sgo’i spyod yul ston te | tshig gi spyod yul gyi rnam par rtog par lhuṅ ba ni mi ston na | bcom ldan ’das chos la mṅa’ mdzad pa de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas ñid kyis chos gñis po de legs par (3) bdag la bśad du gsol | bcom ldan ’das rgyal ba’i sras ’di rnams kyaṅ ñan | bdag kyaṅ ’tshal bar ’gyur ro || 
At that moment the Lord of Laṅkā being permitted by the Blessed One, rose from his seat on the peak of the jewel-mountain which shone like the jewel-lotus immaculate and shining in splendour; he was surrounded by a large company of celestial maidens, and all kinds of garlands, flowers, perfumes, incense, unguents, umbrellas, banners, fiags, necklaces, half-necklaces, diadems, tiaras, (16) and other ornaments whose splendour and excellence were never heard of or seen before, were created; music was played surpassing anything that could be had by the gods, Nagas, Yakshas, Rākshasas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Mahoragas, and men; musical instruments were created equal to anything that could be had in all the world of desire and also such superior musical instruments were created as were to be seen in the Buddha-lands; the Blessed One and the Bodhisattvas were enveloped in a net of jewels; a variety of dresses and high banners was made rising high in the air as high as seven tala trees to great [the Buddha], showering great clouds of offerings, playing music which resounded [all around], and then descending from the air, [the Lord of Laṅkā] sat down on the peak of the jewel-mountain ornamented with magnificent jewel-lotus whose splendour was second only to the sun and lightning. 
Sitting he made courtesy smiling first to the Blessed One for his permission and proposed him a twofold question: “It was asked of the Tathāgatas of the past, who were Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones, and it was solved by them. Blessed One, now I ask of thee;  [the request] will certainly be complied with by thee as far as verbal instruction is concerned18 as it was by the Buddhas [of the past]. Blessed One, duality was discoursed upon by the Transformed Tathāgatas and Tathāgatas of Trans-formation, but not by the Tathāgatas of Silence.19   The Tathāgatas of Silence are absorbed in the blissful state of Samādhi, they do not discriminate concerning this state, nor do they discourse on it. Blessed One, thou assuredly wilt discourse on this subject of duality. Thou art thyself a master of all things, an Arhat, a Tathāgata. The sons of the Buddha and myself are anxious to listen to it.” 
bhagavān āha - brūhi laṅkādhipate dharmadvayam | rākṣasendra (17*) āha - kirīṭāṅgadahāravajrasūtrāvabaddhābharaṇanuśobhāśobhita, dharmā eva prahātavyāḥ prāgevādharmāḥ | tatkathaṃ bhagavan dharmadvayaṃ prahāṇaṃ bhavati? ke cādharmā dharmāḥ? kathaṃ sati dvitvaṃ prahāṇadharmāṇāṃ vikalpalakṣaṇapatitānāṃ vikalpasvabhāvābhāvānāmabhautikabhautikānāmālayavijñānāparijñānādaviśeṣalakṣaṇānāṃ keśoṇḍukasvabhāvāvasthitānām aśuddhakṣayajñānaviṣayiṇām | tatkathaṃ teṣāṃ prahāṇam evaṃbhāvinām? 
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bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | laṅ ka’i bdag pa chos gñis po de smros śig | srin po’i dbaṅ po lus la cod pan daṅ | dpuṅ rgyan daṅ | se (4) mo do daṅ | rdo rje mchog gi phreṅ ba thogs śiṅ rgyan bzaṅ pos lus brgyan pas gsol pa | chos ñid kyaṅ spaṅ bar bgyi na | chos ma mchis pa lta ci smos | bcom ldan ’das chos gñis po de ji ltar spaṅ bar ’gyur | chos sam chos ma mchis pa rnams ni gaṅ lags | ji ltar na (5) gñis spaṅ ba’i chos can rnam par rtog pa’i mtshan ñid du lhuṅ ba rnam par rtog pa’i raṅ bźin ’byuṅ ba daṅ | ’byuṅ ba las gyur pa ma lags pa | kun gźi rnam par śes pa yoṅs su ma rig pas khyad par gyi mtshan ñid ma mchis pa | skra śad ’dziṅs pa’i raṅ bźin du gnas pa | (6) śes pa ma dag ciṅ zad par ’gyur ba’i yul can | de lta bu’i raṅ bźin de dag ji ltar spaṅ bar ’gyur | 
The Blessed One said, “Lord of Laṅkā, tell me what you mean by duality?” The Lord of the Rākshasas, (17) who was renewed in his ornaments, full of splendour and beauty, with a diadem, bracelet, and necklace strung with vajra thread, said, “It is said that even dharmas are to be abandoned, and how much more adharmas. Blessed One, why does this dualism exist that we are called upon to abandon? What are adharmas? and what are dharmas? How can there be a duality of things to abandon—a duality that arises from falling into discrimination, from discriminating self-substance where there is none, from [the idea of] things created (bhautika) and uncreated, because the non-differentiating nature of the Ālayavijñāna is not recognised? Like the seeing of a hair-circle as really existing in the air, [the notion of dualism] belongs to the realm of intellection not exhaustively pur-gated. This being the. case as it should be, how could there be any abandonment [of dharmas and adharmas]?” 
bhagavān āha - nanu laṅkādhipate, dṛṣṭo ghaṭādīnāṃ bhedanātmakānāṃ vināśadharmiṇāṃ bālavikalpagocaraiḥ prativibhāgaḥ | evam ihāpi kiṃ na gṛhyate? asti dharmādharmayoḥ prativibhāgo bālaprativikalpam upādāya, na tv āryajñānādhigamaṃ prati darśanena |  tiṣṭhantu tāval laṅkādhipate ghaṭādayo bhāvā vicitralakṣaṇapatitā bālānāṃ na tv āryāṇām | ekasvābhāvikānām ekajvālodbhavaprajvālitānāṃ (8,1) gṛhabhavanodyānaprāsādapratiṣṭhāpitānāṃ dṛṣṭaḥ prativibhāgaḥ indhanavaśād dīrghahrasvaprabhālpamahāviśeṣāś ca |  evam ihāpi kiṃ (18*) na gṛhyate? asti dharmādharmayoḥ prativibhāgaḥ | na kevalam agnijvālāyā ekasaṃtānapatitāyā dṛṣṭo ’rciṣaś ca prativibhāgaḥ | ekabījaprasūtānāṃ yatsaṃtānānām api laṅkādhipate nālāṅkuragaṇḍaparvapatrapalāśapuṣpaphalaśākhāviśeṣāḥ |  evaṃ sarvadharmaprarohadharmiṇāṃ bāhyānām ādhyātmikānām apy avidyāniryātānāṃ skandhadhātvāyatanopagānāṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ traidhātukopapannānāṃ dṛṣṭasukhasaṃsthānāmabhilāpyagativiśeṣāḥ | vijñānānām ekalakṣaṇānāṃ viṣayābhigrahaṇapravṛttānāṃ dṛṣṭo hīnotkṛṣṭamadhyamaviśeṣo vyavadānāvyavadānataś ca kuśalākuśalataś ca |  na kevalam eṣāṃ laṅkādhipate dharmāṇāṃ prativibhāgaviśeṣaḥ, yoginām api yogamabhyasyatāṃ yogamārge pratyātmagatilakṣaṇaviśeṣo dṛṣṭaḥ | kimaṅga punar dharmādharmayoḥ prativikalpapravṛttayor viśeṣo na bhavati? bhavaty eva || 
佛告楞伽王。楞伽王。汝不見(6)瓶等無常敗壞之法。毛道凡夫分別境界差(7)別之相。楞伽王。何故不如是取。  有法非法(8)差別之相。依毛道凡夫分別心有。非聖證(9)智以爲可見。楞伽王。且置瓶等種種相事。(10)毛道凡夫心謂爲有。非謂聖人以爲有法。(11)楞伽王。譬如一火炎燒宮殿園林草木。見(12)種種火光明色炎各各差別。依種種薪草木(13)長短。分別見有勝負之相。  此中何故不如(14)是知有法非法差別之相。楞伽王。非但火(15)炎依一相續身中見有種種諸相差別。  楞(16)伽王。如一種子一相續生牙莖枝葉華果(17)樹林種種異相。如是内外所生諸法。無明及(18)行陰界入等一切諸法。三界所生皆有差(19)別。現樂形相言語去來勝智異相。一相境界(20)而取於相。見下中上勝相染淨善不善相。  楞(21)伽王。非但種種法中見差別相。覺如實道(22)者内證行中亦有見於種種異相。何況法非(23)法無分別種種差別相。楞伽王。有法非法種(24)種差別相 
爾(3)時佛告楞伽王言。楞伽王。汝豈不見瓶等(4)無常敗壞之法。凡夫於中妄生分別。汝今何(5)故不如是知  法與非法差別之相。此是凡(6)夫之所分別非證智見。凡夫墮在種種相(7)中。非諸*證者。楞伽王。如燒宮殿園林見(8)種種焔火性是一。所出光焔由薪力故。長(9)短大小各各差別。  汝今云何不如是知法(10)與非法差別之相。  楞伽王。如一種子生牙(11)莖枝葉及以花果無量差別。外法如是内法(12)亦然。謂無明爲縁生蘊界處一切諸法。於(13)三界中受諸趣生。有苦樂好醜語默行止(14)各各差別。又如諸識相雖是一隨於境界(15)有上中下染淨善惡種種差別。  楞伽王。非但(16)如上法有差別。諸修行者修觀行時。自智(17)所行亦復見有差別之相。況法與非法。而(18)無種種差別分別。 
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bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | laṅ ka’i bdag po ’di ltar bum pa la sogs pa ’chag pa’i raṅ bźin ’jig pa’i chos can rnams byis pa rnams kyi rnam par rtog pa’i spyod (7) yul la tha dad pa’i bye brag tu snaṅ ba | de bźin du ’di la yaṅ ci’i phyir mi gzuṅ | byis pa rnams kyi so so’i rnam par rtog pa ñe bar bzuṅ na | chos daṅ chos med pa tha daṅ pa’i bye brag kyaṅ yod do || ’phags pa’i ye śes khoṅ du chud par bya ba’i phyir mthoṅ bas ni ma yin no ||  laṅ ka’i [62b1] bdag po bum pa la sogs pa’i dṅos po mtshan ñid sna tshogs su lhuṅ ba rnams byis pa dag gi yin te | ’phags pa rnams kyi ma yin pa lta źog la | raṅ bźin gcig ciṅ ’bar ba gcig las byuṅ ba’i rab tu ’bar ba khyim daṅ gnas daṅ skyed mos tshal daṅ | khaṅ pa la ’dug pa śiṅ gi (2) dbaṅ gis ’od riṅ ba daṅ thuṅ ba’i khyad par daṅ tha dad pa’i bye brag tu snaṅ ba  de bźin du ’di la yaṅ chos daṅ | chos med pa tha dad pa’i bye brag yod par ci’i phyir mi gzuṅ | me lce’i rgyud gcig tu gyur pa’i ’od ’phro ba tha dad pa’i bye brag tu snaṅ ba ’ba’ źig tu’aṅ ma zad de | laṅ ka’i bdag pos (3) bon las byuṅ yaṅ myu gu daṅ | ljaṅ bu daṅ | sog ma daṅ | tshigs daṅ | lo ma daṅ | yal ga daṅ | me tog daṅ | ’bras bu daṅ | gra ma’i bye brag yod pa  de bźin du phyi naṅ gi chos skye ba’i chos can | ma rig pa las rab tu byuṅ ba | phuṅ po daṅ | khams daṅ | skye (4) mched du gtogs pa thams cad daṅ | khams gsum du skyes pa’i chos thams cad la bde ba’i dbyibs daṅ | brjod pa daṅ | ’gro ba’i khyad par dag kyaṅ snaṅ ste | mtshan ñid gcig pa’i rnam par śes pa yul la mṅon par ’dzin par rab tu ’jug pa’i khyad par rab daṅ ’briṅ daṅ tha ma’i (5) bye brag daṅ | rnam par byaṅ ba daṅ | dge ba daṅ | mi dge bar yaṅ snaṅ ṅo ||  laṅ ka’i bdag po chos de dag gi tha dad pa’i bye brag tu’aṅ ma zad de | rnal ’byor can rnal ’byor bsgom pa rnams kyi rnal ’byor gyi lam la yaṅ so so raṅ gis rig pa’i mtshan ñid kyi khyad par snaṅ na | (6) so so’i rnam par rtog pa las byuṅ ba’i chos daṅ | chos med pa’i khyad par lta ci’i phyir med de yod do || 
Said the Blessed One, “Lord of Laṅkā, seest thou not that the differentiation of things, such as is perceived in jars and other breakable objects whose nature it is to perish in time, takes place in a realm of discrimination [cherished by] the ignorant? This being so, is it not to be so understood?  It is due to discrimination [cherished by] the ignorant that there exists the differentiation of dharma and adharma. Noble wisdom (āryajñāna), however, is not to be realised by seeing [things this way]. Lord of Laṅkā, let it be so with the ignorant who follow the particularised aspect of existence that there are such objects as jars, etc., but it is not so with the wise. One flame of uniform nature rises up depending on houses, mansions, parks, and terraces, and burns them down; while a difference in the flames is seen according to the power of each burning material which varies in length, magnitude, etc.  This being so, why (18) is it not to be so understood? The duality of dharma and adharma thus comes into existence. Not only is there seen a fire-flame spreading out in one continuity and yet showing a variety of flames, but from one seed, Lord of Laṅkā, are produced, also in one continuity, stems, shoots, knots, leaves, petals, flowers, fruit, branches, all individualised.  As it is with every external object from which grows [a variety of] objects, so also with internal objects. From ignorance there develop the Skandhas, Dhātus, Āyatanas, with all kinds of objects accompanying, which grow out in the triple world where we have, as we see, happiness, form, speech, and behaviour, each differentiating [infinitely]. The oneness of the Vijñāna is grasped variously according to the evolution of an objective world; thus there are seen things inferior, superior, and middling, things defiled and free from defilement, things good and bad.  Not only, Lord of Laṅkā, is there such a difference of conditions in things generally, there is also seen a variety of realisations attained innerly by each Yogin as he treads the path of discipline which constitutes his practice. How much more difference in dharma and adharma do we not see in a world of particulars which is evolved by discrimination? Indeed, we do. 
asti laṅkādhipate dharmādharmayoḥ prativibhāgo vikalpalakṣaṇatvāt | tatra laṅkādhipate dharmāḥ katame? yaduta ete tīrthyaśrāvakapratyekabuddhabālavikalpakalpitāḥ | kāraṇato guṇadravyapūrvakā dharmā ity upadiśyante, te prahātavyāḥ |  na lakṣaṇataḥ prativikalpayitavyāḥ | svacittadṛśyadharmatābhi(19*)niveśān na santi ghaṭādayo dharmā bālaparikalpitā alabdhaśarīrāḥ | evaṃ vidarśanayā prativipaśyataḥ prahīṇā bhavanti || 
(25)楞伽王。何者爲法。所謂一切外道聲聞縁覺(26)毛道凡夫分別之見。從因實物以爲根本(27)生種種法。如是等法應捨應離。  莫取於相(28)而生分別。見自心法計以爲實。楞伽王。無(29)瓶實法而毛道凡夫虚妄分別。法本無相。如(518c1)實知觀名捨諸法 
楞伽王。法與非法差別(19)相者。當知悉是相分別故。楞伽王。何者是(20)法。所謂二乘及諸外道。虚妄分別説有實(21)等爲諸法因。如是等法應捨應離。  不應(22)於中分別取相。見自心法性則無執著。瓶(23)等諸物凡愚所取本無有體。諸觀行人以(24)毘鉢舍那如實觀察。名捨諸法。 
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laṅ ka’i bdag po rnam par rtog pa’i mtshan ñid kyi phyir chos daṅ | chos med pa tha dad pa’i bye brag yod do || laṅ ka’i bdag po de la chos rnams gaṅ źe na | ’di lta ste | mu (7) stegs can daṅ | ñan thos daṅ | Raṅa saṅs rgyas daṅ | byis pa rnams kyi rnam par rtog pas rnam par brtags pa rgyu las yon tan daṅ rdzas kyis gźi btsugs pa ni chos rnams źes bya’o || de dag ni spaṅ bar bya ba btaṅ bar bya ba ste |  mtshan ñid du so sor rnam par brtag par mi (63a1) bya’o raṅ gi sems snaṅ ba’i chos rnams la mṅon par źen pa’i phyir rdza ma la sogs pa’i chos byis pas kun brtags pa lus su ma red pa’i rnams ni med pa yin te | de lta bur lhag mthoṅ gis rab tu mthoṅ na spaṅs par ’gyur ro || 
“Lord of Laṅkā, the differentiation of dharma and adharma comes from discrimination. Lord of Laṅkā, what are dharmas? That is, they are discriminated by the discriminations cherished by the philosophers, Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and ignorant people. They think that the dharmas headed by quality and substance are produced by causes—[these are the notions] to be abandoned.  Such are not to be regarded [as real] because they are appearances (lakṣana). It comes from one's clinging [to appearances] that the manifestations of his own Mind are regarded as reality (Dharmatā). (19) Such things as jars, etc., are products of discrimination conceived by the ignorant, they exist not; their substances are not attainable. The viewing of things from this viewpoint is known as their abandonment. 
tatra adharmāḥ katame? ye ’labdhātmakā lakṣaṇavikalpāpracārā dharmā ahetukāḥ teṣām apravṛttir dṛṣṭā bhūtābhūtataḥ | atha dharmasya prahāṇaṃ bhavati |  punar apy alabdhātmakā dharmāḥ katame? yaduta śaśakharoṣṭravājiviṣāṇavandhyāputraprabhṛtayo dharmāḥ | alabdhātmakatvān na lakṣaṇataḥ kalpyāḥ | te ’nyatra saṃvyavahārārthā abhidhīyante, nābhiniveśato yathā ghaṭādayaḥ |  yathā te praheyā agrahaṇato vijñānena, tathā vikalpabhāvā api praheyāḥ | ato dharmādharmayoḥ prahāṇaṃ bhavati |  yad uktavān asi laṅkādhipate dharmādharmāḥ kathaṃ praheyā iti, tad etad uktam || 
(2)楞伽王何等爲非法。所謂無有身相。唯(3)自心滅妄想分別。而諸凡夫見實法非實法。(4)菩薩如實見如是捨非法。  復次楞伽王。何(5)者復爲非法。所謂兔馬驢駝角石女兒等無(6)身無相。而毛道凡夫取以爲無。爲世間(7)義説於名字非取相。如彼瓶等法可捨。  (8)智者不取如是虚妄分別。兔角等名字法亦(9)是可捨。  是故捨法及非法。楞伽王。汝今問(10)我法及非法云何捨。 
楞伽王。何(25)者是非法。所謂諸法無性無相永離分別。如(26)實見者。若有若無如是境界彼皆不起。是名(27)捨非法。  復有非法。所謂兔角石女兒等。皆(28)無性相不可分別。但隨世俗説有名字。(29)非如瓶等而可取著。  以彼非是識之所(590b1)取。如是分別亦應捨離。  是名捨法及捨非(2)法。楞伽王汝先所問我已説竟。 
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de la chos med pa rnams gaṅ źe (2) na| gaṅ de dag bdag ñid du ma red pa yin te | mtshan ñid kyi rnam par rtog pa rgyu ba med pa’i chos don gyi rgyu las byuṅ ba de dag yaṅ dag daṅ | yaṅ dag pa ma yin par ’jug pa med par mthoṅ nas | de’i phyir chos med pa spoṅ bar ’gyur ro ||  yaṅ bdag ñid du ma rñed pa’i chos rnams (3) gaṅ źe na | ’di lta ste | ri boṅ daṅ | rṅa mo daṅ | boṅ bu daṅ | rta’i rwa daṅ | mo śam gyi bu la sogs pa’i chos rnams te | bdag ñid du ma red pa’i phyir ṅe dag ni mtshan ñid du brtag par mi bya’i | gźan du na tha sñad kyi don du brjod de | bum pa la sogs pa ltar mṅon par chags (4) pas ni ma yin no ||  ji ltar de dag rnam par śes pas gzuṅ du med pa’i phyir spaṅ bar bya ba de bźin du rnam par rtog pa’i dṅos po rnams kyaṅ spaṅ bar bya ba yin te | de’i phyir chos daṅ | chos med pa spaṅ ba yin no ||  laṅ ka’i bdag po khyod kyis chos daṅ | chos med pa gñis ji (5) lta bur spaṅ bar bya źes smras pa de ni ’di ltar bśad do || 
“What, then, are adharmas? Lord of Laṅkā, [dharmas] are unattainable as to their selfhood, they are not appearances born of discrimination, they are above causality; there is in them no such [dualistic] happening as is seen as reality and non-reality. This is known as the abandoning of dharmas.  What again is meant by the unattainability of dharmas? That is, it is like horns of a hare, or an ass, or a camel, or a horse, or a child conceived by a barren woman. They are dharmas the nature of which is unattainable; they are not to be thought [as real] because they are appearances. They are only talked about in popular parlance if they have any sense at all; they are not to be adhered to as in the case of jars, etc.  As these [unrealities] are to be abandoned as not comprehensible by the mind (Vijñāna), so are things (bhava) of discrimination also to be abandoned.  This is called the abandoning of dharmas and adharmas. Lord of Laṅkā, your question as to the way of abandoning dharmas and adharmas is hereby answered. 
yad apy uktavān asi laṅkādhipate - pūrvakā api tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā mayā pṛṣṭāḥ, taiś ca visarjitaṃ pūrvam | iti laṅkādhipate vikalpasyaitad adhivacanam | atīto ’py evaṃ vikalpyate atītaḥ |  evam anāgato ’dhunāpi dharmatayā | nirvikalpās tathāgatāḥ sarvavikalpaprapañcātītāḥ | na yathā (20*) rūpasvabhāvo vikalpyate |  anyatrājñānādhigamataḥ sukhārthaṃ vibhāvyate | prajñayā animittacāriṇaḥ | ato jñānātmakās tathāgatā jñānaśarīrāḥ | na kalpante na kalpyante |  kena na kalpante? manasā ātmato jīvataḥ pudgalataḥ |  kathaṃ na vikalpante? manovijñānena viṣayārthahetukena yathā rūpalakṣaṇasaṃsthānākārataś ca |  ato vikalpāvikalpāgatena bhavitavyam || 
我已説竟(11)楞伽王。汝言我於過去應正遍知已問此(12)法。彼諸如來已爲我説。楞伽王。汝言過去(13)者即分別相。  未來現在分別亦爾。楞伽王。我(14)説眞如法體是如實者亦是分別。如分別(15)色爲實際。  爲證實智樂修行無相智慧。是(16)故莫分別如來爲智身智體。  心中莫分別。(17)意中莫取我人命等。  云何不分別。意識中(18)取種種境界。如色形相如是莫取。  莫分別(19)可分別 
楞伽王。汝言(3)我於過去諸如來所已問是義。彼諸如來已(4)爲我説。楞伽王。汝言過去但是分別  未來亦(5)然。我亦同彼。楞伽王。彼諸佛法皆離分別。(6)已出一切分別戲論。非如色相唯智能證。  (7)爲令衆生得安樂故而演説法。以無相智(8)説名如來。是故如來以智爲體。  智爲身故(9)不可分別。不可以所分別。不可以我人(10)衆生相分別。  何故不能分別。以意識因境(11)界起取色形相。  是故離能分別。亦離所分(12)別。 
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gaṅ yaṅ laṅ ka’i bdag po khyod kyis sṅon gyi de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rnams la’aṅ bdag gis dris te | de dag gis kyaṅ lan blan no źes smras pa yaṅ | laṅ ka’i bdag po sṅon źes (6) bya ba ’di ni rnam par rtog pa’i tshig bla dgas te | ’das pa la’aṅ ’di ltar ’das pa źes rnam par rtog go ||  de bźin du ma ’oṅs pa daṅ | da ltar yaṅ rtog ste | de bźin gśegs pa rnams ni de’i chos ñid kyis rnam par mi rtog pa rnam par rtog pa’i spros pa thams cad las ’das pa ste | (7) gzugs kyi ṅo bo ñid la brtags pa ltar ni ma yin gyi |  gźan du na ye śes thugs su chud pa bde ba’i don du mtshan ma med pa la spyod pa’i śes rab kyis rnam par sgom mo || de’i phyir de bźin gśegs pa rnams ni ye śes kyi bdag ñid ye śes kyi sku ste | brtag par mi bya’o ||  gaṅ gis mi brtag [63b1] ce na | yid kyis bdag daṅ | srog daṅ | gaṅ zag tu mi brtag go ||  ji ltar mi brtag ce na | yul gyi don gyi rgyu las byuṅ ba yid kyi rnam par śes pas ji ltar gzugs kyi mtshan ñid daṅ | dbyibs daṅ rnam pa bźin du mi brtag go ||  de bas na khyod kyis brtag par bya ba daṅ | rnam (2) par rtog pa daṅ bral bar bya’o || 
“Lord of Laṅkā, thou sayest again that thou hast asked [this question] of the Tathāgatas of the past who were Arhats and Fully-Enlightened Ones and that it was solved by them. Lord of Laṅkā, that which is spoken of as the past belongs to discrimination;  as the past is thus a discriminated [idea], even so are the [ideas] of the future and the present. Because of reality (Dharmatā) the Tathāgatas do not discriminate, they go beyond discrimination and futile reasoning, they do not follow (20) the individuation-aspect of forms (rupa)  except when [reality] is disclosed for the edification of the unknowing and for the sake of their happiness.20 It is by transcendental wisdom (prajna) that the Tathāgata performs deeds transcending forms (animittacara); therefore, what constitutes the Tathāgatas in essence as well as in body is wisdom (jñāna). They do not discriminate, nor are they discriminated.  Wherefore do they not discriminate the Manas? Because discrimination is of the self, of soul, of personality.  How do they not discriminate? The Manovijñāna is meant for the objective world where causality prevails as regards forms, appearances, conditions, and figures.  Therefore, discrimination and non-discrimination must be transcended. 
(9,1) api ca laṅkādhipate bhittikhacitavigrahasamaḥ sattvapracāraḥ | niśceṣṭo laṅkādhipate lokasaṃniveśaḥ karmakriyārahito ’sattvāt sarvadharmāṇām |  na cātra kaścic chṛṇoti śrūyate vā | nirmitapratimo hi laṅkādhipate lokasaṃniveśaḥ | na ca tīrthyabālayogino vibhāvayanti |  ya evaṃ paśyati laṅkādhipate, sa samyak paśyati | anyathā paśyanto vikalpe carantīti |  svavikalpā dvidhā gṛhṇanti | tadyathā darpaṇāntargataṃ svabimbapratibimbaṃ jale vā svāṅgacchāyā vā jyotsnādīpapradīpite vā gṛhe vā aṅgacchāyā pratiśrutkāni |  atha svavikalpagrahaṇaṃ pratigṛhya (21*) dharmādharmaṃ prativikalpayanti | na ca dharmādharmayoḥ prahāṇena caranti | vikalpayanti puṣṇanti, na praśamaṃ pratilabhante |  ekāgrasyaitad adhivacanam - tathāgatagarbhasvapratyātmāryajñānagocarasyaitat praveśo yatsamādhiḥ paramo jāyata iti || 
(20)復次楞伽王。譬如壁上畫種種相。一切衆生(21)亦復如是。楞伽王。一切衆生猶如草木無業(22)無行。  楞伽王。一切法非法無聞無説。楞伽(23)王。一切世間法皆如幻。而諸外道凡夫不知。  (24)楞伽王。若能如是見如實見者名爲正見。(25)若異見者名爲邪見。  若分別者名爲取二。(26)楞伽王。譬如鏡中像自見像。譬如水中影(27)自見影。如月燈光在屋室中影自見影。如(28)空中響聲自出聲取以爲聲。  若如是取法(29)與非法。皆是虚妄妄想分別。是故不知法及(519a1)非法。増長虚妄不得寂滅。  寂滅者名爲一(2)心。一心者名爲如來藏。入自内身智慧境(3)界。得無生法忍三昧 
楞伽王。譬如壁上彩畫衆生無有覺知。(13)世間衆生悉亦如是無業無報。  諸法亦然無(14)聞無説。楞伽王。世間衆生猶如變化。凡夫外(15)道不能了達。  楞伽王。能如是見名爲正見。(16)若他見者名分別見。  由分別故取著於二。(17)楞伽王。譬如有人於水鏡中自見其像。於(18)燈月中自見其影。於山谷中自聞其響。  便(19)生分別而起取著。此亦如是。法與非法唯(20)是分別。由分別故不能捨離。但更増長一(21)切虚妄不得寂滅。  寂滅者所謂一縁。一縁(22)者是最勝三昧。從此能生自證聖智。以如(23)來藏而爲境界 
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laṅ ka’i bdag po ’di ltar yaṅ sems can gyi spyod pa rnams ni rtsig pa’i ri mo’i gzugs daṅ ’dra ste | laṅ ka’i bdag po chos thams cad yod pa ma yin pa’i phyir ’jig rten gnas pa ni g-yo ba med pa ste | las daṅ byed pa daṅ bral ba’o ||  ’di la gaṅ (3) yaṅ ñan pa’am | mñan par bya ba med do || laṅ ka’i bdag po ’jig rten gnas pa ni sprul pa daṅ mtshuṅs na | mu stegs can byis pa’i rnal ’byor ba rnams rnam par mi sgom mo ||  laṅ ka’i bdag po gaṅ gis de ltar mthoṅ ba des ni yaṅ dag par mthoṅ ba ste | rnam pa gźan du mthoṅ na (4) rnam par rtog pa la spyod pa’o ||  de ltar rnam par rtog pa daṅ bcas pa rnams ni rnam pa gñis su ’dzin te | ’di lta ste me loṅ gi naṅ na yod pa’i bdag gi gzugs kyi gzugs brñan daṅ | chul bdag gi lus kyi grib ma daṅ | zla ba’i ’od daṅ | khyim na me mar ’bar ba la bdag gi lus kyi grib ma (5) daṅ | brag ca’am |  gźan yaṅ bdag gi rnam par rtog pa’i gzuṅ ba rab tu bzuṅ ste | chos daṅ chos med par rnam par rtog ciṅ | chos daṅ chos med pa spaṅ ba la mi spyod de spyod do || rnam par rtog go || rgyas par byed do || rab tu źi ba mi ’thob bo ||  ’di ni rtse gcig pa’i tshig bla dgas (6) te | ’di ni de bźin gśegs pa’i sñiṅ po bdag gi ’phags pa so so raṅ gi ye śes kyi spyod yul du ’jug pa’i phyir mchog gi tiṅ ṅe ’dzin skye ba’o || 
“Lord of Laṅkā, beings are appearances, they are like figures painted on the wall, they have no sensibility [or consciousness]. Lord of Laṅkā, all that is in the world is devoid of work and action because all things have no reality, 
20. 1 This is one of the most important sections in this first introductory chapter, but singularly all the three texts, perhaps excepting T'ang, present some difficulties for clear understanding. Wei: “Lord of Laṅkā, what you speak of as past is a form of discrimination, and so are the future and the present, also of discrimination. Lord of Laṅkā, when I speak of the real nature of suchness as being real, it also belongs to discrimination; it is like discriminating forms as the ultimate limit. If one wishes to realise the bliss of real wisdom, let him discipline himself in the knowledge that transcends forms; therefore, do not discriminate the Tathāgatas as having knowledge-body or wisdom-essence. Do not cherish any discrimination in [thy] mind. Do not cling in [thy] will to such notions as ego, personality, soul, etc. How not to discriminate? It is in the Manovijñāna that various conditions are cherished such as forms, figures, [etc. ]; do not cherish such [discriminations]. Do not discriminate nor be discriminated. Further, Lord of Laṅkā, it is like various forms painted on the wall, all sentient beings are such. Lord of Laṅkā, all sentient beings are like grasses and trees, with them there are no acts, no deeds, Lord of Laṅkā, all dharmas and adharmas, of them nothing is heard, nothing talked...." T'ang: “Lord of Laṅkā, what you speak of as past is no more than discrimination, so is the future; I too am like him. [Is this to be read, “the present, too, is like it"!] Lord of Laṅkā, the teaching of all the Buddhas is outside discrimination; as it goes beyond all discriminations and futile reasonings, it is not a form of particularisation, it is realised only by wisdom. That [this absolute] teaching is at all discoursed about is for the sake of giving bliss to all sentient beings. The discoursing is done by the wisdom transcending forms. It is called the Tathāgata; therefore, the Tathāgata has his essence, his body in this wisdom. He thus does not discriminate, nor is he to be discriminated. Do not discriminate him after the notion of ego, personality, or being. Why this impossibility of discrimination? because the Manovijñāna is aroused on account of an objective world wherein it attaches itself to forms and figures. Therefore, [the Tathāgata] is outside the discriminating [view] as well as the discriminated [idea]. Lord of Laṅkā, it is like beings painted in colours on a wall, they have no sensibility [or intelligence]. Sentient beings in the world are also like them; no acts, no rewards [are with them]. So are all the teachings, no hearing, no preaching.” 
and there is nothing heard, nothing hearing. Lord of Laṅkā, all that is in the world is like an image magically transformed. This is not comprehended by the philosophers and the ignorant.  Lord of Laṅkā, he who thus sees things, is the one who sees truthfully. Those who see things otherwise walk in discrimination;  as they depend on discrimination, they cling to dualism. It is like seeing one's own image reflected in a mirror, or one's own shadow in the water, or in the moonlight, or seeing one's shadow in the house, or hearing an echo in the valley.  People grasping their own shadows of discrimination (21) uphold the discrimination of dharma and adharma and, failing to carry out the abandonment of the dualism, they go on discriminating and never attain tranquillity.  By tranquillity is meant oneness (ekāgra), and oneness gives birth to the highest Samādhi, which is gained by entering into the womb of Tathāgatahood, which is the realm of noble wisdom realised in one's inmost self.” 
(22*)(10,1) ṣaṭtriṃśatsāhasrasarvadharmasamuccayo nāma dvitīyaḥ parivartaḥ || 
(b24)  大乘入楞伽經集一切法品第二之一 
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atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo mahāmatibodhisattvasahitaḥ sarvabuddhakṣetrānucārī buddhānubhāvena utthāyāsanād ekāṃsam uttarāsaṅgaṃ kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṃ jānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya yena bhagavāṃs tenāñjaliṃ praṇamya bhagavantaṃ gāthābhir abhyaṣṭāvīt - 
de nas byaṅ chub sems dpa’ blo gros chen po | byaṅ (6) chub sems dpa’ blo gros daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ thams cad du rgyu ba dag daṅ lhan cig tu | saṅs rgyas kyi mthus stan las laṅs te | bla gos phrag pa gcig tu gzar nas | pus mo g-yas pa’i lha ṅa sa la btsugs te | thal mo sbyar te phyag ’tshal (7) nas bcom ldan ’das la tshigs su bcad pa ’di dag gis mṅon par bstod do || 
22 (22) At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva who had visited all the Buddha-lands, together with all the Bodhisattvas, rose from his seat by the power of the Buddhas, drawing his upper garment over one shoulder, placing his right knee on the ground and with folded hands, turning in the direction of the Blessed One, respectfully saluted him, and praised him with the following verses: 
utpādabhaṅgarahito lokaḥ khapuṣpasaṃnibhaḥ |
sadasan nopalabdhas te prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 2.1 || 
(27)世間離生滅 猶如虚空華
(28)智不得有無 而興大悲心 
(a8)佛慧大悲觀 世間離生滅
(a9)猶如虚空花 有無不可得 
(b29)世間離生滅 譬如虚空花
(590c1)智不得有無 而興大悲心 
’jig rten skye ’jig yoṅs bral te || nam mkha’i me tog rab tu ’dra ||
ye śes yod med mi dmigs kyaṅ || thugs rje chen po rab tu skye || 
1. As thou reviewest the world with thy transcendental knowledge and compassion, it is to thee like an ethereal flower, of which one cannot say whether it is born or destroyed, as [the category of] being and non-being is inapplicable to it. 
māyopamāḥ sarvadharmāḥ cittavijñānavarjitāḥ |
sadasan nopalabdhās te prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 2.2 || 
(29)一切法如幻 遠離於心識
(480b1)智不得有無 而興大悲心 
(a10)佛慧大悲觀 一切法如幻
(a11)遠離心意識 有無不可得 
(c2)一切法如幻 遠離於心識
(c3)智不得有無 而興大悲心 
2. As thou reviewest all things with thy transcendental knowledge and compassion, they are to thee like visions, they are beyond the reach of intellectual grasp, as [the category of] being and non-being is inapplicable to them. 
śāśvatocchedavarjyaś ca lokaḥ svapnopamaḥ sadā |
sadasan nopalabdhas te prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 2.3 || 
(2)遠離於斷常 世間恒如夢
(3)智不得有無 而興大悲心 
(a12)佛慧大悲觀 世間猶如夢
(a13)遠離於斷常 有無不可得 
(c4)世間恒如夢 遠離於斷常
(c5)智不得有無 而興大悲心 
3. As thou reviewest the world with thy transcendental knowledge and compassion, it is to thee always like a dream, of which one cannot say whether it is permanent or destructible, as [the category of] being and non-being is inapplicable to it. 
māyāsvapnasvabhāvasya dharmakāyasya kaḥ stavaḥ |
bhāvānāṃ niḥsvabhāvānāṃ yo ’nutpādaḥ sa saṃbhavaḥ || 2.4 || 
see later 
4. In the Dharmakaya, whose self-nature is like a vision or a dream, what is there to praise? When no thought arises as to existence or as to not-having-self-nature, then there is praise. 
indriyārthavisaṃyuktam adṛśyaṃ yasya darśanam |
(23*) praśaṃsā yadi vā nindā tasyocyeta kathaṃ mune || 2.5 || 
see later 
5. Of a thing whose appearance is not visible because of its being beyond the senses and their objects (23), how can it be praised or blamed, O Muni? 
dharmapudgalanairātmyaṃ kleśajñeyaṃ ca te sadā |
viśuddham ānimittena prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 2.6 || 
(4)知人法無我 煩惱及爾炎
(5)常清淨無相 而興大悲心 
(a14)佛慧大悲觀 煩惱障智障
(a15)二無我清淨 有無不可得 
(c6)知人法無我 煩惱及爾焔
(c7)常清淨無相 而興大悲心 
6. With thy transcendental knowledge and compassion which are above form, thou comprehendest the egolessness of things and persons, and art thyself always clean and free from the hindrances of passion and knowledge. 
na nirvāsi nirvāṇena nirvāṇaṃ tvayi saṃsthitam |
buddhaboddhavyarahitaṃ sadasatpakṣavarjitam || 2.7 || 
(6)一切無涅槃 無有涅槃佛
(7)無有佛涅槃 遠離覺所覺
(8)若有若無有 是二悉倶離 
(a16)佛不入不滅 涅槃亦不住
(a17)離覺所覺法 有無二倶離 
(c8)佛不住涅槃 涅槃不住佛
(c9)遠離覺不覺 若有若非有
(c10)法身如幻夢 云何可稱讃
(c11)知無性無生 乃名稱讃佛
(c12)佛無根境相 不見名見佛
(c13)云何於牟尼 而能有讃毀 
7. Thou dost not vanish in Nirvāṇa, nor is Nirvāṇa abiding in thee; for it transcends the duality of knowing and known and of being and non-being. 
ye paśyanti muniṃ śāntam evam utpattivarjitam |
te bhonti nirupādānā ihāmutra nirañjanāḥ || 2.8 || 
(9)牟尼寂靜觀 是則遠離生
(10)是名爲不取 今世後世淨 
(a18)若如是觀佛 寂靜離生滅
(a19)彼人今後世 離垢無染取 
(c14)若見於牟尼 寂靜遠離生
(c15)是人今後世 離著無所見 
8. Those who see the Muni so serene and beyond birth [and death] will be cleansed of attachment, stainless both in this world and in the other. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam ābhiḥ sārūpyābhir gāthābhir abhiṣṭutya svanāmagotraṃ bhagavate saṃśrāvayati sma - 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva praising the Blessed One with such verses as these, made his own name known to the Blessed One. 
mahāmatir ahaṃ bhagavan mahāyānagatiṃ gataḥ |
aṣṭottaraṃ praśnaśataṃ pṛcchāmi vadatāṃ varam || 2.9 || 
(12)我名爲大慧 通達於大乘
(13)今以百八義 仰諮尊中上 
(a22)我名爲大慧 願通達大乘
(a23)今以百八問 仰諮無上尊 
(c17)我名爲大慧 通達於大乘
(c18)今以百八義 仰諮尊中上 
9. I am Mahāmati, Blessed One, and am well versed in the Mahāyāna. I wish to ask one hundred and eight questions of thee who art most eloquent. 
tasya tadvacanaṃ śrutvā buddho lokavidāṃ varaḥ |
nirīkṣya pariṣadaṃ sarvām alapī sugatātmajam || 2.10 || 
(14)世間解之士 聞彼所説偈
(15)觀察一切衆 告諸佛子言 
(a24)最勝世間解 聞彼大慧問
(a25)觀察諸衆生 告諸佛子言 
10. Hearing his words the Buddha, the best knower of the world, looking over the whole assembly, spoke to the son of the Sugata thus: 
pṛcchantu māṃ jinasutās tvaṃ ca pṛccha mahāmate |
ahaṃ te deśayiṣyāmi pratyātmagatigocaram || 2.11 || 
(16)汝等諸佛子 今皆恣所問
(17)我當爲汝説 自覺之境界 
(a26)汝等諸佛子 及大慧諮問
(a27)我當爲汝説 自覺之境界 
(c20)汝等諸佛子 今皆恣所問(c21)我當爲汝説 自證之境界 
11. Ask me, sons of the Victorious, and Mahāmati, you ask and I will instruct you in self-realisation. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavatā kṛtāvakāśo bhagavataś caraṇayor nipatya bhagavantaṃ praśnaṃ (24*) paripṛcchati sma - 
At that moment Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva who was given by the Blessed One the opportunity to speak, prostrated himself at the feet of the Blessed One and asked: 
(11,1) kathaṃ hi śudhyate tarkaḥ kasmāt tarkaḥ pravartate |
kathaṃ hi dṛśyate bhrāntiḥ kasmād bhrāntiḥ pravartate || 2.12 || 
(20)云何淨其念 云何念増長
(21)云何見癡惑 云何惑増長 
(519b1)云何淨諸覺 何因而有覺
(b2)何因見迷惑 何因有迷惑 
(c24)云何起計度 云何淨計度
(c25)云何起迷惑 云何淨迷惑 
(24) 12. How can one be cleansed of false intellection? Whence does it arise? How can one perceive errors? Whence do they arise? 
kasmāt kṣetrāṇi nirmāṇā lakṣaṇaṃ tīrthikāś ca ye |
nirābhāsaḥ kramaḥ kena jinaputrāś ca te kutaḥ || 2.13 || 
(22)何故刹土化 相及諸外道
(23)云何無受欲 何故名無受
(24)何故名佛子 解脱至何所 
(b3)何因有國土 化相諸外道
(b4)云何名佛子 寂靜及次第 
(c26)云何名佛子 及無影次第
(c27)云何刹土化 相及諸外道 
13. Whence come lands, transformation, appearance, and philosophers? Wherefore is the state of imagelessness, the gradations, and whence are the sons of the Victorious? 
muktasya gamanaṃ kutra baddhaḥ kaḥ kena mucyate |
dhyāyināṃ viṣayaḥ ko ’sau kathaṃ yānatrayaṃ bhavet || 2.14 || 
(25)誰縛誰解脱 何等禪境界
(26)云何有三乘 唯願爲解説 
(b5)解脱何所至 誰縛何因脱
(b6)禪者觀何法 何因有三乘 
(c28)解脱至何所 誰縛誰能解
(c29)云何禪境界 何故有三乘 
14. Where is the way of emancipation? Who is in bondage? By what is he redeemed? What is the mental state of those who practise the Dhyānas? Whence is the triple vehicle? 
pratyate jāyate kiṃ tatkāryaṃ kiṃ kāraṇaṃ ca kim |
ubhayāntakathā kena kathaṃ vā saṃpravartate || 2.15 || 
(27)縁起何所生 云何作所作
(28)云何倶異説 云何爲増長 
(b7)何因縁生法 何因作所作
(b8)何因倶異説 何因無而現 
(591a1)彼以何縁生 何作何能作
(a2)誰説二倶異 云何諸有起 
15. What is that which is born of causation? What is effect? What is cause [or that which works]? Whence the doctrine of duality? Whence does it arise? 
ārūpyā ca samāpattir nirodhaś ca kathaṃ bhavet |
saṃjñānirodhaś ca kathaṃ kathaṃ kasmād dhi mucyate || 2.16 || 
(29)云何無色定 及以滅正受
(480c1)云何爲想滅 何因從定覺 
(b9)何因無色定 及與滅盡定
(b10)何因想滅定 何因從定覺 
(a3)云何無色定 及與滅盡定
(a4)云何爲想滅 云何從定覺 
16. Wherefore is the tranquilising exercise of formlessness? And that of complete extinction? Wherefore the extinction of thoughts? And how is one awakened from it? 
kriyā pravartate kena gamanaṃ dehadhāriṇām |
kathaṃ dṛśyaṃ vibhāvo kathaṃ kathaṃ bhūmiṣu vartate || 2.17 || 
(2)云何所作生 進去及持身
(3)云何現分別 云何生諸地 
(b11)云何因果生 何因身去住
(b12)何因觀所見 何因生諸地 
(a5)云何所作生 進去及持身
(a6)云何見諸物 云何入諸地 
17. How does action rise? Whence is the behaviour of those who hold the body? Whence [this] visible [world]? Whence the conditions? Whence the entrance upon the stages? 
nirbhidyet tribhavaṃ ko ’sau kiṃ sthānaṃ kā tanur bhavet |
sthitaḥ pravartate kutra jinaputraḥ kathaṃ bhavet || 2.18 || 
(4)破三有者誰 何處身云何
(5)往生何所至 云何最勝子 
(b13)破三有者誰 何身至何所
(b14)云何處而住 云何諸佛子 
(a7)云何有佛子 誰能破三有
(a8)何處身云何 生復住何處 
18. Who is it that breaks through this triple existence? What is the abode? What is the body? Where does that which is abiding arise? Whence comes the son of the Buddha? 
abhijñā labhate kena vaśitāś ca samādhayaḥ |
samādhyate kathaṃ cittaṃ brūhi me jinapuṃgava || 2.19 || 
(6)何因得神通 及自在三昧
(7)云何三昧心 最勝爲我説 
(b15)何因得神通 及自在三昧
(b16)何因得定心 最勝爲我説 
(a9)云何得神通 自在及三昧
(a10)三昧心何相 願佛爲我説 
19. Who attains the psychic faculties, the self-masteries, the Samādhis? How is the mind tranquilised? Pray tell me, O Bull-like Victor? 
ālayaṃ ca kathaṃ kasmān manovijñānam eva ca |
(20*) kathaṃ pravartate dṛśyaṃ kathaṃ dṛśyān nivartate || 2.20 || 
(8)云何名爲藏 云何意及識
(9)云何生與滅 云何見已還 
(b17)何因爲藏識 何因意及識
(b18)何因見諸法 何因斷所見 
(a11)云何名藏識 云何名意識
(a12)云何起諸見 云何退諸見 
20. What is the Ālaya? And whence the Manovijñāna? (25) How does the visible [world] rise? How does it cease from being visible? 
gotrāgotraṃ kathaṃ kena cittamātraṃ bhavet katham |
lakṣaṇasya vyavasthānaṃ nairātmyaṃ ca kathaṃ bhavet || 2.21 || 
(10)云何爲種姓 非種及心量
(11)云何建立相 及與非我義 
(b19)云何性非性 云何心無法
(b20)何因説法相 云何名無我 
(a13)云何姓非*姓 云何唯是心
(a14)何因建立相 云何成無我 
21. Whence are families and no-families? What is meant by Mind-only? The setting up of marks? And whence [the doctrine of] egolessness? 
kathaṃ na vidyate sattvaḥ saṃvṛtyā deśanā katham |
kathaṃ śāśvatocchedadarśanaṃ na pravartate || 2.22 || 
(12)云何無衆生 云何世俗説
(13)云何爲斷見 及常見不生 
(b21)何因無衆生 何因有世諦
(b22)何因不見常 何因不見斷 
(a15)云何無衆生 云何隨俗説
(a16)云何得不起 常見及斷見 
22. Why is there no being? What kind of teaching is in accordance with popular thinking? How can one cease cherishing eternalism (śāsvata-darśana) and nihilism (uccheda-darśana)? 
kathaṃ hi tīrthikāstvaṃ ca lakṣaṇair na virudhyase |
naiyāyikāḥ kathaṃ brūhi bhaviṣyanti anāgate || 2.23 || 
(14)云何佛外道 其相不相違
(15)云何當來世 種種諸異部 
(b23)云何佛外道 二相不相違
(b24)何因當來世 種種諸異部 
(a17)云何佛外道 其相不相違
(a18)何故當來世 種種諸異部 
23. How is it that you do not differ from the philosophers as regards appearance? Tell me, whence is the rise of the Nyaya school? Its future? 
śūnyatā ca kathaṃ kena kṣaṇabhaṅgaś ca te katham |
kathaṃ pravartate garbhaḥ kathaṃ loko nirīhikaḥ || 2.24 || 
(16)云何空何因 云何刹那壞
(17)云何胎藏生 云何世不動 
(b25)云何名爲空 何因念不住
(b26)何因有胎藏 何因世不動 
(a19)云何爲性空 云何刹那滅
(a20)胎藏云何起 云何世不動 
24. What is meant by emptiness? What do you understand by momentary destruction? Whence is the Womb? And whence is the stability of the world? 
māyāsvapnopamaḥ kena kathaṃ gandharvasaṃnibhaḥ |
marīcidakacandrābhaḥ kena loko bravīhi me || 2.25 || 
(18)何因如幻夢 及揵闥婆城
(19)世間熱時炎 及與水月光 
(b27)云何如幻夢 説如揵闥婆
(b28)陽炎水中月 世尊爲我説 
(a21)云何諸世間 如幻亦如夢
(a22)乾城及陽焔 乃至水中月 
25. Why is the world like a vision and a dream? How does it resemble the city of the Gandharvas? Why it is to be regarded as like a mirage, or like the moon reflected in water? Pray tell me. 
bodhyaṅgānāṃ kathaṃ kena bodhipakṣā bhavet kutaḥ |
marāś ca deśasaṃkṣobho bhavadṛṣṭiḥ kathaṃ bhavet || 2.26 || 
(20)何因説覺支 及與菩提分
(21)云何國土亂 云何作有見 
(b29)云何説覺支 何因菩提分
(519c1)何因國亂動 何因作有見 
(a23)云何菩提分 覺分從何起
(a24)云何國土亂 何故見諸有 
26. What are the elements of enlightenment? Whence are the constituents of enlightenment? Wherefore is a revolution, and the disturbance of a kingdom? And how does the realistic view of existence (bhavadṛṣṭi) take its rise? 
(12,1) ajātamaniruddhaṃ ca kathaṃ khapuṣpasaṃnibham |
kathaṃ ca budhyase lokaṃ kathaṃ brūṣe nirakṣaram || 2.27 || 
(22)云何不生滅 世如虚空華
(23)云何覺世間 云何説離字 
(c2)何因不生滅 何因如空花
(c3)何因覺世間 何因無字説 
(a25)云何知世法 云何離文字
(a26)云何如空花 不生亦不滅 
27. What is meant by the world being above birth and death? or being like the flower in the air? How do you understand it? Why do you regard it as being beyond words? 
nirvikalpā bhavet kena kathaṃ ca gaganopamāḥ |
tathatā bhavet katividhā cittaṃ pāramitāḥ kati || 2.28 || 
(24)離妄想者誰 云何虚空譬
(25)如實有幾種 幾波羅蜜心 
(c4)云何無分別 何因如虚空
(c5)眞如有幾種 何名心幾岸 
(a27)眞如有幾種 諸度心有幾
(a28)云何如虚空 云何離分別 
28. How is it not subject to discrimination? How is it like the sky? Of how many sorts is suchness? How manifold is the Mind? How many Paramitas are there? 
bhūmikramo bhavet kena nirābhāsagatiś ca kā |
(26*) nairātmyaṃ ca dvidhā kena kathaṃ jñeyaṃ viśudhyati || 2.29 || 
(26)何因度諸地 誰至無所受
(27)何等二無我 云何爾炎淨 
(c6)何因地次第 眞如無次第
(c7)何因二無我 何因境界淨 
(a29)云何地次第 云何得無影
(591b1)何者二無我 云何所知淨 
29. Whence is the gradation of the stages? What is the state of imagelessness? (26) Wherefore is the twofold egolessness? How is one cleansed of [the hindrance of] knowledge? 
jñānaṃ katividhaṃ nātha śīlaṃ sattvākarāṇi ca |
kena pravartitā gotrāḥ suvarṇamaṇimuktajāḥ || 2.30 || 
(28)諸智有幾種 幾戒衆生性
(29)誰生諸寶性 摩尼眞珠等 
(c8)幾種智幾戒 何因衆生生
(c9)誰作諸寶性 金摩尼珠等 
(b2)聖智有幾種 戒衆生亦然
(b3)摩尼等諸寶 斯並云何出 
30. Of how many kinds is knowledge (jñāna)? O Leader! How many moral precepts are there? and forms of being? Whence are the families born of gold and jewel and pearl? 
abhilāpo jānikaḥ kena vaicitrasattvabhāvayoḥ |
vidyāsthānakalāś caiva kathaṃ kena prakāśitam || 2.31 || 
(481a1)誰生諸語言 衆生種種性
(2)明處及伎術 誰之所顯示 
(c10)誰生於語言 衆生種種異
(c11)五明處伎術 誰能如是説 
(b4)誰起於語言 衆生及諸物
(b5)明處與伎術 誰之所顯示 
31. Of whom is speech born? Whence is the differentiation of beings? Whence are the sciences, offices, arts? and by whom are they made manifest? 
gāthā bhavet katividhā gadyaṃ padyaṃ bhavet katham |
kathaṃ yuktiḥ katividhā vyākhyānaṃ ca kathaṃvidham || 2.32 || 
(3)伽陀有幾種 長頌及短1頌
(4)成爲有幾種 云何名爲論 
(c12)伽陀有幾種 云何長短句
(c13)法復有幾種 解義復有幾 
(b6)伽他有幾種 長行句亦然
(b7)道理幾不同 解釋幾差別 
32. Of how many sorts are Gāthās? What is prose? What is metre? Of how many sorts is reasoning and exegesis? 
annapānaṃ ca vaicitryaṃ maithunaṃ jāyate katham |
rājā ca cakravartī ca maṇḍalī ca kathaṃ bhavet || 2.33 || 
(5)云何生飮食 及生諸愛欲
(6)云何名爲王 轉輪及小王 
(c14)何因飮食種 何因生愛欲
(c15)云何名爲王 轉輪及小王 
(b8)飮食是誰作 愛欲云何起
(b9)云何轉輪王 及以諸小王 
33. How many varieties of food and drink are there? Whence does sexual desire originate? Whence are there kings, sovereigns, and provincial rulers? 
rakṣyaṃ bhavet kathaṃ rājyaṃ devakāyāḥ kathaṃvidhāḥ |
bhūnakṣatragaṇāḥ kena somabhāskarayoḥ katham || 2.34 || 
(7)云何守護國 諸天有幾種
(8)云何名爲地 星宿及日月 
(c16)何因護國土 諸天有幾種
(c17)何因而有地 何因星日月 
(b10)云何王守護 天衆幾種別
(b11)地日月星宿 斯等並是何 
34. How does a king protect his dominion? Of how many groups are heavenly beings? Whence are the earth, stars, constellations, the moon, and the sun? 
vidyāsthānaṃ bhavet kiṃ ca mokṣo yogī katividhaḥ |
śiṣyo bhavet katividha ācāryaś ca bhavet katham || 2.35 || 
(9)解脱修行者 是各有幾種
(10)弟子有幾種 云何阿闍梨 
(c18)解脱有幾種 行者有幾種
(c19)弟子有幾種 阿闍梨幾種 
(b12)解脱有幾種 修行師復幾
(b13)云何阿闍梨 弟子幾差別 
35. How many kinds of emancipation are there? of the Yogins? How many kinds of discipleship? And how about the masters? 
buddho bhavet katividho jātakāś ca kathaṃvidhāḥ |
māro bhavet katividhaḥ pāṣaṇḍāś ca katividhāḥ || 2.36 || 
(11)佛復有幾種 復有幾種生
(12)魔及諸異學 彼各有幾種 
(c20)如來有幾種 本生有幾種
(c21)摩羅有幾種 異學有幾種 
(b14)如來有幾種 本生事亦然
(b15)衆魔及異學 如是各有幾 
36. How many kinds of Buddhahood are there? And how many of the Jataka Tales? How numerous are the evil ones? How numerous are the heretics? 
svabhāvas te katividhaś cittaṃ katividhaṃ bhavet |
prajñaptimātraṃ ca kathaṃ brūhi me vadatāṃ vara || 2.37 || 
(13)自性及與心 彼復各幾種
(14)云何施設量 唯願最勝説 
(c22)自性有幾種 心復有幾種
(c23)云何施假名 世尊爲我説 
(b16)自性幾種異 心有幾種別
(b17)云何唯假設 願佛爲開演 
37. What is meant by [the doctrine] that there is nothing but thought-construction? Pray tell me, thou Most Eloquent One? 
(27*) ghanāḥ khe pavanaṃ kena smṛtirmegho kathaṃ bhavet |
taruvallyaḥ kathaṃ kena brūhi me tribhaveśvara || 2.38 || 
(15)云何空風雲 云何念聰明
(16)云何爲林樹 云何爲蔓草 
(c24)何因有風雲 何因有黠慧
(c25)何因有樹林 世尊爲我説 
(b18)云何爲風雲 念智何因有
(b19)藤樹等行列 此並誰能作 
(27) 38. Whence are the clouds in the sky? the wind? What is meant by recollection? by wisdom (medha)? Whence are trees and vines? Pray tell me, Lord of the Triple World? 
hayā gajā mṛgāḥ kena grahaṇaṃ yānti bāliśāḥ |
uhoḍimā narāḥ kena brūhi me cittasārathe || 2.39 || 
(17)云何象馬鹿 云何而捕取
(18)云何爲卑陋 何因而卑陋 
(c26)何因象馬鹿 何因人捕取
(c27)何因爲矬陋 世尊爲我説 
(b20)云何象馬獸 何因而捕取
(b21)云何卑陋人 此並誰能作 
39. How do horses, elephants, and deer get caught? Wherefore are there fools and despicable people? Pray tell me, thou Charioteer of the Mind? 
ṣaḍṛtugrahaṇaṃ kena katham icchantiko bhavet |
strīpuṃnapuṃsakānāṃ ca kathaṃ janma vadāhi me || 2.40 || 
(19)云何六2師攝 云何一闡提
(20)男女及不男 斯皆云何生 
(c28)何因爲六時 何因成闡提
(c29)男女及不男 爲我説其生 
(b22)云何六時攝 云何一闡提
(b23)女男及不男 此並云何生 
40. Wherefore are the six seasons mentioned? What is meant by the Icchantika [one who is without Buddha-nature]? Pray tell me whence is the birth of a man? of a woman? of a hermaphrodite? 
kathaṃ vyāvartate yogāt kathaṃ yogaḥ pravartate |
kathaṃ caivaṃvidhā yoge narāḥ sthāpyā vadāhi me || 2.41 || 
(21)云何修行退 云何修行生
(22)禪師以何法 建立何等人 
(520a1)何因修行退 何因修行進
(a2)教何等人修 令住何等法 
(b24)云何修行進 云何修行退
(b25)瑜伽師有幾 令人住其中 
41. How does one retrograde in the Yoga exercises? How does one make progress in them? How many exercises are there? and how are men kept abiding in them? Pray tell me. 
(13,1) gatyāgatānāṃ sattvānāṃ kiṃ liṅgaṃ kiṃ ca lakṣaṇam |
dhaneśvaro kathaṃ kena brūhi me gaganopama || 2.42 || 
(23)衆生生諸趣 何相何像類
(24)云何爲財富 何因致財富 
(a3)諸衆生去來 何因何像類
(a4)何因致財富 世尊爲我説 
(b26)衆生生諸趣 何形何色相
(b27)富饒大自在 此復何因得 
42. Beings are born in the various paths of existence, what are their specific marks and forms? How is abundance of wealth acquired? Pray tell me, thou who art like the sky? 
śākyavaṃśaḥ kathaṃ kena katham ikṣvākusaṃbhavaḥ |
ṛṣir dīrghapatāḥ kena kathaṃ tena prabhāvitam || 2.43 || 
(25)云何爲釋種 何因有釋種
(26)云何3甘蔗種 無上尊願説
(27)云何長苦仙 彼云何教授 
(a5)云何爲釋種 何因有釋種
(a6)何因甘蔗種 何因長壽仙
(a7)長壽仙何親 云何彼教授
(a8)世尊如虚空 爲我分別説 
(b28)云何釋迦種 云何甘蔗種
(b29)仙人長苦行 是誰之教 
43. Whence is the Sakya family? And the one born of Ikshvaku? Whence is the Rishi Long-Penance? What is taught by him? 
tvam eva kasmāt sarvatra sarvakṣetreṣu dṛśyase |
nāmaiś citrais tathārūpair jinaputraiḥ parīvṛtaḥ || 2.44 || 
(28)如來云何於 一切時刹現
(29)種種名色類 最勝子圍遶 
(a9)何因佛世尊 一切時刹現
(a10)種種名色類 佛子衆圍遶 
(591c1)何因佛世尊 一切刹中現
(c2)異名諸色類 佛子衆圍遶 
44. How is it that thou art thus apparent everywhere in every land, surrounded by such Bodhisattvas of such various names and forms? 
abhakṣyaṃ hi kathaṃ māṃsaṃ kathaṃ māṃsaṃ niṣidhyate |
kravyād agotrasaṃbhūtā māsaṃ bhakṣyanti kena vai || 2.45 || 
(481b1)云何不食肉 云何制斷肉
(2)食肉諸種類 何因故食肉 
(a11)何因不食肉 云何制斷肉
(a12)食肉諸種類 何因故食肉 
(c3)何因不食肉 何因令斷肉
(c4)食肉諸衆生 以何因故食 
45. Why is meat not to be eaten? Why is it forbidden? Whence was the carnivorous race born, who eats meat? 
somabhāskarasaṃsthānā merupadmopamāḥ katham |
śrīvatsasiṃhasaṃsthānāḥ kṣetrāḥ kena vadāhi me || 2.46 || 
(3)云何日月形 須彌及蓮華
(4)師子勝相刹 側住覆世界 
(a13)何因日月形 須彌及蓮花
(a14)師子形勝相 國土爲我説 
(c5)何故諸國土 猶如日月形
(c6)須彌及蓮花 卍字師子像 
46. Why are the lands shaped like the moon, the sun, the Sumeru, the lotus, the swatika, and the lion? Pray tell me. 
(28*) vyatyastā adhamūrdhāś ca indrajālopamāḥ katham |
sarvaratnamayā kṣetrāḥ kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.47 || 
(5)如因陀羅網 或悉諸珍寶 
(a15)亂側覆世界 如因陀羅網
(a16)一切寶國土 何因爲我説 
(c7)何故諸國土 如因陀羅網
(c8)覆住或側住 一切寶所成 
(28) 47. Wherefore are the lands shaped like a capsized and upturned net of Indra which is composed of all sorts of jewels? Pray tell me why? 
vīṇāpaṇavasaṃsthānā nānāpuṣpaphalopamāḥ |
ādityacandravirajāḥ kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.48 || 
(6)箜篌細腰鼓 状種種諸華
(7)或離日月光 如是等無量 
(a17)如箜篌琵琶 鼓種種花形
(a18)離日月光土 何因爲我説 
(c9)何故諸國土 無垢日月光
(c10)或如花果形 箜篌細腰鼓 
48. Wherefore are [the lands] shaped in the form of a lute or a drum? Like various flowers and fruits? Like the sun and the moon which are so stainless? Pray tell me. 
kena nirmāṇikā buddhāḥ kena buddhā vipākajāḥ |
tathatā jñānabuddhā vai kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.49 || 
(8)云何爲化佛 云何報生佛
(9)云何如如佛 云何智慧佛 
(a19)何等爲化佛 何等爲報佛
(a20)何等如智佛 何因爲我説 
(c11)云何變化佛 云何爲報佛
(c12)眞如智慧佛 願皆爲我説 
49. Whence are the Buddhas of Transformation? Whence are the Buddhas of Maturity [or Recompense]? Whence are the Buddhas who are endowed with transcendental knowledge of suchness? Pray tell me. 
kāmadhātau kathaṃ kena na vibuddho vadāhi me |
akaniṣṭhe kimarthaṃ tu vītarāgeṣu budhyase || 2.50 || 
(10)云何於欲界 不成等正覺
(11)何故色究竟 離欲得菩提 
(a21)云何於欲界 不成等正覺
(a22)云何色究竟 離欲中得道 
(c13)云何於欲界 不成等正覺
(c14)何故色究竟 離染得菩提 
50. Why does not one attain enlightenment in the world of desire? Pray tell me. What is the meaning of your being enlightened in the Akaniṣṭha by shaking off all the passions? 
nirvṛte sugate ko ’sau śāsanaṃ dhārayiṣyati |
kiyatsthāyī bhavecchāstā kiyantaṃ sthāsyate nayaḥ || 2.51 || 
(12)善逝般涅槃 誰當持正法
(13)天師住久如 正法幾時住 
(a23)如來般涅槃 何人持正法
(a24)世尊住久如 正法幾時住 
(c15)如來滅度後 誰當持正法
(c16)世尊住久如 正法幾時住 
51. After my passing who will be the upholder of the Discipline [or Doctrine, sasana]! How long should the teacher abide? How long should the teaching continue? 
siddhāntaste katividho dṛṣṭiś cāpi kathaṃvidhā |
vinayo bhikṣubhāvaś ca kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.52 || 
(14)悉檀及與見 各復有幾種(15)毘尼比丘分 云何何因縁 
(a25)如來立幾法 各見有幾種
(a26)比尼及比丘 世尊爲我説 
(c17)悉檀有幾種 諸見復有幾
(c18)何故立毘尼 及以諸比丘 
52. How many sorts of established truths are there? And how many of philosophical views? Whence is morality? And what constitutes the being of a Bhikshu? Pray tell me. 
parāvṛttigataṃ kena nirābhāsagataṃ katham |
pratyekajinaputrāṇāṃ śrāvakāṇāṃ vadāhi me || 2.53 || 
(16)彼諸最勝子 縁覺及聲聞
(17)何因百變易 云何百無受 
(a27)何因百變易 何因百寂靜
(a28)聲聞辟支佛 世尊爲我説 
(c19)一切諸佛子 獨覺及聲聞
(c20)云何轉所依 云何得無相 
53. What is meant by a state of revulsion [or turning-back]? Whence is a state of imagelessness, [which is realised] by the Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Śrāvakas? 
abhijñā laukikāḥ kena bhavel lokottarā katham |
cittaṃ hi bhūmayaḥ sapta kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.54 || 
(18)云何世俗通 云何出世間
(19)云何爲七地 唯願爲演説 
(a29)何因世間通 何因出世通
(520b1)何因七地心 世尊爲我説 
(c21)云何得世通 云何得出世
(c22)復以何因縁 心住七地中 
54. By whom are the psychic powers of this world attained? What are the super-worldly ones? By what means does the mind enter upon the seven stages? Pray tell me. 
saṃghaste syāt katividhaḥ saṃghabhedaḥ kathaṃ bhavet |
cikitsāśāstraṃ sattvānāṃ kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.55 || 
(20)僧伽有幾種 云何爲壞僧
(21)云何醫方論 是復何因縁 
(b2)僧伽有幾種 何因爲破僧
(b3)云何醫方論 世尊爲我説 
(c23)僧伽有幾種 云何成破僧
(c24)云何爲衆生 廣説醫方論 
55. How many kinds of Brotherhood are there? And how does a dissension take place in a Brotherhood! Whence are medical treatises for beings? Pray tell me. 
(56*) kāśyapaḥ krakuchandaś ca konākamunir apy aham |
bhāṣase jinaputrāṇāṃ vada kasmān mahāmune || 2.56 || 
(22)何故大牟尼 唱説如是言
(23)迦葉拘留孫 拘那含是我 
(b4)迦葉拘留孫 拘那含是我
(b5)常爲諸佛子 何故如是説 
(c25)何故大牟尼 唱説如是言
(c26)迦葉拘留孫 拘那含是我 
(29) 56. You say that you were among the Buddhas Kasyapa, Krakuchanda, and Kanakamuni; tell me wherefore so, O Great Muni! 
(14,1) asatyātmakathā kena nityanāśakathā katham |
kasmāt tattvaṃ na sarvatra cittamātraṃ prabhāṣase || 2.57 || 
(24)何故説斷常 及與我無我
(25)何不一切時 演説眞實義
(26)而復爲衆生 分別説心量 
(b6)何故説人我 何故説斷常
(b7)何故不但説 唯有於一心 
(c27)何故説斷常 及與我無我
(c28)何不恒説實 一切唯是心 
57. Whence is the doctrine that there is no ego-soul in beings? Whence is the doctrine of eternity, and of annihilation? Wherefore do you not everywhere announce the doctrine of Mind-only as the truth? 
naranārīvanaṃ kena harītakyāmalīvanam |
kailāsaś cakravālaś ca vajrasaṃhananā katham || 2.58 || 
(27)何因男女林 訶梨阿摩勒
(28)鷄羅及鐵圍 金剛等諸山 
(b8)何因男女林 呵梨阿摩勒
(b9)鷄羅及鐵圍 金剛等諸山 
(c29)云何男女林 訶梨菴摩羅
(592a1)鷄羅娑輪圍 及以金剛山 
58. What is meant by the forest of men and women? And by the forest of Karitaki and Amali? Whence are the mountains Kailasa, Cakravada, and Vajrasamhanana? 
acalāstadantare vai ke nānāratnopaśobhitāḥ |
ṛṣigandharvasaṃkīrṇāḥ kathaṃ kena vadāhi me || 2.59 || 
(29)無量寶莊嚴 4仙闥婆充滿
(481c1)無上世間解 聞彼所説偈 
(b10)次及無量山 種種寶莊嚴
(b11)仙樂人充滿 世尊爲我説」 
(a2)如是處中間 無量寶莊嚴
(a3)仙人乾闥婆 一切皆充滿 
59. Among these, whence are the mountains decorated with various sorts of jewels and filled with Rishis and Gandharvas? Pray tell me. 
idaṃ śrutvā mahāvīro buddho lokavidāṃ varaḥ |
mahāyānamayaṃ cittaṃ buddhānāṃ hṛdayaṃ balam || 2.60 || 
(2)大乘諸度門 諸佛心第一
(b12)大天佛聞彼 所説諸偈句
(b13)大乘諸度門 諸佛心第一 
(a4)此皆何因縁 願尊爲我説(a5)爾時世尊。聞其所請大乘微妙諸佛之心最(a6)上法門。即告之言。 
60. Hearing this [which constitutes] the wonderful doctrine of the Mahāyāna and also the most excellent heart of the Buddhas, the Great Hero, the Buddha, the One Most Excelled in the Knowledge of the World, [spoke thus]: 
sādhu sādhu mahāprajña mahāmate nibodhase |
bhāṣiṣyāmy anupūrveṇa yattvayā paripṛcchitam || 2.61 || 
(4)大慧善諦聽 我今當次第 
(b14)善哉善哉問 大慧善諦聽
(b15)我今當次第 如汝問而説 
61. Well done! Well done! O Mahaprajna-Mahāmati! Listen well, and I will tell you in order regarding your questions. 
utpādamatha notpādaṃ nirvāṇaṃ śūnyalakṣaṇam |
saṃkrāntim asvabhāvatvaṃ buddhāḥ pāramitāsutāḥ || 2.62 || 
(5)如汝所問説 生及與不生
(6)涅槃空刹那 趣至無自性
(7)佛諸波羅蜜 佛子 
(b16)生及與不生 涅槃空刹那
(b17)趣至無自體 佛波羅蜜子 
(a8)若生若不生 涅槃及空相
(a9)流轉無自性 波羅蜜佛子 
62. Birth, no-birth, Nirvāṇa, emptiness, transmigration, having-no-sell-nature, Buddhas, sons of the Paramitas, 
śrāvakā jinaputrāś ca tīrthyā hy ārūpyacāriṇaḥ |
merusamudrā hy acalā dvīpā kṣetrāṇi medinī || 2.63 || 
(8)縁覺諸外道 及與無色行
(9)如是種種事 須彌巨海山
(b18)聲聞辟支佛 外道無色者
(b19)須彌海及山 四天下土地 
(a10)聲聞辟支佛 外道無色行
(a11)須彌巨海山 洲渚刹土地 
63. The Śrāvakas, Bodhisattvas, the philosophers, those who are capable of formless deeds, the Meru, oceans, mountains, islands, lands, the earth, 
nakṣatrā bhāskaraḥ somastīrthyā devāsurās tathā |
(30*) vimokṣā vaśitābhijñā balā dhyānā samādhayaḥ || 2.64 || 
(11)外道天修羅 解脱自在通
(b20)日月諸星宿 外道天修羅
(b21)解脱自在通 力思惟寂定 
(a12)星宿與日月 天衆阿修羅
(a13)解脱自在通 力禪諸三昧 
64. The stars, the sun, the moon, the philosophers, the Asura, (30) emancipations, the self-masteries, the psychic faculties, the Dhyānas, the Samādhis, 
nirodhā ṛddhipādāś ca bodhyaṅgā mārga eva ca |
dhyānāni cāpramāṇāni skandhā gatyāgatāni ca || 2.65 || 
(13)覺支及道品 諸禪定無量
(b22)滅及如意足 覺支及道品
(b23)諸禪定無量 五陰及去來 
(a14)滅及如意足 菩提分及道
(a15)禪定與無量 諸蘊及往來 
65. The extinctions (nirodha), the supernatural powers, the elements of enlightenment, and the paths, Dhyānas, the unmeasurables, the aggregates (skandhas), and the comings-and-goings. 
samāpattir nirodhāś ca vyutthānaṃ cittadeśanā |
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ nairātmyaṃ dharmapañcakam || 2.66 || 
(15)三昧起心説 心意及與識
(b24)四空定滅盡 發起心而説
(b25)心意及意識 無我法有五 
(a16)乃至滅盡定 心生起言説
(a17)心意識無我 五法及自性 
66. Samāpattis, the extinctions, the stirrings of mind, explanations in words, the Citta, Manas, and Vijñānas, egolessness, the five Dharmas, 
svabhāvaḥ kalpanā kalpyaṃ dṛśyaṃ dṛṣṭidvayaṃ katham |
yānākarāṇi gotrāṇi suvarṇamaṇimuktijāḥ || 2.67 || 
(17)及與現二見 乘及諸種6性
(b26)自性相所想 所見能見二
(b27)云何種種乘 金摩尼珠性 
(a18)分別所分別 能所二種見
(a19)諸乘種性處 金摩尼眞珠 
67. Self-nature, the discriminating, the discriminated, the visible [world], dualism—whence are they? Various forms of vehicles, families, those born of gold, jewels, and pearls? 
icchantikā mahābhūtā bhramarā ekabuddhatā |
jñānaṃ jñeyo gamaṃ prāptiḥ sattvānāṃ ca bhavābhavam || 2.68 || 
(19)荒亂及一佛 智爾焔得向
(b28)一闡提四大 荒亂及一佛
(b29)智境界教得 衆生有無有 
(a20)一闡提大種 荒亂及一佛
(a21)智所智教得 衆生有無有 
68. The Icchantika, the original elements, the wandering-about, one Buddhahood, knowledge, the known, the marching, the attainment, and the existence and non-existence of beings? 
hayā gajā mṛgāḥ kena grahaṇaṃ brūhi me katham |
dṛṣṭāntahetubhiryuktaḥ siddhānto deśanā katham || 2.69 || 
(520c1)象馬諸禽獸 云何如捕取
(c2)譬如因相應 力説法云何 
(a22)象馬獸何因 云何而捕取
(a23)云何因譬喩 相應成悉檀 
69. How are horses, elephants, deer caught? Pray tell me how. What is a proposition, a teaching established by the conjunction of reason and illustration? 
kāryaṃ ca kāraṇaṃ kena nānābhrāntis tathā nayam |
cittamātraṃ na dṛśyo ’sti bhūmīnāṃ nāsti vai kramaḥ || 2.70 || 
(22)及與作所作 7欝林迷惑通
(23)心量不現有 諸地不相至 
(c3)何因有因果 林迷惑如實
(c4)但心無境界 諸地無次第 
(a24)所作及能作 衆林與迷惑
(a25)如是眞實理 唯心無境界 
70. Whence is cause and effect? Various errors? and also reason? [Why the statement that there is] nothing but Mind, that there is no objective [literally, seen] world, that there is no ascending of the stages? 
nirābhāsaparāvṛttiśataṃ kena bravīṣi me |
cikitsaśāstraṃ śilpāś ca kalāvidyāgamaṃ tathā || 2.71 || 
(24)百變百無受 醫方工巧論
(c5)百變及無相 醫方工巧論
(c6)呪術諸明處 何故而問我 
(a26)諸地無次第 無相轉所依
(a27)醫方工巧論 伎術諸明處 
71. Whence is the state of imagelessness and revulsion which is a hundredfold?1 You tell me. Likewise about medical treatises, arts, crafts, sciences, and teachings? 23  
(15,1) acalānāṃ tathā meroḥ pramāṇaṃ hi kṣiteḥ katham |
udadheś candrasūryāṇāṃ pramāṇaṃ brūhi me katham || 2.72 || 
(c7)諸山須彌地 其形量大小
(c8)大海日月星 云何而問我 
(a28)須彌諸山地 巨海日月量 
72. And also what are the measurements of the mountains, Sumeru, and the earth? What are the measurements of the ocean, moon, and sun? Tell me. 
(31*) sattvadehe kati rajāṃsi hīnotkṛṣṭamadhyamāḥ |
kṣetre kṣetre rajāḥ kṛtto dhanvo dhanve bhavet kati || 2.73 || 
(27)身各幾微塵 一一刹8幾塵 
(c9)上中下衆生 身各幾微塵 
(a29)上中下衆生 身各幾微塵
(592b1)一一刹幾塵 一一弓幾肘 
(31) 73. How many particles of dust are there in the body of a being? How many of the coarser ones, of the finer ones, and of the middle ones? How many particles of dust in every land? How many in every dhanva? 
haste dhanuḥkrame krośe yojane hy ardhayojane |
śaśavātāyanaṃ likṣā eḍakaṃ hi yavāḥ kati || 2.74 || 
(28)弓弓數有幾 肘歩拘樓舍
(29)半由延由延 兔毫窓塵9蟻
(c10)肘歩至十里 四十及二十
(c11)兔毫窓塵幾 羊毛&MT02855;麥塵
(b2)幾弓倶廬舍 半由旬由旬
(b3)兔毫與隙遊 蟣羊毛穬麥 
74. In measuring distance how much is a hasta, a dhanu, a krosa, a yojana, a half-yojana? How many of rabbit-hairs, of window-dust, louse-eggs, or ram-hairs, of barley?1 
prasthe hi syād yavāḥ kyantaḥ prasthārdhe ca yavāḥ kati |
droṇe khāryāṃ tathā lakṣāḥ koṭyo vai biṃbarāḥ kati || 2.75 || 
(2)阿羅䵃麥幾 獨籠那佉梨
(3)勒叉及擧利 乃至頻婆羅 
(c12)一升幾&MT02855;麥 半升幾頭數
(c13)一斛及十斛 百萬及一億
(b4)半升與一*升 是各幾*穬麥(b5)一斛及十斛 十萬曁千億
(b6)乃至頻婆羅 是等各幾數 
75. How many grains of barley in a prastha? How many grains of barley in a half-prastha? Likewise how many in a drona, in a khārya, a laksha, a koti, a vimvana? 
sarṣape hy aṇavaḥ kyanto rakṣikā sarṣapāḥ kati |
katirakṣiko bhaven māṣo dharaṇaṃ māṣakāḥ kati || 2.76 || 
(4)是各有幾數 爲有幾阿㝹
(5)名舍梨沙婆 幾舍梨沙婆
(6)名爲一頼提 幾頼提摩沙
(7)1爲摩沙陀那 2幾摩沙陀那 
(c15)幾芥成草子 幾草子成豆
(c16)幾銖成一兩 幾兩成一分 
(b7)幾塵成芥子 幾芥成草子
(b8)復以幾草子 而成於一豆 
76. How many atoms are there in a mustard-seed? How many mustard-seeds are there in a rakshika? How many in a bean, in a dharana, in a mashaka? 
karṣo hi dharaṇāḥ kyantaḥ palaṃ vai kati kārṣikā | palaṃ vai kati kārṣikā|
etena piṇḍalakṣaṇaṃ meruḥ katipalo bhavet || 2.77 || 
(8)名爲陀那羅 復幾陀那羅
(9)爲迦梨沙那 幾迦梨沙那
(10)爲成一波羅 此等積聚相
(11)幾波羅彌樓 是等所應請 
(c17)如是次第數 幾分成須彌
(b9)幾豆成一銖 幾銖成一兩
(b10)幾兩成一斤 幾斤成須彌 
77. How many dharanas are there in a karsha? How many karshas in a pala? and how many palas are there in Mount Sumeru which is a huge accumulation [of masses]? 
evaṃ hi pṛccha māṃ putra anyathā kiṃ nu pṛcchasi | pratyekaśrāvakāṇāṃ hi buddhānāṃ ca jinaurasām |
(32*)katyaṇuko bhavet kāyaḥ kiṃ nu evaṃ na pṛcchasi || 2.78 || 
(12)何須問餘事 聲聞辟支佛
(13)佛及最勝子 身各有幾數
(c18)佛子今何故 不如是問我
(c19)縁覺聲聞等 諸佛及佛子
(c20)身幾微塵成 何故不問此 
(b11)此等所應請 何因問餘事
(b12)聲聞辟支佛 諸佛及佛子 
78. You should ask me thus, O son! Why do you ask me otherwise? How many atoms are there in the body of a Pratyekabuddha, of a Śrāvaka, of a Buddha, and of a Bodhisattva? (32) Why do you not ask me in this wise? 
vahneḥ śikhā katyaṇukā pavane hy aṇavaḥ kati |
indriye indriye kyanto romakūpe bhruvoḥ kati || 2.79 || 
(15)風阿㝹復幾 根根幾阿㝹
(c21)火炎有幾塵 風微塵有幾
(c22)根根幾塵數 毛孔眉幾塵 
(b13)如是等身量 各有幾微塵
(b14)火風各幾塵 一一根有幾
(b15)眉及諸毛孔 復各幾塵成
(b16)如是等諸事 云何不問我 
79. How many atoms are there at the top of a flame? How many atoms are in the wind? How many in each sense-organ? How many in a pore of the skin? in the eyebrows? 
dhaneśvarā narāḥ kena rājānaś cakravartinaḥ |
rājyaṃ ca taiḥ kathaṃ rakṣyaṃ mokṣaś caiṣāṃ kathaṃ bhavet || 2.80 || 
(17)轉輪聖帝王 云何王守護
(18)云何爲解脱 廣説及句説 
(c23)何因則自在 轉輪聖帝主
(c24)何因王守護 解脱廣略説 
(b17)云何得財富 云何轉輪王
(b18)云何王守護 云何得解脱 
80. Whence are these men of immense wealth, kings, great sovereigns? How is the kingdom taken care of by them? And how about their emancipation? 
gadyaṃ padyaṃ kathaṃ brūṣe maithunaṃ lokaviśrutā |
annapānasya vaicitryaṃ naranārivanāḥ katham || 2.81 || 
(19)如汝之所問 衆生種種欲
(20)種種諸飮食 云何男女林 
(c25)種種衆生欲 云何而問我
(c26)何因諸飮食 何因男女林 
(b19)云何長行句 婬欲及飮食
81. Tell whence is prose and metre. Why is sexual desire universally cherished? Whence is the variety of foods and drinks? Whence the man-woman forest? 
vajrasaṃhananāḥ kena hy acalā brūhi me katham |
māyāsvapnanibhāḥ kena mṛgatṛṣṇopamāḥ katham || 2.82 || 
(21)金剛堅固山 云何如幻夢 
(c27)金剛堅固山 爲我説云何
(c28)何因如幻夢 野鹿渇愛譬 
金剛等諸山 (b21)幻夢渇愛譬 
82. Wherefore are the mountains of Vajrasamhanana? Tell me whence, wherefore; are they like a vision, a dream, and a fata-morgana?24  
ghanānāṃ saṃbhavaḥ kutra ṛtūnāṃ ca kuto bhavet |
rasānāṃ rasatā kasmāt kasmāt strīpuṃnapuṃsakam || 2.83 || 
(c29)何因而有雲 何因有六時
(521a1)何因種種味 男女非男女 
(b22)時節云何有 何因種種味(b23)女男及不男 
83. Whence is the arising of clouds? And whence do the seasons rise? Whence is the nature of taste? Whence is woman, man, and hermaphrodite? 
śobhāś ca jinaputrāś ca kutra me pṛccha māṃ suta |
kathaṃ hi acalā divyā ṛṣigandharvamaṇḍitāḥ || 2.84 || 
(23)犍闥婆莊嚴 解脱至何所 
(a2)何因諸莊嚴 佛子何因問
(a3)云何諸妙山 仙樂人莊嚴 
(b24)云何諸妙山 仙闥婆莊嚴 
84. Whence are the adornments and the Bodhisattvas? Ask me, O my son! Whence are the divine mountains embellished by the Rishis and Gandharvas? 
muktasya gamanaṃ kutra baddhaḥ kaḥ kena mucyate |
dhyāyināṃ viṣayaḥ ko ’sau nirmāṇastīrthakāni ca || 2.85 || 
(24)誰縛誰解脱 云何禪境界
(a4)解脱至何所 誰縛云何縛
(a5)云何禪境界 涅槃及外道 
(b25)解脱至何所 誰縛誰解脱
(b26)云何禪境界 變化及外道 
85. Whence is the way of emancipation? Who is in bondage? By whom is he delivered? What is the state of one who practises tranquillisation? What is transformation, and who are those philosophers? 
(16,1) asatsadakriyā kena kathaṃ dṛśyaṃ nivartate |
kathaṃ hi śudhyate tarkaḥ kena tarkaḥ pravartate || 2.86 || 
(26)云何有因作 有因無因作
(a6)云何無因作 何因可見縛
(a7)何因淨諸覺 何因有諸覺 
(b27)云何無因作 云何有因作
(b28)云何轉諸見 云何起計度
86. What is meant by non-existence, existence, and no-effect? Whence arises the visible world? (33) How can one be cleansed of false intellection? Whence does false intellection arise? 
kriyā pravartate kena gamanaṃ brūhi me katham |
saṃjñāyāś chedanaṃ kena samādhiḥ kena cocyate || 2.87 || 
(28)云何淨諸覺 云何諸覺轉
(29)及轉諸所作 云何斷諸想
(a8)何因轉所作 幸願爲我説
(a9)何因斷諸想 何因出三昧 
(592c1)云何而轉去 云何斷諸想
87. Whence arises action? And whence its departure? Tell me. How does the extinction of thought take place? And what is meant by a Samādhi? 
vidārtha tribhavaṃ ko ’sau kiṃ sthānaṃ kā tanur bhavet |
asatyātmakathā kena saṃvṛtyā deśanā katham || 2.88 || 
(2)何處爲何身 云何無衆生
(3)而説有吾我 云何世俗説 
(a10)破三有者誰 何因身何處
(a11)云何無人我 何因依世説 
(c3)何處身云何 云何無有我
88. Who is the one that breaks through the triple world? What is the position? What is the body? Wherefore the doctrine that beings have no ego-soul? What is meant by a teaching in accordance with the world?1 
lakṣaṇaṃ pṛcchase kena nairātmyaṃ pṛcchase katham |
garbhā naiyāyikāḥ kena pṛcchase māṃ jinaurasāḥ || 2.89 || 
(4)*唯願廣分別 所問相云何
(5)及所問非我 云何爲胎藏
(a12)何因問我相 云何問無我
(a13)云何爲胎藏 汝何因問我 
89. Do you ask me about the marks? Do you ask me about egolessness? Do you ask me about the womb, about the Nyaya philosophers, O son of the Victor? 
śāśvatocchedadṛṣṭiś ca kena cittaṃ sabhādhyate |
abhilāpas tathā jñānaṃ śīlaṃ gotraṃ jinaurasāḥ || 2.90 || 
(7)云何心得定 言説及諸智
(a14)何因斷常見 何因心得定
(a15)何因言及智 界性諸佛子 
(c5)及所問非我 云何爲胎藏
90. How about eternalism and nihilism? How is the mind tranquillised? Again [how about] speech, knowledge, morality, family, O son of the Victor? 
yuktavyākhyā guruśiṣyaḥ sattvānāṃ citratā katham |
annapānaṃ nabho meghā mārāḥ prajñaptimātrakam || 2.91 || 
(9)云何師弟子 種種諸衆生
(10)斯等復云何 云何爲飮食
(a16)勘解師弟子 種種諸衆生
(a17)云何飮食魔 虚空聰明施 
(c7)云何心一境 云何言説智
91. What is meant by reasoning and illustrating, by master and disciple, by manifoldness of beings, food and drink, sky, intelligence, evil ones, and the statement that there is nothing but the thought-constructed? 
taruvallyaḥ kathaṃ kena pṛcchase māṃ jinaurasa |
kṣetrāṇi citratā kena ṛṣir dīrghatapās tathā || 2.92 || 
(12)最勝子所問 云何種種刹
(a18)何因有樹林 佛子何因問
(a19)云何種種刹 何因長壽仙 
(c9)云何師弟子 衆生種性別
(c10)飮食及虚空 聰明魔施設 
92. What do you ask me concerning trees and vines, O son of the Victor? What about diversity of lands, and about Long-Penance the Rishi?25  
vaṃśaḥ kaste guruḥ kena pṛcchase māṃ jinaurasa |
uhoḍimā narā yoge kāmadhātau na budhyase || 2.93 || 
(14)從何師受學 云何爲醜陋
(15)云何人修行 欲界何不覺
(a20)何因種種師 汝何因問我
(a21)何因有醜陋 修行不欲成
(a22)色究竟成道 云何而問我 
(c11)云何樹行布 是汝之所問
(c12)何因一切刹 種種相不同
(c13)或有如箜篌 腰鼓及衆花
(c14)或有離光明 仙人長苦行 
93. What is your family? Who is your master? You tell me, O son of the Victor. Who are the people who are despised? How is it that in the Yoga you do not attain enlightenment in the world of desire, but that in the Akaniṣṭha there is realisation? 
siddhānto hy akaniṣṭheṣu yuktiṃ pṛcchasi me katham |
(34*) abhijñāṃ laukikāṃ kena kathaṃ bhikṣutvam eva ca || 2.94 || 
(a23)何因世間通 何因爲比丘 
(c15)或有好族姓 令衆生尊重(c16)或有體卑陋 爲人所輕賤
(c17)云何欲界中 修行不成佛
(c18)而於色究竟 乃昇等正覺 
94. What do you ask me about reasoning? (34) What about the psychic faculties belonging to this world, and about the nature of a Bhikshu? 
nairmāṇikān vipākasthān buddhān pṛcchasi me katham |
tathatājñānabuddhā vai saṃghāś caiva kathaṃ bhavet || 2.95 || 
(18)云何爲報佛 云何6爲如如
(19)平等智慧佛 云何爲衆僧
(a24)云何化報佛 何因而問我
(a25)云何如智佛 云何爲衆僧 
(c19)云何世間人 而能獲神通
95. Do you ask me about Buddhas of Transformation, Buddhas of Maturity [or Recompense]? About Buddhas of the Knowledge of Suchness? And whence is the Bodhisattva? 
vīṇāpaṇavapuṣpābhāḥ kṣetrā lokavivarjitāḥ |
cittaṃ hi bhūmayaḥ sapta pṛcchase māṃ jinaurasa |
etāṃś cānyāṃś ca subahūn praśnān pṛcchasi māṃ suta || 2.96 || 
(20)佛子如是問 箜篌腰鼓花
(21)刹土離光明 心地者有七 
(a26)箜篌鼓花刹 云何離光明
(a27)云何爲心地 佛子而問我 
(c21)云何化及報 眞如智慧佛 
96. You ask me, O son of the Victor, about the lands that are devoid of light, resembling a lute, a drum, and a flower, and about the mind abiding in the seven stages? 
ekaikaṃ lakṣaṇair yuktaṃ dṛṣṭidoṣavivarjitam |
siddhāntaṃ deśanāṃ vakṣye sahasā tvaṃ śṛṇohi me || 2.97 || 
(22)所問皆如實 此及餘衆多
(23)佛子所應問 一一相相應
(24)遠離諸見過 悉檀離言説 
(a28)此及餘衆生 佛子所應問
(a29)一一相相應 遠離諸見過 
(c22)云何使其心 得住七地中 
97. You ask me such and many other questions, which are in accordance with the marks [of Truth?] and free from erroneous views. 
upanyāsaṃ kariṣyāmi padānāṃ śṛṇu me suta |
aṣṭottaraṃ padaśataṃ yathā buddhānuvarṇitam || 2.98 || 
(25)我今當顯示 次第建立句
(26)佛子善諦聽 此上百八句
(521b1)離諸外道法 我説汝諦聽
(b2)此上百八見 如諸佛所説
(b3)我今説少分 佛子善諦聽 
(c23)此及於餘義 汝今咸問我
(c24)如先佛所説 一百八種句
(c25)一一相相應 遠離諸見過 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat - katamad bhagavan aṣṭottarapadaśatam?  bhagavān āha - utpādapadam anutpādapadam, nityapadam anityapadam, lakṣaṇapadam alakṣaṇapadam, sthityanyathātvapadam asthityanyathātvapadam, kṣaṇikapadam akṣaṇikapadam, svabhāvapadam asvabhāvapadam, śūnyatāpadam aśūnyatāpadam, ucchedapadam anucchedapadam, cittapadam acittapadam, madhyamapadam amadhyamapadam, śāśvatapadam aśāśvatapadam, (17,1) pratyayapadam apratyayapadam, hetupadam ahetupadam, kleśapadam akleśapadam, tṛṣṇāpadam atṛṣṇā(35*)padam, upāyapadam anupāyapadam, kauśalyapadam akauśalyapadam, śuddhipadam aśuddhipadam, yuktipadam ayuktipadam, dṛṣṭāntapadam adṛṣṭāntapadam, śiṣyapadam aśiṣyapadam, gurupadam agurupadam, gotrapadam agotrapadam, yānatrayapadam ayānatrayapadam, nirābhāsapadam anirābhāsapadam, praṇidhānapadam apraṇidhānapadam, trimaṇḍalapadam, atrimaṇḍalapadam, nimittapadam animittapadam, sadasatpakṣapadam asadasatpakṣapadam, ubhayapadam anubhayapadam, svapratyātmāryajñānapadam asvapratyātmāryajñānapadam, dṛṣṭadharmasukhapadam adṛṣṭadharmasukhapadam, kṣetrapadam akṣetrapadam, aṇupadam anaṇupadam, jalapadam ajalapadam, dhanvapadam adhanvapadam, bhūtapadam abhūtapadam, saṃkhyāgaṇitapadam asaṃkhyāgaṇitapadam, abhijñāpadam anabhijñāpadam, khedapadam akhedapadam, ghanapadam aghanapadam, śilpakalāvidyāpadam aśilpakalāvidyāpadam, vāyupadam avāyupadam, bhūmipadam abhūmipadam, cintyapadam acintyapadam, prajñaptipadam aprajñaptipadam, svabhāvapadam asvabhāvapadam, skandhapadam askandhapadam, sattvapadam asattvapadam, buddhipadam abuddhipadam, nirvāṇapadam anirvāṇapadam, jñeyapadam ajñeyapadam, tīrthyapadam atīrthyapadam, ḍamarapadam aḍamarapadam, māyāpadam amāyāpadam, svapnapadam asvapnapadam, marī(35*)cipadam amarīcipadam, bimbapadam abimbapadam, cakrapadam acakrapadam, gandharvapadam agandharvapadam, devapadam adevapadam, annapānapadam anannapānapadam, maithunapadam amaithunapadam, dṛṣṭapadam adṛṣṭapadam, pāramitāpadam apāramitāpadam, śīlapadam aśīlapadam, sobhabhāskaranakṣatrapadam asomabhāskaranakṣatrapadam, satyapadam asatyapadam, phalapadam aphalapadam, nirodhapadam anirodhapadam, nirodhavyutthānapadam anirodhavyutthānapadam, cikitsāpadam acikitsāpadam, lakṣaṇapadam alakṣaṇapadam, aṅgapadam anaṅgapadam, kalāvidyāpadam akalāvidyāpadam, dhyānapadam adhyānapadam, bhrāntipadam abhrāntipadam, dṛśyapadam adṛśyapadam, rakṣyapadam arakṣyapadam, vaṃśapadam avaṃśapadam, ṛṣipadam anarṣipadam, rājyapadam arājyapadam, grahaṇapadam agrahaṇapadam, ratnapadam aratnapadam, vyākaraṇapadam avyākaraṇapadam, icchantikapadam anicchantikapadam, strīpuṃnapuṃsakapadam astrīpuṃnapuṃsakapadam, rasapadam arasapadam, kriyāpadam akriyāpadam, dehapadam adehapadam, tarkapadam atarkapadam, calapadam acalapadam, indriyapadam anindriyapadam, saṃskṛtapadam asaṃskṛtapadam, hetuphalapadam ahetuphalapadam, kaniṣṭhapadam akaniṣṭhapadam, ṛtupadam anṛtupadam, drumagulmalatāvitānapadam a(37*)drumagulmalatāvitānapadam, vaicitryapadam avaicitryapadam, deśanāvatārapadam adeśanāvatārapadam, vinayapadam avinayapadam, bhikṣupadam abhikṣupadam, adhiṣṭhānapadam anadhiṣṭhānapadam, akṣarapadam anakṣarapadam | idaṃ tan mahāmate aṣṭottaraṃ padaśataṃ pūrvabuddhānuvarṇitam || 
()  (28)不生句生句。常句無常句。相句無相句。住異(29)句非住異句。刹那句非刹那句。自性句離自(482c1)性句。空句不空句。斷句不斷句。邊句非邊句。(2)中句非中句。常句非常句。7凡有三常此常梵音與上常音異也(3)縁句非縁句。因句非因句。煩惱句非煩惱句。(4)愛句非愛句。方便句非方便句。巧句非巧句。(5)淨句非淨句。成句非成句。譬句非譬句。弟子(6)句非弟子句。師句非師句。種性句非種性句。(7)三乘句非三乘句。所有句8無所有句。願句非(8)願句。三輪句非三輪句。相句非相句。有品句(9)非有品句。倶句非倶句。縁自聖智現法樂句(10)非現法樂句。刹土句非刹土句。阿㝹句非阿(11)㝹句。水句非水句。弓句非弓句。實句非實句。(12)數句非數句。9此物之數也數句非數句。10此數霜縷11反(13)明句非明句。虚空句非虚空句。雲句非雲句。(14)工巧12伎術明處句。13非明處句。風句非風句。(15)地句非地句。心句非心句。施設句非施設句。(16)自性句非自性句。陰句非陰句。衆生句非衆(17)生句。慧句非慧句。涅槃句非涅槃句。爾焔句(18)非爾焔句。外道句非外道句。荒亂句非荒亂(19)句。幻句非幻句。夢句非夢句。焔句非焔句。像(20)句非像句。輪句非輪句。揵闥婆句非揵闥婆(21)句。天句非天句。飮食句非飮食句。婬欲句非(22)婬欲句。見句非見句。波羅蜜句非波羅蜜句。(23)戒句非戒句。日月星宿句非日月星宿句。諦(24)句非諦句。果句非果句。滅起句非滅起句。治(25)句非治句。相句非相句。支句非支句。巧明處(26)句非巧明處句。禪句非禪句。迷句非迷句。現(27)句非現句。護句非護句。族句非族句。仙句非(28)仙句。王句非王句。攝受句非攝受句。14實句(29)非*實句。記句非記句。一闡提句非一闡提(483a1)句。女男不男句非女男不男句。味句非味句。(2)事句非事句。身句非身句。覺句非覺句。動句(3)非動句。根句非根句。有爲句非有爲句。無(4)爲句非無爲句。因果句非因果句。色究竟句(5)非色究竟句。節句非節句。1欝樹藤句非*欝(6)樹藤句。雜句非雜句。説句非説句。毘尼句(7)非毘尼句。比丘句非比丘句。處句非處句。字(8)句非字句。大慧。是百八句先佛所説。汝及諸(9)菩薩摩訶薩。應當修學 
()  (b4)生見不生見。常見無常見。相見無相見。住異(b5)見非住異見。刹那見非刹那見。離自性見非(b6)離自性見。空見不空見。斷見非斷見。心見非(b7)心見。邊見非邊見。中見非中見。變見非變見。(b8)縁見非縁見。因見非因見。煩惱見非煩惱見。(b9)愛見非愛見。方便見非方便見。巧見非巧見。(b10)淨見非淨見。相應見非相應見。譬喩見非譬(b11)喩見。弟子見非弟子見。師見非師見。性見非(b12)性見。乘見非乘見。寂靜見非寂靜見。願見非(b13)願見。三輪見非三輪見。相見非相見。有無立(b14)見非有無立見。有二見無二見。縁内身聖見(b15)非縁内身聖見。現法樂見非現法樂見。國土(b16)見非國土見。微塵見非微塵見。水見非*水(b17)見。弓見非弓見。四大見非四大見。數見非數(b18)見。通見非通見。虚妄見非虚妄見。雲見非雲(b19)見。工巧見非工巧見。明處見非明處見。風見(b20)非風見。地見非地見。心見非心見。假名見非(b21)假名見。自性見非自性見。陰見非陰見。衆生(b22)見非衆生見。智見非智見。涅槃見非涅槃見。(b23)境界見非境界見。外道見非外道見。亂見非(b24)亂見。幻見非幻見。夢見非夢見。陽炎見非陽(b25)炎見。像見非像見。輪見非輪見。揵闥婆見非(b26)揵闥婆見。天見非天見。飮食見非飮食見。婬(b27)欲見非婬欲見。見非見見。波羅蜜見非波(b28)羅蜜見。戒見非戒見。日月星宿見非日月星(b29)宿見。諦見非諦見。果見非果見。滅見非滅見。(521c1)起滅盡定見非起滅盡定見。治見非治見。相(c2)見非相見。支見非支見。巧明見非巧明見。禪(c3)見非禪見。迷見非迷見。現*見非現*見。護見(c4)非護見。族姓見非族姓見。仙人見非仙人見。(c5)王見非王見。捕取見非捕取見。實見非實見。(c6)記見非記見。一闡提見非一闡提見。男女見(c7)非男女見。味見非味見。作見非作見。身見非(c8)身見。覺見非覺見。動見非動見。根見非根見。(c9)有爲見非有爲見。因果見非因果見。色究竟(c10)見非色究竟見。時見非時見。樹林見非*樹(c11)林見。種種見非種種見。説見非説見。比丘(c12)見非*比丘見。比丘尼見非比丘*尼見。住持(c13)見非住持見。字見非字見。大慧。此百八見過(c14)去諸佛所説。汝及諸菩薩當如是學 
(c26)亦離於世俗 言語所成法
(c27)我當爲汝説 佛子應聽受 
○二別明三十九門。即為三十九段。第一諸識生住異門。11 文為二。初問。二答。 
At that moment Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said to the Blessed One: What is meant by the one hundred and eight statements?27  
27. Here is one of the most mysterious and unintelligible portions of the Laṅkāvatura sūtra. The Sanskrit word for “statement" is pada, which literally means, “foot-step," “a footing," “a position," “a subject," “an abode," “a matter of talk," “a portion of a line in a stanza," etc. For the Sanskrit pada the Chinese translators have “句", “見", “位", “住", but as they stand these translations do not give any sense to the general context. 句 is perhaps the best in retaining the original sense, but it is to be understood in the sense of “a proposition," “a statement," and each sentence containing this word in the following negations means that each subject referred to is not properly conceived, because, for instance, the concept of birth is not in accordance with the true understanding of reality. Birth stands against death, they are relative notions, and do not apply to a world where things are perceived in their absolute aspect. Therefore, any statement that might be made concerning birth are not at all true; birth is no-birth, death is no-death, and so on. Even of such notions as truth, realisation, self-nature, mind, paramitas, the same can be said; to make a statement about anything is to falsify it. Hence the series of negations as illustrated here. But the mysterious fact about them is the reference to so many trite subjects which are evidently in no direct connection with the teachings of the Mahāyāna. There must be something historical about these references of which the translator is at present quite ignorant. Another mystery here concerns the number of padas: why 108, and not more or less? 
The Blessed One said: A statement concerning birth is no statement concerning birth; a statement concerning eternity is no statement concerning eternity. [The topics thus negated are as follows:28 ] the characteristic marks, abiding and changing, moment, self-nature, emptiness, annihilation, mind, the middle, permanence, causation, cause, the passions, desire, (35) means, contrivance, purity, inference [or conclusion], illustration, a disciple, a master, a family, the triple vehicle, imagelessness, vows, the triple circle, form, duality of being and non-being, bothness, the noble wisdom of self-realisation, the bliss of the present world, lands, atoms, water, a bow, reality, numbers and mathematics, the psychic powers, the sky, clouds, the arts and crafts and sciences, the wind, the earth, thinking, thought-constructions, self-nature, the aggregates, being, insight, Nirvāṇa, that which is known, the philosophers, disorder, a vision, a dream, (36) a mirage, a reflection, a circle made in the dark by a fire-brand, the city of the Gandharvas, the heavens, food and drink, sexuality, philosophical views, the Paramitas, morality, the moon and the sun and stars, truth, effect, annihilation and origination, medical treatment, the characteristic marks, the limbs, arts and sciences, Dhyāna, error, the seen [world], protection, dynasty, Rishi, kingdom, apprehension, treasure, explanation, the Icchantika, man, woman, and hermaphrodite, taste, action, the body, false intellection, motives, sense-organs, the Samskrita,29 cause and effect, the Kaniṣṭha,30 the seasons, a luxuriant growth of trees, vines and shrubs, (37) multiplicity, entering into the teaching, systems of morality, the Bhikshus, the powers added [by the Buddha], the lutes. These are the one hundred and eight statements recounted by the Buddhas of the past. 
(18,1) atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat  - katividho bhagavan vijñānānām utpādasthitinirodho bhavati? 
(10)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言。  世尊。諸識(11)有幾種生住滅。 
At that moment, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said again to the Blessed One: 
In how many ways, Blessed One, does the rise, abiding, and ceasing of the Vijñānas take place? 
bhagavān āha - dvividho mahāmate vijñānānām utpattisthitinirodho bhavati, na ca tārkikā avabudhyante  yaduta prabandhanirodho lakṣaṇanirodhaś ca |  dvividha utpādo vijñānānām, prabandhotpado lakṣaṇotpādaś ca |  dvividhā sthitiḥ prabandhasthitir lakṣaṇasthitiś ca |  trividhaṃ vijñānaṃ pravṛttilakṣaṇaṃ karmalakṣaṇaṃ jātilakṣaṇaṃ ca |  dvividhaṃ mahāmate vijñānaṃ saṃkṣepeṇa aṣṭalakṣaṇoktaṃ khyātivijñānaṃ vastuprativikalpavijñānaṃ ca |  yathā mahāmate darpaṇasya rūpagrahaṇam, evaṃ khyātivijñānasyākhyāsyati |  khyātivijñānaṃ ca mahāmate vastuprativikalpavijñānaṃ ca | dve ’py ete ’bhinnalakṣaṇe ’nyonyahetuke |  tatra khyātivijñānaṃ mahāmate acintyavāsanāpariṇāmahetukam | vastuprativikalpavijñānaṃ (38*) ca mahāmate viṣayavikalpahetukam anādikālaprapañcavāsanāhetukaṃ ca || 
佛告大慧。諸識有二種生(12)住滅。非思量所知。  ()  諸識有二種生。謂流注(13)生及相生。  有二種住。謂流注住及相住。有(14)二種滅。謂流注滅及相滅。  諸識有三種相。(15)謂轉相業相眞相。  大慧。略説有三種識。廣(16)説有八相。何等爲三。謂眞識現識及分別事(17)識。  大慧。譬如明鏡持諸色像。現識處現亦(18)復如是。  大慧。現識及分別事識。此二壞不(19)壞。相展轉因。  大慧。不思議薫。及不思議變。(20)是現識因。大慧。取種種塵。及無始妄想*薫。(21)是分別事識因。 
△今初。        大慧。略説有三種識。廣(16)説有八相。何等爲三。謂眞識現識及分別事(17)識。  大慧。譬如明鏡持諸色像。現識處現亦(18)復如是。  大慧。現識及分別事識。此二壞不(19)壞。相展轉因。  大慧。不思議薫。及不思議變。(20)是現識因。大慧。取種種塵。及無始妄想*薫。(21)是分別事識因。 
The Blessed One replied: There are two ways, Mahāmati, in which the rise, abiding, and ceasing of the Vijñānas take place, and this is not understood by the philosophers.  That is to say, the ceasing takes place as regards continuation and form.  In the rise of the Vijñānas, also, these two are recognisable: the rise as regards continuation and the rise as regards form.  In the abiding, also, these two [are discernible]: the one taking place as regards continuation and the other as regards form.  [Further,] three modes are distinguishable in the Vijñānas: (1) the Vijñāna as evolving, (2) the Vijñāna as producing effects, and (3) the Vijñāna as remaining in its original nature.  [Further,] Mahāmati, in the Vijñānas, which are said to be eight, two functions generally are distinguishable, the perceiving and the object-discriminating.  As a mirror reflects forms, Mahāmati, the perceiving Vijñāna perceives [objects].  Mahāmati, between the two, the perceiving Vijñāna and the object-discriminating Vijñāna, there is no difference; they are mutually conditioning.  Then, Mahāmati, the perciving Vijñāna functions because of transformation's taking place [in the mind] by reason of a mysterious habit-energy, while, Mahāmati, the object-discriminating Vijñāna (38) functions because of the mind's discriminating an objective world and because of the habit-energy accumulated by erroneous reasoning since beginningless time. 
tatra sarvendriyavijñānanirodho mahāmate yaduta ālayavijñānasya abhūtaparikalpavāsanāvaicitryanirodhaḥ |  eṣa hi mahāmate lakṣaṇanirodhaḥ |  prabandhanirodhaḥ punar mahāmate yasmāc ca pravartate |  yasmād iti mahāmate yad āśrayeṇa yad ālambanena ca |  tatra yad āśrayam anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavāsanā yadālambanaṃ svacittadṛśyavijñānaviṣaye vikalpāḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate mṛtparamāṇubhyo mṛtpiṇḍaḥ, na cānyo nānanyaḥ, tathā suvarṇaṃ bhūṣaṇāt |  yadi ca mahāmate mṛtpiṇḍo mṛtparamāṇubhyo ’nyaḥ syāt, tair nārabdhaḥ syāt |  sa cārabdhas tair mṛtparamāṇubhiḥ, tasmān nānyaḥ |  athānanyaḥ syāt, mṛtpiṇḍaparamāṇvoḥ pratibhāgo na syāt |  evam eva mahāmate pravṛttivijñānāny ālayavijñānajātilakṣaṇād anyāni syuḥ, anālayavijñānahetukāni syuḥ |  athānanyāni pravṛttivijñānanirodhe ālayavijñānavirodhaḥ syāt, sa ca na bhavati svajātilakṣaṇanirodhaḥ |  tasmān mahāmate na svajātilakṣaṇanirodho vijñānānāṃ kiṃ tu karmalakṣaṇanirodhaḥ |  svajātilakṣaṇe punar nirudhyamāne ālayavijñānanirodhaḥ syāt |  ālaya(39*)vijñāne punar nirudhyamāne nirviśiṣṭastīrthakarocchedavādenāyaṃ vādaḥ syāt |  tīrthakarāṇāṃ mahāmate ayaṃ vādo yaduta viṣayagrahaṇoparamād vijñānaprabandhoparamo bhavati |  vijñānaprabandhoparamād anādikālaprabandhavyucchittiḥ syāt |  kāraṇataś ca mahāmate tīrthakarāḥ prabandhapravṛttiṃ varṇayanti |  na cakṣurvijñānasya rūpālokasamudayata utpattiṃ varṇayanti anyatra kāraṇataḥ |  kāraṇaṃ punar mahāmate pradhānapuruṣeśvarakālāṇupravādāḥ || 
大慧。若覆彼眞識。種種不實(22)諸虚妄滅。則一切根識滅。  大慧。是名相滅。  (23)大慧。相續滅者。  相續所因滅則相續滅。所從(24)滅及所縁滅則相續滅。  大慧。所以者何。是其(25)所依故。依者謂無始妄想*薫。縁者謂自心(26)見等識境妄想。  大慧。譬如泥團微塵非異(27)非不異。金莊嚴具亦復如是。  大慧。若泥團(28)微塵異者。非彼所成而實  彼成。是故不異。  (29)若不異者。則泥團微塵應無分別。  如是大(483b1)慧。轉識藏識*眞相若異者。藏識非因。  若不(2)異者。轉識滅藏識亦應滅。而自*眞相實不(3)滅。  是故大慧。非自眞相識滅。但業相滅。  若(4)自*眞相6滅者。藏識則滅。  大慧。藏識滅者。(5)不異外道斷見論議。  大慧。彼諸外道作如(6)是論。謂攝受境界滅識流注亦滅。  若識流注(7)滅者。無始流注應斷。  大慧。外道説流注生(8)因  非眼識色明集會而生。更有異因。  大慧。(9)彼因者説言。若勝妙若士夫若自在若時若(10)微塵 
大慧。若覆彼眞識。種種不實(22)諸虚妄滅。則一切根識滅。  大慧。是名相滅。  (23)大慧。相續滅者。  相續所因滅則相續滅。所從(24)滅及所縁滅則相續滅。  大慧。所以者何。是其(25)所依故。依者謂無始妄想*薫。縁者謂自心(26)見等識境妄想。  大慧。譬如泥團微塵非異(27)非不異。金莊嚴具亦復如是。  大慧。若泥團(28)微塵異者。非彼所成而實  彼成。是故不異。  (29)若不異者。則泥團微塵應無分別。  如是大(483b1)慧。轉識藏識*眞相若異者。藏識非因。  若不(2)異者。轉識滅藏識亦應滅。而自*眞相實不(3)滅。  是故大慧。非自眞相識滅。但業相滅。  若(4)自*眞相6滅者。藏識則滅。  大慧。藏識滅者。(5)不異外道斷見論議。  大慧。彼諸外道作如(6)是論。謂攝受境界滅識流注亦滅。  若識流注(7)滅者。無始流注應斷。  大慧。外道説流注生(8)因  非眼識色明集會而生。更有異因。  大慧。(9)彼因者説言。若勝妙若士夫若自在若時若(10)微塵 
Again, Mahāmati, by the cessation of all the sense-Vijñānas is meant the cessation of the Ālayavijñāna's variously accumulating habit-energy which is generated when unrealities are discriminated.  This, Mahāmati, is known as the cessation of the form-aspect of the Vijñānas.  Again, Mahāmati, the cessation of the continuation-aspect of the Vijñānas takes place in this wise:  that is to say, Mahāmati, when both that which supports [the Vijñānas] and that which is comprehended [by the Vijñānas] cease to function.  By that which supports [the Vijñānas] is meant the habit-energy [or memory] which has been accumulated by erroneous reasoning since beginningless time; and by that which is comprehended [by the Vijñānas] is meant the objective world perceived and discriminated by the Vijñānas, which is, however, no more than Mind itself.  Mahāmati, it is like a lump of clay and the particles of dust making up its substance, they are neither different nor not-different; again, it is like gold and various ornaments made of it.  If, Mahāmati, the lump of clay is different from its particles of dust, no lump will ever come out of them.  But as it comes out of them it is not different from the particles of dust.  Again, if there is no difference between the two, the lump will be indistinguishable from its particles.  Even so, Mahāmati, if the evolving Vijñāna are different from the Ālayavijñāna, even in its original form, the Ālaya cannot be their cause.  Again, if they are not different the cessation of the evolving Vijñānas will mean the cessation of the Ālayavijñāna, but there is no cessation of its original form.  Therefore, Mahāmati, what ceases to function is not the Ālaya in its original self-form, but is the effect-producing form of the Vijñānas.  When this original self-form ceases to exist, then there will indeed be the cessation of the Ālayavijñāna.  (39) If, however, there is the cessation of the Ālayavijñāna, this doctrine will in no wise differ from the nihilistic doctrine of the philosophers.  This doctrine, Mahāmati, as it is held by the philosophers, is this: When the grasping of an objective world ceases the continuation of the Vijñānas is stopped;  and when there is no more of this continuation in the Vijñānas, the continuation that has been going on since beginningless time is also destroyed.  Mahāmati, the philosophers maintain that there is a first cause from which continuation takes place;  they do not maintain that the eye-Vijñāna arises from the interaction of form and light; they assume another cause.  What is this cause, Mahāmati? Their first cause is known as spirit (pradhāna), soul (puruṣa), lord (īśvara), time, or atom. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate saptavidho bhāvasvabhāvo bhavati yaduta samudayasvabhāvo bhāvasvabhāvo lakṣaṇasvabhāvo mahābhūtasvabhāvo hetusvabhāvaḥ pratyayasvabhāvo niṣpattisvabhāvaś ca saptamaḥ || 
gźan yaṅ blo gros chen po dṅos (6) po’i raṅ bźin bdun yod de | ’di ltar ’du ba dṅos po’i raṅ bźin daṅ | dṅos pa’i raṅ bźin gyi dṅos po daṅ | mtshan ñid kyi dṅos po daṅ | ’byuṅ ba chen po’i raṅ bźin gyi dṅos po daṅ | rgyu’i dṅos po daṅ | rkyen gyi dṅos po daṅ | ’grub pa’i dṅos po ste bdun no || 
Again, Mahāmati, there are seven kinds of self-nature: collection (samudaya), being (bhava), characteristic marks (lakṣana), elements (mahābhūta), causality (hetu), conditionality (pratyaya), and perfection (niṣpatti).31  
punar aparaṃ mahāmate saptavidhaḥ paramārtho yaduta cittagocaro jñānagocaraḥ prajñāgocaro dṛṣṭidvayagocaro dṛṣṭidvayātikrāntagocaraḥ sutabhūmyanukramaṇagocaras tathāgatasya pratyātmagatigocaraḥ || 
blo gros chen po gźan yaṅ don dam pa bdun te | ’di ltar sems kyi spyod yul daṅ | ye śes kyi spyod yul daṅ | lta ba gñis kyi spyod yul daṅ | lta ba gñis las ’das pa’i spyod yul daṅ | snaṅ ba med pa’i spyod yul daṅ | sras kyis las ’da’ ba’i spyod yul daṅ | de bźin (70b1) gśegs pa’i so so raṅ gis rig pa’i spyod yul te | 
Again, Mahāmati, there are seven kinds of first principle [or highest reality, Paramārtha]: the world of thought (citta-gocara), the world of knowledge (jñāna-), the world of super-knowledge (prajñā-), the world of dualistic views (dṛṣṭi-), the world beyond dualistic views, the world beyond the Bodhisattva-stages, and a world where the Tathāgata attains his self-realisation.32  
40 (19,1) (40*) etan mahāmate atītānāgatapratyutpannānāṃ tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ bhāvasvabhāvaparamārthahṛdayaṃ yena samanvāgatās tathāgatā laukikalokottaratamān dharmān āryeṇa prajñācakṣuṣā svasāmānyalakṣaṇapatitān vyavasthāpayanti |  tathā ca vyavasthāpayanti yathā tīrthakaravādakudṛṣṭisādhāraṇā na bhavanti |  kathaṃ ca mahāmate tīrthakaravādakudṛṣṭisādhāraṇā bhavanti?  yaduta svacittaviṣayavikalpadṛṣṭyanavabodhanād vijñānānām |  svacittadṛśyamātrānavatāreṇa mahāmate bālapṛthagjanā bhāvābhāvasvabhāvaparamārthadṛṣṭidvayavādino bhavanti ||  punar aparaṃ mahāmate vikalpabhavatrayaduḥkhavinivartanam ajñānatṛṣṇākarmapratyayavinivṛttiṃ svacittadṛśyamāyāviṣayānudarśanaṃ bhāṣiṣye | 
(16)大慧。此是過去未來現在諸如來應供等正(17)覺性自性第一義心。此心梵音肝栗大*肝栗大宋言心謂如樹木心非念盧(18)心念盧心梵音云質多也以性自性第一義心。成就如來世(19)間出世間出世間上上法。聖慧眼入自共相(20)建立。  如所建立。不與外道論惡見共。  大慧。(21)云何外道論惡見共。  所謂自境界妄想見。不(22)覺識自心所現。分齊不通。  大慧。愚癡凡夫(23)性無性自性第一義作二見論。  復次大慧。(24)妄想三有苦滅。無知愛業縁滅。自心所現幻(25)境。隨見今當説。 
(7)大慧。此是過去未來現在諸佛如來應正遍(8)知性自性第一義心。大慧。依此性自性第一(9)義心。諸佛如來畢竟得於世間出世間。諸佛(10)智慧眼同相別相諸法建立。  如所建立不(11)與外道邪見共同。  大慧。云何不與外道邪(12)見共同。  所謂分別自心境界妄想見。而不(13)覺知自心想見。  大慧。諸愚癡凡夫。無有實(14)體以爲第一義。説二見論  復次大慧。汝今諦聽我爲汝説。虚妄分別以(16)爲有物。爲斷三種苦。何等爲三。謂無知愛(17)業因縁滅。自心所見如幻境界。 
大慧。此是過去未來現在(15)一切如來應正等覺。法自性第一義心。以此(16)心成就如來世間出世間最上法。以聖慧眼。(17)入自共相種種安立。  謂不知境(c19)界自分別現。  於自性第一義。見有見無而(c20)起言説。  大慧。我今當説。若了境如幻自心(c21)所現。則滅妄想三有苦及無知愛業縁。 
’di dag ni blo gros chen po ’das pa daṅ | ma ’oṅs pa daṅ | da ltar gyi de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rnams kyi dṅos po’i raṅ bźin daṅ | don dam pa’i sñiṅ po yin te | dṅos po’i (2) raṅ bźin daṅ don dam pa’i sñiṅ po de daṅ ldan pas de bźin gśegs pa rnams ’jig rten pa daṅ ’jig rten las ’das pa’i mchog gi tshes raṅ daṅ spyi’i mtshan ñid du gtoṅs pa’i rnams ’phags pa’i śes rab kyi spyan gyis rnam par ’god de |  ji (3) ltar mu stegs byed pa’i smra ba daṅ | lta ba ṅan pa daṅ thun moṅ du mi ’gyur ba de ltar rnam par ’god do ||  blo gros chen po ji ltar na mu stegs byed pa’i smra ba daṅ | lta ba ṅan pa daṅ thun moṅ ma yin pa yin źe na |  ’di lta ste | blo gros chen po rnam par śes pa rnams gyi bdag gi yul la (4) rnam par rtog pa’i lta ba khoṅ du ma chud pa daṅ |  bdag gi sems snaṅ ba tsam du mi ’jug pas byis pa so so’i skye bo rnams dṅos po daṅ | dṅos po med pa’i raṅ bźin don dam par lta ba gñis su smra bar gyur to ||  blo gros chen po gźan yaṅ mi śes pa daṅ | sred pa daṅ | las kyi rkyen (5) rnam par log pa | rnam par rtog pa | srid pa gsum gyi sdug bsṅal rnam par zlog pa | raṅ gi sems snaṅ ba’i yul sgyu ma rjes su mthoṅ ba bśad par bya’o || 
(16)大慧。此是過去未來現在諸如來應供等正(17)覺性自性第一義心。此心梵音肝栗大*肝栗大宋言心謂如樹木心非念盧(18)心念盧心梵音云質多也以性自性第一義心。成就如來世(19)間出世間出世間上上法。聖慧眼入自共相(20)建立。  如所建立。不與外道論惡見共。  大慧。(21)云何外道論惡見共。  所謂自境界妄想見。不(22)覺識自心所現。分齊不通。  大慧。愚癡凡夫(23)性無性自性第一義作二見論。  復次大慧。(24)妄想三有苦滅。無知愛業縁滅。自心所現幻(25)境。隨見今當説。 
(40) Mahāmati, this is the self-nature, the first principle, the essence, which constitutes the being of the Tathāgatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones of the past, present, and future, whereby, perfecting things of this world and of a world beyond this, they, by means of a noble eye of transcendental wisdom, enter into various phases of existence, individual and general, and establish them.  And what is thus established by them is not to be confused with the erroneous teachings generally held by the philosophers.  Mahāmati, what are these erroneous teachings accepted generally by the philosophers?  [Their error lies in this] that they do not recognise an objective world to be of Mind itself which is erroneously discriminated;  and, not understanding the nature of the Vijñānas which are also no more than manifestations of Mind, like simple-minded ones that they are, they cherish the dualism of being and non-being where there is but [one] self-nature and [one] first principle.  Again, Mahāmati, my teaching consists in the cessation of sufferings arising from the discrimination of the triple world; in the cessation of ignorance, desire, deed, and causality; and in the recognition that an objective world, like a vision, is the manifestation of Mind itself. 
ye kecin mahāmate śramaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā abhūtvā śraddhāhetuphalābhivyaktidravyaṃ ca kālāvasthitaṃ pratyayeṣu ca skandhadhātvāyatanānāmutpādasthitiṃ cecchanti, bhūtvā ca vyayam,  te mahāmate saṃtatikriyotpādabhaṅgabhavanirvāṇamārgakarmaphalasatyavināśocchedavādino bhavanti |  (41*) tat kasya hetor yad idaṃ pratyakṣānupalabdher ādyadarśanābhāvāt |  tadyathā mahāmate ghaṭakapālābhāvo ghaṭakṛtyaṃ na karoti, nāpi dagdhabījamaṅkurakṛtyaṃ karoti,  evam eva mahāmate ye skandhadhātvāyatanabhāvā niruddhā nirudhyante nirotsyante, svacittadṛśyavikalpadarśanāhetutvān nāsti nairantaryapravṛttiḥ || 
大慧。若有沙門婆羅門。欲(26)令無種有種因果現。及事時住。縁陰界入(27)生住。或言生已滅。  大慧。彼若相續若事若生(28)若有若涅槃若道若業若果若諦。破壞斷滅(29)論。  所以者何。以此現前不可得及見始(483c1)非分故。  大慧。譬如破瓶不作瓶事。亦如焦(2)種不作牙事。  如是大慧。若陰界入性。已滅(3)今滅當滅。自心妄想見。無因故彼無次第生。 
blo gros chen po dge sbyoṅ ṅam | bram ze gaṅ la la ma byuṅ ba’am | yod pa rgyu las ’bras bu mṅon pa daṅ | dṅos po (6) yun du gnas pa daṅ | rkyen rnams las phuṅ po daṅ | khams daṅ | skye mched rnams skye ba daṅ | gnas pa daṅ | byuṅ nas kyaṅ ’jig par ’dod de |  blo gros chen po de dag ni rgyun daṅ | bya ba daṅ | skye ba daṅ | srid pa daṅ | mya ṅan las ’das pa daṅ | lam daṅ | las (7) daṅ ’bras bu daṅ | bden pa daṅ rnam par ’jig pa daṅ | chad par lta bar ’gyur te |  de ci’i phyir źe na | mṅon sum daṅ | mi dmigs pas | thog ma mthoṅ ba med pa’i phyir ro ||  blo gros chen po ’di lta ste | gyo mo ni rdza ma med pa las rdza ma’i bya ba mi byed do || sa bon tshig pa’aṅ (71a1) myu gu’i bya ba mi byed  de dad blo gros chen po de bźin du phuṅ po daṅ khams daṅ | skye mched kyi dṅos po de dag ’gags pa daṅ | ’gag pa daṅ | ’gag par ’gyur ba ni bdag ni sems snaṅ ba rnam par rtog pa mthoṅ ba’i rgyu las byuṅ bas de dag ni rgyun mi chad par ’byuṅ ba (2) med do || 
大慧。若有沙門婆羅門。欲(26)令無種有種因果現。及事時住。縁陰界入(27)生住。或言生已滅。  大慧。彼若相續若事若生(28)若有若涅槃若道若業若果若諦。破壞斷滅(29)論。  所以者何。以此現前不可得及見始(483c1)非分故。  大慧。譬如破瓶不作瓶事。亦如焦(2)種不作牙事。  如是大慧。若陰界入性。已滅(3)今滅當滅。自心妄想見。無因故彼無次第生。 
Mahāmati, there are some Brahmans and Sramanas who assume something out of nothing, saying that there exists a substance which is bound up in causation and abides in time, and that the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas have their genesis and continuation in causation and, after thus existing, pass away. 
They are those, Mahāmati, who hold a destructive and nihilistic view concerning such subjects as continuation, activity, rising, breaking-up, existence, Nirvāṇa, the path, karma, fruition, and truth.  (41) Why? Because they have not attained an intuitive understanding [of the Truth], because they have no fundamental insight of things.  Mahāmati, it is like a jar broken in pieces which is unable to function as a jar; again, it is like a burnt seed which is incapable of sprouting.  Even so, Mahāmati, their Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas which they regard as subject to changes are really incapable of uninterrupted transformation because their views do not originate from the perception of an objective world as a manifestation of Mind itself which is erroneously discriminated. 
yadi punar mahāmate abhūtvā śraddhāvijñānānāṃ trisaṃgatipratyayakriyāyogena_ utpattir abhaviṣyat, asatām api mahāmate kūrmaromnām utpattir abhaviṣyat, sikatābhyo vā tailasya |  pratijñāhānir niyamanirodhaś ca mahāmate prasajyate,  kriyākarmakaraṇavaiyarthyaṃ ca sadasato bruvataḥ |  teṣām api mahāmate trisaṃgatipratyayakriyāyogenopadeśo vidyate hetuphalasvalakṣaṇatayā atītānāgatapratyutpannāsatsallakṣaṇāstitāṃ yuktyāgamais  tarkabhūmau vartamānāḥ svadṛṣṭidoṣavāsanatayā nirdekṣyanti |  evam eva mahāmate bālapṛthagjanāḥ kudṛṣṭidaṣṭā viṣamamatayo ’jñaiḥ praṇītaṃ sarvapraṇītam iti vakṣyanti || 
(4)大慧。若復説無種有種識三縁合生者。龜(5)應生毛。沙應出油。  汝宗則壞。違決定義。  (6)有種無種説有如是過。所作事業悉空無(7)義。  大慧。彼諸外道説有三縁合生者。所(8)作方便因果自相。過去未來現在有種無種(9)相。  從本已來成事相承覺想地轉。自見過(10)習氣。  作如是説。如是大慧。愚癡凡夫惡見(11)所11害。邪曲迷醉。無智妄稱一切智説。 
blo gros chen po gal te ma byuṅ ba’am | yod pa las rnam par śes pa rnam gsum phrad pa’i rkyen gyi byed pa ldan pa las ’byuṅ du zin na ni blo gros chen po ru sbal gyi spu lta bu med pa rnams daṅ | bye ma las kyaṅ ’bru mar ’byuṅ bar ’gyur ro ||  yod pa daṅ med pa (3) las ’byuṅ bar smra ba las dam bcas pa ñams pa daṅ | ṅes pa las ’gal ba daṅ |  bya ba daṅ las daṅ byed pa don med par yaṅ ’gyur ro ||  blo gros chen po de dag la yaṅ gsum phrad pa’i rkyen gyi byed pa daṅ ldan pas rgyu daṅ ’bras bu daṅ | raṅ gi mtshan ñid du ston pa yod de | ’das (4) pa daṅ | ma ’oṅs pa daṅ | da ltar byuṅ ba’i yod pa daṅ | 
(4)大慧。若復説無種有種識三縁合生者。龜(5)應生毛。沙應出油。  汝宗則壞。違決定義。  (6)有種無種説有如是過。所作事業悉空無(7)義。  大慧。彼諸外道説有三縁合生者。所(8)作方便因果自相。過去未來現在有種無種(9)相。  從本已來成事相承覺想地轉。自見過(10)習氣。  作如是説。如是大慧。愚癡凡夫惡見(11)所11害。邪曲迷醉。無智妄稱一切智説。 
If again, Mahāmati, something comes out of nothing and there is the rise of the Vijñānas by reason of a combination of the three effect-producing causes, we can say the same of a non-existing thing, that a tortoise would grow hair and sands produce oil.  [As this is impossible] this proposition does not avail, it ends in affirming nothing.  And, Mahāmati, it follows that deed, work, and cause [of which they speak] will be of no use, and so also with their reference to being and non-being.  Mahāmati, when they argue that there is a combination of the three effect-producing causes, they do this by the principle of cause and effect [which is to say, by the principle that something comes out of something and not of nothing]; and thus there are [such things as] past, present, and future, and being and non-being.  As long as they remain on their philosophic ground, their demonstration will be by means of their logic and text-books, for the memory of erroneous intellection will ever cling to them.33   Thus, Mahāmati, simple-minded ones, poisoned by an erroneous view, declare the incorrect way of thinking taught by the ignorant to be the one presented by the All-Knowing One. 
ye punar anye mahāmate śramaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā niḥsva(42*)bhāvaghanālātacakragandharvanagarānutpādamāyāmarīcyudakacandrasvapnasvabhāvabāhyacittadṛśyavikalpānādikālaprapañcadarśanena svacittavikalpapratyayavinivṛttirahitāḥ parikalpitābhidhānalakṣyalakṣaṇābhidheyarahitā dehabhogapratiṣṭhāsamālayavijñānaviṣayagrāhyagrāhakavisaṃyuktaṃ nirābhāsagocaramutpādasthitibhaṅgavarjyaṃ svacittotpādānugataṃ vibhāvayiṣyanti  na cirāt te mahāmate bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ saṃsāranirvāṇasamatāprāptā bhaviṣyanti |  mahākaruṇopāyakauśalyānābhogagatena mahāmate prayogena sarvasattvamāyāpratibimbasamatayā anārabdhapratyayatayā adhyātmabāhyaviṣayavimuktatayā cittabāhyādarśanatayā animittādhiṣṭhānānugatā anupūrveṇa bhūmikramasamādhiviṣayānugamanatayā traidhātukasvacittatayā adhimuktitaḥ prativibhāvayamānā māyopamasamādhiṃ pratilabhante |  svacittanirābhāsamātrāvatāreṇa prajñāpāramitāvihārānuprāptā utpādakriyāyogavirahitāḥ samādhivajrabimbopamaṃ tathāgatakāyānugataṃ tathatānirmāṇānugataṃ  balābhijñāvaśitākṛpākaruṇopāyamaṇḍitaṃ sarvabuddhakṣetratīrthyāyatanopagataṃ (43*) cittamanomanovijñānarahitaṃ parāvṛttyānuśrayānupūrvakaṃ tathāgatakāyaṃ mahāmate te bodhisattvāḥ (20,1) pratilapsyante |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate bodhisattvairmahāsattvais tathāgatakāyānugamena pratilābhinā skandhadhātvāyatanacittahetupratyayakriyāyogotpādasthitibhaṅgavikalpaprapañcarahitair bhavitavyaṃ cittamātrānusāribhiḥ || 
大慧。(12)若復諸餘沙門婆羅門。見離自性浮雲火輪(13)揵闥婆城。無生幻焔水月及夢。内外心現妄(14)想。無始虚僞不離自心。妄想因縁滅盡。離(15)妄想説所説觀所觀。受用建立身之藏識。於(16)識境界攝受及攝受者不相應。無所有境界(17)離生住滅。自心起隨入分別。  大慧。彼菩薩(18)不久當得生死涅槃平等。  大悲巧方便無開(19)發方便。大慧。彼一切衆生界皆悉如幻。不(20)勤因縁遠離内外境界。心外無所見。次第(21)隨入無相處。次第隨入從地至地三昧境(22)界。解三界如幻。分別觀察。當得如幻三昧。  (23)度自心現無所有。得住般若波羅蜜。捨離(24)彼生所作方便。金剛喩三摩提隨入如來身。(25)隨入如如化。  神通自在慈悲方便具足莊嚴(26)等入一切佛刹外道入處。離心意意識。  是菩(27)薩漸次轉身得如來身。大慧。是故欲得如(28)來隨入身者。當遠離陰界入心因縁所作(29)方便生住滅妄想虚僞。唯心直進。 
大慧。(12)若復諸餘沙門婆羅門。見離自性浮雲火輪(13)揵闥婆城。無生幻焔水月及夢。内外心現妄(14)想。無始虚僞不離自心。妄想因縁滅盡。離(15)妄想説所説觀所觀。受用建立身之藏識。於(16)識境界攝受及攝受者不相應。無所有境界(17)離生住滅。自心起隨入分別。  大慧。彼菩薩(18)不久當得生死涅槃平等。  大悲巧方便無開(19)發方便。大慧。彼一切衆生界皆悉如幻。不(20)勤因縁遠離内外境界。心外無所見。次第(21)隨入無相處。次第隨入從地至地三昧境(22)界。解三界如幻。分別觀察。當得如幻三昧。  (23)度自心現無所有。得住般若波羅蜜。捨離(24)彼生所作方便。金剛喩三摩提隨入如來身。(25)隨入如如化。  神通自在慈悲方便具足莊嚴(26)等入一切佛刹外道入處。離心意意識。  是菩(27)薩漸次轉身得如來身。大慧。是故欲得如(28)來隨入身者。當遠離陰界入心因縁所作(29)方便生住滅妄想虚僞。唯心直進。 
Again, Mahāmati, there are some Brahmans and Sramanas who (42) recognising that the external world which is of Mind itself is seen as such owing to the discrimination and false intellection practised since beginningless time, know that the world has no self-nature and has never been born, it is like a cloud, a ring produced by a firebrand, the castle of the Gandharvas, a vision, a mirage, the moon as reflected in the ocean, and a dream; that Mind in itself has nothing to do with discrimination and causation, discourses of imagination, and terms of qualification (lakshya-lakṣana); that body, property, and abode are objectifications of the Ālayavijñāna,34 which is in itself above [the dualism of] subject and object; that the state of imagelessness which is in compliance with the awakening of Mind itself,35 is not affected by such changes as arising, abiding, and destruction. 
The Bodhisattvas-Mahāsattvas, Mahāmati, will before long attain to the understanding that Nirvāṇa and Samsara are one.  Their conduct, Mahāmati, will be in accordance with the effortless exhibition of a great loving heart that ingeniously contrives means [of salvation], knowing that all beings have the nature of being like a vision or a reflection, and that [there is one thing which is] not bound by causation, being beyond the distinction of subject and object; [and further] seeing that there is nothing outside Mind, and in accordance with a position of unconditionality, they will by degrees pass through the various stages of Bodhisattvahood and will experience the various states of Samādhi, and will by virtue of their faith understand that the triple world is of Mind itself, and thus understanding will attain the Samādhi Māyopama.  The Bodhisattvas entering into the state of imagelessness where they see into the truth of Mind-only, arriving at the abode of the Paramitas, and keeping themselves away from the thought of genesis, deed, and discipline, they will attain the Samādhi Vajravimbopama which is in compliance with the Tathāgatakaya and with the transformations of suchness.  After achieving a revulsion in the abode [of the Vijñānas], Mahāmati, they will gradually realise the Tathāgatakaya, which is endowed with the powers, the psychic faculties, self-control, love, compassion, and means; which can enter into all the Buddha-lands and into the sanctuaries of the philosophers; and which is beyond the realm of (43) Citta-mano-Manovijñāna.  Therefore, Mahāmati, these Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas who wish, by following the Tathāgatakaya, to realise it, should exercise themselves, in compliance with the truth of Mind-only, to desist from discriminating and reasoning erroneously on such notions as Skandhas, Dhātus, Āyatanas, thought, causation, deed, discipline, and rising, abiding, and destruction. 
anādikālāprapañcadauṣṭhulyavikalpavāsanahetukaṃ tribhavaṃ paśyato nirābhāsabuddhabhūmyanutpādasmaraṇatayā pratyātmāryadharmagatiṃgataḥ svacittavaśavartī anābhogacaryāgatiṃgato viśvarūpamaṇisadṛśaḥ sūkṣmaiḥ sattvacittānupraveśakair nirmāṇavigrahaiś cittamātrāvadhāraṇatayā bhūmikramānusaṃghau pratiṣṭhāpayati |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena svasiddhāntakuśalena bhavitavyam || 
觀察無始(484a1)虚僞過妄想習氣因三有思惟無所有佛地(2)無生到自覺聖趣。自心自在到無開發行。(3)如隨衆色摩尼。隨入衆生微細之心。而以(4)化身隨心量度。諸地漸次相續建立。  是故(5)大慧。自悉檀善應當修學。 
觀察無始(484a1)虚僞過妄想習氣因三有思惟無所有佛地(2)無生到自覺聖趣。自心自在到無開發行。(3)如隨衆色摩尼。隨入衆生微細之心。而以(4)化身隨心量度。諸地漸次相續建立。  是故(5)大慧。自悉檀善應當修學。 
Perceiving that the triple existence is by reason of the habit-energy of erroneous discrimination and false reasoning that has been going on since beginningless time, and also thinking of the state of Buddhahood which is imageless and unborn, [the Bodhisattva] will become thoroughly conversant with the noble truth of self-realisation, will become a perfect master of his own mind, will conduct himself without effort, will be like a gem reflecting a variety of colours, will be able to assume the body of transformation, will be able to enter into the subtle minds of all beings, and, because of his firm belief in the truth of Mind-only, will, by gradually ascending the stages, become established in Buddhahood. 
Therefore, Mahāmati, let the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva be well disciplined in self-realisation. 
punar api mahāmatir āha - deśayatu me bhagavān cittamanomanovijñānapañcadharmasvabhāvalakṣaṇakusumadharmaparyāyaṃ buddhabodhisattvānuyātaṃ svacittadṛśyagocaravisaṃyojanaṃ sarvabhāṣyayuktitattvalakṣaṇavidāraṇaṃ sarvabuddhapravacanahṛdayaṃ  laṅkāpurigirimalaye nivāsino bodhisattvān ārabhyodadhitaraṃgāla(44*)yavijñānagocaraṃ dharmakāyaṃ tathāgatānugītaṃ prabhāṣasva || 
爾時大慧菩薩復(6)白佛言。世尊。所説心意意識五法自性相。(7)一切諸佛菩薩所行。自心見等所縁境界不(8)和合。  顯示一切説成眞實相。一切佛語心。(9)爲楞伽國摩羅耶山海中住處諸大菩薩。説(10)如來所歎海浪藏識境界法身。 
爾時大慧菩薩復(6)白佛言。世尊。所説心意意識五法自性相。(7)一切諸佛菩薩所行。自心見等所縁境界不(8)和合。  顯示一切説成眞實相。一切佛語心。(9)爲楞伽國摩羅耶山海中住處諸大菩薩。説(10)如來所歎海浪藏識境界法身。 
Then Mahāmati said: Teach me, Blessed One, concerning that most subtle doctrine which explains the Citta, Manas, Manovijñāna, the five Dharmas, the Svabhāvas, and the lakṣanas; which is put in practice by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; which is separated from the state of mind which recognises a world as something outside Mind itself; and which, breaking down all the so-called truths established by words and reasonings, constitutes the essence of the teachings of all the Buddhas. 
Pray teach this assembly headed by the Bodhisattvas gathering on Mount Malaya in the city of Laṅkā; teach them regarding the Dharmakaya which is praised by the Tathāgatas and which is the realm of (44) the Ālayavijñāna which resembles the ocean with its waves. 
atha khalu bhagavān punar eva mahāmatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat - caturbhir mahāmate kāraṇaiś cakṣurvijñānaṃ pravartate |  katamaiś caturbhiḥ? yaduta svacittadṛśyagrahaṇān avabodhato ’nādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyarūpavāsanābhiniveśato vijñānaprakṛtisvabhāvato vicitrarūpalakṣaṇakautūhalataḥ |  ebhir mahāmate caturbhiḥ kāraṇair oghāntarajalasthānīyād ālayavijñānāt pravṛttivijñānataraṃga utpadyate |  yathā mahāmate cakṣurvijñāne,  evaṃ sarvendriyaparamāṇuromakūpeṣu yugapatpravṛttikramaviṣayādarśabimbadarśanavat udadheḥ pavanāhatā iva  mahāmate viṣayapavanacittodadhitaraṃgā avyucchinnahetukriyālakṣaṇā anyonyavinirmuktāḥ karmajātilakṣaṇasuvinibaddharūpasvabhāvānavadhāriṇo mahāmate pañca vijñānakāyāḥ pravartante |  saha tair eva mahāmate pañcabhirvijñānakāyair hetuviṣayaparicchedalakṣaṇāvadhārakaṃ nāma manovijñānaṃ taddhetujaśarīraṃ pravartate |  na ca teṣāṃ tasya caivaṃ bhavati - vayam atrānyonyahetukāḥ svacittadṛśyavikalpābhiniveśapravṛttā iti || 
爾時世尊告(11)大慧菩薩言。四因縁故眼識轉。  何等爲四。(12)謂自心現攝受不覺。無始虚僞過色習氣計(13)著。識性自性欲見種種色相。  大慧。是名四種(14)因縁。水流處藏識轉識浪生。  大慧。如眼識  (15)一切諸根微塵毛孔倶生。隨次境界生亦復(16)如是。譬如明鏡現衆色像。  大慧。猶如猛風(17)吹大海水。外境界風飄蕩心海識浪不斷。(18)因所作相異不異。合業生相深入計著。不(19)能了知色等自性。故五識身轉。  大慧。即彼(20)五識身倶因差別分段相知。當知是意識(21)因。彼身轉。  彼不作是念。我展轉相因。自心(22)現妄想計著轉。 
爾時世尊告(11)大慧菩薩言。四因縁故眼識轉。  何等爲四。(12)謂自心現攝受不覺。無始虚僞過色習氣計(13)著。識性自性欲見種種色相。  大慧。是名四種(14)因縁。水流處藏識轉識浪生。  大慧。如眼識  (15)一切諸根微塵毛孔倶生。隨次境界生亦復(16)如是。譬如明鏡現衆色像。  大慧。猶如猛風(17)吹大海水。外境界風飄蕩心海識浪不斷。(18)因所作相異不異。合業生相深入計著。不(19)能了知色等自性。故五識身轉。  大慧。即彼(20)五識身倶因差別分段相知。當知是意識(21)因。彼身轉。  彼不作是念。我展轉相因。自心(22)現妄想計著轉。 
Then the Blessed One again speaking to Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this: The reasons whereby the eye-consciousness arises are four.  What are they? They are: (1) The clinging to an external world, not knowing that it is of Mind itself; (2) The attaching to form and habit-energy accumulated since beginningless time by false reasoning and erroneous views; (3) The self-nature inherent in the Vijñāna; (4) The eagerness for multiple forms and appearances.  By these four reasons, Mahāmati, the waves of the evolving Vijñānas are stirred on the Ālayavijñāna which resembles the waters of a flood.  The same [can be said of the other sense-consciousnesses] as of the eye-consciousness.  This consciousness arises at once or by degrees in every sense-organ including its atoms and pores of the skin; the sense-field is apprehended like a mirror reflecting objects, like the ocean swept over by a wind.  Mahāmati, similarly the waves of the mind-ocean are stirred uninterruptedly by the wind of objectivity; cause, deed, and appearance condition one another inseparably; the functioning Vijñānas and the original Vijñāna are thus inextricably bound-up together; and because the self-nature of form, etc., is not comprehended, Mahāmati, the system of the five consciousnesses (Vijñānas) comes to function.  Along with this system of the five Vijñānas, there is what is known as Manovijñāna [i.e., the thinking function of consciousness], whereby the objective world is distinguished and individual appearances are distinctly determined, and in this the physical body has its genesis.  But the Manovijñāna and other Vijñānas have no thought that they are mutually conditioned and that they grow out of their attachment to the discrimination which is applied to the projections of Mind itself. 
atha ca anyonyābhinnalakṣaṇasahitāḥ pravartante vijñaptivi(45*)ṣayaparicchede |  tathā ca pravartamānāḥ pravartante yathā samāpannasyāpi yoginaḥ sūkṣmagativāsanāpravṛttā na prajñāyante |  yogināṃ caivaṃ bhavati - nirodhya vijñānāni samāpatsyāmahe iti |  te cāniruddhair eva vijñānaiḥ samāpadyante vāsanābījānirodhād aniruddhāḥ, viṣayapravṛttagrahaṇavaikalyān niruddhāḥ |  evaṃ sūkṣmo mahāmate ālayavijñānagatipracāro yat tathāgataṃ sthāpayitvā bhūmipratiṣṭhitāṃś ca bodhisattvān, na sukaramanyaiḥ śrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyayogayogibhir adhigantuṃ samādhiprajñābalādhānato ’pi vā paricchettum |  anyatra bhūmilakṣaṇaprajñājñānakauśalapadaprabhedaviniścayajinānantakuśalamūlopacayasvacittadṛśyavikalpaprapañcavirahitair vanagahanaguhālayāntargatair mahāmate hīnotkṛṣṭamadhyamayogayogibhir na śakyaṃ svacittavikalpadṛśyadhārād raṣṭranantakṣetrajinābhiṣekavaśitābalābhijñāsamādhayaḥ (21,1) prāptum |  kalyāṇamitrajinapuraskṛtair mahāmate śakyaṃ cittamanovijñānaṃ svacittadṛśyasvabhāvagocaravikalpasaṃsārabhavodadhiṃ karmatṛṣṇājñānahetukaṃ tartum |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate yoginā kalyāṇamitrajinayoge (46*) yogaḥ prārabdhavyaḥ || 
而彼各各壞相倶轉。分別境(23)界分段差別。  謂彼轉如修行者入禪三昧。(24)微細習氣轉。而不覺知  而作是念。識滅然(25)後入禪正受。  實不識滅而入正受。以習氣(26)種子不滅故不滅。以境界轉攝受不具故(27)滅。  大慧。如是微細藏識究竟邊際。除諸如(28)來及住地菩薩。諸聲聞縁覺外道修行所得三(29)昧智慧之力。一切不能測量決了。  餘地相智(484b1)慧巧便。分別決斷句義。最勝無邊善根成熟。(2)離自心現妄想虚僞。宴坐山林下中上修。(3)能見自心妄想流注。無量刹土諸佛灌頂。得(4)自在力神通三昧。  諸善知識佛子眷屬。彼心(5)意意識自心所現自性境界。虚妄之想生死(6)有海。業愛無知。如是等因悉以超度。  是故(7)大慧。諸修行者應當親近最勝知識。 
而彼各各壞相倶轉。分別境(23)界分段差別。  謂彼轉如修行者入禪三昧。(24)微細習氣轉。而不覺知  而作是念。識滅然(25)後入禪正受。  實不識滅而入正受。以習氣(26)種子不滅故不滅。以境界轉攝受不具故(27)滅。  大慧。如是微細藏識究竟邊際。除諸如(28)來及住地菩薩。諸聲聞縁覺外道修行所得三(29)昧智慧之力。一切不能測量決了。  餘地相智(484b1)慧巧便。分別決斷句義。最勝無邊善根成熟。(2)離自心現妄想虚僞。宴坐山林下中上修。(3)能見自心妄想流注。無量刹土諸佛灌頂。得(4)自在力神通三昧。  諸善知識佛子眷屬。彼心(5)意意識自心所現自性境界。虚妄之想生死(6)有海。業愛無知。如是等因悉以超度。  是故(7)大慧。諸修行者應當親近最勝知識。 
Thus the Vijñānas go on functioning mutually related in a most intimate manner and discriminating a world of representations.  (45) As the Vijñānas thus go on functioning [without being conscious of their own doings], so the Yogins while entering upon a state of tranquillisation (Samāpatti) are not aware of the workings of the subtle habit-energy [or memory] within themselves;  for they think that they would enter upon a state of tranquillisation by extinguishing the Vijñānas.  But [in fact] they are in this state without extinguishing the Vijñānas which still subsist because the seeds of habit-energy have not been extinguished; and [what they imagine to be] an extinction is really the non-functioning of the external world to which they are no more attached.  So it is, Mahāmati, with the subtle working of the Ālayavijñāna, which, except for the Tathāgata and those Bodhisattvas who are established on the stages, is not easy to comprehend; [especially] by those who practise the discipline belonging to the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers, even with their powers of Samādhi and transcendental knowledge, it is difficult to distinguish.  Only those who, understanding fully all the aspects of the different stages of Bodhisattvahood by the aid of their transcendental knowledge, acquiring a definite cognition as regards the meaning of the separate propositions, planting roots of goodness in the Buddha-lands that know no limits, and keeping themselves away from the discriminations and false reasonings that arise from recognising an external world which is of Mind itself, would retire into a secluded abode in the forest and devote themselves to the practice of the spiritual discipline, either high, or low, or middling, only those are capable of obtaining an insight into the flowing of Mind itself in a world of discrimination, of being baptised by the Buddhas living in the lands without limits, and of realising the self-control, powers, psychic faculties, and Samādhis.  Surrounded by good friends and the Buddhas, Mahāmati, they are capable of knowing the Citta, Manas, Manovijñāna, which are the discriminating agents of an external world whose self-nature is of Mind itself; they are capable of crossing the ocean of birth and death which arises by reason of deed, desire, and ignorance.  For this reason, Mahāmati, the Yogins ought to exercise themselves in the discipline which has been given them by their good friends and the Buddhas. 
atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyām imā gāthā abhāṣata - 
(46) At that time the Blessed One recited the following verses: 
taraṃgā hy udadher yadvat pavanapratyayeritāḥ |
nṛtyamānāḥ pravartante vyucchedaś ca na vidyate || 2.99 || 
(9)譬如巨海浪 斯由猛風起
(10)洪波鼓冥壑 無有斷絶時 
(9)譬如巨海浪 斯由猛風起
(10)洪波鼓冥壑 無有斷絶時 
99 Like waves that rise on the ocean stirred by the wind, dancing and without interruption, 
ālayaughas tathā nityaṃ viṣayapavaneritaḥ |
citrais taraṃgavijñānair nṛtyamānaḥ pravartate || 2.100 || 
(11)藏識海常住 境界風所動
(12)種種諸識浪 騰躍而轉生 
(11)藏識海常住 境界風所動
(12)種種諸識浪 騰躍而轉生 
100 The Ālaya-ocean in a similar manner is constantly stirred by the winds of objectivity, and is seen dancing about with the Vijñānas which are the waves of multiplicity. 
nīle rakte ’tha lavaṇe śaṅkhe kṣīre ca śārkare |
kaṣāyaiḥ phalapuṣpādyaiḥ kiraṇā yatha bhāskare || 2.101 || 
(13)青赤種種色 珂乳及石蜜
(14)淡味衆華果 日月與光明 
(13)青赤種種色 珂乳及石蜜
(14)淡味衆華果 日月與光明 
101 Dark-blue, red, [and other colours], with salt, conch-shell, milk, honey, fragrance of fruits and flowers, and rays of sunlight; 
na cānyena ca nānanyena taraṃgā hyudadhermatāḥ |
vijñānāni tathā sapta cittena saha saṃyutāḥ || 2.102 || 
(15)非異非不異 海水起波浪
(16)七識亦如是 心倶和合生 
(15)非異非不異 海水起波浪
(16)七識亦如是 心倶和合生 
102 They are neither different nor not-different: the relation is like that between the ocean and its waves. So are the seven Vijñānas joined with the Citta (mind). 
udadheḥ pariṇāmo ’sau taraṃgāṇāṃ vicitratā |
ālayaṃ hi tathā citraṃ vijñānākhyaṃ pravartate || 2.103 || 
(17)譬如海水變 種種波浪轉
(18)七識亦如是 心倶和合生 
(17)譬如海水變 種種波浪轉
(18)七識亦如是 心倶和合生 
103 As the waves in their variety are stirred on the ocean, so in the Ālaya is produced the variety of what is known as the Vijñānas. 
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ lakṣaṇārthaṃ prakalpyate |
abhinnalakṣaṇā hy aṣṭau na lakṣyā na ca lakṣaṇam || 2.104 || 
(19)謂彼藏識處 種種諸識轉
(20)謂以彼意識 思惟諸相義
(21)不壞相有八 無相亦無相 
(19)謂彼藏識處 種種諸識轉
(20)謂以彼意識 思惟諸相義
(21)不壞相有八 無相亦無相 
104 The Citta, Manas, and Vijñānas are discriminated as regards their form; [but in substance] the eight are not to be separated one from another, for there is neither qualified nor qualifying. 
udadheś ca taraṃgāṇāṃ yathā nāsti viśeṣaṇam |
vijñānānāṃ tathā cittaiḥ pariṇāmo na labhyate || 2.105 || 
(22)譬如海波浪 是則無差別
(23)諸識心如是 異亦不可得 
(22)譬如海波浪 是則無差別
(23)諸識心如是 異亦不可得 
105 As there is no distinction between the ocean and its waves, so in the Citta there is no evolution of the Vijñānas. 
cittena cīyate karma manasā ca vicīyate |
vijñānena vijānāti dṛśyaṃ kalpeti pañcabhiḥ || 2.106 || 
(24)心名採集業 意名廣採集
(25)諸識識所識 現等境説五 
(24)心名採集業 意名廣採集
(25)諸識識所識 現等境説五 
106 Karma is accumulated by the Citta, reflected upon by the Manas, and recognised by the Manovijñāna, and the visible world is discriminated by the five Vijñānas. 
(47*) nīlaraktaprakāraṃ hi vijñānaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām |
taraṃgacittasādharmyaṃ vada kasmān mahāmate || 2.107 || 
(27)青赤諸色像 衆生發諸識
(28)如浪種種法 云何唯願説 
(27)青赤諸色像 衆生發諸識
(28)如浪種種法 云何唯願説 
(47) 107 Varieties of colour such as dark-blue, etc., are presented to our Vijñāna. Tell me, Great Muni, how there are these varieties of colour like waves [on the ocean]? 
nīlaraktaprakāraṃ hi taraṃgeṣu na vidyate |
vṛttiś ca varṇyate cittaṃ lakṣaṇārthaṃ hi bāliśān || 2.108 || 
(484c1)青赤諸雜色 波浪悉無有
(2)採集業説心 開悟諸凡夫 
(484c1)青赤諸雜色 波浪悉無有
(2)採集業説心 開悟諸凡夫 
108 There are no such varieties of colour in the waves; it is for the sake of the simple-minded that the Citta is said to be evolving as regards form. 
na tasya vidyate vṛttiḥ svacittaṃ grāhyavarjitam |
grāhye sati hi vai grāhas taraṃgaiḥ saha sādhyate || 2.109 || 
(3)彼業悉無有 自心所攝離
(4)所攝無所攝 與彼波浪同 
(3)彼業悉無有 自心所攝離
(4)所攝無所攝 與彼波浪同 
109 There is no such evolving in the Citta itself, which is beyond comprehension. Where there is comprehension there is that which comprehends as in the case of waves [and ocean]. 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānaṃ vijñānaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām |
tenāsya dṛśyate vṛttis taraṃgaiḥ saha sādṛśā || 2.110 || 
(5)受用建立身 是衆生現識
(6)於彼現諸業 譬如水波浪 
(5)受用建立身 是衆生現識
(6)於彼現諸業 譬如水波浪 
110 Body, property, and abode are presented as such to our Vijñānas, and thus they are seen as evolving in the same way as are the waves. 
udadhis taraṃgabhāvena nṛtyamāno vibhāvyate |
ālayasya tathā vṛttiḥ kasmād buddhyā na gamyate || 2.111 || 
(8)大海波浪性 鼓躍可分別
(9)藏與業如是 何故不覺知 
(8)大海波浪性 鼓躍可分別
(9)藏與業如是 何故不覺知 
111 The ocean is manifestly seen dancing in the state of waveness; how is it that the evolving of the Ālaya is not recognised by the intellect even as the ocean is?36  
bālānāṃ buddhivaikalyād ālayaṃ hy udadhir yathā |
taraṃgavṛttisādharmyaṃ dṛṣṭāntenopanīyate || 2.112 || 
(11)凡夫無智慧 藏識如巨海
(12)業相猶波浪 依彼譬類通 
(11)凡夫無智慧 藏識如巨海
(12)業相猶波浪 依彼譬類通 
112 That the Ālaya is compared to the ocean is [only] for the sake of the discriminating intellect of the ignorant; the likeness of the waves in motion is [only] brought out by way of illustration. 
(22,1) udeti bhāskaro yadvat samahīnottame jine |
tathā tvaṃ lokapradyota tattvaṃ deśesi bāliśān || 2.113 || 
(14)日出光等照 下中上衆生
(15)如來照世間 爲愚説眞實
(14)日出光等照 下中上衆生
(15)如來照世間 爲愚説眞實
113 When the sun rises it shines impartially on people high and low; so thou who art the light of the world shouldst announce the truth (tattvam) to the ignorant. 
(48*) kṛtvā dharmeṣv avasthānaṃ kasmāt tattvaṃ na bhāṣase |
bhāṣase yadi vā tattvaṃ citte tattvaṃ na vidyate || 2.114 || 
(18)若説眞實者 彼心無眞實 
(18)若説眞實者 彼心無眞實 
(48) 114 How is it that in establishing thyself in the Dharma thou announcest not the truth? If the truth is announced by me, the truth is not in the mind.37  
udadher yathā taraṃgā hi darpaṇe supine yathā |
dṛśyanti yugapatkāle tathā cittaṃ svagocare || 2.115 || 
(19)譬如海波浪 鏡中像及夢
(20)一切倶時現 心境界亦然 
(19)譬如海波浪 鏡中像及夢
(20)一切倶時現 心境界亦然 
vaikalyādviṣayāṇāṃ hi kramavṛttyā pravartate |
vijñānena vijānāti manasā manyate punaḥ || 2.116 || 
(21)境界不具故 次第業轉生
(22)識者識所識 意者意謂然 
(21)境界不具故 次第業轉生
(22)識者識所識 意者意謂然 
116 Owing to a deficiency in conditions the evolution [of the Vijñānas] takes place by degrees.39 The function of the Manovijñāna is to recognise and that of the Manas is to reflect upon, 
pañcānāṃ khyāyate dṛśyaṃ kramo nāsti samāhite |
citrācāryo yathā kaścic citrāntevāsiko ’pi vā| 
(23)五則以顯現 無有定次第
(24)譬如工畫師 及與畫弟子 
(23)五則以顯現 無有定次第
(24)譬如工畫師 及與畫弟子 
117 While to the five Vijñānas the actual world presents itself. There is no gradation when one is in a state of collectedness (samāhita).40 Like unto a master of painting or his pupils, 
citrārthe nāmayed raṅgān deśayāmi tathā hy aham || 2.117 ||5
raṅge na vidyate citraṃ na bhūmau na ca bhājane | 
(25)布彩圖衆形 我説亦如是
(26)彩色本無文 非筆亦非素 
(25)布彩圖衆形 我説亦如是
(26)彩色本無文 非筆亦非素 
11841 Who arrange colours to produce a picture, I teach. The picture is not in the colours, nor in the canvas, nor in the plate; 
sattvānāṃ karṣaṇārthāya raṅgaiś citraṃ vikalpyate |
deśanā vyabhicāraṃ ca tattvaṃ hy akṣaravarjitam || 2.118 ||6  
(27)爲悦衆生故 綺錯繢衆像
(28)言説別施行 眞實離名字 
(27)爲悦衆生故 綺錯繢衆像
(28)言説別施行 眞實離名字 
119 In order to make it attractive to all beings, a picture is presented in colours. What one teaches, transgresses; for the truth (tattva) is beyond words. 
kṛtvā dharmeṣv avasthānaṃ tattvaṃ deśemi yoginām |
tattvaṃ pratyātmagatikaṃ kalpyakalpena varjitam | 
(29)分別應初業 修行示眞實
(485a1)眞實自悟處 覺想所覺離 
(29)分別應初業 修行示眞實
(485a1)眞實自悟處 覺想所覺離 
120 Establishing myself in the Dharma, I preach the truth for the Yogins. The truth is the state of self-realisation and is beyond categories of discrimination. 
deśemi jinaputrāṇāṃ neyaṃ bālāna deśanā || 2.119 ||7
vicitrā hi yathā māyā dṛśyate na ca vidyate | 
(2)此爲佛子説 愚者廣分別
(3)種種皆如幻 雖現無眞實 
(2)此爲佛子説 愚者廣分別
(3)種種皆如幻 雖現無眞實 
121 I teach it to the sons of the Victorious; the teaching is not meant for the ignorant. What is seen as multitudinous is a vision which exists not. 
deśanāpi tathā citrā deśyate ’vyabhicāriṇī |
(49*)deśanā hi yad anyasya tad anyasyāpy adeśanā || 2.120 ||8  
(4)如是種種説 隨事別施設
(5)所説非所應 於彼爲非説 
(4)如是種種説 隨事別施設
(5)所説非所應 於彼爲非説 
122 The teaching itself is thus variously given, subject to transgression; (49) the teaching is no teaching whatever if it is not to the point in each case. 
āture āture yadvad bhiṣadragvyaṃ prayacchati |
buddhā hi tadvat sattvānāṃ cittamātraṃ vadanti vai || 2.121 || 
(6)彼彼諸病人 良醫隨處方
(7)如來爲衆生 隨心應量説 
(6)彼彼諸病人 良醫隨處方
(7)如來爲衆生 隨心應量説 
123 According to the nature of a disease the healer gives its medicine; even so the Buddhas teach beings in accordance with their mentalities. 
tārkikāṇām aviṣayaṃ śrāvakāṇāṃ na caiva hi |
yaṃ deśayanti vai nāthāḥ pratyātmagatigocaram || 2.122 || 
(8)妄想非境界 聲聞亦非分
(9)哀愍者所説 自覺之境界 
(8)妄想非境界 聲聞亦非分
(9)哀愍者所説 自覺之境界 
124 This is indeed not a mental realm to be reached by the philosophers and the Śrāvakas; what is taught by the leaders is the realm of self-realisation. 
The Bodhisattva is to Understand the Signification of Mind-only)]punar aparaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvena svacittadṛśyagrāhyagrāhakavikalpagocaraṃ parijñātukāmena saṃgaṇikāsaṃsargamiddhanivaraṇavigatena bhavitavyam | prathamamadhyamapaścād rātrajāgarikāyoganuyuktena bhavitavyam |  kutīrthyaśāstrākhyāyikāśrāvakapratyekabuddhayānalakṣaṇavirahitena ca bhavitavyam |  svacittadṛśyavikalpalakṣaṇagatiṃgatena ca bhavitavyaṃ bodhisattvena mahāsattvena || 
(10)復次大慧。若菩薩摩訶薩欲知自心現量(11)攝受及攝受者妄想境界。當離群聚習俗睡(12)眠。  初中後夜常自覺悟修行方便。當離惡(13)見經論言説及諸聲聞縁覺乘相。  當通達自(14)心現妄想之相。 
(10)復次大慧。若菩薩摩訶薩欲知自心現量(11)攝受及攝受者妄想境界。當離群聚習俗睡(12)眠。  初中後夜常自覺悟修行方便。當離惡(13)見經論言説及諸聲聞縁覺乘相。  當通達自(14)心現妄想之相。 
Further, Mahāmati, if the Bodhisattva should wish to understand fully that an external world to be subsumed under categories of discrimination, such as the grasping (subject) and the grasped (object), is of Mind itself, let him be kept away from such hindrances as turmoil, social intercourse, and sleep; 
let him be kept away from the treatises and writings of the philosophers, from things belonging to the vehicles of Śrāvakahood and Pratyekabuddhahood;  let the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva be thoroughly acquainted with objects of discrimination which are to be seen as of Mind itself. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena cittavijñānaprajñālakṣaṇavyavasthāyāṃ sthitvā upariṣṭād āryajñānalakṣaṇatrayayogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ |  tatropariṣṭād āryajñānalakṣaṇatrayaṃ mahāmate katamat? yaduta nirābhāsalakṣaṇaṃ sarvabuddhasvapraṇidhānādhiṣṭhānalakṣaṇaṃ pratyātmāryajñānagatilakṣaṇaṃ (23,1) ca |  yāny adhi(50*)gamya yogī khañjagardabha iva cittaprajñājñānalakṣaṇaṃ hitvā jinasutāṣṭamīṃ prāpya bhūmiṃ taduttare lakṣaṇatraye yogamāpadyate || 
復次大慧。菩薩摩訶薩建立(15)智慧相住已。於上聖智三相當勤修學。  何(16)等爲聖智三相當勤修學。所謂無所有相。(17)一切諸佛自願處相。自覺聖智究竟之相。  修(18)行得此已。能捨跛驢心慧智相。得最勝子(19)第八之地。則於彼上三相修生。 
復次大慧。菩薩摩訶薩建立(15)智慧相住已。於上聖智三相當勤修學。  何(16)等爲聖智三相當勤修學。所謂無所有相。(17)一切諸佛自願處相。自覺聖智究竟之相。  修(18)行得此已。能捨跛驢心慧智相。得最勝子(19)第八之地。則於彼上三相修生。 
Further, Mahāmati, when the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva establishes himself in the abode where he has gained a thorough understanding of Mind by means of his transcendental knowledge, he should later discipline himself in the cultivation of noble wisdom in its triple aspect. 
What are the three aspects of noble wisdom, Mahāmati, in which he has to discipline himself later? They are: (1) imagelessness; (2) the power added by all the Buddhas by reason of their original vows; and (3) the self-realisation attained by noble wisdom.  Having mastered them, (50) the Yogin should abandon his knowledge of Mind gained by means of transcendental wisdom, which still resembles a lame donkey; and entering upon the eighth stage of Bodhisattvahood, he should further discipline himself in these three aspects of noble wisdom. 
tatra nirābhāsalakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthalakṣaṇaparicayāt pravartate |  adhiṣṭhānalakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate pūrvabuddhasvapraṇidhānādhiṣṭhānataḥ pravartate |  pratyātmāryajñānagatilakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate sarvadharmalakṣaṇānabhiniveśato māyopamasamādhikāyapratilambhād buddhabhūmigatigamanapracārāt pravartate |  etan mahāmate āryāṇāṃ lakṣaṇatrayaṃ yenāryeṇa lakṣatrayeṇa samanvāgatā āryāḥ svapratyātmāryajñānagatigocaram adhigacchanti |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate āryajñānalakṣaṇatrayayogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
大慧。無所(20)有相者。謂聲聞縁覺及外道相彼修習生。  大(21)慧。自願處相者。謂諸先佛自願處修生。  大慧。(22)自覺聖智究竟相者。一切法相無所計著。(23)得如幻三昧身。諸佛地處進趣行生。  大慧。是(24)名聖智三相。若成就此聖智三相者。能到(25)自覺聖智境界。  是故大慧。聖智三相當勤(26)修學。 
大慧。無所(20)有相者。謂聲聞縁覺及外道相彼修習生。  大(21)慧。自願處相者。謂諸先佛自願處修生。  大慧。(22)自覺聖智究竟相者。一切法相無所計著。(23)得如幻三昧身。諸佛地處進趣行生。  大慧。是(24)名聖智三相。若成就此聖智三相者。能到(25)自覺聖智境界。  是故大慧。聖智三相當勤(26)修學。 
Then again, Mahāmati, the aspect of imagelessness comes forth when all things belonging to the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas and philosophers are thoroughly mastered.  Again, Mahāmati, as to the power added, it comes from the original vows made by all the Buddhas.  Again, Mahāmati, as to the self-realisation aspect of noble wisdom, it rises when a Bodhisattva, detaching himself from viewing all things in their phenomenality, realises the Samādhi-body whereby he surveys the world as like unto a vision, and further goes on to the attainment of the Buddha-stage.  Mahāmati, this is the triplicity of the noble life. Furnished with this triplicity, noble ones will attain the state of self-realisation which is the outcome of noble wisdom.  For this reason, Mahāmati, you should cultivate noble wisdom in its triple aspect. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar eva tasyā bodhisattvaparṣadaś cittāśayavicāram ājñāya āryajñānavastupravicayaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ sarvabuddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhito bhagavantaṃ paripṛcchati sma -  deśayatu me bhagavān āryajñānavastupravicayaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyam aṣṭottarapadaśataprabhedāśrayam, yam āśritya tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā bodhisattvānāṃ (51*) mahāsattvānāṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇapatitānāṃ parikalpitasvabhāvagatiprabhedaṃ deśayanti,  yena parikalpitasvabhāvagatiprabhedena suprativibhāgaviddhena pudgaladharmanairātmyapracāraṃ prativiśodhya bhūmiṣu kṛtavidyāḥ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthakaradhyānasamādhisamāpattisukham atikramya tathāgatācintyaviṣayapracāragatipracāraṃ pañcadharmasvabhāvagativinivṛttaṃ tathāgataṃ dharmakāyaṃ prajñājñānasunibaddhadharmaṃ māyāviṣayābhinivṛttaṃ sarvabuddhakṣetratuṣitabhavanākaniṣṭhālayopagaṃ tathāgatakāyaṃ pratilabheran || 
爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩。知大菩薩衆心(27)之所念。名聖智事分別自性經。承一切佛威(28)神之力。而白佛言。  世尊。唯願爲説聖智事(29)分別自性經百八句分別所依。如來應供等(485b1)正覺。依此分別説菩薩摩訶薩入自相共(2)相妄想自性。  以分別説妄想自性故則能(3)善知。周遍觀察人法無我。淨除妄想照明(4)諸地。超越一切聲聞縁覺及諸外道諸禪定(5)樂觀察如來不可思議所行境界。畢定捨(6)離五法自性。諸佛如來法身智慧。善自莊嚴。(7)超幻境界。昇一切佛刹兜率天宮乃至色(8)究竟天宮。逮得如來常住法身。 
爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩。知大菩薩衆心(27)之所念。名聖智事分別自性經。承一切佛威(28)神之力。而白佛言。  世尊。唯願爲説聖智事(29)分別自性經百八句分別所依。如來應供等(485b1)正覺。依此分別説菩薩摩訶薩入自相共(2)相妄想自性。  以分別説妄想自性故則能(3)善知。周遍觀察人法無我。淨除妄想照明(4)諸地。超越一切聲聞縁覺及諸外道諸禪定(5)樂觀察如來不可思議所行境界。畢定捨(6)離五法自性。諸佛如來法身智慧。善自莊嚴。(7)超幻境界。昇一切佛刹兜率天宮乃至色(8)究竟天宮。逮得如來常住法身。 
At that moment, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva knowing what was going on in the minds of the Bodhisattvas who were gathered there, and empowered by the power added to him by all the Buddhas, asked the Blessed One concerning the doctrine known as examining into the reality of noble wisdom. 
Tell me, Blessed One, the doctrine of examining into the reality of noble wisdom, depending on which the one hundred and eight statements are to be distinguished—the doctrine depending on which the Tathāgatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones will analyse and disclose the nature and course of false imagination for the sake of (51) the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas who have fallen into the way of looking at things from their aspects of generality and individuality.  Thus the Bodhisattvas will be instructed in the analysis and thorough examination of false imagination, and thereby they will have the passage purified which leads to the egolessness of things and persons, and get an illumination on the stages of Bodhisattvahood; and, further, going beyond the bliss of the tranquillisations42 belonging to all the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers, will attain the Dharmakaya of the Tathāgata, which belongs to the realm and course of Tathāgatahood transcending thought and in which there is no rising of the five Dharmas. That is to say, they will attain the Tathāgata-body which is the Dharma intimately bound up with the understanding born of transcendental knowledge, and which, entering into the realm of Māyā, reaches all the Buddha-lands, the heavenly mansions of Tuṣita, and the abode of the Akaniṣṭha. 
bhagavān āha - iha mahāmate eke tīrthyātīrthyadṛṣṭayo nāstitvābhiniviṣṭā vikalpabuddhihetukṣayasvabhāvābhāvān nāsti śaśasya viṣāṇaṃ vikalpayanti | yathā śaśaviṣāṇaṃ nāsti, evaṃ sarvadharmāḥ |  anye punar mahāmate bhūtaguṇāṇudravyasaṃsthānasaṃniveśaviśeṣaṃ dṛṣṭvā nāstiśaśaśṛṅgābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭā asti gośṛṅgam iti kalpayanti |  te mahāmate antadvayadṛṣṭipatitāś cittamātrānavadhāritamatayaḥ | svacittadhātuvikalpena te puṣṇanti |  dehabhogapratiṣṭhāgativi(52*)kalpamātre mahāmate śaśaśṛṅgaṃ nāstyastivinivṛttaṃ na kalpayet tathā mahāmate sarvabhāvānāṃ nāstyastivinivṛttaṃ na kalpayitavyam || 
佛告大慧。(9)有一種外道。作無所有妄想計著。覺知因(10)盡。兔無角想。如兔無角一佛法亦復如(11)是。  大慧。復有餘外道。見種・求那・極微・陀(12)羅驃・形處・横法各各差別。見已計著無兔(13)角横法。作牛有角想。  大慧。彼墮二見不(14)解心量。自心境界妄想増長。  身受用建立妄(15)想限量。大慧。一切法性亦復如是。離有無(16)不應作想。 
佛告大慧。(9)有一種外道。作無所有妄想計著。覺知因(10)盡。兔無角想。如兔無角一佛法亦復如(11)是。  大慧。復有餘外道。見種・求那・極微・陀(12)羅驃・形處・横法各各差別。見已計著無兔(13)角横法。作牛有角想。  大慧。彼墮二見不(14)解心量。自心境界妄想増長。  身受用建立妄(15)想限量。大慧。一切法性亦復如是。離有無(16)不應作想。 
Said the Blessed One: Mahāmati, there are some philosophers who are addicted to negativism, according to whose philosophical view the non-existence of the hare's horns is ascertained by means of the discriminating intellect which affirms that the self-nature of things ceases to exist with the destruction of their causes; and they say that all things are non-existent just like the hare's horns. 
Again, Mahāmati, there are others who, seeing distinctions existing in things as regards the elements, qualities, atoms, substances, formations, and positions, and, attached to the notion that the hare's horns are non-existent, assert that the bull has horns.  There are, Mahāmati, those who have fallen into the dualistic way of thinking, being unable to comprehend the truth of Mind-only; they desire to discriminate a world which is of Mind itself.  Mahāmati, body, property, and abode have their existence only when measured in discrimination. (52) The hare's horns neither are nor are not; no discrimination is to be made about them. So it is, Mahāmati, with all things, of which neither being nor non-being can be predicated; have no discrimination about them! 
ye punar mahāmate nāstyastivinivṛttā nāsti śaśaśṛṅgaṃ na kalpayanti, tair anyonyāpekṣahetutvān nāsti śaśaviṣāṇam iti na kalpayitavyam |  āparamāṇupravicayād vastvanupalabdhabhāvān mahāmate āryajñānagocaravinivṛttam asti gośṛṅgam iti na kalpayitavyam || 
大慧。若復離有無而作兔無(17)角想。是名邪想。彼因待觀故兔無角不應(18)作想。  乃至微塵分別事性悉不可得。大慧聖(19)境界離。不應作牛有角想。 
大慧。若復離有無而作兔無(17)角想。是名邪想。彼因待觀故兔無角不應(18)作想。  乃至微塵分別事性悉不可得。大慧聖(19)境界離。不應作牛有角想。 
Again, Mahāmati, those who have gone beyond being and non-being, no more cherish the thought that the hare has no horns; for they never think that the hare has no horns because of mutual reference,  nor do they think that the bull has horns because no ultimate substance is to be obtained however minutely the analysis of the horns may go on even to the subtlest particle known as atom: [that is,] the state in which noble wisdom is realised is beyond being and non-being. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat - nanu bhagavan vikalpasyāpravṛttilakṣaṇaṃ dṛṣṭvā anumimīmahe vikalpāpravṛttyapekṣaṃ tasya nāstitvam |  bhagavān āha - na hi mahāmate vikalpāpravṛttyapekṣaṃ tasya nāstitvam |  tat kasya hetoḥ? vikalpasya tatpravṛttihetutvāt |  tadviṣāṇāśrayapravṛtto hi mahāmate vikalpaḥ |  yasmād viṣāṇāśrayapravṛtto mahāmate vikalpaḥ, tasmād āśrayahetutvād cānyānanyavivarjitatvān na hi tadapekṣaṃ nāstitvaṃ śaśaviṣāṇasya |  (24,1) yadi punar mahāmate vikalpo ’nyaḥ syāc chaśavi(53*)ṣāṇād aviṣāṇahetukaḥ syāt |  athānanyaḥ syāt,  taddhetukatvād āparamāṇupravicayānupalabdher viṣāṇād ananyatvāt tadabhāvaḥ syāt |  tadubhayabhāvābhāvāt kasya kimapekṣya nāstitvaṃ bhavati?  atha na bhavati mahāmate apekṣya nāstitvaṃ śaśaviṣāṇasya astitvam apekṣya nāstitvaṃ śaśaviṣāṇaṃ na kalpayitavyaṃ viṣamahetutvān mahāmate nāstyastitvam siddhir na bhavati nāstyastitvavādinām | 
爾時大慧菩薩(20)摩訶薩白佛言。世尊。得無妄想者。見不生(21)想已。隨比思量觀察不生妄想言無耶。  佛(22)告大慧。非觀察不生妄想言無。  所以者何。(23)妄想者。因彼生故。依彼角生妄想。  以依(24)角生妄想。是故言依因。故離異不異。故非(25)觀察不生妄想言無角。  大慧。若復妄想異(26)角者。則不因角生。  若不異者。則因彼故。  乃(27)至微塵分析推求悉不可得。不異角故。  彼(28)亦非性。二倶無性者。何法何故而言無耶。  大(29)慧。若無故無角。觀有故言兔無角者。不(485c1)應作想。大慧。不正因故。而説有無二倶不(2)成。  大慧。復有餘外道見。計著色空事形處(3)横法不能善知虚空分齊。言色離虚空。(4)起分齊見妄想。 
爾時大慧菩薩(20)摩訶薩白佛言。世尊。得無妄想者。見不生(21)想已。隨比思量觀察不生妄想言無耶。  佛(22)告大慧。非觀察不生妄想言無。  所以者何。(23)妄想者。因彼生故。依彼角生妄想。  以依(24)角生妄想。是故言依因。故離異不異。故非(25)觀察不生妄想言無角。  大慧。若復妄想異(26)角者。則不因角生。  若不異者。則因彼故。  乃(27)至微塵分析推求悉不可得。不異角故。  彼(28)亦非性。二倶無性者。何法何故而言無耶。  大(29)慧。若無故無角。觀有故言兔無角者。不(485c1)應作想。大慧。不正因故。而説有無二倶不(2)成。  大慧。復有餘外道見。計著色空事形處(3)横法不能善知虚空分齊。言色離虚空。(4)起分齊見妄想。 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this to the Blessed One: Is it not this way, Blessed One, that, seeing how discrimination takes place, we proceed to refer this to the non-rising of discrimination and infer that the horns exist not?  The Blessed One said: No, indeed, Mahāmati, the non-existence of the horns has no reference to the non-rising of discrimination.  Why is it not so? Because there is discrimination owing to the idea of the horns.  Indeed, depending upon the idea of the horns, Mahāmati, discrimination takes place.  And because of this dependence of discrimination upon the idea of the horns, Mahāmati, and because of this relationship of dependence and apart from the anyananya43 relationship, one talks of the non-existence of the hare's horns, surely not because of the reference [to the horns of the bull].  If again, Mahāmati, discrimination is different (anya) from the hare's horns, (53) it will not take place by reason of the horns [and therefore the one is not different from the other];  but if it is not different (ananya), there is a discrimination taking place by reason of the horns [and therefore the one is different from the other].  However minutely the atoms are analysed, no horn [-substance] is obtainable; the notion of the horns itself is not available when thus reasoned.  As neither of them [that is, the bull's nor the hare's] are existent, in reference to what should we talk of non-existence?  Therefore, Mahāmati, the reasoning by reference as regards the non-existence of the hare's horns is of no avail. The non-existence of the hare's horns is asserted in reference to their existence [on the bull; but really a horn itself has no existence from the beginning]; have therefore no discrimination about it! Mahāmati, the dualism of being and non-being as held by the philosophers does not obtain as we see in the reasoning of horns. 
anye punar mahāmate tīrthakaradṛṣṭayo rūpakāraṇasaṃsthānābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭā ākāśabhāvāparicchedakuśalā rūpam ākāśabhāvavigataṃ paricchedaṃ dṛṣṭvā vikalpayanti |  ākāśam eva ca mahāmate rūpam | rūpabhūtānupraveśān mahāmate rūpam evākāśam |  ādheyādhāravyayasthānabhāvena mahāmate rūpākāśakāraṇayoḥ pravibhāgaḥ pratyetavyaḥ |  bhūtāni mahāmate pravartamānāni parasparasvalakṣaṇabhedabhinnāni ākāśe cāpratiṣṭhitāni | na ca teṣv ākāśaṃ nāsti |  evam eva śaśasya viṣāṇaṃ mahāmate goviṣāṇam apekṣya bhavati |  goviṣāṇaṃ punar mahāmate aṇuśo vibhajyamānaṃ punar apy aṇavo vibhajyamānā aṇutvalakṣaṇe nāvatiṣṭhante |  tasya kim apekṣya nāstitvaṃ bhavati? athānyad apekṣya (54*) vastu, tad apy evaṃdharmi || 
大慧。虚空是色。隨入色種。(5)大慧。色是虚空。  持所持處所建立性。色空(6)事分別當知。  大慧。四大種生時自相各別。  亦(7)不住虚空。非彼無虚空。  如是大慧。觀牛(8)有角故兔無角。  大慧。有牛角者*析爲微塵。(9)又分別微塵刹那不住。  彼何所觀故而言(10)無耶。若言觀餘物者。彼法亦然 
大慧。虚空是色。隨入色種。(5)大慧。色是虚空。  持所持處所建立性。色空(6)事分別當知。  大慧。四大種生時自相各別。  亦(7)不住虚空。非彼無虚空。  如是大慧。觀牛(8)有角故兔無角。  大慧。有牛角者*析爲微塵。(9)又分別微塵刹那不住。  彼何所觀故而言(10)無耶。若言觀餘物者。彼法亦然 
Again, Mahāmati, there are other philosophers affected with erroneous views, who are attached to such notions as form, cause, and figure; not fully understanding the nature of space and seeing that space is disjoined from form, they proceed to discriminate about their separate existences. 
But, Mahāmati, space is form, and, Mahāmati, as space penetrates into form, form is space.  To establish the relation of supporting and supported, Mahāmati, there obtains the separation of the two, space and form.  Mahāmati, when the elements begin to evolve [a world] they are distinguishable one from another; they do not abide in space, and space is not non-existent in them.  It is the same with the hare's horns, Mahāmati, whose non-existence is asserted in reference to the bull's horns.  But, Mahāmati, when the bull's horns are analysed to their minutest atoms, which in turn are further analysed, there is after all nothing to be known as atoms.  The non-existence of what, is to be affirmed in reference to what? As to the other things, too, this reasoning from reference (54) does not hold true. 
atha khalu bhagavān punar api mahāmatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat - śaśagośṛṅgākāśarūpapadṛṣṭivikalpavigatena mahāmate bhavitavyam, tadanyaiś ca bodhisattvaiḥ |  svacittadṛśyavikalpānugamamanasā ca mahāmate bhavitavyam | sarvajinasutakṣetramaṇḍale ca tvayā svacittadṛśyayogopadeśaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
(11)爾時世尊告大慧菩薩摩訶薩言。當離兔(12)角牛角虚空形色異見妄想。汝等諸菩薩摩(13)訶薩。  當思惟自心現妄想。隨入爲一切刹(14)土最勝子。以自心現方便而教授之。 
(11)爾時世尊告大慧菩薩摩訶薩言。當離兔(12)角牛角虚空形色異見妄想。汝等諸菩薩摩(13)訶薩。  當思惟自心現妄想。隨入爲一切刹(14)土最勝子。以自心現方便而教授之。 
At that time, again, the Blessed One said this to Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva; Mahāmati, you should discard the views and discriminations that are concerned with the horns of a hare and a bull, with space and form. And also, Mahāmati, let you and other Bodhisattvas  reflect on the nature of discrimination which they have of the Mind itself, and let them go into all the Bodhisattva-lands where they should disclose the way of disciplining themselves in the manifestations of Mind itself. 
atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyām imā gāthā abhāṣata -
dṛśyaṃ na vidyate cittaṃ cittaṃ dṛśyāt pravartate |
devabhogapratiṣṭhānamālayaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām || 2.123 || 
爾時(15)世尊欲重宣此義。而説偈言(16)色等及心無 色等長養心
(17)身・受用・安立 識藏現衆生 
爾時(15)世尊欲重宣此義。而説偈言(16)色等及心無 色等長養心
(17)身・受用・安立 識藏現衆生 
Then at that time the Blessed One recited these verses:
125 The world [as we see it] exists not, pluralities of things rise from the Mind being seen [externally]; body, property, and abode are manifested to us as of the Ālayavijñāna. 
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ svabhāvaṃ dharmapañcakam |
nairātmyaṃ dvitayaṃ śuddhaṃ prabhāṣante vināyakāḥ || 2.124 || 
(18)心意及與識 自性法有五
(19)無我二種淨 廣説者所説 
(18)心意及與識 自性法有五
(19)無我二種淨 廣説者所説 
126 The leaders talk about the Citta, Manas, [Mano-]Vijñāna, the [triple] Svabhāva, the five Dharmas, the twofold egolessness, and purification. 
dīrghahrasvādisaṃbandhamanyonyataḥ pravartate |
astitvasādhakaṃ nāsti asti nāstitvasādhakam || 2.125 || 
(20)長短有無等 展轉互相生
(21)以無故成有 以有故成無 
(20)長短有無等 展轉互相生
(21)以無故成有 以有故成無 
127 Long and short, etc., exist mutually bound up; when existence is asserted, there is non-existence, and where non-existence is asserted, there is existence. 
aṇuśo bhajyamānaṃ hi naiva rūpaṃ vikalpayet |
cittamātraṃ vyavasthānaṃ kudṛṣṭyā na prasīdati || 2.126 || 
(22)微塵分別事 不起色妄想
(23)心量安立處 惡見所不樂 
(22)微塵分別事 不起色妄想
(23)心量安立處 惡見所不樂 
128 Analysed down to atoms, there is indeed no form to be discriminated as such; what can be established is the [truth of] Mind-only, which is not believed by those who cherish erroneous views. 
tārkikāṇām aviṣayaḥ śrāvakāṇāṃ na caiva hi |
(55*) yaṃ deśayanti vai nāthāḥ pratyātmagatigocaram || 2.127 || 
(24)覺想非境界 聲聞亦復然
(25)救世之所説 自覺之境界 
(24)覺想非境界 聲聞亦復然
(25)救世之所説 自覺之境界 
129 This does not belong to the realm of the theoreticians nor to that of the Śrāvaka; (55) the Buddhas disclose the way of self-realisation. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api svacittadṛśyadhārāviśuddhyarthaṃ bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma - kathaṃ bhagavan svacittadṛśyadhārā viśudhyati yugapatkramavṛttyā vā?  bhagavān āha - kramavṛttyā mahāmate svacittadṛśyadhārā viśudhyati na yugapat |  tadyathā mahāmate āmraphalāni kramaśaḥ pacyante na yugapat, evam eva mahāmate svacittadṛśyadhārā sattvānāṃ kramaśo viśudhyati (25,1) na yugapat |  tadyathā mahāmate kumbhakāraḥ kramaśo bhāṇḍāni kurute na yugapat, evam eva mahāmate tathāgataḥ sattvānāṃ svacittadṛśyadhārāṃ kramaśo viśodhayati na yugapat |  tadyathā mahāmate pṛthivyāṃ tṛṇagulmauṣadhivanaspatayaḥ kramavṛttyā virohanti na yugapat, evam eva mahāmate sattvānāṃ tathāgataḥ kramaśaḥ svacittadṛśyadhārāṃ viśodhayati na yugapat |  tadyathā mahāmate hāsyalāsyagītavāditravīṇālekhyayogyāḥ kramaśaḥ pravartante na yugapat, evem eva mahāmate tathāgataḥ sarvasattvānāṃ kramaśaḥ svacittadṛśyadhārāṃ viśodhayati na yugapat |  tadyathā mahāmate darpaṇāntargatāḥ sarvarūpāvabhāsāḥ saṃdṛśyante (56*) nirvikalpā yugapat, evam eva mahāmate svacittadṛśyadhārāṃ yugapat tathāgataḥ sarvasattvānāṃ viśodhayati nirvikalpāṃ nirābhāsagocarām |  tadyathā mahāmate somādityamaṇḍalaṃ yugapatsarvarūpāvabhāsān kiraṇaiḥ prakāśayati, evam eva mahāmate tathāgataḥ svacittadṛśyadauṣṭhulyavāsanāvigatānāṃ sattvānāṃ yugapadacintyajñānajinagocaraviṣayaṃ saṃdarśayati |  tadyathā mahāmate ālayavijñānaṃ svacittadṛśyadehapratiṣṭhābhogaviṣayaṃ yugapad vibhāvayati, evam eva mahāmate niṣyandabuddho yugapatsattvagocaraṃ paripācya ākaniṣṭhabhavanavimānālayayogaṃ yoginām arpayati |  tadyathā mahāmate dharmatābuddho yugapanniṣyandanirmāṇakiraṇair virājate, evam eva mahāmate pratyātmāryagatidharmalakṣaṇaṃ bhāvābhāvakudṛṣṭivinivartanatayā yugapadvirājate || 
(26)爾時大慧菩薩。爲淨自心現流故。復請如(27)來白佛言。世尊。云何淨除一切衆生自心(28)現流。爲頓爲漸耶。  佛告大慧。漸淨非頓。  (29)如菴羅果漸熟非頓如來淨除一切衆生(486a1)自心現流。亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  譬如陶家(2)造作諸器。漸成非頓。如來淨除一切衆生(3)自心現流亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  譬如大地(4)漸生萬物非頓生也。如來淨除一切衆生(5)自心現流。亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  譬如人學(6)音樂書畫種種技術。漸成非頓。如來淨除(7)一切衆生自心現流。亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  (8)譬如明鏡頓現一切無相色像。如來淨除一(9)切衆生自心現流。亦復如是。頓現無相無(10)有所有清淨境界。  如日月輪頓照顯示一(11)切色像。如來爲離自心現習氣過患衆生。亦(12)復如是。頓爲顯示不思議智最勝境界。譬(13)如藏識頓分別知自心現及身安立受用境(14)界。  彼諸依佛亦復如是。依者胡本云津膩謂化佛是眞佛氣分也頓(15)熟衆生所處境界。以修行者安處於彼色究(16)竟天。  譬如法佛所作依佛光明照曜。自覺聖(17)趣亦復如是。彼於法相有性無性惡見妄(18)想。照令除滅。 
(26)爾時大慧菩薩。爲淨自心現流故。復請如(27)來白佛言。世尊。云何淨除一切衆生自心(28)現流。爲頓爲漸耶。  佛告大慧。漸淨非頓。  (29)如菴羅果漸熟非頓如來淨除一切衆生(486a1)自心現流。亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  譬如陶家(2)造作諸器。漸成非頓。如來淨除一切衆生(3)自心現流亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  譬如大地(4)漸生萬物非頓生也。如來淨除一切衆生(5)自心現流。亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  譬如人學(6)音樂書畫種種技術。漸成非頓。如來淨除(7)一切衆生自心現流。亦復如是。漸淨非頓。  (8)譬如明鏡頓現一切無相色像。如來淨除一(9)切衆生自心現流。亦復如是。頓現無相無(10)有所有清淨境界。  如日月輪頓照顯示一(11)切色像。如來爲離自心現習氣過患衆生。亦(12)復如是。頓爲顯示不思議智最勝境界。譬(13)如藏識頓分別知自心現及身安立受用境(14)界。  彼諸依佛亦復如是。依者胡本云津膩謂化佛是眞佛氣分也頓(15)熟衆生所處境界。以修行者安處於彼色究(16)竟天。  譬如法佛所作依佛光明照曜。自覺聖(17)趣亦復如是。彼於法相有性無性惡見妄(18)想。照令除滅。 
At that time again, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva made a request of the Blessed One regarding the purification of the outflow which comes from recognising an objective world which is of Mind itself, saying, How, O Blessed One, is the outflow purified that takes place from recognising an external world which is of Mind itself? Is the purification instantaneous or gradual? 
Replied the Blessed One: The outflow that takes place from recognising an external world which is of Mind itself is gradually purified and not instantaneously.  Mahāmati, it is like the amra fruit which ripens gradually and not instantaneously; in the same way, Mahāmati, the purification of beings44 is gradual and not instantaneous.  Mahāmati, it is like the potter making pots, which is done gradually and not instantaneously; in the same way, Mahāmati, the purification of beings by the Tathāgata is gradual and not instantaneous.  Mahāmati, it is like grass, shrubs, herbs, and trees, that grow up gradually from the earth and not instantaneously; in the same way, Mahāmati, the purification by the Tathāgata of beings is gradual and not instantaneous;  Mahāmati, it is like the mastery of comedy, dancing, singing, music, lute-playing, writing, and [other] arts, which is gained gradually and not instantaneously; in the same way, Mahāmati, the purification by the Tathāgata of all beings is gradual and not instantaneous.  Mahāmati, it is like a mirror indiscriminately and instantaneously reflecting in it forms and images; (56) in the same way, Mahāmati, the purification by the Tathāgata of all beings is instantaneous, who makes them free from discrimination and leads them to the state of imagelessness.  Mahāmati, it is like the sun or the moon revealing all forms instantaneously by illuminating them with its light; in the same way, Mahāmati, the Tathagata, by making all beings discard the habit-energy which issues from the erroneous views they entertain in regard to an external world which is of the Mind, instantaneously reveals to all beings the realm of unthinkable knowledge which belongs to Buddhahood.  It is like the Ālayavijñāna making instantaneously a world of body, property, and abode, which is what is seen of Mind itself; in the same way, Mahāmati, the Niṣyanda-Buddha, instantaneously maturing the mentality of beings, places them in the palatial abode of the Akaniṣṭha mansion where they will become practisers of various spiritual exercises.  Mahāmati, it is like the Dharmatā-Buddha shining forth instantaneously with the rays that issue from the Nishyanda-Nirmāṇa [-Buddha]; in the same way, Mahāmati, the noble truth of self-realisation instantaneously shines out when the false [dualistic] views of existence and non-existence are discarded. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate dharmatāniṣyandabuddhaḥ svasāmānyalakṣaṇapatitāt sarvadharmāt svacittadṛśyavāsanāhetulakṣaṇopanibaddhāt parikalpitasvabhāvābhiniveśahetukānatadātmakavividhamāyāraṅgapuruṣavaicitryābhiniveśānupalabdhito mahāmate deśayati |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvavṛttilakṣaṇaṃ paratantrasvabhāvābhiniveśataḥ pravartate |  tadyathā tṛṇa(57*)kāṣṭhagulmalatāśrayān māyāvidyāpuruṣasaṃyogāt sarvasattvarūpadhāriṇaṃ māyāpuruṣavigrahamabhiniṣpannaikasattvaśarīraṃ vividhakalpavikalpitaṃ khyāyate,  tathā khyāyann api mahāmate tadātmako na bhavati,  evam eva mahāmate paratantrasvabhāve parikalpitasvabhāve vividhavikalpacittavicitralakṣaṇaṃ khyāyate |  vastuparikalpalakṣaṇābhiniveśavāsanāt parikalpayan mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ bhavati |  eṣā mahāmate niṣyandabuddhadeśanā |  dharmatābuddhaḥ punar mahāmate cittasvabhāvalakṣaṇavisaṃyuktāṃ pratyātmāryagatigocaravyavasthāṃ karoti |  nirmitanirmāṇabuddhaḥ punar mahāmate dānaśīladhyānasamādhicitraprajñājñānaskandhadhātvāyatanavimokṣavijñānagatilakṣaṇaprabhedapracāraṃ vyavasthāpayati |  tīrthyadṛṣṭyā ca rūpyasamatikramaṇalakṣaṇaṃ deśayati |  dharmatābuddhaḥ punar mahāmate nirālambaḥ | ālambavigataṃ sarvakriyendriyapramāṇalakṣaṇavinivṛttamaviṣayaṃ bālaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthakarātmakalakṣaṇābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭānām |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate pratyātmāryagativiśeṣalakṣaṇe yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ |  svacittala(58*)kṣaṇadṛśyavinivṛttidṛṣṭinā ca te bhavitavyam || 
復次大慧。(21)計著縁起自性生妄想自性相。  復次大慧。(21)計著縁起自性生妄想自性相。  大慧。如工(22)幻師依草木瓦石作種種幻。起一切衆生(23)若干形色。起種種妄想  彼諸妄想亦無眞實。  (24)如是大慧。依縁起自性。起妄想自性。  種種(25)妄想心種種想行事妄想相計著習氣妄想。(26)大慧。是爲妄想自性相生。  大慧。是名依佛(27)説法。  大慧。法佛者。離心自性相。自覺聖所(28)縁境界建立施作。  大慧。化佛者。説施戒忍精(29)進禪定及心智慧離陰界入解脱識相分別(486b1)觀察建立。  超外道見無色見。  大慧。又法佛(2)者。離攀縁所縁離一切所作根量相滅。非(3)諸凡夫聲聞縁覺外道計著我相所著境界。(4)自覺聖究竟差別相建立。  是故大慧。自覺聖(5)差別相當勤修學。  自心現見應當除滅 
復次大慧。(21)計著縁起自性生妄想自性相。  復次大慧。(21)計著縁起自性生妄想自性相。  大慧。如工(22)幻師依草木瓦石作種種幻。起一切衆生(23)若干形色。起種種妄想  彼諸妄想亦無眞實。  (24)如是大慧。依縁起自性。起妄想自性。  種種(25)妄想心種種想行事妄想相計著習氣妄想。(26)大慧。是爲妄想自性相生。  大慧。是名依佛(27)説法。  大慧。法佛者。離心自性相。自覺聖所(28)縁境界建立施作。  大慧。化佛者。説施戒忍精(29)進禪定及心智慧離陰界入解脱識相分別(486b1)觀察建立。  超外道見無色見。  大慧。又法佛(2)者。離攀縁所縁離一切所作根量相滅。非(3)諸凡夫聲聞縁覺外道計著我相所著境界。(4)自覺聖究竟差別相建立。  是故大慧。自覺聖(5)差別相當勤修學。  自心現見應當除滅 
And yet again, Mahāmati, what the Dharmatā-Niṣyanda-Buddha [that is, the Buddha that flows out of the absolute Dharma] teaches is that all things are comprehensible under the aspects of individuality and generality, for they are bound up with causes and conditions of habit-energy which is accumulated by not recognising an external world as of Mind itself; that by reason of clinging to these false imaginations there is multitudinousness of unrealities, which resemble the various scenes and persons created magically and imagined as really in existence. 
Further again, Mahāmati, false imaginations arise from clinging to the notion of relativity.  To illustrate: when the magician depending upon grass, (57) wood, shrubs, and creepers, exercises his art, all beings and forms take shape, magically-created persons are produced, which appear endowed with individuality and material body, and they are variously and fancifully discriminated.  While they are thus manifesting themselves, Mahāmati, there is no substantiality in them.  Likewise, Mahāmati, based on the notion of relativity the false imagination recognises a variety of appearances which are distinguished by a discriminating mind.  And as their individual appearances are imagined and adhered to, there is habit-energy, and, Mahāmati, so long as the fancying goes on we have here all that is needed to constitute the self-nature of the false imagination.  Mahāmati, this is the discourse of the Niṣyanda Buddha.  Again, Mahāmati, it is the doing of the Dharmatā-Buddha to establish the exalted state of self-realisation which transcends the phenomena of the [empirical] mind.  Again, Mahāmati, what the Nirmita-Nirmana-Buddha [or Buddha of transformation] establishes concerns such matters as charity, morality, meditation, tranquillisation, various forms of transcendental knowledge and of understanding, the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas, emancipation, the Vijñānas, and the ways in which they function, the forms which they take, their distinctions and their performances.  The Buddha discloses against the philosophical views that which surpasses forms.  Again Mahāmati, the Dharmatā-Buddha is unconditioned, free from conditions, has nothing to do with all doings, senses, and measurements, and does not belong to the world of the ignorant, Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers, who are always clinging to the notion of an ego.  For this reason, Mahāmati, you should discipline yourself in the excellent and exalted way leading to self-realisation;  (58) you should keep yourself away from the views that recognise the reality of an external world apart from the Mind itself. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate dvividhaṃ śrāvakayānanayaprabhedalakṣaṇaṃ yaduta pratyātmāryādhigamaviśeṣalakṣaṇaṃ ca bhāvavikalpasvabhāvābhiniveśalakṣaṇaṃ ca |  tatra mahāmate pratyātmāryādhigamaviśeṣalakṣaṇaṃ śrāvakāṇāṃ katamat? yaduta śūnyatānātmaduḥkhānityaviṣayasatyavairāgyopaśamāt skandhadhātvāyatanasvasāmānyalakṣaṇabāhyārthavināśalakṣaṇād yathābhūtaparijñānāc cittaṃ (26,1) samādhīyate |  svacittaṃ samādhāya dhyānavimokṣasamādhimārgaphalasamāpattivimuktivāsanācintyapariṇaticyutivigataṃ pratyātmāryagatilakṣaṇasukhavihāraṃ mahāmate adhigacchanti śrāvakāḥ |  etan mahāmate śrāvakāṇāṃ pratyātmāryagatilakṣaṇam |  etad dhi mahāmate śrāvakāṇāṃ pratyātmāryādhigamavihārasukham adhigamya bodhisattvena mahāsattvena nirodhasukhaṃ samāpattisukhaṃ ca sattvakriyāpekṣayā pūrvasvapraṇidhānābhinirhṛtatayā ca na sākṣātkaraṇīyam |  etan mahāmate śrāvakāṇāṃ pratyātmāryagatilakṣaṇasukhaṃ yatra bodhisattvena mahāsattvena pratyātmāryagatilakṣaṇasukhe na śi(59*)kṣitavyam |  bhāvavikalpasvabhāvābhiniveśaḥ punar mahāmate śrāvakāṇāṃ katamaḥ?  yaduta nīlapītoṣṇadravacalakaṭhināni mahābhūtāny akriyāpravṛttāni svasāmānyalakṣaṇayuktyāgamapramāṇasuvinibaddhāni dṛṣṭvā tatsvabhāvābhiniveśavikalpaḥ pravartate |  etan mahāmate bodhisattvenādhigamya vyāvartayitavyam |  dharmanairātmyalakṣaṇānupraveśatayā pudgalanairātmyalakṣaṇadṛṣṭiṃ nivārya bhūmikramānusaṃghau pratiṣṭhāpayitavyam |  etan mahāmate śrāvakāṇāṃ bhāvavikalpasvabhāvābhiniveśalakṣaṇaṃ yaduktam, idaṃ tatpratyuktam || 
(6)復次大慧。有二種聲聞乘通分別相。謂得自(7)覺聖差別相。及性妄想自性計著相。  云何得(8)自覺聖差別相聲聞。謂無常苦空無我境界。(9)眞諦離欲寂滅。息陰界入自共相外不壞相。(10)如實知心得寂止。  心寂止已。禪定解脱三昧(11)道果正受解脱。不離習氣不思議變易死。(12)得自覺聖樂住聲聞。  是名得自覺聖差別相(13)聲聞。  大慧。得自覺聖差別樂住菩薩摩訶薩。(14)非滅門樂正受樂。顧愍衆生及本願不作(15)證。  大慧。是名聲聞得自覺聖差別相樂。菩薩(16)摩訶薩。於彼得自覺聖差別相樂。不應修(17)學。  大慧。云何性妄想自性計著相聲聞。  所謂(18)大種青黄赤白堅濕煖動。非作生自相共相。(19)先勝善説。  見已於彼起自性妄想菩薩摩訶(20)薩於彼應知應捨。  隨入法無我想。滅人(21)無我相見。漸次諸地相續建立。  是名諸聲聞(22)性妄想自性計著相 
(6)復次大慧。有二種聲聞乘通分別相。謂得自(7)覺聖差別相。及性妄想自性計著相。  云何得(8)自覺聖差別相聲聞。謂無常苦空無我境界。(9)眞諦離欲寂滅。息陰界入自共相外不壞相。(10)如實知心得寂止。  心寂止已。禪定解脱三昧(11)道果正受解脱。不離習氣不思議變易死。(12)得自覺聖樂住聲聞。  是名得自覺聖差別相(13)聲聞。  大慧。得自覺聖差別樂住菩薩摩訶薩。(14)非滅門樂正受樂。顧愍衆生及本願不作(15)證。  大慧。是名聲聞得自覺聖差別相樂。菩薩(16)摩訶薩。於彼得自覺聖差別相樂。不應修(17)學。  大慧。云何性妄想自性計著相聲聞。  所謂(18)大種青黄赤白堅濕煖動。非作生自相共相。(19)先勝善説。  見已於彼起自性妄想菩薩摩訶(20)薩於彼應知應捨。  隨入法無我想。滅人(21)無我相見。漸次諸地相續建立。  是名諸聲聞(22)性妄想自性計著相 
Further again, Mahāmati, in the life of the Śrāvaka-vehicle, there are two aspects to be distinguished, namely, the excellent and exalted state of self-realisation, and the attachment to the notion of self-nature arising from discrimination. 
What is the excellent, exalted state of self-realisation belonging to the Śrāvakas? This is a state of mental concentration which is attained when one realises states of emptiness, egolessness, suffering, and impermanence, and the truth that is free from passions and is ever serene; when one annihilates notions belonging to the externality of things, such as the Skandhas, Dhātus, Āyatanas, individuality and generality; and when one has an insight into reality as it is.  Entering upon this state of mental concentration the Śrāvakas will attain the blissful abode of exalted self-realisation in which there is the emancipation belonging to a Dhyāna, the path and fruit of a Samādhi, and the deliverance of a Samāpatti, but in which there is as yet no discarding of habit-energy and no escape from the imperceivable transformation of death.  This, Mahāmati, is the Śrāvaka's exalted state of self-realisation.  Having attained this exalted and blissful condition of self-realisation as realised by the Śrāvakas, Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva may not enjoy by himself the bliss of cessation, the bliss of Samāpatti, but should think compassionately of other beings and keep ever fresh his original vows.  Mahāmati, in whatever exalted and blissful state of self-realisation the Bodhisattva may find himself, he should never exert himself in the exalted and blissful state of self-realisation as attained by the Śrāvakas.  (59) Mahāmati, what is meant by the attachment to the notion of self-nature arising from discrimination?  This attachment takes place when a man, seeing that the elements and the qualities such as blue, yellow, warmth, humidity, motility, and rigidity, have never been created by a creator, yet clings to the notions of individuality and generality in accordance with the measures laid down in books of logic.  Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva, knowing what this is, must abandon it.  Conforming himself to the egolessness of things and holding back the wrong views regarding the egolessness of a person, the Bodhisattva should keep himself on the continuously-ascending journey along the stages.  This is the Śrāvaka's attachment to the notion of self-nature arising from the discrimination of existence. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat -  nityam acintyaṃ ca bhagavatā pratyātmāryagatigocaraṃ paramārthagocaraṃ ca prabhāṣitam |  nanu bhagavaṃs tīrthakarā api nityācintyavādinaḥ kāraṇānām?  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate tīrthakarāṇāṃ kāraṇasya nityācintyatāṃ prāpnoti |  tat kasya hetoḥ? tīrthakarāṇāṃ mahāmate nityācintyaṃ na hetusvalakṣaṇayuktam |  yasya mahāmate nityācintyaṃ na hetusvalakṣaṇayuktam, tatkathaṃ kenābhivyajyate (60*) nityam acintyam iti?  nityācintyavādaḥ punar mahāmate yadi hetusvalakṣaṇayuktaḥ syāt, nityaṃ kāraṇādhīnahetulakṣaṇatvān nityam acintyaṃ na bhavati |  mama tu mahāmate paramārthanityācintyaṃ paramārthalakṣaṇahetuyuktaṃ bhāvābhāvavigataṃ  pratyātmāryādhigamalakṣaṇatvāl lakṣaṇavatparamārthajñānahetutvāc ca hetumadbhāvābhāvavigatatvādakṛtakākāśanirvāṇanirodhadṛṣṭāntasādharmyān nityam |  ata etan mahāmate tīrthakaranityācintyavādatulyaṃ na bhavati |  nityācintyataiveyaṃ mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ pratyātmāryajñānādhigamatathatā |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena nityācintyapratyātmāryajñānādhigamāya yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
(23)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩白佛言。  世尊。世尊所(24)説常及不思議自覺聖趣境界及第一義境(25)界。  世尊。非諸外道所説常不思議因縁耶。  (26)佛告大慧。非諸外道因縁得常不思議。  所(27)以者何。諸外道常不思議。不因自相成。  若(28)常不思議。不因自相成者。何因顯現常不(29)思議  (486c1)復次大慧。不思議若因自相成者。彼則應(2)常。由作者因相。故常不思議不成。  *大慧。(3)我第一義常不思議。第一義因相成。離性非(4)性  得自覺性故有相。第一義智因故有因。(5)離性非性故。譬如無作虚空涅槃滅盡故(6)常。  如是大慧。不同外道常不思議論如是  (7)大慧。此常不思議諸如來自覺聖智所得。  是(8)故常不思議自覺聖智所得。應得修學 
(23)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩白佛言。  世尊。世尊所(24)説常及不思議自覺聖趣境界及第一義境(25)界。  世尊。非諸外道所説常不思議因縁耶。  (26)佛告大慧。非諸外道因縁得常不思議。  所(27)以者何。諸外道常不思議。不因自相成。  若(28)常不思議。不因自相成者。何因顯現常不(29)思議  (486c1)復次大慧。不思議若因自相成者。彼則應(2)常。由作者因相。故常不思議不成。  *大慧。(3)我第一義常不思議。第一義因相成。離性非(4)性  得自覺性故有相。第一義智因故有因。(5)離性非性故。譬如無作虚空涅槃滅盡故(6)常。  如是大慧。不同外道常不思議論如是  (7)大慧。此常不思議諸如來自覺聖智所得。  是(8)故常不思議自覺聖智所得。應得修學 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this to the Blessed One: 
According to the Blessed One's teaching, the eternal-unthinkable is the exalted condition of self-realisation and also of highest reality.  Now, do not the philosophers also talk about the creative agent being the eternal-unthinkable?  The Blessed One replied: No, Mahāmati, the eternal-unthinkable considered by the philosophers to be characteristic of their creator is untenable.  Why? Because, Mahāmati, the eternal-unthinkable as held by the philosophers is not in conformity with the idea of a cause itself.  When, Mahāmati, this eternal-unthinkable is not in conformity with the idea of a cause itself how can this be proved tenable?  (60) Again, Mahāmati, if what is claimed to be the eternal-unthinkable is in conformity with the idea of a cause [which is eternal] in itself, it can be eternal; but since the idea of a creator is based upon that of a [further] cause, it cannot be the eternal-unthinkable.  But, Mahāmati, my highest reality is the eternal-unthinkable since it conforms to the idea of a cause and is beyond existence and non-existence.  Because it is the exalted state of self-realisation it has its own character; because it is the cause of the highest reality it has its causation; because it has nothing to do with existence and non-existence it is no doer; because it is to be classed under the same head as space, Nirvāṇa, and cessation it is eternal.  Therefore, Mahāmati, it is not the same as the eternal-unthinkable of the philosophers;  the eternal-unthinkable of the Tathāgatas is thatness realised by noble wisdom within themselves.  For this reason, Mahāmati, let the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva discipline himself in order to attain by means of noble wisdom the truth of self-realisation which is the eternal-unthinkable. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate nityācintyatā tīrthakarāṇām anityabhāvavilakṣaṇahetutvāt |  na svakṛtahetulakṣaṇaprabhāvitatvān nityam |  yadi punar mahāmate tīrthakarāṇāṃ nityācintyatā kṛtakabhāvābhāvādanityatāṃ dṛṣṭvā anumānabuddhyā nityaṃ samāpyate, tenaiva hetunā mamāpi (61*) mahāmate kṛtakabhāvābhāvādanityatāṃ dṛṣṭvā nityamahetūpadeśāt || 
(9)復次大慧。外道常不思議。無常性異相因故。(10)非自作因相力故常  復次大慧。諸外道常不(11)思議於所作性非性無常見已思量計常。  大(12)慧。我亦以如是因縁所作者性非性。無常(13)見已。自覺聖境界説彼常無因。 
(9)復次大慧。外道常不思議。無常性異相因故。(10)非自作因相力故常  復次大慧。諸外道常不(11)思議於所作性非性無常見已思量計常。  大(12)慧。我亦以如是因縁所作者性非性。無常(13)見已。自覺聖境界説彼常無因。 
Again, further, Mahāmati, the eternal-unthinkable of the philosophers is not characterised with eternality because it has a cause which is not eternal;  what they regard as eternal is not eternal as it is not characterised with the power that can create itself.  If again, Mahāmati, the philosophers prove the eternality of their eternal-unthinkable in contradistinction to the becoming and therefore the non-eternality of things created, Mahāmati, by the same reasoning (61) I can prove that their eternality has no reason to be known as such just because things created are non-eternal owing to their becoming. 
yadi punar mahāmate hetulakṣaṇasaṃyuktaṃ nityācintyatā, tīrthakarāṇāṃ hetubhāvasvalakṣaṇabhāvābhāvāc chaśaviṣāṇatulyā mahāmate nityācintyatā, vāgvikalpamātrā ca mahāmate tīrthakarāṇāṃ prasajyate |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta vāgvikalpamātraṃ hi mahāmate śaśaviṣāṇaṃ svahetulakṣaṇābhāvāt |  mama tu mahāmate nityācintyatā pratyātmāryādhigamalakṣaṇahetutvāt kṛtakabhāvābhāvavarjitatvān nityam,  (27,1) na bāhyabhāvābhāvanityānityānupramāṇān nityam |  yasya punar mahāmate bāhyābhāvān nityānumānān nityācintyatvān nityam, tasyā nityācintyatāyāḥ svahetulakṣaṇaṃ na jānīte |  pratyātmādhigamāryajñānagocaralakṣaṇaṃ bahirdhā te mahāmate asaṃkathyāḥ || 
大慧。若復諸(14)外道因相成常不思議。因自相性非性。同於(15)兔角。此常不思議但言説妄想。諸外道輩有(16)如是過。  所以者何。謂但言説妄想同於兔(17)角。自因相非分。  大慧。我常不思議。因自覺(18)得相故。離所作性非性故常。非外性非性(19)無常思量計常。  大慧。若復外性非性無常。思(20)量計常不思議常。  而彼不知常不思議自因(21)之相。  去得自覺聖智境界相遠。彼不應説。 
大慧。若復諸(14)外道因相成常不思議。因自相性非性。同於(15)兔角。此常不思議但言説妄想。諸外道輩有(16)如是過。  所以者何。謂但言説妄想同於兔(17)角。自因相非分。  大慧。我常不思議。因自覺(18)得相故。離所作性非性故常。非外性非性(19)無常思量計常。  大慧。若復外性非性無常。思(20)量計常不思議常。  而彼不知常不思議自因(21)之相。  去得自覺聖智境界相遠。彼不應説。 
If again, Mahāmati, the eternal-unthinkable of the philosophers is in conformity with the idea of a cause, what they regard as characteristic of a cause is a non-entity like the horns of a hare; and, Mahāmati, their eternal-unthinkable is no more than a verbal discrimination, in which, Mahāmati, the philosophers' fault consists.  Why? Because, Mahāmati, mere verbal discriminations are, indeed, the hare's horns, on account of their having no characteristic of a self-cause.  Mahāmati, moreover, my eternal-unthinkable is really eternal because it finds its cause in the exalted state of self-realisation, and because it has nothing to do with a creator, with being and non-being.  Its eternality is not derived from the reasoning which is based upon the external notion of being and non-being, of eternity and non-eternity.  If the eternal-unthinkable is eternal in consideration of the non-existence and eternality of external things, we can say of this kind of the eternal-unthinkable that the philosophers do not know what is meant by characteristically self-caused.  As they are outside the state of self-realisation attainable by noble wisdom, Mahāmati, their discourse is not to the point. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate saṃsāravikalpaduḥkhabhayabhītā nirvāṇam anveṣante |  saṃsāranirvāṇayor aviśeṣajñāḥ sarvabhāvavikalpābhāvād indriyāṇām anāgataviṣayoparamāc ca mahāmate (62*) nirvāṇaṃ vikalpayanti na pratyātmagativijñānālayaṃ parāvṛttipūrvakaṃ mahāmate |  atas te mahāmate mohapuruṣā yānatrayavādino bhavanti, na cittamātragatinirābhāasavādinaḥ |  atas te mahāmate atītānāgatapratyutpannānāṃ tathāgatānāṃ svacittadṛśyagocarānabhijñā bāhyacittadṛśyagocarābhiniviṣṭāḥ |  te saṃsāragaticakre punar mahāmate caṃkramyante || 
(22)復次大慧。諸聲聞畏生死妄想苦。而求涅槃。(23)不知生死涅槃差別一切性妄想非性。  未來(24)諸根境界休息作涅槃想。非自覺聖智趣藏(25)識轉。  是故凡愚説有三乘。説心量趣無所(26)有。  是故大慧。彼不知過去未來現在諸如來(27)自心現境界。計著外心現境界。  生死輪常轉」 
(22)復次大慧。諸聲聞畏生死妄想苦。而求涅槃。(23)不知生死涅槃差別一切性妄想非性。  未來(24)諸根境界休息作涅槃想。非自覺聖智趣藏(25)識轉。  是故凡愚説有三乘。説心量趣無所(26)有。  是故大慧。彼不知過去未來現在諸如來(27)自心現境界。計著外心現境界。  生死輪常轉」 
Further, Mahāmati, those who, afraid of sufferings arising from the discrimination of birth-and-death, seek for Nirvāṇa, do not know that birth-and-death and Nirvāṇa are not to be separated the one from the other; 
and, seeing that all things subject to discrimination have no reality, imagine that Nirvāṇa consists in the future annihilation of the senses and their fields. (62) They are not aware, Mahāmati, of the fact that Nirvāṇa is the Ālayavijñāna where a revulsion takes place by self-realisation.  Therefore, Mahāmati, those who are stupid talk of the trinity of vehicles and not of the state of Mind-only where there are no images.  Therefore, Mahāmati, those who do not understand the teachings of the Tathāgatas of the past, present, and future, concerning the external world, which is of Mind itself, cling to the notion that there is a world outside what is seen of the Mind  and, Mahāmati, go on rolling themselves along the wheel of birth-and-death. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate anutpannān sarvadharmānatītānāgatapratyutpannās tathāgatā bhāṣante |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta svacittadṛśyabhāvābhāvāt sadasator utpattivirahitatvān mahāmate anutpannāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ |  śaśahayakharoṣṭraviṣāṇatulyā mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ |  bālapṛthagjanābhūtaparikalpitasvabhāvavikalpitatvān mahāmate anutpannāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ |  pratyātmāryajñānagatigocaro hi mahāmate sarvabhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇotpādaḥ, na bālapṛthagjanavikalpadvayagocarasvabhāvaḥ |  dehabhogapratiṣṭhāgatisvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ mahāmate ālayavijñānaṃ grāhyagrāhakalakṣaṇena pravartamānaṃ bālā utpādasthitibhaṅgadṛṣṭidvayapatitāśayā utpādaṃ sarvabhāvānāṃ sadasator vikalpayanti |  (63*) atra te mahāmate yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
(28)復次大慧。一切法不生。是過去未來現在諸(29)如來所説  所以者何。謂自心現性非性。離有(487a1)非有生故。  大慧。一切性不生一切法如兔馬(2)等角。  愚癡凡夫不實妄想自性妄想故。大(3)慧。一切法不生。  自覺聖智趣境界者。一切性(4)自性相不生。非彼愚夫妄想二境界。  自性身(5)財建立趣自性相。大慧。藏識攝所攝相轉。愚(6)夫墮生住滅二見。悕望一切性生。有非有(7)妄想生。  非賢聖也。大慧。於彼應當修學」 
(28)復次大慧。一切法不生。是過去未來現在諸(29)如來所説  所以者何。謂自心現性非性。離有(487a1)非有生故。  大慧。一切性不生一切法如兔馬(2)等角。  愚癡凡夫不實妄想自性妄想故。大(3)慧。一切法不生。  自覺聖智趣境界者。一切性(4)自性相不生。非彼愚夫妄想二境界。  自性身(5)財建立趣自性相。大慧。藏識攝所攝相轉。愚(6)夫墮生住滅二見。悕望一切性生。有非有(7)妄想生。  非賢聖也。大慧。於彼應當修學」 
Further, Mahāmati, according to the teaching of the Tathāgatas of the past, present, and future, all things are unborn. 
Why? Because they have no reality, being manifestations of Mind itself, and, Mahāmati, as they are not born of being and non-being, they are unborn.  Mahāmati, all things are like the horns of the hare, horse, donkey, or camel,  but the ignorant and simple-minded who are given up to their false and erroneous imaginations, discriminate things where they are not; therefore, all things are unborn.  That all things are in their self-nature unborn, Mahāmati, belongs to the realm of self-realisation attained by noble wisdom, and does not belong essentially to the realm of dualistic discrimination cherished by the ignorant and simple-minded.  The self-nature and the characteristic marks of body, property, and abode evolve when the Ālayavijñāna is conceived by the ignorant as grasping and grasped; and then they fall into a dualistic view of existence where they recognise its rise, abiding, and disappearance, cherishing the idea that all things are born and subject to discrimination as to being and non-being.  (63) Therefore, Mahāmati, you should discipline yourself therein [i.e. in self-realisation]. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate pañcābhisamayagotrāṇi |  katamāni pañca? yaduta śrāvakayānābhisamayagotraṃ pratyekabuddhayānābhisamayagotraṃ tathāgatayānābhisamayagotram aniyataikataragotram agotraṃ ca pañcamam |  kathaṃ punar mahāmate śrāvakayānābhisamayagotraṃ pratyetavyam? yaḥ skandhadhātvāyatanasvasāmānyalakṣaṇaparijñānādhigame deśyamāne romāñcitatanur bhavati |  lakṣaṇaparicayajñāne cāsya buddhiḥ praskandati, na pratītyasamutpādāvinirbhāgalakṣaṇaparicaye | idaṃ mahāmate śrāvakayānābhisamayagotram |  yaḥ śrāvakayānābhisamayaṃ dṛṣṭvā ṣaṭpañcamyāṃ bhūmau paryutthānakleśaprahīṇo vāsanakleśāprahīṇo ’cintyācyutigataḥ samyaksiṃhanādaṃ nadati - kṣīṇā me jātiḥ, uṣitaṃ brahmacaryam, ity evamādi nigadya pudgalanairātmyaparicayād yāvan nirvāṇabuddhir bhavati || 
(8)復次大慧。有五無間種性。  云何爲五。謂聲(9)聞乘無間種性。縁覺乘無間種性。如來乘(10)無間種性。不定種性。各別種性。  云何知聲(11)聞乘無間種性。若聞説得陰界入自共相斷(12)知時。擧身毛孔熙怡欣悦。  及樂修相智。不(13)修縁起發悟之相。是名聲聞乘無間種性。  聲(14)聞無間見第八地。起煩惱斷。習氣煩惱不(15)斷。不度不思議變易死。度分段死正師子(16)吼。我生已盡梵行已立。不受後有。如實知(17)修習人無我。乃至得般涅槃覺。 
(8)復次大慧。有五無間種性。  云何爲五。謂聲(9)聞乘無間種性。縁覺乘無間種性。如來乘(10)無間種性。不定種性。各別種性。  云何知聲(11)聞乘無間種性。若聞説得陰界入自共相斷(12)知時。擧身毛孔熙怡欣悦。  及樂修相智。不(13)修縁起發悟之相。是名聲聞乘無間種性。  聲(14)聞無間見第八地。起煩惱斷。習氣煩惱不(15)斷。不度不思議變易死。度分段死正師子(16)吼。我生已盡梵行已立。不受後有。如實知(17)修習人無我。乃至得般涅槃覺。 
Again further, Mahāmati, there are five groups of people, each of whom attains its own [spiritual] insight. 
What are the five? They are: (1) the group of people whose insight belongs to the Śrāvaka-vehicle; (2) the group of people whose insight belongs to the Pratyekabuddha-vehicle; (3) the group of people whose insight belongs to the Tathāgata-vehicle; (4) the group of indefinite character; and (5) the group of people to whom no insight is possible.  Mahāmati, how does one know the group of people whose insight belongs to the Śrāvaka vehicle? There are people the hair of whose body will stand on end when they know and realise the nature of the Skandhas, Dhātus, Āyatanas, and [what is meant by] generality and individuality;  their intellect will leap with joy on knowing and practising what belongs to appearance and not on practising what they know of the uninterrupted chain of causation, —such ones, Mahāmati, are said to be of the group whose insight belongs to the Śrāvaka vehicle.  Having had an insight into their own vehicle, they abide at the fifth or the sixth stage where they do away with the rising of the passions, but not with the habit-energy; they have not yet passed beyond the inconceivable transformation-death, and their lion-roar is, “My life is destroyed, my morality is established, etc."; they will then discipline themselves in the egolessness of persons and finally gain the knowledge of Nirvāṇa. 
anye punar mahāmate ātmasattvajīvapoṣapuruṣapudgalasattvāvabodhān nirvāṇam anveṣante |  anye punar mahāmate kāraṇādhīnān sarvadharmān dṛṣṭvā nirvāṇagatibuddhayo bhavanti |  dharmanairā(64*)tmyadarśanābhāvān nāsti mokṣo mahāmate |  eṣā mahāmate śrāvakayānābhisamayagotrakasyāniryāṇaniryāṇabuddhiḥ |  atra te mahāmate kudṛṣṭivyāvṛttyarthaṃ yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
大慧。各別(18)無間者。我人衆生壽命長養士夫。彼諸衆生(19)作如是覺求般涅槃。  復有異外道説。悉(20)由作者見一切性已。言此是般涅槃。  作如(21)是覺。法無我見非分。彼無解脱。  大慧。此諸(22)聲聞乘無間外道種性。不出出覺。  爲轉彼惡(23)見故應當修學。 
大慧。各別(18)無間者。我人衆生壽命長養士夫。彼諸衆生(19)作如是覺求般涅槃。  復有異外道説。悉(20)由作者見一切性已。言此是般涅槃。  作如(21)是覺。法無我見非分。彼無解脱。  大慧。此諸(22)聲聞乘無間外道種性。不出出覺。  爲轉彼惡(23)見故應當修學。 
Again, Mahāmati, there are others who, believing in such things as ego, being, vital principle, nourisher, supreme spirit, or personal soul, will seek Nirvāṇa in them.  Again, Mahāmati, there are still others who, seeing that all things exist by depending upon causes, will recognise in this the way to Nirvāṇa.  (64) But, Mahāmati, as they have no insight into the egolessness of things, there is no emancipation for them.  This, Mahāmati, is where those of the Śrāvaka-vehicle and the philosophers make the mistake in their insight by regarding non-deliverance as deliverance.  Therefore, Mahāmati, you ought to discipline yourself in order to escape this wrong view. 
(28,1) tatra mahāmate pratyekabuddhayānābhisamayagotrakaḥ, yaḥ pratyekābhisamaye deśyamāne aśruhṛṣṭaromāñcitatanur bhavati |  asaṃsargapratyayād bhāvābhiniveśabahuvividhasvakāyavaicitryarddhivyastayamakaprātihāryadarśane nirdiśyamāne ’nunīyate,  sa pratyekabuddhayānābhisamayagotraka iti viditvā pratyekabuddhayānābhisamayānurūpā kathā karaṇīyā |  etan mahāmate pratyekabuddhayānābhisamayagotrakasya lakṣaṇam || 
大慧。縁覺乘無間種性者。(24)若聞説各別縁無間。擧身毛竪悲泣流涙。  (25)不相近縁。所有不著。種種自身種種神通。(26)若離若合種種變化。聞説是時其心隨入。  若(27)知彼縁覺乘無間種性已。隨順爲説縁覺之(28)乘。  是名縁覺乘無間種性相。 
大慧。縁覺乘無間種性者。(24)若聞説各別縁無間。擧身毛竪悲泣流涙。  (25)不相近縁。所有不著。種種自身種種神通。(26)若離若合種種變化。聞説是時其心隨入。  若(27)知彼縁覺乘無間種性已。隨順爲説縁覺之(28)乘。  是名縁覺乘無間種性相。 
Now, Mahāmati, they belong to the group of the Pratyekabuddha-vehicle who will shed tears and feel the hair of their body stand on end when the Pratyekabuddha's insight is shown to them.  When the teaching to keep themselves away from social relations and entanglements, not to become attached to the external world and its manifold form, to perform miraculous powers by which they can divide their own body and appear double or perform the transformations, is disclosed to them, they are thereby entreated.  Recognising that they are of the group whose insight belong to the Pratyekabuddha-vehicle, their discourses will be in conformity with the insight of the Pratyekabuddha-vehicle.  This, Mahāmati, is the characteristic feature of the group of people whose insight belongs to the Pratyekabuddha-vehicle. 
tatra mahāmate tathāga(65*)tayānābhisamayagotraṃ trividham -  yaduta svabhāvaniḥsvabhāvadharmābhisamayagotram, adhigamasvapratyātmāryābhisamayagotram, bāhyabuddhakṣetraudāryābhisamayagotraṃ ca |  yadā punar mahāmate trayāṇām apy eṣāmanyatame deśyamāne svacittadṛśyadehālabhogapratiṣṭhācintyaviṣaye deśyamāne notrasati na saṃtrasati na saṃtrāsam āpadyate, veditavyam ayaṃ tathāgatayānābhisamayagotraka iti |  etan mahāmate tathāgatayānābhisamayagotrakasya lakṣaṇam || 
大慧。彼如來乘(29)無間種性。有四種。  謂自性法無間種性。離自(487b1)相法無間種性。得自覺聖無間種性。外刹殊(2)勝無間種性。  大慧。若聞此四事一一説時。(3)及説自心現身財建立不思議境界時。心不(4)驚怖者。是名如來乘無間種性相。  大慧。不(5)定種性者。 
大慧。彼如來乘(29)無間種性。有四種。  謂自性法無間種性。離自(487b1)相法無間種性。得自覺聖無間種性。外刹殊(2)勝無間種性。  大慧。若聞此四事一一説時。(3)及説自心現身財建立不思議境界時。心不(4)驚怖者。是名如來乘無間種性相。  大慧。不(5)定種性者。 
Now, Mahāmati, three aspects are distinguishable in the insight belonging to the group of the Tathāgata-vehicle.  They are: (1) an insight whereby one sees into the self-nature of things, which is no self-nature; (2) an exalted insight which is the attainment of self-realisation; and (3) an insight into the immensity of the external Buddha-lands.  When, Mahāmati, these three aspects are disclosed one after another and also when the inconceivable realm of the Ālayavijñāna is disclosed, where body, property, and abode are seen to be the manifestation of Mind itself, a man will not be frightened, nor terrified, nor show any sign of fear; then such a one is to be known as of the group of people whose insight belongs to the Tathāgata-vehicle.  This is, (65) Mahāmati, the characteristic feature of the insight of those who belong to the Tathāgata-vehicle. 
aniyatagotrakaḥ punar mahāmate triṣv apy eteṣu deśyamāneṣu yatrānunīyate tatrānuyojyaḥ syāt |  parikarmabhūmiriyaṃ mahāmate gotravyavasthā |  nirābhāsabhūmyavakramaṇatayā vyavasthā kriyate |  pratyātmālaye tu svakleśavāsanāśuddhasya dharmanairātmyadarśanāt samādhisukhavihāraṃ prāpya śrāvako jinakāyatāṃ pratilapsyate || 
謂説彼三種時。隨説而入隨彼(6)而成。  大慧。此是初治地者。謂種性建立。  爲(7)超入無所有地故作是建立。  彼自覺藏者。(8)自煩惱習淨。見法無我得三昧樂住聲聞。(9)當得如來最勝之身。 
謂説彼三種時。隨説而入隨彼(6)而成。  大慧。此是初治地者。謂種性建立。  爲(7)超入無所有地故作是建立。  彼自覺藏者。(8)自煩惱習淨。見法無我得三昧樂住聲聞。(9)當得如來最勝之身。 
Again, Mahāmati, when these three forms of insight are disclosed to a man, he may thereby be pursuaded to discipline himself in them.  This, Mahāmati, is the stage of preparation for the establishment of his own group.  In order that he may go up to the stage of imagelessness, there is this establishment.  But the Śrāvaka who will purify his own habit-energy of passions by attaining an inner perception into the Ālaya and by seeing into the egolessness of things, will settle himself in the bliss of the Samādhi and finally will attain the body of Tathāgatahood.45  
atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyām imā gāthā abhāṣat -
srotaāpattiphalaṃ caiva sakṛdāgāminas tathā |
anāgāmiphalaṃ caiva arhattvaṃ cittavibhramam || 2.130 || 
須陀槃那果 往來及不還
(12)逮得阿羅漢 是等心惑亂
須陀槃那果 往來及不還
(12)逮得阿羅漢 是等心惑亂
Then the Blessed One recited these verses:
130 The fruit of the Stream-entered, and that of the Once-to-come; the fruit of the Not-to-come and Arhatship— all these are due to mental perturbation. 
triyānamekayānaṃ ca ayānaṃ ca vadāmy aham |
bālānāṃ mandabuddhīnāmāryāṇāṃ ca viviktatām || 2.131 || 
(13)三乘與一乘 非乘我所説
(14)愚夫少智慧 諸聖遠離寂 
(13)三乘與一乘 非乘我所説
(14)愚夫少智慧 諸聖遠離寂 
131 The triple vehicle, the one vehicle, and the no-vehicle, of these I talk, for the sake of the dull-witted, and [also] for the wise, solitude-loving ones. 
dvāraṃ hi paramārthasya vijñaptir dvayavarjitā |
yānatrayavyavasthānaṃ nirābhāse sthite kutaḥ || 2.132 || 
(15)第一義法門 遠離於二教
(16)住於無所有 何建立三乘 
(15)第一義法門 遠離於二教
(16)住於無所有 何建立三乘 
132 The gate of highest reality has nothing to do with the two forms of thought-construction [subject and object]; Where the imageless stands, why should we establish the triple vehicles? 
dhyānāni cāpramāṇāni ārūpyāś ca samādhayaḥ |
saṃjñānirodho nikhilaṃ cittamātre na vidyate || 2.133 || 
(17)諸禪無量等 無色三摩提
(18)受想悉寂滅 亦無有心量 
(17)諸禪無量等 無色三摩提
(18)受想悉寂滅 亦無有心量 
133 The Dhyānas, the immeasurables, and the no-form Samādhis, and the thought-cessation—all these are not at all found in Mind-only. 
tatrecchantikānāṃ punar mahāmate anicchantikatā mokṣaṃ (66*) kena pravartate? yaduta sarvakuśalamūlotsargataś ca sattvān ādikālapraṇidhānataś ca |  tatra sarvakuśalamūlotsargaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta bodhisattvapiṭakanikṣepo ’bhyākhyānaṃ ca naite sūtrāntā vinayamokṣānukūlā iti bruvataḥ sarvakuśalamūlotsargatvān na nirvāyate |  dvitīyaḥ punar mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattva evaṃ bhavapraṇidhānopāyapūrvakatvān nāparinirvṛtaiḥ sarvasattvaiḥ parinirvāsyāmīti tato na parinirvāti |  etan mahāmate aparinirvāṇadharmakāṇāṃ lakṣaṇaṃ yenecchantikagatiṃ samadhigacchanti || 
(19)大慧。彼一闡提非一闡提。世間解脱誰轉。大(20)慧。一闡提有二種。一者捨一切善根。及於(21)無始衆生發願。  云何捨一切善根。謂謗菩(22)薩藏及作惡言。此非隨順修多羅毘尼解(23)脱之説。捨一切善根故不般涅槃。  二者菩(24)薩本自願方便故。非不般涅槃。一切衆生而(25)般涅槃。  大慧。彼般涅槃。是名不般涅槃法相。(26)此亦到一闡提趣。 
(19)大慧。彼一闡提非一闡提。世間解脱誰轉。大(20)慧。一闡提有二種。一者捨一切善根。及於(21)無始衆生發願。  云何捨一切善根。謂謗菩(22)薩藏及作惡言。此非隨順修多羅毘尼解(23)脱之説。捨一切善根故不般涅槃。  二者菩(24)薩本自願方便故。非不般涅槃。一切衆生而(25)般涅槃。  大慧。彼般涅槃。是名不般涅槃法相。(26)此亦到一闡提趣。 
Again, Mahāmati, how is it that the Icchantika46 never awaken the desire for emancipation? (66) Because they have abandoned all the stock of merit, and because they cherish certain vows for all beings since beginningless time. 
What is meant by abandoning all the stock of merit? It refers to [those Buddhists] who have abandoned the Bodhisattva collection [of the canonical texts], making the false accusation that they are not in conformity with the sūtras, the codes of morality, and the emancipation. By this they have forsaken all the stock of merit and will not enter into Nirvāṇa.  Secondly again, Mahāmati, there are Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas who, on account of their original vows made for all beings, saying, “So long as they do not attain Nirvāṇa, I will not attain it myself," keep themselves away from Nirvāṇa.  This, Mahāmati, is the reason of their not entering into Nirvāṇa, and because of this they go on the way of the Icchantika. 
punar api mahāmatir āha - katamo ’tra bhagavan atyantato na parinirvāti?  bhagavān āha - bodhisattvecchantiko ’tra mahāmate ādiparinirvṛtān sarvadharmān viditvā atyantato na parinirvāti |  (29,1) na punaḥ sarvakuśalamūlotsargecchantikaḥ |  sarvakuśalamūlotsargecchantiko hi mahāmate punar api tathāgatādhiṣṭhānāt kadācit karhicit kuśalamūlān vyutthāpayati |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta aparityaktā hi mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ sarvasattvāḥ |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate bodhisattveccha(67*)ntiko na parinirvātīti || 
大慧白佛言。世尊。此中(27)云何畢竟不般涅槃。  佛告大慧。菩薩一闡提(28)者。知一切法本來般涅槃已。畢竟不般涅(29)槃。  而非捨一切善根一闡提也。  大慧。捨一(487c1)切善根一闡提者。復以如來神力故。或時(2)善根生所以者何。  謂如來不捨一切衆生(3)故。  以是故菩薩一闡提不般涅槃。 
大慧白佛言。世尊。此中(27)云何畢竟不般涅槃。  佛告大慧。菩薩一闡提(28)者。知一切法本來般涅槃已。畢竟不般涅(29)槃。  而非捨一切善根一闡提也。  大慧。捨一(487c1)切善根一闡提者。復以如來神力故。或時(2)善根生所以者何。  謂如來不捨一切衆生(3)故。  以是故菩薩一闡提不般涅槃。 
Again, Mahāmati said; Who, Blessed One, would never enter Nirvāṇa?  The Blessed One replied: Knowing that all things are in Nirvana itself from the very beginning, the Bodhisattva-Icchantika would never enter Nirvana.  But those Icchantikas who have forsaken all the stock of merit [finally] do.  Those Icchantikas, Mahāmati, who have forsaken all the stock of merit might some day be influenced by the power of the Tathāgatas and be induced at any moment to foster the stock of merit.  Why? Because, Mahāmati, no beings are left aside by the Tathāgatas.  For this reason, Mahāmati, it is the Bodhisattva-Icchantika (67) who never enters into Nirvāṇa. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena svabhāvalakṣaṇatrayakuśalena bhavitavyam |  tatra mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvo nimittāt pravartate |  kathaṃ punar mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvo nimittāt pravartate? tatra mahāmate paratantrasvabhāvo vastunimittalakṣaṇākāraḥ khyāyate |  tatra mahāmate vastunimittalakṣaṇābhiniveśaḥ punar dviprakāraḥ |  parikalpitasvabhāvaṃ vyavasthāpayanti tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā nāmābhiniveśalakṣaṇena ca nāmavastunimittābhiniveśalakṣaṇena ca |  tatra vastunimittābhiniveśalakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate yaduta adhyātmabāhyadharmābhiniveśaḥ |  nimittalakṣaṇābhiniveśaḥ punar yaduta teṣv eva ādhyātmikabāhyeṣu dharmeṣu svasāmānyalakṣaṇaparijñānāvabodhaḥ |  etan mahāmate dviprakāraṃ parikalpitasvabhāvasya lakṣaṇam |  yad āśrayālambanāt pravartate tat paratantram |  tatra mahāmate pariniṣpannasvabhāvaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta nimittanāmavastulakṣaṇavikalpavirahitaṃ tathatāryajñānagatimanapratyātmāryajñānagatigocaraḥ |  e(68*)ṣa mahāmate pariniṣpannasvabhāvas tathāgatagarbhahṛdayam || 
(4)「復次,大慧!菩薩摩訶薩,當善三自性。  云何三(5)自性?謂妄想自性、緣起自性、成自性。大慧!(6)妄想自性從相生。」  大慧白佛言。世尊。云何(7)妄想自性從相生。佛告大慧。縁起自性事相(8)相行。顯現事相相。計著有二種妄想自性。顯現事相相。  計著有二種妄想自性。  (9)如來、應供、等正覺之所建立,謂名相計著相,(10)及事相計著相。  名相計著相者。謂内外法計(11)著。事相計著相者。  謂即彼如是内外自共相(12)計著。  是名二種妄想自性相。  若依若縁生。是(13)名縁起。云何成自性。謂離名相事相妄想。  (14)聖智所得及自覺聖智趣所行境界。  是名成(15)自性如來藏心。 
(4)「復次,大慧!菩薩摩訶薩,當善三自性。  云何三(5)自性?謂妄想自性、緣起自性、成自性。大慧!(6)妄想自性從相生。」  大慧白佛言。世尊。云何(7)妄想自性從相生。佛告大慧。縁起自性事相(8)相行。顯現事相相。計著有二種妄想自性。顯現事相相。  計著有二種妄想自性。  (9)如來、應供、等正覺之所建立,謂名相計著相,(10)及事相計著相。  名相計著相者。謂内外法計(11)著。事相計著相者。  謂即彼如是内外自共相(12)計著。  是名二種妄想自性相。  若依若縁生。是(13)名縁起。云何成自性。謂離名相事相妄想。  (14)聖智所得及自覺聖智趣所行境界。  是名成(15)自性如來藏心。 
Further, Mahāmati, let the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva be well acquainted with the three kinds of Svabhāva (self-nature). 
[What are the three? They are (1) false discrimination, (2) knowledge of relativity, and (3) perfect knowledge.] Now, Mahāmati, false discrimination rises from form (nimitta).  How, Mahāmati, does it rise from form? In [the consideration of] the relativity aspect of Svabhāva, realities appear in various ways, as having forms, signs, and shapes;  when, Mahāmati, these objects, forms, and signs are adhered to [as real], this adherence takes place in two ways.  The Tathāgatas, Arhats, and Fully-Enlightened Ones thus declare false discrimination to consist in attachment to names and attachment to objects.  By the attachment to names is meant to recognise in these inner and external things the characteristic marks of individuality and generality and to regard them as definitely belonging to the objects.  By the attachment to objects is meant, Mahāmati, to get attached to inner and external things [as realities].  These two modes of attachment, Mahāmati, constitute false discrimination.  The knowledge of the relativity-aspect (paratantra) rises from the separation of subject (asraya) and object (alambana).  Now, Mahāmati, what is perfect knowledge? It is realised when one casts aside the discriminating notions of form, name, reality, and character; it is the inner realisation by noble wisdom.  This (68) perfect knowledge, Mahāmati, is the essence of the Tathāgata-garbha. 
atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyām imāṃ gāthām abhāṣata -
nimittaṃ nāma saṃkalpaḥ svabhāvadvayalakṣaṇam |
samyagjñānaṃ hi tathatā pariniṣpannalakṣaṇam || 2.132 || 
(17)名相覺想 自性二相 
(17)名相覺想 自性二相 
Then the Blessed One recited this verse:
134 Form, Name, and Discrimination [correspond to] the two forms of Svabhāva, and Right Knowledge and Suchness [correspond to] the Perfect Knowledge aspect. 
eṣa mahāmate pañcadharmasvabhāvalakṣaṇapravicayo nāma dharmaparyāyaḥ pratyātmāryajñānagatigocaraḥ, yatra tvayā anyaiś ca bodhisattvaiḥ śikṣitavyam || 
This, Mahāmati, is called the doctrine that examines into the nature of the five Dharmas and the two Svabhāvas (self-nature), and constitutes the state of self-realisation attained by noble wisdom, and in this you and other Bodhisattvas are to discipline yourselves. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena nairātmyadvayalakṣaṇapravicayakuśalena bhavitavyam |  tatra mahāmate kataman nairātmyadvayalakṣaṇam?  yaduta ātmātmīyarahitaskandhadhātvāyatanakadambamajñānakarmatṛṣṇāprabhavaṃ cakṣuṣā rūpādigrahaṇābhiniveśāt pravartamānaṃ vijñānaṃ sarvendriyaiḥ svacittadṛśyabhājanadehālayasvacittavikalpavikalpitaṃ vijñāpayati |  nadībījadīpavāyumeghasadṛśakṣaṇaparaṃparābhedabhinnaṃ capalaṃ vānaramakṣikāsadṛśamacaukṣamacaukṣaviṣayacāryanātho ’nala i(69*)vātṛptam anādikālaprapañcaviṣayavāsanārahitamaraghaṭṭacakrayantracakravatsaṃsārabhavagaticakre vicitradeharūpadhārimāyāvetālayantrapratimaṃ pravartamānaṃ pravartate |  yad atra mahāmate lakṣaṇakauśalajñānam, idam ucyate pudgalanairātmyajñānam || 
復(21)次大慧。菩薩摩訶薩善觀二種無我相。云何(22)二種無我相。  謂人無我及法無我。  云何人無(23)我。謂離我我所。陰界入聚。無知業愛生。眼色(24)等攝受計著生識。一切諸根自心現器身等(25)藏自妄想相。  施設顯示。如河流如種子。如(26)燈如風如雲。刹那展轉壞。躁動如猿猴。樂(27)不淨處如飛蠅。無厭足如風火。無始虚僞(28)習氣因如汲水輪。生死趣有輪。種種身色。(29)幻術神呪機發像起。  善彼相知。是名人無我(30)智。 
復(21)次大慧。菩薩摩訶薩善觀二種無我相。云何(22)二種無我相。  謂人無我及法無我。  云何人無(23)我。謂離我我所。陰界入聚。無知業愛生。眼色(24)等攝受計著生識。一切諸根自心現器身等(25)藏自妄想相。  施設顯示。如河流如種子。如(26)燈如風如雲。刹那展轉壞。躁動如猿猴。樂(27)不淨處如飛蠅。無厭足如風火。無始虚僞(28)習氣因如汲水輪。生死趣有輪。種種身色。(29)幻術神呪機發像起。  善彼相知。是名人無我(30)智。 
Further again, Mahāmati, let the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva have a thorough understanding as to the nature of the twofold egolessness. 
Mahāmati, what is this twofold egolessness? [It is the egolessness of persons and the egolessness of things.  What is meant by egolessness of persons? It means that] in the collection of the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas there is no ego-substance, nor anything belonging to it; the Vijñāna is originated by ignorance, deed, and desire, and keeps up its function by grasping objects by means of the sense-organs, such as the eye, etc., and by clinging to them as real; while a world of objects and bodies is manifested owing to the discrimination that takes place in the world which is of Mind itself, that is, in the Ālayavijñāna.  By reason of the habit-energy stored up by false imagination since beginningless time, this world (vishaya) is subject to change and destruction from moment to moment; it is like a river, a seed, a lamp, wind, a cloud; [while the Vijñāna itself is] like a monkey who is always restless, like a fly who is ever in search of unclean things and defiled places, like a fire (69) which is never satisfied. Again, it is like a water-drawing wheel or a machine, it [i.e., the Vijñāna] goes on rolling the wheel of transmigration, carrying varieties of bodies and forms, resuscitating the dead like the demon Vetala, causing the wooden figures to move about as a magician moves them.  Mahāmati, a thorough understanding concerning these phenomena is called comprehending the egolessness of persons. 
tatra mahāmate dharmanairātmyajñānaṃ katamat? yaduta skandhadhātvāyatanānāṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇasvabhāvāvabodhaḥ |  yathā mahāmate skandhadhātvāyatanānyātmavirahitāni skandhasamūhamātraṃ hetukarmatṛṣṇāsūtropanibaddhamanyonyapratyayatayā pravartate nirīham, tathā skandhā api mahāmate svasāmānyalakṣaṇavirahitā abhūtaparikalpalakṣaṇavicitraprabhāvitā bālair vikalpyante na tvāryaiḥ |  (30,1) cittamanomanovijñānapañcadharmasvabhāvarahitān mahāmate sarvadharmān vibhāvayan bodhisattvo mahāsattvo dharmanairātmyakuśalo bhavati |  dharmanairātmyakuśalaḥ punar mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvo na cirāt prathamāṃ bodhisattvabhūmiṃ nirābhāsapravicayāṃ pratilabhate |  bhūmilakṣaṇapravicayāvabodhāt pramuditānantaramanupūrvaṃ navasu bhūmiṣu kṛtavidyo mahādharmameghā pratilabhate |  sa tasyāṃ pratiṣṭhito (70*) ’nekaratnamuktopaśobhite mahāpadmarāje padmakṛtau mahāratnavimāne māyāsvabhāvagocaraparicayābhinirvṛtte niṣaṇṇaḥ tadanurūpair jinaputraiḥ parivṛtaḥ sarvabuddhakṣetrāgatair buddhapāṇyabhiṣekaiś cakravartiputravad abhiṣicyate |  buddhasutabhūmim atikramya pratyātmāryadharmagatigamanatvāt tathāgato dharmakāyavaśavartī bhaviṣyati dharmanairātmyadarśanāt |  etan mahāmate sarvadharmanairātmyalakṣaṇam |  atra te mahāmate śikṣitavyam, anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvaiḥ || 
云何法無我智。謂覺陰界入妄想相自性。  (488a1)如陰界入離我我所。陰界入積聚。因業愛(2)繩縛。展轉相縁生無動搖。諸法亦爾。離自共(3)相不實妄想相。妄想力是凡夫生。非聖賢(4)也。  心意識五法自性離故。大慧。菩薩摩訶薩。(5)當善分別一切法無我。  善法無我菩薩摩(6)訶薩。不久當得初地菩薩無所有觀地相。  (7)觀察開覺歡喜。次第漸進超九地相。得法(8)雲地。  於彼建立無量寶莊嚴大寶蓮華王像(9)大寶宮殿。幻自性境界修習生。於彼而坐同(10)一像類。諸最勝子眷屬圍繞。從一切佛刹來(11)佛手灌頂。如轉輪聖王太子灌頂。  超佛子(12)地到自覺聖法趣。當得如來自在法身。(13)見法無我故。  是名法無我相。  汝等諸菩薩(14)摩訶薩。應當修學 
云何法無我智。謂覺陰界入妄想相自性。  (488a1)如陰界入離我我所。陰界入積聚。因業愛(2)繩縛。展轉相縁生無動搖。諸法亦爾。離自共(3)相不實妄想相。妄想力是凡夫生。非聖賢(4)也。  心意識五法自性離故。大慧。菩薩摩訶薩。(5)當善分別一切法無我。  善法無我菩薩摩(6)訶薩。不久當得初地菩薩無所有觀地相。  (7)觀察開覺歡喜。次第漸進超九地相。得法(8)雲地。  於彼建立無量寶莊嚴大寶蓮華王像(9)大寶宮殿。幻自性境界修習生。於彼而坐同(10)一像類。諸最勝子眷屬圍繞。從一切佛刹來(11)佛手灌頂。如轉輪聖王太子灌頂。  超佛子(12)地到自覺聖法趣。當得如來自在法身。(13)見法無我故。  是名法無我相。  汝等諸菩薩(14)摩訶薩。應當修學 
Now, Mahāmati, what is meant by the egolessness of things? It is to realise that the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas are characterised with the nature of false discrimination.  Mahāmati, since the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas are destitute of an ego-substance, being no more than an aggregation of the Skandhas, and subject to the conditions of mutual origination which are causally bound up with the string of desire and deed; and since thus there is no creating agent in them, Mahāmati, the Skandhas are even destitute of the marks of individuality and generality; and the ignorant, owing to their erroneous discrimination, imagine here the multiplicity of phenomena; the wise, however, do not.  Recognising, Mahāmati, that all things are devoid of the Citta, Manas, Manovijñāna, the five Dharmas, and the [three] Svabhāvas, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva will well understand what is meant by the egolessness of things.  Again, Mahāmati, when the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva has a good understanding as regards the egolessness of things, before long he will attain the first stage [of Bodhisattvahood] when he gets a definite cognition of the imageless.  When a definite acquisition is obtained regarding the aspect of the stages [of Bodhisattvahood], the Bodhisattva will experience joy, and, gradually and successively going up the scale, will reach the ninth stage where his insight is perfected, and [finally the tenth stage known as] Great Dharmamegha.  Establishing himself here, (70) he will be seated in the great jewel palace known as “Great Lotus Throne" which is in the shape of a lotus and is adorned with various sorts of jewels and pearls; he will then acquire and complete a world of Māyā-nature; surrounded by Bodhisattvas of the same character and anointed like the son of the Cakravarti by the hands of the Buddhas coming from all the Buddha-lands,  he will go beyond the last stage of Bodhisattvahood, attain the noble truth of self-realisation, and become a Tathāgata endowed with the perfect freedom of the Dharmakaya, because of his insight into the egolessness of things.  This, Mahāmati, is what is meant by the egolessness of all things,  and in this you and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas should well exercise yourselves. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  samāropāpavādalakṣaṇaṃ me bhagavān deśayatu yathāhaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvāḥ samāropāpavādakudṛṣṭivarjitamatayaḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyeran |  abhisaṃbudhya śāśvatasamāropāpavādocchedadṛṣṭivivarjitāstava buddhanetrīṃ nāpavadiṣyante || 
(15)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言。  爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言。世尊。建立(16)誹謗相。唯願説之。令我及諸菩薩摩訶薩。(17)離建立誹謗二邊惡見。疾得阿耨多羅三藐(18)三菩提。  覺已離常建立斷誹謗見。不謗正(19)法。 
(15)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言。  爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言。世尊。建立(16)誹謗相。唯願説之。令我及諸菩薩摩訶薩。(17)離建立誹謗二邊惡見。疾得阿耨多羅三藐(18)三菩提。  覺已離常建立斷誹謗見。不謗正(19)法。 
At that time, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this to the Blessed One: 
Pray teach me about making an assertion and refuting it so that I and other Bodhisattvas, getting rid of the erroneous views that may rise from assertion and refutation, may at once realise supreme enlightenment.  Having been enlightened they would keep themselves away from the eternalistic assertions as well as from the nihilistic refutations, and leave your enlightenment eye unrefuted. 
atha khalu bhagavān punar api mahāmater bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyādhyeṣaṇāṃ viditvā imāṃ gāthām abhāṣata - 
Then the Blessed One again, understanding the request of Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva, recited this verse: 
samāropāpavādo hi cittamātre na vidyate |
dehabhogapratiṣṭhābhaṃ ye cittaṃ nābhijānate |
samāropāpavādeṣu te caranty avipaścitaḥ || 2.133 || 
(20)建立及誹謗 無有彼心量
(21)身受用建立 及心不能知
(22)愚癡無智慧 建立及誹謗 
(20)建立及誹謗 無有彼心量
(21)身受用建立 及心不能知
(22)愚癡無智慧 建立及誹謗 
135 Assertions and refutations are not to be found in the Mind-only; the ignorant who understand not that the Mind is [seen in] the form of body, property, and abode, wander about with assertions and refutations. 
(71*) atha khalu bhagavān etam eva gāthārtham uddyotayan punar apy etad avocat - caturvidho mahāmate asatsamāropaḥ |  katamaś caturvidhaḥ? yaduta asallakṣaṇasamāropo ’saddṛṣṭisamāropo ’taddhetusamāropo ’sadbhāvasamāropaḥ |  eṣa hi mahāmate caturvidhaḥ samāropaḥ || 
(23)爾時世尊於此偈義。復重顯示告大慧言。(24)有四種非有有建立。  云何爲四。謂非有相(25)建立。非有見建立。非有因建立。非有性建立。  (26)是名四種建立。 
(23)爾時世尊於此偈義。復重顯示告大慧言。(24)有四種非有有建立。  云何爲四。謂非有相(25)建立。非有見建立。非有因建立。非有性建立。  (26)是名四種建立。 
(71) At that moment the Blessed One said this to elucidate the meaning of this verse: Mahāmati, there are four forms of assertion made concerning things not in existence.  What are the four? (1) The assertion about individual marks that are non-existent; (2) the assertion about philosophical views which are non-existent [i.e., not true]; (3) the assertion about a cause which is non-existent; and (4) the assertion about objects that are non-existent.  These, Mahāmati, are the four assertions. 
apavādaḥ punar mahāmate katamaḥ?  yaduta asyaiva kudṛṣṭisamāropasyānupalabdhipravicayābhāvād apavādo bhavati |  etad dhi mahāmate samāropāpavādasya lakṣaṇam || 
又誹謗者。  謂於彼所立無(27)所得。觀察非分而起誹謗。  是名建立誹謗(28)相。 
又誹謗者。  謂於彼所立無(27)所得。觀察非分而起誹謗。  是名建立誹謗(28)相。 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the refutation?  It means not examining properly, because of ignorance, any assertions based on errors.  This, Mahāmati, is what characterises assertion and refutation. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate asallakṣaṇasamāropasya lakṣaṇaṃ katamat?  yaduta skandhadhātvāyatanānāmasatsvasāmānyalakṣaṇābhiniveśaḥ - idam evam idaṃ nānyatheti |  etad dhi mahāmate asallakṣaṇasamāropasya lakṣaṇam | 
復次大慧。云何非有相建立相。  謂陰界入(29)非有自共相而起計著。此如是。此不異。  (488b1)名非有相建立相。 
復次大慧。云何非有相建立相。  謂陰界入(29)非有自共相而起計著。此如是。此不異。  (488b1)名非有相建立相。 
Further, Mahāmati, what are the characteristics of the assertion made about individual marks that have no existence?  It concerns the marks of individuality and generality in the Skandhas, Dhātus and Āyatanas, which do not really exist; but taking them for realities and getting attached to them, a man may affirm that they are just so and not otherwise.  This, Mahāmati, characterises the assertion of individual marks which are non-existent.47  
eṣa hi mahāmate asallakṣaṇasamāropavikalpo ’nādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavicitravāsanābhiniveśāt pravartate |  etad dhi mahāmate asallakṣaṇasamāropasya lakṣaṇam || 
此非有相建立妄想。無始(2)虚僞過種種習氣計著生。  大慧。非有見建立(3)相者。 
此非有相建立妄想。無始(2)虚僞過種種習氣計著生。  大慧。非有見建立(3)相者。 
This assertion and discrimination, Mahāmati, concerning individual marks that are not existent, rises from one's attachment to the habit-energy which is amassed, since beginningless time, by varieties of erroneous views issuing from false imagination. 
This, Mahāmati, characterises the assertion of individual marks which are non-existent. 
asaddṛṣṭisamāropaḥ punar mahāmate yas teṣv eva skandhadhātvāyataneṣv ātmasattvajīvajantupoṣapuruṣapudgaladṛṣṭisamāropaḥ |  ayam ucyate mahāmate asaddṛṣṭisamāropaḥ || 
若彼如是陰界入我人衆生壽命長養(4)士夫見建立。  是名非有見建立相。大慧。非有(5)因建立相者。 
若彼如是陰界入我人衆生壽命長養(4)士夫見建立。  是名非有見建立相。大慧。非有(5)因建立相者。 
Again, Mahāmati, by the assertion of philosophical views which are non-existent [i.e., not true], is meant that in the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas, [some philosophers] assume the existence of an ego, a being, a soul, a living being, a nourisher, or a spirit.  This is said, Mahāmati, to be the assertion of some philosophical views which are nonexistent [i.e., not true]. 
asaddhetusamāropaḥ punar mahāmate yaduta ahetusamutpannaṃ prā(72*)gvijñānaṃ paścād abhūtvā māyāvad anutpannaṃ pūrvaṃ cakṣūrūpālokasmṛtipūrvakaṃ pravartate |  pravṛtya bhūtvā ca punar vinaśyati |  eṣa mahāmate asaddhetusamāropaḥ || 
謂初識無因生。後不實如幻本(6)不生。眼色1 眼界念。 
前生生已實已還壞。  是(7)名非有因建立相。 
謂初識無因生。後不實如幻本(6)不生。眼色12 眼界念。 
前生生已實已還壞。  是(7)名非有因建立相。 
Again, Mahāmati, by the assertion of a cause that is nonexistent is meant that [some philosophers] assume the causeless birth of a first (72) Vijñāna, which later comes to have a Māyā-like non-existence; that is to say, the originally unborn Vijñāna begins to function under the conditions of eye, form, light, and memory.  The functioning goes on for a while and then ceases.  This, Mahāmati, is the assertion of a cause that is non-existent. 
(31,1) asaddhāvasamāropaḥ punar mahāmate yaduta ākāśanirodhanirvāṇākṛtakabhāvābhiniveśasamāropaḥ |  ete ca mahāmate bhāvābhāvavinivṛttāḥ |  śaśahayakharoṣṭraviṣāṇakeśoṇḍukaprakhyā mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ sadasatpakṣavigatāḥ |  samāropāpavādāś ca | bālair vikalpyante svacittadṛśyamātrānavadhāritamatibhir na tv āryaiḥ |  etan mahāmate asadbhāvavikalpasamāropāpavādasya lakṣaṇam |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate samāropāpavādadṛṣṭivigatena bhavitavyam || 
大慧。非有性建立相者。謂(8)虚空滅般涅槃非作。2 計性建立。 
此離性非(9)性。  一切法如兔馬等角。如垂髮現。離有非(10)有。  3 建立及誹謗愚夫妄想。不善觀察自心(11)現量非*賢聖也。  4 是名非有性建立相。  是(12)故離建立誹謗惡見。應當修學 
大慧。非有性建立相者。謂(8)虚空滅般涅槃非作。13 計性建立。 
此離性非(9)性。  一切法如兔馬等角。如垂髮現。離有非(10)有。  14 建立及誹謗愚夫妄想。不善觀察自心(11)現量非*賢聖也。  15 是名非有性建立相。  是(12)故離建立誹謗惡見。應當修學 
Again, Mahāmati, the assertion about objects that are not-existent is an assertion arising from the attachment to such non-working existences as space, cessation, and Nirvāṇa.  These, Mahāmati, are neither existent nor nonexistent;  for all things are devoid of the alternatives of being and non-being and are to be known, Mahāmati, as the horns of a hare, a horse, or a camel, or like a hair-net.  They are discriminated as realities by the ignorant who are addicted to assertions and refutations as their intelligence has not penetrated into the truth that there is nothing but what is seen of the Mind itself. It is otherwise with the wise.  This, Mahāmati, is the characteristic point of the assertion about objects which are non-existent.  For this reason, Mahāmati, one should avoid the views based on assertion and refutation. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvāśvcittamanomanovijñānapañcadharmasvabhāvanairātmyalakṣaṇadvayagatiṃ gatvā parahitahetor anekarūpaveśadhāriṇo bhavanti |  parikalpitasvabhāvā iva paratantrāśayā viśvarūpacintāmaṇisadṛśāḥ sarvabuddhakṣetraparṣanmaṇḍalagatā māyāsvapnapratibhāsapratibimbodakacandragatisamānutpādabhaṅgaśāśvatocchedarahitān sarvadharmān saṃmukhaṃ sarva tathāgatebhyaḥ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhayānavirahān dharmadeśanāṃ śṛṇvanti,  samādhimukhaśatasahasrāṇi ca pratilabhante | yā(73*)vad anekāni samādhikoṭīniyutaśatasahasrāṇi pratilabhyaḥ taiḥ samādhibhiḥ kṣetrāt kṣetraṃ saṃkrāmanti |  buddhapūjābhiyuktāś ca sarvopapattidevabhavanālayeṣu ratnatrayamupadeśya buddharūpam āsthāya śrāvakagaṇabodhisattvagaṇaparivṛtāḥ svacittadṛśyamātrāvatāraṇatayā bāhyabhāvābhāvopadeśaṃ kurvanti sadasatpakṣavinivṛttyartham || 
如妄想自性處依於緣起。譬如眾(16)色如意寶珠,普現一切諸佛剎土,一切如來(17)大眾集會,悉於其中聽受5 經法。所謂一切(18)法如幻、如夢、光影、水月,於一切法,離生滅(19)斷常,及離聲聞、緣覺之法,  緣覺之法,得百千三昧,乃至(20)百千億那由他三昧。得三昧已,遊諸佛剎  (21)供養諸佛。生諸天宮,宣揚三寶。示現佛身,(22)聲聞、菩薩大眾圍繞,以自心現量,度脫眾(23)生,分別演說外性無性,悉令遠離有無等(24)見。」 
如妄想自性處依於緣起。譬如眾(16)色如意寶珠,普現一切諸佛剎土,一切如來(17)大眾集會,悉於其中聽受16 經法。所謂一切(18)法如幻、如夢、光影、水月,於一切法,離生滅(19)斷常,及離聲聞、緣覺之法,  緣覺之法,得百千三昧,乃至(20)百千億那由他三昧。得三昧已,遊諸佛剎  (21)供養諸佛。生諸天宮,宣揚三寶。示現佛身,(22)聲聞、菩薩大眾圍繞,以自心現量,度脫眾(23)生,分別演說外性無性,悉令遠離有無等(24)見。」 
Further, Mahāmati, the Bodhisattvas who are thoroughly acquainted with the nature of the Citta, Manas, and Manovijñāna, of the five Dharmas, of the [three] Svabhāvas, and of the twofold Egolessness, will assume various personalities for the sake of benefitting others, 
just like the imagination that evolves from the seat of the relativity knowledge, and again, like the mysterious gem that reflects varieties of colours. Going over to all the Buddha-lands and assemblages, the Bodhisattvas will listen to the Buddhas, discourse on the nature of all things which are like a vision, a dream, an illusion, a reflection, and the lunar vision in water, and which have nothing to do with birth-and-death, eternality, and extinction; the Bodhisattvas, thus facing the Tathāgatas, will listen to their discourses on the truth that does not belong to the Śrāvaka- and Pratyekabuddha-vehicle.  They will then attain a hundred thousand Samādhis, (73) indeed, a hundred thousand niyutas of kotis of Samādhis, and by means of these Samādhis they will go around from one country to another;  they will do homage to the Buddhas, be born in all the celestial mansions, where they will discourse on the Triple Treasure, manifesting Buddha-bodies; and, surrounded by Śrāvakas and Bodhisattvas, they will, in order to free them from the alternatives of being and non-being, instruct them to understand thoroughly what is meant by an objective world which is nothing but Mind itself and in which there are no realities. 
[(bm :: 2 :: Verse 134)atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyām imāṃ gāthām abhāṣata -
cittamātraṃ yadā lokaṃ prapaśyanti jinātmajāḥ |
tadā nairmāṇikaṃ kāyaṃ kriyāsaṃskāravarjitam |
labhante te balābhijñāvaśitaiḥ saha saṃyutam || 2.134 || 
(25)「心量世間, 佛子觀察,種類之身,
(26)離所作行,得力神通, 自在成就。」 
(25)「心量世間, 佛子觀察,種類之身,
(26)離所作行,得力神通, 自在成就。」 
At that time the Blessed One recited this verse:
136 When those who are born of the Buddha see that the world is no more than Mind itself, they will obtain a body of transformation, which has nothing to do with effect-producing works, but which is endowed with the powers, psychic faculties, and self-control. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma -  deśayatu bhagavān śūnyatānutpādādvayaniḥsvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇām, yena śūnyatānutpādādvayaniḥsvabhāvalakṣaṇāvabodhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā nāstyastivikalpavarjitāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyeran || 
(27)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復請佛言: 6 唯願世(28)尊為我等說一切法空、無生、無二、離自性(29)相。我等及餘諸菩薩眾,覺悟是空、無生、無二、(488c01)離自性相已,離有無妄想,疾得阿耨多羅(02)三藐三菩提。」 
(27)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復請佛言: 17 唯願世(28)尊為我等說一切法空、無生、無二、離自性(29)相。我等及餘諸菩薩眾,覺悟是空、無生、無二、(488c01)離自性相已,離有無妄想,疾得阿耨多羅(02)三藐三菩提。」 
At that time again Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva made a request of the Blessed One. 
Tell me, Blessed One, how all things are empty, unborn, non-dual, and have no self-nature, so that I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas might be awakened in the teaching of emptiness, no-birth, non-duality, and the absence of self-nature, and, quitting the discrimination of being and non-being, quickly realise the highest enlightenment. 
atha khalu bhagavān mahāmatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, tatsādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasi kuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir (74*) bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavānetad avocat - śūnyatā śūnyateti mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvapadametat |  parikalpitasvabhāvābhiniveśena punar mahāmate śūnyatānutpādābhāvādvayaniḥsvabhāvabhāvavādino bhavanti |  tatra mahāmate saṃkṣepeṇa saptavidhā śūnyatā | yaduta lakṣaṇaśūnyatā bhāvasvabhāvaśūnyatā apracaritaśūnyatā pracaritaśūnyatā sarvadharmanirabhilāpyaśūnyatā paramārthāryajñānamahāśūnyatā itaretaraśūnyatā ca saptamī || 
大慧白佛言:「善哉!世尊!唯然受教。」  佛告(03)大慧:「空空者,即是妄想自性處。大慧!  妄想自(06)性計著者,說空、無生、無二、離自性相。  大慧!彼(07)略說七種空。謂:相空、性自性空、行空、無行(08)空、一切法離言說空、第一義聖智大空、彼彼(09)空。 
大慧白佛言:「善哉!世尊!唯然受教。」  佛告(03)大慧:「空空者,即是妄想自性處。大慧!  妄想自(06)性計著者,說空、無生、無二、離自性相。  大慧!彼(07)略說七種空。謂:相空、性自性空、行空、無行(08)空、一切法離言說空、第一義聖智大空、彼彼(09)空。 
Then the Blessed One said this to Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva: Now, Mahāmati, listen well and reflect well upon what I tell you.  Replied Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva, I will indeed, Blessed One.  (74) The Blessed One said: Emptiness, emptiness, indeed! Mahāmati, it is a term whose self-nature is false imagination.  Because of one's attachment to false imagination, Mahāmati, we have to talk of emptiness, no-birth, non-duality, and absence of self-nature.  In short, then, Mahāmati, there are seven kinds of emptiness: (1) The emptiness of individual marks (lakṣana), (2) the emptiness of self-nature (bhavaSvabhāva), (3) the emptiness of no-work (apracarita), (4) the emptiness of work (pracarita), (5) the emptiness of all things in the sense that they are unpredicable (nirabhilapya), (6) the emptiness in its highest sense of ultimate reality realisable only by noble wisdom, and (7) the emptiness of mutuality (itaretara) which is the seventh. 
(32,1) tatra mahāmate lakṣaṇaśūnyatā katamā? yaduta svasāmānyalakṣaṇaśūnyāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ |  parasparasamūhāpekṣitatvāt pravicayavibhāgābhāvān mahāmate svasāmānyalakṣaṇasyāpravṛttiḥ |  svaparobhayābhāvāc ca mahāmate lakṣaṇaṃ nāvatiṣṭhate |  atas tad ucyate svalakṣaṇaśūnyāḥ sarvabhāvā iti || 
云何相空?謂:一切性自共相空,  觀展轉積(10)聚故;分別無性,自共相不生。  自他俱性無性,(11)故相不住,  是故說一切性相空。是名相空。 
云何相空?謂:一切性自共相空,  觀展轉積(10)聚故;分別無性,自共相不生。  自他俱性無性,(11)故相不住,  是故說一切性相空。是名相空。 
Mahāmati, what then is the emptiness of individual marks? It is that all things have no [such distinguishing] marks of individuality and generality.  In consideration of mutuality and accumulation, [things are thought to be realities], but when they are further investigated and analysed, Mahāmati, they are non-existent, and not predicable with individuality and generality;  and because thus no such ideas as self, other, or both, hold good, Mahāmati, the individual marks no longer obtain.  So it is said that all things are empty as to their self-marks. 
bhāvasvabhāvaśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā? yaduta svayaṃ svabhāvābhāvotpattito mahāmate bhāvasvabhāvaśūnyatā bhavati sarvadharmāṇām |  tenocyate bhāvasvabhāvaśūnyateti || 
(12)云何性自性空?謂:自己性自性不生,是名一(13)切法性自性空。  是故說性自性空。 
(12)云何性自性空?謂:自己性自性不生,是名一(13)切法性自性空。  是故說性自性空。 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness of self-nature? Mahāmati, it is that all things in their self-nature are unborn, hence the emptiness of self-nature,  and it is therefore said that things are empty in their self-nature. 
apracaritaśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā? yaduta apracaritapūrvaṃ nirvāṇaṃ skandheṣu |  tenocyate apracaritaśūnyateti || 
云何行空?(14)謂:陰離我我所,因所成,所作業方便生。  是名(15)行空。 
云何行空?(14)謂:陰離我我所,因所成,所作業方便生。  是名(15)行空。 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness of no-work? It is that the Skandhas are Nirvāṇa itself and there is no work doing in them from the beginning.  Therefore, one speaks of the emptiness of no-work. 
(75*) pracaritaśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā? yaduta skandhā ātmātmīyarahitā hetuyuktikriyākarmayogaiḥ pravartamānāḥ pravartante |  tenocyate pracaritaśūnyateti || 
7 大慧!即此如是行空,展轉緣起自性(16)無性, 
18 大慧!即此如是行空,展轉緣起自性(16)無性, 
(75) Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness of work? It is that the Skandhas are devoid of an ego and its belongings, and go on functioning when there is a mutual conjunction of cause and action.  Thus one speaks of the emptiness of work. 
sarvadharmanirabhilāpyaśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā? yaduta parikalpitasvabhāvānabhilāpyatvān nirabhilāpyaśūnyāḥ sarvadharmāḥ |  tenocyate nirabhilāpyaśūnyateti || 
云何一切法離言說空?謂:(17)妄想自性無言說,故一切法離言說,  是名(18)一切法離言說空。 
云何一切法離言說空?謂:(17)妄想自性無言說,故一切法離言說,  是名(18)一切法離言說空。 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness of all things in the sense that they are unpredicable? It is that the nature of the false imagination is not expressible, hence the emptiness of all things in the sense of their unpredicability.  Thus one speaks of the emptiness of unpredicability. 
paramārthāryajñānamahāśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā? yaduta svapratyātmāryajñānādhigamaḥ sarvadṛṣṭidoṣavāsanābhiḥ śūnyaḥ |  tenocyate paramārthāryajñānamahāśūnyateti || 
云何一切法第一義聖智(19)大空?謂:得自覺聖智,一切見過習氣空,  是(20)名一切法第一義聖智大空。 
云何一切法第一義聖智(19)大空?謂:得自覺聖智,一切見過習氣空,  是(20)名一切法第一義聖智大空。 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness in its highest sense of ultimate reality realisable by noble wisdom? It is that in the attainment of an inner realisation by means of noble wisdom there is no trace of habit-energy generated by all the erroneous conceptions [of beginningless past].  Thus one speaks of the highest emptiness of ultimate reality realisable by noble wisdom. 
itarātaraśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā? yaduta yadyatra nāsti tattena śūnyam ity ucyate |  tadyathā mahāmate śṛgālamātuḥ prāsāde hastigavaiḍakādyā na santi |  aśūnyaṃ ca bhikṣubhir iti bhāṣitaṃ mayā | sa ca taiḥ śūnya ity ucyate |  na ca punar mahāmate prāsādaḥ prāsādabhāvato nāsti, bhikṣavaś ca bhikṣubhāvato na santi | na ca te ’nyatra hastigavaiḍakādyā bhāvā nāvatiṣṭhante |  idaṃ mahāmate svasāmānyalakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇām | itaretaraṃ tu na saṃvidyate |  tenocyate itaretaraśūnyateti | 
云何彼彼空?謂:(21)於彼無彼空,是名彼彼空。  大慧!譬如鹿子(22)母舍,無象馬牛羊等,非無比丘眾,  而說彼(23)空。  非舍舍性空,亦非比丘比丘性空,非餘(24)處無象馬,  是名一切法自相。彼於彼無彼,  (25)是名彼彼空。 
云何彼彼空?謂:(21)於彼無彼空,是名彼彼空。  大慧!譬如鹿子(22)母舍,無象馬牛羊等,非無比丘眾,  而說彼(23)空。  非舍舍性空,亦非比丘比丘性空,非餘(24)處無象馬,  是名一切法自相。彼於彼無彼,  (25)是名彼彼空。 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness of mutual [non-existence]? It is this: when a thing is missing here, one speaks of its being empty there.  For instance, Mahāmati, in the lecture-hall of the Mrigarama there are no elephants, no bulls, no sheep, but as to the Bhikshus I can say that the hall is not devoid of them;  it is empty only as far as they [i.e. the animals] are concerned.  Further, Mahāmati, it is not that the lecture-hall is devoid of its own characteristics, nor that the Bhikshu is devoid of this Bhikshuhood, nor that in some other places, too, elephants, bulls, and sheep are not to be found.  Mahāmati, here one sees all things in their aspect of individuality and generality, but from the point of view of mutuality (itaretara) some things do not exist somewhere.  Thus one speaks of the emptiness of mutual [non-existence]. 
eṣā mahāmate saptavidhā śūnyatā | eṣā ca mahāmate itaretaraśūnyatā sarvajaghanyā | sā ca tvayā parivarjayitavyā || 
是名七種空。彼彼空者,是空(26)最麁,汝8 當遠離。 
是名七種空。彼彼空者,是空(26)最麁,汝19 當遠離。 
These, Mahāmati, are the seven kinds of emptiness of which mutuality ranks the lowest of all and is to be put away by you. 
(76*) na svayam utpadyate, na ca punar mahāmate te notpadyante anyatra samādhyavasthāyām | tenocyante anutpannā niḥsvabhāvāḥ |  anutpattiṃ saṃghāya mahāmate niḥsvabhāvāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ |  kṣaṇasaṃtatiprabandhābhāvāc ca anyathābhāvadarśanān mahāmate niḥsvabhāvāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ |  tenocyate niḥsvabhāvāḥ sarvabhāvā iti || 
大慧!不自生,非不生,除(27)住三昧,是名無生。  離自性,即是無生。  離自(28)性剎那相續流注及異性現,一切性離自性,  (29)是故一切性離自性。 
大慧!不自生,非不生,除(27)住三昧,是名無生。  離自性,即是無生。  離自(28)性剎那相續流注及異性現,一切性離自性,  (29)是故一切性離自性。 
(76) Again, Mahāmati, not that things are not born, but that they are not born of themselves, except when seen in the state of Samādhi—this is what is meant by “all things are unborn."  To have no self-nature is, according to the deeper sense, to be unborn, Mahāmati.  That all things are devoid of self-nature means that there is a constant and uninterrupted becoming, a momentary change from one state of existence to another; seeing this, Mahāmati, all things are destitute of self-nature.  So one speaks of all things having no self-nature. 
advayalakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate katamat? yaduta cchāyātapavaddīrghahrasvakṛṣṇaśuklavan mahāmate dvayaprabhāviatā na pṛthakpṛthak |  evaṃ saṃsāranirvāṇavan mahāmate sarvadharmā advayāḥ |  na yatra mahāmate nirvāṇaṃ tatra saṃsāraḥ |  na ca yatra saṃsārastatra nirvāṇam, vilakṣaṇahetusadbhāvāt |  tenocyate advayā saṃsāraparinirvāṇavatsarvadharmā iti |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate śūnyatānutpādādvayaniḥsvabhāvalakṣaṇe yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
云何無二?謂一切法,如(489a01)[1]冷熱、如長短、如黑白。大慧!  一切法無二,(02)非於涅槃彼生死,  非於生死彼涅槃。  異相(03)因有性故,是名無二。  如涅槃、生死,一切法(04)亦如是。  是故空、無生、無二、離自性相,應當修(05)學。」 
云何無二?謂一切法,如(489a01)[1]冷熱、如長短、如黑白。大慧!  一切法無二,(02)非於涅槃彼生死,  非於生死彼涅槃。  異相(03)因有性故,是名無二。  如涅槃、生死,一切法(04)亦如是。  是故空、無生、無二、離自性相,應當修(05)學。」 
Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by non-duality? It means that light and shade, long and short, black and white, are relative terms, Mahāmati, and not independent of each other;  as Nirvāṇa and Samsara are, all things are not-two.  There is no Nirvāṇa except where is Samsara;  there is no Samsara except where is Nirvāṇa; for the condition of existence is not of mutually-exclusive character.48   Therefore, it is said that all things are non-dual as are Nirvāṇa and Samsara.  For this reason, Mahāmati, you should discipline yourself in [the realisation of] emptiness, no-birth, non-duality, and no-self-nature. 
[(bm :: 2 :: Verse 135-36)atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyāmime gāthe abhāṣata -
deśemi śūnyatāṃ nityaṃ śāśvatocchedavarjitām |
saṃsāraṃ svapnamāyākhyaṃ na ca karma vinaśyati || 2.135 || 
(06)「我常說空法, 遠離於斷常,
(07)生死如幻夢, 而彼業不壞。 
(06)「我常說空法, 遠離於斷常,
(07)生死如幻夢, 而彼業不壞。 
Then at that time the Blessed One recited this couplet of verses:
137 I always preach emptiness which is beyond eternalism and nihilism; Samsara is like a dream and a vision, and karma vanishes not. 
(33,1) ākāśamatha nirvāṇaṃ nirodhaṃ dvayam eva ca |
(77*)bālāḥ kalpentyakṛtakānāryā nāstyastivarjitān || 2.136 || 
(08)虛空及涅槃, 滅二亦如是,
(09)愚夫作妄想, 諸聖離有無。」 
(08)虛空及涅槃, 滅二亦如是,
(09)愚夫作妄想, 諸聖離有無。」 
138 Space, Nirvāṇa, and the two forms of cessation— thus (77) the ignorant discriminate the things which are not effect-producing, but the wise stand above being and non-being. 
atha khalu bhagavān punar api mahāmatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat -  etad dhi mahāmate śūnyatānutpādādvayaniḥsvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ sarvabuddhānāṃ sarvasūtrāntagatam |  yatra kvacit sūtrānte ’yam evārtho vibhāvayitavyaḥ |  eṣa hi mahāmate sūtrāntaḥ sarvasattvāśayadeśanārthavyabhicāraṇī, na sā tattvapratyavasthānakathā |  tadyathā mahāmate mṛgatṛṣṇikā mṛgollāpinī udakabhāvābhiniveśenābhiniveśyate, tasyāṃ codakaṃ nāsti,  evam eva mahāmate sarvasūtrāntadeśanā dharmā bālānāṃ svavikalpasaṃtoṣaṇam, na tu sā tattvāryajñānavyavasthānakathā |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate arthānusāriṇā bhavitavyaṃ na deśanābhilāpābhiniviṣṭena || 
(10)爾時,世尊復告大慧菩薩摩訶薩言:  「大慧!空、(11)無生、無二、離自性相,普入諸佛一切修多羅。(12)凡所有經,悉說此義。  諸修多羅,悉隨眾生悕(13)望心故,為分別說,顯示其義,而非真實在(14)於言說。  如鹿渴想,誑惑群鹿。鹿於彼相,計(15)著水性,而彼9 水無。  如是一切修多羅所說(16)諸法,為令愚夫發歡喜故,  非實聖智在於(17)言說。  是故,當依於義,莫著言說。」
楞伽10 阿跋多羅寶經卷第一 
(10)爾時,世尊復告大慧菩薩摩訶薩言:  「大慧!空、(11)無生、無二、離自性相,普入諸佛一切修多羅。(12)凡所有經,悉說此義。  諸修多羅,悉隨眾生悕(13)望心故,為分別說,顯示其義,而非真實在(14)於言說。  如鹿渴想,誑惑群鹿。鹿於彼相,計(15)著水性,而彼20 水無。  如是一切修多羅所說(16)諸法,為令愚夫發歡喜故,  非實聖智在於(17)言說。  是故,當依於義,莫著言說。」
楞伽21 阿跋多羅寶經卷第一 
At that time again, the Blessed One said this to Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva:  This [teaching of] emptiness, no-birth, non-duality, and no-self-nature is found in all the sūtras of all the Buddhas, and this doctrine is recognised in every one of them.  However, Mahāmati, the sūtras are the teaching in conformity with the dispositions of all beings and deviate from the [real] sense, and not the truth-preserving statement.  Mahāmati, it is like unto the mirage which entices the deer with its treacherous springs, the springs are not there but the deer are attached, imagining them to be real.  So with the teachings disclosed in all the sūtras, they are for all beings for the gratification of their own discriminating minds.  They are not the truth-preserving statements meant for noble wisdom to grasp.  For this reason, Mahāmati, be in conformity with the sense and be not engrossed in the word-teaching. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat -  tathāgatagarbhaḥ punar bhagavatā sūtrāntapāṭhe ’nuvarṇitaḥ |  sa ca kila tvayā prakṛtiprabhāsvaraviśuddhyādiviśuddha eva varṇyate dvātriṃśallakṣaṇadharaḥ sarvasattvadehāntargataḥ |  mahārghamūlyaratnaṃ malinavastupariveṣṭitam iva skandhadhātvāyatanavastuveṣṭito rāgadveṣamohābhūtaparikalpamalamalino (78*) nityo dhruvaḥ śivaḥ śāśvataś ca bhagavatā varṇitaḥ |  tatkatham ayaṃ bhagavaṃs tīrthakarātmavādatulyas tathāgatagarbhavādo na bhavati?  tīrthakarā api bhagavan nityaḥ kartā nirguṇo vibhuravyaya ity ātmavādopadeśaṃ kurvanti || 
(19)(20)(21)楞伽阿跋多羅寶經卷第二(22)(23)11 宋天竺三藏求那跋陀羅12 譯(24)一切佛語心品13 之二
世尊!世尊修(26)多羅說,如來藏  自性清淨,轉三十二相,  入(27)於一切眾生身中,如大價寶,垢衣所纏。如來(28)之藏常住不變,亦復如是,而陰、界、入垢衣所(29)纏,貪欲恚癡不實妄想塵勞所污,一切諸佛(489b1)之所演說。  云何世尊同外道說我,言有如(2)來藏耶?  世尊!外道亦說有常、作者離於求(3)那,周遍不滅。世尊!彼說有我。」 
(19)(20)(21)楞伽阿跋多羅寶經卷第二(22)(23)22 宋天竺三藏求那跋陀羅23 譯(24)一切佛語心品24 之二
世尊!世尊修(26)多羅說,如來藏  自性清淨,轉三十二相,  入(27)於一切眾生身中,如大價寶,垢衣所纏。如來(28)之藏常住不變,亦復如是,而陰、界、入垢衣所(29)纏,貪欲恚癡不實妄想塵勞所污,一切諸佛(489b1)之所演說。  云何世尊同外道說我,言有如(2)來藏耶?  世尊!外道亦說有常、作者離於求(3)那,周遍不滅。世尊!彼說有我。」 
At that time, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this to the Blessed One: 
Now the Blessed One makes mention of the Tathāgata-garbha in the sūtras,  and verily it is described by you as by nature bright and pure, as primarily unspotted, endowed with the thirty-two marks of excellence,  hidden in the body of every being like a gem of great value, which is enwrapped in a dirty garment, enveloped in the garment of the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas, and soiled with the dirt of greed, anger, folly, and false imagination, (78) while it is described by the Blessed One to be eternal, permanent, auspicious, and unchangeable.  Is not this Tathāgata-garbha taught by the Blessed One the same as the ego-substance taught by the philosophers?  The ego as taught in the systems of the philosophers is an eternal creator, unqualified, omnipresent, and imperishable. 
bhagavān āha - na hi mahāmate tīrthakarātmavādatulyo mama tathāgatagarbhopadeśaḥ |  kiṃ tu mahāmate tathāgatāḥ śūnyatābhūtakoṭinirvāṇānutpādānimittāpraṇihitādyānāṃ mahāmate padārthānāṃ tathāgatagarbhopadeśaṃ kṛtvā tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā bālānāṃ nairātmyasaṃtrāsapadavivarjanārthaṃ nirvikalpanirābhāsagocaraṃ tathāgatagarbhamukhopadeśena deśayanti |  na cātra mahāmate anāgatapratyutpannaiḥ bodhisattvairmahāsattvair ātmābhiniveśaḥ kartavyaḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate kumbhakāra ekasmān mṛtparamāṇurāśer vividhāni bhāṇḍāni karoti hastaśilpadaṇḍodakasūtraprayatnayogāt, evam eva mahāmate tathāgatās tad eva dharmanairātmyaṃ sarvavikalpalakṣaṇavinivṛttaṃ vividhaiḥ prajñopāyakauśalyayogair garbhopadeśena vā nairātmyopadeśena vā kumbhakāravaccitraiḥ padavyañjanaparyāyair deśayante |  etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate tīrthakarātmavādopadeśatulyas tathā(79*)gatagarbhopadeśo na bhavati |  evaṃ hi mahāmate tathāgatagarbhopadeśam ātmavādābhiniviṣṭānāṃ tīrthakarāṇām ākarṣaṇārthaṃ tathāgatagarbhopadeśena nirdiśanti - kathaṃ bata abhūtātmavikalpadṛṣṭipatitāśayā vimokṣatrayagocarapatitāśayopetāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyerann iti |  etad arthaṃ mahāmate tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhās tathāgatagarbhopadeśaṃ kurvanti | ata etan na bhavati tīrthakarātmavādatulyam |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate tīrthakaradṛṣṭivinivṛttyarthaṃ tathāgatanairātmyagarbhānusāriṇā ca te bhavitavyam || 
佛告大慧:(4)「我說如來藏,不同外道所說之我。  大慧!有(5)時14 說空、無相、無願、如、實際、法性、法身、涅槃、離(6)自性、不生不滅、本來寂靜、自性涅槃,如是等(7)句,說如來藏已。如來、應供、等正覺,為斷愚(8)夫畏無我句故,說離妄想無所有境界如來(9)藏門。  大慧!未來現在菩薩摩訶薩,不應作(10)我見計著。  譬如陶家,於15 一泥聚,以人工水(11)木輪繩方便,作種種器。如來亦復如是,於(12)法無我離一切妄想相,以種種智慧善巧(13)方便,或說如來藏,或說無我。  以是因緣故,(14)說如來藏,不同外道所說之我。  是名說如(15)來藏。開引計我諸外道故,說如來藏,令離(16)不實我見妄想,入三解脫門境界,悕望疾得(17)阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,  是故如來、應供、等正(18)覺作如是說如來之藏。若不如是,則同外(19)道16 所說之我。  是故,大慧!為離外道見故,當(20)依無我如來之藏。」 
佛告大慧:(4)「我說如來藏,不同外道所說之我。  大慧!有(5)時25 說空、無相、無願、如、實際、法性、法身、涅槃、離(6)自性、不生不滅、本來寂靜、自性涅槃,如是等(7)句,說如來藏已。如來、應供、等正覺,為斷愚(8)夫畏無我句故,說離妄想無所有境界如來(9)藏門。  大慧!未來現在菩薩摩訶薩,不應作(10)我見計著。  譬如陶家,於26 一泥聚,以人工水(11)木輪繩方便,作種種器。如來亦復如是,於(12)法無我離一切妄想相,以種種智慧善巧(13)方便,或說如來藏,或說無我。  以是因緣故,(14)說如來藏,不同外道所說之我。  是名說如(15)來藏。開引計我諸外道故,說如來藏,令離(16)不實我見妄想,入三解脫門境界,悕望疾得(17)阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,  是故如來、應供、等正(18)覺作如是說如來之藏。若不如是,則同外(19)道27 所說之我。  是故,大慧!為離外道見故,當(20)依無我如來之藏。」 
The Blessed One replied: No, Mahāmati, my Tathāgata-garbha is not the same as the ego taught by the philosophers;  for what the Tathāgatas teach is the Tathāgata-garbha in the sense, Mahāmati, that it is emptiness, reality-limit, Nirvāṇa, being unborn, unqualified, and devoid of will-effort; the reason why the Tathāgatas who are Arhats and Fully-Enlightened Ones, teach the doctrine pointing to the Tathāgata-garbha is to make the ignorant cast aside their fear when they listen to the teaching of egolessness and to have them realise the state of non-discrimination and imagelessness.  I also wish, Mahāmati, that the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas of the present and future would not attach themselves to the idea of an ego [imagining it to be a soul].  Mahāmati, it is like a potter who manufactures various vessels out of a mass of clay of one sort by his own manual skill and labour combined with a rod, water, and thread, Mahāmati, that the Tathāgatas preach the egolessness of things which removes all the traces of discrimination by various skilful means issuing from their transcendental wisdom, that is, sometimes by the doctrine of the Tathāgata-garbha, sometimes by that of egolessness, and, like a potter, by means of various terms, expressions, and synonyms.  For this reason, Mahāmati, the philosophers' doctrine of an ego-substance is not the same (79) as the teaching of the Tathāgata-garbha.  Thus, Mahāmati, the doctrine of the Tathāgata-garbha is disclosed in order to awaken the philosophers from their clinging to the idea of the ego, so that those minds that have fallen into the views imagining the non-existent ego as real, and also into the notion that the triple emancipation is final, may rapidly be awakened to the state of supreme enlightenment.  Accordingly, Mahāmati, the Tathāgatas who are Arhats and Fully-Enlightened Ones disclose the doctrine of the Tathāgata-garbha which is thus not to be known as identical with the philosopher's notion of an ego-substance.  Therefore, Mahāmati, in order to abandon the misconception cherished by the philosophers, you must strive after the teaching of egolessness and the Tathāgata-garbha. 
(34,1) atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyāṃ velāyām imāṃ gāthām abhāṣata -
pudgalaḥ saṃtatiḥ skandhāḥ pratyayā aṇavas tathā |
pradhānam īśvaraḥ kartā cittamātraṃ vikalpyate || 2.137 || 
(22)「人相續陰, 緣與微塵,
(22)「人相續陰, 緣與微塵,
At that moment then the Blessed One recited this verse:
139 The personal soul, continuity, the Skandhas, causation, atoms, the supreme spirit, the ruler, the creator, —[they are] discriminations in the Mind-only.49  
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo ’nāgatāṃ janatāṃ samālokya punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavān yogābhisamayaṃ yathā bodhisattvā mahāsattvā mahāyogayogino bhavanti |  bhagavān āha - caturbhir mahāmate dharmaiḥ samanvāgatā bodhisattvā mahāyogayogino bhavanti |  katamaiś caturbhiḥ? yaduta svacittadṛśyavibhāvanatayā ca utpādasthi(80*)tibhaṅgadṛṣṭivivarjanatayā ca bāhyabhāvābhāvopalakṣaṇatayā ca svapratyātmāryajñānādhigamābhilakṣaṇatayā ca |  ebhir mahāmate caturbhir dharmaiḥ samanvāgatā bodhisattvā mahāsattvā mahāyogayogino bhavanti || 
(24)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩,觀未來眾生,復請世(25)尊:「17 唯願為說修行無間,如諸菩薩摩訶薩(26)修行者大方便。」 
佛告大慧:「菩薩摩訶薩成就(27)四法,得修行者大方便。  云何為四?謂:善分(28)別自心現、觀外性非性、離生住滅見、得自(29)覺聖智善樂,  是名菩薩摩訶薩成就四法,(489c1)得修行者大方便。 
(24)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩,觀未來眾生,復請世(25)尊:「28 唯願為說修行無間,如諸菩薩摩訶薩(26)修行者大方便。」 
佛告大慧:「菩薩摩訶薩成就(27)四法,得修行者大方便。  云何為四?謂:善分(28)別自心現、觀外性非性、離生住滅見、得自(29)覺聖智善樂,  是名菩薩摩訶薩成就四法,(489c1)得修行者大方便。 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva in consideration of future generations made this request again of the Blessed One: Pray tell me, Blessed One, about the perfecting of the discipline whereby the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas become great Yogins. 
The Blessed One replied: There are four things, Mahāmati, by fulfilling which the Bodhisattvas become great Yogins.  What are the four? They are: (1) To have a clear understanding as to what is seen of Mind itself,50 (2) to discard the notions of birth, (80) abiding, and disappearance, (3) to look into [the truth] that no external world obtains, and (4) to seek for the attainment of inner realisation by noble wisdom.  Provided with these four things the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas become great Yogins. 
tatra kathaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ svacittadṛśyavibhāvanākuśalo bhavati?  yaduta sa evaṃ pratyavekṣate - svacittamātram idaṃ traidhātukam ātmātmīyarahitaṃ nirīham āyūhaniyūhavigatam anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavāsanābhiniveśavāsitaṃ traidhātukavicitrarūpopacāropanibaddhaṃ dehabhogapratiṣṭhāgativikalpānugataṃ vikalpyate khyāyate ca |  evaṃ hi mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ svacittadṛśyavibhāvanākuśalo bhavati || 
云何菩薩摩訶薩善分別(2)自心現?  謂:如是觀三界唯心分齊,離我我(3)所,無動搖、離去來,無始虛偽習氣所熏,三(4)界種種色行繫縛,身財建立,妄想隨入現。  是(5)名菩薩摩訶薩善分別自心現。 
云何菩薩摩訶薩善分別(2)自心現?  謂:如是觀三界唯心分齊,離我我(3)所,無動搖、離去來,無始虛偽習氣所熏,三(4)界種種色行繫縛,身財建立,妄想隨入現。  是(5)名菩薩摩訶薩善分別自心現。 
How, Mahāmati, does the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva come to have a clear understanding as to what is seen of Mind itself? 
He comes to it by recognising that this triple world is nothing but Mind itself, devoid of an ego and its belongings, with no strivings, no comings-and-goings; that this triple world is manifested and imagined as real, under the influence of the habit-energy accumulated since beginningless time by false reasoning and imagination, and with the multiplicity of objects and actions in close relationship, and in conformity with the ideas of discrimination, such as body, property, and abode.  Thus, Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva acquires a thoroughly clear understanding as to what is seen of Mind itself. 
kathaṃ punar mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattva utpādasthitibhaṅgadṛṣṭivivarjito bhavati?  yaduta māyāsvapnarūpajanmasadṛśāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ svaparobhayābhāvān notpadyante |  svacittamātrānusāritvād bāhyabhāvābhāvadarśanād vijñānānām apravṛttiṃ dṛṣṭvā pratyayānām akūṭarāśitvaṃ ca vikalpapratyayodbhavaṃ traidhā(81*)tukaṃ paśyanto ’dhyātmabāhyasarvadharmānupalabdhibhir niḥsvabhāvadarśanād utpādadṛṣṭivinivṛttau māyādidharmasvabhāvānugamād anutpattikadharmakṣāntiṃ pratilabhante |  aṣṭamyāṃ bhūmau sthitāḥ cittamanomanovijñānapañcadharmasvabhāvanairātmyadvayagatiparāvṛttyadhigamān manomayakāyaṃ pratilabhante || 
云何菩薩摩(6)訶薩善觀外性非性?  謂:炎、夢等一切性,無始(7)虛偽妄想習因,觀一切性自性。  菩薩摩訶薩(8)作如是善觀外性非性,是名菩薩摩訶薩(9)善觀外性非性。云何菩薩摩訶薩善離生住(10)滅見?謂:如幻、夢一切性,自他俱性不生,隨(11)入自心分齊故。見外性非性,見識不生及(12)緣不積聚,見妄想緣生,於三界內外一切(13)法不可得。見離自性,生見悉滅,知如幻等(14)諸法自性,得無生法忍。得無生法忍已,離(15)生住滅見,是名菩薩摩訶18 薩善分別離生(16)住滅見。云何菩薩摩訶薩得自覺聖智善樂?  (17)謂:得無生法忍,住第八菩薩地。得離心、意、(18)意識、五法、自性、二無我相,得意生身。」 
云何菩薩摩(6)訶薩善觀外性非性?  謂:炎、夢等一切性,無始(7)虛偽妄想習因,觀一切性自性。  菩薩摩訶薩(8)作如是善觀外性非性,是名菩薩摩訶薩(9)善觀外性非性。云何菩薩摩訶薩善離生住(10)滅見?謂:如幻、夢一切性,自他俱性不生,隨(11)入自心分齊故。見外性非性,見識不生及(12)緣不積聚,見妄想緣生,於三界內外一切(13)法不可得。見離自性,生見悉滅,知如幻等(14)諸法自性,得無生法忍。得無生法忍已,離(15)生住滅見,是名菩薩摩訶29 薩善分別離生(16)住滅見。云何菩薩摩訶薩得自覺聖智善樂?  (17)謂:得無生法忍,住第八菩薩地。得離心、意、(18)意識、五法、自性、二無我相,得意生身。」 
How again, Mahāmati, does the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva discard notions of birth, abiding, and disappearance?  By this it is meant that all things are to be regarded as forms born of a vision or a dream and have never been created since there are no such things as self, the other, or bothness.  [The Bodhisattvas] will see that the external world exists only in conformity with Mind-only; and seeing that there is no stirring of the Vijñānas and that the triple world is a complicated network of causation and owes its rise to discrimination, (81) they find that all things, inner and external, are beyond predicability, that there is nothing to be seen as self-nature, and that [the world] is not to be viewed as born; and thereby they will conform themselves to the insight that things are of the nature of a vision, etc., and attain to the recognition that things are unborn.  Establishing themselves on the eighth stage of Bodhisattvahood, they will experience a revulsion [in their consciousness] by transcending the Citta, Manas, and Manovijñāna, and the five Dharmas, and the [three] Svabhāvas, and the twofold Egolessness, and thereby attain the mind-made body (Manomayakāya). 
mahāmatir āha - manomayakāya iti bhagavan kena kāraṇena?  bhagavān āha - manomaya iti mahāmate manovadapratihataśīghragābhitvān manomaya ity ucyate |  tadyathā mahāmate mano ’pratihataṃ girikuḍyanadīvṛkṣādiṣv anekāni yojanaśatasahasrāṇi pūrvadṛṣṭānubhūtān viṣayānanusmaran svacittaprabandhāvicchinnaśarīram apratihatagati pravartate,  evam eva mahāmate manomayakāyasahapratilambhena māyopamasamena samādhinā balavaśitābhijñānalakṣaṇakusumitam āryagatinikāyasahajo mana iva pravartate ’pratihatagatiḥ pūrvapraṇidhānaviṣayān anusmaran sattvaparipākārtham |  evaṃ hi mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattva utpādasthitibhaṅgadṛṣṭivivarjito bhavati || 
佛告大慧:「意19 生者,譬如意(20)去,迅疾無礙,故名意生。  譬如意去,石壁無(21)礙,於彼異方無量20 由延,因先所見,憶念不(22)忘,自心流注不絕,於身無障礙生。  大慧!(23)如是意生身,得一時俱。菩薩摩訶薩意生身,(24)如幻三昧力自在神通,妙相莊嚴,聖種類身,(25)一時俱生。猶如意生,無有障礙,隨所憶念(26)本願境界,為21 成熟眾生,得自覺聖智善樂。   
佛告大慧:「意30 生者,譬如意(20)去,迅疾無礙,故名意生。  譬如意去,石壁無(21)礙,於彼異方無量31 由延,因先所見,憶念不(22)忘,自心流注不絕,於身無障礙生。  大慧!(23)如是意生身,得一時俱。菩薩摩訶薩意生身,(24)如幻三昧力自在神通,妙相莊嚴,聖種類身,(25)一時俱生。猶如意生,無有障礙,隨所憶念(26)本願境界,為32 成熟眾生,得自覺聖智善樂。   
Thus, Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva will discard the notion of birth, abiding, and disappearance.51 Said Mahāmati,52 what is meant by the will-body, Blessed One? 
The Blessed One replied: It means that one [in this body] can speedily move unobstructed as he wills; hence the will-body, Mahāmati.  For instance, Mahāmati, the will [or mind] travels unobstructed over mountains, walls, rivers, trees, etc., many a hundred thousand yojanas they may be away, when a man recollects the scenes which had previously come into his perception, while his own mind keeps on functioning in his body without the least interruption or hindrance.  In the same fashion, Mahāmati, the will-body, in the attainment of the Samādhi called Māyā-like and adorned with such marks as the powers, the psychic faculties, and the self-control, will be born in the noble paths and assemblies, moving about as freely as he wishes, as he recalls his original vows and worlds in order to bring all beings to maturity.  53  
tatra kathaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bāhyabhā(82*)vābhāvopalakṣaṇakuśalo bhavati?  yaduta marīcisvapnakeśoṇḍukaprakhyā mahāmate sarvabhāvāḥ |  anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavicitravipākavikalpavāsanābhiniveśahetukāḥ sarvabhāvasvabhāvā iti saṃpaśyan pratyātmāryajñānagativiṣayam abhilaṣate |  ebhir mahāmate caturbhir dharmaiḥ samanvāgatā bodhisattvā mahāsattvā mahāyogayogino bhavanti |  atra te mahāmate yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
  (27)如是菩薩摩訶薩,得無生法忍,住第八菩(28)薩地,轉捨心、意、意識、五法、自性、二無我相身,(29)及得意生身,得自覺聖智善樂。  是名菩薩(490a1)摩訶薩成就四法,得修行者大方便。  當如(2)是學。」 
  (27)如是菩薩摩訶薩,得無生法忍,住第八菩(28)薩地,轉捨心、意、意識、五法、自性、二無我相身,(29)及得意生身,得自覺聖智善樂。  是名菩薩(490a1)摩訶薩成就四法,得修行者大方便。  當如(2)是學。」 
Then, Mahāmati, what is meant by the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva (82) having a good insight into the non-existence of external objects? 
It means, Mahāmati, that all things are like unto a mirage, a dream, a hair-net;  and seeing that all things are here essentially because of our attachment to the habit-energy of discrimination which has been maturing since beginningless time on account of false imagination and erroneous speculation, the Bodhisattvas will seek after the attainment of self-realisation by their noble wisdom.  Mahāmati, furnished with these four things, Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas become great Yogins.  Therefore, in these, Mahāmati, you should exercise yourself. 
(35,1) atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma -  deśayatu me bhagavān hetupratyayalakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇām, yena hetupratyayalakṣaṇāvabodhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā sadasaddṛṣṭivikalparahitāḥ sarvabhāvanākramaṃ yugapad utpattiṃ na kalpayeyuḥ || 
(3)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復請世尊: 22 唯願為(4)說一切諸法緣因之相,以覺緣因相故,我(5)及諸菩薩離一切性,有無妄見;無妄想見,漸(6)次俱生。」 
(3)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復請世尊: 33 唯願為(4)說一切諸法緣因之相,以覺緣因相故,我(5)及諸菩薩離一切性,有無妄見;無妄想見,漸(6)次俱生。」 
At that time Mahāmati again made a request of the Blessed One: 
Pray tell me, Blessed One, about the causation of all things, whereby I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas can see into the nature of causation, and by getting rid of the discrimination [which issues in the philosophical views of] eternalism and nihilism, we may no more discriminate as to the gradual or simultaneous rising of all things. 
bhagavān āha - dviprakāraṃ mahāmate pratītyasamutpādahetulakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ yaduta bāhyaṃ ca ādhyātmikaṃ ca |  tatra bāhyapratītyasamutpādo mahāmate | mṛtpiṇḍadaṇḍacakrasūtrodakapuruṣaprayatnādipratyayair mahāmate ghaṭa utpadyate |  yathā ca mahāmate ghaṭo mṛtpiṇḍā deva, tan tubhyaḥ paṭāḥ, vīraṇebhyaḥ kaṭāḥ, bījādaṅkuraḥ, manthādipuruṣaprayatnayogād dadhno navanīta u(83*)tpadyate, evam eva mahāmate bāhyaḥ pratītyasamutpādaḥ pūrvottarottaro draṣṭavyam || 
外緣者,謂泥團柱輪繩水木人工諸方便(8)緣,有瓶生。  如泥瓶、縷疊、草席、種23 芽、酪酥等,(9)方便緣生,亦復如是。是名外緣前後轉生。 
外緣者,謂泥團柱輪繩水木人工諸方便(8)緣,有瓶生。  如泥瓶、縷疊、草席、種34 芽、酪酥等,(9)方便緣生,亦復如是。是名外緣前後轉生。 
Replied the Blessed One: Mahāmati, there are two factors of causation by which all things come into existence: external and inner.  Mahāmati, the external factors are a lump of clay, a stick, a wheel, thread, water, a worker, and his labour, the combination of all of which produces a jar.  As with the jar, Mahāmati, which is made of a lump of clay, or a piece of cloth made of thread, or a matting made of fragrant grass, or the sprout growing out of a seed, or fresh butter which is produced from sour milk by a man churning it with his own labour, (83) so it is, Mahāmati, with all things which, governed by external causes, appear one after another in continuous succession. 
tatra ādhyātmikaḥ pratītyasamutpādo yaduta avidyā tṛṣā karmetyevamādyā mahāmate dharmāḥ pratītyasamutpādasaṃjñāṃ pratilabhante |  ebhya utpannā mahāmate skandhadhātvāyatanākhyā dharmāḥ pratītyasamutpādasaṃjñāṃ pratilabhante |  te cāviśiṣṭāḥ, kalpyante ca bālaiḥ || 
從彼生(11)陰、界、入法,得緣所起名。  彼無差別,而愚夫(12)妄想。是名內緣法。 
從彼生(11)陰、界、入法,得緣所起名。  彼無差別,而愚夫(12)妄想。是名內緣法。 
As regards the inner factors of causation, Mahāmati, they are of such kind as ignorance, desire, and action, which make up our idea of causation.  Born of these, Mahāmati, there is the manifestation of the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas.  They are not separable [realities]54 but discriminated [as such] by the ignorant. 
tatra hetur mahāmate ṣaḍūvidhaḥ | yaduta bhaviṣyad dhetuḥ saṃbandhahetur lakṣaṇahetuḥ kāraṇahetur vyañjanahetur upekṣāhetur mahāmate ṣaṣṭhaḥ |  tatra bhaviṣyad dhetur mahāmate hetukṛtyaṃ karoty adhyātmabāhyotpattau dharmāṇām |  saṃbandhahetuḥ punar mahāmate ālambanakṛtyaṃ karoty adhyātmikabāhyotpattau skandhabījādīnām |  lakṣaṇahetuḥ punar aparaṃ mahāmate anantarakriyālakṣaṇoparibaddhaṃ janayati |  kāraṇahetuḥ punar mahāmate ādhipatyādhikārakṛtyaṃ karoti cakravartinṛpavat |  vyañjanahetuḥ punar mahāmate utpannasya vikalpasya bhāvasya lakṣaṇoddyotanakṛtyaṃ karoti pradīpavadrūpādīnām |  upekṣāhetuḥ punar mahāmate vinivṛttikāle praba(84*)ndhakriyāvyucchittiṃ karoty avikalpotpattau || 
大慧!彼因者有六種,謂:(13)當有因、相續因、相因、作因、顯示因、待因。  當(14)有因者,作因已,內外法生。  相續因者,作攀(15)緣已,內外法生陰種子等。  相因者,作無間相,(16)相續生。  作因者,作增上事,如轉輪王。  顯示(17)因者,妄想事生已,相現作所作,如燈照色(18)等。  待因者,滅時作相續斷,不妄想性生。 
大慧!彼因者有六種,謂:(13)當有因、相續因、相因、作因、顯示因、待因。  當(14)有因者,作因已,內外法生。  相續因者,作攀(15)緣已,內外法生陰種子等。  相因者,作無間相,(16)相續生。  作因者,作增上事,如轉輪王。  顯示(17)因者,妄想事生已,相現作所作,如燈照色(18)等。  待因者,滅時作相續斷,不妄想性生。 
Now, Mahāmati, there are six causes: (1) possibility-cause, (2) dependence-cause, (3) objectivity-cause, (4) agency-cause, (5) manifesting-cause, and (6) indifference-cause.55  
The possibility-cause means, Mahāmati, that when a cause to be becomes effective there is the rising of things inner and outer.  The dependence-cause means, Mahāmati, that when conditions to be, become effective there is the rising of the Skandha-seeds, etc., inner and outer.  Further, the objectivity-cause means, Mahāmati, that bound by the objective world [the Vijñāna] keeps up its continuous activity.  Again, Mahāmati, the agency-cause means that like a sovereign king a cause invested with supreme authority asserts itself.  Again, the manifesting-cause means that when the discriminating faculty rises, as the result it reveals individual marks as a lamp does forms, etc.  Lastly, the indifference-cause means that when there is a dissolution (84) the power of combination discontinues, and there rises a state of non-discrimination. 
ete hi mahāmate svavikalpakalpitā bālapṛthagjanair na kramavṛttyā na yugapat pravartante |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yadi punar mahāmate yugapat pravarteran, kāryakāraṇavibhāgo na syād apratilabdhahetulakṣaṇatvāt |  atha kramavṛttyā pravarteran, alabdhasya lakṣaṇātmakatvāt kramavṛttyā na pravartate |  ajātaputrapitṛśabdavan mahāmate kramavṛttisaṃbandhayogā na ghaṭante |  tārkikāṇāṃ hetvārambaṇanirantarādhipatipratyayādibhir janyajanakatvān mahāmate kramavṛttyā notpadyante |  parikalpitasvabhāvābhiniveśalakṣaṇān mahāmate yugapan notpadyante |  svacittadṛśyadehabhogapraviṣṭhānatvāt svasāmānyalakṣaṇabāhyabhāvābhāvān mahāmate krameṇa yugapadvā notpadyante |  anyatra svacittadṛśyavikalpavikalpitatvād vijñānaṃ pravartate |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate hetupratyayakriyāyogalakṣaṇakramayugapaddṛṣṭivigatena te bhavitavyam || 
大慧!(19)彼自妄想相愚夫,不漸次生,不俱生。  所以(20)者何?若復俱生者,作所作無分別,不得因(21)相故。  若漸次生者,不得24 我相故。  漸次25 生(22)不生,如不生子,無父名。  大慧!漸次生相續(23)方便不然,但妄想耳。因攀緣次第、增上緣(24)等生所生故。  大慧!漸次生不生,妄想自性(25)計著相故。  漸次俱不生,自心現受用故。自相(26)共相外性非性。  大慧!漸次俱不生,除26 自心(27)現,不覺妄想故相生。  是故因緣作事方便相,(28)當離漸次俱見。」 
大慧!(19)彼自妄想相愚夫,不漸次生,不俱生。  所以(20)者何?若復俱生者,作所作無分別,不得因(21)相故。  若漸次生者,不得35 我相故。  漸次36 生(22)不生,如不生子,無父名。  大慧!漸次生相續(23)方便不然,但妄想耳。因攀緣次第、增上緣(24)等生所生故。  大慧!漸次生不生,妄想自性(25)計著相故。  漸次俱不生,自心現受用故。自相(26)共相外性非性。  大慧!漸次俱不生,除37 自心(27)現,不覺妄想故相生。  是故因緣作事方便相,(28)當離漸次俱見。」 
These, Mahāmati, are the outcome of discrimination carried on by the ignorant and simple-minded, and there is no gradual nor simultaneous rising of existence.  Why? Because, Mahāmati, if there is a simultaneous rising of existence, there would be no distinction between cause and effect, and there would be nothing to characterise a cause as such.  If a gradual rising is admitted, there is no substance that holds together individual signs, which makes gradual rising impossible.  While a child is not yet born, Mahāmati, the term father has no significance.56   The logician argues that there is that which is born and that which gives birth by the mutual functioning of such causal factors as cause, subsistence, continuity, acceleration, and others; and they conclude that there is a gradual rising of existence.  But, Mahāmati, this gradual rising does not obtain except by reason of their attachment to the notion of self-nature.  When the [ideas of] body, property, and abode are cherished in what is nothing but the manifestation of Mind itself, the external world is perceived under the aspects of individuality and generality, which, however, are not realities; and therefore, Mahāmati, neither a gradual nor a simultaneous rising of things is possible.  It is only when the Vijñāna evolves by reason of discrimination which discriminates the manifestation of Mind itself [that existence is said to come into view].  For this reason, Mahāmati, you must strive to get rid of notions of gradation and simultaneity in the combination of the causal activities. 
[(bm :: 2 :: Verse 140-44)tatredam ucyate -
na hy atrotpadyate kiṃcit pratyayair na nirudhyate |
utpadyante nirudhyante pratyayā eva kalpitāḥ || 2.140 || 
(490b1)「一切都無生, 亦無因緣滅,
(2)於彼生滅中, 而起因緣想。 
(490b1)「一切都無生, 亦無因緣滅,
(2)於彼生滅中, 而起因緣想。 
Thus it is said:
140 Nothing whatever is born or ceases to exist by reason of causation; when causation is discriminated there is birth and cessation. 
(36,1) (85*) na bhaṅgotpādasaṃkleśaḥ pratyayānāṃ nivāryate |
yatra bālā vikalpanti pratyayaiḥ sa nivāryate || 2.141 || 
(3)非遮滅復生, 相續因緣起,
(4)唯為斷凡愚, 癡惑妄想緣。 
(3)非遮滅復生, 相續因緣起,
(4)唯為斷凡愚, 癡惑妄想緣。 
(85) 141 It is not to keep off the idea of birth and disappearance which takes place in causation; it is to keep off the wrong imagination as to causation, which is cherished by the ignorant. 
yaccāsataḥ pratyayeṣu dharmāṇāṃ nāsti saṃbhavaḥ |
vāsanair bhrāmitaṃ cittaṃ tribhave khyāyate yataḥ |
nābhūtvā jāyate kiṃcitpratyayair na virudhyate || 2.142 || 
(5)有無緣起法, 是悉無有生,
(6)習氣所迷轉, 從是三有現。 
(5)有無緣起法, 是悉無有生,
(6)習氣所迷轉, 從是三有現。 
142 The being and non-being of things subject to causation has no reality; the triple world owes its existence to the Mind put into confusion by reason of habit-energy. 
vandhyāsutākāśapuṣpaṃ yadā paśyanti saṃskṛtam |
tadā grāhaś ca grāhyaṃ ca bhrāntiṃ dṛṣṭvā nivartate || 2.143 || 
(7)真實無生緣, 亦復無有滅,
(8)觀一切有為, 猶如虛空華。
(9)攝受及所攝, 捨離惑亂見, 
(7)真實無生緣, 亦復無有滅,
(8)觀一切有為, 猶如虛空華。
(9)攝受及所攝, 捨離惑亂見, 
143 Not ever being in existence, what things are there that are born? [but] in causation nothing is lost; when effect-producing objects (samskrita) are regarded as like unto a barren woman's child or a flower in the sky, one perceives that grasping (subject) and grasped (object) are an error and desists [from committing the same error]. 
na cotpādyaṃ na cotpannaḥ pratyayo ’pi na kiṃcana |
saṃvidyate kvacit kecid vayavahāras tu kathyate || 2.144 || 
(10)非已生當生, 亦復無因緣。
(11)一切無所有, 斯皆是言說。」 
(10)非已生當生, 亦復無因緣。
(11)一切無所有, 斯皆是言說。」 
144 There is nothing that is to be born, nor is there anything that has been born; even causation is not; it is because of wordly usage that things are talked of as existing. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  deśayatu me bhagavān vāgvikalpalakṣaṇahṛdayaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ yena vāgvikalpalakṣaṇahṛdayena bhagavan suprativibhāgavinibaddhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā abhilāpābhilāpyārthadvayagatiṃgatāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhya abhilāpābhilāpyārthadvayagatiṃ sarvasattvānāṃ viśodhayeyuḥ |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | (86*) bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavan iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavān asyaitad avocat - caturvidhaṃ mahāmate vāgvikalpalakṣaṇaṃ bhavati |  yaduta lakṣaṇavāk svapnavāk dauṣṭhulyavikalpābhiniveśavāk anādivikalpavāk || 
(12)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!27 唯(13)願為說言說妄想相心經。28 (此同上佛語心也)世尊!我(14)及餘菩薩摩訶薩,若善知言說妄想相心(15)29 經,則能通達言說所說二種義,疾得阿耨(16)多羅三藐三菩提,以言說所說二種趣,淨一(17)切眾生。」  佛告大慧:「諦聽諦聽,善思念之,當(18)為汝說。」  大慧白佛言:「善哉,世尊!唯然受教。」  (19)佛告大慧:「有四種言說妄想相,  謂:相言說、(20)夢言說、過妄想計著言說、無始妄想言說。 
(12)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!38 唯(13)願為說言說妄想相心經。39 (此同上佛語心也)世尊!我(14)及餘菩薩摩訶薩,若善知言說妄想相心(15)40 經,則能通達言說所說二種義,疾得阿耨(16)多羅三藐三菩提,以言說所說二種趣,淨一(17)切眾生。」  佛告大慧:「諦聽諦聽,善思念之,當(18)為汝說。」  大慧白佛言:「善哉,世尊!唯然受教。」  (19)佛告大慧:「有四種言說妄想相,  謂:相言說、(20)夢言說、過妄想計著言說、無始妄想言說。 
At that moment again Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this to the Blessed One: 
Pray tell me, Blessed One, about the teaching known as the essence of discrimination as regards words, whereby, Blessed One, I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, comprehending and becoming well acquainted with the essence of discrimination as regards words, will be thoroughly informed of the signification of two things, expression and expressed, and, thereby immediately attaining supreme enlightenment, will explain the signification of these two things, expression and expressed, for the purification of all beings.  Replied the Blessed One: Then, Mahāmati, listen well and reflect well, (86) for I will tell you about it.  Well done! said Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva and listened to the Blessed One.  The Blessed One said this to him: There are, Mahāmati, four kinds of word-discrimination.  They are: (1) Words denoting individual marks, (2) dream-words, (3) words growing out of the attachment to erroneous speculations and discriminations, and (4) words growing out of the discrimination that knows no beginning. 
tatra mahāmate lakṣaṇavāk svavikalparūpanimittābhiniveśāt pravartate |  svapnavāk punar mahāmate pūrvānubhūtaviṣayānusmaraṇāt prativibuddhaviṣayābhāvāc ca pravartate |  dauṣṭhulyavikalpābhiniveśavāk punar mahāmate śatrupūrvakṛtakarmānusmaraṇāt pravartate |  anādikālavikalpavāk punar mahāmate anādikālaprapañcābhiniveśadauṣṭhulyasvabījavāsanātaḥ pravartate |  etad dhi mahāmate caturvidhaṃ vāgvikalpalakṣaṇam iti me yaduktam, idaṃ tatpratyuktam || 
夢言說者,(22)先所經境界,隨憶念生,從覺已境界無性(23)生。  過妄想計著言說者,先怨所作業,隨憶念(24)生。  無始妄想言說者,無始虛偽計著過自種(25)習氣生。  是名四種言說妄想相。」 
夢言說者,(22)先所經境界,隨憶念生,從覺已境界無性(23)生。  過妄想計著言說者,先怨所作業,隨憶念(24)生。  無始妄想言說者,無始虛偽計著過自種(25)習氣生。  是名四種言說妄想相。」 
Now, Mahāmati, the words denoting individual marks rise from discriminating forms and characteristic signs as real in themselves and becoming attached to them.  The dream-words, Mahāmati, rise from the unreal surroundings which reveal themselves [before the mind] when it recollects its previous experience.  The words growing out of the attachment to erroneous speculations and discriminations, Mahāmati, rise from recollecting deeds once previously committed.  The words growing out of the discrimination that has been functioning since beginningless time, Mahāmati, rise from the habit-energy whose seeds have been growing out of the clinging to erroneous speculations and false imaginations since beginningless time.  I say, Mahāmati, these are the four features of word-discrimination, which is the answer to your question. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etam evārtham adhyeṣate sma -  deśayatu me bhagavān punar api vāgvikalpābhivyaktigocaram |  kutra kasmāt kathaṃ kena bhagavan nṛṇāṃ vāgvijñaptivikalpaḥ pravartate?  bhagavān āha - śirauronāsākaṇṭhatālvoṣṭhajihvādantasamavāyān mahāmate vāk pravartamānā pravartate |  mahāmatir āha - kiṃ punar bhagavan vā(87*)gvikalpād anyota ananyā?  bhagavān āha - na hi mahāmate vāg vikalpādanyā nānanyā |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta taddhetūtpattilakṣaṇatvān mahāmate vāgvikalpaḥ pravartate |  yadi punar mahāmate vāg vikalpād anyā syāt, avikalpahetukī syāt |  athānanyā syāt, arthābhivyaktitvād vāg na kuryāt | sā ca kurute |  tasmān nānyā nānanyā || 
爾時大慧菩(26)薩摩訶薩,復以此義勸請世尊: 30 唯願更說(27)言說妄想所現境界。世尊!  何處、何故、云何、何(28)因,眾生妄想言說生?」  佛告大慧:「頭胸喉鼻脣(29)舌齗齒和合出音聲。」  大慧白佛言:「世尊!言(490c1)說妄想為異為不異?」  佛告大慧:「言說、妄想(2)非異非不異。  所以者何?謂彼因生相故。  大(3)慧!若言說、妄想異者,妄想不應是因。  若不(4)異者,語不顯義,而有顯示。  是故非異非不(5)異。」 
爾時大慧菩(26)薩摩訶薩,復以此義勸請世尊: 41 唯願更說(27)言說妄想所現境界。世尊!  何處、何故、云何、何(28)因,眾生妄想言說生?」  佛告大慧:「頭胸喉鼻脣(29)舌齗齒和合出音聲。」  大慧白佛言:「世尊!言(490c1)說妄想為異為不異?」  佛告大慧:「言說、妄想(2)非異非不異。  所以者何?謂彼因生相故。  大(3)慧!若言說、妄想異者,妄想不應是因。  若不(4)異者,語不顯義,而有顯示。  是故非異非不(5)異。」 
At that time again, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva requested of the Blessed One to speak on this subject: 
Pray tell me again, Blessed One, about the conditions whereby the word-discrimination manifests itself.  Where, whence, how, and by whom do words indicating discrimination take place among the people?  Said the Blessed One: Mahāmati, the word-discrimination goes on taking place by the coordination of the head, chest, nose, throat, palate, lips, tongue, and teeth.  Said Mahāmati; Again, Blessed One, (87) are words to be considered different (anya) or not-different (ananya) from discrimination?  Replied the Blessed One: Mahāmati, they are neither different nor not-different.  Why? Because words rise, Mahāmati, with discrimination as their cause.  If, Mahāmati, words are different from discrimination, they cannot have it for cause.  Then if they are not different, words cannot express the sense, which they do.  Therefore, words and discrimination are neither different nor not-different. 
(37,1) punar api mahāmatir āha - kiṃ punar bhagavan vacanam eva paramārthaḥ, uta yadvacanenābhilapyate sa paramārthaḥ?  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate vacanaṃ paramārthaḥ, na ca yadvacanenābhilapyate sa paramārthaḥ |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta paramārthāryasukhābhilāpapraveśitvāt paramārthasya vacanaṃ na paramārthaḥ |  paramārthasyu mahāmate āryajñānapratyātmagatigamyo na vāgvikalpabuddhigocaraḥ |  tena vikalpo nādbhāvayati paramārtham |  vacanaṃ punar mahāmate utpannapradhvaṃsi capalaṃ parasparapratyayahetusamutpannam |  yacca mahāmate parasparapratyayahetusamutpannaṃ tatparamārthaṃ nodbhāvayati |  svaparalakṣaṇābhāvān mahāmate bāhyalakṣaṇaṃ nodbhāvayati || 
佛告大慧:「非言說(7)是第一義,亦非所說是第一義。  所以者何?謂(8)第一義聖樂言說所入是第一義,非言說是(9)第一義。  第一義者,聖智自覺所得,非言說妄(10)想覺境界。  是故言說、妄想,不顯示第一義。  (11)言說者,生滅動搖展轉因緣起。  若展轉因緣(12)起者,  言說相不顯示第一義。 
佛告大慧:「非言說(7)是第一義,亦非所說是第一義。  所以者何?謂(8)第一義聖樂言說所入是第一義,非言說是(9)第一義。  第一義者,聖智自覺所得,非言說妄(10)想覺境界。  是故言說、妄想,不顯示第一義。  (11)言說者,生滅動搖展轉因緣起。  若展轉因緣(12)起者,  言說相不顯示第一義。 
Then Mahāmati said: Again, Blessed One, are words themselves the highest reality? or is what is expressed in words the highest reality?  The Blessed One replied: Mahāmati, words are not the highest reality, nor is what is expressed in words the highest reality.  Why? Because the highest reality is an exalted state of bliss, and as it cannot be entered into by mere statements regarding it, words are not the highest reality.  Mahāmati, the highest reality is to be attained by the inner realisation of noble wisdom; it is not a state of word-discrimination;  therefore, discrimination does not express the highest reality.  And then, Mahāmati, words are subject to birth and destruction; they are unsteady, mutually conditioning, and are produced by the law of causation.  And again, Mahāmati, what is mutually conditioning and produced by the law of causation cannot express the highest reality, because the indications [pointing to the distinction between] self and not-self are non-existent.  Mahāmati, words are these indications and do not express [the highest reality]. 
(88*) punar aparaṃ mahāmate svacittadṛśyamātrānusāritvād vividhavicitralakṣaṇabāhyabhāvābhāvād vāgvikalpaḥ paramārthaṃ na vikalpayati |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate vāgvicitravikalparahitena te bhavitavyam || 
復次,大慧!隨入(14)自心現量故,種種相外性非性,言說、妄想不(15)顯示第一義。  是故,大慧!當離言說、諸妄想(16)相。」 
復次,大慧!隨入(14)自心現量故,種種相外性非性,言說、妄想不(15)顯示第一義。  是故,大慧!當離言說、諸妄想(16)相。」 
(88) Further, Mahāmati, word-discrimination cannot express the highest reality, for external objects with their multitudinous individual marks are non-existent, and only appear before us as something revealed out of Mind itself.  Therefore, Mahāmati, you must try to keep yourself away from the various forms of word-discrimination. 
tatredam ucyate -
sarvabhāvo ’svabhāvo hi sadvacanaṃ tathāpy asat |
śūnyatāśūnyatārthaṃ vā bālo ’paśyan vidhāvati || 2.145 || 
(17)「諸性無自性, 亦復無言說,
(18)甚深空空義, 愚夫不能了。 
(17)「諸性無自性, 亦復無言說,
(18)甚深空空義, 愚夫不能了。 
Thus it is said:
145 In all things there is no self-nature, words too are devoid of reality; as the ignorant understand not what is meant by emptiness, yes, by emptiness, they wander about. 
sarvabhāvasvabhāvā ca vacanam api nṛṇām |
kalpanā sāpi nāsti nirvāṇaṃ svapnatulyam |
bhavaṃ parīkṣeta na saṃsāre nāpi nirvāyāt || 2.146 || 
(19)一切性自性, 言說法如影, 
(19)一切性自性, 言說法如影, 
146 In all things there is no self-nature, they are mere words of people; that which is discriminated has no reality; [even] Nirvāṇa is like a dream; nothing is seen to be in transmigration, nor does anything ever enter into Nirvāṇa. 
rājā śreṣṭhī yathā putrān vicitrair mṛnmayair mṛgaiḥ |
pralobhya krīḍayitvā ca bhūtān dadyāt tato mṛgān || 2.147 || 
147 As a king or a wealthy householder, giving his children various clay-made animals, pleases them and makes them play [with the toys], but later gives them real ones; 
tathāhaṃ lakṣaṇaiś citrair dharmāṇāṃ pratibimbakaiḥ |
pratyātmavedyāṃ putrebhyo bhūtakoṭiṃ vadāmy aham || 2.148 || 
(20)自覺聖智子, 實際我所說。」 
(20)自覺聖智子, 實際我所說。」 
148 So, I, making use of various forms and images of things, instruct my sons; but the limit of reality (bhutakoti) can [only] be realised within oneself. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api (89*) bhagavantam etad avocat -  deśayatu me bhagavān nāstyastitvaikatvānyatvobhayanobhaya naivāsti na nāsti nityānityavarjitaṃ sarvatīrthyāgatipracāram āryapratyātmajñānagatigamyaṃ  parikalpitasvasāmānyalakṣaṇavinivṛttaṃ paramārthatattvāvatāraṃ  bhūmyanusaṃdhikramottarottaraviśuddhilakṣaṇaṃ tathāgatabhūmyanupraveśalakṣaṇam  anābhogapūrvapraṇidhānaviśvarūpamaṇisadṛśaviṣayānantalakṣaṇapracāraṃ svacittadṛśyagocaragativibhāgalakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇām |  yathā ca ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā evamādiṣu parikalpitasvabhāvasvasāmānya lakṣaṇavinivṛttadṛṣṭayaḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhya sarvasattvānāṃ sarvaguṇasaṃpattīḥ paripūrayema || 
(21)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!31 唯(22)願為說離32 一異、俱不33 俱、有無非有非無、常(23)無常,一切外道所不行,自覺聖智所行,  離(24)妄想自相共相,入於第一真實之義。  諸地相(25)續漸次上上增進清淨之相,隨入如來地相,  (26)無開發本願。譬如眾色摩尼境界無邊相行,(27)自心現趣部分之相一切諸法。  我及餘菩薩(28)摩訶薩,離如是等妄想自性自共相見,疾(29)得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,令一切眾生,一切(491a1)安樂,具足充滿。」 
(21)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!42 唯(22)願為說離43 一異、俱不44 俱、有無非有非無、常(23)無常,一切外道所不行,自覺聖智所行,  離(24)妄想自相共相,入於第一真實之義。  諸地相(25)續漸次上上增進清淨之相,隨入如來地相,  (26)無開發本願。譬如眾色摩尼境界無邊相行,(27)自心現趣部分之相一切諸法。  我及餘菩薩(28)摩訶薩,離如是等妄想自性自共相見,疾(29)得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,令一切眾生,一切(491a1)安樂,具足充滿。」 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva again (89) said this to the Blessed One: 
Pray tell me, Blessed One, about the attainment of self-realisation by noble wisdom, which does not belong to the path and the usage of the philosophers; which is devoid of [all such predicates as] being and non-being, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, existence and non-existence, eternity and non-eternity;  which has nothing to do with the false imagination, nor with individuality and generality; which manifests itself as the truth of highest reality;  which, going up continuously by degrees the stages of purification, enters upon the stage of Tathāgatahood;  which, because of the original vows unattended by any striving, will perform its works in infinite worlds like a gem reflecting a variety of colours; and which is manifested [when one perceives how] signs of individuation rise in all things as one realises the course and realm of what is seen of Mind itself,  and thereby I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are enabled to survey things from the point of view which is not hampered by marks of individuality and generality nor by anything of the false imagination, and may quickly attain supreme enlightenment and enable all beings to achieve the perfection of all their virtues. 
bhagavān āha - sādhu sādhu mahāmate, sādhu khalu punas tvaṃ mahāmate, yat tvam etam artham adhyeṣitavyaṃ manyase |  bahujanahitāya tvaṃ mahāmate pratipanno bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasyārthāya hitāya sukhāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca |  tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasi kuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ (38,1) pratyaśrauṣīt |  bha(90*)gavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhān mahāmate bālapṛthagjanā bāhyavicitrabhāvābhiniveśena ca nāstyastitvaikatvānyatvobhaya naivāsti na nāsti nityānityasvabhāvavāsanāhetuvikalpābhiniveśena vikalpayanti |  tadyathā mahāmate mṛgatṛṣṇodakaṃ mṛgā udakabhāvena vikalpya grīṣmābhitaptāḥ pātukāmatayā pradhāvanti,  svacittadṛṣṭibhrāntyanavabodhān na prajānanti na_trodakam iti,  evam eva mahāmate bālapṛthagjanā anādikālavividhaprapañcavikalpavāsitamatayo rāgadveṣamohāgnitāpitamanaso vicitrarūpaviṣayābhilāṣiṇaḥ utpādabhaṅgasthitidṛṣṭyāśayā ādhyātmikabāhyabhāvābhāvākuśalāḥ |  te ekatvānyatvanāstyastitvagrāhe prapatanti |  tadyathā mahāmate gandharvanagare ’viduṣāmanagare nagarasaṃjñā bhavati |  sā ca nagarākṛtir anādikālanagarabījavāsanābhiniveśāt khyāti |  tac ca nagaraṃ nānagaraṃ na nagaram |  evam eva mahāmate anādikālatīrthyapraprañcavādavāsanābhiniviṣṭāḥ ekatvānyatvāstitvanāstitvavādān abhiniviśante svacittadṛśyamātrānavadhāritamatayaḥ |  (91*) tadyathā mahāmate kaścid eva puruṣaḥ śayitaḥ svapnāntare strīpuruṣahastyaśvarathapadātigrāmanagaranigamagomahiṣavanodyānavividhagirinadītaḍāgopaśobhitaṃ janapadam antaḥpuraṃ praviśya prativibudhyeta |  sa prativibuddhaḥ saṃstad eva janapadam antaḥpuraṃ samanusmaret |  tat kiṃ manyase mahāmate - api nu sa puruṣaḥ paṇḍitajātīyo bhavet, yas tad abhūtaṃ svapnavaicitryam anusmaret? āha - no hīdaṃ bhagavan |  bhagavān āha - evam eva mahāmate bālapṛthagjanāḥ kudṛṣṭidaṣṭāstīrthyamatayaḥ svapnatulyāt svacittadṛśyabhāvān na prativijānante, ekatvānyatvanāstyastitvadṛṣṭiṃ samāśrayante |  tadyathā mahāmate citrakarakṛtapradeśā animnonnatāḥ santo nimnonnatā bālaiḥ kalpyante,  evam eva mahāmate bhaviṣyanty anāgate ’dhvani tīrthyadṛṣṭivāsanāśayaprativikalpapuṣṭāḥ |  te ekatvānyatvobhayānubhayavādābhiniviṣṭāḥ svayaṃ naṣṭā anyān api sadasatpakṣaviviktānutpādavādino nāstikā iti vakṣyanti |  ete hetuphalāpavādino durdarśanonmūlitahetukuśalaśuklapakṣāḥ |  ete śreyorthibhir dūrataḥ parivarjyāṃ iti vakṣyante |  te ca svaparobhayadṛṣṭipatitāśayā nāsty a(92*)stitvavikalpasamāropāpavādakudṛṣṭipatitāśayā narakaparāyaṇā bhaviṣyanti |  tadyathā mahāmate taimirikāḥ keśoṇḍukaṃ dṛṣṭvā parasparam ācakṣate - idaṃ citram idaṃ citram iti paśyantu bho mārṣāḥ |  tacca keśoṇḍukamubhayānutpannatayā na bhāvo nābhāvo darśanādarśanataḥ |  evam eva mahāmate tīrthyakudṛṣṭivikalpāśayābhiniviṣṭāḥ sadasatpakṣaikatva_nyatvobhayānubhayatvavādābhiniviṣṭāḥ saddharmāpavādakā ātmānaṃ parāṃś ca vinipātayiṣyanti |  tadyathā mahāmate acakramalātacakraṃ bālaiś cakrabhāvena parikalpyate na paṇḍitaiḥ,  evam eva mahāmate kudṛṣṭitīrthyāśayapatitā ekatvānyatvobhayānubhayatvaṃ parikalpayiṣyanti sarvabhāvotpattau |  tadyathā mahāmate deve pravarṣati jalabudbudakāḥ sphaṭikamaṇisadṛśāḥ khyāyante |  tatra ca bālāḥ sphaṭikamaṇibhāvamabhiniveśya pradhāvanti |  te ca mahāmate udakabudbudakā na maṇayo nāmaṇayo grahaṇāgrahaṇataḥ |  evam eva mahāmate tīrthyadṛṣṭivikalpāśayavāsanāvāsitā asataś cotpādaṃ varṇayiṣyanti pratyayaiḥ, sataś ca vināśam || 
汝能(2)問我如是之義,多所安樂,多所饒益,哀(3)愍一切諸天世人。」  佛告大慧:「諦聽,諦聽!善思(4)念之!吾當為汝分別解說。」  大慧白佛言:「善(5)哉,世尊!唯然受教。」  佛告大慧:「不知心量愚(6)癡凡夫,取內外性,依於一異、俱不俱、有無非(7)有非無、常無常,自性習因計著妄想。  譬如群(8)鹿,為渴所逼,見春時炎,而作水想,迷亂馳(9)趣,  不知非水。  如是愚夫,無始虛偽妄想所(10)34 熏,三毒燒心,樂色境界,35 見生住滅,取內(11)外性,  墮於一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無(12)常想,妄見攝受。  如乾闥婆城,凡愚無智而起(13)城想,  無始習氣計著36 想現。  彼非有城非無(14)城,  如是外道無始虛偽習氣計著,依於一(15)異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常見,不能了(16)知自心現量。  譬如有人,夢見男女37 為馬車(17)步,城邑園林山河浴池種種莊嚴,自身入中,  (18)覺已憶念。  大慧!於意云何?如是士夫,於前(19)所夢憶念不捨,為黠慧不?」
佛告大慧:「如是凡夫,惡見所噬,外(21)道智慧,不知如夢自心38 現量,依於一異、俱(22)不俱、有無非有非無、常無常見。  譬如畫像,不(23)高不下,而彼凡愚,作高下想。  如是未來外(24)道惡見習氣充滿,  依於一異、俱不俱、有無非(25)有非無、常無常見,自壞壞他。餘離有無無生(26)之論,亦說言無。  謗因果見,拔善根本,壞(27)清淨因。  勝求者,當遠離去,  作如是說:『彼墮(28)自他俱見、有無妄想已,墮建立誹謗。以是(29)惡見,當墮地獄。』  譬如翳目見有垂髮,謂(491b1)眾人言:『汝等觀此而是垂髮,  畢竟非性非(2)無性,見不見故。』  如是外道妄見悕望,依於(3)一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常見,誹謗(4)正法,自陷陷他。  譬如火輪非輪,愚夫輪想,(5)非有智者。  如是外道惡見悕望,依於一異、(6)俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常想,一切性生。  (7)譬如水泡,似摩尼珠,  愚小無智,作摩尼想,(8)計著追逐。  而彼水泡,非摩尼非非摩尼,取(9)不取故。  如是外道惡見妄想習氣所熏,於(10)無所有,說有生;緣有者,言滅。 
汝能(2)問我如是之義,多所安樂,多所饒益,哀(3)愍一切諸天世人。」  佛告大慧:「諦聽,諦聽!善思(4)念之!吾當為汝分別解說。」  大慧白佛言:「善(5)哉,世尊!唯然受教。」  佛告大慧:「不知心量愚(6)癡凡夫,取內外性,依於一異、俱不俱、有無非(7)有非無、常無常,自性習因計著妄想。  譬如群(8)鹿,為渴所逼,見春時炎,而作水想,迷亂馳(9)趣,  不知非水。  如是愚夫,無始虛偽妄想所(10)45 熏,三毒燒心,樂色境界,46 見生住滅,取內(11)外性,  墮於一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無(12)常想,妄見攝受。  如乾闥婆城,凡愚無智而起(13)城想,  無始習氣計著47 想現。  彼非有城非無(14)城,  如是外道無始虛偽習氣計著,依於一(15)異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常見,不能了(16)知自心現量。  譬如有人,夢見男女48 為馬車(17)步,城邑園林山河浴池種種莊嚴,自身入中,  (18)覺已憶念。  大慧!於意云何?如是士夫,於前(19)所夢憶念不捨,為黠慧不?」
佛告大慧:「如是凡夫,惡見所噬,外(21)道智慧,不知如夢自心49 現量,依於一異、俱(22)不俱、有無非有非無、常無常見。  譬如畫像,不(23)高不下,而彼凡愚,作高下想。  如是未來外(24)道惡見習氣充滿,  依於一異、俱不俱、有無非(25)有非無、常無常見,自壞壞他。餘離有無無生(26)之論,亦說言無。  謗因果見,拔善根本,壞(27)清淨因。  勝求者,當遠離去,  作如是說:『彼墮(28)自他俱見、有無妄想已,墮建立誹謗。以是(29)惡見,當墮地獄。』  譬如翳目見有垂髮,謂(491b1)眾人言:『汝等觀此而是垂髮,  畢竟非性非(2)無性,見不見故。』  如是外道妄見悕望,依於(3)一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常見,誹謗(4)正法,自陷陷他。  譬如火輪非輪,愚夫輪想,(5)非有智者。  如是外道惡見悕望,依於一異、(6)俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常想,一切性生。  (7)譬如水泡,似摩尼珠,  愚小無智,作摩尼想,(8)計著追逐。  而彼水泡,非摩尼非非摩尼,取(9)不取故。  如是外道惡見妄想習氣所熏,於(10)無所有,說有生;緣有者,言滅。 
Replied the Blessed One: Well done, well done, Mahāmati! and again, well done, indeed, Mahāmati!  Because of your compassion for the world, for the benefit of many people, for the happiness of many people, for the welfare, benefit, happiness of many people, both of celestial beings and humankind, Mahāmati, you present yourself before me and make this request.  Therefore, Mahāmati, listen well and truly, and reflect, for I will tell you.  Assuredly, said Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva, and gave ear to the Blessed One.  (90) The Blessed One said this to him: Mahāmati, since the ignorant and the simple-minded, not knowing that the world is what is seen of Mind itself, cling to the multitudinousness of external objects, cling to the notions of being and non-being, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, existence and non-existence, eternity and non-eternity, as being characterised by self-nature which rises from discrimination based on habit-energy, they are addicted to false imaginings.  Mahāmati, it is like a mirage in which the springs are seen as if they were real. They are imagined so by the animals who, thirsty from the heat of the season, would run after them.  Not knowing that the springs are their own mental hallucinations, the animals do not realise that there are no such springs.  In the same way, Mahāmati, the ignorant and simple-minded with their minds impressed by various erroneous speculations and discriminations since beginningless time; with their minds burning with the fire of greed, anger, and folly; delighted in a world of multitudinous forms; with their thoughts saturated with the ideas of birth, destruction, and subsistence; not understanding well what is meant by existent and non-existent, by inner and outer;  the ignorant and simple-minded fall into the way of grasping at oneness and otherness, being and non-being.  Mahāmati, it is like the city of the Gandharvas which the unwitted take for a real city, though it is not so in fact.  This city appears in essence owing to their attachment to the memory of a city preserved in seed from beginningless time.  This city is thus neither existent nor non-existent.  In the same way, Mahāmati, clinging to the memory (vasana) of erroneous speculations and doctrines since beginningless time, they hold fast to ideas such as oneness and otherness, being and non-being, and their thoughts are not at all clear about what is seen of Mind-only.  (91) Mahāmati, it is like a man, who, dreaming in his sleep of a country variously filled with women, men, elephants, horses, cars, pedestrians, villages, towns, hamlets, cows, buffalos, mansions, woods, mountains, rivers, and lakes enters into its inner appartments and is awakened.  While awakened thus, he recollects the city and its inner apartments.  What do you think, Mahāmati? Is this person to be regarded as wise, who is recollecting the various unrealities he has seen in his dream? Said Mahāmati: Indeed, he is not, Blessed One.  The Blessed One continued: In the same way the ignorant and simple-minded who are bitten by erroneous views and are inclined toward the philosophers, do not recognise that things seen of the Mind itself are like a dream, and are held fast by the notions of oneness and otherness, of being and non-being.  Mahāmati, it is like the painter's canvas on which there is no depression nor elevation as imagined by the ignorant.  In the same way, Mahāmati, there may be in the future some people brought up in the habit-energy, mentality, and imagination based on the philosophers' erroneous views;  clinging to the ideas of oneness and otherness, of bothness and not-bothness, they may bring themselves and others to ruin; they may declare those people nihilists who hold the doctrine of no-birth apart from the alternatives of being and non-being.  They [argue against] cause and effect, they are followers of the wicked views whereby they uproot meritorious causes of unstained purity.  They are to be kept far away by those whose desires are for things excellent.  They are those whose thoughts are entangled in the errors of self, other, and both, (92) in the errors of imagining being and non-being, assertion and refutation, and hell will be their final refuge.  Mahāmati, it is like the dim-eyed ones who, seeing a hair-net, would exclaim to one another, saying: “It is wonderful! it is wonderful! Look, O honourable sirs!"  And the said hair-net has never been brought into existence. It is in fact neither an entity nor a non-entity, because it is seen and not seen.  In the same manner, Mahāmati, those whose minds are addicted to discrimination of the erroneous views as cherished by the philosophers, and who are also given up to the realistic ideas of being and non-being, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, will contradict the good Dharma, ending in the destruction of themselves and others.  Mahāmati, it is like a firebrand-wheel which is no real wheel but which is imagined to be of such character by the ignorant, but not by the wise.  In the same manner, Mahāmati, those whose minds have fallen into the erroneous views of the philosophers will falsely imagine in the rise of all beings oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness.  Mahāmati, it is like those water-bubbles in a rainfall which have the appearance of crystal gems,  and the ignorant taking them for real crystal gems run after them.  Mahāmati, they are no more than water-bubbles, they are not gems, nor are they not-gems, because of their being so comprehended [by one party] and being not so comprehended [by another].  In the same manner, Mahāmati, those whose minds are impressed by the habit-energy of the philosophical views and discriminations will regard things born as nonexistent and those destroyed by causation as existent. 
(39,1) punar aparaṃ mahāmate pramāṇatrayāvayavapratyavasthānaṃ kṛtvā (93*) āryajñānapratyātmādhigamyaṃ svabhāvadvayavinirmuktaṃ vastu svabhāvato vidyata iti vikalpayiṣyanti |  na ca mahāmate cittamano manovijñānacittaparāvṛttyāśrayāṇāṃ svacittadṛśyagrāhyagrāhakavikalpaprahīṇānāṃ tathāgatabhūmipratyātmāryajñānagatānāṃ yogināṃ bhāvābhāvasaṃjñā pravartate |  yadi punar mahāmate yoginām evaṃgativiṣayāṇāṃ bhāvābhāvagrāhaḥ pravartate, sa evaiṣām ātmagrāhaḥ poṣagrāhaḥ puruṣagrāhaḥ pudgalagrāhaḥ syāt |  yā punar evaṃ mahāmate bhāvasvabhāvasvasāmānyalakṣaṇadeśanā, eṣā mahāmate nairmāṇikabuddhadeśanāḥ na dharmatābuddhadeśanā |  deśanā punar mahāmate bālaśayagatadṛṣṭipravṛttā, na ca pratyavasthānagatisvabhāvadharmāryajñānapratyātmādhigamasamādhisukhavihāramudbhāvayati | 
(13)大慧!心、意、意識身心轉變,自心現攝所攝,諸(14)妄想斷。如來地自覺聖智修行者,不39 應於(15)彼作性非性想。  若復修行者,如是境界,性(16)非性攝取40 想生者,彼即取長養,及取我人。  (17)大慧!若說彼性自性41 共相,一切皆是化佛(18)所說,非法佛說。  又諸言說,悉由愚夫悕望(19)見生,不為別建立趣自性法,得聖智自(20)覺三昧樂住者,分別顯示。 
(13)大慧!心、意、意識身心轉變,自心現攝所攝,諸(14)妄想斷。如來地自覺聖智修行者,不50 應於(15)彼作性非性想。  若復修行者,如是境界,性(16)非性攝取51 想生者,彼即取長養,及取我人。  (17)大慧!若說彼性自性52 共相,一切皆是化佛(18)所說,非法佛說。  又諸言說,悉由愚夫悕望(19)見生,不為別建立趣自性法,得聖智自(20)覺三昧樂住者,分別顯示。 
57 Further, Mahāmati, by setting up the three forms of measure and the [five] members of a syllogism, (93) [the philosophers] make the discrimination that there is a reality existing by itself, which is attained by the realisation of noble wisdom, and devoid of the two Svabhāvas. 
[This discrimination however is] not right. [The Buddhist doctrine is this:] Mahāmati, when a [psychological] revulsion takes place in the Yogins [by the transcendence of] the Citta, Manas, and Vijñāna, they cast off the [dualistic] discrimination of grasped and grasping in what is seen of Mind itself, and entering the Tathagata-stage attain the realisation of noble wisdom; and in this there is no thought of existence and non-existence.  Again, Mahāmati, if there is the grasping of existence and non-existence in the realm attained by the Yogins, there will be in them the grasping of an ego, a nourisher, a supreme soul, or a person.  Again, Mahāmati, the teaching pointing to self-nature, individuality and generality of things, is that of the Transformation Buddha and not that of the Dharmatā Buddha.  Again, Mahāmati, such teaching is meant for the ignorant, being in conformity with their mentality, their way of thinking and viewing things; any establishment that favours the way of self-nature, fails to reveal the truth of self-realisation to be attained by noble wisdom and the blissful abode of the Samādhi. 
tadyathā mahāmate jalāntargatā vṛkṣacchāyā khyāyate | sā ca na cchāyā nācchāyā vṛkṣasaṃsthānāsaṃsthānataḥ,  evam eva mahāmate tīrthyadṛṣṭivāsanāvāsitavikalpā ekatvānyatvobhayatvānubhayatvanāstyastitvaṃ vikalpayiṣyanti svacittadṛśyamātrānavadhāritamatayaḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate darpaṇāntargatāni sarvarūpapratibimbakāni khyāyante (94*) yathāpratyayataḥ svavikalpanācca, na tāni bimbāni nābimbāni bimbābimbadarśanataḥ |  atha ca te mahāmate svacittadṛśyavikalpāḥ khyāyante bālānāṃ bimbākṛtayaḥ |  evam eva mahāmate svacittapratibimbāni khyāyante ekatvānyatvobhayānubhayadṛṣṭyākāreṇa |  tadyathā mahāmate pratiśrutkā puruṣanadīpavanasaṃyogāt pravartamānā anuśrūyate |  sā ca na bhāvā nābhāvā ghoṣāghoṣaśravaṇataḥ,  evam eva mahāmate nāstyastitvaikatvānyatvobhayanobhayadṛṣṭisvacittavāsanāvikalpāḥ khyāyante |  tadyathā mahāmate nistṛṇagulmalatāvanāyāṃ medinyāmādityasaṃyogān mṛgatṛṣṇikāstaraṃgavat syandante |  te ca na bhāvā nābhāvā lobhyālobhyataḥ |  evam eva mahāmate bālānām anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavāsanāvāsitaṃ vikalpavijñānam utpādasthitibhaṅgaikatvānyatvobhayānubhayanāstyastyāryapratyātmajñānavastumukhena mṛgatṛṣṇikāvattaraṃ gāyate |  tadyathā mahāmate vetālayantrapuruṣau niḥsattvau piśācayuktigāt spandanakriyāṃ kurvāte |  tatra ca asadvikalpe bālā abhiniviśante gamanāgamanataḥ |  evam eva mahāmate bā(95*)lapṛthagjanāḥ kudṛṣṭitīrthyāśayapatitā ekatvānyatvavādānabhiniviśante | sa ca asadbhūtasamāropaḥ |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate utpādasthitibhaṅgaikatvānyatvobhayānubhayanāstyastyāryapratyātmavastvadhigamavikalparahitena bhavitavyam || 
如是外道見習所熏,妄想計著,依於一異、俱(23)不俱、有無非有非無、常無常想,而不能知自(24)心現量。  譬如明鏡,隨緣顯現一切色像而(25)無妄想。彼非像非非像,而見像非像。  妄想(26)愚夫而作像想。如是外道惡見,自心像現,妄(27)想計著,  依於一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常(28)無常見。  譬如風水和合出聲,  彼非性非非(29)性。  如是外道惡見妄想,依於一異、俱不俱、有(491c1)無非有非無、常無常見。  譬如大地無草木處,(2)熱炎川流,洪浪雲42 湧。  彼非性非非性,貪無(3)貪故。  如是愚夫,無始虛偽習氣所熏,妄想計(4)著,依生住滅、一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常(5)無常,緣自住事門,亦復如彼熱炎波浪。  譬(6)如有人,呪術機發。以非眾生數,毘舍闍鬼(7)方便合成,動搖云為。  凡愚妄想,計著往來。  如(8)是外道惡見悕望,依於一異、俱不俱、有無非(9)有非無、常無常見,戲論計著,不實建立。  大慧!(10)是故欲得自覺聖智事,當離生住滅、一異、(11)俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常等惡見妄想。」 
如是外道見習所熏,妄想計著,依於一異、俱(23)不俱、有無非有非無、常無常想,而不能知自(24)心現量。  譬如明鏡,隨緣顯現一切色像而(25)無妄想。彼非像非非像,而見像非像。  妄想(26)愚夫而作像想。如是外道惡見,自心像現,妄(27)想計著,  依於一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常(28)無常見。  譬如風水和合出聲,  彼非性非非(29)性。  如是外道惡見妄想,依於一異、俱不俱、有(491c1)無非有非無、常無常見。  譬如大地無草木處,(2)熱炎川流,洪浪雲53 湧。  彼非性非非性,貪無(3)貪故。  如是愚夫,無始虛偽習氣所熏,妄想計(4)著,依生住滅、一異、俱不俱、有無非有非無、常(5)無常,緣自住事門,亦復如彼熱炎波浪。  譬(6)如有人,呪術機發。以非眾生數,毘舍闍鬼(7)方便合成,動搖云為。  凡愚妄想,計著往來。  如(8)是外道惡見悕望,依於一異、俱不俱、有無非(9)有非無、常無常見,戲論計著,不實建立。  大慧!(10)是故欲得自覺聖智事,當離生住滅、一異、(11)俱不俱、有無非有非無、常無常等惡見妄想。」 
Mahāmati, it is like the trees reflected in water; they are reflections and yet are not-reflections, the trees are [real] figures, and yet no-figures.  In the same manner, Mahāmati, those who are impressed by the habit-energy of the philosophical views carry on their discrimination regarding oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, being and non-being, for their minds are not enlightened as regards what is seen of Mind-only.  Mahāmati, it is like a mirror reflecting all colours and images (94) as afforded by the conditions and without discrimination; and they are neither images nor not-images, because they are seen as images and also as not-images.  And, Mahāmati, they are discriminated forms of what is seen of Mind itself, which are known to the ignorant as images.  In the same manner, Mahāmati, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, are reflected images of Self-Mind while they appear as if real.  Mahāmati, it is like an echo giving the sound of a human voice, of a river, or of the wind;  it is neither existent nor non-existent, because it is heard as a voice and yet as not a voice.  In the same way, Mahāmati, the notions of being and non-being, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness are the discriminations of Self-Mind and habit-energy.  Mahāmati, it is like a mirage which in conjunction with the sun appears with its flowing waves on the earth where there are no grass, shrubs, vines, and trees.  They are neither existent nor non-existent, according to the desire for them or its absence.  In the same way, Mahāmati, the discriminating Vijñāna of the ignorant which is impressed with the habit-energy of false imaginations and speculations since beginningless time, is stirred like a mirage even in the midst of reality revealed by means of noble wisdom, by the waves of birth, subsistence, and destruction, of oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, being and non-being.  Mahāmati, it is like Piśāca who by means of his spell makes a corpse or a wooden image throb with life though it has no power of its own;  but here the ignorant cling to the non-existent imagining them to have the power of movement.  In the same way, Mahāmati, (95) the ignorant and simple-minded committing themselves to the erroneous philosophical views are thoroughly devoted to the ideas of oneness and otherness, but their assertion is not at all well grounded.  For this reason, Mahāmati, in order to attain the noble reality attainable within yourself, you should cast off the discriminations leading to the notions of birth, abiding, and destruction, of oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, being and non-being. 
tatredam ucyate -
jalavṛkṣacchāyāsadṛśāḥ skandhā vijñānapañcamāḥ |
māyāsvapnopamādṛśā(śyā?) vijñaptyā mā vikalpayate || 2.149 || 
(13)「幻夢水樹影, 垂髮熱時炎, 
(13)「幻夢水樹影, 垂髮熱時炎, 
Therefore, it is said:
149. The Skandhas, of which the Vijñāna is the fifth, resemble the reflections of the trees in water; they are to be regarded as Māyā and a dream, they are so by thought-construction; make no discriminations! 
keśoṇḍukaprakhyamidaṃ marīcyudakavibhramat |
tribhavaṃ svapnamāyākhyaṃ vibhāvento vimucyate || 2.150 || 
(14)如是觀三有, 究竟得解脫。 
(14)如是觀三有, 究竟得解脫。 
150. This triple world resembles a hair-net, or water in a mirage which is agitated; it is like a dream, Māyā; and by thus regarding it one is emancipated. 
(40,1) mṛgatṛṣṇā yathā grīṣme spandate cittamohanī |
mṛgā gṛhṇanti pānīyaṃ na cāsyāṃ vastu vidyate || 2.151 || 
(15)譬如鹿渴想, 動轉迷亂心,
(16)鹿想謂為水, 而實無水事。 
(15)譬如鹿渴想, 動轉迷亂心,
(16)鹿想謂為水, 而實無水事。 
151. Like a mirage in the spring-time, the mind is found bewildered; animals imagine water but there is no reality to it. 
tathā vijñānabījaṃ hi spandate dṛṣṭigocare |
bālā gṛhṇanti jāyantaṃ timiraṃ taimirā yathā || 2.152 || 
(17)如是識種子, 動轉見境界,
(18)愚夫妄想生, 如為翳所翳。 
(17)如是識種子, 動轉見境界,
(18)愚夫妄想生, 如為翳所翳。 
152. Thus the Vijñāna-seed is evolved and the world comes into view; the ignorant imagine it is born, just like the dim-eyed ones perceive things in the darkness. 
anādigatisaṃsāre bhāvagrāhopagūhitam |
bālaḥ kīle yathā kīlaṃ pralobhya vinivartayet || 2.153 || 
(19)於無始生死, 計著攝受性,
(20)如逆43 㨝出44 㨝, 捨離貪攝受, 
(19)於無始生死, 計著攝受性,
(20)如逆54 㨝出55 㨝, 捨離貪攝受, 
153. Since beginningless time, the ignorant are found transmigrating through the paths, enwrapped in their attachment to existence; as a wedge is induced by another wedge, they are led to the abandonment [of their wrappage]. 
māyāvetālayantrābhaṃ svapnavidyuddhanaṃ sadā |
(96*) trisaṃtativyavacchinnaṃ jagat paśyan vimucyate || 2.154 || 
(21)如幻呪機發, 浮雲夢電光。
(22)觀是得解脫, 永斷三相續, 
(21)如幻呪機發, 浮雲夢電光。
(22)觀是得解脫, 永斷三相續, 
154. By regarding the world as always like a magically-moving corpse, or a machine, or like a dream, or a lightning, or a cloud; (96) the triple continuation is torn asunder and one is emancipated. 
na hy atra kācidvijñaptirmarīcīnāṃ yathā nabhe |
evaṃ dharmān vijānanto na kiṃcitpratijānate || 2.155 || 
(23)於彼無有作, 猶如炎虛空。
(24)如是知諸法, 則為無所知, 
(23)於彼無有作, 猶如炎虛空。
(24)如是知諸法, 則為無所知, 
155. There is here nothing of thought-construction, it is like an image in the air; when they thus understand all there is nothing to know. 
vijñaptir nāmamātreyaṃ lakṣaṇena na vidyate |
skandhāḥ keśoṇḍukākārā yatra cāsau vikalpyate || 2.156 || 
(25)言教唯假名, 彼亦無有相。
(26)於彼起妄想, 陰行如垂髮, 
(25)言教唯假名, 彼亦無有相。
(26)於彼起妄想, 陰行如垂髮, 
156. Here is nothing but thought-construction and name. You seek in vain for individual signs; the Skandhas are like a hair-net wherein discrimination goes on. 
cittaṃ keśoṇḍukaṃ māyāṃ svapna gandharvam eva ca |
alātaṃ mṛgatṛṣṇā ca asantaḥ khyāti vai nṛṇām || 2.157 || 
(27)如畫垂髮幻, 夢乾闥婆城。
(28)火輪熱時炎, 無而現眾生, 
(27)如畫垂髮幻, 夢乾闥婆城。
(28)火輪熱時炎, 無而現眾生, 
157. A world of multitudes58 is a hair-net, a vision, a dream, and the city of the Gandharvas; it is [a wheel made by] a firebrand, a mirage; it is a non-entity, only an appearance to people. 
nityānityaṃ tathaikatvam ubhayaṃ nobhayaṃ tathā |
anādidoṣasaṃbandhād bālāḥ kalpanti mohitāḥ || 2.158 || 
(29)常無常一異, 俱不俱亦然。
(492a1)無始過相續, 愚夫癡妄想, 
(29)常無常一異, 俱不俱亦然。
(492a1)無始過相續, 愚夫癡妄想, 
158. Eternity and non-eternity; oneness, too, bothness and not-bothness as well: these are discriminated by the ignorant who are confused in mind and bound up by errors since beginningless time. 
darpaṇe udake netre bhāṇḍeṣu ca maṇīṣu ca |
bimbaṃ hi dṛśyate teṣu bimbaṃ nāsti ca kutracid || 2.159 || 
(2)明鏡水淨眼, 摩尼妙寶珠,
(3)於中現眾色, 而實無所有。 
(2)明鏡水淨眼, 摩尼妙寶珠,
(3)於中現眾色, 而實無所有。 
159. In a mirror, in water, in an eye, in a vessel, and on a gem, images are seen; but in them there are no images [i. e. realities] anywhere to take hold of. 
bhāvābhāsaṃ tathā cittaṃ mṛgatṛṣṇā yathā nabhe |
dṛśyate citrarūpeṇa svapne vandhyauraso yathā || 2.160 || 
(4)一切性顯現, 如畫熱時炎,
(5)種種眾色現, 如夢無所有。 
(4)一切性顯現, 如畫熱時炎,
(5)種種眾色現, 如夢無所有。 
160. Like a mirage in the air, so is a variety of things mere appearance; they are seen in diversity of forms, but are like a child in a barren woman's dream. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate catuṣṭayavinirmuktā tathāgatānāṃ dharmadeśanā,  yaduta ekatvānyatvobhayānubhayapakṣavivarjitā nāstyastisamāropāpavādavinirmuktā |  asatyapratītyasamutpādanirodhamārgavimokṣapravṛttipūrvakā mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ dharmadeśanā |  na prakṛtīśvarahetuyadṛcchāṇukālasvabhāvopa(97*)nibaddhā mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ dharmadeśanā || 
(6)「復次,大慧!如來說法,離如是四句,  謂:一異、俱(7)不俱、有無非有非無、常無常。離於有無建立(8)誹謗分別。  結集真諦、緣起、道滅、解脫。如來(9)說法,以是為首。  非性、非自在、非無因、非(10)微塵、非時、非自性相續而為說法。 
(6)「復次,大慧!如來說法,離如是四句,  謂:一異、俱(7)不俱、有無非有非無、常無常。離於有無建立(8)誹謗分別。  結集真諦、緣起、道滅、解脫。如來(9)說法,以是為首。  非性、非自在、非無因、非(10)微塵、非時、非自性相續而為說法。 
Further, Mahāmati, the religious teaching of the Tathagatas is free from the four statements. 
That is, it is devoid of oneness and otherness, of bothness and not-bothness, is free from being and non-being, assertion and refutation;  the religious teaching of the Tathagatas is headed by the [four noble] truths, the [twelvefold] chain of origination, and [the eightfold noble] path leading to emancipation.  (97) The religious teaching of the Tathagatas, Mahāmati, is not fastened to these ideas: Prakṛiti, Iśvara, causelessness, spontaneity, atoms, time and self-nature. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate kleśajñeyāvaraṇadvayaviśuddhyarthaṃ sārthavāhavadānupūrvyā aṣṭottare nirābhāsapadaśate pratiṣṭhāpayanti yānabhūmyaṅgasuvibhāgalakṣaṇe ca || 
Again, Mahāmati, [the Tathagatas, leading beings] successively forwards like the leader of a caravan, in order to purify them from the two hindrances of passion and knowledge, will establish them in the one hundred and eight statements of imagelessness and also in the characteristic distinctions of the vehicles, of the stages [of Bodhisattvahood], and of the constituents [of enlightenment]. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate caturvidhaṃ dhyānam |  katamac caturvidham? yaduta bālopacārikaṃ dhyānam, arthapravicayaṃ dhyānam, tathatālambanaṃ dhyānam, tāthāgataṃ caturthaṃ dhyānam |  tatra mahāmate bālopacārikaṃ dhyānaṃ katamat? yaduta śrāvakapratyekabuddhayogayogināṃ pudgalanairātmyabhāvasvasāmānyabimbasaṃkalānityaduḥkhāśubhalakṣaṇābhiniveśapūrvakam, evamidaṃ lakṣaṇaṃ nānyatheti (41,1) paśyataḥ pūrvottarottarata ā saṃjñānirodhād bālopacārikaṃ bhavati |  tatra arthapravicayadhyānaṃ punar mahāmate katamat? yaduta pudgalanairātmyasvasāmānyalakṣaṇabāhyatīrthakarasvaparobhayābhāvaṃ kṛtvā dharmanairātmyabhūmilakṣaṇārthaṃ pravicayānupūrvakam arthapravicayadhyānaṃ bhavati |  tatra tathatālambanaṃ dhyānaṃ mahāmate katamat? yaduta parikalpitanairātmyadvayavikalpayathābhūtāvasthānādapravṛttervikalpasya tathatālambanam iti vadāmi |  tāthāgataṃ punar mahāmate dhyānaṃ katamat? yaduta tā(98*)thāgatabhūmyākārapraveśaṃ pratyātmāryajñānalakṣaṇatrayasukhavihārācintyasattvakṛtyakaraṇatayā tāthāgataṃ dhyānam iti vadāmi || 
(13)「復次,大慧!有四種禪。  云何為四?謂:愚夫所(14)行禪、觀察義禪、攀緣如禪、如來禪。  云何愚夫(15)所行禪?謂:聲聞、緣覺、外道修行者,觀人無我(16)性,自相共相骨鎖,無常、苦、不淨相,計著為首。(17)如是相不異觀,前後轉進,想不除滅,是名(18)愚夫所行禪。  云何觀察義禪?謂:人無我自相(19)共相,外道自他俱無性已。觀法無我彼地相(20)義,漸次增進,是名觀察義禪。  云何攀緣如(21)禪?謂:妄想二無我妄想,如實處不生妄想,(22)是名攀緣如禪。  云何如來禪?謂:入如來地,(23)45 行自覺聖智相三種樂住,成辦眾生不思(24)議事,是名如來禪。」 
(13)「復次,大慧!有四種禪。  云何為四?謂:愚夫所(14)行禪、觀察義禪、攀緣如禪、如來禪。  云何愚夫(15)所行禪?謂:聲聞、緣覺、外道修行者,觀人無我(16)性,自相共相骨鎖,無常、苦、不淨相,計著為首。(17)如是相不異觀,前後轉進,想不除滅,是名(18)愚夫所行禪。  云何觀察義禪?謂:人無我自相(19)共相,外道自他俱無性已。觀法無我彼地相(20)義,漸次增進,是名觀察義禪。  云何攀緣如(21)禪?謂:妄想二無我妄想,如實處不生妄想,(22)是名攀緣如禪。  云何如來禪?謂:入如來地,(23)56 行自覺聖智相三種樂住,成辦眾生不思(24)議事,是名如來禪。」 
Further, Mahāmati, there are four kinds of Dhyānas. 
What are the four? They are: (1) The Dhyāna practised by the ignorant, (2) the Dhyāna devoted to the examination of meaning, (3) the Dhyāna with Tathatā (suchness) for its object, and (4) the Dhyāna of the Tathagatas.  What is meant by the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant? It is the one resorted to by the Yogins exercising themselves in the discipline of the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas, who perceiving that there is no ego-substance, that things are characterised with individuality and generality, that the body is a shadow and a skeleton which is transient, full of suffering and is impure, persistently cling to these notions which are regarded as just so and not otherwise, and who starting from them successively advance until they reach the cessation where there are no thoughts. This is called the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant.  Mahāmati, what then is the Dhyāna devoted to the examination of meaning? It is the one [practised by those who,] having gone beyond the egolessness of things, individuality and generality, the untenability of such ideas as self, other, and both, which are held by the philosophers, proceed to examine and follow up the meaning of the [various] aspects of the egolessness of things and the stages of Bodhisattvahood. This is the Dhyāna devoted to the examination of meaning.  What, Mahāmati, is the Dhyāna with Tathatā for its object? When [the Yogins recognise that] the discrimination of the two forms of egolessness is mere imagination, and that where he establishes himself in the reality of suchness (yathābhūta) there is no rising of discrimination, I call it the Dhyāna with Tathatā for its object.  (98) What, Mahāmati, is the Dhyāna of the Tathagata? When [the Yogin], entering upon the stage of Tathagatahood and abiding in the triple bliss which characterises self-realisation attained by noble wisdom, devotes himself for the sake of all beings to the [accomplishment of] incomprehensible works, I call it the Dhyāna of the Tathagatas. 
tatredam ucyate -
arthapravicayaṃ dhyānaṃ dhyānaṃ bālopacārikam |
tathatālambanaṃ dhyānaṃ dhyānaṃ tāthāgataṃ śubham || 2.161 || 
(26)「凡夫所行禪, 觀察相義禪,
(27)攀緣如實禪, 如來清淨禪。 
(26)「凡夫所行禪, 觀察相義禪,
(27)攀緣如實禪, 如來清淨禪。 
Therefore, it is said:
161. There are the Dhyāna for the examination of meaning, the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant; the Dhyāna with Tathatā for its object, and the pure Dhyāna of the Tathagata. 
somabhāskarasaṃsthānaṃ padmapātālasādṛśam |
gaganāgnicitrasadṛśaṃ yogī yuñjan prapaśyati || 2.162 || 
(28)譬如日月形, 鉢頭摩深46 嶮,
(29)如虛空火47 燼, 修行者觀察。 
(28)譬如日月形, 鉢頭摩深57 嶮,
(29)如虛空火58 燼, 修行者觀察。 
162. The Yogin, while in his exercise, sees the form of the sun or the moon, or something looking like a lotus, or the underworld, or various forms like sky, fire, etc. 
nimittāni ca citrāṇi tīrthamārgaṃ nayanti te |
śrāvakatve nipātanti pratyekajinagocare || 2.163 || 
(492b1)如是種種相, 外道道通禪,
(2)亦復墮聲聞, 及緣覺境界, 
(492b1)如是種種相, 外道道通禪,
(2)亦復墮聲聞, 及緣覺境界, 
163. All these appearances lead him to the way of the philosophers; they throw him down into the state of Śrāvakahood, into the realm of the Pratyekabuddhas. 
vidhūya sarvāṇy etāni nirābhāsaṃ yadā bhavet |
tadā buddhākarādityāḥ sarvakṣetrāḥ samāgatāḥ |
śiro hi tasya mārjanti nimittaṃ tathatānugam || 2.164 || 
(3)捨離彼一切, 則是無所有。
(4)一切剎諸佛, 以不思議手,
(5)一時摩其頂, 隨順入如相。」 
(3)捨離彼一切, 則是無所有。
(4)一切剎諸佛, 以不思議手,
(5)一時摩其頂, 隨順入如相。」 
164. When all these are tossed aside and there is a state of imagelessness, then a condition in conformity with Tathatā presents itself; and the Buddhas will come together from all their countries and with their shining hands will stroke the head of this benefactor. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  nirvāṇaṃ nirvāṇam iti bhagavann ucyate |  kasya_tad bhagavann adhivacanaṃ yaduta nirvāṇam iti?  bhagavān āha - sarvavijñānasvabhāvavāsanālayamanomanovijñānadṛṣṭivāsanāparāvṛttir nirvāṇam ity ucyate sarvabuddhair mayā ca nirvāṇagatisvabhāvaśūnyatāvastugocaram || 
(6)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!般涅(7)槃者,  說何等法,謂為涅槃?」  佛告大慧:「一切(8)自性習氣,藏48 意識見習轉變,名為涅槃。諸(9)佛及我涅槃,自性空事境界。 
(6)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!般涅(7)槃者,  說何等法,謂為涅槃?」  佛告大慧:「一切(8)自性習氣,藏59 意識見習轉變,名為涅槃。諸(9)佛及我涅槃,自性空事境界。 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva again said this to the Blessed One: 
Thou speakest of Nirvana, Blessed One.  What is meant by this term Nirvana?  Replied the Blessed One: When the self-nature and the habit-energy of all the Vijñānas, including the Ālaya, Manas, and Manovijñāna, from which issues the habit-energy of wrong speculations—when all these go through a revulsion, I and all the Buddhas declare that there is Nirvana, and the way and the self-nature of this Nirvana is emptiness, which is the state of reality. 
(99*) punar aparaṃ mahāmate nirvāṇam āryajñānapratyātmagatigocaraṃ śāśvatocchedavikalpabhāvābhāvavivarjitam |  kathaṃ na śāśvatam? yaduta svasāmānyalakṣaṇavikalpaprahīṇam, ato na śāśvatam |  tatrānucchedo yaduta sarvārthā atītānāgatapratyutpannāḥ pratyātmam api gacchanti, ato nocchedaḥ || 
云何(11)非常?謂自相共相妄想斷,故非常。  云何非(12)斷?謂一切聖去來現在得自覺,故非斷。 
云何(11)非常?謂自相共相妄想斷,故非常。  云何非(12)斷?謂一切聖去來現在得自覺,故非斷。 
(99) Further, Mahāmati, Nirvana is the realm of self-realisation attained by noble wisdom, which is free from the discrimination of eternality and annihilation, existence and non-existence.  How is it not eternality? Because it has cast off the discrimination of individuality and generality, it is not eternality.  How about its not being annihilation? It is because all the wise men of the past, present, and future have attained realisation. Therefore, it is not annihilation. 
punar mahāmate mahāparinirvāṇaṃ na nāśo na maraṇam |  yadi punar mahāmate mahāparinirvāṇaṃ maraṇaṃ syāt, punar api janmaprabandhaḥ syāt |  atha vināśaḥ syāt, saṃskṛtalakṣaṇapatitaṃ syāt |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate mahāparinirvāṇaṃ na nāśaṃ na maraṇam |  cyutivigataṃ maraṇam adhigacchanti yoginaḥ |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate mahāparinirvāṇamaprahīṇāsaṃprāptito ’nucchedāśāśvatato naikārthato nānārthato nirvāṇam ity ucyate || 
大(13)慧!涅槃不壞不死。  若涅槃死者,復應受生相(14)續。  若壞者,應墮有為相。  是故涅槃離壞離(15)死。  是故修行者之所歸依。  復次,大慧!涅槃(16)49 非捨非得,非斷非常,非一義非種種義。(17)是名涅槃。 
大(13)慧!涅槃不壞不死。  若涅槃死者,復應受生相(14)續。  若壞者,應墮有為相。  是故涅槃離壞離(15)死。  是故修行者之所歸依。  復次,大慧!涅槃(16)60 非捨非得,非斷非常,非一義非種種義。(17)是名涅槃。 
Again, Mahāmati, the great Parinirvana is neither destruction nor death.  Mahāmati, if the great Parinirvana is death, then it will be a birth and continuation.  If it is destruction, then it will assume the character of an effect-producing deed.  For this reason, Mahāmati, the great Parinirvana is neither destruction nor death.  Neither has it anything to do with vanishing;59 it is the goal of the Yogins.  Again, Mahāmati the great Parinirvana is neither abandonment nor attainment, neither is it of one meaning nor of no-meaning; this is said to be Nirvana. 
(42,1) punar aparaṃ mahāmate śrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ nirvāṇaṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇāvabodhādasaṃsargataḥ |  viṣayāviparyāsadarśanād vikalpo na pravartate |  tatas teṣāṃ tatra nirvāṇabuddhir bhavati || 
不顛倒見,妄想不(19)生。  彼等於彼,作涅槃覺。 
不顛倒見,妄想不(19)生。  彼等於彼,作涅槃覺。 
Further, Mahāmati, Nirvana conceived by the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas consists in recognising individuality and generality, in escaping social intercourse, 
in not having a perverted view of the world, and not raising discrimination.  This is their notion of Nirvana. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate dviprakāraṃ svabhāvadvayalakṣaṇaṃ bhavati |  (100*) katamat dviprakāram? yaduta abhilāpasvabhāvābhiniveśataś ca vastusvabhāvābhiniveśataś ca |  tatra mahāmate abhilāpasvabhāvābhiniveśo ’nādikālavākprapañcavāsanābhiniveśāt pravartate |  tatra vastusvabhāvābhiniveśaḥ punar mahāmate svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhāt pravartate || 
「復次,大慧!二種自性相。  云何為二?謂:言說自(21)性相計著;事自性相計著。  言說自性相計著(22)者,從無始言說虛偽習氣計著生。  事自性相(23)計著者,從不覺自心現分50 齊生。 
「復次,大慧!二種自性相。  云何為二?謂:言說自(21)性相計著;事自性相計著。  言說自性相計著(22)者,從無始言說虛偽習氣計著生。  事自性相(23)計著者,從不覺自心現分61 齊生。 
Further, Mahāmati, there are two kinds of characteristic signs of self-nature. 
(100) What are these two kinds? They are the attachment to words as having self-nature, and the attachment to objects as having self-nature.  The attachment to words as having self-nature, Mahāmati, takes place owing to one's clinging to the habit-energy of words and false imaginings since beginningless time.  And the attachment to objects as having self-nature, Mahāmati, takes place from not knowing that the external world is no more than Self-Mind. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate adhiṣṭhānadvayādhiṣṭhitā bodhisattvās tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ caraṇayor nipatya praśnān paripṛcchanti |  katamenādhiṣṭhānadvayenādhiṣṭhitāḥ? yaduta samādhisamāpattyadhiṣṭhānena sarvakāyamukhapāṇyabhiṣekādhiṣṭhānena ca |  tatra mahāmate bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ prathamāyāṃ bhūmau buddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitā mahāyānaprabhāsaṃ nāma bodhisattvasamādhiṃ samāpadyante |  samanantarasamāpannānāṃ ca teṣāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ mahāyānaprabhāsaṃ bodhisattvasamādhim, atha daśadiglokadhātuvyavasthitās tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā mukhānyupadarśya sarvakāyamukhavācāsaṃdarśanenādhiṣṭhānaṃ kurvanti |  yathā mahāmate vajragarbhasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya anyeṣāṃ ca tādṛglakṣaṇaguṇasamanvāgatānāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānām, (*101) evaṃ mahāmate prathamāyāṃ bhūmau bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ samādhisamāpattyadhiṣṭhānaṃ pratilabhante |  kalpaśatasahasraṃ saṃcitaiḥ kuśalamūlair anupūrveṇa bhūmipakṣavipakṣalakṣaṇagatiṃgatāṃ dharmameghāyāṃ bodhisattvabhūmau mahāpadmavimānāsanasthasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya tadanurūpair bodhisattvairmahāsattvaiḥ parivṛtasya sarvaratnābharaṇavibhūṣitakirīṭasya haritālakanakacampakacandrāṃśumayūkhapadmasadṛśā daśadiglokadhātvāgatā jinakarāstasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya padmavimānāsanasthasya mūrdhanyabhiṣiñcanti vaśavarticakravartīndrarājavatsarvakāyamukhapāṇyabhiṣekena |  sa ca bodhisattvaste ca bodhisattvāḥ pāṇyabhiṣekādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitā ityucyante |  etan mahāmate bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāmadhiṣṭhānadvayam, yenādhiṣṭhānadvayenādhiṣṭhitā bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ sarvabuddhamukhānyavalokayanti |  anyatrāvyavalokyās tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ || 
云何二種神力建(26)立?謂:三昧正受,為現一切身面言說神力,(27)及手灌頂神力。  大慧!菩薩摩訶薩初菩薩地,(28)住佛神力,所謂入菩薩大乘照明三昧。  入(29)是三昧已,十方世界一切諸佛,以神通力,(492c1)為現一切身面言說,  如金剛藏菩薩摩訶薩,(2)及餘如是相功德成就菩薩摩訶薩。大慧!是(3)名初菩薩地。菩薩摩訶薩得菩薩三昧正受(4)神力,  於百千劫積51 集善根之所成就,次第(5)諸地對治所治相,通達究竟至法雲地,住大(6)蓮華微妙宮殿,坐大蓮華寶師子座,同類菩(7)薩摩訶薩眷屬圍繞,眾寶瓔珞莊嚴其身,如(8)黃金52 瞻蔔日月光明。諸最勝53 手從十方來,(9)就大蓮華宮殿坐上而灌其頂。譬如自在(10)轉輪聖王,及天帝釋太子灌頂,  是名菩薩手(11)灌頂神力。  大慧!是名菩薩摩訶薩二種神力。(12)若菩薩摩訶薩住二種神力,面見諸佛如來;  (13)若不如是,則不能見。 
云何二種神力建(26)立?謂:三昧正受,為現一切身面言說神力,(27)及手灌頂神力。  大慧!菩薩摩訶薩初菩薩地,(28)住佛神力,所謂入菩薩大乘照明三昧。  入(29)是三昧已,十方世界一切諸佛,以神通力,(492c1)為現一切身面言說,  如金剛藏菩薩摩訶薩,(2)及餘如是相功德成就菩薩摩訶薩。大慧!是(3)名初菩薩地。菩薩摩訶薩得菩薩三昧正受(4)神力,  於百千劫積62 集善根之所成就,次第(5)諸地對治所治相,通達究竟至法雲地,住大(6)蓮華微妙宮殿,坐大蓮華寶師子座,同類菩(7)薩摩訶薩眷屬圍繞,眾寶瓔珞莊嚴其身,如(8)黃金63 瞻蔔日月光明。諸最勝64 手從十方來,(9)就大蓮華宮殿坐上而灌其頂。譬如自在(10)轉輪聖王,及天帝釋太子灌頂,  是名菩薩手(11)灌頂神力。  大慧!是名菩薩摩訶薩二種神力。(12)若菩薩摩訶薩住二種神力,面見諸佛如來;  (13)若不如是,則不能見。 
Further, Mahāmati, there are two kinds of the sustaining power which issues from the Tathagatas who are Arhats and Fully-Enlightened Ones; and sustained by this power [the Bodhisattvas] would prostrate themselves at their feet and ask them questions. 
What is this twofold power that sustains the Bodhisattvas? The one is the power by which they are sustained to go through the Samādhis and Samāpattis; while the other is the power whereby the Buddhas manifest themselves in person before the Bodhisattvas and baptise them with their own hands.  Then, Mahāmati, sustained by the power of the Buddhas, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas at their first stage will attain the Bodhisattva-Samādhi, known as the Light of Mahāyāna, which belongs to the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.  They will immediately see the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones appearing before them personally, who come from all the different abodes in the ten quarters of the world and who now facing the Bodhisattvas will impart to them their sustaining power displayed with the body, mouth, and words.  Mahāmati, as is the case with Vajragarbha the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva, and with other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas who are in possession of similar character and (101) virtue, so, Mahāmati, with the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas at the first stage, they will attain the Tathagatas' power sustaining them in their Samādhis and Samāpattis.  By virtue of their stock of merit accumulated for a hundred thousand kalpas, they will, successively going up the stages and getting thoroughly acquainted with what they should do and should not do, finally reach the stage of Bodhisattvahood called Dharmameghā. Here the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva finds himself seated on a throne in the Lotus Palace, and surrounded by the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas of a similar class; a tiara decorated and ornamented with all kinds of precious stones is on his head, and his body60 shines brilliantly like the moon in the yellowish gold colour of the Campaka flower. The Buddhas now come from their worlds in the ten quarters, and with their lotus-like hands, sprinkle the forehead of the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva who is seated on the throne in the Lotus Palace; the Buddhas thus give him a baptism personally by hand as when a great king invested with supreme authority [baptises his crown-prince].  This Bodhisattva and these Bodhisattvas are said to be sustained by the Buddhas' power, being thus baptised by [their] hands.  Mahāmati, this is the twofold sustaining power imparted to the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, who, sustained by this twofold sustaining power, personally come into the presence of all the Buddhas.  In no other way are the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones to be interviewed. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate (*102) yat kiṃcid bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ pratibhāti samādhyṛddhideśanākāreṇa, tatsarvabuddhādhiṣṭhānadvayādhiṣṭhitānām |  yadi punar mahāmate bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāmadhiṣṭhānamantareṇa pratibhānaṃ pratibhāyāt, bālapṛthagjanānāmapi mahāmate pratibhānaṃ pratibhāyāt |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta adhiṣṭhānānadhiṣṭhitatvāt |  tṛṇagulmavṛkṣaparvatā api mahāmate vividhāni ca vādyabhāṇḍāni nagarabhavanagṛhavimānāsanasthānāni tathāgatapraveśādhiṣṭhānena pravādyante |  kiṃ punar mahāmate sacetanā mūkāndhabadhirā api mahāmate svadoṣebhyo vimucyante |  evaṃ mahāguṇaviśeṣaṃ mahāmate tathāgatādhiṣṭhānam || 
復次,大慧!菩薩摩訶(14)薩凡所分別三昧神足54 說法之行,是等一(15)切,悉住如來二種神力。 
大慧!若菩薩摩訶薩(16)離佛神力能辯說者,一切凡夫亦應能說。  (17)所以者何?謂不住神力故。  大慧!山石樹木(18)及諸樂器城55 郭宮殿,以如來入城威神力(19)故,皆自然出音樂之聲,  何況有心者。聾盲瘖(20)瘂無量眾苦,皆得解脫。  如來有如是等無(21)量神力,利安眾生。」 
復次,大慧!菩薩摩訶(14)薩凡所分別三昧神足65 說法之行,是等一(15)切,悉住如來二種神力。 
大慧!若菩薩摩訶薩(16)離佛神力能辯說者,一切凡夫亦應能說。  (17)所以者何?謂不住神力故。  大慧!山石樹木(18)及諸樂器城66 郭宮殿,以如來入城威神力(19)故,皆自然出音樂之聲,  何況有心者。聾盲瘖(20)瘂無量眾苦,皆得解脫。  如來有如是等無(21)量神力,利安眾生。」 
Further, Mahāmati, (102) whatever Samādhis, psychic faculties, and teachings are exhibited by the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, they are sustained by the twofold sustaining power of all the Buddhas. 
If, Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas show their eloquence without the Buddhas' sustaining power, the ignorant and simple-minded will also show their eloquence. [But the latter do not.]  Why? Because of the sustaining power [on the one hand] and its absence [on the other].  Because of the sustaining power [on the one hand] and its absence [on the other]. Where the Tathagatas enter with their sustaining power there will be music not only in various musical instruments and vessels but also even in grass, shrubs, trees, and mountains, Mahāmati, yes, in towns indeed, palaces, houses, and royal abodes.  How much more those endowed with sentiency! The mute, blind, and deaf will be cured of their deficiencies, Mahāmati, and will enjoy their emancipation.  Such, Mahāmati, is the great extraordinary virtue of the sustaining power imparted by the Tathagatas. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmatir āha - kiṃ punar bhagavaṃs tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ samādhisamāpattyavasthānakāle viśeṣabhūmau ca abhiṣekādhiṣṭhānaṃ prakurvanti? (43,1) bhagavān āha - mārakarmakleśaviyuktārthaṃ śrāvakadhyānabhūmyaprapatanatayā ca tathāgatabhūmipratyātmādhigamanatayā ca prāptadharmādhigamavivṛddhaye ca |  etena mahāmate kāraṇena tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāmadhiṣṭhānair adhitiṣṭhanti |  anadhiṣṭhitāś ca mahāmate (*103) bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ kutīrthyaśrāvakamārāśayapatitā nānuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyeran |  atastena kāraṇena bodhisattvā mahāsattvās tathāgatair arhadbhiḥ samyaksaṃbuddhair anugṛhyante || 
56 為離魔業煩惱故,及不墮(25)聲聞地禪故,為得如來自覺地故,及增進(26)所得法故,是故如來、應供、等正覺, 
咸以神(27)力建立諸菩薩摩訶薩。  若不以神力建立(28)者,則墮外道惡見妄想,及諸聲聞眾魔悕望,(29)不得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。  以是故,諸佛如(493a1)來咸以神力攝受諸菩薩摩訶薩。」 
67 為離魔業煩惱故,及不墮(25)聲聞地禪故,為得如來自覺地故,及增進(26)所得法故,是故如來、應供、等正覺, 
咸以神(27)力建立諸菩薩摩訶薩。  若不以神力建立(28)者,則墮外道惡見妄想,及諸聲聞眾魔悕望,(29)不得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。  以是故,諸佛如(493a1)來咸以神力攝受諸菩薩摩訶薩。」 
Further, Mahāmati said:
Why is it, Blessed One, that when the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are established in the Samādhis and Samāpattis, and when they are baptised at the most exalted stage, the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones, bestow their sustaining power on them?

Replied the Blessed One:
It is in order to make them avoid the evil ones, karma, and passions, to keep them away from the Dhyāna and stage of the Śrāvakahood, to have them realise the stage of Tathagatahood, and to make them grow in the truth and experience already attained. 
For this reason, Mahāmati, the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones sustain with their power the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.  If they were not thus sustained, Mahāmati, (103) they would fall into the way of thinking and feeling as cherished by the wrong philosophers, Śrāvakas, or evil ones, and would not attain the highest enlightenment.  For this reason, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are upheld by the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones. 
tatredam ucyate - 
Thus it is said: 
adhiṣṭhānaṃ narendrāṇāṃ praṇidhānair viśodhitam |
abhiṣekasamādhyādyāḥ prathamād daśamāya vai || 2.163 || 
「神力人中尊, 大願悉清淨,
(4)三摩提灌頂, 初地及十地。」 
「神力人中尊, 大願悉清淨,
(4)三摩提灌頂, 初地及十地。」 
165. The sustaining power is purified by the Buddhas' vows; in the baptism, Samādhis, etc., from the first to the tenth [stage], [the Bodhisattvas are in the embrace of the Buddhas]. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  pratītyasamutpādaṃ punar bhagavatā deśayatā kāraṇavyapadeśa eva kṛto na svanayaprakṛtyavasthānakathā |  tīrthakarā api bhagavan kāraṇata utpattiṃ varṇayanti, yaduta pradhāneśvarapuruṣakālāṇupratyayebhyo bhāvānāmutpattayaḥ |  kiṃ tu bhagavatā pratyayaparyāyāntareṇotpattir varṇyate bhāvānām |  na ca siddhāntaviśeṣāntaram |  sadasato hi bhagavaṃs tīrthakarā apy utpattiṃ varṇayanti, bhūtvā ca vināśaṃ pratyayair bhāvānām |  yad apy uktaṃ bhagavatā - avidyāpratyayāḥ saṃskārā yāvajjarāmaraṇam iti, ahetuvādavyapadeśa eṣa bhagavatānuvarṇitaḥ, na sa hetuvādaḥ |  yugapadvayavasthitānāṃ bhagavannetadbhavati - asmin satīdaṃ bhavatīti, na kramavṛttyapekṣāvasthitānām |  kiṃ tu tīrthakaravyapadeśa eva bhagavan (*104) viśiṣyate na tvadīyam |  tat kasya hetoḥ? tīrthakarāṇāṃ hiṃ bhagavan kāraṇamapratītyasamutpannaṃ kāryamabhinirvartayati |  tava tu bhagavan kāraṇamapi kāryāpekṣaṃ kāryamapi kāraṇāpekṣam |  hetupratyayasaṃkaraś ca evam anyonyānavasthā prasajyate |  ahetutvaṃ ca bhagavan lokasya - asmin satīdaṃ bruvataḥ |  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate mamāhetukakāraṇavādo hetupratyayasaṃkaraś ca prasajyate - asmin satīdaṃ bruvataḥ, grāhyagrāhakābhāvāt, svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhāt |  ye tu mahāmate grāhyagrāhakābhiniviṣṭāḥ svacittadṛśyamātraṃ nāvabudhyante bāhyasvaviṣayabhāvābhāvatvena, teṣāṃ mahāmate eṣa doṣaḥ prasajyate, na tu mama pratītyakāraṇavyapadeśaṃ kurvataḥ || 
(5)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!佛說(6)緣起,57 如是說因緣,不自說道。  世尊!外道(7)亦說因緣,謂:勝、自在、時、微塵生,如是諸性(8)生。  然,世尊所謂因緣生諸性,言說有間悉(9)檀、  無間悉檀58 。  世尊!外道亦說(10)有無有生,世尊亦說無有生,生已滅。  如世尊(11)所說:『無明緣行,乃至老死』,此是世尊無因說,(12)非有因說。  世尊建立作如是說:『此有故彼(13)有』,非建立漸生,  觀外道說勝,非如來也。(14)所以者何?  所以者何?世尊!外道說因,不從緣生而有(15)所生。  世尊說觀因有事,觀事有因。  如是(16)因緣雜亂,  如是展轉無窮。」  佛告大慧:「我非(17)無因說,及因緣雜亂說。此有故彼有者,攝所(18)攝非性,覺自心現量。  大慧!若攝所攝計著,不(19)覺自心現量,外境界性非性,彼有如是過,(20)非我說緣起。我常說言:『因緣和合而生諸法』,(21)非無因生。」 
(5)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!佛說(6)緣起,68 如是說因緣,不自說道。  世尊!外道(7)亦說因緣,謂:勝、自在、時、微塵生,如是諸性(8)生。  然,世尊所謂因緣生諸性,言說有間悉(9)檀、  無間悉檀69 。  世尊!外道亦說(10)有無有生,世尊亦說無有生,生已滅。  如世尊(11)所說:『無明緣行,乃至老死』,此是世尊無因說,(12)非有因說。  世尊建立作如是說:『此有故彼(13)有』,非建立漸生,  觀外道說勝,非如來也。(14)所以者何?  所以者何?世尊!外道說因,不從緣生而有(15)所生。  世尊說觀因有事,觀事有因。  如是(16)因緣雜亂,  如是展轉無窮。」  佛告大慧:「我非(17)無因說,及因緣雜亂說。此有故彼有者,攝所(18)攝非性,覺自心現量。  大慧!若攝所攝計著,不(19)覺自心現量,外境界性非性,彼有如是過,(20)非我說緣起。我常說言:『因緣和合而生諸法』,(21)非無因生。」 
At that time again Mahāmati the Bodhisattva said thus to the Blessed One: 
The chain of origination as told by the Blessed One depends on a cause producing an effect, and that it is not a theory established on the principle of a self-originating substance.  The philosophers also proclaim a causal origination when they say that all things rise conditioned by a supreme spirit, Iśvara, a personal soul, time, or atom.  How is it that the rise of all things is explained by the Blessed One in another terminology bearing on causation  but in its meaning not different?  Blessed One, the philosophers explain birth from being and non-being, while, according to the Blessed One, all things coming into existence from nothingness pass away by causation,61   that is to say, the Blessed One has Ignorance from which there rises Mental Conformation until we reach Old Age and Death. This teaching as explained by the Blessed One is the doctrine of no-causation and not that of causation.  According to the Blessed One,62 "that being so, this is"—if this is simultaneous conditionality and not successive mutuality, it is not right.  There, Blessed One, the philosophers, (104) teaching excels, and not thine.  Why? The cause assumed by the philosophers is not dependent upon the chain of origination and produces effects.  But, Blessed One, thy cause has reference to its effect and the effect to its cause,  and thus there is an interconnection of causal links, and from this mutuality follows the fault of non-finality.  When people talk about, "That being so, this is. " there is a state of causelessness.  Replied the Blessed One:
Not so, Mahāmati, mine is not a causeless theory of causation which results in an [endless] interconnection of causes and conditions. I speak of "That being so, this is" because of my seeing into the nature of the external world which is nothing but Self-Mind and because of its unreality of grasped (object) and grasping (subject). 
However, Mahāmati, when people clinging to the notion of grasped and grasping fail to understand the world as something seen of Mind itself; and, Mahāmati, by them the fault is committed as they recognise the external world as real with its beings and non-beings, but not by my theory of causation. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmatir āha - nanu bhagavan abhilāpasadbhāvāt santi sarvabhāvāḥ |  yadi punar bhagavan bhāvā na syuḥ, abhilāpo na pravartate |  pravartate ca |  tasmād abhilāpasadbhāvād bhagavan santi sarvabhāvāḥ |  bhagavān āha - asatām api mahāmate bhāvānām abhilāpaḥ kriyate |  yaduta śaśaviṣāṇakūrmaromavandhyāputrādīnāṃ (*105) loke dṛṣṭo ’bhilāpaḥ |  te ca mahāmate na bhāvā nābhāvāḥ, abhilapyante ca |  tadyad avocas tvaṃ mahāmate - abhilāpasadbhāvāt santi sarvabhāvā iti, sa hi vādaḥ prahīṇaḥ |  na ca mahāmate sarvabuddhakṣetreṣu prasiddho ’bhilāpaḥ |  abhilāpo mahāmate kṛtakaḥ |  kvacin mahāmate buddhakṣetre ’nimiṣaprekṣayā dharmo deśyate, kvacidiṅgitaiḥ, kvacidbhūvikṣepeṇa, kvacinnetrasaṃcāreṇa, kvacidāsyena, kvacidvijṛmbhitena, kvacidutkāsanaśabdena, (44,1) kvacitkṣetrasmṛtyā, kvacitspanditena |  yathā mahāmate animiṣāyāṃ gandhasugandhāyāṃ ca lokadhātau samantabhadrasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya buddhakṣetre animiṣair netraiḥ prekṣamāṇāste bodhisattvā mahāsattvā an utpattikadharmakṣāntiṃ pratilabhante anyāṃś ca samādhiviśeṣān, ata evāsmātkāraṇān mahāmate nābhilāpasadbhāvāt santi sarvabhāvāḥ |  dṛṣṭaṃ caitan mahāmate |  iha loke kṛmimakṣikaivamādyāḥ sattvaviśeṣā anabhilāpenaiva svakṛtyaṃ kurvanti || 
世尊!若無性者,  言說不生。  (23)59 世尊!是故言說有性,有一切性。」  佛告大慧:(24)「無性而作言說,  謂兔角龜毛等,世間現言(25)說,  大慧!非性非非性,但言說耳。  如汝所說,(26)言說60 自性,有一切性者,汝論則壞。  大慧!(27)非一切剎土有言說。  言說者,是作61 耳。  或(28)有佛剎62 瞻視顯法,或有作相、或有揚眉、(29)或有動睛、或63 笑、或欠、或64 謦咳、或念剎土、(493b1)或動搖。  大慧!如65 瞻視,及香積世界,普賢如(2)來國土,但以66 瞻視令諸菩薩得無生法忍,(3)及67 殊勝三昧。是故,非言說有性有一切性。  大慧!見  此世界蚊蚋蟲蟻,是等眾生,無有(5)言說,而各辦事。」 
世尊!若無性者,  言說不生。  (23)70 世尊!是故言說有性,有一切性。」  佛告大慧:(24)「無性而作言說,  謂兔角龜毛等,世間現言(25)說,  大慧!非性非非性,但言說耳。  如汝所說,(26)言說71 自性,有一切性者,汝論則壞。  大慧!(27)非一切剎土有言說。  言說者,是作72 耳。  或(28)有佛剎73 瞻視顯法,或有作相、或有揚眉、(29)或有動睛、或74 笑、或欠、或75 謦咳、或念剎土、(493b1)或動搖。  大慧!如76 瞻視,及香積世界,普賢如(2)來國土,但以77 瞻視令諸菩薩得無生法忍,(3)及78 殊勝三昧。是故,非言說有性有一切性。  大慧!見  此世界蚊蚋蟲蟻,是等眾生,無有(5)言說,而各辦事。」 
Further, Mahāmati said:
Blessed One, is it not because of the reality of words that all things are? 
If not for words, Blessed One,  there would be no rising of things.  Hence, Blessed One, the existence of all things is by reason of the reality of words.  Said the Blessed One:
Even when there are no [corresponding] objects there are words, Mahāmati; 
for instance, the hare's horns, the tortoise's hair, a barren woman's child, etc. (105)—they are not at all visible in the world but the words are;  Mahāmati, they are neither entities nor nonentities but expressed in words.  If, Mahāmati, you say that because of the reality of words the objects are, this talk lacks in sense.  Words are not known in all the Buddha-lands;  words, Mahāmati, are an artificial creation.  In some Buddha-lands ideas are indicated by looking steadily, in others by gestures, in still others by a frown, by the movement of the eyes, by laughing, by yawning, or by the clearing of the throat, or by recollection, or by trembling.  Mahāmati, for instance, in the worlds of the Steady-Looking and in those of Exquisite Odours, and in the Buddha-land of Samantabhadra the Tathagata, Arhat, Fully-Enlightened One, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas by steadily looking without a wink attain the recognition of all things as unborn and also various most excellent Samādhis. For this reason, Mahāmati, the validity of all things has nothing to do with the reality of words.  It is observed, Mahāmati,  even in this world that in the kingdom of such special beings as ants, bees, etc., they carry on their work without words. 
ākāśaṃ śaśaśṛṅgaṃ ca vandhyāyāḥ putra eva ca |
asanto hy abhilapyante tathā bhāveṣu kalpanā || 2.164 || 
(7)「如虛空兔角, 及與槃大子,
(8)無而有言說, 如是性妄想。 
(7)「如虛空兔角, 及與槃大子,
(8)無而有言說, 如是性妄想。 
166. As space, the hare's horns, and a barren woman's child are non-entities except as expressed in words, so is this existence imagined. 
hetupratyayasāmagryāṃ bālāḥ kalpanti saṃbhavam |
(*106)ajānānā nayam idaṃ bhramanti tribhavālaye || 2.165 || 
(9)因緣和合法, 凡愚起妄想,
(10)不能如實知, 輪迴三有宅。」 
(9)因緣和合法, 凡愚起妄想,
(10)不能如實知, 輪迴三有宅。」 
167. When causes and conditions are in combination the ignorant imagine the birth [of this world]; (106) as they fail to understand this reason, they wander about in the triple world which is their dwelling. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  nityaśabdaḥ punar bhagavan kva bhihitaḥ?  bhagavān āha - bhrāntau mahāmate | yasmād iyaṃ bhrāntir āryāṇām api khyāyate viparyāsataḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate mṛgatṛṣṇālātacakrakeśoṇḍukagandharvanagaramāyāsvapnapratibimbākṣapuruṣā loke ’vidvadbhirviparyasyante, na tu vidvadbhiḥ |  na ca punar na khyāyante |  sā punar bhrāntir mahāmate anekaprakārā khyāyāt |  na bhrānteraśāśvatatāṃ kurute |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta bhāvābhāvavivarjitatvāt |  kathaṃ punar mahāmate bhāvābhāvavivarjitā bhrāntiḥ? yaduta sarvabālavicitragocaratvāt samudrataraṃgagaṅgodakavatpretānāṃ darśanādarśanataḥ |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate bhrāntibhāvo na bhavati |  yasmāc ca tadudakamanyeṣāṃ khyāyate, ato hy abhāvo na bhavati |  evaṃ bhrāntir āryāṇāṃ viparyāsāviparyāsavarjitā |  ataś ca mahāmate asmātkāraṇāc chāśvatā bhrāntir yaduta nimittalakṣaṇābhedatvāt |  na hi mahāmate bhrāntir vividhavicitranimittavikalpena (*107) vikalpyamānā bhedam upayāti |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate bhrāntiḥ śāśvatā || 
(11)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!常聲(12)者,何事說?」  佛告大慧:「為惑亂。以彼惑亂,諸(13)聖亦現,而非顛倒。  大慧!如春時炎、火輪、垂髮、(14)乾闥婆城、幻、夢、鏡像。世間顛倒,非明智也,  然(15)非不現。  大慧!彼惑亂者,有種種現,  非惑(16)亂作無常。  所以者何?謂離性非性故。  大慧!(17)云何離性非性惑亂?謂一切愚夫種種境界(18)故。如彼恒河,餓鬼見不見故,  無惑亂性;  於(19)餘現故,非無性。  如是惑亂,諸聖離顛倒不(20)顛倒。  是故惑亂常,謂相相不壞故。  大慧!非(21)惑亂種種相妄想相壞,  是故惑亂常。 
(11)爾時,大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!常聲(12)者,何事說?」  佛告大慧:「為惑亂。以彼惑亂,諸(13)聖亦現,而非顛倒。  大慧!如春時炎、火輪、垂髮、(14)乾闥婆城、幻、夢、鏡像。世間顛倒,非明智也,  然(15)非不現。  大慧!彼惑亂者,有種種現,  非惑(16)亂作無常。  所以者何?謂離性非性故。  大慧!(17)云何離性非性惑亂?謂一切愚夫種種境界(18)故。如彼恒河,餓鬼見不見故,  無惑亂性;  於(19)餘現故,非無性。  如是惑亂,諸聖離顛倒不(20)顛倒。  是故惑亂常,謂相相不壞故。  大慧!非(21)惑亂種種相妄想相壞,  是故惑亂常。 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva again said this to the Blessed One: 
Blessed One, where dost thou pronounce sound to be eternal?  The Blessed One replied:
According to error, Mahāmati; since even to the wise there is this error, only that they are free from perversion. 
Mahāmati, it is like the unwitted in the world who conceive a perverted idea regarding a mirage, a firebrand wheel, a hair-net, the city of the Gandharvas, Māyā, a dream, a reflected image, and an Aksha-purusha, but with the knowing it is not so,  though it does not mean that those illusions do not appear to them.  When, Mahāmati, there is this error, diversities of forms are seen,  though to this error the idea of impermanence is inapplicable.  Why? Because it cannot be characterised with the ideas of being and non-being.  Again, Mahāmati, how are the ideas of being and non-being inapplicable to this error? Because all the ignorant take in varieties of situations, like the waves of the ocean and the waters of the Ganges which are not seen by the Pretas, but seen [by others].  For this reason, Mahāmati, the error-existence [or this world of illusion] is not,  but as this water is manifest to other people it is not a non-existence either.  Thus to the wise, the error is neither a perversion nor a non-perversion.  And for this reason, Mahāmati, the error in itself is characterised with permanency, having the nature of non-distinction [as far as its own appearance is concerned].  Mahāmati, being discriminated as regards its diversified individual signs, (107) the error is perceived as differentiated.  Thus the error, [as far as its own nature is concerned], is characterised with permanency. 
kathaṃ punar mahāmate bhrāntis tattvaṃ bhavati? yena punaḥ kāraṇena mahāmate āryāṇām asyāṃ bhrāntau viparyāsabuddhir na pravartate, nāviparyāsabuddhiḥ |  nānyatra mahāmate āryā asyāṃ bhrāntau yat kiṃcit saṃjñino bhavanti nāryajñānavastusaṃjñinaḥ |  yat kiṃcid iti mahāmate bālapralāpa eṣa nāryapralāpaḥ |  sā punar bhrāntir viparyāsāviparyāsena vikalpyamānā gotradvayāvahā bhavati yaduta āryagotrasya vā bālapṛthagjanagotrasya vā |  āryagotraṃ punar mahāmate triprakāramupayāti yaduta śrāvakapratyekabuddhabuddhaprabhedataḥ |  tatra kathaṃ punar mahāmate bālair bhrāntir vikalpyamānā śrāvakayānagotraṃ janayati? yaduta mahāmate svasāmānyalakṣaṇābhiniveśenābhiniviśyamānā śrāvakayānagotrāya saṃvartate |  evaṃ mahāmate sā bhrāntiḥ śrāvakayānagotrāvahā bhavati |  tatra kathaṃ punar mahāmate saiva bhrāntir vikalpyamānā pratyekabuddhayānagotrāvahā bhavati? yaduta tasyā eva mahāmate bhrānteḥ (*108) svasāmānyalakṣaṇābhiniveśāsaṃsargataḥ pratyekabuddhayānagotrāvahā bhavati |  tatra kathaṃ (45,1) punar mahāmate paṇḍitaiḥ saiva bhrāntir vikalpyamānā buddhayānagotrāvahā bhavati? yaduta mahāmate svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhād bāhyabhāvābhāvavikalpanatayā vikalpyamānā buddhayānagotrā avahā bhavati |  ata eva mahāmate gotram |  eṣa gotrārthaḥ |  vicitravastubhāvanā punar mahāmate bālair bhrāntir vikalpyamānā saṃsārayānagotrāvahā bhavati, evam idaṃ nānyatheti |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate bhrāntir vicitravastutvena kalpyate bālaiḥ |  sā ca na vastu, nāvastu |  saiva mahāmate bhrāntir avikalpyamānā āryāṇāṃ cittamanomanovijñānadauṣṭhulyavāsanāsvabhāvadharmaparāvṛttibhāvād bhrāntir āryāṇāṃ tathatety ucyate |  ata etad uktaṃ bhavati mahāmate - tathatāpi cittavinirmukteti |  asyaiva mahāmate padasyābhidyotanārtham idam uktaṃ mayā - kalpanaiś ca vivarjitaṃ sarvakalpanāvirahitam iti yāvad uktaṃ bhavati || 
大慧!云(22)何惑亂真實?若復因緣,諸聖於此惑亂,不(23)起顛倒覺、非不顛倒覺。  大慧!除諸聖,於(24)此惑亂有少分想,非聖智事68 想。  (25)「大慧!凡有者,愚夫妄說,非聖言說。  彼惑亂(26)者,倒不倒妄想,起二種種性,謂:聖種性,及愚(27)夫種性。  聖種性者,三種分別。謂:69 聲聞乘、緣覺(28)乘、佛乘。  云何愚夫妄想,起聲聞乘種性?謂:自(29)共相計著,起聲聞乘種性,  是名妄想起聲(30)聞乘種性。  大慧!即彼惑亂妄想,起緣覺乘(493c1)種性。謂:即彼惑亂自共相,不70 觀計著,起(2)緣覺乘種性。  云何智者?即彼惑71 亂想,起佛(3)乘種性。      謂:覺自心現量,外性非性,不妄想相,(4)起佛乘種性,是名即彼惑亂起佛乘種性。(5)  又種種事性,凡夫惑想,起愚夫種性。  彼非(6)有事,非無事,是名種性義。  大慧!即彼惑(7)亂不妄想,諸聖心、意、意識過習氣自性法轉(8)變性,是名為如。  是故說如離心。  我說此句(9)顯示離想,即說離一切想。」 
大慧!云(22)何惑亂真實?若復因緣,諸聖於此惑亂,不(23)起顛倒覺、非不顛倒覺。  大慧!除諸聖,於(24)此惑亂有少分想,非聖智事79 想。  (25)「大慧!凡有者,愚夫妄說,非聖言說。  彼惑亂(26)者,倒不倒妄想,起二種種性,謂:聖種性,及愚(27)夫種性。  聖種性者,三種分別。謂:80 聲聞乘、緣覺(28)乘、佛乘。  云何愚夫妄想,起聲聞乘種性?謂:自(29)共相計著,起聲聞乘種性,  是名妄想起聲(30)聞乘種性。  大慧!即彼惑亂妄想,起緣覺乘(493c1)種性。謂:即彼惑亂自共相,不81 觀計著,起(2)緣覺乘種性。  云何智者?即彼惑82 亂想,起佛(3)乘種性。      謂:覺自心現量,外性非性,不妄想相,(4)起佛乘種性,是名即彼惑亂起佛乘種性。(5)  又種種事性,凡夫惑想,起愚夫種性。  彼非(6)有事,非無事,是名種性義。  大慧!即彼惑(7)亂不妄想,諸聖心、意、意識過習氣自性法轉(8)變性,是名為如。  是故說如離心。  我說此句(9)顯示離想,即說離一切想。」 
Again, Mahāmati, how is the error to be considered reality? Mahāmati, for this reason that as regards this error the wise cherish neither a perverted knowledge nor an unperverted knowledge. It is [such as it is and] not otherwise.  In case, Mahāmati, the wise should cherish any thought whatever in this error, it goes contrary to the reality attainable by noble wisdom.  If there is anything at all here it is the prattling of the ignorant, it is not the talk of the wise.  Again, when the error is discriminated according to a perverted and an unperverted view, it gives rise to two classes of family, one of which is the family of the wise, and the other the family of the ignorant and simple-minded.  Now, Mahāmati, the family of the wise is divisible into three kinds, that is, the Śrāvakas, the Pratyekabuddhas, and the Buddhas.  Mahāmati, how does the Śrāvakayāna family rise from the discrimination whereby the ignorant conceive the error? Mahāmati, there is the rise of the »Śrāvakayāna family where the attachment to the notions of individuality and generality is kept up.  This is the way, Mahāmati, this error gives rise to the Śrāvakayāna family.  Mahāmati, how does the Pratyekabuddhayāna family rise as the error is discriminated? Mahāmati, when in this error the attachment to the notions of individuality and generality (108) leads one to a retirement from social life, there rises the Pratyekabuddhayāna family.  Mahāmati, how is there the rise of the Buddhayāna family when this error is discriminated by the intelligent? Mahāmati, when the world is understood to be nothing but Mind itself, the existence and non-existence of external objects ceases to be discriminated, and there is the rise of the Buddhayāna family.  Mahāmati, this is the family,  that is, what is meant by the family.  Again, Mahāmati, when the error is discriminated by the ignorant, there is the manifestation of varieties of objects which calls forth the assertion [on their part] that this is so and not otherwise; whence rises the family of the transmigration vehicle.  For this reason, Mahāmati, the error is discriminated by the ignorant as characterised by multitudinousness,  and this error is neither a reality nor an unreality.  Thus, Mahāmati, this error being discriminated by the wise turns into Tathatā (suchness) with them, by virtue of a revulsion which takes place in them concerning the Citta, Manas, Manovijñāna, false reasoning, habit-energy, the [three] Svabhāvas, and the [five] Dharmas.  Thus, Mahāmati, there is this statement that Tathatā is Mind emancipated.  Thus, Mahāmati, there is this statement that Tathatā is Mind emancipated. Mahāmati, the meaning of this statement is here thus clearly expressed by me, that is, by the discarding of discrimination is meant the abandonment of all discriminations. So much for this statement. 
mahāmatir āha - bhrāntir bhagavan vidyate neti?  bhagavān āha - māyāvan mahāmate na lakṣaṇābhiniveśato bhrāntir vidyate |  yadi punar mahāmate bhrāntir lakṣaṇābhiniveśena vidyate, (*109) avyāvṛtta eva mahāmate bhāvābhiniveśaḥ syāt |  pratītyasamutpādavat tīrthakarakāraṇotpādavad etat syān mahāmate |  mahāmatir āha - yadi bhagavan māyāprakhyā bhrāntiḥ, tenānyasyā bhrānteḥ kāraṇībhaviṣyati |  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate māyā bhrāntikāraṇam |  adauṣṭhulyadoṣāvahatvān na hi mahāmate māyā dauṣṭhulyadoṣam āvahati |  avikalpyamānā māyā punar mahāmate parapuruṣavidyādhiṣṭhānāt pravartate, na svavikalpadauṣṭhulyavāsanādhiṣṭhānataḥ |  sā na doṣāvahā bhavati |  cittadṛṣṭimohamātrametan mahāmate bālānāṃ yat kiṃcid abhiniveśato na tv āryāṇām || 
佛告大(11)慧:「如幻,無計著相。  若惑亂有計著相者,計(12)著性不可滅,  緣起應如外道,說因緣生法。」  (13)大慧白佛言:「世尊!若惑亂如幻者,復當與(14)餘惑作因。」  佛告大慧:「非幻惑因,  不起過(15)故。大慧!幻不起過,無有妄想。  大慧!幻者(16)從他明處生,非自妄想過習氣處生,  是故(17)不起過。  大慧!此是愚夫心惑計著,非聖賢(18)也。」 
佛告大(11)慧:「如幻,無計著相。  若惑亂有計著相者,計(12)著性不可滅,  緣起應如外道,說因緣生法。」  (13)大慧白佛言:「世尊!若惑亂如幻者,復當與(14)餘惑作因。」  佛告大慧:「非幻惑因,  不起過(15)故。大慧!幻不起過,無有妄想。  大慧!幻者(16)從他明處生,非自妄想過習氣處生,  是故(17)不起過。  大慧!此是愚夫心惑計著,非聖賢(18)也。」 
Mahāmati said:
Blessed One, is the error an entity or not? 
The Blessed One replied:
It is like Māyā, Mahāmati, the error has no character in it making for attachment; 
if, Mahāmati, the error had any character in it making for attachment, (109) no liberation would be possible from the attachment to existence,  the chain of origination would be understood in the sense of creation as held by the philosophers.  Mahāmati said:
Blessed One, if the error is like Māyā, it will thereby be the cause of another error. 
The Blessed One said:
No, Mahāmati, Māyā cannot be the cause of the error, 
because of its incapability of producing evils and faults; and thus, Mahāmati, Māyā does not give rise to evil thoughts and faults.  Again, Mahāmati, Māyā has no discrimination of itself; it rises when invoked by the magical charm of a certain person. It has in itself no habit-energy of evil thoughts and faults that, issuing from self-discrimination, affect it.  [Therefore,] there are no faults in it.  This is only due to the confused view fondly cherished by the ignorant regarding Mind, and the wise have nothing to do with it. 
tatredam ucyate - 
So it is said: 
āryo na paśyati bhrāntiṃ nāpi tattvaṃ tadantare |
bhrāntir eva bhavet tattvaṃ yasmāt tattvaṃ tadantare || 2.166 || 
(19)「聖不見惑亂, 中間亦無實,
(20)中間若真實, 惑亂即真實。 
(19)「聖不見惑亂, 中間亦無實,
(20)中間若真實, 惑亂即真實。 
168. The wise do not see [the(?)] error, nor is there any truth in its midst; if truth is in its midst, [the(?)] error would be truth. 
bhrāntiṃ vidhūya sarvāṃ hi nimittaṃ jāyate yadi |
saiva tasya bhaved bhrāntir aśuddhaṃ timiraṃ yathā || 2.167 || 
(21)捨離一切惑, 若有相生者,
(22)是亦為惑亂, 不淨猶如翳。 
(21)捨離一切惑, 若有相生者,
(22)是亦為惑亂, 不淨猶如翳。 
169. If there is the rising of individual forms (nimitta) apart from all error, this will indeed be error, the defiled is like darkness.63  
punar aparaṃ mahāmate na māyā nāsti |  sādharmyadarśanāt sarvadharmāṇāṃ māyopamatvaṃ bhavati |  mahāmatir āha - kiṃ punar bhagavan vicitramāyābhiniveśalakṣaṇena sarvadharmāṇāṃ māyopamatvaṃ bhavati, atha vitathābhiniveśalakṣaṇena? (*110) tadyadi bhagavan vicitramāyābhiniveśalakṣaṇena sarvadharmāṇāṃ māyopamatvaṃ bhavati, hanta bhagavan na bhāvā māyopamāḥ |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta rūpasya vicitralakṣaṇāhetudarśanāt |  na hi bhagavan kaścid dhetur asti yena rūpaṃ vicitralakṣaṇākāraṃ khyāyate māyāvat |  ata etasmāt kāraṇād bhagavan na vicitramāyālakṣaṇābhiniveśasādharmyād bhāvā māyopamāḥ || 
(23)「復次,大慧!非幻無有相似,  見一切法如幻。」  (24)大慧白佛言:「世尊!為種種幻相計著,言一(25)切法如幻?為異相計著?若種種幻相計著,(26)言一切性如幻者,世尊!有性不如幻者。  所(27)以者何?謂色種種相非因。  世尊!無有因色(28)種種相現如幻。  世尊!是故無種種幻相計著(29)相似性如幻。」 
(23)「復次,大慧!非幻無有相似,  見一切法如幻。」  (24)大慧白佛言:「世尊!為種種幻相計著,言一(25)切法如幻?為異相計著?若種種幻相計著,(26)言一切性如幻者,世尊!有性不如幻者。  所(27)以者何?謂色種種相非因。  世尊!無有因色(28)種種相現如幻。  世尊!是故無種種幻相計著(29)相似性如幻。」 
Further, Mahāmati, Māyā is not an unreality, 
because it has the appearance of reality; and all things have the nature of Māyā.  Said Mahāmati:
Is it, Blessed One, that all things are like Māyā because Māyā is something imagined and clung to as having multitudinousness of individual forms? (110) Or is it due to the incorrect imagining of individual forms? If all things have the likeness of Māyā because Māyā is something imagined and clung to as having multitudinousness of individual forms, then see, Blessed One, things are not like Māyā. 
Why? Because forms are seen in the multitudinousness of individual signs not without due causes.  If they ever appear without due causes, assuming the multitudinousness of individual signs and shapes, [then] they would be like Māyā.  For this reason, Blessed One, that things are like Māyā is not because they [i. e. all things and Māyā] are both alike in being imagined and clung to as having multitudinousness of individual signs. 
bhagavān āha - na mahāmate vicitramāyālakṣaṇābhiniveśasādharmyāt sarvadharmā māyopamāḥ, kiṃ tarhi mahāmate vi tathāśuvidyutsadṛśasādharmyeṇa sarvadharmā māyopamāḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate (46,1) vidyullatā kṣaṇabhaṅgadṛṣṭanaṣṭadarśanaṃ punar bālānāṃ khyāyate, evam eva mahāmate sarvabhāvāḥ svavikalpasāmānyalakṣaṇāḥ pravicayābhāvān na khyāyante rūpalakṣaṇābhiniveśataḥ || 
佛告大慧:「非種種幻相計著(494a1)相似,一切法如幻。大慧!然不實一切法,速滅(2)如電,是則如幻。  大慧!譬如電光,剎那頃現,(3)現已即滅,非愚夫現。如是一切性,自妄想自(4)共相,觀察無性,非現色相計著。」 
佛告大慧:「非種種幻相計著(494a1)相似,一切法如幻。大慧!然不實一切法,速滅(2)如電,是則如幻。  大慧!譬如電光,剎那頃現,(3)現已即滅,非愚夫現。如是一切性,自妄想自(4)共相,觀察無性,非現色相計著。」 
Said the Blessed One:
It is not, Mahāmati, that all things are Māyā because they are both alike in being imagined and clung to as having multitudinousness of individual signs, but that all things are like Māyā because they are unreal and like a lightning-flash which is seen as quickly disappearing. 
Mahāmati, a lightning appears and disappears in quick succession as is manifest to the ignorant; in the same way, Mahāmati, all things assume individuality and generality according to the discrimination [of the Mind] itself. When the state of imagelessness64 is recognised, objects which are imagined and clung to as in possession of individual signs cease to assert themselves. 
tatredam ucyate - 
Thus it is said: 
na māyā nāsti sādharmyād bhāvānāṃ kathyate ’stitā |
vi tathāśuvidyutsadṛśāstena māyopamāḥ smṛtāḥ || 2.168 || 
(6)「非幻無有譬, 說法性如幻;
(7)不實速如電, 是故說如幻。」 
(6)「非幻無有譬, 說法性如幻;
(7)不實速如電, 是故說如幻。」 
170. Māyā is not without reality, because it has something resembling it; the reality of all things is talked of [in a similar manner]; they are unreal like a lightning-flash [appearing and disappearing] quickly, and therefore they are regarded as resembling Māyā. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmatir āha - yat punar etad uktaṃ bhagavatā - anutpannāḥ (*111) sarvabhāvā māyopamāś ceti |  nanu te bhagavan evaṃ bruvataḥ pūrvottaravacanavyāghātadoṣaḥ prasajyate, anutpādaṃ bhāvānāṃ māyopamatvenābhilapataḥ |  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate mamānutpādaṃ bhāvānāṃ māyopamatvenābhilapataḥ pūrvottaravacanavyāghātadoṣo bhavati |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta utpādānutpādasvacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhāt sadasator bāhyabhāvābhāvān utpattidarśanān na mahāmate pūrvottaravacanavyāghātadoṣaḥ prasajyate |  kiṃ tu mahāmate tīrthakarakāraṇakṣotpattivyudāsārtham idam ucyate - māyāvadanutpannāḥ sarvabhāvāḥ |  tīrthakaramohavargā hi mahāmate sadasator bhāvānām utpattim icchanti na svavikalpavicitrābhiniveśapratyayataḥ |  mama tu mahāmate na saṃtrāsam utpadyate |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate anutpādābhidhānam evābhidhīyate |  bhāvopadeśaḥ punar mahāmate saṃsāraparigrahārthaṃ ca nāstīty ucchedanivāraṇārthaṃ ca |  macchiṣyāṇāṃ vicitrakarmopapattyāyatanaparigrahārthaṃ bhāvaśabdaparigraheṇa saṃsāraparigrahaḥ kriyate |  māyābhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇanirdeśena mahāmate bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇavyāvṛttyarthaṃ bālapṛthagjanānāṃ (*112) kṛdṛṣṭilakṣaṇapatitāśayānāṃ svacittadṛśyamātrānavadhāriṇāṃ hetupratyayakriyotpattilakṣaṇābhiniviṣṭhānāṃ nivāraṇārthaṃ māyāsvapnasvabhāvalakṣaṇān sarvadharmān deśayāmi |  ete bālapṛthagjanāḥ kudṛṣṭilakṣaṇāśayābhiniviṣṭā ātmānaṃ paraṃ ca sarvadharmā yathābhūtāvasthānadarśanādvisaṃvādayiṣyanti |  tatra yathābhūtāvasthānadarśanaṃ mahāmate sarvadharmāṇāṃ yaduta svacittadṛśyamātrāvatāraḥ || 
(8)大慧復白佛言:「如世尊所說,一切性無生,及(9)如幻,  將無世尊前後所說自相違耶?說無(10)生性如幻。」  佛告大慧:「非我說無生性如幻(11)前後相違過。  所以者何?謂生無生,覺自心現(12)量。有非有,外性非性,無生現。大慧!非我前後(13)說相違過,  然壞外道因生,故我說一切性(14)無生。  大慧!外道癡聚,欲令有無有生,非自(15)妄想種種計著緣。  大慧!我非有無有生,  是故(16)我以無生說而說。  大慧!說性者,為攝受生(17)死故,壞無見斷見故,  為我弟子攝受種種(18)業受生處故,以72 性聲說,攝受生死。  大慧!(19)說幻性自性相,為離性自性相故,墮愚夫(20)惡見相悕望,不知自心現量。壞因所作生,(21)緣自性相計著。說幻夢自性相一切法,  不(22)令愚夫惡見悕望,計著自及他一切法,如實(23)處見,作不正論。  大慧!如實處見一切法者,(24)謂73 起自心現量。」 
(8)大慧復白佛言:「如世尊所說,一切性無生,及(9)如幻,  將無世尊前後所說自相違耶?說無(10)生性如幻。」  佛告大慧:「非我說無生性如幻(11)前後相違過。  所以者何?謂生無生,覺自心現(12)量。有非有,外性非性,無生現。大慧!非我前後(13)說相違過,  然壞外道因生,故我說一切性(14)無生。  大慧!外道癡聚,欲令有無有生,非自(15)妄想種種計著緣。  大慧!我非有無有生,  是故(16)我以無生說而說。  大慧!說性者,為攝受生(17)死故,壞無見斷見故,  為我弟子攝受種種(18)業受生處故,以83 性聲說,攝受生死。  大慧!(19)說幻性自性相,為離性自性相故,墮愚夫(20)惡見相悕望,不知自心現量。壞因所作生,(21)緣自性相計著。說幻夢自性相一切法,  不(22)令愚夫惡見悕望,計著自及他一切法,如實(23)處見,作不正論。  大慧!如實處見一切法者,(24)謂84 起自心現量。」 
Further, Mahāmati said: Now according to the Blessed One, all things are unborn (111) and resemble Māyā; 
but, Blessed One, is there not the fault of contradiction between the previous statement and the later one? It is asserted by thee that that all things are unborn is due to their having the nature of Māyā.65   The Blessed One replied:
Mahāmati, when all things are asserted to be unborn because of their having the nature of Māyā, there is no fault of contradiction between my previous statement and my later one. 
Why? Because birth is no-birth, when it is recognised that the world that presents itself before us is no more than Mind itself; and as to all external objects of which we state that they are or are not, they are to be seen as non-existent and unborn; and thus, Mahāmati, there is here no fault of contradiction between my previous statement and my later one.  But, Mahāmati, in order to cast aside the philosophers' thesis on birth by causation, it is asserted that all things are like Māyā and unborn.  Mahāmati, the philosophers who are the gathering of the deluded, foster the notion of deriving the birth of all things from that of being and non-being, and fail to regard it as caused by the attachment to the multidinousness which rises from the discrimination [of the Mind] itself.  Mahāmati, no fear rises in me [by making this statement].66   In this light, Mahāmati, the term "unborn" is to be understood.  Again, Mahāmati, the teaching that all things exist is given in order to admit transmigration, to check nihilism which says "Nothing is,"  and to make my disciples accept the doctrine that asserts the reality of karma in various forms and birth in the various worlds, for by admitting the terminology of existence we admit transmigration.  Mahāmati, the teaching that all things are characterised with the self-nature of Māyā is meant to make the ignorant and simple-minded cast aside the idea of self-nature in anything; (112) as they cherish the thoughts characterised with error, as they do not clearly grasp the meaning of the world which is no more than the Mind itself, they imagine and cling to causation, work, birth, and individual signs; in order to check this I teach that all things are characterised in their self-nature with the nature of Māyā and a dream.  Attached to erroneous thoughts they contradict both themselves and others by not seeing all things as they really and truly are.  Mahāmati, to see all things as they really and truly are means to realise that there is nothing to be seen but Mind itself. 
anutpāde kāraṇābhāvo bhāve saṃsārasaṃgrahaḥ |
māyādisadṛśaṃ paśyellakṣaṇaṃ na vikalpayet || 2.169 || 
(26)「無生作非性, 有性攝生死,
(27)觀察如幻等, 於相不妄想。 
(26)「無生作非性, 有性攝生死,
(27)觀察如幻等, 於相不妄想。 
171. In the theory of no-birth, causation is not accepted [as is maintained by the ignorant]; where existence is accepted transmigration prevails; seeing that [all things] are like Māyā, etc., one does not discriminate individual signs. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate nāmapadavyañjanakāyānāṃ lakṣaṇam uddekṣyāmaḥ, yair nāmapadavyañjanakāyaiḥ sūpalakṣitair bodhisattvā mahāsattvā arthapadavyañjanānusāriṇaḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhya tathaiva sarvasattvānavabodhayiṣyanti |  tatra mahāmate kāyo nāma yaduta yad vastvāśritya nāma kriyate, sa kāyo vastu |  kāyaḥ śarīram ity anarthāntaram |  eṣa mahāmate nāmakāyaḥ |  padakāyaḥ punar mahāmate yaduta padārthakāyasadbhāvo niścayaḥ |  niṣṭhā upalabdhirityanarthāntaram |  eṣa mahāmate padakāyopadeśaḥ kṛto māyā |  vyañjanakāyaḥ punar mahāmate yaduta yena nāmapadayor abhivyaktir bhavati |  vyañjanaṃ liṅgaṃ lakṣaṇam upalabdhiḥ prajñaptir ity anarthāntaram || 
(28)「復次,大慧!當說名句形身相。善觀名句形(29)身菩薩摩訶薩,隨入義句形身,疾得阿耨多(494b1)羅三藐三菩提。如是覺已,覺一切眾生。  大(2)慧!名身者,謂若依事立名,    是名名身。  句身(3)者,謂句有義身,自性決定究竟,    是名句身。  (4)形身者,謂顯示名句,  是名形身74 1 身即字也)]。 
(28)「復次,大慧!當說名句形身相。善觀名句形(29)身菩薩摩訶薩,隨入義句形身,疾得阿耨多(494b1)羅三藐三菩提。如是覺已,覺一切眾生。  大(2)慧!名身者,謂若依事立名,    是名名身。  句身(3)者,謂句有義身,自性決定究竟,    是名句身。  (4)形身者,謂顯示名句,  是名形身85 1 身即字也)]。 
Further, Mahāmati, we will explain the characteristics of name-body, the sentence-body, and the syllable-body; for when name-body, sentence-body, and syllable-body are well understood, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas conformable to the signification of a sentence and a syllable will quickly realise supreme enlightenment and thereby awaken all beings to it. 
Mahāmati, by name-body is meant the object depending on which a name obtains, the body is this object;  in another sense the body means substance (śarīra).  Mahāmati, this is the body of a name.  By the body of a sentence is meant what it signifies, the real object, determining its sense definitely.  In another sense, it completes its reference.  Mahāmati, this is my teaching as regards the sentence-body.  By the syllable-body (113) is meant that by which names and sentences are indicated;  it is a symbol, a sign; in another sense, it is something indicated. 
(47,1) punar aparaṃ mahāmate padakāyo yaduta padakāryaniṣṭhā |  nāma punar mahāmate yaduta akṣarāṇāṃ ca nāmasvabhāvabhedo ’kārād yāvad dhakāraḥ |  tatra vyañjanaṃ punar mahāmate yaduta hrasvadīrghaplutavyañjanāni |  tatra padakāyāḥ punar mahāmate ye padavīthīgāmino hastyaśvanaramṛgapaśugomahiṣājaiḍakādyāḥ padakāyasaṃjñāṃ labhante |  nāma ca vyañjanaṃ ca punar mahāmate catvāra arūpiṇaḥ skandhāḥ |  nāmnābhilapyanta iti kṛtvā nāma, svalakṣaṇena vyajyate iti kṛtvā vyañjanam |  etan mahāmate nāmapadavyañjanakāyānāṃ nāmapadābhidhānalakṣaṇam |  atra te paricayaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
  又形身者,謂長短高下。  又句身者,謂徑跡。(6)如象馬人獸等所行徑跡,得句身名。  大慧!(7)名及形者,謂以名說無色四陰,故說名。  自(8)相現,故說形。  是名名句形身。  說名句形身(9)相分齊,應當修學。」 
  又形身者,謂長短高下。  又句身者,謂徑跡。(6)如象馬人獸等所行徑跡,得句身名。  大慧!(7)名及形者,謂以名說無色四陰,故說名。  自(8)相現,故說形。  是名名句形身。  說名句形身(9)相分齊,應當修學。」 
Again, Mahāmati, the sentence (pada) -body means the completion of the meaning expressed in the sentence.  Again, Mahāmati, a name (or a letter, nāma) means each separate letter distinguished as to its self-nature from a to ha Again, Mahāmati, a syllable (vyañjana) is short, long, or lengthy.  Again, Mahāmati, regarding the sentence (pada) -body the idea of it is obtained from the foot-prints left on the road by elephants, horses, people, deer, cattle, cows, buffalos, goats, rams, etc.  Again, Mahāmati, names (nāma) and syllables (vyañjana) belong to the four Skandhas which being formless are indicated by names;  thus are names made. By means of the differently characterised names there are syllables (vyañjana); thus are syllables made.  This, Mahāmati, is the meaning of the body of a name (nāma), a sentence (pada), and a syllable (vyañjana).  You should endeavour to have a thorough understanding of these terms. 
tatredam ucyate - 
It is thus said: 
vyañjane padakāye ca nāmni cāpi viśeṣataḥ |
bālāḥ sajjanti durmedhā mahāpaṅke yathā gajāḥ || 2.170 || 
(11)「名身與句身, 及形身差別,
(12)凡夫愚計著, 如象溺深泥。 
(11)「名身與句身, 及形身差別,
(12)凡夫愚計著, 如象溺深泥。 
172. Because of the distinction between nāma, pada, and vyañjana, the ignorant, the dull-witted, stick to them like the elephant in deep mud. 
(*114) punar aparaṃ mahāmate yuktihetubuddhivaikalyāt kutārkikā durvidagdhamatayo ’nāgate ’dhvani pṛṣṭā vidvadbhir ekatvānyatvobhayānubhayadṛṣṭilakṣaṇavinirmuktam antadvayavidhiṃ pṛcchadbhir evaṃ vakṣyanti - apraśnam idaṃ nedaṃ yoniśa iti, yaduta rūpādibhyo ’nityatā anyā ananyeti |  evaṃ nirvāṇaṃ saṃskārebhyo lakṣaṇāllakṣaṇaṃ guṇebhyo guṇī bhūtebhyo bhautikaṃ dṛśyād darśanaṃ pāṃśubhyo ’ṇavo jñānādyoginaḥ, evamādyenottarottarakramalakṣaṇavidhinā avyākṛtāni pṛṣṭāḥ sthāpanīyaṃ bhagavatā avyākṛtam iti vakṣyanti |  na tu te mohapuruṣā evaṃ jñāsyanti yathā śrotṝṇāṃ buddhivaikalyāt tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā utrāsapadavivarjanārthaṃ sattvānāṃ na vyākurvanti |  avyākṛtāny api ca mahāmate tīrthakaradṛṣṭivādavyudāsārthaṃ nopadiśyante tathāgataiḥ |  tīrthakarā hi mahāmate evaṃvādinaḥ - yaduta sa jīvastaccharīram, anyo jīvo ’nyaccharīram, ityevamādye ’vyākṛtavādaḥ |  tīrthakarāṇāṃ hi mahāmate kāraṇavisaṃmūḍhānāmavyākṛtaṃ na tu matpravacane |  matpravacane tu mahāmate grāhyagrāhakavisaṃyukte vikalpo na pravartate |  (*115) teṣāṃ kathaṃ sthāpyaṃ bhavet ? ye tu mahāmate grāhyagrāhakābhiniviṣṭāḥ svacittadṛśyamātrānavadhāritamatayasteṣāṃ sthāpyaṃ bhavati |  caturvidhapadapraśnavyākaraṇena mahāmate tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ sattvebhyo dharmaṃ deśayanti |  sthāpanīyam iti mahāmate kālāntaradeśanaiṣā mayā kṛtā aparipakvendriyāṇām |  na tu paripakvendriyāṇāṃ sthāpyaṃ bhavati || 
(13)「復次,大慧!未來世智者,75 當以離一異、俱不(14)俱見相,我所通義,問無智者。彼即答言:『此(15)非正問。』謂色等常無常,為異不異? 
如是涅(16)槃、諸行相所相、求那所求那造所造、見所見、(17)塵及微塵、修與修者,如是比展轉相。如是(18)等問,而言佛說無記止論。  非彼癡人之所(19)能知,謂聞慧不具故。如來、應供、等正覺,令(20)彼離恐怖句故,說言無記,不為記說。  又止(21)外道見論故,而不為說。  大慧!外道作如是(22)說,謂:『命即是身。』如是等無記論。  大慧!彼諸(23)外道愚癡,於因作無記論,非我所說。  大慧!(24)我所說者,離攝所攝,妄想不生。  云何止彼?(25)大慧!若攝所攝計著者,不知自心現量,故(26)止彼。  大慧!如來、應供、等正覺,以四種記論(27)為眾生說法。  大慧!止記論者,我時時說,  為(28)根未熟,不為熟者。(29) 
(13)「復次,大慧!未來世智者,86 當以離一異、俱不(14)俱見相,我所通義,問無智者。彼即答言:『此(15)非正問。』謂色等常無常,為異不異? 
如是涅(16)槃、諸行相所相、求那所求那造所造、見所見、(17)塵及微塵、修與修者,如是比展轉相。如是(18)等問,而言佛說無記止論。  非彼癡人之所(19)能知,謂聞慧不具故。如來、應供、等正覺,令(20)彼離恐怖句故,說言無記,不為記說。  又止(21)外道見論故,而不為說。  大慧!外道作如是(22)說,謂:『命即是身。』如是等無記論。  大慧!彼諸(23)外道愚癡,於因作無記論,非我所說。  大慧!(24)我所說者,離攝所攝,妄想不生。  云何止彼?(25)大慧!若攝所攝計著者,不知自心現量,故(26)止彼。  大慧!如來、應供、等正覺,以四種記論(27)為眾生說法。  大慧!止記論者,我時時說,  為(28)根未熟,不為熟者。(29) 
(114) Further, Mahāmati, in the time to come, those wrong-headed ones who are inclined to false speculations owing to their deficiency of knowledge concerning truth and cause may be asked by the wise, regarding that which is liberated from the dualistic conceptions of things such as oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness; and thus asked, they may answer, saying, "It is no question; it is not at all properly put—that is to say, the question: Are form, etc. and transiency to be considered one or different?" 
In the same way, Nirvana and the Skandhas, indices and indicated, qualities and qualified, realities and the elements, seen and seeing, dust and atoms, knowledge and the Yogins—[are these to be considered one or different?] Such questions concerning the various aspects of existence lead successively from one thing to another without end, and those who are asked about these unexplainable questions would declare that they were put aside by the Blessed One as impossible to answer.  However, these deluded people are unable to realise [the meaning of] what they heard [from the Buddha] because of their deficiency of knowledge. The Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones do not explain these things to all beings because of their wish to keep the latter from the fear-inspiring phrases.  Mahāmati, these inexplicables (vyāhṛiāni) are not taken up for consideration by the Tathagatas in order to keep the philosophers away from their wrong views and theories.  Mahāmati, the philosophers may declare thus: what life is that is the body, or life is one thing, body is another. In these they make inexplicable statements.  Mahāmati, entirely bewildered by the idea of a creator, the philosophers make an inexplicable statement, but that is not found in my teaching.  In my teaching, Mahāmati, discrimination does not take place because I teach to stand above grasped and grasping.  (115) How could there be any setting aside here? But, Mahāmati, to those who are addicted to grasped and grasping, as they do not have a thorough understanding of the world which is no more than what is seen of the Mind itself, there is something to be set aside [as inexplicable].  Mahāmati, the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones teach the Dharma to all beings by means of the four forms of questioning and answering.  As to the propositions that are set aside [as inexplicable], Mahāmati, they are made use of by me on some other occasions for those whose senses are not yet fully matured;  but for those of matured senses there is nothing to set aside. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate kriyākārakarahitāḥ sarvadharmā notpadyante ’kārakatvāt |  tenocyate ’nuptannāḥ sarvadharmāḥ |  niḥsvabhāvāḥ punar mahāmate sarvabhāvāḥ kena kāraṇenaḥ? yasmān mahāmate svabuddhyā vicāryamāṇānāṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇābhāvā nāvadhāryante, tenocyante niḥsvabhāvāḥ sarvadharmā iti |  tatra anāyūhāniryūhāḥ punar mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ kena kāraṇena? yasmān mahāmate svasāmānyalakṣaṇam āyūhyamānaṃ nāyuhyate, niryūhyamānaṃ na niryūhyate |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate sarvadharmā āyūhaniryūhavigatāḥ |  aniruddhāḥ punar mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ kena kāraṇena? yaduta bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇāsattvāt sarvadharmā nopalabhyante |  tenocyante ’niruddhāḥ sarvadharmā iti |  tatra (48,1) anityāḥ punar mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ kena kāraṇenocyante? (*116) yaduta lakṣaṇotpattyanityabhāvāt |  tenocyante anityāḥ sarvadharmā iti |  tatra nityāḥ punar mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ kena kāraṇena? yaduta lakṣaṇotpannānutpannābhāvādanityatayā nityāḥ |  tenocyante mahāmate nityāḥ sarvadharmā iti || 
「復次,大慧!一切法,離所作因緣不生,無作(494c1)者故,  一切法不生。  大慧!何故一切性離自(2)性?以自覺觀時,自共性相不可得故,  說一(3)切法不生。何故一切法不可持來,不可持(4)去?以自共相,欲持來,無所來;欲持去,無(5)所去;  是故一切法,離持來去。  大慧!何故一切(6)諸法不滅?謂性自性相無故,一切法不可得,  故一切法不滅。  大慧!何故一切法無常?謂相(8)起無常性,  是故說一切法無常。  大慧!何故一(9)切法常?謂相起無生性,無常常,  故說一切法(10)常。」 
「復次,大慧!一切法,離所作因緣不生,無作(494c1)者故,  一切法不生。  大慧!何故一切性離自(2)性?以自覺觀時,自共性相不可得故,  說一(3)切法不生。何故一切法不可持來,不可持(4)去?以自共相,欲持來,無所來;欲持去,無(5)所去;  是故一切法,離持來去。  大慧!何故一切(6)諸法不滅?謂性自性相無故,一切法不可得,  故一切法不滅。  大慧!何故一切法無常?謂相(8)起無常性,  是故說一切法無常。  大慧!何故一(9)切法常?謂相起無生性,無常常,  故說一切法(10)常。」 
Further, Mahāmati, all things being devoid of doing and doer are unborn; as there is no doer, 
all things are therefore said to be unborn.  Mahāmati, all things are without self-nature. Why? Because, Mahāmati, when they are examined by self-knowledge, there are no such signs obtainable which characterise them with individuality and generality; therefore, all things are said to have no self-nature.  Again, Mahāmati, in all things there is no taking birth, no going-out. Why? Because, Mahāmati, the signs of individuality and generality are seen as existing and yet they are non-existent; they are seen as going out, and yet they do not go out.  For this reason, Mahāmati, all things are neither taking birth, nor are they going out.  Again, Mahāmati, all things are never annihilated. Why? For this reason that the individual signs that make up the self-nature of things are nonexistent, and all things are beyond reach.  Therefore, all things are said never to be annihilated.  Again, Mahāmati, all things are not eternal. Why? (116) Because the rising of individual signs is characterised with non-eternality.  Therefore, all things are said not to be eternal.  Again, Mahāmati, all things are eternal. Why? Because the rising of individual signs is no-rising and is non-existent; and all things are eternal because of their non-eternality.  Therefore, Mahāmati, all things are said to be eternal. 
tatredam ucyate - 
Thus it is said: 
caturvidhaṃ vyākaraṇamekāṃśaṃ paripṛcchanam |
vibhajyaṃ sthāpanīyaṃ ca tīrthavādanivāraṇam || 2.171 || 
(11)「記論有四種, 一向76 及詰問,
(12)分別及止論, 以制諸外道。 
(11)「記論有四種, 一向87 及詰問,
(12)分別及止論, 以制諸外道。 
173. 67 The four kinds of explanation are: direct statement, questioning, discernment, and setting aside; whereby the philosophers are kept away. 
sadasatorhyanutpādaḥ sāṃkhyavaiśeṣikaiḥ smṛtaḥ |
avyākṛtāni sarvāṇi tair eva hi prakāśitā || 2.172 || 
(13)有及非有生, 僧佉毘舍師,
(14)一切悉無記, 彼如是顯示。 
(13)有及非有生, 僧佉毘舍師,
(14)一切悉無記, 彼如是顯示。 
174. The Sāṅkha and the Vaiśeshika philosophers teach birth from a being or from a non-being; all that are proclaimed by them are the inexplicables. 
buddhyā vivecyamānānāṃ svabhāvo nāvadhāryate |
tasmād anabhilāpyāste niḥsvabhāvāś ca deśitāḥ || 2.173 || 
(15)正覺所分別, 自性不可得,
(16)以離於言說, 故說離自性。」 
(15)正覺所分別, 自性不可得,
(16)以離於言說, 故說離自性。」 
175. When the self-nature [of all things] is examined by knowledge, it is beyond reach; therefore, they are without self-nature and unattainable. 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  deśayatu me bhagavān srotaāpannānāṃ srotaāpattigatiprabhedanayalakṣaṇam |  yena srotaāpattigatiprabhedanayalakṣaṇena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ srotaāpannānāṃ srotaāpattigatiprabhedanayalakṣaṇakuśalā uttarottarasakṛdāgāmyanāgāmyarhattvopāyalakṣaṇavidhijñās tathā sattvebhyo dharmaṃ deśayeyuḥ, yathā nairātmyalakṣaṇadvayam āvaraṇadvayaṃ ca (*117) prativiśodhya bhūmer bhūmilakṣaṇātikramagatiṃgatās tathāgatācintyagativiṣayagocaraṃ pratilabhya viśvarūpamaṇisadṛśāḥ sarvasattvopajīvyatām adhigaccheyuḥ, sarvadharmaviṣayagatikāyopabhogyatopajīvyāḥ syuḥ || 
(17)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!77 唯(18)願為說諸須陀78 洹、須陀洹趣差別通相。  若菩(19)薩摩訶薩,善解須陀洹趣差別通相,及斯陀(20)含、阿那含、阿羅漢方便相,分別知已,如是如(21)是為眾生說法。謂二無我相及二障淨,度(22)諸地相,究竟通達,得諸如來不思議究竟境(23)界。如眾色摩尼,善能饒益一切眾生,以一(24)切法境界無盡身財,攝養一切。」 
(17)爾時大慧菩薩摩訶薩復白佛言:  「世尊!88 唯(18)願為說諸須陀89 洹、須陀洹趣差別通相。  若菩(19)薩摩訶薩,善解須陀洹趣差別通相,及斯陀(20)含、阿那含、阿羅漢方便相,分別知已,如是如(21)是為眾生說法。謂二無我相及二障淨,度(22)諸地相,究竟通達,得諸如來不思議究竟境(23)界。如眾色摩尼,善能饒益一切眾生,以一(24)切法境界無盡身財,攝養一切。」 
At that time Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva again said this to the Blessed One: 
Pray tell me, Blessed One, regarding the Stream-entered and their special attainment which characterises the state of the Stream-entered,  whereby I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas thoroughly becoming acquainted with the Stream-entered and their special attainment characterising the state of the Stream-entered, will proceed to know the means and conduct which characterises the state of the Once-returning, Never-returning, and Arhatship; and they will then explain the Dharma to all beings in this manner. Having understood the twofold form of egolessness and (117) having cleansed themselves of the twofold hindrance, they will by degrees go through the stages of Bodhisattvahood each of which has its own characteristics, and attaining Tathagatahood whose spiritual realm is beyond conceivability, they will be like a multicoloured gem and will accomplish what is good for the lives of all beings, providing them with every teaching, condition, deportment, body, and enjoyment. 
bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - traya ime mahāmate srotaāpannānāṃ srotaāpattiphalaprabhedāḥ |  katame trayaḥ? yaduta hīnamadhyaviśiṣṭāḥ tatra mahāmate hīnaḥ saptajanmabhavaparamaḥ |  madhyaḥ punar mahāmate tripañcabhavaparinirvāyī bhavati |  uttamaḥ punar mahāmate tajjanmaparinirvāyī bhavati |  eṣāṃ tu mahāmate trayāṇāṃ trīṇi saṃyojanāni mṛdumadhyādhimātrāṇy eva bhavanti |  tatra mahāmate katamāni trīṇi saṃyojanāni? yaduta satkāyadṛṣṭirvicikitsā śīlavrataparāmarśaś ca |  etāni mahāmate trīṇi saṃyojanāni viśeṣottarottareṇa arhatāmarhatphalībhavanti |  tatra mahāmate satkāyadṛṣṭir dvividhā yaduta sahajā ca parikalpitā ca, paratantraparikalpitasvabhāvavat |  (*118) tadyathā mahāmate paratantrasvabhāvāśrayādvicitraparikalpitasvabhāvābhiniveśaḥ pravartate |  sa ca tatra na sannāsanna sadasan, abhūtaparikalpalakṣaṇatvāt |  atha ca bālair vikalpyate vicitrasvabhāvalakṣaṇābhiniveśena mṛgatṛṣṇik eva mṛgaiḥ |  iyaṃ mahāmate srotaāpannasya parikalpitā satkāyadṛṣṭirajñānāccirakālābhiniveśasaṃcitā |  sā ca tasya pudgalanairātmyagrahābhāvataḥ prahīṇā |  sahajā punar mahāmate srotaāpannasya satkāyadṛṣṭiḥ svaparakāyasamatayā catuḥskandharūpalakṣaṇatvād rūpasyotpattibhūtabhautikatvāt parasparahetulakṣaṇatvād bhūtānāṃ (49,1) rūpasyāsamudaya iti kṛtvā srotaāpannasya sadasatpakṣadṛṣṭidarśanāt satkāyadṛṣṭiḥ prahīṇā bhavati |  ata eva satkāyadṛṣṭiprahīṇasya rāgo na pravartate |  etan mahāmate satkāyadṛṣṭilakṣaṇam || 
大慧白佛(26)言:「善哉,世尊!唯然聽受。」  佛告大慧:「有三種(27)須陀洹、須陀洹果差別。  云何為三?謂下中上。(28)下者極七有生;  中者三五有生而般涅槃;  上(29)者即彼生而般涅槃。  此三種有三結,下中(495a1)上。  云何三結?謂身見、疑、戒取。  是三結差別,上(2)上昇進,得阿羅漢。  大慧!身見有二種,謂:俱(3)生及妄想。如緣起妄想,自性妄想。  譬如依(4)緣起自性,種種妄想自性,計著生。  以彼非有、(5)非無、非有無,無實妄想相故。  愚夫妄想,種(6)種妄想自性相計著。如熱時炎,鹿渴水想。  是(7)須陀洹妄想身見,彼以人無我攝受無性,  斷(8)除久遠無知計著。  大慧!俱生者,須陀洹身見,(9)自他身等四陰,無色相故。色生造及所造(10)故,展轉相因相故,大種及色不集故。須陀洹(11)觀有無品79 見,身見則斷。  如是身見斷,貪則(12)不生,  是名身見相。 
大慧白佛(26)言:「善哉,世尊!唯然聽受。」  佛告大慧:「有三種(27)須陀洹、須陀洹果差別。  云何為三?謂下中上。(28)下者極七有生;  中者三五有生而般涅槃;  上(29)者即彼生而般涅槃。  此三種有三結,下中(495a1)上。  云何三結?謂身見、疑、戒取。  是三結差別,上(2)上昇進,得阿羅漢。  大慧!身見有二種,謂:俱(3)生及妄想。如緣起妄想,自性妄想。  譬如依(4)緣起自性,種種妄想自性,計著生。  以彼非有、(5)非無、非有無,無實妄想相故。  愚夫妄想,種(6)種妄想自性相計著。如熱時炎,鹿渴水想。  是(7)須陀洹妄想身見,彼以人無我攝受無性,  斷(8)除久遠無知計著。  大慧!俱生者,須陀洹身見,(9)自他身等四陰,無色相故。色生造及所造(10)故,展轉相因相故,大種及色不集故。須陀洹(11)觀有無品90 見,身見則斷。  如是身見斷,貪則(12)不生,  是名身見相。 
Replied the Blessed One: Listen well Mahāmati, and take well to heart; I will tell you.  Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva answering him said: Very well, Blessed One.  The Blessed One then said this:
Mahāmati, in the fruit attained by the Śrāvakas, three kinds are distinguishable. 
What are the three? They are graded, Mahāmati, low, middle, and the highest. The low ones will be reborn seven times when their existence will come to an end;  the middling will attain Nirvana in three or five births;  the highest will attain Nirvana in this birth.  Mahāmati, for these three classes [of the Stream-entered] there are three kinds of knots: weak, middling, and strong.  What are these three knots, Mahāmati? They are: (1) the view of an individual personality, (2) doubt, and (3) the holding-on to moral practices.  Mahāmati, when all these three knots are in succession promoted to the higher stage there will be the attainment of Arhatship.  Mahāmati, there are two kinds of the view of an individual personality; that is, (1) the inborn one and (2) the one due to the false imagination; it is like [the relation between] the relativity view and the false imagination [of the three] Svabhāvas.  (118) For instance, Mahāmati, depending on the relativity view of things there arise varieties of attachments to the false imagination.  But this [existence] is neither a being, nor a non-being, nor a being-and-non-being; it is not a reality because of the false imagination,  and, being discriminated by the ignorant, assumes varieties of individual signs to which they are strongly attached just as the deer does to a mirage.  Mahāmati, this is the view of an individual personality falsely imagined by the Stream-entered, which has been accumulated for a long time by their ignorance and attachment.  This is destroyed when the egolessness of a person is attained by which the clinging ceases.  Mahāmati, the inborn view of an individual personality as held by the Stream-entered [is destroyed in this way]. When this body which belongs equally to each of us is considered, it is perceived that it consists of form and the other four Skandhas, that form takes its rise from the elements and their belongings, that the elements are mutually conditioning, and that hence there is no aggregate known as form. When thus the Stream-entered realise that the idea of being and non-being is a partial view [of truth], the view of individual personality is destroyed.  When the view of individual personality is thus destroyed, covetousness will never assert itself.  This, Mahāmati, is what characterises the view of individual personality. 
vicikitsālakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate yaduta prāptidharmādhigamasudṛṣṭilakṣaṇatvāt pūrvaṃ satkāyadṛṣṭidvayavikalpaprahīṇatvāc ca vicikitsā dharmeṣu na bhavati |  na cāsya anyā śāstṛdṛṣṭir bhavati śuddhāśuddhitaḥ |  etan mahāmate vicikitsālakṣaṇaṃ (*119) srotaāpannasya || 
(14)不於餘處起大師見,為淨不淨。  是名疑相(15)須陀洹斷。 
(14)不於餘處起大師見,為淨不淨。  是名疑相(15)須陀洹斷。 
Again, Mahāmati, as regards the nature of doubt, when the Dharma is attained, and realised, and thoroughly understood as to its characteristics, and when the twofold view of individual personality is destroyed as previously described, no doubt is cherished in the teaching [of the Buddhas].  And there is no thought [in the minds of the Stream-entered] to follow the lead of any other teacher because of [the difference between] purity and non-purity.  This, Mahāmati, is what is meant by doubt [discarded] (119) by the Stream-entered. 
śīlaṃ punar mahāmate kathaṃ na parāmṛśati srotaāpannaḥ? yaduta duḥkhopapattyāyatanalakṣaṇasaṃdṛṣṭatvān na parāmṛśati |  parāmṛṣṭiḥ punar mahāmate yaduta śīlavratataponiyamair bālapṛthagjanā bhogasukhābhilāṣiṇo bhavotpattiṃ prārthayante, na ca parāmṛśanti |  evamanyatra svapratyātmādhigamaviśeṣagāmitāyāṃ pariṇāmayanti |  nirvikalpānāsravadharmalakṣaṇākāreṇa prasajyante śīlāṅgaiḥ |  etan mahāmate srotaāpannasya śīlavrataparāmarśalakṣaṇaṃ bhavati |  na tu mahāmate srotaāpannasya trisaṃyojanaprahīṇasya rāgadveṣamohāḥ pravartante || 
大慧!戒取者,云何須陀洹不取(16)戒?謂善見受生處苦相故,是故不取。  大慧!(17)取者謂愚夫決定受習苦行,為眾80 樂具,故(18)求受生;彼則不取,  除回向自覺勝,  離妄想,(19)無漏法相行方便,受持戒支,  是名須陀洹取(20)戒相斷。  須陀洹斷三結,貪癡不生。若須陀(21)洹作是念:『此諸結我不成就者。』應有二過,(22)墮身見,及諸結不斷。」 
大慧!戒取者,云何須陀洹不取(16)戒?謂善見受生處苦相故,是故不取。  大慧!(17)取者謂愚夫決定受習苦行,為眾91 樂具,故(18)求受生;彼則不取,  除回向自覺勝,  離妄想,(19)無漏法相行方便,受持戒支,  是名須陀洹取(20)戒相斷。  須陀洹斷三結,貪癡不生。若須陀(21)洹作是念:『此諸結我不成就者。』應有二過,(22)墮身見,及諸結不斷。」 
Again, Mahāmati, how is it that the Stream-entered do not hold themselves to the morality? They do not because they clearly see into the nature of suffering wherever they may be reborn.  [What is meant by] the holding? Mahāmati, that the ignorant and simple-minded observe the rules of morality, piety, and penance, is because they desire thereby to attain worldly enjoyments and happinesses; they cherish the hope of being born in agreeable conditions. And [the Stream-entered] do not hold [to the rules of morality],  for their thoughts are turning only towards the exalted state of self-realisation,  and the reason why they devote themselves to the details of morality is that they wish to master such truths as are in conformity with non-discrimination and undefiled outflows.  This, Mahāmati, is the way in which the Stream-entered Ones hold to morality and piety.  Mahāmati, by thus breaking up the three knots the Stream-entered will discard covetousness, anger, and folly. 
mahāmatir āha - rāgaḥ punar bhagavatā bahuprakāra upadiṣṭaḥ |  tatkatamastasyātra rāgaḥ prahīṇo bhavati? bhagavān āha - viṣayakāmendriyaḥ strīsaṃyogarāgaḥ pratyutpannasukhaḥ āyatyāṃ duḥkhajanmahetukaḥ khaṭacapeṭaliṅgitacumbitapariṣvaktāghrātakaṭākṣekṣitaiḥ |  tasya mahāmate rāgo na pravartate |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta samādhisukhavihāralābhitvāt |  ata eṣa prahīṇo bhavati, na nirvāṇādhigamarāgaḥ || 
彼則不生。  所以者何?得三(26)昧正受樂故。  是故彼斷,非趣涅槃貪斷。 
彼則不生。  所以者何?得三(26)昧正受樂故。  是故彼斷,非趣涅槃貪斷。 
Mahāmati said:
Many kinds of covetousness are taught by the Blessed One; 
which one of them is to be cast aside?
The Blessed One replied:
The world where love grows, i. e., the desire for sexual embrace, showing itself in beating, slapping, suggesting, kissing, embracing, smelling, looking-sidewise, or gazing may give one momentary pleasures but is productive of future grief. 
[With the Stream-entered] there is no greed for such.  Why? Because they are abiding in the bliss of the Samādhi which they have attained.  Hence this casting aside, but not of the desire for Nirvana. 
(*120) sakṛdāgāmiphalalakṣaṇaṃ punar mahāmate katamat? yaduta sakṛdrūpalakṣaṇābhāsavikalpaḥ pravartate |  nimittadṛṣṭilakṣyalakṣaṇābhāvād dhyānagatilakṣaṇasudṛṣṭatvāt sakṛdetaṃ lokamāgamya duḥkhasyāntakriyāyai parinirvāsyati |  tenocyate sakṛdāgāmīti |  tatra anāgāmīti mahāmate kathaṃ bhavati? yaduta atītānāgatapratyutpannasya rūpalakṣaṇabhāvābhāvapravṛtter dṛṣṭidoṣānuśayavikalpasya anāgāmitvādanāgāmirūpaprahīṇatvāc ca saṃyojanānāmanāgāmītyucyate |  arhan punar mahāmate dhyānadhyeyasamādhivimokṣabalābhijñākleśaduḥkhavikalpābhāvādarhannity ucyate || 
大(27)慧!云何斯陀含相?謂頓照色相妄想生相,  見(28)相不生。善見禪趣相故,頓來此世,盡苦(29)際,得涅槃,  是故名斯陀含。  大慧!云何阿那(495b1)含?謂過去未來現在色相性非性,生見過患,(2)使妄想不生故,及結斷故,名阿那含。  大慧!(3)阿羅漢者,謂諸禪、三昧、解脫、力、明,煩惱苦妄(4)想非性故,名阿羅漢。」 
大(27)慧!云何斯陀含相?謂頓照色相妄想生相,  見(28)相不生。善見禪趣相故,頓來此世,盡苦(29)際,得涅槃,  是故名斯陀含。  大慧!云何阿那(495b1)含?謂過去未來現在色相性非性,生見過患,(2)使妄想不生故,及結斷故,名阿那含。  大慧!(3)阿羅漢者,謂諸禪、三昧、解脫、力、明,煩惱苦妄(4)想非性故,名阿羅漢。」 
(120) Again, Mahāmati, what is the fruit of the Once-returning? There is once in them the discrimination of forms, signs, and appearances;  but as they learn not to view individual objects under the aspect of qualified and qualifying, and as they know well what marks the attainment of the Dhyāna, they once come back into the world, and putting an end to suffering, realise Nirvana.  Hence the appellation "Once-returning."  Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by Never-returning? It means that while there is yet the viewing of individual objects as characterised by being and non-being in the past, present, and future, the discrimination does not return with its errors and faults, the dormant passions do not assert themselves, and the knots are completely cut off never to return. Hence the appellation "Never-returning."  Again, Mahāmati, the Arhat is the one who has attained the Dhyānas, Samādhis, emancipations, powers, psychic faculties, and with whom there are no more passions, sufferings, and discriminations. Hence the appellation "Arhat." 
mahāmatir āha - trayaḥ punar bhagavatā arhanto ’bhihitāḥ |  tatkatamasyāyaṃ bhagavannarhacchabdo nipātyate? kiṃ bhagavan śamaikāyanamārgapratilambhikasya, uta bodhipraṇidhānābhyastakuśalamūlasaṃmūḍhasya, uta nirmitanairmāṇikasya? bhagavān āha - śamaikāyanamārgapratilambhikasya mahāmate śrāvakasya, na tvanyeṣām |  anye punar mahāmate bodhisattvacaryācaritāvino buddhanirmitanairmāṇikāś ca upāyakuśalamūlapraṇidhānapūrvakatvāt (*121) parṣanmaṇḍaleṣūpapattiṃ darśayanti buddhaparṣanmaṇḍalopaśobhanārtham |  vikalpagatisaṃsthānāntaravicitropadeśo ’yaṃ mahāmate yaduta phalādhigamadhyānadhyātṛdhyeyaviviktatvāt svacittadṛśyopagamāt phalaprāptilakṣaṇam upadiśyate |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate yadi (50,1) srotaāpannasyaitadabhaviṣyat - imāni saṃyojanāni, ahamebhir na saṃyukta iti, taddvitvaprasaṅga ātmadṛṣṭipatitaḥ syād aprahīṇasaṃyojanaś ca || 
此(6)說何等阿羅漢?世尊!為得寂靜一乘道?為(7)菩薩摩訶薩方便示現阿羅漢?為佛化81 化?」
餘者,(9)行菩薩行,及佛化化,巧方便本願故,於大(10)眾中示現受生,為莊嚴佛眷屬故。  大慧!(11)於妄想處,種種說法,謂得果得82 禪。禪者入禪,(12)悉遠離故,示現得自心現量,得果相,說名(13)得果。   
此(6)說何等阿羅漢?世尊!為得寂靜一乘道?為(7)菩薩摩訶薩方便示現阿羅漢?為佛化92 化?」
餘者,(9)行菩薩行,及佛化化,巧方便本願故,於大(10)眾中示現受生,為莊嚴佛眷屬故。  大慧!(11)於妄想處,種種說法,謂得果得93 禪。禪者入禪,(12)悉遠離故,示現得自心現量,得果相,說名(13)得果。   
Mahāmati said:
Now, the Blessed One declares that there are three kinds of Arhats: 
to which one of the three is this term "Arhat" to be applied? To one who makes straightway for the path of cessation? Or to one who neglects all his accumulated stock of merit for the sake of his vow to enlighten others? Or to one who is a form of the Transformation [Buddha]?
Replied the Blessed One:
Mahāmati, [the term "Arhat"] applies to the Śrāvaka who makes straightway for the path of cessation, and to no others. 
Mahāmati, as for the others, they are those who have finished practising the deeds of a Bodhisattva; they are forms of the Transformation Buddha. With skilful means born of their fundamental and original vows (121), they manifest themselves among the multitudes in order to adorn the assemblages of the Buddhas.  Mahāmati, here in these paths and abodes of existence they give out varieties of teachings which are based on discrimination; that is to say, as they are above such things as the attainment of the fruit, the Dhyānas, the Dhyāna-practisers, or subjects for meditation, and as they know that this world is no more than what is seen of the Mind itself, they discourse on the fruit attained [for the sake of all beings].  Further, Mahāmati, if the Stream-entered should think, "These are the fetters, but I am disengaged from them," they commit a double fault: they still hold to the vices of the ego, and they have not freed themselves from the fetters. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate dhyānāpramāṇārūpyadhātusamatikramāya svacittadṛśyalakṣaṇavyāvṛttiḥ karaṇīyā |  saṃjñāveditanirodhasamāpattiś ca mahāmate  svacittadṛśyagativyatikramastasya na yujyate cittamātratvāt || 
大慧!受想正受,  超自心現(15)量者,不然。何以故?有心量故。」 
大慧!受想正受,  超自心現(15)量者,不然。何以故?有心量故。」 
Further, Mahāmati, in order to go beyond the Dhyānas, the immeasurables, and the formless world, the signs of this visible world which is Mind itself should be discarded.  The Samāpatti leading to the extinction of thought and sensation  does not enable one to transcend the world of particulars, for there is nothing but Mind. 
tatredam ucyate - 
So it is said: 
dhyānāni cāpramāṇāni ārūpyāś ca samādhayaḥ |
saṃjñānirodho nikhilaś cittamātre na vidyate || 2.174 || 
(17)「諸禪四無量, 無色三摩提,
(18)一切受想滅, 心量彼無有。 
(17)「諸禪四無量, 無色三摩提,
(18)一切受想滅, 心量彼無有。 
176. The Dhyānas, the immeasurables, the formless, the Samādhis, and the complete extinction of thought (nirodha)—these do not exist where the Mind alone is. 
srotāpattiphalaṃ caiva sakṛdāgāminas tathā |
anāgāmiphalaṃ caiva arhattvaṃ cittavibhramaḥ || 2.175 || 
(19)須陀槃那果, 往來及不還,
(20)及與阿羅漢, 斯等心惑亂。 
(19)須陀槃那果, 往來及不還,
(20)及與阿羅漢, 斯等心惑亂。 
177. The fruit of the Stream-entered, and that of the Once-returning, and that of the Never-returning, and Arhatship—these are the bewildered states of mind. 
dhyātā dhyānaṃ ca dhyeyaṃ ca prahāṇaṃ satyadarśanam |
kalpanāmātramevedaṃ yo budhyati sa mucyate || 2.176 || 
(21)禪者禪及緣, 斷知83 是真諦,
(22)此則妄想量, 若覺得解脫。 
(21)禪者禪及緣, 斷知94 是真諦,
(22)此則妄想量, 若覺得解脫。 
178. The Dhyāna-practiser, the Dhyāna, the subject for it, the destruction, the seeing of the truth, —these are no more than discriminations; when this is recognised there is emancipation. 
(*122) punar aparaṃ mahāmate dviprakārā buddhiḥ pravicayabuddhiś ca vikalpalakṣaṇagrāhābhiniveśapratiṣṭhāpikā ca |  tatra mahāmate pravicayabuddhir nāma yaduta yayā buddhyā bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ pravicīyamānaṃ catuṣkoṭikārahitaṃ nopalabhyate, sā pravicayabuddhiḥ |  tatra mahāmate catuṣkoṭikā yaduta ekatvānyatvobhayanobhayāstināstinityānityarahitāṃ catuṣkoṭikām iti vadāmi |  etayā catuṣkoṭikayā mahāmate rahitāḥ sarvadharmā ity ucyate |  iyaṃ mahāmate catuṣkoṭikā sarvadharmaparīkṣāyāṃ prayoktavyā |  tatra mahāmate vikalpalakṣaṇagrāhābhiniveśapratiṣṭhāpikā buddhiḥ katamā? yaduta yena mahāmate cittavikalpalakṣaṇagrāhābhiniveśena uṣṇadravacalakaṭhinānabhūtaparikalpalakṣaṇān mahābhūtān pratijñāhetulakṣaṇadṛṣṭāntābhiniveśādasadbhūtasamāropeṇa samāropayati, sā vikalpalakṣaṇagrāhābhiniveśapratiṣṭhāpikā buddhiḥ |  etan mahāmate buddhidvayasya lakṣaṇaṃ yena buddhidvayalakṣaṇena samanvāgatā bodhisattvā dharmapudgalanairātmyalakṣaṇagatiṃgatā (*123) nirābhāsabuddhipravicayacaryābhūmikuśalāḥ prathamāṃ bhūmiṃ pratilabhante, samādhiśataṃ ca samāpadyante |  buddhabodhisattvaśataṃ ca samādhiviśeṣapratilambhena paśyanti, kalpaśataṃ ca pūrvāntāparāntato ’nupraviśanti, kṣetraśataṃ cāvabhāsayanti |  kṣetraśataṃ cāvabhāsya uttarottarabhūmilakṣaṇavidhijñāḥ praṇidhānavaiśeṣikatayā vikrīḍanto dharmameghābhiṣekābhiṣiktās tathāgatapratyātmabhūmimadhigamya daśaniṣṭhāpadasunibaddhadharmāṇaḥ sattvaparipākāya vicitrair nirmāṇakiraṇair virājante pratyātmagatisukhasamāhitāḥ || 
(23)「復次,大慧!有二種覺,謂:觀察覺,及妄想相攝(24)受計著建立覺。  大慧!觀察覺者,謂若覺性自(25)性相,選擇離四句不可得,是名觀察覺。  大(26)慧!彼四句者,謂離一異、俱不俱、有無非有非(27)無、常無常,  是名四句。  大慧!此四句離,是名(28)一切法。大慧!此四句觀察一切法,應當修(29)學。  大慧!云何妄想相攝受計著建立覺?謂:妄(495c1)想相攝受,計著堅濕煖動不實妄想相四大(2)種。宗因84 想譬喻計著,不實建立而建立,是(3)名妄想相攝受計著建立覺。  是名二種覺相。(4)若菩薩摩訶薩,成就此二覺相,人法無我相(5)究竟,善知方便無所有覺。觀察行地,得初(6)地,入百三昧,  得差別三昧,見百佛及百菩(7)薩,知前後際各百劫事;光照百剎土,  知上(8)上地相,大願殊勝神力自在。法雲灌頂,當(9)得如來自覺地,善繫心十無盡句,成熟眾(10)生,種種變化,光明莊嚴,得自覺聖樂三昧正(11)受85 故。 
(23)「復次,大慧!有二種覺,謂:觀察覺,及妄想相攝(24)受計著建立覺。  大慧!觀察覺者,謂若覺性自(25)性相,選擇離四句不可得,是名觀察覺。  大(26)慧!彼四句者,謂離一異、俱不俱、有無非有非(27)無、常無常,  是名四句。  大慧!此四句離,是名(28)一切法。大慧!此四句觀察一切法,應當修(29)學。  大慧!云何妄想相攝受計著建立覺?謂:妄(495c1)想相攝受,計著堅濕煖動不實妄想相四大(2)種。宗因95 想譬喻計著,不實建立而建立,是(3)名妄想相攝受計著建立覺。  是名二種覺相。(4)若菩薩摩訶薩,成就此二覺相,人法無我相(5)究竟,善知方便無所有覺。觀察行地,得初(6)地,入百三昧,  得差別三昧,見百佛及百菩(7)薩,知前後際各百劫事;光照百剎土,  知上(8)上地相,大願殊勝神力自在。法雲灌頂,當(9)得如來自覺地,善繫心十無盡句,成熟眾(10)生,種種變化,光明莊嚴,得自覺聖樂三昧正(11)受96 故。 
(122) Further, Mahāmati, there are two kinds of intellect: the intellect as an examining function, and the intellect which functions in connection with the attachment to ideas of discrimination. 
As for the intellect that examines, Mahāmati, it is that act of intellect which examines into the self-nature of things, finding it to be devoid of the four propositions, and unattainable. This is known as the intellect that examines.  What is meant by [being devoid of] the four propositions? It means to be devoid of oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness, being and non-being, eternity and non-eternity.  These are called the four propositions.  Mahāmati, train yourself to examine carefully all things as regards these four propositions.  What, Mahāmati, is the intellect which functions in connection with the attachment to ideas of discrimination? It is the intellect with which the Mind is discriminated and the ideas arising therefrom are adhered to [as real]; and this adherence gives rise to the conceptions of warmth, fluidity, motility, and solidity as characterising the gross elements; while the tenacious holding to proposition, reason, definition, and illustration, leads to the assertion of a non-entity [as entity]. This is called the intellect that functions in connection with the attachment to ideas of discrimination.  This, Mahāmati, is what characterises the two kinds of intellect, in accordance with which the Bodhisattvas, thoroughly mastering the signs of egolessness of persons and things, (123) and, by means of knowledge of imagelessness, becoming conversant with the stage of examination and practice, will attain the first stage [of Bodhisattvahood] and acquire one hundred Dhyānas.  Attaining the excellent Samādhis, they will see one hundred Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they will enter into one hundred kalpas that were prior to the present and also into those that will follow the present, they will illuminate one hundred Buddha-lands,  and, illuminating one hundred Buddha-lands, they will understand the signs belonging to the higher stages; and by virtue of the most exalted vows they will manifest wonderful powers, they will be baptised by [the Buddhas] when they reach the stage of Dharmameghā (law-cloud); and realising the inmost realm of the Tathagatas, they will be provided with things which are closely connected with the ten inexhaustible vows; and, in order to bring all beings into maturity, they will shine out in various forms with the rays of transformation; they will be quite absorbed in the bliss of self-realisation. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena mahābhūtabhautikakuśalena bhavitavyam |  kathaṃ ca mahāmate bodhisattvo mahābhūtabhautikakuśalo bhavati? tatra mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattva itaḥ pratisaṃśikṣate tatsatyaṃ yatra mahābhūtānāmasaṃbhavo ’saṃbhūtāni cemāni mahāmate bhūtānīti prativipaśyati |  evaṃ prativipaśyan nāma vikalpamātraṃ svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhād bāhyabhāvābhāvān nāma cittadṛśyavikalpamātramidaṃ yaduta traidhātukaṃ mahābhūtabhautikarahitaṃ prativipaśyati (*124) cātuṣkoṭikanayaviśuddhimātmātmīyarahitaṃ yathābhūtasvalakṣaṇāvasthānāvasthitam anutpādasvalakṣaṇasiddham |  (51,1) tatra mahāmate mahābhūteṣu kathaṃ bhautikaṃ bhavati? yaduta snehavikalpamahābhūtaṃ mahāmate abdhātuṃ niṣpādayatyadhyātmabāhyam |  utsāhavikalpamahābhūtaṃ mahāmate tejodhātuṃ niṣpādayatyadhyātmabāhyam |  samudīraṇavikalpamahābhūtaṃ mahāmate vāyudhātuṃ niṣpādayatyadhyātmabāhyam |  rūpaparicchedavikalpamahābhūtaṃ punar mahāmate pṛthivīdhātuṃ janayatyākāśasahitamadhyātmabāhyam |  mithyāsatyābhiniveśāt pañcaskandhakadambakaṃ mahābhūtabhautikaṃ pravartate |  vijñānaṃ punar mahāmate vicitrapadaviṣayābhiniveśābhilāṣahetutvādvijñānaṃ pravartate ’nyagatisaṃdhau |  pṛthivībhūtabhautikānāṃ mahāmate kāraṇamasti mahābhūtāni, na tu mahābhūtānām |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta bhāvaliṅgalakṣaṇagrahaṇasaṃsthānakriyāyogavatāṃ mahāmate kriyāsaṃyogotpattir bhavati nāliṅgavatām |  tasmād etan mahāmate mahābhūtabhautikalakṣaṇaṃ tīrthakarair vikalpyate na tu mayā || 
云何(13)菩薩善四大造色?大慧!菩薩摩訶薩作是(14)86 學,彼真諦者,四大不生。於彼四大不生,作(15)如是觀察。  觀察已,覺名相妄想分齊,自心現(16)分齊,外性非性,是名87 自心現妄想分齊。謂(17)三界觀彼四大造色性離,四句通淨,離我我(18)所。如實相、自相分88 齊住,無生自相成。  大慧!(19)彼四大種云何生造色?謂津潤妄想大種生(20)內外水界,  堪能妄想大種生內外火界,  飄動(21)妄想大種生內外風界,  斷截色妄想大種(22)生內外地界。  色及虛空俱,計著邪諦,五陰(23)集聚,四大造色生。  大慧!識者,因樂種種跡境(24)界故,餘趣相續。  大慧!地等四大及造色等,(25)有四大緣,非彼四大緣。  所以者何?謂性形(26)相處所作方便無性,大種不生。大慧!性形相(27)處所作方便和合生,非無形。  是故四大造色(28)相,外道妄想。非我。 
云何(13)菩薩善四大造色?大慧!菩薩摩訶薩作是(14)97 學,彼真諦者,四大不生。於彼四大不生,作(15)如是觀察。  觀察已,覺名相妄想分齊,自心現(16)分齊,外性非性,是名98 自心現妄想分齊。謂(17)三界觀彼四大造色性離,四句通淨,離我我(18)所。如實相、自相分99 齊住,無生自相成。  大慧!(19)彼四大種云何生造色?謂津潤妄想大種生(20)內外水界,  堪能妄想大種生內外火界,  飄動(21)妄想大種生內外風界,  斷截色妄想大種(22)生內外地界。  色及虛空俱,計著邪諦,五陰(23)集聚,四大造色生。  大慧!識者,因樂種種跡境(24)界故,餘趣相續。  大慧!地等四大及造色等,(25)有四大緣,非彼四大緣。  所以者何?謂性形(26)相處所作方便無性,大種不生。大慧!性形相(27)處所作方便和合生,非無形。  是故四大造色(28)相,外道妄想。非我。 
Further, Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are to be well acquainted with the primary and the secondary elements. 
How do the Bodhisattvas know the primary and the secondary elements? Mahāmati, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are to know this that the truth is that the primary elements have never come into existence, and that, Mahāmati, these elements are unborn.  Thus understood, there is nothing in the world but what is discriminated [by our imagination]. When it is recognised that the visible world is no more than Mind itself, external objects cease to be realities, and there is nothing but what is discriminated by the mind and perceived [as external]. That is to say, let it be understood that the triple world has nothing to do with the primary and the secondary elements, (124) that it is removed from the four propositions and philosophical systems, that it has nothing to do with a personal ego and what belongs to it; and that it establishes itself in the abode of real reality, where it is seen in its own form, i. e. in its unborn state.  Mahāmati, what is meant by the elements derived from the primary elements? The element discriminated as vascidity produces the realm of water, inner and outer;  the element discriminated as energy produces the realm of fire, inner and outer;  the element discriminated as motility produces the realm of air, inner and outer;  the element discriminated as divisibility of form gives birth to the realm of earth together with space, inner and outer.  Because of the attachment to the incorrect truths there is the aggregation of the five Skandhas giving rise to the elements primary and secondary.  Again, Mahāmati, the Vijñāna has its cause in our attachment to and the desire for the multitudinousness of statements and objective fields; and it continues to evolve in another path of existence.  Mahāmati, the secondary elements such as earth, etc., [are said] to have their cause in the primary elements which, however, are non-existent.  Because, Mahāmati, of things endowed with being, characteristics, marks, perceivableness, abode, and work, one can say that they are born of the combination of various effect-producing [elements]; but not of things which are devoid of characteristic marks.  For this reason, Mahāmati, the elements primary and secondary are the discriminations of the philosophers and not mine. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate skandhānāṃ skandhasvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ nirdekṣyāmaḥ |  tatra mahāmate pañca skandhāḥ |  katame? yaduta rūpa(*125)vedanāsaṃjñāsaṃskāravijñānāni |  tatra mahāmate catvāraḥ skandhā arūpiṇo vedanā saṃjñā saṃskārāṃ vijñānaṃ ca |  rūpaṃ mahāmate cāturmahābhautikam, bhūtāni ca parasparavilakṣaṇāni |  na ca mahāmate arūpiṇāṃ catuṣkasaṃkhyā bhavatyākāśavat |  tadyathā mahāmate ākāśaṃ saṃkhyālakṣaṇātītam, atha ca vikalpyate evam ākāśam iti, evam eva mahāmate skandhāḥ saṃkhyālakṣaṇagaṇanātītā bhāvābhāvavivarjitāścātuṣkoṭikarahitāḥ saṃkhyāgaṇanānirdeśena nirdiśyante bālair na tvāryaiḥ || 
云何五?  謂色受想行識。  彼四陰(2)非色,謂受想行識。  大慧!色者,四大及造色,各(3)各異相。  大慧!非無色有四數,如虛空。  譬如(4)虛空,過數相,離於數,而妄想言一虛空。大(5)慧!如是陰,過數相,離於數,離性非性,離(6)四句。數相者,愚夫言說,89 所說非聖賢也。 
云何五?  謂色受想行識。  彼四陰(2)非色,謂受想行識。  大慧!色者,四大及造色,各(3)各異相。  大慧!非無色有四數,如虛空。  譬如(4)虛空,過數相,離於數,而妄想言一虛空。大(5)慧!如是陰,過數相,離於數,離性非性,離(6)四句。數相者,愚夫言說,100 所說非聖賢也。 
Further, Mahāmati, I will explain what characterises the self-nature of the Skandhas. 
Mahāmati, what are the five Skandhas?  They are form, (125) sensation, thought, conformation, and consciousness.  Mahāmati, four of these have no material forms—sensation, thought, conformation, and consciousness.  Form, Mahāmati, belongs to what is made of the four primary elements, and these elements differ from one another in their individual signs.  But the four Skandhas that are without form cannot be reckoned as four, they are like space.  For instance, Mahāmati, space cannot be numbered, and it is due to our discrimination that it is designated as such; in the same way, Mahāmati, the Skandhas that are beyond calculability as they have no number-marks, are not to be predicated as existing and non-existing, and are beyond the four propositions; but to the ignorant they are described as subject to numeration, but not so to the wise. 
āryaiḥ punar mahāmate māyāvicitrarūpākṛtivadanyānanyavarjitāḥ prajñāpyante svapnabimbapuruṣavat |  āśrayānanyatvādāryajñānagatisaṃmohān mahāmate skandhavikalpaḥ khyāyate |  etan mahāmate skandhānāṃ skandhasvabhāvalakṣaṇam |  sa ca vikalpastvayā vyāvartanīyaḥ, vyāvṛtya viviktadharmopadeśaḥ karaṇīyaḥ |  sarvabuddhaparṣanmaṇḍaleṣu tīrthyadṛṣṭinivāraṇāya viviktadharmopadeśena mahāmate kriyamāṇena dharmanairātmyadarśanaṃ viśudhyate, dūraṃgamābhūmipraveśaś ca bhavati |  sa dūraṃgamāṃ mahābhūmimanupraviśya anekasamādhivaśavartī bhavati |  manomayakāyapratilambhāc ca (*126) samādhiṃ māyopamaṃ pratilabhate |  balābhijñāvaśitāgatiṃgataḥ sarvasattvopajīvyo bhavati pṛthivīvat |  yathā mahāmate mahāpṛthivī sarvasattvopajīvyā bhavati, evam eva mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sarvasattvopajīvyo bhavati || 
離異不異故。大慧!聖智趣,(9)同陰妄想現。  是名諸陰自性相。  汝當除滅,(10)滅已,說寂靜法,  斷一切佛剎諸外道見。大(11)慧!說寂靜時,法無我見淨,及入不動地。  (12)入不動地已,無量三昧自在,  及得意生身,(13)得如幻三昧,  通達究竟,力明自在,救攝饒(14)益一切眾生。  猶如大地載育眾生。菩薩摩訶(15)薩普濟眾生,亦復如是。 
離異不異故。大慧!聖智趣,(9)同陰妄想現。  是名諸陰自性相。  汝當除滅,(10)滅已,說寂靜法,  斷一切佛剎諸外道見。大(11)慧!說寂靜時,法無我見淨,及入不動地。  (12)入不動地已,無量三昧自在,  及得意生身,(13)得如幻三昧,  通達究竟,力明自在,救攝饒(14)益一切眾生。  猶如大地載育眾生。菩薩摩訶(15)薩普濟眾生,亦復如是。 
Again, Mahāmati, by the wise the five Skandhas are regarded as thought-constructions, devoid of [dualisties such as] otherness and not-otherness; for they are like varieties of forms and objects in a vision, like images and persons in a dream.  As they have no better substance for their support, and as they obstruct the passage of noble wisdom, there is what is known as the Skandha-discrimination.  This, Mahāmati, is what characterises the self-nature of the Skandhas.  This discrimination must be discarded by you, and having discarded this, you should declare the truth of solitude.  Keeping back the views held by the philosophers, the truth of solitude is to be announced in all the Buddha-assemblies, Mahāmati, and thereby the teaching of the egolessness of things is purified and you will enter upon the stage of Far-going (dūramgaṁā).  Entering upon the stage of Dūramgamā you will become the master of many Samādhis,  and, attaining the will-body (126) you will realise the Samādhi known as Māyopama (Māyā-like).  Thoroughly conversant with the powers, psychic faculties and self-control, you will be the supporter of all beings like the earth.  Mahāmati, as the great earth is the supporter of all beings, so is the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva the supporter of all beings. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate caturvidhaṃ nirvāṇam |  katamaccaturvidham? yaduta bhāvasvabhāvābhāvanirvāṇaṃ lakṣaṇavicitrabhāvābhāvanirvāṇaṃ svalakṣaṇabhāvābhāvāvabodhanirvāṇaṃ skandhānāṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇasaṃtatiprabandhavyucchedanirvāṇam |  etan mahāmate caturvidhaṃ tīrthakarāṇāṃ nirvāṇaṃ na tu matpravacane |  matpravacane punar mahāmate vikalpakasya manovijñānasya vyāvṛttir nirvāṇam ity ucyate || 
(16)「復次,大慧!諸外道有四種涅槃。  云何為四?(17)謂:性自性非性涅槃、種種相性非性涅槃、自(18)相自性非性覺涅槃、諸陰自共相相續流注(19)斷涅槃。  是名諸外道四種涅槃。非我所說(20)法。  大慧!我所說者,妄想識滅,名為涅槃。」 
(16)「復次,大慧!諸外道有四種涅槃。  云何為四?(17)謂:性自性非性涅槃、種種相性非性涅槃、自(18)相自性非性覺涅槃、諸陰自共相相續流注(19)斷涅槃。  是名諸外道四種涅槃。非我所說(20)法。  大慧!我所說者,妄想識滅,名為涅槃。」 
Further, Mahāmati, there are four kinds of Nirvana. 
What are the four? They are: (1) the Nirvana which is attained when the self-nature of all things is seen as nonentity; (2) the Nirvana which is attained when varieties of individual marks characterising all things are seen as non-entities; (3) the Nirvana which is attained when there is the recognition of the non-existence of a being endowed with its own specific attributes; and (4) the Nirvana which is attained when there takes place the severance of the bondage conditioning the continuation of individuality and generality of the Skandhas.  Mahāmati, these four views of Nirvana belong to the philosophers and are not my teaching.  According to my teaching, Mahāmati, the getting rid of the discriminating Manovijñāna—this is said to be Nirvana. 
mahāmatir āha - nanu bhagavatā aṣṭau vijñānāni vyavasthāpitāni? bhagavān āha - vyavasthāpitāni mahāmate |  mahāmatir āha - tadyadi bhagavan vyavasthāpitāni, tatkathaṃ manovijñānasyaiva (52,1) vyāvṛttir bhavati na tu saptānāṃ vijñānānām? bhagavān āha - taddhetvālambanatvān mahāmate saptānāṃ vijñānānāṃ pravṛttir bhavati |  manovijñānaṃ punar mahāmate viṣayaparicchedābhiniveśena pravartamānaṃ vāsanābhir (*127) ālayavijñānaṃ prapuṣṇāti |  manaḥ sahitamātmātmīyagrāhābhiniveśamanyanākāreṇānupravartate |  abhinnaśarīralakṣaṇamālayavijñānahetvālambanaṃ svacittadṛśyaviṣayābhiniveśāc cittakalāpaḥ pravartate ’nyonyahetukaḥ |  udadhitaraṃgā iva mahāmate svacittadṛśyaviṣayapavaneritāḥ pravartante nivartante ca |  atastena mahāmate manovijñānena vyāvṛttena saptānāṃ vijñānānāṃ vyāvṛttir bhavati || 


(24)意識者,境界分段計著生習氣,長養藏識意(25)俱。  我我所計著思惟因緣生。  不壞身相藏識,(26)因攀緣自心現境界,計著心聚生,展轉相因。  (27)譬如海浪,自心現境界風吹,若生若滅,亦如(28)是。  是故意識滅,七識亦滅。」 


(24)意識者,境界分段計著生習氣,長養藏識意(25)俱。  我我所計著思惟因緣生。  不壞身相藏識,(26)因攀緣自心現境界,計著心聚生,展轉相因。  (27)譬如海浪,自心現境界風吹,若生若滅,亦如(28)是。  是故意識滅,七識亦滅。」 
Mahāmati said:
Does not the Blessed One establish eight Vijñānas?

The Blessed One replied:
I do, Mahāmati. 
Mahāmati said:
If eight Vijñānas are established, why do you refer to the getting-rid of the Manovijñāna and not of the seven [other] Vijñānas [as well]?

The Blessed One said:
With the Manovijñāna as cause and supporter, Mahāmati, there rise the seven Vijñanas. 
Again, Mahāmati, the Manovijñāna is kept functioning, as it discerns a world of objects and becomes attached to it, and by means of manifold habit-energy [or memory] (127) it nourishes the Ālayavijñāna.  The Manas is evolved along with the notion of an ego and its belongings, to which it clings and on which it reflects.  It has no body of its own, nor its own marks; the Ālayavijñāna is its cause and support. Because the world which is the Mind itself is imagined real and attached to as such, the whole psychic system evolves mutually conditioning.  Like the waves of the ocean, Mahāmati, the world which is the mind-manifested, is stirred up by the wind of objectivity, it evolves and dissolves.  Thus, Mahāmati, when the Manovijñāna is got rid of, the seven Vijñānas are also got rid of. 
tatredam ucyate - 
So it is said: 
nāhaṃ nirvāmi bhāvena kriyayā lakṣaṇena ca |
vikalpahetuvijñāne nivṛtte nirvṛto hy aham || 2.177 || 
(496b1)「我不涅槃性, 所作及與相,
(2)妄想爾炎識, 此滅我涅槃。 
(496b1)「我不涅槃性, 所作及與相,
(2)妄想爾炎識, 此滅我涅槃。 
179. I enter not into Nirvana by means of being, of work, of individual signs; I enter into Nirvana when the Vijñāna which is caused by discrimination ceases. 
taddhetukaṃ tadālambya manogatisamāśrayam |
hetuṃ dadāti cittasya vijñānaṃ ca samāśritam || 2.178 || 
(3)彼90 因彼攀緣, 意趣等成身,
(4)與因者是心, 為識之所依。 
(3)彼101 因彼攀緣, 意趣等成身,
(4)與因者是心, 為識之所依。 
180. With it [i. e. the Manovijñāna] for its cause and support, the Manas secures its use; the Vijñāna causes the Citta to function, and is supported [by it]. 
yathā kṣīṇe mahā)odhe taraṃgāṇām asaṃbhavaḥ |
tathā vijñānavaicitryaṃ niruddhaṃ na pravartate || 2.179 || 
(5)如水大流盡, 波浪則不起,
(6)如是意識滅, 種種識不生。 
(5)如水大流盡, 波浪則不起,
(6)如是意識滅, 種種識不生。 
181. Like a great flood where no waves are stirred because of its being dried up, the Vijñāna [-system] in its various forms ceases to work when there is the annihilation [of the Manovijñāna]. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇam upadekṣyāmo yena parikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇena suprativibhāgaviddhena tvaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā vikalpakalparahitāḥ pratyātmāryasvagatitīrthyanayagatisudṛṣṭabuddhayo (*128) grāhyagrāhakavikalpaprahīṇāḥ paratantravividhavicitralakṣaṇaṃ parikalpitasvabhāvākāraṃ na prativikalpayiṣyanti |  tatra mahāmate katamatparikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇam? yaduta abhilāpavikalpo ’vidheyavikalpo lakṣaṇavikalpo ’rthavikalpaḥ svabhāvavikalpo hetuvikalpo dṛṣṭivikalpo yuktivikalpa utpādavikalpo ’nutpādavikalpaḥ saṃbandhavikalpo bandhābandhavikalpaḥ |  etan mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇam || 
(7)「復次,大慧!今當說妄想自性分別通相。若(8)妄想自性分別通相善分別,汝及餘菩薩摩(9)訶薩,離妄想,到自覺聖,外道通趣善見,覺(10)攝所攝妄想斷。緣起種種相,妄想自性行,不(11)復妄想。  大慧!云何妄想自性分別通相?謂:言(12)說妄想、所說事妄想、相妄想、利妄想、自性妄(13)想、因妄想、見妄想、成妄想、生妄想、不生妄(14)想、相續妄想、縛不縛妄想。  是名妄想自性分(15)別通相。 
(7)「復次,大慧!今當說妄想自性分別通相。若(8)妄想自性分別通相善分別,汝及餘菩薩摩(9)訶薩,離妄想,到自覺聖,外道通趣善見,覺(10)攝所攝妄想斷。緣起種種相,妄想自性行,不(11)復妄想。  大慧!云何妄想自性分別通相?謂:言(12)說妄想、所說事妄想、相妄想、利妄想、自性妄(13)想、因妄想、見妄想、成妄想、生妄想、不生妄(14)想、相續妄想、縛不縛妄想。  是名妄想自性分(15)別通相。 
Further, Mahāmati, I will tell you about the various features of the false imagination (parikalpita); and when you and the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are well acquainted with each of them in its specific form, you will get away from discrimination; and seeing well and knowing the way of inner realisation by noble wisdom and also the ways of speculation by the philosophers, (128) you will cast off discriminations such as grasped and grasping, and will not be induced to discriminate in respect to the multiple aspects of relativity-knowledge (paratantra), as well as the forms of the false imagination. 
What are the various features of the false imagination, Mahāmati? They are the discriminations as regards (1) words (abhilāpa), (2) meaning, (3) individual marks, (4) property, (5) self-nature, (6) cause, (7) philosophical views, (8) reasoning, (9) birth, (10) no-birth, (11) dependence, and (12) bondage and emancipation.  These, Mahāmati, are the various features of the false imagination. 
tatra mahāmate abhilāpavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta vicitrasvaragītamādhuryābhiniveśaḥ |  eṣa mahāmate abhilāpavikalpaḥ |  tatra mahāmate abhidheyavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta asti tatkiṃcidabhidheyavastu svabhāvakam āryajñānagatigamyaṃ yadāśrityābhilāpaḥ pravartate iti vikalpayati |  tatra lakṣaṇavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta tasminn evābhidheye mṛgatṛṣṇākhye lakṣaṇavaicitryābhiniveśenābhiniveśate yaduta uṣṇadravacalakaṭhinalakṣaṇāt sarvabhāvān vikalpayati |  tatra arthavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta suvarṇarūpyavividharatnārthaviṣayābhilāpaḥ |  tatra svabhāvavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta bhāvasvabhāvāvadhāraṇamidam evam idaṃ nānyatheti tīrthyavikalpadṛṣṭyā vikalpayanti |  tatra hetuvikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta yadyena hetupratyayena sadasatorvibhajyate hetulakṣaṇotpattitaḥ sa hetuvikalpaḥ |  tatra dṛṣṭivikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta nāstyastitvaikatvānyatvobhayānubhayakudṛṣṭitīrthyavikalpābhiniveśaḥ |  (53,1) tatra yuktivikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta ātmātmīyalakṣaṇayuktivigrahopadeśaḥ |  tatra utpādavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta pratyayaiḥ sadasator bhāvasyotpādābhiniveśaḥ |  tatra anutpādavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta anutpannapūrvāḥ sarvabhāvā abhūtvā pratyayair bhavantyahetuśarīrāḥ |  tatra saṃbandhavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta saha saṃbadhyate suvarṇatantuvat |  tatra bandhābandhavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta bandhahetubandhyābhiniveśavat |  yathā puruṣaḥ pāśasaṃyogād rajjugranthiḥ kriyate mucyate ca |  evaṃ mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇam, yasmin parikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇe sarvabālapṛthagjanā abhiniviśante |  sadasataḥ paratantrābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭā mahāmate parikalpitasvabhāvavaicitryamabhiniviśante |  māyāśrayavaicitryadarśanavadanyamāyādarśanabuddhyā bālair vikalpyante |  (*130) māyā ca mahāmate vaicitryān nānyā nānanyā |  yady anyā syāt, vaicitryaṃ māyāhetukaṃ na syāt |  athānanyā syāt, vaicitryān māyāvaicitryayor vibhāgo na syāt |  sa ca dṛṣṭo vibhāgaḥ |  tasmān nānyā nānanyā |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate tvayā anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvairmāyā nāstyastitvena nābhiniveṣṭavyā || 
大慧!云何言說妄想?謂:種種妙音歌(16)詠之聲,美樂計著,  是名言說妄想。  大慧!云何(17)所說事妄想?謂:有所說事自性,聖智所知。(18)依彼而生言說妄想。是名所說事妄想。  大(19)慧!云何相妄想?謂:即彼所說事,如鹿渴想,(20)種種計著而計著。謂:堅、濕、煖、動相,一切性妄(21)想。是名相妄想。  大慧!云何利妄想?謂:樂種(22)種金銀珍寶。是名利妄想。  大慧!云何自性妄(23)想?謂:自性持此如是。不異惡見妄想。是名(24)自性妄想。  大慧!云何因妄想?謂:若因若緣,有(25)無分別,因相生。是名因妄想。  大慧!云何見妄(26)想?謂:有無一異俱不俱惡見,外道妄想計著(27)妄想。是名見妄想。  大慧!云何成妄想?謂:我(28)我所想,成決定論。是名成妄想。  (29)「大慧!云何生妄想?謂:緣有無性生計著。是(496c1)名生妄想。  大慧!云何不生妄想?謂:一切性本(2)無生。無種因緣,生無因身。是名不生妄想。  (3)大慧!云何相續妄想?謂:彼俱相續,如金縷。(4)是名相續妄想。  大慧!云何縛不縛妄想?謂:(5)91 縛因92 緣計著。  如士夫方便,若縛若解。是名(6)縛不縛妄想。  於此妄想自性分別通相,一切(7)愚夫計著有無。  大慧!計著緣起而計著者,(8)種種妄想計著自性。  如幻示現種種之身,(9)凡夫妄想,見種種異幻。  大慧!幻與種種非(10)異非不異。  若異者,幻非種種因;  若不異者,(11)幻與種種無差別,  而見差別。  是故非異非(12)不異。  是故,大慧!汝及餘菩薩摩訶薩,如幻緣(13)起妄想自性,異不異有無莫計著。」 
大慧!云何言說妄想?謂:種種妙音歌(16)詠之聲,美樂計著,  是名言說妄想。  大慧!云何(17)所說事妄想?謂:有所說事自性,聖智所知。(18)依彼而生言說妄想。是名所說事妄想。  大(19)慧!云何相妄想?謂:即彼所說事,如鹿渴想,(20)種種計著而計著。謂:堅、濕、煖、動相,一切性妄(21)想。是名相妄想。  大慧!云何利妄想?謂:樂種(22)種金銀珍寶。是名利妄想。  大慧!云何自性妄(23)想?謂:自性持此如是。不異惡見妄想。是名(24)自性妄想。  大慧!云何因妄想?謂:若因若緣,有(25)無分別,因相生。是名因妄想。  大慧!云何見妄(26)想?謂:有無一異俱不俱惡見,外道妄想計著(27)妄想。是名見妄想。  大慧!云何成妄想?謂:我(28)我所想,成決定論。是名成妄想。  (29)「大慧!云何生妄想?謂:緣有無性生計著。是(496c1)名生妄想。  大慧!云何不生妄想?謂:一切性本(2)無生。無種因緣,生無因身。是名不生妄想。  (3)大慧!云何相續妄想?謂:彼俱相續,如金縷。(4)是名相續妄想。  大慧!云何縛不縛妄想?謂:(5)102 縛因103 緣計著。  如士夫方便,若縛若解。是名(6)縛不縛妄想。  於此妄想自性分別通相,一切(7)愚夫計著有無。  大慧!計著緣起而計著者,(8)種種妄想計著自性。  如幻示現種種之身,(9)凡夫妄想,見種種異幻。  大慧!幻與種種非(10)異非不異。  若異者,幻非種種因;  若不異者,(11)幻與種種無差別,  而見差別。  是故非異非(12)不異。  是故,大慧!汝及餘菩薩摩訶薩,如幻緣(13)起妄想自性,異不異有無莫計著。」 
Now, Mahāmati, what is the discrimination of words? That is the becoming attached to various sweet voices and singing  this is the discrimination as regards words.  What is the discrimination of meaning? It is the discrimination by which one imagines that words rise depending on whatever subjects they express, and which subjects one regards as self-existent and belonging to the realisation of noble wisdom.  What is the discrimination of individual marks? It is to imagine in whatever is denoted by words the multitudinousness of individual marks which are like a mirage, and, clinging tenaciously to them, to discriminate all things according to these categories: warmth, fluidity, motility, and solidity.  What is the discrimination of property? It is to desire a state of wealth such as gold, silver, and various precious stones.  What is the discrimination of self-nature? It is to make discrimination according to the imaginary views of the philosophers in reference to the self-nature of all things (129) which they stoutly maintain, saying, "This is just it, and there is no other."  What is the discrimination of cause? That is, to distinguish the notion of causation in reference to being and non-being and to imagine that there are cause-signs—this is the discrimination of cause.  What is the discrimination of philosophical views? That means getting attached to the philosophers' wrong views and discriminations concerning such notions as being and non-being, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness.  What is the discrimination of reasoning? It means the teaching whose reasoning is based on the grasping of the notion of an ego-substance and what belongs to it.  What is the discrimination of birth? It means getting attached to the notion that things come into existence and go out of it according to causation.  What is the discrimination of no-birth? It is to discriminate that all things are from the beginning unborn, that the causeless substances which were not, come into existence by reason of causation.  What is the discrimination of dependence? It means the mutual dependence of gold and the filament [which is made of gold].  What is the discrimination of bondage and emancipation? It is like imagining that there is something bound because of something binding  as in the case of a man who by the help of a cord ties a knot or loosens it.  These, Mahāmati, are the various features of the false imagination, to which all the ignorant and simple-minded ones cling, imagining that things are or are not.  Those attached to the notion of relativity are attached to the notion of multitudinousness of things rising from the false imagination.  It is like seeing varieties of objects depending on Māyā, but these varieties thus revealing themselves are discriminated by the ignorant as something other than Māyā itself according to their way of thinking.  (130) Now, Mahāmati, Māyā and varieties of objects are neither different nor one.  If they were different, varieties of objects would not have Māyā for their cause.  If Māyā were one with varieties of objects, there would be no distinction between the two,  but as there is the distinction these two  —Māyā and varieties of objects—are neither one nor different.  For this reason you and the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas should never give yourselves up to the notion of being and non-being. 
tatredam ucyate - 
So it is said: 
cittaṃ viṣayasaṃbandhaṃ jñānaṃ tarke pravartate |
nirābhāse viśeṣe ca prajñā vai saṃpravartate || 2.180 || 
(15)「心縛於境界, 覺想智隨轉,
(16)無所有及勝, 平等智慧生。 
(15)「心縛於境界, 覺想智隨轉,
(16)無所有及勝, 平等智慧生。 
182. The Citta is bound up with the objective world; the intellect's function is to speculate; and in the excellent state of imagelessness there is the evolving of transcendental wisdom (prajñā). 
parikalpitasvabhāvo ’ti paratantre na vidyate |
kalpitaṃ gṛhyate bhrāntyā paratantraṃ na kalpyate || 2.181 || 
(17)妄想自性有, 於緣起則無,
(18)妄想或攝受, 緣起非妄想。 
(17)妄想自性有, 於緣起則無,
(18)妄想或攝受, 緣起非妄想。 
183. According to the false imagination, [self-substance] is, but from the point of view of relativity (paratantra) it is not; owing to perversion, what is discriminated is grasped [as real]; in the relativity there is no discrimination. 
vividhāṅgābhinirvṛttyā yathā māyā na sidhyati |
nimittaṃ hi tathā citraṃ kalpyamānaṃ na sidhyati || 2.182 || 
(19)種種支分生, 如幻則不成,
(20)彼相有種種, 妄想則不成。 
(19)種種支分生, 如幻則不成,
(20)彼相有種種, 妄想則不成。 
184. Multitudinousness of differentiations is imagined [as real by the ignorant], but being like Māyā they obtain not; varieties of individual forms are discriminated as such, but they [really] do not obtain. 
nimittaṃ dauṣṭhulyamayaṃ bandhanaṃ cittasaṃbhavam |
parikalpitaṃ hy ajānānaṃ paratantrair vikalpyate || 2.183 || 
(21)彼相則是過, 皆從心縛生,
(22)妄想無所知, 於緣起妄想。 
(21)彼相則是過, 皆從心縛生,
(22)妄想無所知, 於緣起妄想。 
185. [To imagine] individual forms is wrong, it puts one in bondage; they are born of Mind due to the false imagination of the ignorant; based on the relativity they are discriminated. 
yadetatkalpitaṃ bhāvaṃ paratantraṃ tad eva hi |
(*131) kalpitaṃ hi vicitrābhaṃ paratantre vikalpyate || 2.184 || 
(23)此諸妄想性, 即是彼緣起,
(24)妄想有種種, 於緣起妄想。 
(23)此諸妄想性, 即是彼緣起,
(24)妄想有種種, 於緣起妄想。 
186. The existence thus subjected to discrimination is no other than its relativity aspect; (131) the false imagination is of various forms; based on the relativity, discrimination is carried on. 
saṃvṛtiḥ paramārthaś ca tṛtīyaṃ nāstihetukam |
kalpitaṃ saṃvṛtirhyuktā tacchedādāryagocaram || 2.185 || 
(25)世諦第一義, 第三無因生,
(26)妄想說世諦, 斷則聖境界。 
(25)世諦第一義, 第三無因生,
(26)妄想說世諦, 斷則聖境界。 
187. Conventional truth (saṁvṛiti) and ultimate truth (paramārtha)—if there be a third, non-entity is its cause; the false imagination belongs to the conventional; when it is cut asunder, there is the realm of the wise. 
yathā hi yogināṃ vastu citramekaṃ virājate |
na hy asti citratā tatra tathā kalpitalakṣaṇam || 2.186 || 
(27)譬如修行事, 於一種種現,
(28)於彼無種種, 妄想相如是。 
(27)譬如修行事, 於一種種現,
(28)於彼無種種, 妄想相如是。 
188. As to the Yogins there is one reality which reveals itself as multiplicity and yet there is no multiplicity in it; so is the nature of the false imagination. 
yathā hi taimiraiś citraṃ kalpyate rūpadarśanam |
timiraṃ na rūpaṃ nārūpaṃ paratantraṃ tathābudhaiḥ || 2.187 || 
(29)譬如種種翳, 妄想眾色現,
(497a1)翳無色非色, 緣起不覺然。 
(29)譬如種種翳, 妄想眾色現,
(497a1)翳無色非色, 緣起不覺然。 
189. As by the dim-eyed a variety of objects is seen and imagined while the dimness itself is neither a form (rūpa) nor a no-form (arupa), so is the relativity [discriminated] by the unknowing ones. 
haimaṃ syāttu yathā śuddhaṃ jalaṃ kaluṣavarjitam |
gaganaṃ hi ghanābhāvāt tathā śuddhaṃ vikalpitam || 2.188 || 
(2)譬如鍊真金, 遠離諸垢穢,
(3)虛空無雲翳, 妄想淨亦然。 
(2)譬如鍊真金, 遠離諸垢穢,
(3)虛空無雲翳, 妄想淨亦然。 
190. As is pure gold, water free from dirt, the sky without a cloud, so is [the Mind] pure when detached68 from the false imagination. 
(54,1) nāsti vai kalpito bhāvaḥ paratantraś ca vidyate |
samāropāpavādaṃ hi vikalpanto vinaśyati || 2.189 || 
(4)無有妄想性, 及有彼緣起,
(5)建立及誹謗, 悉由妄想壞。 
(4)無有妄想性, 及有彼緣起,
(5)建立及誹謗, 悉由妄想壞。 
191. Falsely-imagined existence is not, but from the relativity point of view it is, assertion and refutation are destroyed when one is freed from the imagination. 
kalpitaṃ yady abhāvaṃ syāt paratantrasvabhāvataḥ |
vinā bhāvena vai bhāvo bhāvaś cābhāvasaṃbhavaḥ || 2.190 || 
(6)妄想若無性, 而有緣起性,
(7)無性而有性, 有性無性生。 
(6)妄想若無性, 而有緣起性,
(7)無性而有性, 有性無性生。 
192. If the relativity-aspect of existence is, while the imagination is not, this means that there is a being apart from being and that a being is born of a non-being. 
parikalpitaṃ samāśritya paratantropalabhyate |
nimittanāmasaṃbandhāj jāyate parikalpitam || 2.191 || 
(8)依因於妄想, 而得彼緣起,
(9)相名常相隨, 而生諸妄想。 
(8)依因於妄想, 而得彼緣起,
(9)相名常相隨, 而生諸妄想。 
193. Depending on the false imagination there obtains the relativity-aspect of existence; from the conjunction of form and name there rises false imagination. 
atyantaṃ cāpy aniṣpannaṃ kalpitaṃ na parodbhavam |
(*132) tadā prajñāyate śuddhaṃ svabhāvaṃ pāramārthikam || 2.192 || 
(10)究竟不成就, 則度諸妄想,
(11)然後93 知清淨, 是名第一義。 
(10)究竟不成就, 則度諸妄想,
(11)然後104 知清淨, 是名第一義。 
194. False imagination can never be perfect knowledge (nishpanna), it is not productive of anything else [but itself]; (132) then one knows what is meant by ultimate truth whose self-nature is purity. 
parikalpitaṃ daśavidhaṃ paratantraṃ ca ṣaḍvidham |
pratyātmatathatājñeyam ato nāsti viśeṣaṇam || 2.193 || 
(12)妄想有十二, 緣起有六種,
(13)自覺知爾炎, 彼無有差別。 
(12)妄想有十二, 緣起有六種,
(13)自覺知爾炎, 彼無有差別。 
195. There are ten kinds69 of false imagination and six kinds of relativity; in the knowledge of Tathatā innerly attained there is no differentiation. 
pañca dharmā bhavet tattvaṃ svabhāvā hi trayas tathā |
etadvibhāvayedyogī tathatāṃ nātivartate || 2.194 || 
(14)五法為真實, 自性有三種,
(15)修行分別此, 不越於如如。 
(14)五法為真實, 自性有三種,
(15)修行分別此, 不越於如如。 
196. Truth consists in [knowing] the five Dharmas and also the three Svabhāvas; when the Yogin thus comprehends [the truth], he does not transgress Tathatā. 
nimittaṃ paratantraṃ hi yannāma tatprakalpitam |
parikalpitanimittaṃ tu pāratantryāt pravartate || 2.195 || 
(16)眾相及緣起, 彼名起妄想,
(17)彼諸妄想相, 從彼緣起生。 
(16)眾相及緣起, 彼名起妄想,
(17)彼諸妄想相, 從彼緣起生。 
197. According to the form of relativity, there are those names that belong to false imagination; and the various aspects of false imagination arise from relativity. 
buddhyā vivecyamānaṃ tu na tantraṃ nāpi kalpitam |
niṣpanno nāsti vai bhāvaḥ kathaṃ buddhyā vikalpyate || 2.196 || 
(18)覺慧善觀察, 無緣無妄想, 
(18)覺慧善觀察, 無緣無妄想, 
198. When well pondered with intelligence (buddhi) there is neither relativity nor false imagination; where perfect knowledge is, there is nothing [dualistically] existent; for how with intelligence can discrimination take place? 
niṣpanno vidyate bhāvo bhāvābhāvavivarjitaḥ |
bhāvābhāvavinirmukto dvau svabhāvau kathaṃ nu tau || 2.197 || 
(19)成已無有性, 云何妄想覺? 
(19)成已無有性, 云何妄想覺? 
199. Where perfect knowledge is, the existent cannot be qualified with being and non-being; in what cannot be qualified with being and non-being, how can there be these two Svabhāvas? 
parikalpitasvabhāve dvau svabhāvau dvau pratiṣṭhitau |
kalpitaṃ dṛśyate citraṃ viśuddhaṃ cāryagocaram || 2.198 || 
(20)彼妄想自性, 建立二自性,
(21)妄想種種現, 清淨聖境界。 
(20)彼妄想自性, 建立二自性,
(21)妄想種種現, 清淨聖境界。 
200. Because of false imagination, the two Svabhāvas are established; where there is false imagination multitudinousness of things is recognised, which being purified the [spiritual] condition of the wise obtains. 
kalpitaṃ hi vicitrābhaṃ paratantrair vikalpyate |
anyathā kalpyamānaṃ hi tīrthyavādaṃ samāśrayet || 2.199 || 
(22)妄想如畫色, 緣起計妄想,
(23)若異妄想者, 94 即依外道論。 
(22)妄想如畫色, 緣起計妄想,
(23)若異妄想者, 105 即依外道論。 
201. Where there is false imagination there is multitudinousness of objects, which are discriminated under the aspect of relativity; if otherwise discriminated, one becomes attached to the teachings of the philosophers. 
kalpanā kalpitetyuktaṃ darśanād dhetusaṃbhavat |
(*133) vikalpadvayanirmuktaṃ niṣpannaṃ syāttad eva hi || 2.200 || 
(24)妄想說所想, 因見和合生,
(25)離二妄想者, 如是則為成。」 
(24)妄想說所想, 因見和合生,
(25)離二妄想者, 如是則為成。」 
punar api mahāmatir āha - deśayatu me bhagavān pratyātmāryajñānagatilakṣaṇamekayānaṃ ca, yena bhagavan pratyātmaikayānagatilakṣaṇena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ pratyātmāryajñānaikayānakuśalā aparapraṇeyā bhaviṣyanti buddhadharmeṣu || 
「世尊!95 唯願為(27)說自覺聖智相及一乘,若96 說自覺聖智相(28)及一乘,我及餘菩薩善自覺聖智相及一乘,(29)不由於他,通達佛法。」 
「世尊!106 唯願為(27)說自覺聖智相及一乘,若107 說自覺聖智相(28)及一乘,我及餘菩薩善自覺聖智相及一乘,(29)不由於他,通達佛法。」 
Further, Mahāmati said:
Pray tell me, Blessed One, about the one vehicle that characterises the inner realisation of noble wisdom, whereby, Blessed One, I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, becoming conversant with the one vehicle which marks the inner attainment of noble wisdom, may be established without depending on anybody else in the teaching of the Buddha. 
bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - pramāṇāptopadeśavikalpābhāvān mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattva ekākī rahogataḥ svapratyātmabuddhyā vicārayatyaparapraṇeyo dṛṣṭivikalpavivarjita uttarottara tathāgatabhūmipraveśanatayā vyāyamate |  etan mahāmate svapratyātmāryajñānagatilakṣaṇam |  tatra ekayānagatilakṣaṇaṃ katamat? (55,1) yaduta ekayānamārgādhigamāvabodhād ekayānam iti vadāmi |  ekayānamārgādhigamāvabodhaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta grāhyagrāhakavikalpayathābhūtāvasthānādapravṛttervikalpasya ekayānāvabodhaḥ kṛto bhavati |  eṣa ekayānāvabodho mahāmate (*134) nānyatīrthyaśrāvakapratyekabuddhabrahmādibhiḥ prāptapūrvo ’nyatra mayā |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate ekayānamity ucyate || 
入如來地,是名自(5)覺聖智相。  大慧!云何一乘相?謂:得一乘道(6)覺,我說一乘。  云何得一乘道覺?謂:攝所攝(7)妄想,如實處不生妄想,是名一乘覺。  大慧!(8)一乘覺者,非餘外道、聲聞、緣覺、梵天王等之(9)所能得,唯除如來。  以是故,說名一乘。」 
入如來地,是名自(5)覺聖智相。  大慧!云何一乘相?謂:得一乘道(6)覺,我說一乘。  云何得一乘道覺?謂:攝所攝(7)妄想,如實處不生妄想,是名一乘覺。  大慧!(8)一乘覺者,非餘外道、聲聞、緣覺、梵天王等之(9)所能得,唯除如來。  以是故,說名一乘。」 
Said the Blessed One:
Then, Mahāmati, listen well and reflect within yourself as I tell you. 
Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said, Yes, I will, Blessed One; and gave ear to the Blessed One.  Thereupon the Blessed One said:
In accordance with the authoritative teachings in which there are no discriminations, Mahāmati, let the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva retire by himself to a quiet secluded place, where he may reflect within himself, not relying on anybody else, but by means of his own inner intelligence, in order to discard erroneous views and discriminations, make successive advances and exert himself to finally enter upon the stage of Tathagatahood. 
This, Mahāmati, is the characteristic feature of the inner realisation to be gained by means of noble wisdom.  What characterises the way of the one vehicle? I call it the one vehicle because thereby one recognises and realises the path leading to the one vehicle.  How is this path of the one vehicle to be recognised and realised? The recognition of the one vehicle is obtained when there is no rising of discrimination by doing away with the notion of grasped and grasping and by abiding in the reality of suchness (yathābhūta).  Mahāmati, this recognition of the one vehicle, (134) except by the Tathagata himself, has never been obtained before by anybody else—the philosophers, Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, Brahmans, etc.  For this reason, Mahāmati, this is known as the one vehicle. 
mahāmatir āha - kiṃ kāraṇaṃ bhagavatā yānatrayamupadiṣṭam, ekayānaṃ nopadiśyate?  bhagavān āha - svayamaparinirvāṇadharmatvān mahāmate sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhānām ekayānaṃ na vadāmi |  yasmān mahāmate sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhās tathāgatavinayavivekayogopadeśena vimucyante na svayam || 
Mahāmati said:
For what reason is it that the Blessed One speaks of the triple vehicle and not of the one vehicle? 
The Blessed One replied:
Because there is no teaching whereby the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas can realise Nirvana by themselves, I do not speak of the one vehicle. 
Thus, Mahāmati, the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas are disciplined, segregated, and trained in meditation according to the discourse of the Tathagata, whereby they are led to emancipation and not by themselves. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate jñeyāvaraṇakarmavāsanāprahīṇatvāt sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ naikayānam |  dharmanairātmyānavabodhāc ca acintyapariṇāmacyuteraprāptivāc ca yānatrayaṃ deśayāmi śrāvakāṇām |  yadā teṣāṃ mahāmate sarvadoṣavāsanāḥ prahīṇā bhavanti dharmanairātmyāvabodhāt, tadā te vāsanādoṣasamādhimadābhāvādanāsravadhātau prativibudhyante |  punar api lokottarānāsravadhātuparyāpannān saṃbhārān paripūrya acintyadharmakāyavaśavartitāṃ pratilapsyante || 
(15)「復次,大慧!煩惱障業習氣不斷,故不說一(16)切聲聞、緣覺一乘。不覺法無我,  不離分段(17)死,故說三乘。  大慧!彼諸一切起煩惱過習氣(18)斷,及覺法無我。彼一切起煩惱過習氣斷,三(19)昧樂味著非性,無漏界覺。  覺已,復入出世間(20)上上無漏界,滿足眾具,當得如來不思議(21)自在法身。」 
(15)「復次,大慧!煩惱障業習氣不斷,故不說一(16)切聲聞、緣覺一乘。不覺法無我,  不離分段(17)死,故說三乘。  大慧!彼諸一切起煩惱過習氣(18)斷,及覺法無我。彼一切起煩惱過習氣斷,三(19)昧樂味著非性,無漏界覺。  覺已,復入出世間(20)上上無漏界,滿足眾具,當得如來不思議(21)自在法身。」 
Further, Mahāmati, as they have not yet destroyed the habit-energy (memory) of karma and the hindrance of knowledge, all the Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas are unable to realise the egolessness of things  and have not attained the inconceivable transformation-death, I preach to the Śrāvakas [and Pratyekabuddhas] the triple vehicle and not the one vehicle.71   When, Mahāmati, destroying all the evil habit-energy, they realise the egolessness of things, they who are now free from the evil habit-energy will not be intoxicated by the Samādhis and will be awakened into the realm of no-evil-outflows.  Now being taken into a super-world which is the realm of no-evil-outflows, they will gather up all the material for the attainment of the Dharmakāya which is of sovereign power and beyond conception. 
tatredam ucyate - 
devayānaṃ brahmayānaṃ śrāvakīyaṃ tathaiva ca |
tāthāgataṃ ca pratyekaṃ yānānetān vadāmy aham || 2.201 || 
(23)「諸天及梵乘, 聲聞緣覺乘,
(24)諸佛如來乘, 我說此諸乘, 
(23)「諸天及梵乘, 聲聞緣覺乘,
(24)諸佛如來乘, 我說此諸乘, 
203. The Deva vehicle, the Brahma vehicle, the Śrāvaka vehicle, (135) the Pratyekabuddha vehicle, and the Tathagata vehicle, of these I speak. 
yānānāṃ nāsti vai niṣṭhā yāvaccittaṃ pravartate |
citte tu vai parāvṛtte na yānaṃ na ca yāninaḥ || 2.202 || 
(25)乃至有心轉, 諸乘非究竟。
(26)若彼心滅盡, 無乘及乘者, 
(25)乃至有心轉, 諸乘非究竟。
(26)若彼心滅盡, 無乘及乘者, 
204. So long as there is a mind making conscious efforts, there can be no culmination as regards the various vehicles; when a revulsion takes place in the mind, there is neither a vehicle nor one who rides in it. 
yānavyavasthānaṃ naivāsti yānabhedaṃ vadāmy aham |
parikarṣaṇārthaṃ bālānāṃ yānabhedaṃ vadāmy aham || 2.203 || 
(27)無有乘建立, 我說為一乘,
(28)引導眾生故, 分別說諸乘。 
(27)無有乘建立, 我說為一乘,
(28)引導眾生故, 分別說諸乘。 
205. There is really no establishment of various vehicles, and so I speak of the one vehicle;72 but in order to carry the ignorant I talk of a variety of vehicles. 
vimuktayas tathā tisro dharmanairātmyam eva ca |
samatājñānakleśākhyā vimuktyā te vivarjitāḥ || 2.204 || 
(29)解脫有三種, 及與法無我,
(497c1)煩惱智慧等, 解脫則遠離。 
(29)解脫有三種, 及與法無我,
(497c1)煩惱智慧等, 解脫則遠離。 
206. There are three emancipations, and in all things there is no ego-substance; knowledge and passions are of the same nature, when [one is] emancipated they are discarded. 
yathā hi kāṣṭhamudadhau taraṃgair vipravāhyate |
tathā hi śrāvako mūḍho lakṣaṇena pravāhyate || 2.205 || 
(2)譬如海浮木, 常隨波浪轉,
(3)聲聞愚亦然, 相風所97 飄蕩。 
(2)譬如海浮木, 常隨波浪轉,
(3)聲聞愚亦然, 相風所108 飄蕩。 
207. Like a piece of wood floating on the waves of the ocean, the Śrāvaka obsessed with individual marks is driven along [the stream of existence]. 
vāsanākleśasaṃbaddhāḥ paryutthānair visaṃyutāḥ |
samādhimadamattāste dhātau tiṣṭhantyanāsrave || 2.206 || 
(4)彼起煩惱滅, 98 除習煩惱愚,
(5)味著三昧樂, 安住無漏界。 
(4)彼起煩惱滅, 109 除習煩惱愚,
(5)味著三昧樂, 安住無漏界。 
208. Though disengaged from the actively-functioning passions, they [the Śrāvakas] are still bound up with the habit-energy of the passions; intoxicated with the liquor of the Samādhi, they still have their abode in the realm of outflows. 
niṣṭhāgatir na tasyāsti na ca bhūyo nivartate |
samādhikāyaṃ saṃprāpya ā kalpān na prabudhyate || 2.207 || 
(6)無有究竟趣, 亦復不退還,
(7)得諸三昧身, 乃至劫不覺。 
(6)無有究竟趣, 亦復不退還,
(7)得諸三昧身, 乃至劫不覺。 
209. In this there is no course of finality, nor retrogression either; [losing himself] in the attainment of the Samādhi-body, he is not at all awakened even to the end of kalpas. 
yathā hi mattapuruṣo madyābhāvādvibudhyate |
tathā te buddhadharmākhyaṃ kāyaṃ prāpsyanti māmakam || 2.208 || 
(8)譬如昏醉人, 酒消然後覺,
(9)彼覺法亦然, 得佛無上身。」 
(8)譬如昏醉人, 酒消然後覺,
(9)彼覺法亦然, 得佛無上身。」 
210. Like unto the drunkard who, being awakened from his intoxication, regains his intelligence, [the Śrāvakas] will have the realisation of the Buddha's truth, which is his own body. 
iti laṅkāvatāre ṣaṭtriṃśatsāhasrasarvadharmasamuccayo nāma dvitīyaḥ parivartaḥ ||| 
Here Ends the Second Chapter, [Known as] the "Collection of All the Dharmas," Taken from the Laṅkāvatāra of 36,000 [Ślokas]. 
(56,1) Anityatāparivarto nāma tṛtīyaḥ | 
atha khalu bhagavān punar api mahāmatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat - manomayakāyagatiprabhedanayalakṣaṇaṃ mahāmate upadekṣyāmi |  tac chṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - triprakāro mahāmate kāyo manomayaḥ |  katamastriprakāraḥ? yaduta samādhisukhasamāpattimanomayo dharmasvabhāvāvabodhamanomayo nikāyasahajasaṃskārakriyāmanomayaś ca |  prathamottarottarabhūmilakṣaṇaparijñānād adhigacchanti yoginaḥ |  tatra katamo mahāmate samādhisukhasamāpattimanomayaḥ kāyaḥ? yaduta tricaturthapañcamyāṃ bhūmau svacittavividhavivekavihāreṇacittodadhipravṛttitaraṃgavijñānalakṣaṇasukhasamāpattimanaso ’pravṛttiḥ svacittadṛśyaviṣayābhāvābhāvaparijñānān manaso manomayaḥ kāya ity ucyate |  tatra dharmasvabhāvāvabodhamanomayaḥ kāyaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta aṣṭamyāṃ bhūmau māyādidharmanirābhāsapravicayāvabodhena cittāśrayaparāvṛttasya māyopamasamādhipratilambhādanyeṣāṃ ca samādhimukhānāṃ pratilambhādanekalakṣaṇavaśitābhijñākusumitaṃ manojavasadṛśaṃ māyāsvapnabimbaprakhyamabhautikaṃ bhūtabhautikasadṛśaṃ sarvarūpaviciatrāṅgasamuditaṃ sarvabuddhakṣetraparṣanmaṇḍalānugataṃ kāyaṃ dharmasvabhāvagatiṃgatatvān manomaya ity ucyate |  tatra nikāyasahajasaṃskārakriyāmanomayaḥ kāyaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta sarvabuddhadharmapratyātmādhigamasukhalakṣaṇāvabodhān nikāyasahajasaṃskārakriyāmanomaya ity ucyate |  atra te mahāmate kāyatrayalakṣaṇapravicayāvabodhe yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
tatredam ucyate - 
na me yānaṃ mahāyānaṃ na ghoṣo na ca akṣarāḥ |
na satyā na vimokṣā vai na nirābhāsagocaram || 3.1 || 
kiṃ tu yānaṃ mahāyānaṃ samādhivaśavartitā |
kāyo manomayaś citro vaśitāpuṣpamaṇḍitaḥ || 3.2 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  pañcānantaryāṇi bhagavatā nirdiṣṭāni |  katamāni tāni bhagavan pañcānantaryāṇi yāny adhyāpadya kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā avīciko bhavati? bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavānetad avocat - tatra mahāmate pañcānantaryāṇi katamāni? yaduta mātṛpitrarhadvadhasaṃghabhedās tathāgatakāye duṣṭacittarudhirotpādaś ca || 
tatra mahāmate mātā katamā sattvānām? yaduta tṛṣṇā paunarbhavikī nandīrāgasahagatā mātṛtvenottiṣṭhate |  avidyā pitṛtvenāyatanagrāmasyotpattaye |  anayor ubhayor mātāpitroratyantamūlopacchedān mātṛpitṛvadho (57,1) bhavati |  tatra anuśayānāmariprakhyāṇāṃ mūṣikāviṣavatprakopadharmiṇāmatyantasamuddhātādarhadvadho bhavati |  tatra saṃdhabhedaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta bhinnānyonyalakṣaṇasya skandhasaṃghātasyātyantamūlopaghātāt saṃghabheda ity ucyate |  svasāmānyabāhyasvacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhakānāṃ mahāmate aṣṭānāṃ vijñānakāyānāṃ vimokṣatrayānāsravaduṣṭavikalpenātyantopaghātād vijñānabuddhasya duṣṭacittarudhirotpādanād ānantaryakārīty ucyate |  etāni mahāmate ādhyātmikāni pañcānantaryāṇi yāny adhyāpadya kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā ānantaryakārī bhavatyabhisamitadharmaḥ || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bāhyāni te ānantaryāṇyupadekṣyāmi, yair upadiṣṭaistvaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā anāgate ’dhvani saṃmohaṃ na gamiṣyanti |  tatra katamāni tāni? yaduta yāni deśanāpāṭhe ’nusaṃvarṇitānyānantaryāṇi, yānyadhyāpadya tisṝṇāṃ vimuktīnāmanyatarānyatarasyāṃ nābhisametā bhavanti anyatra nirmitādhiṣṭhānābhisamayāt |  nirmitādhiṣṭhānaśrāvako hi mahāmate bodhisattvādhiṣṭhānena vā tathāgatādhiṣṭhānena vā |  yasya kasyacidanyasyānantaryakāriṇaḥ kaukṛtyaṃ tasya kaukṛtyadṛṣṭivinivartanārthaṃ nikṣiptadhurasya kaukṛtyadṛṣṭyabhāvārtham |  punar api protsāhanāṃ kariṣyata iti kṛtvā nirmitādhiṣṭhānābhisamayaḥ pradarśyate mayā |  nāstyekāntena mahāmate ānantaryakāriṇo ’bhisamayaḥ anyatra svacittadṛśyabhāvanāmātratāvabodhād dehabhogapratiṣṭhāgativikalpātmātmīyagrāhaviviktadarśanāt kadā - citkarhicitkalyāṇamitramāsādya anyagatisaṃdhau svavikalpadoṣair vimucyate || 
tatredam ucyate - 
tṛṣṇā hi mātā ityuktā avidyā ca pitā tathā |
viṣayāvabodhādvijñānaṃ buddha ityupadiśyate || 3.3 || 
arhanto hy anuśayāḥ pañca saṃghāḥ skandhakadambakaḥ |
nirantarāntaracchedāt karmasyānantaraṃ bhavet || 3.4 || 
punar api mahāmatir āha - deśayatu me bhagavān buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ kathaṃ bhagavan buddhānāṃ buddhatā bhavati? bhagavān āha - dharmapudgalanairātmyāvabodhān mahāmate āvaraṇadvayaparijñānāvabodhāc ca cyutidvayādhigamātkleśadvayaprahāṇāc ca mahāmate buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ buddhatā bhavati |  eteṣām eva mahāmate dharmāṇām adhigamāc chrāvakapratyekabuddhasaṃbuddhatā bhavati |  ata etasmān mahāmate ekayānaṃ deśayāmi || 
tatredam ucyate - 
nairātmyasya dvayaṃ kleśāstathaivāvaraṇadvayam |
acintyapariṇāminyāścyuterlābhāt tathāgataḥ || 3.5 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  kiṃ saṃdhāya bhagavatā parṣanmadhyagatena vāgbhāṣitā - aham eva sarvabuddhā ye ’tītā jātakopapattivaicitryaṃ ca |  aham eva ca tena kālena tena samayena rājā māṃdhātā |  gajaḥ śuka indro vyāsaḥ sunetraḥ, (58,1) ityevamādyāni bhagavatā jātakaśatasahasrāṇyupadiṣṭāni? bhagavān āha - caturvidhāṃ samatāṃ saṃghāya mahāmate tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ parṣanmadhyagatā vācaṃ niścārayanti yaduta aham eva tena kālena tena samayena krakucchandaḥ kanakamuniḥ kāśyapaś cābhavam |  katamāṃ caturvidhasamatāṃ saṃdhāya? yaduta akṣarasamatāṃ vāksamatāṃ dharmasamatāṃ kāyasamatāṃ ca |  imāṃ mahāmate caturvidhāṃ samatāṃ saṃghāya tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ parṣanmadhyagatā vācaṃ niścārayanti |  tatra mahāmate katamā akṣarasamatā? yaduta yair akṣarairmama nāma buddha iti, tair evākṣaraisteṣāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ tānyakṣarāṇi mahāmate nirviśiṣṭānyakṣarāṇyakṣarasvabhāvatvena |  iyaṃ mahāmate akṣarasamatā |  tatra mahāmate katamā vāksamatā tathāgatānāmarhatā samyaksaṃbuddhānām? yaduta mamāpi catuṣṣaṣṭyākāro brahmasvararutaghoṣavāgvikalpaḥ pravartate, teṣām api mahāmate tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāmevam eva catuṣṣaṣṭyākāro brahmasvararutaghoṣo vāgvikalpaḥ pravartate ’nūnānadhikā nirviśiṣṭāḥ kalaviṅkabrahmasvararutaghoṣasvabhāvena |  tatra katamā kāyasamatā? yaduta ahaṃ ca te ca tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā dharmakāyena ca rūpalakṣaṇānuvyañjanakāyena ca samā nirviśiṣṭā anyatra vaineyavaśamupādāya |  tatra tatra sattvagativiśeṣeṇa tathāgatā rūpavaicitryamādarśayanti |  tatra dharmasamatā mahāmate katamā? yaduta te ca ahaṃ ca saptatriṃśatāṃ bodhipakṣyāṇāṃ dharmāṇām adhigantāraḥ |  imāṃ mahāmate caturvidhāṃ samatāṃ saṃdhāya tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ parṣanmadhyagatā vācaṃ niścārayanti || 
tatredam ucyate - 
kāśyapaḥ krakuchandaś ca konākamunir apy aham |
bhāṣāmi jinaputrāṇāṃ samatāyāṃ samudgataḥ || 3.6 || 
punar api mahāmatir āha - yadidamuktaṃ bhagavatā - yāṃ ca rātriṃ tathāgato ’bhisaṃbuddho yāṃ ca rātriṃ parinirvāsyati, atrāntare ekam apy akṣaraṃ tathāgatena nodāhṛtam, na pravyāhariṣyati, avacanaṃ buddhavacanam iti, tatkim idaṃ saṃdhāyoktaṃ tathāgatenārhatā samyaksaṃbuddhena avacanaṃ buddhavacanam iti? bhagavān āha - dharmadvayaṃ mahāmate saṃdhāya mayaitaduktam |  katamad dharmadvayam? yaduta pratyātmadharmatāṃ ca saṃdhāya paurāṇasthitidharmatāṃ ca |  idaṃ mahāmate dharmadvayaṃ saṃdhāyedamuktaṃ mayā |  tatra svapratyātmadharmatānusaṃdhiḥ katamaḥ? yattais tathāgatair adhigataṃ tanmayāpyadhigatamanūnamanadhikaṃ svapratyātmagatigocaraṃ vāgvikalparahitamakṣaragatidvayavinirmuktam |  tatra paurāṇasthitidharmatā katamā? yaduta paurāṇamidaṃ mahāmate dharmatāvanme hiraṇyarajatamuktākaravan mahāmate dharmadhātusthititā - utpādādvā tathāgatānāmanutpādādvā tathāgatānāṃ sthitaivaiṣāṃ dharmāṇāṃ dharmatā dharmasthititā dharmaniyāmatā |  paurāṇanagarapathavan mahāmate |  tadyathā mahāmate kaścid eva puruṣo ’ṭavyāṃ paryaṭan paurāṇaṃ nagaramanupaśyedavikalapathapraveśam |  sa taṃ nagaramanupraviśet |  tatra praviśya pratiniviśya (59,1) nagaraṃ nagarakriyāsukhamanubhavet |  tat kiṃ manyase mahāmate api nu tena puruṣeṇa sa panthā utpādito yena pathā taṃ nagaramanupraviṣṭo nagaravaicitryaṃ ca (anubhūtam)? āha - no bhagavan |  bhagavān āha - evam eva mahāmate yanmayā taiś ca tathāgatair adhigatam - sthitaivaiṣā dharmatā dharmasthititā dharmaniyāmatā tathatā bhūtatā satyatā |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate mayedamuktam - yāṃ ca rātriṃ tathāgato ’bhisaṃbuddho yāṃ ca rātriṃ parinirvāsyati, atrāntare ekam apy akṣaraṃ tathāgatena nodāhṛtaṃ nodāhariṣyati || 
tatredam ucyate - 
yasyāṃ ca rātryāṃ dhigamo yasyāṃ ca parinirvṛtaḥ |
etasminn antare nāsti mayā kiṃcitprakāśitam || 3.7 || 
pratyātmadharmasthititāṃ saṃdhāya kathitaṃ mayā |
taiś ca buddhairmayā caiva na ca kiṃcidviśeṣitam || 3.8 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavān nāstyastitvalakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ yathā ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā nāstyastitvavarjitāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyeran |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasi kuru |  bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavānetad avocat - dvayaniśrito ’yaṃ mahāmate loko yaduta astitvaniśritaś ca nāstitvaniśritaś ca |  bhāvābhāvacchandadṛṣṭipatitaś ca aniḥśaraṇe niḥśaraṇabuddhiḥ |  tatra mahāmate katham astitvaniśrito lokaḥ? yaduta vidyamānairhetupratyayair loka utpadyate nāvidyamānaiḥ, vidyamānaṃ cotpadyamānam utpadyate nāvidyamānam |  sa caivaṃ bruvan mahāmate bhāvānām astitvahetupratyayānāṃ lokasya ca hetvastivādī bhavati |  tatra mahāmate kathaṃ nāstitvaniśrito bhavati? yaduta rāgadveṣamohābhyupagamaṃ kṛtvā punar api rāgadveṣamohabhāvābhāvaṃ vikalpayati |  yaś ca mahāmate bhāvānāmastitvaṃ nābhyupaiti bhāvalakṣaṇaviviktatvāt, yaś ca buddhaśrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ rāgadveṣamohān nābhyupaiti bhāvalakṣaṇavinirmuktatvād vidyante neti |  katamo ’tra mahāmate vaināśiko bhavati? mahāmatir āha - ya eṣa bhagavan abhyupagamya rāgadveṣamohān na punar abhyupaiti |  bhagavān āha - sādhu sādhu mahāmate, sādhu khalu punas tvaṃ mahāmate, yas tvam evaṃ prabhāṣitaḥ |  kevalaṃ mahāmate na rāgadveṣamohabhāvābhāvād vaināśiko bhavati |  buddhaśrāvakapratyekabuddhavaināśiko ’pi bhavati |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta adhyātmabahirdhānupalabdhitvāc ca kleśānām |  na hi mahāmate rāgadveṣamohā adhyātmabahirdhopalabhyante ’śarīratvāt |  anabhyupagamatvāc ca mahāmate rāgadveṣamohābhāvānāṃ buddhaśrāvakapratyekabuddhavaināśiko bhavati |  prakṛtivimuktās te buddhaśrāvakapratyekabuddhā bandhyabandhahetvabhāvāt |  bandhye sati mahāmate bandho bhavati bandhahetuś ca |  evamapi bruvan mahāmate vaināśiko bhavati |  idaṃ mahāmate nāstyastitvasya lakṣaṇam |  idaṃ ca mahāmate saṃdhāyoktaṃ mayā - varaṃ khalu sumerumātrā pudgaladṛṣṭir na tv eva nāstyastitvābhimānikasya śūnyatādṛṣṭiḥ |  nāstyastitvābhimāniko hi mahāmate vaināśiko (60,1) bhavati |  svasāmānyalakṣaṇadṛṣṭipatitāśayaḥ svacittadṛśyamātrābhāvān na pratijānan, apratijñānād bāhyabhāvān nityadarśanāt kṣaṇaparaṃparābhedabhinnāni skandhadhātvāyatanāni saṃtatiprabandhena vinivṛtya vinivartanta iti kalpākṣararahitāni prativikalpayan punar api vaināśiko bhavati || 
tatredam ucyate - 
astināstītyubhāvantau yāvaccittasya gocaraḥ |
gocareṇa niruddhena samyakcittaṃ nirudhyate || 3.9 || 
viṣaye grahaṇābhāvān nirodho na ca nāsti ca |
vidyate tathatāvastu āryāṇāṃ gocaro yathā || 3.10 || 
abhūtvā yasya utpādo bhūtvā vāpi vinaśyati |
pratyayaiḥ sadasaccāpi na te me śāsane sthitāḥ || 3.11 || 
na tīrthakair na buddhaiś ca na mayā na ca kenacit |
pratyayaiḥ sādhyate ’stitvaṃ kathaṃ nāsti bhaviṣyati || 3.12 || 
kena prasādhitāstitvaṃ pratyayair yasya nāstitā |
utpādavādadur dṛṣṭyā nāsty astīti vikalpyate || 3.13 || 
yasya notpadyate kiṃcin na ca kiṃcin nirudhyate |
tasyāsti nāsti nopaiti viviktaṃ paśyato jagat || 3.14 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate - deśayatu me bhagavān, deśayatu me sugataḥ, deśayatu me tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho vadatāṃ variṣṭhaḥ siddhāntanayalakṣaṇam, yena siddhāntanayalakṣaṇena suprativibhāgaviddhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ siddhāntanayalakṣaṇagatiṃgatāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbhotsyante, aparapraṇeyāś ca bhaviṣyanti sarvatārkikatīrthakarāṇām |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - dvividhaṃ mahāmate siddhāntanayalakṣaṇaṃ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhabodhisattvānāṃ yaduta siddhāntanayaś ca deśanānayaś ca |  tatra siddhāntanayo mahāmate yaduta pratyātmādhigamaviśeṣalakṣaṇaṃ vāgvikalpākṣararahitamanāsravadhātugatiprāpakaṃ pratyātmagatibhūmigatisvalakṣaṇaṃ sarvatarkatīrthyamāravarjitam |  vinihatya ca tāṃstīrthyamārān pratyātmagatirvirājate |  etan mahāmate siddhāntanayalakṣaṇam |  tatra deśanānayaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta navāṅgaśāsanavicitropadeśo ’nyānanyasadasatpakṣavarjitaḥ upāyakuśalavidhipūrvakaḥ sattveṣu darśanāvatāraḥ |  yadyenādhimucyate tattasya deśayet |  etan mahāmate deśanānayalakṣaṇam |  atra mahāmate tvayā anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvairyogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
tatredam ucyate - 
siddhāntaś ca nayaś cāpi pratyātmaśāsanaṃ ca vai |
ye paśyanti vibhāgajñā na te tarkavaśaṃ gatāḥ || 3.15 || 
(61,1) na bhāvo vidyate satyaṃ yathā bālair vikalpyate |
abhāvena tu vai mokṣaṃ kathaṃ necchanti tārkikāḥ || 3.16 || 
utpādabhaṅgasaṃbaddhaṃ saṃskṛtaṃ pratipaśyataḥ |
dṛṣṭidvayaṃ prapuṣṇanti na paśyanti viparyayāt || 3.17 || 
ekam eva bhavet satyaṃ nirvāṇaṃ manavarjitam |
kadalīskandhamāyābhaṃ lokaṃ paśyedvikalpitam || 3.18 || 
rāgo na vidyate dveṣo mohaś cāpi na pudgalaḥ |
tṛṣṇāyā hyuditāḥ skandhā vidyante svapnasādṛśāḥ || 3.19 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavān, deśayatu me sugataḥ abhūtaparikalpasya lakṣaṇam |  kathaṃ kiṃ kena kasya bhagavan abhūtaparikalpaḥ pravartamānaḥ pravartate? abhūtaparikalpo ’bhūtaparikalpa iti bhagavann ucyate |  katamasyaitadbhagavan dharmasyādhivacanaṃ yaduta abhūtaparikalpa iti? kiṃ vā prativikalpayan abhūtaparikalpo bhavati? bhagavān āha - sādhu sādhu mahāmate |  sādhu khalu punas tvaṃ mahāmate, yattvametamarthamadhyeṣitavyaṃ manyase |  bahujanahitāya tvaṃ mahāmate pratipanno bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasyārthāya hitāya sukhāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca |  tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - arthavividhavaicitryābhūtaparikalpābhiniveśān mahāmate vikalpaḥ pravartamānaḥ pravartate |  nṛṇāṃ grāhyagrāhakābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭānāṃ ca mahāmate svacittadṛśyamātrānavadhāritamatīnāṃ ca sadasaddṛṣṭipakṣapatitānāṃ ca mahāmate tīrthakaradṛṣṭiprativikalpavāsanāpratipuṣṭānāṃ bāhyavicitrārthopalambhābhiniveśāc cittacaittakalāpo vikalpasaṃśabditaḥ pravartamānaḥ pravartate ātmātmīyābhiniveśāt |  mahāmatir āhatadyadi bhagavann arthavividhavaicitryābhūtaparikalpābhiniveśān nṛṇāṃ vikalpaḥ pravartamānaḥ pravartate sadasaddṛṣṭipakṣapatitānāṃ grāhyagrāhakatīrthakaradṛṣṭiprativikalpapuṣṭānāṃ bāhyavicitrārthopalambhābhiniveśāc cittacaittakalāpo vikalpasaṃśabditaḥ svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhāt santāsantavicitrabhāvābhiniveśāt pravartamānaḥ pravartate |  tadyathaiva bhagavan bāhyārthavicitralakṣaṇaḥ sadasatpakṣapatitalakṣaṇo bhāvābhāvavivikto dṛṣṭilakṣaṇavinivṛttaḥ, tathaiva bhagavan paramārthapramāṇendriyāvayavadṛṣṭāntahetulakṣaṇavinivṛttaḥ |  tatkathaṃ bhagavann ekatra vicitravikalpo ’bhūtārthavicitrabhāvābhiniveśaṃ prativikalpayan pravartate, na punaḥ paramārthalakṣaṇābhiniveśaṃ prativikalpayan pravartate vikalpaḥ? nanu bhagavan viṣamahetuvādas tava prasajyate ekatra pravartate ekatra neti bruvataḥ, sadasatpakṣāśrayābhiniveśaś ca abhūtaprativikalpadṛṣṭipravṛttiṃ bruvato vividhamāyāṅgapuruṣavaicitryān niṣpannaikarūpavatprativikalpayan vikalpena lakṣaṇavaicitryabhāvābhāvaṃ ca vikalpasya vinivṛtter lokāyatikadṛṣṭyāśayapatitaś ca | 
(62,1) bhagavān āha - na hi mahāmate vikalpaḥ pravartate nivartate vā |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta sadasato vikalpasyāpravṛttitvād bāhyadṛśyabhāvābhāvāt svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhān mahāmate vikalpo na pravartate na nivartate |  anyatra mahāmate bālānāṃ svacittavaicitryavikalpakalpitatvāt |  kriyāpravṛttipūrvako vikalpo vaicitryabhāvalakṣaṇābhiniveśāt pravartata iti vadāmi |  kathaṃ khalu mahāmate bālapṛthagjanāḥ svavikalpacittamātrāvabodhād ātmātmīyābhivinivṛttadṛṣṭayaḥ kāryakāraṇapratyayavinivṛttadoṣāḥ svacittamātrāvabodhāt parāvṛttacittāśrayāḥ sarvāsu bhūmiṣu kṛtavidyās tathāgatasvapratyātmagatigocaraṃ pañcadharmasvabhāvavas tu dṛṣṭivikalpavinivṛttiṃ pratilabheran? ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate idam ucyate mayā - vikalpo ’bhūtārthavaicitryādabhiniveśāt pravartate, svavikalpavaicitryārtha yathābhūtārthaparijñānādvimucyata iti || 
tatredam ucyate - 
kāraṇaiḥ pratyayaiś cāpi yeṣāṃ lokaḥ pravartate |
cātuṣkoṭikayā yuktā na te mannayakovidāḥ || 3.20 || 
asanna jāyate loko na sanna sadasan kvacit |
pratyayaiḥ kāraṇaiś cāpi yathā bālair vikalpyate || 3.21 || 
na sannāsanna sadasadyadā lokaṃ prapaśyati |
tadā vyāvartate cittaṃ nairātmyaṃ cādhigacchati || 3.22 || 
anutpannāḥ sarvabhāvā yasmāt pratyayasaṃbhavāḥ |
kāryaṃ hi pratyayāḥ sarve na kāryājjāyate bhavaḥ || 3.23 || 
kāryān na jāyate kāryaṃ dvitvaṃ kārye prasajyate |
na ca dvitvaprasaṅgena kāryād bhāvopalabhyate || 3.24 || 
ālambālambyavigataṃ yadā paśyati saṃskṛtam |
niścitaṃ cittamātraṃ hi cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 3.25 || 
mātrā svabhāvasaṃsthānaṃ pratyayair bhāvavarjitam |
niṣṭhābhāvaḥ paraṃ brahma etāṃ mātrāṃ vadāmy aham || 3.26 || 
prajñaptisatyato hyātmā dravyasanna hi vidyate |
skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvatprajñaptyā na tu dravyataḥ || 3.27 || 
caturvidhā vai samatā lakṣaṇaṃ hetubhāvajam |
nairātmyasamatā caiva caturthaṃ yogayoginām || 3.28 || 
vyāvṛttiḥ sarvadṛṣṭīnāṃ kalpyakalpanavarjitā |
anupalambho hy ajātiś ca cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 3.29 || 
(63,1) na bhāvaṃ nāpi cābhāvaṃ bhāvābhāvavivarjitam |
tathatā cittavinirmuktaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 3.30 || 
tathatāśūnyatākoṭi nirvāṇaṃ dharmadhātukam |
kāyaṃ manomayaṃ citraṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 3.31 || 
vikalpavāsanābaddhaṃ vicitraṃ cittasaṃbhavam |
bahirākhyāyate nṛṇāṃ cittamātraṃ hi laukikam || 3.32 || 
dṛśyaṃ na vidyate bāhyaṃ cittaṃ citraṃ hi dṛśyate |
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 3.33 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat - yat punar etad uktaṃ bhagavatā - yathārutārthagrahaṇaṃ na kartavyaṃ bodhisattvena mahāsattvena anyaiś ceti |  kathaṃ na bhagavan bodhisattvo mahāsattvo yathārutārthagrāhī na bhavati? kiṃ ca rutam? ko ’rthaḥ? bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu na ca manasi kuru |  bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - tatra rutaṃ mahāmate katamat? yaduta vāgakṣarasaṃyogavikalpo dantahanutālujihvauṣṭhapuṭaviniḥsṛtaparasparajalpo vikalpavāsanāhetuko rutamity ucyate |  tatra arthaḥ punar mahāmate katamaḥ? yaduta śrutacintābhāvanāmayyā prajñayā eko rahogato nirvāṇapuragāmimārgaḥ svabuddhyā vāsanāśrayaparāvṛttipūrvakaḥ svapratyātmagatigocarabhūmisthānāntaraviśeṣārthalakṣaṇagatiṃ pravicārayan bodhisattvo mahāsattvo ’rthakuśalo bhavati || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate rūtārthakuśalo bodhisattvo mahāsattvo rutamarthād anyan nānyad iti samanupaśyati, arthaṃ ca rutāt |  yadi ca punar mahāmate artho rutādanyaḥ syāt, arutārthābhivyaktihetukaḥ syāt |  sa cārtho rutenānupraviśyate pradīpen eva dhanam |  tadyathā mahāmate kaścid eva puruṣaḥ pradīpaṃ gṛhītvā dhanamavalokayet - idaṃ me dhanamevaṃvidhamasmin pradeśe iti |  evam eva mahāmate vāgvikalparutapradīpena bodhisattvā mahāsattvā vāgvikalparahitāḥ svapratyātmāryagatimanupraviśanti || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate aniruddhā anutpannāḥ prakṛtiparinirvṛtāstriyānamekayānaṃ ca pañcacittasvabhāvādiṣu yathārutārthābhiniveśaṃ pratītya abhiniveśataḥ samāropāpavādadṛṣṭipatito bhavati |  anyathā vyavasthitānanyathā prativikalpayan māyāvaicitryadarśanavikalpanavat |  tadyathā mahāmate anyathā hi māyāvaicitryaṃ draṣṭavyamanyathā pratikalpyate bālair na tvāryaiḥ || 
tatredam ucyate - 
yathārutaṃ vikalpitvā samāropenti dharmatām |
te ca vai tatsamāropāt patanti narakālaye || 3.34 || 
(64,1) na hy ātmā vidyate skandhaiḥ skandhāś caiva hi nātmani |
na te yathā vikalpyante na ca te vai na santi ca || 3.35 || 
astitvaṃ sarvabhāvānāṃ yathā bālair vikalpyate |
yadi te bhaved yathādṛṣṭāḥ sarve syustattvadarśinaḥ || 3.36 || 
abhāvāt sarvadharmāṇāṃ saṃkleśo nāsti śuddhitaḥ |
na te tathā yathā dṛṣṭā na ca te vai na santi ca || 3.37 || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate jñānavijñānalakṣaṇaṃ te upadekṣyāmi, yena jñānavijñānalakṣaṇena suprativibhāgaviddhena tvaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā jñānavijñānalakṣaṇagatiṃgatāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbhotsyante |  tatra mahāmate triprakāraṃ jñānaṃ laukikaṃ lokottaraṃ ca lokottaratamaṃ ca |  tatrotpannapradhvaṃsi vijñānam |  anutpannapradhvaṃsi jñānam |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate nimittānimittapatitaṃ vijñānaṃ nāstyastivaicitryalakṣaṇahetukaṃ ca |  nimittānimittavyatikrāntalakṣaṇaṃ jñānam |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate upacayalakṣaṇaṃ vijñānam |  apacayalakṣaṇaṃ jñānam |  tatra trividhaṃ jñānaṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇāvadhārakaṃ ca utpādavyayāvadhārakaṃ ca anutpādānirodhāvadhārakaṃ ca |  tatra laukikaṃ jñānaṃ sadasatpakṣābhiniviṣṭānāṃ sarvatīrthakarabālapṛthagjanānāṃ ca |  tatra lokottaraṃ jñānaṃ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ ca svasāmānyalakṣaṇapatitāśayābhiniviṣṭānām |  tatra lokottaratamaṃ jñānaṃ buddhabodhisattvānāṃ nirābhāsadharmapravicayādanirodhānutpādadarśanāt sadasatpakṣavigataṃ tathāgatabhūminairātmyādhigamāt pravartate || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate asaṅgalakṣaṇaṃ jñānam, viṣayavaicitryasaṅgalakṣaṇaṃ ca vijñānam |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate trisaṅgakṣayotpādayogalakṣaṇaṃ vijñānamasaṅgasvabhāvalakṣaṇaṃ jñānam |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate aprāptilakṣaṇaṃ jñānaṃ svapratyātmāryajñānagatigocaramapraveśānirgamatvādudakacandravajjale || 
tatredam ucyate - 
cittena cīyate karma jñānena ca vidhīyate |
prajñayā ca nirābhāsaṃ prabhāvaṃ cādhigacchati || 3.38 || 
cittaṃ viṣayasaṃbaddhaṃ jñānaṃ tarke pravartate |
nirābhāse viśeṣe ca prajñā vai saṃpravartate || 3.39 || 
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃsaṃjñāvaikalpavarjitāḥ |
vikalpadharmatāṃ prāptāḥ śrāvakā na jinātmajāḥ || 3.40 || 
śānte kṣāntiviśeṣe vai jñānaṃ tāthāgataṃ śubham |
saṃjāyate viśeṣārthaṃ samudācāravarjitam || 3.41 || 
prajñā hi trividhā mahyaṃ āryā yena prabhāvitā |
lakṣaṇaṃ kalpyate yena yaś ca bhāvān vṛṇoti ca || 3.42 || 
(65,1) yānadvayavisaṃyuktā prajñā hy abhāvavarjitā |
sadbhāvābhiniveśena śrāvakāṇāṃ pravartate |
cittamātrāvatāreṇa prajñā tāthāgatī matā || 3.43 || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate navavidhā pariṇāmavādināṃ tīrthakarāṇāṃ pariṇāmadṛṣṭir bhavati yaduta saṃsthānapariṇāmo lakṣaṇapariṇāmo hetupariṇāmo yuktipariṇāmo dṛṣṭipariṇāma utpādapariṇāmo bhāvapariṇāmaḥ pratyayābhivyaktipariṇāmaḥ kriyābhivyaktipariṇāmaḥ |  etā mahāmate nava pariṇāmadṛṣṭayaḥ, yāḥ saṃdhāya sarvatīrthakarāḥ sadasatpakṣotpādapariṇāmavādino bhavanti || 
tatra mahāmate saṃsthānapariṇāmo yaduta saṃsthānasyānyathābhāvadarśanāt, suvarṇasya bhūṣaṇavikṛtivaicitryadarśanavat |  tadyathā mahāmate suvarṇaṃ kaṭakarucakasvastyādipariṇāmena pariṇāmyamānaṃ vicitrasaṃsthānapariṇataṃ dṛśyate |  na suvarṇaṃ bhāvataḥ pariṇamati |  evam eva mahāmate sarvabhāvānāṃ pariṇāmaḥ kaiś cittīrthakarair vikalpyate anyaiś ca kāraṇataḥ |  na ca te tathā, na cānyathā parikalpamupādāya |  evaṃ sarvapariṇāmabhedo draṣṭavyo dadhikṣīramadyaphalapākavat |  tadyathā mahāmate evaṃ dadhikṣīramadyaphalādīnāmekaikasya pariṇāmo vikalpasya pariṇāmo vikalpyate tīrthakaraiḥ, na cātra kaścitpariṇamati sadasatoḥ svacittadṛśyabāhyabhāvābhāvāt, evam eva mahāmate bālapṛthagjanānāṃ svacittavikalpabhāvanāpravṛttir draṣṭavyā |  nātra mahāmate kaściddharmaḥ pravartate vā nivartate vā, māyāsvapnapravṛttarūpadarśanavat |  tadyathā mahāmate svapne pravṛttinivṛttī upalabhy ete vandhyāputramṛtajanmavat || 
tatredam ucyate - 
pariṇāmaṃ kālasaṃsthānaṃ bhūtabhāvendriyeṣu ca |
antarābhavasaṃgrāhyo ye kalpenti na te budhāḥ || 3.44 || 
na pratītyasamutpannaṃ lokaṃ kalpenti vai jināḥ |
kiṃ tu pratyaya evedaṃ lokaṃ gandharvasaṃnibham || 3.45 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantaṃ sarvadharmasaṃdhyarthaparimocanārtham adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavān, deśayatu me tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ saṃdhyasaṃdhilakṣaṇam, yena saṃdhyasaṃdhilakṣaṇena suprativibhāgābhividdhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ sarvasaṃdhyasaṃdhyupāyakuśalā yathārutārthābhiniveśasaṃdhau na prapateyuḥ |  sarvadharmāṇāṃ saṃdhyasaṃdhikauśalena vāgakṣaraprativikalpanaṃ ca vinihatya buddhyā sarvabuddhakṣetraparṣaccāriṇo balavaśitābhijñādhāraṇīmudrāsumudritā vicitrair nirmāṇakiraṇair daśaniṣṭhāpāde 
sunibaddhabuddhayo ’nābhogacandrasūryamaṇimahābhūtacaryāgatisamāḥ sarvabhūmiṣu svavikalpalakṣaṇavinivṛttadṛṣṭayaḥ svapnamāyādisarvadharmānudarśanād buddhabhūmyāśrayānupraviṣṭāḥ sarvasattvadhātuṃ yathārhattvadharmadeśanayā (66,1) ākṛṣya svapnamāyādisarvadharmasadasatpakṣavarjite bhaṅgotpādavikalparahite rutānyathāparyāyavṛttyāśrayatayā pratiṣṭhāpayeyuḥ |  bhagavān āha - sādhu sādhu mahāmate |  tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - aparimito mahāmate sarvadharmāṇāṃ yathārutārthābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, lakṣaṇābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, pratyayābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, bhāvābhāvābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, utpādānutpādavikalpābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, nirodhānirodhābhiniveśaprativikalpasaṃdhiḥ, yānāyānābhiniveśaprativikalpasaṃdhiḥ, saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaprativikalpābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, bhūmyabhūmisvalakṣaṇavikalpābhiniveśasaṃdhiḥ, svavikalpābhisamayavikalpasaṃdhiḥ, sadasatpakṣatīrthyāśrayaprativikalpasaṃdhiḥ, triyānaikayānābhisamayavikalpasaṃdhiḥ |  ete cānye ca mahāmate bālapṛthagjanānāṃ svavikalpasaṃdhayaḥ, yāṃ saṃdhiṃ saṃdhāya bālapṛthagjanāḥ prativikalpayamānāḥ kauśeyakrimaya iva svavikalpadṛṣṭisaṃdhisūtreṇa ātmānaṃ parāṃś ca svavikalpadṛṣṭisaṃdhisūtrarocanatayā pariveṣṭayanti bhāvābhāvasaṃdhilakṣaṇābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭāḥ |  na cātra mahāmate kaścitsaṃdhir na saṃdhilakṣaṇaṃ viviktadarśanāt sarvadharmāṇām |  vikalpasyāpravṛttatvān mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sarvadharmeṣu viviktadarśī viharati || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bāhyabhāvābhāvasvacittadṛśyalakṣaṇāvabodhān nirābhāsacittamātrānusāritvāt sadasatoḥ sarvabhāvavikalpasaṃdhiviviktadarśanān na saṃdhir nāsaṃdhilakṣaṇaṃ sarvadharmāṇām |  nātra kaścin mahāmate badhyate na ca mucyate, anyatra vitathapatitayā buddhyā bandhamokṣau prajñāyete |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta sadasatoḥ saṃdhyanupalabdhitvāt sarvadharmāṇām || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate trayaḥ saṃdhayo bālānāṃ pṛthagjanānāṃ yaduta rāgo dveṣo mohaś ca |  tṛṣṇā ca paunarbhavikī nandīrāgasahagatā yāṃ saṃdhāya gatisaṃdhayaḥ prajāyante |  tatra saṃdhisaṃdhānaṃ sattvānāṃ gatipañcakaṃ saṃdhervyucchedān mahāmate nasaṃdhir nāsaṃdhilakṣaṇaṃ prajñāyate |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate trisaṃgatipratyayakriyāyogābhiniveśāya saṃdhiḥ |  vijñānānāṃ nair antaryāt pravṛttiyogenābhiniveśato bhavasaṃdhir bhavati |  trisaṃgatipratyayavyāvṛttervijñānānāṃ vimokṣatrayānudarśanāt sarvasaṃdhayo na pravartante || 
tatredam ucyate - 
abhūtaparikalpo hi saṃdhilakṣaṇamucyate |
tasya bhūtaparijñānāt saṃdhijālaṃ prasīdati || 3.46 || 
bhāvajñānarutagrāhāt kauśeyakrimayo yathā |
badhyante svavikalpena bālāḥ saṃdhyavipaścitaḥ || 3.47 || 
punar api mahāmatir āha - yat punar etad uktaṃ bhagavatā - yena yena vikalpena ye ye bhāvā vikalpyante, na hi sa teṣāṃ svabhāvo bhavati |  parikalpita evāsau |  tadyadi bhagavan parikalpita (67,1) evāsau na bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇāvadhāraṇam, nanu te bhagavan evaṃ bruvataḥ saṃkleśavyavadānābhāvaḥ prasajyate parikalpitasvabhāvabhāvitatvāt sarvadharmāṇām |  bhagavān āha - evametan mahāmate yathā vadasi |  na mahāmate yathā bālapṛthagjanair bhāvasvabhāvo vikalpyate, tathā bhavati |  parikalpita evāsau mahāmate, na bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇāvadhāraṇam |  kiṃ tu yathā mahāmate āryair bhāvasvabhāvo ’vadhāryate āryeṇa jñānena āryeṇa darśanena āryeṇa prajñāacakṣuṣā tathā bhāvasvabhāvo bhavati || 
mahāmatir āha - tadyadi bhagavan yathā āryair āryeṇa jñānena āryeṇa darśanena āryeṇa prajñācakṣuṣā na divyamāṃsacakṣuṣā bhāvasvabhāvo ’vadhāryate tathā bhavati, na tu yathā bālapṛthagjanair vikalpyate bhāvasvabhāvaḥ, tatkathaṃ bhagavan bālapṛthagjanānāṃ vikalpavyāvṛttir bhaviṣyati āryabhāvavastvanavabodhāt? na ca te bhagavan viparyastāḥ nāviparyastāḥ |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta āryavastusvabhāvānavabodhāt sadasatorlakṣaṇasya vṛttidarśanāt |  āryair api bhagavan yathā vastu vikalpyate, na tathā bhavati svalakṣaṇaviṣayāgocaratvāt |  sa teṣām api bhagavan bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇaḥ parikalpitasvabhāva eva khyāyate hetvahetuvyapadeśāt |  yaduta bhāvasvalakṣaṇadṛṣṭipatitatvādanyeṣāṃ gocaro bhavati na yathā teṣām |  ityevamanavasthā prasajyate bhagavan bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇānavabodhāt |  na ca bhagavan parikalpitasvabhāvahetuko bhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇaḥ |  sa ca kathaṃ parikalpena prativikalpyamāno na tathā bhaviṣyati yathā parikalpyate? anyad eva bhagavan prativikalpasya lakṣaṇam, anyad eva svabhāvalakṣaṇam |  visadṛśahetuke ca bhagavan vikalpasvabhāvalakṣaṇe |  te ca parasparaṃ parikalpyamāne bālapṛthagjanair na tathā bhaviṣyataḥ |  kiṃ tu sattvānāṃ vikalpavyāvṛttyarthamidam ucyate |  yathā prativikalpena vikalpyante tathā na vidyante || 
kim idaṃ bhagavan sattvānāṃ tvayā nāstyastitvadṛṣṭiṃ vinivārya vastusvabhāvābhiniveśena āryajñānagocaraviṣayābhiniveśān nāstitvadṛṣṭiḥ punar nipātyate, viviktadharmopadeśābhāvaś ca kriyate āryajñānasvabhāvavastudeśanayā? bhagavān āha - na mayā mahāmate viviktadharmopadeśābhāvaḥ kriyate, na cāstitvadṛṣṭir nipātyate āryavastusvabhāvanirdeśena |  kiṃ tu utrāsapadavivarjanārthaṃ sattvānāṃ mahāmate mayā anādikālabhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇābhiniviṣṭānāmāryajñānavastusvabhāvābhiniveśalakṣaṇadṛṣṭyā viviktadharmopadeśaḥ kriyate |  na mayā mahāmate bhāvasvabhāvopadeśaḥ kriyate |  kiṃ tu mahāmate svayamevādhigatayāthātathyaviviktadharmavihāriṇo bhaviṣyanti |  bhrānter nirnimittadarśanāt svacittadṛśyamātramavatīrya bāhyadṛśyabhāvābhāvavinivṛttadṛṣṭayo vimokṣatrayādhigatayāthātathyaviviktadharmavihāriṇo bhaviṣyanti |  bhrānter nirnimittadṛṣṭayo vimokṣatrayādhigatayāthātathyamudrāsumudritā bhāvasvabhāveṣu pratyātmādhigatayā buddhyā pratyakṣavihāriṇo bhaviṣyanti nāstyastitvavastudṛṣṭivivarjitāḥ || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate anutpannāḥ sarvadharmā iti bodhisattvena mahāsattvena pratijñā na karaṇīyā |  tat kasya hetoḥ? pratijñāyāḥ sarvasvabhāvabhāvitvāttaddhetupravṛttilakṣaṇatvāc ca |  anutpannān (68,1) sarvadharmān pratijñāya pratibruvan mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ pratijñāyā hīyate |  yā pratijñā - anutpannāḥ sarvadharmā iti, sāsya pratijñā hīyate, pratijñāyāstadapekṣotpattitvāt |  atha sāpi pratijñā anutpannā sarvadharmābhyantarādanutpannalakṣaṇān utpattitvāt pratijñāyāḥ, anutpannāḥ sarvadharmā iti sa vādaḥ prahīyate |  pratijñāvayavakāraṇena sadasato ’n utpattiḥ pratijñāyāḥ |  sā hi mahāmate pratijñā sarvabhāvābhyantarā sadasatoran utpattilakṣaṇāt |  yadi mahāmate tayā pratijñayā anutpannayā anutpannāḥ sarvabhāvā iti pratijñāṃ kurvanti, evamapi pratijñāhāniḥ prasajyate |  pratijñāyāḥ sadasatoran utpattibhāvalakṣaṇatvāt pratijñā na karaṇīyā |  anutpannasvabhāvalakṣaṇā hi mahāmate teṣāṃ pratijñā bhavati |  atas te mahāmate pratijñā na karaṇīyā |  bahudoṣaduṣṭatvādavayavānāṃ parasparahetuvilakṣaṇakṛtakatvāc ca avayavānāṃ pratijñā na karaṇīyā - yaduta anutpannāḥ sarvadharmāḥ |  evaṃ śūnyā asvabhāvāḥ sarvadharmā iti mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena pratijñā na karaṇīyā |  kiṃ tu mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena māyāsvapnavatsarvabhāvopadeśaḥ karaṇīyo dṛśyādṛśyalakṣaṇatvāt |  dṛṣṭibuddhimohanatvāc ca sarvadharmāṇāṃ māyāsvapnavadbhāvopadeśaḥ karaṇīyo ’nyatra bālānāmutrāsapadavivarjanatayā |  bālāḥ pṛthagjanā hi mahāmate |  nāstyastitvadṛṣṭipatitānāṃ teṣām utrāsaḥ syān mā iti |  utrāsyamānā mahāmate dūrībhavanti mahāyānāt || 
tatredam ucyate - 
na svabhāvo na vijñaptir na vastu na ca ālayaḥ |
bālair vikalpitā hy ete śavabhūtaiḥ kutārkikaiḥ || 3.48 || 
anutpannāḥ sarvadharmāḥ sarvatīrthyaprasiddhaye |
na hi kasyacidutpannā bhāvā vai pratyayānvitāḥ || 3.49 || 
anutpannāḥ sarvadharmāḥ prajñayā na vikalpayet |
taddhetumattvāttatsiddher buddhisteṣāṃ prahīyate || 3.50 || 
keśoṇḍukaṃ yathā mithyā gṛhyate taimirair janaiḥ |
tathā bhāvavikalpo ’yaṃ mithyā bālair vikalpyate || 3.51 || 
prajñaptimātrātribhavaṃ nāsti vastusvabhāvataḥ |
prajñaptivastubhāvena kalpayiṣyanti tārkikāḥ || 3.52 || 
nimittaṃ vastu vijñaptiṃ manovispanditaṃ ca tat |
atikramya tu putrā me nirvikalpāś caranti te || 3.53 || 
ajale ca jalagrāho mṛgatṛṣṇā yathā nabhe |
dṛśyaṃ tathā hi bālānāmāryāṇāṃ ca viśeṣataḥ || 3.54 || 
āryāṇāṃ darśanaṃ śuddhaṃ vimokṣatrayasaṃbhavam |
utpādabhaṅganirmuktaṃ nirābhāsapracāriṇām || 3.55 || 
(69,1) nirābhāso hi bhāvānāmabhāve nāsti yoginām |
bhāvābhāvasamatvena āryāṇāṃ jāyate phalam |
kathaṃ hy abhāvo bhāvānāṃ kurute samatāṃ katham || 3.56 || 
yadā cittaṃ na jānāti bāhyamādhyātmikaṃ calam |
tadā tu kurute nāśaṃ samatācittadarśanam || 3.57 || 
punar api mahāmatir āha - yatpunaridamuktaṃ bhagavatā - yadā tvālambyamarthaṃ nopalabhate jñānaṃ tadā vijñaptimātravyavasthānaṃ bhavati |  vijñaptergrāhyābhāvādgrāhakasyāpyagrahaṇaṃ bhavati |  tadagrahaṇān na pravartate jñānaṃ vikalpasaṃśabditam |  tatkiṃ punar bhagavan bhāvānāṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇānanyavaicitryānavabodhān nopalabhate jñānam? atha svasāmānyalakṣaṇavaicitryabhāvasvabhāvābhibhavān nopalabhate jñānam |  atha kuḍyakaṭavapraprākārabhūjalapavanāgnivyavahitātidūrasāmīpyān nopalabhate jñānaṃ jñeyam |  atha bālāndhavṛddhayogādindriyāṇāṃ jñeyārthaṃ nopalabhate jñānam |  tadyadi bhagavan svasāmānyalakṣaṇānanyavaicitryānavabodhān nopalabhate jñānam, na tarhi bhagavan jñānaṃ vaktavyam |  ajñānametadbhagavan yadvidyamānamarthaṃ nopalabhate |  atha svasāmānyalakṣaṇavaicitryabhāvasvabhāvābhibhavān nopalabhate jñānam, tadajñānam eva bhagavan na jñānam |  jñeye sati bhagavan jñānaṃ pravartate nābhāvāt |  tadyogāc ca jñeyasya jñānamity ucyate |  atha kuḍyakaṭavapraprākārabhūjalapavanāgnivyavahitātidūrasāmīpyān nopalabhate bālavṛddhāndhayogavadvaikalyādindriyāṇāṃ jñānaṃ nopalabhate |  tadyadevaṃ nopalabhate, na tadbhagavan jñānam |  ajñānam eva tadvidyamānamarthaṃ buddhivaikalyāt || 
bhagavān āha - na hi tan mahāmate evamajñānaṃ bhavati |  jñānam eva tan mahāmate, nājñānam |  na caitatsaṃdhāyoktaṃ mayā - yadā tvālambyamarthaṃ nopalabhate jñānaṃ tadā vijñaptimātravyavasthānaṃ bhavatīti |  kiṃ tu svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhāt sadasator bāhyabhāvābhāvājjñānam apy arthaṃ nopalabhate |  tadanupalambhājjñānajñeyayor apravṛttiḥ |  vimokṣatrayānugamāj jñānasyāpyanupalabdhiḥ |  na ca tārkikā anādikālabhāvābhāvaprapañcavāsitamataya evaṃ prajānanti |  te cāprajānanto bāhyadravyasaṃsthānalakṣaṇabhāvābhāvaṃ kṛtvā vikalpasyāpravṛttiṃ cittamātratāṃ nirdekṣyanti |  ātmātmīyalakṣaṇagrāhābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭāḥ svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhājjñānaṃ jñeyaṃ prativikalpayanti |  te ca jñānajñeyaprativikalpanayā bāhyabhāvābhāvapravicayānupalabdherucchedadṛṣṭimāśrayante || 
tatredam ucyate - 
vidyamānaṃ hi ālambyaṃ yadi jñānaṃ na paśyati |
ajñānaṃ taddhi na jñānaṃ tārkikāṇām ayaṃ nayaḥ || 3.58 || 
ananyalakṣaṇābhāvājjñānaṃ yadi na paśyati |
vyavadhānadūrasāmīpyaṃ mithyājñānaṃ taducyate || 3.59 || 
(70,1) bālavṛddhāndhayogāc ca jñānaṃ yadi na jāyate |
vidyamānaṃ hi tajjñeyaṃ mithyājñānaṃ taducyate || 3.60 || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate bālapṛthagjanā anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyasvaprativikalpanā nāṭake nṛtyantaḥ svasiddhāntanayadeśanāyāmakuśalāḥ svacittadṛśyabāhyabhāvalakṣaṇābhiniviṣṭā upāyadeśanāpāṭhamabhiniviśante, na svasiddhāntanayaṃ cātuṣkoṭikanayaviśuddhaṃ prativibhāvayanti |  mahāmatir āha - evametadbhagavan yathā vadasi |  deśayatu me bhagavān deśanāsiddhāntanayalakṣaṇaṃ yena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā anāgate ’dhvani deśanāsiddhāntanayakuśalā na vipralabhyeran kutārkikaistīrthakaraśrāvakapratyekabuddhayānikaiḥ |  bhagavān āha - yena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - dviprakāro mahāmate atītānāgatapratyutpannānāṃ tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ dharmanayo yaduta deśanānayaś ca siddhāntapratyavasthānanayaś ca |  tatra deśanāpāṭhanayo mahāmate yaduta vicitrasaṃbhārasūtropadeśaḥ |  yathācittādhimuktikatayā deśayanti sattvebhyaḥ |  tatra siddhāntanayaḥ punar mahāmate katamaḥ? yena yoginaḥ svacittadṛśyavikalpavyāvṛttiṃ kurvanti yaduta ekatvānyatvobhayatvānubhayatvapakṣāpatanatācittamanomanovijñānātītaṃ svapratyātmāryagatigocaraṃ hetuyuktidṛṣṭilakṣaṇavinivṛttamanālīḍhaṃ sarvakutārkikaistīrthakaraśrāvakapratyekabuddhayānikair nāstyastitvāntadvayapatitaiḥ, tamahaṃ siddhānta iti vadāmi |  etan mahāmate siddhāntanayadeśanālakṣaṇaṃ yatra tvayā ca anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvairyogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ || 
tatredam ucyate - 
nayo hi dvividho mahyaṃ siddhānto deśanā ca vai |
deśemi yā bālānāṃ siddhāntaṃ yogināmaham || 3.61 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  uktametadbhagavaṃs tathāgatenārhatā samyaksaṃbuddhena ekasmin kāle ekasmin samaye yathā lokāyatiko vicitramantrapratibhāno na sevitavyo na bhaktavyo na paryupāsitavyaḥ, yaṃ ca sevamānasya lokāmiṣasaṃgraho bhavati na dharmasaṃgraha iti |  kiṃ kāraṇaṃ punar bhagavatedamuktaṃ lokāyatiko vicitramantrapratibhānaḥ, yaṃ ca sevamānasya lokāmiṣasaṃgraho bhavati na dharmasaṃgrahaḥ? bhagavān āha - vicitramantrapratibhāno mahāmate lokāyatiko vicitrairhetupadavyañjanair bālān vyāmohayati na yuktiyuktaṃ nārthopasaṃhitam |  atha yāvad eva yatkiṃcidbālapralāpaṃ deśayati |  etena mahāmate kāraṇena lokāyatiko vicitramantrapratibhāna ity ucyate |  akṣaravaicitryasauṣṭhavena bālānākarṣati, na tattvanayapraveśena praviśati |  svayaṃ sarvadharmānavabodhādantadvayapatitayā dṛṣṭyā bālān vyāmohayati, svātmānaṃ ca kṣiṇoti |  gatisaṃdhyapramuktatvāt svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhād bāhyabhāvasvabhāvābhiniveśādvikalpasya vyāvṛttir na bhavati |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate lokāyatiko (71,1) vicitramantrapratibhāno ’parimukta eva jātijarāvyādhimaraṇaśokaparidevaduḥkhadaurmanasyopāyāsādibhyo vicitraiḥ padavyañjanairhetudṛṣṭāntopasaṃhārair bālān vyāmohayati || 
indro ’pi mahāmate anekaśāstravidagdhabuddhiḥ svaśabdaśāstrapraṇetā |  tacchiṣyeṇa nāgaveśarūpadhāriṇā svarge indasabhāyāṃ pratijñāṃ kṛtvā tava vā sahasrāro ratho bhajyatāṃ mama vā ekaikanāgabhāvasya phaṇāc chedo bhavatv iti |  sahadharmeṇa ca nāgaveśadhāriṇā lokāyatikaśiṣyeṇa devānāmindraṃ vijitya sahasrāraṃ rathaṃ bhaṅktvā punarapīmaṃ lokamāgataḥ |  evamidaṃ mahāmate lokāyatikavicitrahetudṛṣṭāntopanibaddhaṃ yena tiryañco ’pyadhītya devāsuralokaṃ vicitrapadavyañjanair vyāmohayati |  āyavyayadṛṣṭābhiniveśenābhiniveśayati kimaṅga punar mānuṣān |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate lokāyatikaḥ parivarjitavyo duḥkhajanmahetuvāhakatvāt, na sevitavyo na bhajitavyo na paryupāsitavyaḥ |  śarīrabuddhiviṣayopalabdhimātraṃ hi mahāmate lokāyatikair deśyate vicitraiḥ padavyañjanaiḥ |  śatasahasraṃ mahāmate lokāyatam |  kiṃ tu paścime loke paścimāyāṃ pañcāśatyāṃ bhinnasaṃhitaṃ bhaviṣyati kutarkahetudṛṣṭipraṇītatvāt |  bhinnasaṃhitaṃ bhaviṣyatyaśiṣyaparigrahāt |  evad eva mahāmate lokāyataṃ bhinnasaṃhitaṃ vicitrahetūpanibaddhaṃ tīrthakarair deśyate svakāraṇābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭaiḥ, na svanayaḥ |  na ca mahāmate kasyacittīrthakarasya svaśāstranayaḥ |  anyatra lokāyatam eva anekair ākāraiḥ kāraṇamukhaśatasahasrair deśayanti |  na svanayaṃ ca na prajānanti mohohāllokāyatam idam iti || 
mahāmatir āha - yadi bhagavan sarvatīrthakarā lokāyatam eva vicitraiḥ padavyañjanair dṛṣṭāntopasaṃhārair deśayanti, na svanayaṃ svakāraṇābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭāḥ, atha kiṃ bhagavān api lokāyatam eva deśayati āgatāgatānāṃ nānādeśasaṃnipatitānāṃ devāsuramanuṣyāṇāṃ vicitraiḥ padavyañjanaiḥ, na svamataṃ sarvatīrthyamatopadeśābhyantaratvāt? bhagavān āha - nāhaṃ mahāmate lokāyataṃ deśayāmi na cāyavyayam |  kiṃ tu mahāmate anāyavyayaṃ deśayāmi |  tatra āyo nāma mahāmate utpādarāśiḥ samūhāgamādutpadyate |  tatra vyayo nāma mahāmate vināśaḥ |  anāyavyaya ityanutpādasyaitad adhivacanam |  nāhaṃ mahāmate sarvatīrthakaravikalpābhyantaraṃ deśayāmi |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta bāhyabhāvābhāvādanabhiniveśāt svacittadṛśyamātrāvasthānād didhāvṛttino ’pravṛttervikalpasya |  nimittagocarābhāvāt svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhanāt svacittadṛśyavikalpo na pravartate |  apravṛttivikalpasyānimittaśūnyatāpraṇihitavimokṣatrayāvatārān mukta ity ucyate || 
abhijānāmyahaṃ mahāmate anyatarasmin pṛthivīpradeśe viharāmi |  atha yenāhaṃ tena lokāyatiko brāhmaṇa upasaṃkrāntaḥ |  upasaṃkramya akṛtāvakāśa eva māmevamāha - sarvaṃ bho gautama kṛtakam |  tasyāhaṃ mahāmate evamāha - sarvaṃ bho brāhmaṇa yadi kṛtakam, idaṃ prathamaṃ lokāyatam |  sarvaṃ bho gautama akṛtakam |  yadi brāhmaṇa sarvamakṛtakam , idaṃ dvitīyaṃ lokāyatam |  evaṃ sarvamanityaṃ sarvaṃ nityaṃ sarvamutpādyaṃ sarvamanutpādyam |  idaṃ brāhmaṇa ṣaṣṭhaṃ (72,1) lokāyatam |  punar api mahāmate māmevamāha brāhmaṇo lokāyatikaḥ - sarvaṃ bho gautama ekatvaṃ sarvamanyatvaṃ sarvamubhayatvaṃ sarvamanubhayatvaṃ sarvaṃ kāraṇādhīnaṃ vicitrahetūipapattidarśanāt |  idamapi brāhmaṇa ekādaśaṃ lokāyatam |  punar api bho gautama sarvamavyākṛtaṃ sarvaṃ vyākṛtam, astyātmā nāstyātmā, astyayaṃ loko nāstyayaṃ lokaḥ,asti paro loko nāsti paro lokaḥ, nāstyasti ca paro lokaḥ, asti mokṣo nāsti mokṣaḥ, sarvaṃ kṣaṇikaṃ sarvamakṣaṇikam, ākāśamapratisaṃkhyānirodho nirvāṇaṃ bho gautama kṛtakamakṛtakam, astyantarābhavo nāstyantarābhava iti |  tasyaitaduktaṃ mahāmate mahā - yadi bho brāhmaṇa evam, idamapi brāhmaṇa lokāyatam eva bhavatīti, na madīyam |  tvadīyametadbrāhmaṇa lokāyatam |  ahaṃ bho brāhmaṇa anādikālaprapañcavikalpavāsanādauṣṭhulyahetukaṃ tribhavaṃ varṇayāmi |  svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhād brāhmaṇa vikalpaḥ pravartate na bāhyabhāvopalambhāt |  yathā tīrthakarāṇām ātmendriyārthasaṃnikarṣātrayāṇāṃ na tathā mama |  ahaṃ bhe brāhmaṇa na hetuvādī nāhetuvādī anyatra vikalpam eva grāhyagrāhakabhāvena prajñāpya pratītyasamutpādaṃ deśayāmi |  na ca tvādṛśā anye vā budhyante ātmagrāhapatitayā saṃtatyā |  nirvāṇākāśanirodhānāṃ mahāmate tattvam eva nopalabhyate saṃkhyāyām, kutaḥ punaḥ kṛtakatvam || 
punar api mahāmate lokāyatiko brāhmaṇa evamāha - ajñānatṛṣṇākarmahetukamidaṃ bho gautama tribhavam, athāhetukam? dvayam apy etadbrāhmaṇa lokāyatam |  svasāmānyalakṣaṇapatitā bho gautama sarvabhāvāḥ |  idamapi brāhmaṇa lokāyatam eva bhavati |  yāvadbrāhmaṇa manovispanditaṃ bāhyārthābhiniveśavikalpasya tāvallokāyatam || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate lokāyatiko brāhmaṇo māmetad avocat - asti bho gautama kiṃcidyanna lokāyatam? madīyam eva bho gautama sarvatīrthakaraiḥ prasiddhaṃ vicitraiḥ padavyañjanairhetudṛṣṭāntopasaṃhārair deśyate |  asti bho brāhmaṇa yanna tvadīyaṃ na ca na prasiddhaṃ deśyate na ca na vicitraiḥ padavyañjanair na ca nārthopasaṃhitam eva |  kiṃ tadalokāyataṃ yanna prasiddhaṃ deśyate ca? asti ca bho brāhmaṇa alokāyataṃ yatra sarvatīrthakarāṇāṃ tava ca buddhir na gāhate bāhyabhāvādasadbhūtavikalpaprapañcābhiniviṣṭānām |  yaduta vikalpasyāpravṛttiḥ sadasataḥ svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhādvikalpo na pravartate |  bāhyaviṣayagrahaṇābhāvādvikalpaḥ svasthāne ’vatiṣṭhate dṛśyate |  tenedamalokāyataṃ madīyaṃ na ca tvadīyam |  svasthāne ’vatiṣṭhata iti na pravartata ityarthaḥ |  an utpattivikalpasyāpravṛttirity ucyate |  evamidaṃ bho brāhmaṇa yanna lokāyatam |  saṃkṣepato brāhmaṇa yatra vijñānasyāgatirgatiścyutirupapattiḥ prārthanābhiniveśābhiṣvaṅgo darśanaṃ dṛṣṭiḥ sthānaṃ parāmṛṣṭirvicitralakṣaṇābhiniveśaḥ saṃgatiḥ sattvānāṃ tṛṣṇāyāḥ kāraṇābhiniveśaś ca |  etadbho brāhmaṇa tvadīyaṃ lokāyataṃ na madīyam |  evamahaṃ mahāmate pṛṣṭo lokāyatikena brāhmaṇenāgatya |  sa ca mayaivaṃ visarjitastūṣṇībhāvena prakrāntaḥ || 
(73,1) atha khalu kṛṣṇapakṣiko nāgarājo brāhmaṇarūpeṇāgatya bhagavantam etad avocat - tena hi gautama paraloka eva na saṃvidyate |  tena hi māṇava kutastvamāgataḥ? ihāhaṃ gautama śvetadvīpādāgataḥ |  sa eva brāhmaṇa paro lokaḥ |  atha māṇavo niṣpratibhāno nigṛhīto ’ntarhito ’pṛṣṭvaiva māṃ svanayapratyavasthānakathāṃ cintayan śākyaputro mannayabahirdhā varāko ’pravṛttilakṣaṇahetuvādī svavikalpadṛśyalakṣaṇāvabodhādvikalpasyāpravṛttiṃ varṇayati |  tvaṃ caitarhi mahāmate māṃ pṛcchasi - kiṃ kāraṇaṃ lokāyatikavicitramantrapratibhānaṃ sevyamānasyāmiṣasaṃgraho bhavati na dharmasaṃgraha iti |  mahāmatir āha - atha dharmāmiṣam iti bhagavan kaḥ padārthaḥ? bhagavān āha - sādhu sādhu mahāmate |  padārthadvayaṃ prati mīmāṃsā pravṛttā anāgatāṃ janatāṃ samālokya |  tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasi kuru |  bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt || 
bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - tatra āmiṣaṃ mahāmate katamat? yaduta āmiṣamāmṛśamākarṣaṇaṃ nirmṛṣaṃ parāmṛṣṭiḥ svādo bāhyaviṣayābhiniveśo ’ntadvayapraveśaḥ |  kudṛṣṭyā punaḥ skandhaprādurbhāvo jātijarāvyādhimaraṇaśokaparidevaduḥkhadaurmanasyopāyāsapravṛttistṛṣṇāyāḥ paunarbhavikyā ādiṃ kṛtvā |  āmiṣamidamity ucyate mayā ca anyaiś ca buddhair bhagavadbhiḥ |  eṣa mahāmate āmiṣasaṃgraho na dharmasaṃgraho yaṃ lokāyatikaṃ sevamāno labhate lokāyatam || 
tatra mahāmate dharmasaṃgrahaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta svacittadharmanairātmyadvayāva - bodhād dharmapudgalanairātmyalakṣaṇadarśanādvikalpasyāpravṛttiḥ, bhūmyuttaroparijñānāc cittamanomanovijñānavyāvṛttiḥ, sarvabuddhajñānābhiṣekagatiḥ anadhiṣṭhāpadaparigrahaḥ sarvadharmānābhogavaśavartitā dharma ity ucyate, sarvadṛṣṭiprapañcavikalpabhāvāntadvayāpatanatayā |  prāyeṇa hi mahāmate tīrthakaravādo bālānantadvaye pātayati na tu viduṣām, yaduta ucchede ca śāśvate ca |  ahetuvādaparigrahāc chāśvatadṛṣṭir bhavati, kāraṇavināśahetvabhāvāducchedadṛṣṭir bhavati |  kiṃ tu utpādasthitibhaṅgadarśanād dharma ity evaṃ vadāmi |  eṣa mahāmate dharmāmiṣanirṇayaḥ, yatra tvayā anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvaiḥ śikṣitavyam || 
tatredam ucyate - 
saṃgrahaiś ca dametsattvān śīlena ca vaśīkaret |
prajñayā nāśayeddṛṣṭiṃ vimokṣaiś ca vivardhayet || 3.62 || 
lokāyatamidaṃ sarvaṃ yattīrthyair deśyate mṛṣā |
kāryakāraṇasaddṛṣṭyā svasiddhānto na vidyate || 3.63 || 
ahamekaḥ svasiddhāntaṃ kāryakāraṇavarjitam |
deśemi śiṣyavargasya lokāyatavivarjitam || 3.64 || 
cittamātraṃ na dṛśyo ’sti dvidhā cittaṃ hi dṛśyate |
grāhyagrāhakabhāvena śāśvatocchedavarjitam || 3.65 || 
(74,1) yāvatpravartate cittaṃ tāvallokāyataṃ bhavet |
apravṛttirvikalpasya svacittaṃ paśyate jagat || 3.66 || 
āyaṃ kāryārthanirvṛttiṃ vyayaṃ kāryasya darśanam |
āyavyayaparijñānādvikalpo na pravartate || 3.67 || 
nityamanityaṃ kṛtakamakṛtakaṃ parāparam |
evamādyāni sarvāṇi lokāyatanayaṃ bhavet || 3.68 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  nirvāṇaṃ nirvāṇam iti bhagavann ucyate |  kasyaitad adhivacanaṃ yaduta nirvāṇam iti yatsarvatīrthakarair vikalpyate? bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu va suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  yathā tīrthakarā nirvāṇaṃ vikalpayanti, na ca bhavati teṣāṃ vikalpānurupaṃ nirvāṇam |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - tatra kecittāvan mahāmate tīrthakarāḥ skandhadhātvāyatananirodhādviṣayavairāgyān nivaidharmyādarśanāc cittacaittakalāpo na pravartate |  atītānāgatapratyutpannaviṣayānanusmaraṇād dīpabījānalavadupādānoparamād apravṛttirvikalpasyeti varṇayanti |  atas teṣāṃ tatra nirvāṇabuddhir bhavati | na ca mahāmate vināśadṛṣṭyā nirvāyate || 
anye punar deśāntarasthānagamanaṃ mokṣa iti varṇayanti viṣayavikalpoparamādiṣu pavanavat |  anye punarvarṇayanti tīrthakarāḥ buddhiboddhavyadarśanavināśān mokṣa iti |  anye vikalpasyāpravṛtter nityānityadarśanān mokṣaṃ kalpayanti |  anye punarvarṇayanti vividhanimittavikalpo duḥkhajanmavāhaka iti svacittadṛśyamātrākuśalāḥ |  nimittabhayabhītā nimittadarśanāt sukhābhilāṣanimitte nirvāṇabuddhayo bhavanti |  anye punaradhyātmabāhyānāṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ svasāmānyalakṣaṇāvabodhādavināśato ’tītānāgatapratyutpannabhāvāstitayā 
nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye punarātmasattvajīvapoṣapuruṣapudgalasarvadharmāvināśataś ca nirvāṇaṃ kalpayati |  anye punar mahāmate tīrthakarā durvidagdhabuddhayaḥ prakṛtipuruṣāntaradarśanādguṇapariṇāmakartṛtvāc ca nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye puṇyāpuṇyaparikṣayāt |  anye kleśakṣayājjñānena ca |  anye īśvarasvatantrakartṛtvadarśanājjagato nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye anyonyapravṛtto ’yaṃ saṃbhavo jagata iti na kāraṇataḥ |  sa ca kāraṇābhiniveśa eva, na cāvabudhyante mohāt, tadanavabodhān nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye punar mahāmate tīrthakarāḥ satyamārgādhigamān nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye guṇaguṇinorabhisaṃbaddhādekatvānyatvobhayatvānubhayatvadarśanān nirvāṇabuddhayo bhavanti |  anye svabhāvataḥ pravṛttito mayūravaicitryavividharatnākarakaṇṭakataikṣṇyavadbhāvānāṃ svabhāvaṃ dṛṣṭvā nirvāṇaṃ vikalpayanti |  anye punar mahāmate pañcaviṃśatitattvāvabodhāt, anye prajāpālena ṣāḍguṇyopadeśagrahaṇān nirvāṇaṃ (75,1) kalpayanti |  anye kālakartṛdarśanātkālāyattā lokapravṛttir iti tadavabodhān nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye punar mahāmate bhavena, anye ’bhavena, anye bhavābhavaparijñayā, anye bhavanirvāṇāviśeṣadarśanena nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  anye punar mahāmate varṇayanti sarvajñasiṃhanādanādino yathā svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhād bāhyabhāvābhāvānabhiniveśāccātuṣkoṭikarahitād yathābhūtāvasthānadarśanāt svacittadṛśyavikalpasyāntadvayāpatanatayā grāhyagrāhakānupalabdheḥ sarvapramāṇāgrahaṇāpravṛttidarśanāttattvasya vyāmohakatvādagrahaṇaṃ tattvasya, tadvyudāsāt svapratyātmāryadharmādhigamān nairātmyadvayāvabodhātkleśadvayavinivṛtterāvaraṇadvayaviśuddhatvād bhūmyuttarottara tathāgatabhūmimāyādiviśvasamādhicittamanomanovijñānavyāvṛtter nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  evamanyānyapi yāni tārkikaiḥ kutīrthyapraṇītāni tānyayuktiyuktāni vidvadbhiḥ parivarjitāni |  sarve ’pyete mahāmate antadvayapatitayā saṃtatyā nirvāṇaṃ kalpayanti |  evamādibhirvikalpair mahāmate sarvatīrthakarair nirvāṇaṃ parikalpyate |  na cātra kaścitpravartate vā nivartate vā |  ekaikasya mahāmate tīrthakarasya nirvāṇaṃ tatsvaśāstramatibuddhyā parīkṣyamāṇaṃ vyabhicarati |  tathā na tiṣṭhate yathā tair vikalpyate |  manasa āgatigativispandanān nāsti kasyacinnirvāṇam |  atra tvayā mahāmate śikṣitvā anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvaiḥ sarvatīrthakaranirvāṇadṛṣṭirvyāvartanīyā || 
tatredam ucyate - 
nirvāṇadṛṣṭayastīrthyā vikalpenti pṛthakpṛthak |
kalpanāmātramevaiṣāṃ mokṣopāyo na vidyate || 3.69 || 
bandhyabandhananirmuktā upāyaiś ca vivarjitāḥ |
tīrthyā mokṣaṃ vikalpenti na ca mokṣo hi vidyate || 3.70 || 
anekabhedabhinno hi tīrthyānāṃ dṛśyate nayaḥ |
atasteṣāṃ na mokṣo ’sti kasmān mūḍhair vikalpyate || 3.71 || 
kāryakāraṇadur duṣṭyā tīrthyāḥ sarve vimohitāḥ |
atasteṣāṃ na mokṣo ’sti sadasatpakṣavādinām || 3.72 || 
jalpaprapañcābhiratā hi bālāstattve na kurvanti matiṃ viśālām |
jalpo hi traidhātukaduḥkhayonistattvaṃ hi duḥkhasya vināśahetuḥ || 3.73 || 
yathā hi darpaṇe rūpaṃ dṛśyate na ca vidyate |
vāsanādarpaṇe cittaṃ dvidhā dṛśyati bāliśaiḥ || 3.74 || 
cittadṛśyāparijñānādvikalpo jāyate dvidhā |
cittadṛśyaparijñānādvikalpo na pravartate || 3.75 || 
(76,1) cittam eva bhaveccitraṃ lakṣyalakṣaṇavarjitam |
dṛśyākāraṃ na dṛśyo ’sti yathā bālair vikalpyate || 3.76 || 
vikalpamātraṃ tribhavaṃ bāhyamarthaṃ na vidyate |
vikalpaṃ dṛśyate citraṃ na ca bālair vibhāvyate || 3.77 || 
sūtre sūtre vikalpoktaṃ saṃjñānāmāntareṇa ca |
abhidhānavinirmuktamabhidheyaṃ na lakṣyate || 3.78 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat - deśayatu me bhagavāṃs tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ svabuddhabuddhatām, yena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvās tathāgatasvakuśalāḥ svamātmānaṃ parāṃś cāvabodhayeyuḥ |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate tvam eva paripṛccha |  yathā te kṣamate, tathā visarjayiṣyāmi |  mahāmatir āha - kiṃ punar bhagavan tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho ’kṛtakaḥ kṛtakaḥ kāryaṃ kāraṇaṃ lakṣyaṃ lakṣaṇamabhidhānamabhidheyaṃ buddhir boddhavyaḥ, evamādyaiḥ padaniruktaiḥ kiṃ bhagavānanyo ’nanyaḥ? 
bhagavān āha - na mahāmate tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddha evamādyaiḥ padaniruktair akṛtako na kṛtakaṃ na kāryaṃ na kāraṇam |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta ubhayadoṣaprasaṅgāt |  yadi hi mahāmate tathāgataḥ kṛtakaḥ syāt, anityatvaṃ syāt |  anityatvāt sarvaṃ hi kāryaṃ tathāgataḥ syāt |  aniṣṭaṃ caitanmama ca anyeṣāṃ ca tathāgatānām |  athākṛtakaḥ syāt, alabdhātmakatvāt samudāgatasaṃbhāravaiyarthyaṃ syāt, śaśaviṣāṇavadvandhyāputratulyaś ca syād akṛtakatvāt |  yacca mahāmate na kāryaṃ na kāraṇaṃ tanna sannāsat |  yacca na sannāsat, taccātuṣkoṭikabāhyam |  cātuṣkoṭikaṃ ca mahāmate lokavyavahāraḥ |  yacca cātuṣkoṭikabāhyaṃ tadvāgmātraṃ prasajyate vandhyāputravat |  vandhyāputro hi mahāmate vāgmātraṃ na cātuṣkoṭikapatitaḥ |  apatitatvādapramāṇaṃ viduṣām |  evaṃ sarva tathāgatapadārthā vidvadbhiḥ pratyavagantavyāḥ |  yad apy uktaṃ mayā nirātmānaḥ sarvadharmā iti, tasyāpyarthaṃ niboddhavyaṃ mahāmate |  nirātmabhāvo mahāmate nairātmyam |  svātmanā sarvadharmā vidyante na parātmanā gośvavat |  tadyathā mahāmate na gobhāvo ’śvātmako na cāśvabhāvo gavātmakaḥ, na sannāsat, na ca tau svalakṣaṇato na, vidyete eva tau svalakṣaṇataḥ, evam eva mahāmate sarvadharmā na ca svalakṣaṇena na saṃvidyante |  vidyanta eva |  tena ca bālapṛthagjanair nirātmārthatā avabudhyate vikalpam upādāya, na tvavikalpam |  evaṃ śūnyānutpādāsvābhāvyaṃ sarvadharmaṇāṃ pratyavagantavyam |  evaṃ skandhebhyo nānyo nānanyas tathāgataḥ |  yadyananyaḥ skandhebhyaḥ syāt, anityaḥ syāt kṛtatvāt skandhānām |  athānyaḥ syāt, dvaye satyanyathā bhavati goviṣāṇavat || 
tatra sādṛśyadarśanādananyatvaṃ hrasvadīrghadarśanādanyatvaṃ sarvabhāvānām |  dakṣiṇaṃ hi mahāmate goviṣāṇaṃ vāmasyānyad bhavati, vāmam api dakṣiṇasya |  evaṃ hrasvadīrghatvayoḥ parasparataḥ |  (77,1) evaṃ varṇavaicitryataś ca |  ataś cāparasparato ’nyaḥ |  na cānyas tathāgataḥ skandhadhātvāyanebhyaḥ |  evaṃ vimokṣāt tathāgato nānyo nānanyaḥ |  tathāgata eva mokṣaśabdena deśyate |  yadi anyaḥ syān mokṣāt tathāgataḥ, rūpalakṣaṇayuktaḥ syāt |  rūpalakṣaṇayuktatvād anityaḥ syāt |  athānanyaḥ syāt, prāptilakṣaṇavibhāgo na syād yoginām |  dṛṣṭaś ca mahāmate vibhāgo yogibhiḥ |  ato nānyo nānanyaḥ |  evaṃ jñānaṃ jñeyān nānyannānanyat |  yaddhi mahāmate na nityaṃ nānityaṃ na kāryaṃ na kāraṇaṃ na saṃskṛtaṃ nāsaṃskṛtaṃ na buddhir na boddhavyaṃ na lakṣyaṃ na lakṣaṇaṃ na skandhā na skandhebhyo ’nyat nābhidheyaṃ nābhidhānaṃ naikatvānyatvobhayatvānubhayatvasaṃbaddham, tatsarvapramāṇavinivṛttam |  yatsarvapramāṇavinivṛttaṃ tadvāṅbhātraṃ saṃpadyate |  yadvāṅbhātraṃ tadanutpannam |  yadanutpannaṃ tadaniruddham |  yadaniruddhaṃ tadākāśasamam |  ākāśaṃ ca mahāmate na kāryaṃ na kāraṇam |  yacca na kāryaṃ na kāraṇaṃ tannirālambyam |  yannirālambyaṃ tatsarvaprapañcātītam |  yatsarvaprapañcātītaṃ sa tathāgataḥ |  etad dhi mahāmate samyaksaṃbuddhatvam |  eṣā sā buddhabuddhatā sarvapramāṇendriyavinivṛttā || 
tatredam ucyate - 
pramāṇendriyanirmuktaṃ na kāryaṃ nāpi kāraṇam |
buddhiboddhavyarahitaṃ lakṣyalakṣaṇavarjitam || 3.79 || 
skandhān pratītya saṃbuddho na dṛṣṭaḥ kenacitkvacit |
yo na dṛṣṭaḥ kvacitkenacitkathaṃ tasya vibhāvanā || 3.80 || 
na kṛtako nākṛtako na kāryaṃ nāpi kāraṇam |
na ca skandhā na cāskandhā na cāpy anyatra saṃkarāt || 3.81 || 
na hi yo yena bhāvena kalpyamāno na dṛśyate |
na taṃ nāsty eva gantavyaṃ dharmāṇām eva dharmatā || 3.82 || 
astitvapūrvakaṃ nāsti asti nāstitvapūrvakam |
ato nāsti na gantavyamastitvaṃ na ca kalpayet || 3.83 || 
ātmanairātmyasaṃmūḍhād dhoṣamātrāvalambinaḥ |
antadvayanimagnāste naṣṭā nāśenti bāliśān || 3.84 || 
sarvadoṣavinirmuktaṃ yadā paśyanti mannayam |
tadā samyakprapaśyanti na te dūṣenti nāyakān || 3.85 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  deśayatu me bhagavān, deśayatu sugataḥ, yaddeśanāpāṭhe bhagavatā anirodhānutpādagrahaṇaṃ kṛtam |  uktaṃ ca tvayā yathā tathāgatasyaitad adhivacanamanirodhānutpāda iti |  tatkimayaṃ bhagavan abhāvo ’nirodhānutpādaḥ, uta tathāgatasyaitatparyāyāntaram? yad bhagavān evam āha - aniruddhā anutpannāś ca bhagavatā (78,1) sarvadharmā deśyante sadasatpakṣādarśanāt |  yadyanutpannāḥ sarvadharmā iti bhagavan dharmagrahaṇaṃ na prāpnoti, ajātatvāt sarvadharmāṇām |  atha paryāyāntarametatkasyaciddharmasya, taducyatāṃ bhagavan |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - na hi mahāmate abhāvas tathāgato na ca sarvadharmāṇām anirodhānutpādagrahaṇam |  na pratyayo ’pekṣitavyo na ca nirarthakam anutpādagrahaṇaṃ kriyate mayā |  kiṃ tu mahāmate manomayadharmakāyasya tathāgatasyaitad adhivacanaṃ yatra sarvatīrthakaraśrāvakapratyekabuddhasaptabhūmipratiṣṭhitānāṃ ca bodhisattvānāmaviṣayaḥ |  so ’nutpādas tathāgatasya |  etan mahāmate paryāyavacanam |  tadyathā mahāmate indraḥ śakraḥ puraṃdaraḥ, hasyaḥ karaḥ pāṇiḥ, tanur dehaṃ śarīram, pṛthivī bhūmirvasuṃdharā, khamākāśaṃ gaganam |  ityevamādyānāṃ bhāvānāmekaikasya bhāvasya bahavaḥ paryāyavācakāḥ śabdā bhavanti vikalpitāḥ |  na caiṣāṃ nāmabahutvād bhāvabahutvaṃ vikalpyate |  na ca svabhāvo na bhavati |  evaṃ mahāmate ahamapi sahāyāṃ lokadhātau tribhir nāmāsaṃkhyeyaśatasahasrair bālānāṃ śravaṇāvabhāsam āgacchāmi |  taiś cābhilapanti mām, na ca prajānanti tathāgatasyaite nāmaparyāyā iti |  tatra kecin mahāmate tathāgatam iti māṃ saṃprajānanti |  kecit svayaṃbhuvam iti |  nāyakaṃ vināyakaṃ pariṇāyakaṃ buddhamṛṣiṃ vṛṣabhaṃ brahmāṇaṃ viṣṇumīśvaraṃ pradhānaṃ kapilaṃ bhūtāntamariṣṭaneminaṃ somaṃ bhāskaraṃ rāmaṃ vyāsaṃ śukamindraṃ baliṃ varuṇam iti caike saṃjānanti |  apare anirodhānutpādaṃ śūnyatāṃ tathatāṃ satyatāṃ bhūtatāṃ bhūtakoṭiṃ dharmadhātuṃ nirvāṇaṃ nityaṃ samatāmadvayamanirodhamanimittaṃ pratyayaṃ buddhahetūpadeśaṃ vimokṣaṃ mārgasatyāni sarvajñaṃ jinaṃ manomayam iti caike saṃjānanti |  evamādibhir mahāmate paripūrṇaṃ tribhir nāmāsaṃkhyeyaśatasahasrair anūnair anadhikair ihānyeṣu ca lokadhātuṣu māṃ janāḥ saṃjānante udakacandra ivāpraviṣṭanirgatam |  na ca bālā avabudhyante dvayāntapatitayā saṃtatyā |  atha ca satkurvanti gurukurvanti mānayanti pūjayanti ca māṃ padārthaniruktyakuśalā abhinnasaṃjñāḥ, na svanayaṃ prajānantiṃ deśanārutapāṭhābhiniviṣṭāḥ |  anirodhānutpādamabhāvaṃ kalpayiṣyanti na ca tathāgatanāmapadaparyāyāntaramindraśakrapuraṃdaraṃ na svanayapratyavasthānapāṭhamadhimokṣanti, yathārutārthapāṭhānusāritvāt sarvadharmāṇām |  evaṃ ca mahāmate vakṣyanti te mohapuruṣāḥ - yathāruta evārthaḥ, ananyo ’rtho rutād iti |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta arthasyāśarīratvād rutādanyo ’rtho na bhavati |  kiṃ tu rutam evārtha iti rutasvabhāvāparijñānād avidagdhabuddhayaḥ |  na tv evaṃ jñāsyanti mahāmate yathā rutamutpannapradhvaṃsi, artho ’nutpannapradhvaṃsī |  rutaṃ mahāmate akṣarapatitam, artho ’nakṣarapatitaḥ |  bhāvābhāvavivarjitatvādajanmāśarīram |  na ca mahāmate tathāgatā akṣarapatitaṃ dharmaṃ deśayanti |  akṣarāṇāṃ sadasato ’nupalabdheḥ |  anyatra akṣarapatitāśayaḥ punar mahāmate yo ’kṣarapatitaṃ dharmaṃ deśayati, sa ca pralapati, nirakṣaratvād dharmasya |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate uktaṃ deśanāpāṭhe mayā anyaiś ca buddhabodhisattvaiḥ yathaikam apy akṣaraṃ tathāgatā nodāharanti na pratyāharantīti |  tatkasya (79,1) hetoḥ? yaduta anakṣaratvād dharmāṇām |  na ca nārthopasaṃhitam udāharanti |  udāharanty eva vikalpam upādāya |  anupādānān mahāmate sarvadharmāṇāṃ śāsanalopaḥ syāt |  śāsanānāṃ lopāc ca buddhapratyekabuddhaśrāvakabodhisattvānāmabhāvaḥ syāt |  tadabhāvātkiṃ kasya deśyeta? ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena deśanāpāṭharutānabhiniviṣṭena bhavitavyam |  sa vyabhicārī mahāmate deśanāpāṭhaḥ |  sattvāśayapravṛttatvān nānādhimuktikānāṃ sattvānāṃ dharmadeśanā kriyate cittamanomanovijñānavyāvṛttyarthaṃ mayā anyaiś ca tathāgatair arhadbhiḥ samyaksaṃbuddhaiḥ, na svapratyātmāryajñānādhigamapratyavasthānāt sarvadharmanirābhāasasvacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhād dvidhāvikalpasya vyāvṛttitaḥ |  arthapratiśaraṇena mahāmate bodhisattvena mahāsattvena bhavitavyaṃ na vyañjanapratiśaraṇena |  vyañjanānusārī mahāmate kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā svātmānaṃ ca nāśayati, parārthāṃś ca nāvabodhayati |  kudṛṣṭipatitayā saṃtatyā svapakṣaṃ vibhrāmyate kutīrthakaiḥ sarvadharmabhūmisvalakṣaṇākuśalaiḥ padaniruktyanabhijñaiḥ || 
atha sarvadharmabhūmisvalakṣaṇakuśalā bhavanti padaparyāyaniruktigatiṃgatā bhāvārthayuktikuśalāḥ |  tataḥ svātmānaṃ ca samyaganimittasukhena prīṇayanti, parāṃś ca samyaṅmahāyāne pratiṣṭhāpayanti |  mahāyāne ca mahāmate samyakparigṛhyamāṇe buddhaśrāvakapratyekabuddhabodhisattvānāṃ parigrahaḥ kṛto bhavati |  buddhabodhisattvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhaparigrahāt sarvasattvaparigrahaḥ kṛto bhavati |  sarvasattvaparigrahāt saddharmaparigrahaḥ kṛto bhavati |  saddharmaparigrahāc ca mahāmate buddhavaṃśasyānupacchedaḥ kṛto bhavati |  buddhavaṃśasyānupacchedādāyatanaviśeṣapratilambhāḥ prajñāyante |  atasteṣu viśiṣṭāyatanapratilambheṣu bodhisattvā mahāsattvā upapattiṃ parigṛhya mahāyāne pratiṣṭhāpanatayā daśavaśitāvicitrarūpaveśadhāriṇo bhūtvā sattvaviśeṣānuśayalakṣaṇagatibhūtās tathātvāya dharmaṃ deśayanti || 
tatra tathātvamananyathātvaṃ tattvam |  anāyūhāniryūhalakṣaṇaṃ sarvaprapañcopaśamaṃ tattvamity ucyate |  tena na mahāmate kulaputreṇa vā kuladuhitrā vā yathārutārthābhiniveśakuśalena bhavitavyam |  nirakṣaratvāttattvasya |  na cāṅguliprekṣakeṇa bhavitavyam |  tadyathā mahāmate aṅgulyā kaś citkasyacitkiṃcidādarśayet |  sa cāṅgulyagram eva pratiseradvīkṣitum |  evam eva mahāmate bālajātīyā iva bālapṛthagjanavargā yathārutāṅgulyagrābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭā eva kālaṃ kariṣyanti, na yathārutāṅgulyagrārthaṃ hitvā paramārthamāgamiṣyanti |  tadyathā mahāmate annaṃ bhojyaṃ bālānāṃ ca kaścidanabhisaṃskṛtaṃ paribhoktum |  atha kaścidanabhisaṃskṛtaṃ paribhuñjīta, sa unmatta iti vikalpyeta anupūrvasaṃskārānavabodhādannasya, evam eva mahāmate anutpādo ’nirodho nānabhisaṃskṛtaḥ śobhate |  avaśyamevātrābhisaṃskāreṇa bhavitavyam, na cātmānam aṅgulyagragrahaṇārthadarśanavat |  ata etena kāraṇena mahāmate arthābhiyogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ |  artho mahāmate vivikto nirvāṇahetuḥ |  rutaṃ vikalpasaṃbaddhaṃ saṃsārāvāhakam |  arthaś ca mahāmate bahuśrutānāṃ (80,1) sakāśāllabhyate |  bāhuśrutyaṃ ca nāma mahāmate yaduta arthakauśalyaṃ na rutakauśalyam |  tatrārthakauśalyaṃ yatsarvatīrthakaravādāsaṃsṛṣṭaṃ darśanam |  yathā svayaṃ ca na patati parāṃś ca na pātayati |  evaṃ satyarthe mahāmate bāhuśrutyaṃ bhavati |  tasmād arthakāmena te sevanīyāḥ |  ato viparītā ye yathārutārthābhiniviṣṭāste varjanīyāstattvānveṣiṇā || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmatir buddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhita evam āha - na bhagavatā anirodhānutpādadarśanena kiṃcidviśiṣyate |  tat kasya hetoḥ? sarvatīrthakarāṇām api bhagavan kāraṇānyanutpannānyaniruddhāni |  tavāpi bhagavan ākāśamapratisaṃkhyānirodho nirvāṇadhātuścānirodho ’nutpannaḥ |  tīrthakarā api bhagavan kāraṇapratyayahetukīṃ jagata utpattiṃ varṇayanti |  bhagavān api ajñānatṛṣṇākarmavikalpapratyayebhyo jagata utpattiṃ varṇayati |  tasyaiva kāraṇasya saṃjñāntaraviśeṣamutpādya pratyayā iti |  evaṃ bāhyaiḥ pratyayair bāhyānām |  te ca tvaṃ ca bhāvānāmutpattaye |  ato nirviśiṣṭo ’yaṃ bhagavan vādastīrthakaravādena bhavati |  aṇupradhāneśvaraprajāpatiprabhṛtayo navadravyasahitā aniruddhā anutpannāḥ |  tavāpi bhagavan sarvabhāvā anutpannāniruddhāḥ sadasato ’nupalabdheḥ |  bhūtāvināśāc ca svalakṣaṇaṃ notpadyate, na nirudhyate |  yāṃ tāṃ gatiṃ gatvā bhūto bhūtasvabhāvaṃ na vijahāti |  bhūtavikalpavikāro ’yaṃ bhagavan sarvatīrthakarair vikalpyate tvayā ca |  ata etena kāraṇena aviśiṣṭo ’yaṃ vādaḥ |  viśeṣo vātra vaktavyo yena tathāgatavādo viśeṣyate, na sarvatīrthakaravādaḥ |  aviśiṣyamāṇe bhagavan svavāde tīrthakarāṇām api buddhaprasaṅgaḥ syād anirodhānutpādahetutvāt |  asthānamanavakāśaṃ coktaṃ bhagavatā yadekatra lokadhātau bahavas tathāgatā utpadyerann iti |  prāptaṃ caitat tathāgatabahutvaṃ sadasatkāryaparigrahāc cāviśiṣyamāṇe svavāde || 
bhagavān āha - na mama mahāmate anirodhānutpādas tīrthakarānutpādānirodhavādena tulyo nāpy utpādānityavādena |  tat kasya hetoḥ? tīrthakarāṇāṃ hi mahāmate bhāvasvabhāvo vidyata evānutpannāvikaralakṣaṇaprāptaḥ |  na tv evaṃ mama sadasatpakṣapatitaḥ |  mama tu mahāmate sadasatpakṣavigata utpādabhaṅgavirahito na bhāvo nābhāvaḥ, māyāsvarūpavaicitryadarśanavan nābhāvaḥ |  kathaṃ na bhāvaḥ? yaduta rūpasvabhāvalakṣaṇagrahaṇābhāvād dṛśyādṛśyato grahaṇāgrahaṇataḥ |  ata etasmāt kāraṇāt sarvabhāvā na bhāvā nābhāvāḥ |  kiṃ tu svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhādvikalpasyāpravṛtteḥ svastho loko niṣkriyaḥ |  bālāḥ kriyāvantaṃ kalpayanti, na tvāryāḥ |  abhūtārthavikalpārthavibhram eṣa mahāmate gandharvanagaramāyāpuruṣavat |  tadyathā mahāmate kaścidgandharvanagare bālajātīyo māyāpuruṣasattvasārthavaicitryaṃ praviaśantaṃ vā nirgacchantaṃ vā kalpayet - amī praviṣṭā amī nirgatāḥ |  na ca tatra kaścitpraviṣṭo vā nirgato vā |  atha yāvad eva vikalpavibhramabhāva eṣaḥ, teṣām evam eva mahāmate utpādānutpādavibhrama eṣa bālānām |  na cātra kaścitsaṃskṛto ’saṃskṛto vā māyāpuruṣotpattivat |  na ca māyāpuruṣa utpadyate vā nirudhyate vā bhāvābhāvākiṃcitkaratvāt |  evam eva sarvadharmā bhaṅgotpādavarjitāḥ |  anyatra vitathapatitayā saṃjñayā bālā utpādanirodhaṃ kalpayanti na tvāryāḥ |  tatra vitatham iti mahāmate na tathā yathā bhāvasvabhāvaḥ kalpyate | (81,1) nāpy anyathā |  anyathā kalpyamāne sarvabhāvasvabhāvābhiniveśa eva syāt |  na viviktadarśanāviviktadarśanādvikalpasya vyāvṛttir eva na syāt |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate animittadarśanam eva śreyo na nimittadarśanam |  nimittaṃ punarjanmahetutvād aśreyaḥ |  animittam iti mahāmate vikalpasyāpravṛttiranutpādo nirvāṇam iti vadāmi |  tatra nirvāṇam iti mahāmate yathābhūtārthasthānadarśanaṃ vikalpacittacaittakalāpasya parāvṛttipūrvakam |  tathāgatasvapratyātmāryajñānādhigamaṃ nirvāṇam iti vadāmi || 
tatredam ucyate - 
utpādavinivṛttyartham anutpādaprasādhakam |
ahetuvādaṃ deśemi na ca bālair vibhāvyate || 3.86 || 
anutpannam idaṃ sarvaṃ na ca bhāvā na santi ca |
gandharvasvapnamāyākhyā bhāvā vidyanty ahetukāḥ || 3.87 || 
anutpannasvabhāvāś ca śūnyāḥ kena vadāhi me |
samavāyādvinirmukto buddhyā bhāvo na gṛhyate |
tasmāc chūnyam anutpannaṃ niḥsvabhāvaṃ vadāmy aham || 3.88 || 
samavāyastathaikaikaṃ dṛśyābhāvān na vidyate |
na tīrthyadṛṣṭyapralayāt samavāyo na vidyate || 3.89 || 
svapna keśoṇḍukaṃ māyā gandharvaṃ mṛgatṛṣṇikā |
ahetukāni dṛśyante tathā lokavicitratā || 3.90 || 
nigṛhyāhetuvādena anutpādaṃ prasādhayet |
anutpāde prasādhyante mama netrī na naśyati |
ahetuvāde deśyante tīrthyānāṃ jāyate bhayam || 3.91 || 
kathaṃ kena kutaḥ kutra saṃbhavo ’hetuko bhavet |
nāhetuko na hetubhyo yadā paśyanti saṃskṛtam |
tadā vyāvartate dṛṣṭir vibhaṅgotpādavādinī || 3.92 || 
kimabhāvo hy anutpāda uta pratyayavīkṣaṇam |
atha bhāvasya nāmedaṃ nirarthaṃ vā bravīhi me || 3.93 || 
na cābhāvo hy anutpādo na ca pratyayavīkṣaṇam |
na ca bhāvasya nāmedaṃ na ca nāma nirarthakam || 3.94 || 
yatra śrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ tīrthyānāṃ ca agocaraḥ |
saptabhūmigatānāṃ ca tadanutpādalakṣaṇam || 3.95 || 
hetupratyayavyāvṛttiṃ kāraṇasya nirodhanam |
cittamātravyavasthānam anutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 3.96 || 
(82,1) ahetuvṛttir bhāvānāṃ kalpyakalpanavarjitam |
sadasatpakṣanirmuktam anutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 3.97 || 
cittaṃ dṛśyavinirmuktaṃ svabhāvadvayavarjitam |
āśrayasya parāvṛttimanutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 3.98 || 
na bāhyabhāvaṃ nābhāvaṃ nāpi cittaparigrahaḥ |
svapnaṃ keśoṇḍukaṃ māyā gandharvaṃ mṛgatṛṣṇikā |
sarvadṛṣṭiprahāṇaṃ ca tadanutpādalakṣaṇam || 3.99 || 
evaṃ śūnyāsvabhāvādyān padān sarvān vibhāvayet |
na jātu śūnyayā śūnyā kiṃ tvanutpādaśūnyayā || 3.100 || 
kalāpaḥ pratyayānāṃ ca pravartate nivartate |
kalāpāc ca pṛthagbhūtaṃ na jātaṃ na nirudhyate || 3.101 || 
bhāvo na vidyate ’nyo ’nyaḥ kalāpāc ca pṛthak kvacit |
ekatvena pṛthaktvena yathā tīrthyair vikalpyate || 3.102 || 
asanna jāyate bhāvo nāsanna sadasatkvacit |
anyatra hi kalāpo ’yaṃ pravartate nivartate || 3.103 || 
saṃketamātram evedam anyonyāpekṣasaṃkalā |
anyam arthaṃ na caivāsti pṛthakpratyayasaṃkalāt || 3.104 || 
janyābhāvād anutpādaṃ tīrthyadoṣavivarjitam |
deśemi saṃkalāmātraṃ na ca bālair vibhāvyate || 3.105 || 
yasya janyo bhavedbhāvaḥ saṃkalāyāḥ pṛthak kvacit |
ahetuvādī vijñeyaḥ saṃkalāyā vināśakaḥ || 3.106 || 
pradīpo dravyajātīnāṃ vyañjakaḥ saṃkalā bhavet |
yasya bhāvo bhavet kaścitsaṃkalāyāḥ pṛthak kvacit || 3.107 || 
asvabhāvā hy anutpannāḥ prakṛtyā gaganopamāḥ |
saṃkalāyāḥ pṛthagbhūtā ye dharmāḥ kalpitābudhaiḥ || 3.108 || 
anyamanyam anutpādamāryāṇāṃ prāptidharmatā |
yasya jātinam utpādaṃ tad anutpāde kṣāntiḥ syāt || 3.109 || 
yadā sarvamimaṃ lokaṃ saṃkalām eva paśyati |
saṃkalāmātram evedaṃ tadā cittaṃ samādhyate || 3.110 || 
ajñānatṛṣṇākarmādiḥ saṃkalādhyātmiko bhavet |
khejamṛdbhāṇḍacakrādi bījabhūtādi bāhiram || 3.111 || 
(83,1) parato yasya vai bhāvaḥ pratyayair jāyate kvacit |
na saṃkalāmātramevedaṃ na te yuktyāgame sthitāḥ || 3.112 || 
yadi janyo na bhāvo ’sti syād buddhiḥ kasya pratyayāt |
anyonyajanakā hy ete tenaite pratyayāḥ smṛtāḥ || 3.113 || 
uṣṇadravacalakaṭhinā dharmā bālair vikalpitāḥ |
kalāpo ’yaṃ na dharmo ’sti ato vai niḥsvabhāvatā || 3.114 || 
vaidyā yathāturavaśāt kriyābhedaṃ prakurvate |
na tu śāstrasya bhedo ’sti doṣabhedāt tu bhidyate || 3.115 || 
tathāhaṃ sattvasaṃtānaṃ kleśadoṣaiḥ sadūṣitaiḥ |
indriyāṇāṃ balaṃ jñātvā nayaṃ deśemi prāṇinām || 3.116 || 
na kleśendriyabhedena śāsanaṃ bhidyate mama |
ekam eva bhaved yānaṃ mārgamaṣṭāṅgikaṃ śivam || 3.117 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  anityatā anityateti bhagavan sarvatīrthakarair vikalpyate |  tvayā ca sarvadeśanāpāṭhe deśyate - anityā bata saṃskārā utpādavyayadharmiṇa iti |  tat kim iyaṃ bhagavaṃs tathyā mithyeti? katiprakārā bhagavan anityatā?  bhagavān āha - aṣṭaprakārā hi mahāmate sarvatīrthakarair anityatā kalpyate, na tu mayā |  katamāṣṭaprakārā? tatra kecit tāvan mahāmate āhuḥ - prārambhavinivṛttir anityateti |  prārambho nāma mahāmate utpādo ’nutpādo ’nityatā |  anye saṃsthānavinivṛttim anityatāṃ varṇayanti |  anye rūpam evānityam iti |  anye rūpasya vikārāntaramanityatām |  nair antaryaprabandhena svarasabhaṅgabhedaṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ kṣīradadhipariṇāmavikārāntaravadadṛṣṭanaṣṭā sarvabhāveṣu pravartate na nityateti |  anye punarbhāvam anityatāṃ kalpayanti |  anye bhāvābhāvam anityatāṃ kalpayanti |  anye anutpādānityatāṃ sarvadharmāṇām anityatāyāś ca tadantargatatvāt |  tatra mahāmate bhāvābhāvānityatā nāma yaduta bhūtabhautikasvalakṣaṇavināśānupalabdhirapravṛttir bhūtasvabhāvasya |  tatra anutpādānityatā nāma yaduta nityamanityaṃ sadasatorapravṛttiḥ sarvadharmāṇām adarśanaṃ paramāṇupravicayādadarśanam |  anutpādasyaitad adhivacanaṃ notpādasya |  etad dhi mahāmate anutpādānityatāyā lakṣaṇaṃ yasyānavabodhāt sarvatīrthakarā utpādānityatāvāde prapatanti || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate yasya bhāvo nityatā, tasya svamativikalpenaiva nityatā nānityatā bhāvaḥ |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta svayamavināśitvādanityatāyāḥ |  iha mahāmate sarvabhāvānāmabhāvo ’nityatāyāḥ kāryam |  na cānityatāmantareṇa sarvabhāvābhāva upalabhyate daṇḍaśilāmudgarānyatarabhedyabhedakavat |  anyonyāviśeṣadarśanaṃ dṛṣṭam |  ato ’nityatā kāraṇaṃ sarvabhāvābhāvaḥ kāryam |  na ca kāryakāraṇayor viśeṣo ’sti iyam anityatā idaṃ kāryam iti |  aviśeṣātkāryakāraṇayor nityāḥ sarvabhāvā ahetukatvād bhāvasya |  sarvabhāvābhāvo hi mahāmate ahetukaḥ |  na (84,1) ca bālapṛthagjanā avabudhyante |  na ca kāraṇaṃ visadṛśaṃ kāryaṃ janayati |  atha janayet, teṣām anityatā sarvabhāvānāṃ visadṛśaṃ kāryaṃ syāt, kāryakāraṇavibhāgo na syāt |  dṛṣṭaś ca kāryakāraṇavibhāgas teṣām |  yadi vā anityatā abhāvaḥ syāt, kriyāhetubhāvalakṣaṇapatitaś ca syāt, ekabhāvena vā parisamāptaḥ syāt sarvabhāveṣu |  kriyāhetubhāvalakṣaṇapatitatvāc ca svayam evānityatā nityā syāt, anityatvādayaḥ sarvabhāvā nityāḥ syur nityā eva bhaveyuḥ || 
atha sarvabhāvāntargatā anityatā, tena tryadhvapatitā syāt |  tatra yadatītaṃ rūpaṃ tattena saha vinaṣṭam |  anāgatam api notpannam |  rūpān utpattitayā vartamānenāpi rūpeṇa sahābhinnalakṣaṇam |  rūpaṃ ca bhūtānāṃ saṃniveśaviśeṣaḥ |  bhūtānāṃ bhautikasvabhāvo na vinaśyate anyānanyavivarjitatvāt |  sarvatīrthakarāṇām avināśāt sarvabhūtānāṃ sarvaṃ tribhavaṃ bhūtabhautikaṃ yatrotpādasthitivikāraḥ prajñapyate |  kim anyad anityaṃ bhūtabhautikavinirmuktaṃ yasyānityatā kalpyate tīrthakaraiḥ? bhūtāni ca na pravartante na nivartante svabhāvalakṣaṇābhiniveśāt || 
tatra prārambhavinivṛttir nāma anityatā - na punarbhūtāni bhūtāntaramārabhante parasparavilakṣaṇasvalakṣaṇān na viśeṣaḥ prārabhyate |  tadaviśeṣātteṣāmapunarārambhād dvidhāyogādanārambhasyānityatābuddhayo bhavanti || 
tatra saṃsthānavinivṛttir nāma anityatā - yaduta na bhūtabhautikaṃ vinaśyati ā pralayāt |  pralayo nāma mahāmate ā paramāṇoḥ pravicayaparīkṣā vināśo bhūtabhautikasya saṃsthānasyān yathābhūtadarśanād dīrghahrasvānulabdhiḥ |  na paramāṇubhūteṣu vināśād bhūtānāṃ saṃsthānavinivṛttidarśanāt sāṃkhyavāde prapatanti || 
tatra saṃsthānānityatā nāma - yaduta yasya rūpamevānityaṃ tasya saṃsthānasyānityatā na bhūtānām |  atha bhūtānāmanityatā syāt, lokasaṃvyavahārābhāvaḥ syāt |  lokasaṃvyavahārābhāvāllokāyatikadṛṣṭipatitaḥ syāt, vāgmātratvāt sarvabhāvānām |  na punaḥ svalakṣaṇotpattidarśanāt || 
tatra vikārānityatā nāma - yaduta rūpasyān yathābhūtadarśanaṃ na bhūtānāṃ suvarṇasaṃsthānabhūṣaṇavikāradarśanavat |  na suvarṇaṃ bhāvādvinaśyati kiṃ tu bhūṣaṇasaṃsthānavināśo bhavati || 
ye cānye vikārapatitāḥ, evamādyādibhiḥ prakāraistīrthakarair anityatādṛṣṭirvikalpyate |  bhūtāni hi dahyamānānyagninā svalakṣaṇatvān na dahyante |  anyonyataḥ svalakṣaṇavigamān mahābhūtabhautikabhāvocchedaḥ syāt || 
mama tu mahāmate na nityā nānityā |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta bāhyabhāvānabhyupagamātribhavacittamātropadeśādvicitralakṣaṇānupadeśān na pravartate na nivartate mahābhūtasaṃniveśaviśeṣaḥ |  na bhūtabhautikatvādvikalpasya dvidhā pravartate grāhyagrāhakālakṣaṇatā |  vikalpasya pravṛttidvayaparijñānād bāhyabhāvābhāvadṛṣṭivigamāt svacittamātrāvabodhād vikalpo vikalpābhisaṃskāreṇa pravartate nānabhisaṃskurvataḥ |  cittavikalpabhāvābhāvavigamāl laukikalokottaratamānāṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ (85,1) na nityatā nānityatā |  svacittadṛśyamātrānavabodhātkudṛṣṭyāntadvayapatitayā saṃtatyā sarvatīrthakaraiḥ svavikalpānavabodhāt kathāpuruṣair asiddhapūrvair anityatā kalpyate |  trividhaṃ ca mahāmate sarvatīrthakaralauikikalokottaratamānāṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ lakṣaṇaṃ vāgvikalpaviniḥsṛtānām |  na ca bālapṛthagjanā avabudhyante || 
tatredam ucyate - 
prārambhavinivṛttiṃ ca saṃsthānasyānyathātvatām |
bhāvamanityatāṃ rūpaṃ tīrthyāḥ kalpenti mohitāḥ || 3.118 || 
bhāvānāṃ nāsti vai nāśaṃ bhūtā bhūtātmanā sthitāḥ |
nānādṛṣṭinimagnāste tīrthyāḥ kalpenti nityatām || 3.119 || 
kasyacin na hi tīrthyasya vināśo na ca saṃbhavaḥ |
bhūtā bhūtātmanā nityāḥ kasya kalpentyanityatām || 3.120 || 
cittamātramidaṃ sarvaṃ dvidhā cittaṃ pravartate |
grāhyagrāhakabhāvena ātmātmīyaṃ na vidyate || 3.121 || 
brahmādisthānaparyantaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham |
cittamātravinirmuktaṃ brahmādir nopalabhyate || 3.122 || 
iti laṅkāvatāre mahāyānasūtre anityatāparivartas tṛtīyaḥ || 
(86,1) abhisamayaparivarto nāma caturthaḥ | 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  deśayatu me bhagavān sarvabodhisattvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhanirodhakramānusaṃdhilakṣaṇakauśalyaṃ yena kramānusaṃdhilakṣaṇakauśalyena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā nirodhasukhasamāpattimukhena na pratimuhyema, na ca śrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyakaravyāmohe prapatema |  bhagavān āha - tena mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt || 
bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - ṣaṣṭhīṃ mahāmate bhūmimupādāya bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhāś ca nirodhaṃ samāpadyante |  saptamyāṃ bhūmau punaś cittakṣaṇe cittakṣaṇe bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ sarvabhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇavyudāsāt samāpadyante, na tu śrāvakapratyekabuddhāḥ |  teṣāṃ hi śrāvakapratyekabuddhānām ābhisaṃskārikī grāhyagrāhakalakṣaṇapatitā ca nirodhasamāpattiḥ |  atas te saptamyāṃ bhūmau cittakṣaṇe cittakṣaṇe samāpadyante - mā sarvadharmāṇām aviśeṣalakṣaṇaprāptiḥ syād iti |  vicitralakṣaṇābhāvaś ca |  kuśalākuśalasvabhāvalakṣaṇānavabodhāt sarvadharmāṇāṃ samāpattir bhavati |  ataḥ saptamyāṃ bhūmau cittakṣaṇe cittakṣaṇe samāpattikauśalyaṃ nāsti yena samāpadyeran || 
aṣṭamyāṃ mahāmate bhūmau bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ śrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ ca cittamanomanovijñānavikalpasaṃjñāvyāvṛttir bhavati |  prathamaṣaṣṭhyāṃ bhūmau cittamanomanovijñānamātraṃ traidhātukaṃ samanupaśyati ātmātmīyavigataṃ svacittavikalpodbhavam, na ca bāhyabhāvalakṣaṇavaicitryapatitamanyatra svacittam eva |  dvidhā bālānāṃ grāhyagrāhakabhāvena pariṇāmya svajñānaṃ na cāvabodhyante anādikāladauṣṭhulyavikalpaprapañcavāsanāvāsitāḥ || 
aṣṭamyāṃ mahāmate nirvāṇaṃ śrāvakapratyekabuddhabodhisattvānām |  bodhisattvāś ca samādhibuddhair vidhāryante tasmāt samādhisukhād, yena na parinirvānti aparipūrṇatvāt tathāgatabhūmeḥ |  sarvakāryapratiprasrambhaṇaṃ ca syāt, yadi na saṃghārayet, tathāgatakulavaṃśocchedaś ca syāt |  acintyabuddhamāhātmyaṃ ca deśayanti te buddhā bhagavantaḥ |  ato na parinirvānti |  śrāvakapratyekabuddhāstu samādhisukhenāpahriyante |  atasteṣāṃ tatra parinirvāṇabuddhir bhavati || 
saptasu mahāmate bhūmiṣu cittamanomanovijñānalakṣaṇaparicayakauśalyātmātmīyagrāhyagrāhadharmapudgalanairātmyapravṛttinivṛttisvasāmānya - lakṣaṇaparicayacatuḥpratisaṃvidviniścayakauśalyavaśitāsvādasukhabhūmikramānupraveśabodhipākṣikadharmavibhāgaḥ kriyate mayā - mā bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ svasāmānyalakṣaṇānavabodhād bhūmikramānusaṃdhyakuśalāstīrthakarakudṛṣṭimārge prapateyuḥ, ityato bhūmikramavyavasthā kriyate |  na tu mahāmate atra kaścitpravartate vā nivartate vā anyatra svacitadṛśyamātramidaṃ yaduta bhūmikramānusaṃdhistraidhātukavicitropacāraś ca |  na ca bālā avabudhyante |  anavabodhād bālānāṃ bhūmikramānusaṃdhivyapadeśaṃ traidhātukavicitropacāraś ca vyavasthāpyate buddhadharmālayā ca || 
(87,1) punar aparaṃ mahāmate śrāvakapratyekabuddhā aṣṭamyāṃ bodhisattvabhūmau nirodhasamāpattisukhamadamattāḥ svacittadṛśyamātrākuśalāḥ svasāmānyalakṣaṇāvaraṇavāsanāpudgaladharmanairātmyagrāhakadṛṣṭipatitā vikalpanirvāṇamatibuddhayo bhavanti, na viviktadharmamatibuddhayaḥ |  bodhisattvāḥ punar mahāmate nirodhasamādhisukhamukhaṃ dṛṣṭvā pūrvapraṇidhānakṛpākaruṇopetā niṣṭhapadagativibhāgajñā na parinirvānti |  parinirvṛtāś ca te vikalpasyāpravṛttatvāt |  grāhyagrāhakavikalpasteṣāṃ vinivṛttaḥ |  svacittadṛśyamātrāvabodhāt sarvadharmāṇāṃ vikalpo na pravartate |  cittamanomanovijñānabāhyabhāvasvabhāvalakṣaṇābhiniveśaṃ vikalpayati |  tena punar buddhadharmahetur na pravartate, jñānapūrvakaḥ pravartate tathāgatasvapratyātmabhūmyadhigamanatayā svapnapuruṣaughottaraṇavat || 
tadyathā punar mahāmate kaścicchayitaḥ svapnāntare mahāvyāyāmautsukyena mahaughādātmānamuttārayet |  sa cānuttīrṇa eva pratibudhyeta |  pratibuddhaś ca sannevamupaparīkṣeta - kim idaṃ satyamuta mithyeti |  sa evaṃ samanupaśyet - nedaṃ satyaṃ na mithyā anyatra dṛṣṭaśrutamatavijñātānubhūtavikalpavāsanāvicitrarūpasaṃsthānānādikālavikalpapatitā nāstyastidṛṣṭivikalpaparivarjitā manovijñānānubhūtāḥ svapne dṛśyante |  evam eva mahāmate bodhisattvā mahāsattvā aṣṭamyāṃ bodhisattvabhūmau vikalpasyāpravṛttiṃ dṛṣṭvā prathamasaptamībhūmisaṃcārāt sarvadharmābhisamayān māyādidharmasamatayā sarvadharmautsukyagrāhyagrāhakavikalpoparataṃ cittacaitasikavikalpaprasaraṃ dṛṣṭvā buddhadharmeṣu prayujyante |  anadhigatānām adhigamāya prayoga eṣa mahāmate nirvāṇaṃ bodhisattvānāṃ na vināśaḥ cittamanomanovijñānavikalpasaṃjñāvigamāc ca anutpattikadharmakṣāntipratilambho bhavati |  na cātra mahāmate paramārthe kramo na kramānusaṃdhir nirābhāsavikalpaviviktadharmopadeśāt || 
tatredam ucyate - 
cittamātre nirābhāse vihārā buddhabhūmi ca |
etad dhi bhāṣitaṃ buddhair bhāṣante bhāṣayanti ca || 4.1 || 
(4)唯心無所有 諸行及佛地
(5)去來現在佛 三世説如是 
cittaṃ hi bhūmayaḥ sapta nirābhāsā tv ihāṣṭamī |
dve hi bhūmī vihāro ’tra śeṣā bhūmir mamātmikā || 4.2 || 
(6)七地爲心地 無所有八地
(7)二地名爲行 餘地名我地 
pratyātmavedyā śuddhā ca bhūmir eṣā mamātmikā |
māheśvaraṃ paraṃ sthānam akaniṣṭho virājate || 4.3 || 
(8)内身證及淨 此名爲我地
(9)自在最勝處 阿迦尼吒天 
hutāśanasya hi yathā niścerus tasya raśmayaḥ |
citrā manoharāḥ saumyās tribhavaṃ nirmiṇanti te || 4.4 || 
(10)炤曜如炎火 出妙諸光明
(11)種種美可樂 化作於三界 
nirmāya tribhavaṃ kiṃcit kiṃcid vai pūrvanirmitam |
tatra deśemi yānāni eṣā bhūmir mamātmikā || 4.5 || 
(12)化現三界色 或有在光化
(13)彼處説諸8乘 是我自在地 
daśamī tu bhavet prathamā prathamā cāṣṭamī bhavet |
navamī saptamī cāpi saptamī cāṣṭamī bhavet || 4.6 || 
(14)十地爲初地 初地爲八地
(15)九地爲七地 七地爲八地 
dvitīyā ca tṛtīyā syāc caturthī pañcamī bhavet |
tṛtīyā ca bhavet ṣaṣṭhī nirābhāse kramaḥ kutaḥ || 4.7 || 
(16)二地爲三地 四地爲五地
(17)三地爲六地 寂滅有何次
(18)決定諸聲聞 不行菩薩行
(19)同入八地者 是本菩薩行 
iti laṅkāvatāre abhisamayaparivartaś caturthaḥ || 
(88,1) tathāgatanityānityaprasaṅgaparivarto nāma pañcamaḥ | 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat  - kiṃ bhagavaṃs tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho nitya utāho ’nityaḥ?  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate tathāgato nityo nānityaḥ |  tat kasya hetor yaduta ubhayadoṣaprasaṅgāt |  ubhayathā hi mahāmate doṣaprasaṅgaḥ syāt |  nitye sati kāraṇaprasaṅgaḥ syāt |  nityāni hi mahāmate sarvatīrthakarāṇāṃ kāraṇāny akṛtakāni ca |  ato na nityas tathāgato ’kṛtakanityatvāt |  anitye sati kṛtakaprasaṅgaḥ syāt |  skandhalakṣyalakṣaṇābhāvāt skandhavināśād ucchedaḥ syāt |  na cocchedo bhavati tathāgataḥ |  sarvaṃ hi mahāmate kṛtakam anityaṃ ghaṭapaṭatṛṇakāṣṭheṣṭakādi | sarvānityatvaprasaṅgāt  sarvajñajñānasaṃbhāravaiyarthyaṃ bhavet kṛtakatvāt |  sarvaṃ hi kṛtakaṃ tathāgataḥ syād viśeṣahetvabhāvāt |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate na nityo nānityas tathāgataḥ || 
(21)爾時聖者大慧菩薩摩訶薩白佛言。  世尊。如(22)來應正遍知。爲是常耶爲無常耶。  佛告聖(23)者大慧菩薩言。大慧。如來應正遍知。非常(24)非無常。  何以故。二邊有過故。  大慧。有無二(25)邊應有過失。  大慧。若言如來是常法者則(26)同常因。  大慧。以諸外道説言微塵諸因常(27)故。非是作法。  大慧。是故不得言如來常。(28)以非作法而言常故。  大慧。亦不得言如來(29)無常。言無常者即是同於有爲作法。  五陰(556a1)可見能見法無。五陰滅故。五陰滅者諸佛如(2)來亦應同滅。  而佛如來非斷絶法。  大慧。凡(3)作法者皆是無常。如瓶衣車屋及疊席等(4)皆是作法。是故無常。  大慧。若言一切皆無(5)常者。一切智一切智人。一切功徳亦應無(6)常。以同一切作法相故。  又復有過。若言一(7)切皆無常者。諸佛如來應是作法。而佛如來(8)非是作法。以無更説有勝因故。  是故我言(9)如來非常亦非無常。 
LXXXI (217) At that time again, Mahāmati the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva said this to the Blessed One:  Is the Blessed One, the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the Fully-Enlightened One, permanent or impermanent?  Said the Blessed One: Mahāmati, the Tathāgata is neither permanent nor impermanent.  Why? Because either way there is a fault connected with it.  Mahāmati, what fault is connected with either assertion?73   If the Tathāgata is permanent, he will be connected with the creating agencies.  For, Mahāmati, according to all the philosophers the creating agencies are something uncreated and permanent.  But the Tathāgata is not permanent [in the same sense] as the uncreated are permanent.  If he is impermanent, he will be connected with things created.  Because the Skandhas which are predicable as qualified and qualifying are nonexistent, and because the Skandhas are subject to annihilation, destructibility is their nature.    Mahāmati, all that is created is impermanent as is a jug, a garment, straw, a piece of wood, a brick, etc., which are all connected with impermanency.  Thus all the preparations for the knowledge of the All-Knowing One will become useless as they are things created.  On account of no distinction being made, the Tathāgata, indeed, would be something created.  For this reason, the Tathāgata is neither permanent nor impermanent. 
punar api mahāmate na nityas tathāgataḥ |  kasmāt ākāśasaṃbhāravaiyarthyaprasaṅgāt |  tadyathā mahāmate ākāśaṃ na nityaṃ nānityaṃ nityānityavyudāsād ekatvānyatvobhayatvānubhayatvanityānityatvadoṣair avacanīyaḥ || 
復次大慧。如來非常。  (10)何以故。虚空之性亦無修行諸功徳故。  大(11)慧。譬如虚空非常非無常。何以故。以離常(12)無常故。以不墮一異倶不倶。有無非有非(13)無。常無常非常非無常。是故離於一切諸過(14)不可得説。 
Again, Mahāmati, the Tathāgata is not permanent 
for the reason that [if he were] he would be like space, and the preparations one makes for Tathāgatahood would be useless.  That is to say, Mahāmati, space is neither permanent nor impermanent as it excludes [the idea of] permanence and impermanence, (218) and it is improper to speak of it as characterised with the faults of oneness and otherness, of bothness and not-bothness, of permanence and impermanence. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate śaśahayakharoṣṭramaṇḍūkasarpamakṣikāmīnaviṣāṇatulyaḥ syād anutpādanityatvāt |  ato ’nutpādanityatvaprasaṅgān na nityas tathāgataḥ || 
復次大慧。亦不得言如來是(15)常。何以故。若言常者同於兔馬駝驢龜蛇蠅(16)魚等角。  是故不得言如來常。復次大慧。亦(17)不得言如來是常。恐墮不生常故。是故不(18)得言如來世尊常。 
Further, Mahāmati, it is like the horns of a hare, or a horse, or an ass, or a camel, or a frog, or a snake, or a fly, or a fish; [with the Tathāgata] as with them here is the permanency of no-birth.  Because of this fault of the permanency of no-birth, the Tathāgata cannot be permanent. 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate asty asau paryāyo yena nityas tathāgataḥ |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta abhisamayādhigamajñānanityatvān nityas tathāgataḥ |  abhisamayādhigamajñānaṃ hi mahāmate nityaṃ tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānām |  utpādād vā tathāgatānām anutpādād vā sthitaivaiṣā dharmatā dharmaniyāmatā dharmasthititā sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthakarābhisamayeṣu |  na tu gagane dharmasthitir bhavati | na va bālapṛthagjanā avabudhyante |  adhigamajñānaṃ ca mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ prajñājñānaprabhāvitam |  na mahāmate tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāś cittamanomanovijñānaskandhadhātvāyatanāvidyāvāsanāprabhāvitāḥ |  sarvaṃ hi mahāmate tribhavam abhūtavikalpaprabhavam | na ca tathāgatā abhūtavikalpaprabhavāḥ |  dvaye hi sati mahāmate nityatā cānityatā ca bhavati, nādvayāt |  dvayaṃ hi mahāmate viviktam advayānutpādalakṣaṇāt sarvadharmāṇām |  ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā na nityā nānityāḥ |  yāvan mahāmate vāgvikalpaḥ pravartate, tāvan nityānityadoṣaḥ prasajyate |  vikalpabuddhikṣayān mahāmate nityānityagrāho nivāryate bālānāṃ na tu viviktadṛṣṭibuddhikṣayāt || 
復次大慧。更有餘法。(19)依彼法故。得言如來世尊是常。  何以故。依(20)内證智證常法故。是故得言如來是常。  大(21)慧諸佛如來内證智法。常恒清涼不變。大慧。(22)諸佛如來應正遍知。  若出於世不出於世。(23)]法性常。如是法體常。如是法軌則常。如是(24)]以彼法性。一切聲聞辟支佛等。亦不曾聞(25)亦不曾見。  如是法體。非虚空中。毛道凡夫(26)不覺不知。  大慧。諸佛如來内證智者依彼得(27)名。  大慧。以依如實智慧修行得名爲佛。(28)非心意意識無明五陰熏習得名。  大慧。一切(29)三界不實妄想分別戲論得名。  大慧。不實分(556b1)別二種法者。而得名爲常與無常。而佛如 (2)來不墮二法。不墮能取可取二邊。  如來寂(3)靜。二法不生故。  是故大慧。諸佛如來應正遍(4)知。不得言是常與無常。  大慧。凡所言語。而(5)得説言常與無常。  遠離一切分別盡者。不(6)得言取常無常法。是故我遮一切凡夫。不(7)得分別常與無常。以得眞實寂靜法者得(8)盡分別不生分別。 
However, Mahāmati, there is another sense in which the Tathāgata can be said to be permanent.  How? Because the knowledge arising from the attainment of enlightenment [ = an intuitive understanding] is of a permanent nature, the Tathāgata is permanent.  Mahāmati, this knowledge, as it is attained intuitively by the Tathāgatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones, is, indeed, permanent.  Whether the Tathāgatas are born or not, this Dharmatā, which is the regulative and sustaining principle to be discoverable in the enlightenment of all the Śrāvakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and philosophers, abides,  and this sustaining principle of existence is not like the emptiness of space, which, however, is not understood by the ignorant and simple-minded.  Mahāmati, this knowledge of enlightenment belonging to the Tathāgatas comes forth from transcendental knowledge (prajnajñāna);  Mahāmati, the Tathāgatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones do not come forth from the habit-energy of ignorance which is concerned with the Citta, Manas, and Manovijñāna, and the Skandhas, Dhātus, and Āyatanas.  The triple world originates from the discriminating of unrealities, but the Tathāgatas do not originate from the discriminating of unrealities.  Where duality obtains, Mahāmati, there is permanency and impermanency because of its not being one.  Mahāmati, [the truth of] absolute solitude is, indeed, non-dualistic74 because all things are characterised with non-duality and no-birth.  For this reason, Mahāmati, the Tathāgatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones are neither permanent nor impermanent.  Mahāmati, as long as there is word-discrimination, (219) there follows the faulty notion of permanency and impermanency.  The destruction of the notion of permanency and impermanency as held by the ignorant, Mahāmati, comes from the getting rid of the knowledge that is based on discrimination, and not from the getting rid of the knowledge that is based on the insight of solitude. 
tatredam ucyate - 
So it is said: 
nityānityavinirmuktān nityānityaprabhāvitān |
ye paśyanti sadā buddhān na te dṛṣṭivaśaṃ gatāḥ || 5.1 || 
(9)離於常無常 非常非無常 (10)若見如是佛 彼不墮惡道 
1 By keeping away permanency and impermanency, [and yet] by keeping permanency and impermanency in sight, those who always see the Buddhas will not expose themselves to the power of the philosophical doctrines. 
(89,1) samudāgamavaiyarthyaṃ nityānitye prasajyate |
vikalpabuddhivaikalyān nityānityaṃ nivāryate || 5.2 || 
(11)若説常無常 諸功徳虚妄 (12)無智者分別 遮説常無常 
2 When permanency and impermanency are adhered to all the accumulation [one makes for the attainment of reality] will be of no avail; by destroying the knowledge that is based on discrimination, [the idea of] permanency and impermanency is kept back. 
yāvatpratijñā kriyate tāvatsarvaṃ sasaṃkaram |
svacittamātraṃ saṃpaśyan na vivādaṃ samārabhet || 5.3 || 
(13)所有立法者 皆有諸過失 (14)若能見唯心 彼不墮諸過 
3 As soon as an assertion is made, all is in confusion; when it is understood that there is nothing in the world but what is seen of the Mind itself, disputes never arise. 
iti laṅkāvatāre tathāgatanityānityatvaprasaṅgaparivartaḥ pañcamaḥ || 
Here Ends the Fifth Chapter, “On the Deduction of the Permanency and Impermanency of Tathāgatahood.” 
(90,1) kṣaṇikaparivarto nāma ṣaṣṭhaḥ | 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavān, deśayatu me sugataḥ skandhadhātvāyatanānāṃ pravṛttinivṛttim |  asatyātmani kasya pravṛttirvā nirvṛttirvā? bālāś ca pravṛttinivṛttyāśritā duḥkhakṣayānavabodhān nirvāṇaṃ na prajānanti |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt || 
bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - tathāgatagarbho mahāmate kuśalākuśalahetukaḥ sarvajanmagatikartā pravartate naṭavadgatisaṃkaṭa ātmātmīyavarjitaḥ |  tadanavabodhātrisaṃgatipratyayakriyāyogaḥ pravartate |  na ca tīrthyā avabudhyante kāraṇābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭāḥ |  anādikālavividhaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavāsanāvāsitaḥ ālayavijñānasaṃśabdito ’vidyāvāsanabhūmijaiḥ saptabhirvijñānaiḥ saha mahodadhitaraṃgavannityamavyucchinnaśarīraḥ pravartate anityatādoṣarahita ātmavādavinivṛtto ’tyantaprakṛtipariśuddhaḥ |  tadanyāni vijñānānyutpannāpavargāni manomanovijñānaprabhṛtīni kṣaṇikāni, saptāpyabhūtaparikalpahetujanitasaṃsthānākṛtiviśeṣasamavāyāvalambīni nāmanimittābhiniviṣṭāni svacittadṛśyarūpalakṣaṇāavabodhakāni sukhaduḥkhāpratisaṃvedakāni amokṣakāraṇāni nāmanimittaparyutthānarāgajanitajanakataddhetvālambāni |  teṣāṃ copāttānāmindriyākhyānāṃ parikṣayanirodhe samantarānutpatteranyeṣāṃ svamativikalpasukhaduḥkhāpratisaṃvedināṃ saṃjñāveditanirodhasamāpattisamāpannānāṃ caturdhyānasatyavimokṣakuśalānāṃ yogināṃ vimokṣabuddhir bhavatyapravṛtteḥ || 
aparāvṛtte ca tathāgatagarbhaśabdasaṃśabdite ālayavijñāne nāsti saptānāṃ pravṛttivijñānānāṃ nirodhaḥ |  tat kasya hetoḥ? taddhetvālambanapravṛttatvādvijñānānām, aviṣayatvāc ca sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyayogayogināṃ svapudgalanairātmyāvabodhāt svasāmānyalakṣaṇaparigrahāt skandhadhātvāyatanānāṃ pravartate tathāgatagarbhaḥ |  pañcadharmasvabhāvadharmanairātmyadarśanān nivartate bhūmikramānusaṃdhiparāvṛttyā |  nānyatīrthyamārgadṛṣṭibhirvicārayituṃ śakyate |  tato ’calāyāṃ bhūmau bodhisattvabhūmau pratiṣṭhito daśasamādhisukhamukhamārgān pratilabhate |  samādhibuddhaiḥ saṃdhāryamāṇo ’cintyabuddhadharmasvapraṇidhānavyavalokanatayā samādhisukhabhūtakoṭyā vinivārya pratyātmāryagatigamyaiḥ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthakarāsādhāraṇairyogamārgair daśāryagotramārgaṃ pratilabhate, kāyaṃ ca jñānamanomayaṃ samādhyabhisaṃskārarahitam |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate tathāgatagarbhaḥ ālayavijñānasaṃśabdito viśodhayitavyo viśeṣārthibhir bodhisattvairmahāsattvaiḥ || 
yadi hi mahāmate ālayavijñānasaṃśabditas tathāgatagarbho ’tra na syād iti asati mahāmate tathāgatagarbhe ālayavijñānasaṃśabdite na pravṛttir na nivṛttiḥ syāt |  bhavati ca mahāmate pravṛttir nivṛttiś ca bālāryāṇām |  svapratyātmāryagatidṛṣṭadharmasukhavihāreṇa ca viharanti yogino ’nikṣiptadhurā duṣprativedhāś ca |  mahāmate ayaṃ tathāgatagarbhālayavijñānagocaraḥ sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyavitarkadarśanānāṃ (91,1) prakṛtipariśuddho ’pi san aśuddha ivāgantukleśopakliṣṭatayā teṣām ābhāti na tu tathāgatānām |  tathāgatānāṃ punar mahāmate karatalāmalakavatpratyakṣagocaro bhavati |  etad eva mahāmate mayā śrīmālāṃ devīmadhikṛtya deśanāpāṭhe anyāṃś ca sūkṣmanipuṇaviśuddhabuddhīn bodhisattvān adhiṣṭhāya tathāgatagarbhālayavijñānasaṃśabditaḥ saptabhirvijñānaiḥ saha pravṛttyabhiniviṣṭānāṃ śrāvakāṇāṃ dharmanairātmyapradarśanārthaṃ śrīmālāṃ devīmadhiṣṭhāya tathāgataviṣayo deśito na śrāvakapratyekabuddhānyatīrthakaratarkaviṣayo ’nyatra mahāmate tathāgataviṣaya eva tathāgatagarbhālayavijñānaviṣayastvatsadṛśānāṃ ca sūkṣmanipuṇamatibuddhiprabhedakānāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāmarthapratiśaraṇānāṃ no tu yathārutadeśanāpāṭhābhiniviṣṭānāṃ sarvānyatīrthyaśrāvakapratyekabuddhānām |  tasmāt tarhi mahāmate tvayā anyaiś ca bodhisattvairmahāsattvaiḥ sarva tathāgataviṣaye ’smiṃs tathāgatagarbhālayavijñānaparijñāne yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ |  na śrutamātrasaṃtuṣṭairbhavitavyam || 
tatredam ucyate - 
garbhas tathāgatānāṃ hi vijñānaiḥ saptabhiryutaḥ |
pravartate ’dvayo grāhāt parijñānān nivartate || 6.1 || 
bimbavaddṛśyate cittamanādimatibhāvitam |
arthākāro na cārtho ’sti yathābhūtaṃ vipaśyataḥ || 6.2 || 
aṅgulyagraṃ yathā bālo na gṛhṇāti niśākaram |
tathā hy akṣarasaṃsaktas tattvaṃ vetti na māmakam || 6.3 || 
naṭavannṛtyate cittaṃ mano vidūṣasādṛśam |
vijñānaṃ pañcabhiḥ sārdhaṃ dṛśyaṃ kalpeti raṅgavat || 6.4 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavān, deśayatu me sugataḥ pañcadharmasvabhāvavijñānanairātmyadvayaprabhedagatilakṣaṇam, yena nairātmyadvayaprabhedagatilakṣaṇena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ sarvabhūmikramānusaṃdhiṣv etān dharmān vibhāvayema, yathā tair dharmaiḥ sarvabuddhadharmānupraveśo bhavet |  sarvabuddhadharmānupraveśāc ca yāvat tathāgatasvapratyayātmabhūmipraveśaḥ syād iti |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - pañcadharmasvabhāvavijñānanairātmyadvayaprabhedagatilakṣaṇaṃ te mahāmate deśayiṣyāmi |  yaduta nāma nimittaṃ vikalpaḥ samyagjñānaṃ tathatā ca tathāgatapratyātmāryagatipraveśaḥ śāśvatocchedasadasaddṛṣṭivivarjito dṛṣṭadharmasukhasamāpattisukhavihāra āmukhībhavati yogayoginām |  tatra mahāmate pañcadharmasvabhāvavijñānanairātmyadvayasvacittadṛśyabāhyabhāvābhāvānavabodhādvikalpaḥ pravartate bālānāṃ na tv āryāṇām || 
(92,1) mahāmatir āha - kathaṃ punar bhagavan bālānāṃ vikalpaḥ pravartate, na tv āryāṇām? bhagavān āha - nāmasaṃjñāsaṃketābhiniveśena mahāmate bālāścittamanusaranti |  anusaranto vividhalakṣaṇopacāreṇa ātmātmīyadṛṣṭipatitāśayā varṇapuṣkalatāmabhiniviśante |  abhiniviśantaś ca ajñānāvṛtāḥ saṃrajyante |  saṃraktā rāgadveṣamohajaṃ karmābhisaṃskurvanti |  abhisaṃskṛtya punaḥ punaḥ kośakārakīṭakā iva svavikalpapariveṣṭitamatayo gatisamudrakāntāraprapatitā ghaṭiyantravannātipravartante |  na ca prajānanti mohān māyāmarīcyudakacandrasvabhāvakalpanātmātmīyarahitān sarvadharmānabhūtavikalpoditāṃllakṣyalakṣaṇāpagatān bhaṅgotpādasthitigativinivṛttān svacittadṛśyavikalpaprabhavānīśvarakālāṇupradhānaprabhavān |  nāmanimittānuplavena mahāmate bālā nimittamanusaranti || 
tatra nimittaṃ punar mahāmate yaccakṣurvijñānasyābhāsamāgacchati rūpasaṃjñakam |  evaṃ śrotraghrāṇajihvākāyamanovijñānānāṃ śabdagandharasaspraṣṭavyadharmasaṃjñakametannimittam iti vadāmi |  tatra vikalpaḥ punar mahāmate yena nāma samudīrayati |  nimittavyañjakamidam - evamidaṃ nānyatheti hastyaśvarathapadātistrīpuruṣādikasaṃjñakaṃ tadvikalpaḥ pravartate |  samyagjñānaṃ punar mahāmate yena nāmanimittayor anupalabdhiḥ |  anyonyāgantukatvādapravṛttirvijñānasya anucchedāśāśvatataḥ sarvatīrthakaraśrāvakapratyekabuddhabhūmyapātanatvāt samyagjñānamity ucyate |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate yena samyagjñānena bodhisattvo mahāsattvo na nāma bhāvīkaroti, na ca nimittamabhāvīkaroti |  samāropāpavādāntadvayakudṛṣṭivivarjitaṃ nāmanimittārthayor apravṛttivijñānam |  evametāṃ tathatāṃ vadāmi |  tathatāvyavasthitaś ca mahāmate bodhisattvo mahāsattvo nirābhāsagocarapratilābhitvāt pramuditāṃ bodhisattvabhūmiṃ pratilabhate || 
sa pratilabhya pramuditāṃ bodhisattvabhūmiṃ vyāvṛttaḥ sarvatīrthyāpāyagatibhyo bhavati lokottaradharmagatisamavasṛtaḥ lakṣaṇaparicayān māyādipūrvakāṃ sarvadharmagatiṃ vibhāvayan svapratyātmāryadharmagatilakṣaṇaṃ tarkadṛṣṭivinivṛttakautuko ’nupūrveṇa yāvaddharmameghā bhūmir iti |  dharmameghānantaraṃ yāvatsamādhibalavaśitābhijñākusumitāṃ tathāgatabhūmiṃ pratilabhate |  sa pratilabhya sattvaparipācanatayā vicitrair nirmāṇakiraṇair virājate jalacandravat |  aṣṭāpadasunibaddhadharmā nānādhimuktikatayā sattvebhyo dharmaṃ deśayati |  kāyaṃ manovijñaptirahitam |  etan mahāmate tathatāpraveśāt pratilabhante bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ || 
punar api mahāmatir āha - kiṃ punar bhagavan pañcasu dharmeṣv antargatāstrayaḥ, svabhāvā uta svalakṣaṇasiddhāḥ? bhagavān āha - atraiva mahāmate trayaḥ svabhāvā antargatāḥ, aṣṭau ca vijñānāni, dve ca nairātmye |  tatra nāma ca nimittaṃ ca parikalpitaḥ svabhāvo veditavyaḥ |  yaḥ punar mahāmate tadāśrayapravṛtto vikalpaś cittacaittasaṃśabdito yugapatkālodita āditya iva raśmisahito vicitralakṣaṇasvabhāvo vikalpādhārakaḥ, sa mahāmate svabhāvaḥ paratantra ity ucyate |  samyagjñānaṃ tathatā ca mahāmate avināśatvāt svabhāvaḥ pariniṣpanno veditavyaḥ || 
(93,1) punar aparaṃ mahāmate svacittadṛśyamabhiniviśyamānaṃ vikalpo ’ṣṭadhā bhidyate |  nimittasyābhūtalakṣaṇaparikalpitatvādātmātmīyagrāhadvayavyupaśamān nairātmyadvayamājāyate |  eṣu mahāmate pañcasu dharmeṣu sarvabuddhadharmā antargatāḥ, bhūmivibhāgānusaṃdhiś ca śrāvakapratyekabuddhabodhisattvānām, tathāgatānāṃ ca pratyātmāryajñānapraveśaḥ || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate pañcadharmāḥ - nimittaṃ nāma vikalpastathatā samyagjñānaṃ ca |  tatra mahāmate nimittaṃ yatsaṃsthānākṛtiviśeṣākārarūpādilakṣaṇaṃ dṛśyate tannimittam |  yattasminnimitte ghaṭādisaṃjñākṛtakam - evamidaṃ nānyatheti, tannāma |  yena tannāma samudīrayati nimittābhivyañjakaṃ samadharmeti vā, sa mahāmate cittacaittasaṃśabdito vikalpaḥ |  yannāmanimittayor atyantānupalabdhitā buddhipralayādanyonyānanubhūtāparikalpitatvādeṣāṃ dharmāṇāṃ sā tathateti |  tattvaṃ bhūtaṃ niścato niṣṭhā prakṛtiḥ svabhāvo ’nupalabdhistat tathālakṣaṇam |  mayā anyaiś ca tathāgatair anugamya yathāvaddeśitaṃ prajñaptaṃ vivṛtamuttānīkṛtam, yatrānugamya samyagavabodhānucchedāśāśvatato vikalpasyāpravṛttiḥ svapratyātmāryajñānānukūlaṃ tīrthakarapakṣaparapakṣaśrāvakapratyekabuddhāgatilakṣaṇaṃ tatsamyagjñānam |  ete ca mahāmate pañca dharmāḥ |  eteṣv eva trayaḥ svabhāvāḥ, aṣṭau ca vijñānāni, dve ca nairātmye, sarvabuddhadharmāścāntargatāḥ |  atra te mahāmate svamatikauśalaṃ karaṇīyam, anyaiś ca kārayitavyam |  na parapraṇeyena bhavitavyam || 
tatredam ucyate - 
pañca dharmāḥ svabhāvaś ca vijñānānyaṣṭa eva ca |
dve nairātmye bhavet kṛtsno mahāyānaparigrahaḥ || 6.5 || 
nāmanimittasaṃkalpāḥ svabhāvadvayalakṣaṇam |
samyagjñānaṃ tathātvaṃ ca pariniṣpannalakṣaṇam || 6.6 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  yat punar etad uktaṃ bhagavatā deśanāpāṭhe yathā gaṅgānadīvālukāsamās tathāgatā atītā anāgatā vartamānāś ca |  tatkim idaṃ bhagavan yathārutārthagrahaṇaṃ kartavyam, āhosvidanyaḥ kaścidarthāntaraviśeṣo ’stīti? taducyatāṃ bhagavan |  bhagavān āha - na mahāmate yathārutārthagrahaṇaṃ kartavyam |  na ca mahāmate gaṅgānadīvālukāpramāṇatayā tryadhvakabuddhapramāṇatā bhavati |  tat kasya hetoḥ? yaduta lokātiśayātikrāntatvān mahāmate dṛṣṭānto ’dṛṣṭāntaḥ sadṛśāsadṛśatvāt |  na ca mahāmate tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ sadṛśāsadṛśaṃ lokātiśayātikrāntaṃ dṛṣṭāntaṃ prāviṣkurvanti |  anyatra upamāmātrametan mahāmate mayopanyastam, taiś ca tathāgataiḥ |  yathā gaṅgānadīvālukāsamās tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā iti nityānityābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭānāṃ bālapṛthagjanānāṃ tīrthakarāśayakudṛṣṭiyuktānāṃ saṃsārabhavacakrānusāriṇām udvejanārtham -  katham ete udvignā bhavagaticakrasaṃkaṭādviśeṣārthino viśeṣamārabherann iti sulabhabuddhatvapradarśanārthaṃ na nodumbarapuṣpatulyas tathāgatānāmutpāda (94,1) iti kṛtvā vīryamārapsyante |  deśanāpāṭhe tu mayā vaineyajanatāpekṣayā udumbarapuṣpasudurlabhaprādurbhāvās tathāgatā iti deśitam |  na ca mahāmate udumbarapuṣpaṃ kenaciddṛṣṭapūrvaṃ na drakṣyate |  tathāgatāḥ punar mahāmate loke dṛṣṭāḥ, dṛśyante caitarhi |  na svanayapratyavasthānakathāmadhikṛtya udumbarapuṣpasudurlabhaprādurbhāvās tathāgatā iti |  svanayapratyavasthānakathāyāṃ mahāmate nirdiśyamānāyāṃ lokātiśayātikrāntā dṛṣṭāntā yuktāḥ kriyante ’śraddheyatvāt |  aśraddheyaṃ syād bālapṛthagjanānāṃ ca |  svapratyātmāryajñānagocare na dṛṣṭāntā na pravartante |  tattvaṃ ca tathāgatāḥ |  atasteṣu dṛṣṭāntā nopanyasyante || 
kiṃ tu upamāmātrametan mahāmate kṛtaṃ yaduta gaṅgānadīvālukāsamās tathāgatāḥ samā na viṣamā akalpāvikalpanataḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate gaṅgāyāṃ nadyāṃ vālukā mīnakacchapaśiśumāranakramahiṣasiṃhahastyādibhiḥ saṃkṣobhyamāṇā na kalpayanti na vikalpayanti - saṃkṣobhyāmahe na veti nirvikalpāḥ svacchā malavyapetāḥ |  evam eva mahāmate tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ svapratyātmāryajñānagaṅgāmahānadībalābhijñāvaśitāvālukāḥ sarvatīrthakarabālamīnaparapravādibhiḥ saṃkṣobhyamāṇā na kalpayanti na vikalpayanti |  tathāgatapūrvapraṇihitatvāt sarvasukhasamāpattiparipūryā sattvānāṃ na kalpayanti na vikalpayanti |  atas te gaṅgānadīvālukāsamās tathāgatā nirviśiṣṭā anunayapratighāpagatatvāt || 
tadyathā mahāmate gaṅgāyāṃ nadyāṃ vālukā pṛthivīlakṣaṇasvabhāvatvāt pṛthivī, kalpoddāhe dahyamānāpi na pṛthivīsvabhāvaṃ vijahāti |  na ca mahāmate pṛthivī dahyate tejodhātupratibaddhatvādanyatra bālapṛthagjanā vitathatāpatitayā saṃtatyā dahyamānāṃ kalpayanti, na ca dahyate tadagnihetubhūtatvāt |  evam eva mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ dharmakāyo gaṅgānadīvālukāsamo ’vināśī |  tadyathā mahāmate nadyāṃ gaṅgāyāṃ vālukā apramāṇāḥ, evam eva mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ raśmyāloko ’pramāṇaḥ sattvaparipākasaṃcodanamupādāya sarvabuddhaparṣanmaṇḍaleṣu prasarpyate tathāgataiḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate gaṅgāyāṃ nadyāṃ vālukā na vālukāsvabhāvāntaramārabhante, vālukāvasthā eva vālukāḥ, evam eva mahāmate tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ saṃsāre na pravṛttir na nivṛttiḥ, bhavapravṛttyucchinnahetutvāt |  tadyathā mahāmate gaṅgāyāṃ nadyāṃ vālukā apakṛṣṭā api na prajñāyante, prakṣiptā api na prajñāyante, mahāmate evam eva tathāgatānāṃ jñānaṃ sattvaparipākayogena na kṣīyate na vardhate, aśarīratvād dharmasya |  śarīravatāṃ hi mahāmate nāśo bhavati nāśarīravatām |  dharmaś cāśarīraḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate gaṅgāyāṃ nadyāṃ vālukā niṣpīḍyamānā ghṛtatailārthibhirghṛtatailādivirahitāḥ, evam eva mahāmate tathāgatāḥ sattvaduḥkhair niṣpīḍyamānā dharmadhātvīśvarapraṇidhānasukhaṃ na vijahati mahāmate mahākaruṇopetatvāt, yāvatsarvasattvā na nirvāpyante tathāgataiḥ |  tadyathā mahāmate gaṅgāyāṃ nadyāṃ vālukāḥ pravāhānukūlāḥ pravahanti nānudake, evam eva mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ sarvabuddhadharmadeśanā nirvāṇapravāhānukūlā saṃvartate |  tena gaṅgānadīvālukāsamās tathāgatā ityucyante |  nāyaṃ mahāmate gatyarthas tathāgateṣu pravartate |  vināśo (95,1) mahāmate gatyartho bhavati |  na ca mahāmate saṃsārasya pūrvā koṭiḥ prajñāyate |  aprajñāyamānā kathaṃ gatyarthena nirdekṣyāmi? gatyartho mahāmate ucchedaḥ |  na ca bālapṛthagjanāḥ saṃprajānanti || 
mahāmatir āha - tadyadi bhagavan pūrvā koṭir na prajñāyate sattvānāṃ saṃsaratām, tatkathaṃ mokṣaḥ prajñāyate prāṇinām? bhagavān āha - anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyavikalpavāsanāhetuvinivṛttir mahāmate svacittadṛśyabāhyārthaparijñānādvikalpasyāśrayaparāvṛttir mahāmate mokṣo na nāśaḥ |  ato nānantakathā mahāmate kiṃcitkārī bhavati |  vikalpasyaiva mahāmate paryāyo ’nantakoṭir iti |  na cātra vikalpādanyatkiṃcitsattvāntaramasti, adhyātmaṃ vā bahirdhā vā parīkṣyamāṇaṃ buddhyā |  jñānajñeyaviviktā hi mahāmate sarvadharmāḥ |  anyatra svacittavikalpāparijñānādvikalpaḥ pravartate, tadavabodhān nivartate || 
tatredam ucyate - 
gaṅgāyāṃ vālukāsamān ye paśyanti vināyakān |
anāśagatiniṣṭhān vai te paśyanti tathāgatān || 6.7 || 
gaṅgāyāṃ vālukā yadvatsarvadoṣair vivarjitāḥ |
vāhānukūlā nityāś ca tathā buddhasya buddhatā || 6.8 || 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  deśayatu bhagavān, deśayatu me sugatas tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ kṣaṇabhaṅgaṃ bhedalakṣaṇaṃ caiṣām |  tatkathaṃ bhagavan sarvadharmāḥ kṣaṇikāḥ? bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - sarvadharmāḥ sarvadharmā iti mahāmate yaduta kuśalākuśalāḥ saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtā laukikalokottarāḥ sāvadyānavadyāḥ sāsravānāsravā upāttānupāttāḥ |  saṃkṣepeṇa mahāmate pañcopādānaskandhāścittamanomanovijñānavāsanāhetukāś cittamanomanovijñānavāsanāpuṣṭair bālapṛthagjanaiḥ kuśalākuśalena parikalpyante |  samādhisukhasamāpattayo mahāmate dṛṣṭadharmasukhavihārabhāvena āryāṇāṃ kuśalānāsravā ityucyante |  kuśalākuśalāḥ punar mahāmate yaduta aṣṭau vijñānāni |  katamānyaṣṭau? yaduta tathāgatagarbhālayavijñānasaṃśabdito mano manovijñānaṃ ca pañca ca vijñānakāyāstīrthyānuvarṇitāḥ |  tatra mahāmate pañca vijñānakāyā manovijñānasahitā kuśalākuśalakṣaṇaparaṃparābhedabhinnāḥ saṃtatiprabandhanābhinnaśarīrāḥ pravartamānāḥ pravartante |  pravṛtya ca vinaśyanti |  svacittadṛśyānavabodhāt samanantaranirodhe ’nyadvijñānaṃ pravartate |  saṃsthānākṛtiviśeṣagrāhakaṃ manovijñānaṃ pañcabhirvijñānakāyaiḥ saha saṃprayuktaṃ pravartate kṣaṇakālānavasthāyi |  tatkṣaṇikam iti vadāmi |  kṣaṇikaṃ punar mahāmate ālayavijñānaṃ tathāgatagarbhasaṃśabditaṃ manaḥsahitaṃ pravṛttivijñānavāsanābhiḥ kṣaṇikamanāsravavāsanābhirakṣaṇikam |  na ca bālapṛthagjanā avabudhyante kṣaṇikavādābhiniviṣṭā kṣaṇikākṣaṇikatāmimāṃ sarvadharmāṇām |  tadanavabodhāducchedadṛṣṭyā asaṃskṛtānapi dharmān nāśayiṣyanti |  (96,1) asaṃsāriṇo mahāmate pañca vijñānakāyā ananubhūtasukhaduḥkhā anirvāṇahetavaḥ |  tathāgatagarbhaḥ punar mahāmate anubhūtasukhaduḥkhahetusahitaḥ pravartate nivartate ca catasṛbhirvāsanābhiḥ saṃmūrcchitaḥ |  na ca bālā avabudhyante kṣaṇikadṛṣṭivikalpavāsitamatayaḥ || 
punar aparaṃ mahāmate samadhāraṇaṃ kalpasthitāḥ suvarṇavajrajinadhātuprāptiviśeṣā abhaṅginaḥ |  yadi punar mahāmate abhisamayaprāptiḥ kṣaṇikā syāt, anāryatvamāryāṇāṃ syāt |  na ca anāryatvamāryāṇāṃ bhavati |  suvarṇaṃ vajraṃ ca mahāmate samadhāraṇaṃ kalpasthitā api tulyamānā na hīyante na vardhante |  tatkathaṃ bālaiḥ kṣaṇikārthe vikalpyate ādhyātmikabāhyānāṃ sarvadharmāṇām asaṃdhābhāṣyakuśalaiḥ? 
punar api mahāmatir āha - yat punar etad uktaṃ bhagavatā - ṣaṭpāramitāṃ paripūrya buddhatvam avāpyata iti |  tatkatamāstāḥ ṣaṭpāramitāḥ? kathaṃ ca paripūriṃ gacchanti? bhagavān āha - traya ete mahāmate pāramitābhedāḥ |  katame trayaḥ? yaduta laukikalokottaralokottaratamāḥ |  tatra mahāmate laukikyaḥ pāramitā ātmātmīyagrāhābhiniveśābhiniviṣṭāḥ |  antadvayagrāhiṇo vicitrabhavopapattyāyatanārthaṃ rūpādiviṣayābhilāṣiṇo dānapāramitāṃ paripūrayanti |  evaṃ śīlakṣāntivīryadhyānaprajñāpāramitāṃ mahāmate paripūrayanti bālāḥ |  abhijñāś cābhinirharanti brahmatvāya |  tatra lokottarābhiḥ pāramitābhiḥ śrāvakapratyekabuddhā nirvāṇagrāhapatitāśayā dānādiṣu prayujyante yathaiva bālā ātmasukhanirvāṇābhilāṣiṇaḥ |  lokottaratamāḥ punar mahāmate svacittadṛśyavikalpamātragrahaṇāt svacittadvayāvabodhādapravṛttervikalpasya upādānagrahaṇābhāvāt svacittarūpalakṣaṇānabhiniveśād dānapāramitā sarvasattvahitasukhārtham ājāyate bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ paramayogayoginām |  yattatraivālambane vikalpasyāpravṛttiṃ śīlayanti, tacchīlaṃ pāramitā ca sā |  yā tasyaiva vikalpasyāpravṛttikṣamaṇatā grāhyagrāhakaparijñayā, sā kṣāntipāramitā |  yena vīryeṇa pūrvarātrāpararātraṃ ghaṭate yogānukūladarśanādvikalpasya vyāvṛtteḥ, sā vīryapāramitā |  yadvikalpanivṛttestīrthyanirvāṇagrāhāpatanaṃ sā dhyānapāramitā |  tatra prajñāpāramitā yadā svacittavikalpābhāvādābuddhipravicayāt prativicinvan antadvaye na patati āśrayaparāvṛttipūrvakarmavināśataḥ, svapratyātmāryagatipratilambhāya prayujyate, sā prajñāpāramitā | etā mahāmate pāramitāḥ | eṣa pāramitārthaḥ | 
tatredam ucyate - 
śūnyamanityaṃ kṣaṇikaṃ bālāḥ kalpenti saṃskṛtam |
nadīdīpabījadṛṣṭāntaiḥ kṣaṇikārtho vikalpyate || 6.9 || 
nirvyāpāraṃ kṣaṇikaṃ viviktaṃ kṣayavarjitam |
an utpattiś ca dharmāṇāṃ kṣaṇikārthaṃ vadāmy aham || 6.10 || 
(97,1) utpattyanantaraṃ bhaṅgaṃ na vai deśemi bāliśān |
nair antaryeṇa bhāvānāṃ vikalpaḥ spandate gatau || 6.11 || 
sā vidyā kāraṇaṃ teṣāṃ cittānāṃ saṃpravartikam |
antarā kimavasthāsau yāvadrūpaṃ na jāyate || 6.12 || 
samanantarapradhvastaṃ cittamanyatpravartate |
rūpaṃ na tiṣṭhate kāle kimālambya pravartsyate || 6.13 || 
yasmād yatra pravartate cittaṃ vitathahetukam |
na prasiddhaṃ kathaṃ tasya kṣaṇabhaṅgo ’vadhāryate || 6.14 || 
yogināṃ hi samāpattiḥ suvarṇaṃ jinadhātavaḥ |
ābhāsvaravimānāś ca abhedyā lokakāraṇāt || 6.15 || 
sthitayaḥ prāptidharmāś ca buddhānāṃ jñānasaṃpadaḥ |
bhikṣutvaṃ samayaprāptir dṛṣṭā vai kṣaṇikāḥ katham || 6.16 || 
gandharvapuramāyādyā rūpā vai kṣaṇikā na kim |
abhūtikāś ca bhūtāś ca bhūtāḥ kecitkarāgatāḥ || 6.17 || 
iti laṅkāvatāre kṣaṇikaparivartaḥ ṣaṣṭhaḥ || 
(98,1) nairmāṇikaparivarto nāma saptamaḥ |
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ punar api bhagavantam etad avocat -  arhantaḥ punar bhagavatā vyākṛtā anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau |  aparinirvāṇadharmakāś ca sattvās tathāgatatve |  yasyāṃ ca rātrau tathāgato ’nuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbuddho yasyāṃ ca rātrau parinirvṛtaḥ, etasminn antare bhagavatā ekam apy akṣaraṃ nodāhṛtaṃ na pravyāhṛtam |  sadā samāhitāś ca tathāgatā na vitarkayanti na vyavacārayanti |  nirmāṇāni ca nirmāya tais tathāgatakṛtyaṃ kurvanti |  kiṃ kāraṇaṃ ca vijñānānāṃ kṣaṇaparaṃparābhedalakṣaṇaṃ nirdiśyate?  vajrapāṇiś ca satatasamitaṃ nityānubaddhaḥ | pūrvā ca koṭir na prajñāyate | nirvṛtiś ca prajñāpyate |  mārāś ca mārakarmāṇi ca karmaplotayaś ca |  cañcāmāṇavikā sundarikā pravrājikā yathā dhautapātrādīni ca bhagavan karmāvaraṇāni dṛśyante |  tatkathaṃ bhagavatā sarvākārajñatā prāptā aprahīṇair doṣaiḥ?  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt |  bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - nirupadhiśeṣaṃ nirvāṇadhātuṃ saṃdhāya bodhisattvacaryāṃ ca caritavatāṃ protsāhanārtham |  santi hi mahāmate bodhisattvacaryācāriṇaḥ iha anyeṣu ca buddhakṣetreṣu |  yeṣāṃ śrāvakayānanirvāṇābhilāṣasteṣāṃ śrāvakayānarucivyāvartanārthaṃ mahāyānagatiprotsāhanārthaṃ ca tannirmitaśrāvakān nirmāṇakāyair vyākaroti, na ca dharmatābuddhaiḥ |  etat saṃdhāya mahāmate śrāvakavyākaraṇaṃ nirdiṣṭam |  na hi mahāmate śrāvakapratyekabuddhānāṃ kleśāvaraṇaprahāṇaviśeṣo vimuktyekarasatayā |  nātra jñeyāvaraṇaprahāṇam |  jñeyāvaraṇaṃ punar mahāmate dharmanairātmyadarśanaviśeṣād viśudhyate |  kleśāvaraṇaṃ tu pudgalanairātmyadarśanābhyāsapūrvakaṃ prahīyate, manovijñānanivṛtteḥ |  dharmāvaraṇavinirmuktiḥ punarālayavijñānavāsanāvinivṛtter viśudhyati |  pūrvadharmasthititāṃ saṃdhāya apūrvacaramasya cābhāvāt pūrvaprahiṇair evākṣarais tathāgato na vitarkya na vicārya dharmaṃ deśayati |  saṃprajānakāritvād amuṣitasmṛtitvāc ca na vitarkayati na vicārayati, caturvāsanābhūmiprahīṇatvācc yutidvayavigamāt kleśajñeyāvaraṇadvayaprahāṇāc ca || 
sapta mahāmate manomanovijñānacakṣurvijñānādayaḥ kṣaṇikāḥ vāsanāhetutvāt kuśalānāsravapakṣarahitāḥ na saṃsāriṇaḥ |  tathāgatagarbhaḥ punar mahāmate saṃsarati nirvāṇasukhaduḥkhahetukaḥ |  na ca bālapṛthagjanā avabudhyante śūnyatāvikṣiptamatayaḥ |  nirmitanairmāṇikānāṃ mahāmate tathāgatānāṃ vajrapāṇiḥ pārśvānugato na maulānāṃ tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānām |  maulo hi mahāmate tathāgataḥ sarvapramāṇendriyavinivṛttaḥ sarvabālaśrāvakapratyekabuddhatīrthyānām |  dṛṣṭadharmasukhavihāriṇastamāgacchantyabhisamayadharmajñānakṣāntyā |  ato vajrapāṇistān nānubadhnāti |  sarve hi nirmitabuddhā na karmaprabhavāḥ |  na teṣu tathāgato na cānyatra tebhyas tathāgataḥ |  kumbhakārālambanādiprayogeṇ eva sattvakṛtyāni karoti, lakṣaṇopetaṃ ca deśayati, na tu svanayapratyavasthānakathāṃ svapratyātmāryagatigocaram |  punar aparaṃ mahāmate ṣaṇṇāṃ vijñānakāyānāṃ nirodhāducchedadṛṣṭimāśrayanti (99,1) bālapṛthagjanāḥ, ālayānavabodhāc chāśvatadṛṣṭayo bhavanti |  svamativikalpasya mahāmate pūrvā koṭir na prajñāyate |  svamativikalpasyaiva vinivṛttermokṣaḥ prajñāyate |  caturvāsanāprahāṇāt sarvadoṣaprahāṇam || 
tatredam ucyate - 
trīṇi yānānyayānaṃ ca buddhānāṃ nāsti nirvṛtiḥ |
buddhatve vyākṛtāḥ sarve vītadeṣāś ca deśitāḥ || 7.1 || 
abhisamayāntikaṃ jñānaṃ nirupādigatis tathā |
protsāhanā ca līnānāmetatsaṃghāya deśitam || 7.2 || 
buddhairutpāditaṃ jñānaṃ mārgastair eva deśitaḥ |
yānti tenaiva nānyena atasteṣāṃ na nirvṛtiḥ || 7.3 || 
bhavakāmarūpadṛṣṭīnāṃ vāsanā vai caturvidhā |
manovijñānasaṃbhūtā ālayaṃ ca manaḥsthitāḥ || 7.4 || 
manovijñānanetrādyair ucchedaś cāpy anityataḥ |
śāśvataṃ ca anādyena nirvāṇamatidṛṣṭinām || 7.5 || 
iti laṅkāvatārasūtre nairmāṇikaparivartaḥ saptamaḥ || 
(100,1) māṃsabhakṣaṇaparivarto nāmāṣṭamaḥ |
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantaṃ gāthābhiḥ paripṛcchaya punar apy adhyeṣate sma - deśayatu me bhagavāṃs tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho māṃsabhakṣaṇe guṇadoṣam, yena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā anāgatapratyutpannakāle sattvānāṃ kravyādasattvagativāsanāvāsitānāṃ māṃsabhojagṛddhāṇāṃ rasatṛṣṇāprahāṇāya dharmaṃ deśayāma, yathā ca te kravyādabhojinaḥ sattvā virāgya rasatṛṣṇāṃ dharmarasāhārakāṅkṣayā sarvasattvaikaputrakapremānugatāḥ parasparaṃ mahāmaitrīṃ pratilabheran |  pratilabhya sarvabodhisattvabhūmiṣu kṛtayogyāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyeran |  śrāvakapratyekabuddhabhūmyā vā viśramya anuttarāṃ tāthāgatīṃ bhūmimupasarpayeyuḥ |  durākhyātadharmair api tāvad bhagavannanyatīrthikair lokāyatadṛṣṭyabhiniviṣṭaiḥ sadasatpakṣocchedaśāśvatavādibhirmāsaṃ nivāryate bhakṣyamāṇam |  svayaṃ ca na bhakṣyate, prāg eva kṛpaikarase samyaksaṃbuddhe praṇīte lokanāthe |  tava śāsane māṃsaṃ svayaṃ ca bhakṣyate, bhakṣyamāṇaṃ ca na nivāryate |  tatsādhu bhagavān sarvalokānukampakaḥ sarvasattvaiputrakasamadarśī mahākāruṇiko ’nukampām upādāya māṃsabhakṣaṇe guṇadeṣān deśayatu me, yathā ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvāstathatvāya sattvebhyo dharmaṃ deśayema |  bhagavān āha - tena hi mahāmate śṛṇu, sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru | bhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te |  sādhu bhagavann iti mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt || 
bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - aparimitair mahāmate kāraṇairmāṃsaṃ sarvamabhakṣyaṃ kṛpātmano bodhisattvasya |  tebhyastūpadeśamātraṃ vakṣyāmi |  iha mahāmate anena dīrgheṇādhvanā saṃsaratāṃ prāṇināṃ nāstyasau kaścitsattvaḥ sulabharūpo yo na mātābhūtpitā vā bhrātā vā bhaginī vā putro vā duhitā vā anyatarānyataro vā svajanabandhubandhūbhūto vā |  tasya anyajanmaparivṛttāśrayasya mṛgapaśupakṣiyonyantarbhūtasya bandhor bandhubhūtasya vā sarvabhūtātmabhūtānupāgantukāmena sarvajantuprāṇibhūtasaṃbhūtaṃ māṃsaṃ katham iva bhakṣyaṃ syād buddhadharmakāmena bodhisattvena mahāsattvena? rākṣasasyāpi mahāmate tathāgatānāmimāṃ dharmasudharmatāmupaśrutya upagatarakṣabhāvāḥ kṛpālavā bhavanti māṃsabhakṣaṇavinivṛttāḥ, kimuta dharmakāmā janāḥ |  evaṃ tāvan mahāmate teṣu teṣu jātiparivarteṣu sarvasattvāḥ svajanabandhubhāvasaṃjñāḥ sarvasattvaikaputrakasaṃjñābhāvanārthaṃ māṃsaṃ sarvamabhakṣyam |  kṛpātmano bodhisattvasyābhakṣyaṃ māṃsam |  vyabhicārādapi mahāmate māṃsaṃ sarvamabhakṣyaṃ cāritravato bodhisattvasya |  śvakharoṣṭrāśvabalīvardamānuṣamāṃsādīni hi mahāmate lokasyābhakṣyāṇi māṃsāni |  tāni ca mahāmate vīthyantareṣv aurabhrikā bhakṣyāṇīti kṛtvā mūlyahetorvikrīyante yataḥ, tato ’pi mahāmate māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya || 
śukraśoṇitasaṃbhavād api mahāmate śucikāmatām upādāya bodhisattvasya māṃsamabhakṣyam |  udvejanakaratvādapi mahāmate bhūtānāṃ maitrīmicchato yogino māṃsaṃ sarvamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  (101,1) tadyathāpi mahāmate ḍombacāṇḍālakaivartādīn piśitāśinaḥ sattvān dūrata eva dṛṣṭvā śvānaḥ prabhayanti bhayena, maraṇaprāptāś caike bhavanti - asmānapi mārayiṣyantīti |  evam eva mahāmate anye ’pi khabhūjalasaṃniśritān sūkṣmajantavo ye māṃsāśino darśanād dūrād eva paṭunā ghrāṇenāghrāya gandhaṃ rākṣasasy eva mānuṣā drutamapasarpanti, maraṇasaṃdehāś caike bhavanti |  tasmād api ca mahāmate udvejanakaratvān mahāmaitrīvihāriṇo yogino māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya anāryajanajuṣṭaṃ durgandham |  akīrtikaratvādapi mahāmate āryajanavivarjitatvāc ca māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  ṛṣibhojanāhāro hi mahāmate āryajano na māṃsarudhirāhāraḥ, ityato ’pi bodhisattvasya māṃsamabhakṣyam || 
bahujanacittānurakṣaṇatayāpi apavādaparihāraṃ cecchataḥ śāsanasya mahāmate māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ kṛpātmano bodhisattvasya |  tadyathā mahāmate bhavanti loke śāsanāpavādavaktāraḥ |  kiṃcitteṣāṃ śrāmaṇyam, kuto vā brāhmaṇyam? yannāmaite pūrvarṣibhojanānyapāsya kravyādā ivāmiṣāhārāḥ paripūrṇakukṣayaḥ khabhūmijalasaṃniśritān sūkṣmāṃstrāsayanto jantūn samutrāsayanta imaṃ lokaṃ samantataḥ paryaṭanti |  nihatameṣāṃ śrāmaṇyam, dhvastameṣāṃ brāhmaṇyam, nāstyeṣāṃ dharmo na vinayaḥ, ityanekaprakārapratihatacetasaḥ śāsanamevāpavadanti |  tasmād bahujanacittānurakṣaṇatayāpi apavādaparihāraṃ cecchataḥ śāsanasya mahāmate māṃsaṃṃ sarvamabhakṣyaṃ kṛpātmano bodhisattvasya || 
mṛtaśavadurgandhapratikūlasāmānyādapi mahāmate māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  mṛtasyāpi hi mahāmate manuṣyasya māṃse dahyamāne tadanyaprāṇimāṃse ca, na kaścidgandhaviśeṣaḥ |  samamubhayamāṃsayor dahyamānayor daurgandhyam |  ato ’pi mahāmate śucikāmasya yoginaḥ sarvaṃ māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya || 
śmaśānikānāṃ ca mahāmate araṇyavanaprasthānyamanuṣyāvacarāṇi prāntāni śayanāsanānyadhyāvasatāṃ yogināṃ yogācārāṇāṃ maitrīvihāriṇāṃ vidyādharāṇāṃ vidyāṃ sādhayitukāmānāṃ vidyāsādhanamokṣavighnakaratvān mahāyānasaṃprasthitānāṃ kulaputrāṇāṃ kuladuhitṝṇāṃ ca sarvayogasādhanāntarāyakaramityapi samanupaśyatāṃ mahāmate svaparātmahitakāmasya māṃsaṃ sarvamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  rūpālambanavijñānapratyayāsvādajanakatvādapi sarvabhūtātmabhūtasya kṛpātmanaḥ sarvaṃ māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  devatā api cainaṃ parivarjayantīti kṛtvā mahāmate kṛpātmanaḥ sarvaṃ māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  mukhaṃ cāsya paramadurgandhi ihaiva tāvajjanmani, ityapi kṛtvā mahāmate kṛpātmanaḥ sarvaṃ māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ bodhisattvasya |  duḥkhaṃ svapiti, duḥkhaṃ pratibudhyate |  pāpakāṃś ca romaharṣaṇān svapnān paśyanti |  śūnyāgārasthitasya caikākino rahogatasya viharato ’syāmanuṣyāstejo haranti |  utrasyantyapi, kadācitsaṃtrasyantyapi, saṃtrāsamakasmāccāpadyante, āhāre ca mātrāṃ na jānāti nāpy aśitapītakhāditākhāditasya samyagrasapariṇāmapuṣṭyādi samāsādayati, krimijantupracurakuṣṭhanidānakoṣṭhaś ca bhavati vyādhibahulam, na ca pratikūlasaṃjñāṃ pratilabhate |  (102,1) putramāṃsabhaiṣajyavadāhāraṃ deśayaṃścāhaṃ mahāmate katham iva anāryajanasevitamāryajanavivarjitamevamanekadoṣāvahamanekaguṇavivarjitamanṛṣibhojanapraṇītamakalpyaṃ māṃsarudhirāhāraṃ śiṣyebhyo ’nujñāpyāmi? 
anujñātavān punarahaṃ mahāmate sarvāryajanasevitamanāryajanavivarjitamanekaguṇavāhakamanekadoṣavivarjitaṃ sarvapūrvarṣipraṇītaṃ bhojanam, yaduta śāliyavagodhūmamudgamāṣamasūrādisarpistailamadhuphāṇitaguḍakhaṇḍamatsyaṇḍikādiṣu samupapadyamānaṃ bhojanaṃ kalpyam iti kṛtvā |  na ca mahāmate anāgate ’dhvani ekeṣāṃ mohapuruṣāṇāṃ vividhavinayavikalpavādināṃ kravyādakulavāsitāvāsitānāṃ rasatṛṣṇāvyavasitānāmidaṃ praṇītaṃ bhojanaṃ pratibhāṣyate |  na tu mahāmate pūrvajinakṛtādhikārāṇām avaropitakuśalamūlānāṃ śrāddhānāmavikalpānāṃ bahulānāṃ śākyakulakulīnānāṃ kulaputrāṇāṃ kuladuhitṝṇāṃ kāyajīvitabhogānadhyavasitānāmarasagṛdhrāṇām alolupānāṃ kṛpālūnāṃ sarvabhūtātmabhūtatāmupagantukāmānāṃ sarvasattvaikaputrakapriyadarśināṃ bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānam iti vadāmi || 
bhūtapūrvaṃ mahāmate atīte ’dhvani rājābhūtsiṃhasaudāso nāma |  sa māṃsabhojanāhārātiprasaṅgena pratisevamāno rasatṛṣṇādhyavasānaparamatayā māṃsāni mānuṣyāṇyapi bhakṣitavān |  tannidānaṃ ca mitrāmātyajñātibandhuvargeṇāpi parityaktaḥ, prāg eva paurajānapadaiḥ |  svarājyaviṣayaparityāgāc ca mahadvayasanamāsāditavān māṃsahetoḥ || 
indreṇāpi ca mahāmate devādhipatyaṃ prāptena (pūrvābhūtvā) pūrvajanmamāṃsādavāsanādoṣāc chyenarūpam āsthāya kapotaveṣarūpadhārī viśvakarmā samabhidruto ’bhūt |  tulāyāṃ cātmānam āropita āsīt |  yasmād rājā anaparādhibhūtānukampakaḥ śibī duḥkhena mahatā lambhitaḥ |  tad evam anekajanmābhyastam api mahāmate devendrabhūtasya śakrasyāpi sataḥ svaparadoṣāvahanamabhūt, prāg eva tadanyeṣām || 
anyeṣāṃ ca mahāmate narendrabhūtānāṃ satāmaśvenāpahṛtānāmaṭavyāṃ paryaṭamānānāṃ siṃhyā saha maithunaṃ gatavatāṃ jīvitabhayādapatyāni cotpāditavantaḥ siṃhasaṃvāsānvayāt kalmāṣapādaprabhṛtayo nṛpaputrāḥ pūrvajanmamāṃsādadoṣavāsanatayā manuṣyendrabhūtā api santo māṃsādā abhūvan |  ihaiva ca mahāmate janmani saptakuṭīrake ’pi grāme pracuramāṃsalaulyādatiprasaṅgena niṣevamānā mānuṣamāṃsādā ghorā ḍākā vā ḍākinyaś ca saṃjāyante |  jātiparivarte ca mahāmate tathaiva māṃsarasādhyavasānatayā siṃhavyāghradvīpivṛkatarakṣumārjārajambukolūkādipracuramāṃsādayoniṣu pracuratarapiśitāśanā rākṣasādighoratarayoniṣu vinipātyante |  yatra vinipatitānāṃ duḥkhena mānuṣyayonirapi samāpadyate, prāgave nirvṛtiḥ |  ityevamādayo mahāmate māṃsādadoṣāḥ prāg eva niṣevamānānāṃ samupajāyante, viparyayāc ca bhūyāṃso guṇāḥ |  na ca mahāmate bālapṛthagjanā (103,1) etāṃś cānyāṃś ca guṇadoṣānavabudhyante |  evamādiguṇadoṣadarśanān mahāmate māṃsaṃ sarvamabhakṣyaṃ kṛpātmano bodhisattvasyeti vadāmi || 
yadi ca mahāmate māṃsaṃ na kathaṃcana kecana bhakṣayeyuḥ, na tannidānaṃ ghāteran |  mūlyahetorhi mahāmate prāyaḥ prāṇino niraparādhino vadhyante svalpādanyahetoḥ |  kaṣṭaṃ mahāmate rasatṛṣṇāyām atisevatāṃ māṃsāni mānuṣāny api mānuṣair bhakṣyante, kiṃ punar itaramṛgapakṣiprāṇisaṃbhūtamāṃsāni |  prāyo mahāmate māṃsarasatṛṣṇārtair idaṃ tathā tathā jālayantram āviddhaṃ mohapuruṣaiḥ, yacchākunikaurabhrakakaivartādayaḥ khecarabhūcarajalacarān prāṇino ’naparādhino ’nekaprakāraṃ mūlyahetorviśasanti |  na caiṣāṃ mahāmate kiṃkanīkṛtarūkṣacetasāṃ rākṣasānāmiva gataghṛṇānāṃ kadācid api prāṇiṣu prāṇisaṃjñayā ghātayatāṃ bhakṣayatāṃ na ghṛṇotpadyate || 
na ca mahāmate akṛtakamakāritamasaṃkalpitaṃ nāma māṃsaṃ kalpyam asti yadupādāya anujānīyāṃ śrāvakebhyaḥ |  bhaviṣyanti tu punar mahāmate anāgate ’dhvani mamaiva śāsane pravrajitvā śākyaputrīyatvaṃ pratijānānāḥ kāṣāyadhvajadhāriṇo mohapuruṣā mithyāvitarkopahatacetaso vividhavinayavikalpavādinaḥ satkāyadṛṣṭiyuktā rasatṛṣṇādhyavasitāstāṃ tāṃ māṃsabhakṣaṇahetvābhāsāṃ granthayiṣyanti |  mama cābhūtābhyākhyānaṃ dātavyaṃ maṃsyante |  tattadarthotpattinidānaṃ kalpayitvā vakṣyanti - iyam arthotpattir asmin nidāne, bhagavatā māṃsabhojanamanujñātaṃ kalpyam iti |  praṇītabhojaneṣu coktam, svayaṃ ca kila tathāgatena paribhuktam iti |  na ca mahāmate kutracitsūtre pratisevitavyamityanujñātam, praṇītabhojaneṣu vā deśitaṃ kalpyam iti || 
yadi tu mahāmate anujñātukāmatā me syāt, kalpyaṃ vā me śrāvakāṇāṃ pratisevituṃ syāt, nāhaṃ maitrīvihāriṇāṃ yogināṃ yogācārāṇāṃ śmaśānikānāṃ mahāyānasaṃprasthitānāṃ kulaputrāṇāṃ kuladuhitṝṇāṃ ca sarvasattvaikaputrakasaṃjñābhāvanārthaṃ sarvāmāṃsabhakṣaṇapratiṣedhaṃ kuryām, kṛtavāṃś ca |  asmin mahāmate dharmakāmānāṃ kulaputrāṇāṃ kuladuhitṝṇāṃ ca sarvayānasaṃprasthitānāṃ śmaśānikānāṃ maitrīvihāriṇāmāraṇyakānāṃ yogināṃ yogācārāṇāṃ sarvayogasādhanāya sarvasattvaikaputrakasaṃjñābhāvanārthaṃ sarvamāṃsapratiṣedham || 
tatra tatra deśanāpāṭhe śikṣāpadānāmanupūrvībandhaṃ niḥśreṇīpadavinyāsayogena trikoṭiṃ baddhvā na taduddiśya kṛtāni pratiṣiddhāni |  tato daśaprakṛtimṛtānyapi māṃsāni pratiṣiddhāni |  iha tu sūtre sarveṇa sarvaṃ sarvathā sarvaṃ nirupāyena sarvaṃ pratiṣiddham |  yato ’haṃ mahāmate māṃsabhojanaṃ na kasyacidanujñātavān, nānujānāmi, nānujñāsyāmi |  akalpyaṃ mahāmate pravrajitānāṃ māṃsabhojanam iti vadāmi |  yadapi ca mahāmate mamābhyākhyānaṃ dātavyaṃ maṃsyante tathāgatenāpi paribhuktam iti, tadanyeṣāṃ mahāmate mohapuruṣāṇāṃ svakarmadoṣāvaraṇāvṛtānāṃ dīrgharātramanarthāyāhitāya saṃvartakaṃ bhaviṣyati |  na hi mahāmate āryaśrāvakāḥ prākṛtamanuṣyāhāramāharanti, (104,1) kuta eva māṃsarudhirāhāramakalpyam |  dharmāhārā hi mahāmate mama śrāvakāḥ pratyekabuddhā bodhisattvāś ca nāmiṣāhārāḥ, prāg eva tathāgatāḥ |  dharmakāyā hi mahāmate tathāgatā dharmāhārasthitayo nāmiṣakāyā na sarvāmiṣāhārasthitayo vāntasarvabhavopakaraṇatṛṣṇaiṣaṇāvāsanāḥ sarvakleśadoṣavāsanāpagatāḥ suvimuktacittaprajñāḥ sarvajñāḥ sarvadarśinaḥ sarvasattvaikaputrakasamadarśino mahākāruṇikāḥ |  so ’haṃ mahāmate sarvasattvaikaputrakasaṃjñī san katham iva svaputramāṃsamanujñāsyāmi paribhoktuṃ śrāvakebhyaḥ, kuta eva svayaṃ paribhoktum? anujñātavānasmi śrāvakebhyaḥ svayaṃ vā paribhuktavān iti mahāmate nedaṃ sthānaṃ vidyate || 
tatredam ucyate - 
madyaṃ māṃsaṃ palāṇḍuṃ na bhakṣayeyaṃ mahāmune |
bodhisattvairmahāsattvair bhāṣadbhirjinapuṃgavaiḥ || 8.1 || 
anāryajuṣṭadurgandhamakīrtikaram eva ca |
kravyādabhojanaṃ māṃsaṃ brūhyabhakṣyaṃ mahāmune || 8.2 || 
bhakṣyamāṇe ca ye deṣā abhakṣye tu guṇāś ca ye |
mahāmate nibodha tvaṃ ye doṣā māṃsabhakṣaṇe || 8.3 || 
svājanyādvyabhicārāc ca śukraśoṇitasaṃbhavāt |
udvejanīyaṃ bhūtānāṃ yogī māṃsaṃ vivarjayet || 8.4 || 
māṃsāni ca palāṇḍūṃś ca madyāni vividhāni ca |
gṛñjanaṃ laśunaṃ caiva yogī nityaṃ vivarjayet || 8.5 || 
mrakṣaṇaṃ varjayettailaṃ śalyaviddheṣu na svapet |
chidrāc chidreṣu sattvānāṃ yacca sthānaṃ mahadbhayam || 8.6 || 
āhārājjāyate darpaḥ saṃkalpo darpasaṃbhavaḥ |
saṃkalpajanito rājastasmād api na bhakṣayet || 8.7 || 
saṃkalpāj jāyate rāgaś cittaṃ rāgeṇa muhyate |
mūḍhasya saṃgatir bhavati jāyate na ca mucyate || 8.8 || 
lābhārthaṃ hanyate sattvo māṃsārthaṃ dīyate dhanam |
ubhau tau pāpakarmāṇau pacyete rauravādiṣu || 8.9 || 
yo ’tikramya munervākyaṃ māṃsaṃ bhakṣati durmatiḥ |
lokadvayavināśārthaṃ dīkṣitaḥ śākyaśāsane || 8.10 || 
te yānti paramaṃ ghoraṃ narakaṃ pāpakarmiṇaḥ |
rauravādiṣu raudreṣu pacyante māṃsakhādakāḥ || 8.11 || 
(105,1) trikoṭiśuddhamāṃsaṃ vai akalpitamayācitam |
acoditaṃ ca naivāsti tasmān māṃsaṃ na bhakṣayet || 8.12 || 
māṃsaṃ na bhakṣayedyogī mayā buddhaiś ca garhitam |
anyonyabhakṣaṇāḥ sattvāḥ kravyādakulasaṃbhavāḥ || 8.13 || 
durgandhiḥ kutsanīyaś ca unmattaś cāpi jāyate |
caṇḍālapukkasakule ḍombeṣu ca punaḥ punaḥ || 8.14 || 
ḍākinījātiyonyāś ca māṃsāde jāyate kule |
rākṣasīmārjārayonau ca jāyate ’sau naro ’dhamaḥ || 8.15 || 
hastikakṣye mahāmedhe nirvāṇāṅgulimālike |
laṅkāvatārasūtre ca mayā māṃsaṃ vivarjitam || 8.16 || 
buddhaiś ca bodhisattvaiś ca śrāvakaiś ca vigarhitam |
khādate yadi nairlajjyādunmatto jāyate sadā || 8.17 || 
brāhmaṇeṣu ca jāyeta atha vā yogināṃ kule |
prajñāvān dhanavāṃś caiva māṃsādyānāṃ vivarjanāt || 8.18 || 
dṛṣṭaśrutaviśaṅkābhiḥ sarvaṃ māṃsaṃ vivarjayet |
tārkikā nāvabudhyante kravyādakulasaṃbhavāḥ || 8.19 || 
yathaiva rāgo mokṣasya antarāyakaro bhavet |
tathaiva māṃsamadyādyā antarāyakaro bhavet || 8.20 || 
vakṣyantyanāgate kāle māṃsādā mohavādinaḥ |
kalpikaṃ niravadyaṃ ca māṃsaṃ buddhānuvarṇitam || 8.21 || 
bhaiṣajyaṃ māṃsamāhāraṃ putramāṃsopamaṃ punaḥ |
mātrayā pratikūlaṃ ca yogī piṇḍaṃ samācaret || 8.22 || 
maitrīvihāriṇāṃ nityaṃ sarvathāṃ garhitaṃ mayā |
siṃhavyāghravṛkādyaiś ca saha ekatra saṃbhavet || 8.23 || 
tasmān na bhakṣayenmāṃsamudvejanakaraṃ nṛṇām |
mokṣadharmaviruddhatvādāryāṇāmeṣa vai dhvajaḥ || 8.24 || 
iti laṅkāvatārāt sarvabuddhapravacanahṛdayān māṃsabhakṣaṇaparivarto ’ṣṭamaḥ || 
(106,1) dhāraṇīparivarto nāma navamaḥ | 
atha khalu bhagavān mahāmatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvamāmantrayate sma - udgṛhṇa tvaṃ mahāmate laṅkāvatāre mantrapadāni yānyatītānāgatapratyutpannair buddhair bhagavadbhir bhāṣitāni, bhāṣante, bhāṣiṣyante ca |  aham apy etarhi bhāṣiṣye dharmabhāṇakānāṃ parigrahārtham | 
tadyathā | tuṭṭe 2 | vuṭṭe 2 | paṭṭe 2 | kaṭṭe 2 | amale 2 | vimale 2 | nime 2 | hime 2 | vame 2 | kale 2 | kale 2 | aṭṭe maṭṭe | vaṭṭe tuṭṭe | jñeṭṭe spuṭṭe | kaṭṭe 2 | laṭṭe paṭṭe | dime 2 | cale 2 | pace pace | bandhe 2 | añce mañce | dutāre 2 | patāre 2 | akke 2 | sarkke 2 | cakre 2 | dime 2 | hime 2 | ṭu ṭu ṭu ṭu | 4 | ḍu ḍu ḍu ḍu | 4 | ru ru ru ru | 4 | phu phu phu phu | 4 | svāhā || 
imāni mahāmate mantrapadāni laṅkāvatāre mahāyānasūtre |  yaḥ kaścin mahāmate kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā imāni mantrapadānyudgrahīṣyati dhārayiṣyati vācayiṣyati paryavāpsyati, na tasya kaścid avatāraṃ lapsyate devo vā devī vā nāgo vā nāgī vā yakṣo vā yakṣī vā asuro vā asurī vā garuḍo vā garuḍī vā kinnaro vā kinnarī vā mahorago vā mahoragī vā gandharvo vā gandharvī vā bhūto vā bhūtī vā kumbhāṇḍo vā kumbhāṇḍī vā piśāco vā piśācī vā ostārako vā austārakī vā apasmāro vā apasmārī vā rākṣaso vā rākṣasī vā ḍāko vā ḍākinī vā ojohāro vā ojohārī vā kaṭapūtano vā kaṭapūtanī vā amanuṣyo vā amanuṣyī vā, sarve te ’vatāraṃ na lapsyate |  sa ced viṣamagraho bhaviṣyati, so ’syāṣṭottaraśatābhimantritena rodan krandanto kaṃ diśaṃ dṛṣṭvā yāsyati || 
punaraparāṇi mahāmate mantrapadāni bhāṣiṣye | tadyathā - padme padmadeve | hine hini hine | cu cule culu cule | phale phula phule | yule ghule yula yule | ghule ghula ghule | pale pala pale | muñce 3 | chinde bhinde bhañje marde pramarde dinakare svāhā || 
imāni mahāmate mantrapadāni yaḥ kaścit kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā udgrahīṣyati dhārayiṣyati vācayiṣyati paryavāpsyati, tasya na kaścid avatāraṃ lapsyate devo vā devī vā nāgo vā nāgī vā yakṣo vā yakṣī vā asuro vā asurī vā garuḍo vā garuḍī vā kinnaro vā kinnarī vā mahorago vā mahoragī vā gandharvo vā gandharvī vā bhūto vā bhūtī vā kumbhāṇḍo vā kumbhāṇḍī vā piśāco vā piśācī vā ostārako vā ostārakī vā, apasmāro vā apasmārī vā, rākṣaso vā rākṣasī vā, ḍāko vā ḍākinī vā, ojoharo vā ojoharī vā, kaṭapūtano vā kaṭapūtanī vā, manuṣyo vā manuṣyī vā, sarve te ’vatāraṃ na lapsyate |  ya imāni mantrapadāni paṭhiṣyati, tena laṅkāvatārasūtraṃ paṭhitaṃ bhaviṣyati |  imāni bhagavatā mantrapadāni bhāṣitāni rākṣasānāṃ nivāraṇārtham || 
iti laṅkāvatāre dhāraṇīparivarto nāma navamaḥ || 
(107,1) sagāthakam | 
atha khalu mahāmatir bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat - 
utpādabhaṅgarahito lokaḥ khepuṣpasaṃnibhaḥ |
sadasan nopalabdho ’yaṃ prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 10.1 || 
śāśvatocchedavarjyaś ca lokaḥ svapnopamaḥ sadā |
sadasan nopalabdho ’yaṃ prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 10.2 || 
māyopamāḥ sarvadharmāścittavijñānavarjitāḥ |
sadasan nopalabdhāste prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 10.3 || 
dharmapudgalanairātmyaṃ kleśajñeyaṃ ca te sadā |
viśuddhamanimittena prajñayā kṛpayā ca te || 10.4 || 
na nirvāsi na nirvāṇe na nirvāṇaṃ tvayi sthitam |
buddhiboddhavyarahitaṃ sadasatpakṣavarjitam || 10.5 || 
ye paśyanti muniṃ śāntamevam utpattivarjitam |
te bhavantyanupādānā ihāmutra nirañjanāḥ || 10.6 || 
mṛgatṛṣṇā yathā grīṣme spandate cittamohanī |
mṛgā gṛhṇanti pānīyaṃ vastu tasya na vidyate || 10.7 || 
evaṃ vijñānabījo ’yaṃ spandate dṛṣṭigocare |
bālā gṛhṇanti jāyantaṃ timiraṃ taimirā yathā || 10.8 || 
dhyātā dhyānaṃ ca dhyeyaṃ ca prahāṇaṃ satyadarśanam |
kalpanāmātramevedaṃ yo budhyati sa mucyati || 10.9 || 
asārakā ime dharmā manyanāyāḥ samutthitāḥ |
sāpyatra manyanā śūnyā yayā śūnyeti manyate || 10.10 || 
jalavṛkṣacchāyāsadṛśāḥ skandha vijñānapañcamāḥ |
māyāsvapnopamaṃ dṛśyaṃ vijñaptyā na vikalpayet || 10.11 || 
māyāvetālayantrābhaṃ svapnaṃ vidyuddhanaṃ sadā |
trisaṃtativyavacchinnaṃ jagatpaśyan vimucyate || 10.12 || 
ayoniśo vikalpena vijñānaṃ saṃpravartate |
aṣṭaghā navadhā citraṃ taraṃgāṇi mahodadhau || 10.13 || 
(108,1) vāsanair bṛṃhitaṃ nityaṃ buddhyā mūlaṃ sthirāśrayam |
bhramate gocare cittamayaskānte yathāyasam || 10.14 || 
āśritā sarvabhūteṣu gotrabhūstarkavarjitā |
nivartate kriyāmuktā jñānajñeyavivarjitā || 10.15 || 
māyopamaṃ samādhiṃ ca daśabhūmivinirgatam |
paśyatha cittarājānaṃ saṃjñāvijñānavarjitam || 10.16 || 
parāvṛttaṃ yadā cittaṃ tadā tiṣṭhati śāśvatam |
vimāne padmasaṃkāśe māyāgocarasaṃbhave || 10.17 || 
tasmin pratiṣṭhito bhavatyanābhogacariṃ gataḥ |
karoti sattvakāryāṇi viśvarūpāmaṇiryathā || 10.18 || 
saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaṃ nāsti anyatra hi vikalpanāt |
bālā gṛhṇanti dhiṅbhūḍhā vandhyāḥ svapne yathā sutam || 10.19 || 
naiḥsvābhāvyamanutpādo pudgalaḥ skandha saṃtatiḥ |
pratyayā dhātavo jñeyā śūnyatā ca bhavābhavam || 10.20 || 
upāyadeśanā mahyaṃ nāhaṃ deśemi lakṣaṇam |
bālā gṛhṇanti bhāvena lakṣaṇaṃ lakṣyam eva ca || 10.21 || 
sarvasya vettā na ca sarvavettā sarvasya madhye na ca sarvamasti |
bālā vikalpenti budhaś ca loko na cāpi budhyāmi na ca bodhayāmi || 10.22 || 
prajñaptir nāmamātreyaṃ lakṣaṇena na vidyate |
skandhāḥ keśoṇḍukākārā yatra bālair vikalpyate || 10.23 || 
nābhūtvā jāyate kiṃcitpratyayair na vinaśyate |
vandhyāsutākāśapuṣpaṃ yadā paśyati saṃskṛtam |
tadā grāhaś ca grāhyaṃ ca bhrāntiṃ dṛṣṭvā nivartate || 10.24 || 
nāhaṃ nirvāmi bhāvena kriyayā lakṣaṇena ca |
vikalpahetuvijñānanivṛtter nirvṛto hy aham |
(na vinaśyati lakṣaṇaṃ yatra bālair vikalpyate) || 10.25 || 
yathā kṣīṇe mahatyoghe taraṃgāṇām asaṃbhavaḥ |
tathā vijñānavaicitryaṃ niruddhaṃ na pravartate || 10.26 || 
(109,1) śūnyāś ca niḥsvabhāvāś ca māyopamā ajātakāḥ |
sadasanto na vidyante bhāvāḥ svapnopamā ime || 10.27 || 
svabhāvamekaṃ deśemi tarkavijñaptivarjitam |
āryāṇāṃ gocaraṃ divyaṃ svabhāvadvayavarjitam || 10.28 || 
khadyotā iva mattasya yathā citrā na santi ca |
dṛśyante dhātusaṃkṣobhādevaṃ lokaḥ svabhāvataḥ || 10.29 || 
tṛṇakāṣṭhakaṭhalleṣu yathā māyā virājate |
na cāsau vidyate māyā evaṃ dharmāḥ svabhāvataḥ || 10.30 || 
na grāhako na ca grāhyaṃ na bandhyo na ca bandhanam |
māyāmarīcisadṛśaṃ svapnākhyaṃ timiraṃ yathā || 10.31 || 
yadā paśyati tattvārthī nirvikalpo nirañjanaḥ |
tadā yogaṃ samāpanno drakṣyate māṃ na saṃśayaḥ || 10.32 || 
na hy atra kācidvijñaptir nabhe yadvanmarīcayaḥ |
evaṃ dharmān vijānanto na kiṃcitpratijānati || 10.33 || 
sadasataḥ pratyayeṣu dharmāṇāṃ nāsti saṃbhavaḥ |
bhrāntaṃ traidhātuke cittaṃ vicitraṃ khyāyate yataḥ || 10.34 || 
svapnaṃ ca lokaṃ ca samasvabhāvaṃ rūpāṇi citrāṇi hi tatra cāpi |
dṛśyanti bhogaṃ spariśaṃ samānaṃ dehāntagaṃ lokaguruṃ kriyāṃ ca || 10.35 || 
cittaṃ hi traidhātukayoniretadbhrāntaṃ hi cittamihamutra dṛśyate |
na kalpayellokamasatta eṣāmetādṛśīṃ lokagatiṃ viditvā || 10.36 || 
saṃbhavaṃ vibhavaṃ caiva mohāt paśyanti bāliśāḥ |
na saṃbhavaṃ na vibhavaṃ prajñāyukto vipaśyati || 10.37 || 
akaniṣṭhabhavane divye sarvapāpavivarjite |
nirvikalpāḥ sadā yuktāścittacaittavivarjitāḥ || 10.38 || 
balābhijñāvaśiprāptāḥ tatsamādhigatiṃgatāḥ |
tatra budhyanti saṃbuddhā nirmitastviha budhyate || 10.39 || 
(110,1) nirmāṇakoṭyo hy amitā buddhānāṃ niścaranti ca |
sarvatra bālāḥ śṛṇvanti dharmaṃ tebhyaḥ pratiśrutvā (?) || 10.40 || 
ādimadhyāntanirmuktaṃ bhāvābhāvavivarjitam |
vyāpinamacalaṃ śuddhamacitraṃ citrasaṃbhavam || 10.41 || 
vijñaptigotrasaṃchannamālīnaṃ sarvadehinām |
bhrānteś ca vidyate māyā na māyā bhrāntikāraṇam || 10.42 || 
cittasya mohenāpyasti yatkiṃcidapi vidyate |
svabhāvadvayanibaddhamālayavijñānanirmitam |
lokaṃ vijñaptimātraṃ ca dṛṣṭyaughaṃ dharmapudgalam || 10.43 || 
vibhāvya lokamevaṃ tu parāvṛtto yadā bhavet |
tadā putro bhaven mahyaṃ niṣpannadharmavartakaḥ || 10.44 || 
uṣṇadravacalakaṭhinā dharmā bālair vikalpitāḥ |
asadbhūtasamāropo nāsti lakṣyaṃ na lakṣaṇam || 10.45 || 
aṣṭadravyakametattu kāyasaṃsthānamindriyam |
rūpaṃ kalpanti vai bālā bhrāntāḥ saṃsārapañjare || 10.46 || 
hetupratyayasāmagryā bālāḥ kalpanti saṃbhavam |
ajānānā nayam idaṃ bhramanti tribhavālaye || 10.47 || 
sarvabhāvāsvabhāvā ca vacanamapi nṛṇām |
kalpanāccāpi nirmāṇaṃ nāsti svapnopamaṃ bhavam |
parīkṣenna saṃsarennāpi nirvāyāt || 10.48 || 
cittaṃ vicitraṃ bījākhyaṃ khyāyate cittagocaram |
khyātau kalpanti utpattiṃ bālāḥ kalpadvaye ratāḥ || 10.49 || 
ajñāna tṛṣṇā karmaṃ ca cittacaittā na mārakam |
pravartati tato yasmāt pāratantryaṃ hi tanmatam || 10.50 || 
te ca kalpanti yadvastu cittagocaravibhramam |
kalpanāyāmaniṣpannaṃ mithyābhrāntivikalpitam || 10.51 || 
cittaṃ pratyayasaṃbaddhaṃ pravartati śarīriṇām |
pratyayebhyo vinirmuktaṃ na paśyāmi vadāmy aham || 10.52 || 
pratyayebhyo vinirmuktaṃ svalakṣaṇavivarjitam |
na tiṣṭhati yadā dehe tena mahyamagocaram || 10.53 || 
(111,1) rājā śreṣṭhī yathā putrān vicitrairmṛgasādṛśaiḥ |
pralobhya krīḍati gṛhe vane mṛgasamāgamam || 10.54 || 
tathāhaṃ lakṣaṇaiś citrair dharmāṇāṃ pratibimbakaiḥ |
pratyātmavedyāṃ hi sutāṃ bhūtakoṭiṃ vadāmy aham || 10.55 || 
taraṃgā hyudadheryadvatpavanapratyayoditāḥ |
nṛtyamānāḥ pravartante vyucchedaś ca na vidyate || 10.56 || 
ālayaughas tathā nityaṃ viṣayapavaneritaḥ |
citraistaraṃgavijñānair nṛtyamānaḥ pravartate || 10.57 || 
grāhyagrāhakabhāvena cittaṃ namati dehinām |
dṛśyasya lakṣaṇaṃ nāsti yathā bālair vikalpyate || 10.58 || 
paramālayavijñānaṃ vijñaptirālayaṃ punaḥ |
grāhyagrāhakāpagamāttathatāṃ deśayāmy aham || 10.59 || 
nāsti skandheṣv ātmā na sattvo na ca pudgalaḥ |
utpadyate ca vijñānaṃ vijñānaṃ ca nirudhyate || 10.60 || 
nimnonnataṃ yathā citre dṛśyate na ca vidyate |
tathā bhāveṣu bhāvatvaṃ dṛśyate na ca vidyate || 10.61 || 
gandharvanagaraṃ yadvadyathā ca mṛgatṛṣṇikā |
dṛśyaṃ khyāti tathā nityaṃ prajñayā ca na vidyate || 10.62 || 
pramāṇendriyanirvṛttaṃ na kāryaṃ nāpi kāraṇam |
buddhiboddhavyarahitaṃ lakṣyalakṣaṇavarjitam || 10.63 || 
skandhān pratītya saṃbuddho na dṛṣṭaḥ kenacitkvacit |
yo na dṛṣṭaḥ kvacitkena kutastasya vibhāvanā || 10.64 || 
pratyayair hetudṛṣṭāntaiḥ pratijñā kāraṇena ca |
svapnagandharvacakreṇa marīcyā somabhāskaraiḥ || 10.65 || 
adṛśyaṃ kulādidṛṣṭāntair utpattiṃ vādayāmyaham |
svapnavibhramamāyākhyaṃ śūnyaṃ vai kalpitaṃ jagat || 10.66 || 
anāśritaś ca trailokye adhyātmaṃ ca bahis tathā |
anutpannaṃ bhavaṃ dṛṣṭvā kṣāntyan utpatti jāyate || 10.67 || 
māyopamasamādhiṃ ca kāyaṃ manomayaṃ punaḥ |
abhijñā vaśitā tasya balā cittasya citritā || 10.68 || 
bhāvā yeṣāṃ hy anutpannāḥ śūnyā vai asvabhāvakāḥ |
teṣāmutpadyate bhrāntiḥ pratyayaiś ca nirudhyate || 10.69 || 
(112,1) cittaṃ hi khyāti cittasya bahirdhā khyāti rūpiṇaḥ |
anyanna vidyate dṛśyaṃ yathā bālair vikalpyate || 10.70 || 
saṃkalā buddhabimbaṃ ca bhūtānāṃ ca vidāraṇam |
adhiṣṭhanti jagaccitraṃ prajñaptyā vai suśikṣitāḥ || 10.71 || 
dehaḥ pratiṣṭhā bhogaś ca grāhyavijñaptayastrayaḥ |
mana udgrahavijñaptivikalpo grāhakāstrayaḥ || 10.72 || 
vikalpaś ca vikalpyaṃ ca yāvattvakṣaragocaram |
tāvattattvaṃ na paśyanti tārkikāstarkavibhramāt || 10.73 || 
naiḥsvabhāvyaṃ hi bhāvānāṃ yadā budhyanti prajñayā |
tadā viśramati yogī ānimittapratiṣṭhitaḥ || 10.74 || 
masimrakṣitako yadvadgṛhyate kurkuṭo ’budhaiḥ |
sa evāyamajānānair bālairyānatrayaṃ tathā || 10.75 || 
na hy atra śrāvakāḥ kecinnāsti pratyekayānikāḥ |
yaccaitaddṛśyate rūpaṃ śrāvakasya jinasya ca |
nirmāṇaṃ deśayantyete bodhisattvāḥ kṛpātmakāḥ || 10.76 || 
vijñaptimātraṃ tribhavaṃ svabhāvadvayakalpitam |
parāvṛttastu tathatā dharmapudgalasaṃcarāt || 10.77 || 
somabhāskaradīpārcir bhūtāni maṇayas tathā |
nirvikalpāḥ pravartante tathā buddhasya buddhatā || 10.78 || 
keśoṇḍukaṃ yathā mithyā gṛhyate taimirair janaiḥ |
tathā bhāvavikalpo ’yaṃ mithyā bālair vikalpyate || 10.79 || 
sthitibhaṅgotpattirahitā nityānityavivarjitāḥ |
saṃkleśavyavadānākhyā bhāvāḥ keśoṇḍukopamāḥ || 10.80 || 
puttalikaṃ yathā kaścit kanakābhaṃ paśyate jagat |
na hy asti kanakaṃ tatra bhūmiś ca kanakāyate || 10.81 || 
evaṃ hi dūṣitā bālāścittacaittair anādikaiḥ |
māyāmarīciprabhavaṃ bhāvaṃ gṛhṇanti tattvataḥ || 10.82 || 
ekabījamabījaṃ ca samudraikaṃ ca bījakam |
sarvabījakam apy etaccittaṃ paśyatha citrikam || 10.83 || 
ekaṃ bījaṃ yadā śuddhaṃ parāvṛttamabījakam |
samaṃ hi nirvikalpatvādudrekājjanmasaṃkaraḥ |
bījamāvahate citraṃ sarvabījaṃ taducyate || 10.84 || 
(113,1) na hy atrotpadyate kiṃcitpratyayair na nirudhyate |
utpadyante nirudhyante pratyayā eva kalpitāḥ || 10.85 || 
prajñaptimātraṃ tribhavaṃ nāsti vastu svabhāvataḥ |
prajñaptivastubhāvena kalpayiṣyanti tārkikāḥ || 10.86 || 
bhāvasvabhāvajijñāsā na hi bhrāntir nivāryate |
bhāvasvabhāvān utpattirevaṃ dṛṣṭvā vimucyate || 10.87 || 
na māyā nāstisādharmyād bhāvānāṃ kathyate ’stitā |
vi tathāśuvidyutsadṛśāstena māyopamāḥ smṛtāḥ || 10.88 || 
na cotpadyā na cotpannāḥ pratyayo ’pi na kecana |
saṃvidyante kvacittena vyavahāraṃ tu kathyate || 10.89 || 
na bhaṅgotpādasaṃkleśaḥ pratyayānāṃ nivāryate |
yattu bālā vikalpenti pratyayaiḥ saṃnivāryate || 10.90 || 
na svabhāvo na vijñaptir na vastu na ca ālayaḥ |
bālair vikalpitā hy ete vaśabhūtaiḥ kutārkikaiḥ || 10.91 || 
cittamātraṃ yadā lokaṃ prapaśyanti jinātmajāḥ |
tadā nair vāṇikaṃ kāyaṃ kriyāsaṃskāravarjitam |
labhante te balābhijñāvaśitaiḥ saha saṃyutam || 10.92 || 
sarvarūpāvabhāsaṃ hi yadā cittaṃ pravartate |
nātra cittaṃ na rūpāṇi bhrāntaṃ cittamanādikam || 10.93 || 
tadā yogī hy anābhāsaṃ prajñayā paśyate jagat |
nimittaṃ vastuvijñaptirmanovispanditaṃ ca yat |
atikramya tu putrā me nirvikalpāś caranti te || 10.94 || 
gandharvanagaraṃ māyā keśoṇḍuka marīcikā |
asatyāḥ satyataḥ khyānti tathā bhāveṣu bhāvanā || 10.95 || 
anutpannāḥ sarvabhāvā bhrāntimātraṃ hi dṛśyate |
bhrāntiṃ kalpenti utpannāṃ bālāṃ kalpadvaye ratāḥ || 10.96 || 
aupapattyaṅgikaṃ cittaṃ vicitraṃ vāsanāsaṃbhavam |
pravartate taraṃgaughaṃ tacchedān na pravartate || 10.97 || 
vicitrālambanaṃ citraṃ yathā citte pravatate |
tathākāśe ca kuḍye ca kasmān nābhipravartate || 10.98 || 
nimitaṃ kiṃcidālambya yadi cittaṃ pravartate |
pratyayair janitaṃ cittaṃ cittamātraṃ na yujyate || 10.99 || 
(114,1) cittena gṛhyate cittaṃ nāsti kiṃcitsahetukam |
cittasya dharmatā śuddhā gagane nāsti vāsanā || 10.100 || 
svacittābhiniveśena cittaṃ vai saṃpravartate |
bahirdhā nāsti vai dṛśyamato vai cittamātrakam || 10.101 || 
cittamālayavijñānaṃ mano yanmanyanātmakam |
gṛhṇāti viṣayān yena vijñānaṃ hi taducyate || 10.102 || 
cittamavyākṛtaṃ nityaṃ mano hyubhayasaṃcaram |
vartamānaṃ hi vijñānaṃ kuśalākuśalaṃ hi tat || 10.103 || 
dvāraṃ hi paramārthasya vijñaptidvayavarjitam |
yānatrayavyavasthānaṃ nirābhāse sthitaṃ kutaḥ || 10.104 || 
cittamātraṃ nirābhāsaṃ vihārā buddhabhūmiś ca |
etad dhi bhāṣitaṃ buddhair bhāṣante bhāṣayanti ca || 10.105 || 
cittaṃ hi bhūmayaḥ sapta nirābhāsā ca aṣṭamī |
dve bhūmayo vihāraś ca śeṣā bhūmirmamātmikā || 10.106 || 
pratyātmavedyā śuddhā ca bhūmiś cāpi mamātmikā |
māheśvaraparasthānamakaniṣṭhe virājate || 10.107 || 
hutāśanasyaiva yathā niścerustasya raśmayaḥ |
citrā manoharāḥ saumyāstribhavaṃ nirmiṇanti ye || 10.108 || 
nirmāya tribhavaṃ kiṃcitkiṃcidvai pūrvanirmitam |
tatra deśanti yānāni eṣā bhūmirmamātmikā || 10.109 || 
nāsti kālo hy adhigame bhūmīnāṃ kṣatresaṃkrame |
cittamātramatikramya nirābhāse sthitaṃ phalam || 10.110 || 
asattā caiva sattā ca dṛśyate ca vicitratā |
bālā grāhaviparyastā viparyāso hi citratā || 10.111 || 
nirvikalpaṃ yadi jñānaṃ vastvastīti na yujyate |
yasmāc cittaṃ na rūpāṇi nirvikalpaṃ hi tena tat || 10.112 || 
indriyāṇi ca māyākhyā viṣayāḥ svapnasaṃnibhāḥ |
kartā karma kriyā caiva sarvathāpi na vidyate || 10.113 || 
dhyānāni cāpramāṇāni ārūpyāś ca samādhayaḥ |
saṃjñānirodho nikhilaś cittamātre na vidyate || 10.114 || 
(115,1) srotāpattiphalaṃ caiva sakṛdāgāmiphalaṃ tathā |
anāgāmiphalaṃ caiva arhattvaṃ cittavibhramaḥ || 10.115 || 
śūnyamanityaṃ kṣaṇikaṃ bālāḥ kalpanti saṃskṛtam |
nadīdīpādidṛṣṭāntaiḥ kṣaṇikārtho vikalpyate || 10.116 || 
nirvyāpāraṃ tu kṣaṇikaṃ viviktaṃ kriyavarjitam |
an utpattiṃ ca dharmāṇāṃ kṣaṇikārthaṃ vadāmyahyam || 10.117 || 
saccāsato hy anutpādaḥ sāṃkhyavaiśeṣikaiḥ smṛtaḥ |
avyākṛtāni sarvāṇi tair eva hi prakāśitam || 10.118 || 
caturvidhaṃ vyākaraṇamekāṃśaparipṛcchanam |
vibhajyasthāpanīyaṃ ca tīrthavādanivāraṇam || 10.119 || 
sarvaṃ vidyati saṃvṛtyāṃ paramārthe na vidyate |
dharmāṇāṃ niḥsvabhāvatvaṃ paramārthe ’pi dṛśyate |
upalabdhiniḥsvabhāve saṃvṛtistena ucyate || 10.120 || 
abhilāpahetuko bhāvaḥ svabhāvo yadi vidyate |
abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo nāstīti ca na vidyate || 10.121 || 
nirvastuko hy abhilāpastatsaṃvṛtyāpi na vidyate |
viparyāsasya vastutvāc copalabdhir na vidyate || 10.122 || 
vidyate cedviparyāso naiḥsvābhāvyaṃ na vidyate |
viparyāsasya vastutvād yad yad evopalabhyate |
niḥsvabhāvaṃ bhavet taddhi sarvathāpi na vidyate || 10.123 || 
yadetaddṛśyate citraṃ cittaṃ dauṣṭhulyavāsitam |
rūpāvabhāsagrahaṇaṃ bahirdhā cittavibhramam || 10.124 || 
vikalpenāvikalpena vikalpo hi prahīyate |
vikalpenāvikalpena śūnyatātattvadarśanam || 10.125 || 
māyāhastī yathā citraṃ patrāṇi kanakā yathā |
tathā dṛśyaṃ nṛṇāṃ khyāti citte ajñānavāsite || 10.126 || 
āryo na paśyate bhrāntiṃ nāpi tattvaṃ tadantare |
bhrāntir eva bhavet tattvaṃ yasmāttattvaṃ tadantare || 10.127 || 
bhrāntiṃ vidhūya sarvāṃ tu nimittaṃ yadi jāyate |
saiva cāsya bhavedbhrāntir aśuddhaṃ timiraṃ yathā || 10.128 || 
keśoṇḍukaṃ taimiriko yathā gṛhṇāti vibhramāt |
viṣayeṣu tadvadbālānāṃ grahaṇaṃ saṃpravartate || 10.129 || 
(116,1) keśoṇḍukaprakhyamidaṃ marīcyudakavibhramam |
tribhavaṃ svapnamāyābhaṃ vibhāvento vimucyate || 10.130 || 
vikalpaś ca vikalpyaś ca vikalpasya pravartate |
bandho bandhyaś ca baddhaś ca ṣaḍete mokṣahetavaḥ || 10.131 || 
na bhūmayo na satyāni na kṣetrā na ca nirmitāḥ |
buddhāḥ pratyekabuddhāś ca śrāvakāś cāpi kalpitāḥ || 10.132 || 
pudgalaḥ saṃtatiḥ skandhāḥ pratyayā hy aṇavas tathā |
pradhānamīśvaraḥ kartā cittamātre vikalpyate || 10.133 || 
cittaṃ hi sarvaṃ sarvatra sarvadeheṣu vartate |
vicitraṃ gṛhyate ’sadbhiścittamātraṃ hy alakṣaṇam || 10.134 || 
na hyātmā vidyate skandhe skandhāś caiva hi nātmani |
na te yathā vikalpyante na ca te vai na santi ca || 10.135 || 
astitvaṃ sarvabhāvānāṃ yathā bālair vikalpyate |
yadi te bhavedyathādṛṣṭāḥ sarve syustattvadarśinaḥ || 10.136 || 
abhāvāt sarvadharmaṇāṃ saṃkleśo nāsti śuddhi ca |
na ca te tathā yathādṛṣṭā na ca te vai na santi ca || 10.137 || 
bhrāntir nimittaṃ saṃkalpaḥ paratantrasya lakṣaṇam |
tasminnimitte yannāma tadvikalpitalakṣaṇam || 10.138 || 
nāmanimittasaṃkalpo yadā tasya na jāyate |
pratyayāvastusaṃketaṃ pariniṣpannalakṣaṇam || 10.139 || 
vaipākikāś ca ye buddhā jinā nairmāṇikāś ca ye |
sattvāś ca bodhisattvāś ca kṣetrāṇi ca diśe diśe || 10.140 || 
nisyandadharmanirmāṇā jinā nairmāṇikāś ca ye |
sarve te hy amitābhasya sukhāvatyā vinirgatāḥ || 10.141 || 
yacca nairmāṇikair bhāṣṭaṃ yacca bhāṣṭaṃ vipākajaiḥ |
sūtrāntavaipulyanayaṃ tasya saṃdhiṃ vijānatha || 10.142 || 
yadbhāṣitaṃ jinasutair yacca bhāṣanti nāyakāḥ |
yaddhi nairmāṇikābhāṣṭaṃ na tu vaipākikair jinaiḥ || 10.143 || 
anutpannā hy amī dharmā na caivaite na santi ca |
gandharvanagarasvapnamāyānirmāṇasādṛśāḥ || 10.144 || 
(117,1) cittaṃ pravartate cittaṃ cittam eva vimucyate |
cittaṃ hi jāyate nānyaccittam eva nirudhyate || 10.145 || 
arthābhāsaṃ nṛṇāṃ cittaṃ cittaṃ vai khyāti kalpitam |
nāstyarthaś cittamātreyaṃ nirvikalpo vimucyate || 10.146 || 
anādikālaprapañcadauṣṭhulyaṃ hi samāhitam |
vikalpo bhāvitastena mithyābhāsaṃ pravartate || 10.147 || 
arthābhāse ca vijñāne jñānaṃ tathatāgocaram |
parāvṛttaṃ nirābhāsamāryāṇāṃ gocare hy asau || 10.148 || 
arthapravicayaṃ dhyānaṃ dhyānaṃ bālopacārikam |
tathatārambaṇaṃ dhyānaṃ dhyānaṃ tāthāgataṃ śubham || 10.149 || 
parikalpitaṃ svabhāvena sarvadharmā ajānakāḥ |
paratantraṃ samāśritya vikalpo bhramate nṛṇām || 10.150 || 
paratantraṃ yathā śuddhaṃ vikalpena visaṃyutam |
parāvṛttaṃ hi tathatā vihāraḥ kalpavarjitaḥ || 10.151 || 
mā vikalpaṃ vikalpetha vikalpo nāsti satyataḥ |
bhrāntiṃ vikalpayantasya grāhyagrāhakayor na tu |
bāhyārthadarśanaṃ kalpaṃ svabhāvaḥ parikalpitaḥ || 10.152 || 
yena kalpena kalpenti svabhāvaḥ pratyayodbhavaḥ |
bāhyārthadarśanaṃ mithyā nāstyarthaṃ cittam eva tu || 10.153 || 
yuktyā vipaśyamānānāṃ grāhagrāhyaṃ nirudhyate |
bāhyo na vidyate hy artho yathā bālair vikalpyate || 10.154 || 
vāsanairlulitaṃ cittamarthābhāsaṃ pravartate |
kalpadvayanirodhena jñānaṃ tathatagocaram || 10.155 || 
utpadyate hy anābhāsamacintyamāryagocaram |
nāmanimittasaṃkalpaḥ svabhāvadvayalakṣaṇam |
samyagjñānaṃ hi tathatā pariniṣpannalakṣaṇam || 10.156 || 
mātāpitṛsamāyogād ālayamanasaṃyutam |
ghṛtakumbhe mūṣikā yadvat saha śukreṇa vardhate || 10.157 || 
peśīghanārbudaṃ piṭakamaśubhaṃ karmacitritam |
karmavāyumahābhūtaiḥ phalavatsaṃprapadyate || 10.158 || 
(118,1) pañcapañcakapañcaiva vraṇāś caiva navaiva tu |
nakhadantaromasaṃchannaḥ sphuramāṇaḥ prajāyate || 10.159 || 
prajātamātraṃ viṣṭhākṛmiṃ suptabuddh eva mānavaḥ |
cakṣuṣā sphurate rūpaṃ vivṛddhiṃ yāti kalpanāt || 10.160 || 
tālvoṣṭhapuṭasaṃyogād vikalpenāvadhāryate |
vācā pravartate nṝṇāṃ śukasy eva vikalpanā || 10.161 || 
niścitāstīrthyavādānāṃ mahāyānamaniścitam |
sattvāśrayapravṛtto ’yaṃ kudṛṣṭīnāmanāspadam || 10.162 || 
pratyātmavedyayānaṃ me tārkikāṇām agocaram |
paścātkāle gate nāthe brūhi ko ’yaṃ dhariṣyati || 10.163 || 
nirvṛte sugate paścātkālo ’tīto bhaviṣyati |
mahāmate nibodha tvaṃ yo netrīṃ dhārayiṣyati || 10.164 || 
dakṣiṇāpathavedalyāṃ bhikṣuḥ śrīmān mahāyaśāḥ |
nāgāhvayaḥ sa nāmnā tu sadasatpakṣadārakaḥ || 10.165 || 
prakāśya loke madyānaṃ mahāyānamanuttaram |
āsādya bhūmiṃ muditāṃ yāsyate ’sau sukhāvatīm || 10.166 || 
buddhyā vivecyamānānāṃ svabhāvo nāvadhāryate |
yasmāttadanabhilāpyāste niḥsvabhāvāś ca deśitāḥ || 10.167 || 
pratyayotpādite hy arthe nāstyastīti na vidyate |
pratyayāntargataṃ bhāvaṃ ye kalpentyasti nāsti ca |
dūrībhūtā bhaven manye śāsanāttīrthadṛṣṭayaḥ || 10.168 || 
abhidhānaṃ sarvabhāvānāṃ janmāntaraśataiḥ sadā |
abhyastamabhyasantaṃ ca parasparavikalpayā || 10.169 || 
akathyamāne saṃmohaṃ sarvaloka āpadyate |
tasmātkriyate nāma saṃmohasya vyudāsārtham || 10.170 || 
trividhena vikalpena bālair bhāvā vikalpitāḥ |
bhrāntir nāmavikalpena pratyayair janitena ca || 10.171 || 
aniruddhā hy anutpannāḥ prakṛtyā gaganopamāḥ |
abhāvasvabhāvā ye tu te vikalpitalakṣaṇāḥ || 10.172 || 
pratibhāsabimbamāyābhamarīcyā supinena tu |
alātacakragandharvapratiśrutkāsamodbhavāḥ || 10.173 || 
(119,1) advayā tathatā śūnyā bhūtakoṣṭiś ca dharmatā |
nirvikalpaś ca deśemi ye te niṣpannalakṣaṇāḥ || 10.174 || 
vākcittagocaraṃ mithyā satyaṃ prajñā vikalpitā |
dvayāntapatitaṃ cittaṃ tasmāt prajñā na kalpitā || 10.175 || 
asti nāsti ca dvāvantau yāvaccittasya gocaraḥ |
gocareṇa vidhūtena samyakcittaṃ nirudhyate || 10.176 || 
viṣayagrahaṇābhāvān nirodhena ca nāsti ca |
vidyate tathatāvasthā āryāṇāṃ gocaro yathā || 10.177 || 
bālānāṃ na tathā khyāti yathā khyāti manīṣiṇām |
manīṣiṇāṃ tathā khyāti sarvadharmā alakṣaṇāḥ || 10.178 || 
hārakūṭaṃ yathā bālaiḥ suvarṇaṃ parikalpyate |
asuvarṇaṃ suvarṇābhaṃ tathā dharmāḥ kutārkikaiḥ || 10.179 || 
abhūtvā yasya cotpādo bhūtvā cāpi vinaśyati |
pratyayaiḥ sadasaccāpi na te me śāsane sthitāḥ || 10.180 || 
anādyanidhanābhāvād bhūtalakṣaṇasaṃsthitāḥ |
kāraṇakaravalloke na ca budhyanti tārkikāḥ || 10.181 || 
atīto vidyate bhāvo vidyate ca anāgataḥ |
pratyakṣo vidyate yasmāttasmād bhāvā ajātakāḥ || 10.182 || 
pariṇāmakālasaṃsthānaṃ bhūtabhāvendriyeṣu ca |
antarābhavasaṃgrāhaṃ ye kalpanti na te budhāḥ || 10.183 || 
na pratītyasamutpannaṃ lokaṃ varṇanti vai jināḥ |
kiṃ tu pratyayamevāyaṃ loko gandharvasaṃnibhaḥ || 10.184 || 
dharmasaṃketa evāyaṃ tasmiṃstadidam ucyate |
saṃketāc ca pṛthagbhūto na jāto na nirudhyate || 10.185 || 
darpaṇe udake netre bhāṇḍeṣu ca maṇīṣu ca |
bimbaṃ hi dṛśyate teṣu na ca bimbo ’sti kutracit || 10.186 || 
bhāvābhāsaṃ tathā cittaṃ mṛgatṛṣṇā yathā nabhe |
dṛśyate citrarūpeṇa svapne vandhyauraso yathā || 10.187 || 
na me yānaṃ mahāyānaṃ na ghoṣo na ca akṣarāḥ |
na satyā na vimokṣā vai na nirābhāsagocaram || 10.188 || 
kiṃ tu yānaṃ mahāyānaṃ samādhivaśavartitā |
kāyaṃ manomayaṃ citraṃ vaśitāpuṣpamaṇḍitam || 10.189 || 
(120,1) ekatvena pṛthaktvena bhāvo vai pratyaye na tu |
janma samāsamevoktaṃ nirodho nāśa eva hi || 10.190 || 
ajātaśūnyatā caikam ekaṃ jāteṣu śūnyatā |
ajātaśūnyatā śreṣṭhā naśyate jātaśūnyatā || 10.191 || 
tathatā śūnyatā koṭī nirvāṇaṃ dharmadhātuvat |
kāyo manomayaṃ citraṃ paryāyair deśitaṃ mayā || 10.192 || 
sūtravinayābhidharmeṇa viśuddhiṃ kalpayanti ye |
granthato na tu arthena na te nairātmyamāśritāḥ || 10.193 || 
na tīrthikair na buddhaiś ca na mayā na ca kenacit |
pratyayaiḥ sādhitāstitvaṃ kathaṃ nāstir bhaviṣyati || 10.194 || 
kena prasādhitāstitvaṃ pratyayair yasya nāstitā |
utpādavādadur dṛṣṭyā nāstyastīti vikalpayet || 10.195 || 
yasya notpadyate kiṃcinna kiṃcittaṃ nirudhyate |
tasyāstināsti nopaiti viviktaṃ paśyato jagat || 10.196 || 
dṛśyate śaśaviṣāṇākhyaṃ vikalpo vidyate nṛṇām |
ye tu kalpenti te bhrāntā mṛgatṛṣṇāṃ yathā mṛgāḥ || 10.197 || 
vikalpābhiniveśena vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate |
nirhetukaṃ vikalpaṃ hi vikalpo ’pi na yujyate || 10.198 || 
ajale ca jalagrāho mṛgatṛṣṇā yathā nabhe |
dṛśyate ’rtho hi bālānāmāryāṇāṃ na viśeṣataḥ || 10.199 || 
āryāṇāṃ darśanaṃ śuddhaṃ vimokṣatrayasaṃbhavam |
utpādabhaṅganirmuktaṃ nirābhāsapracāriṇam || 10.200 || 
gāmbhīryodāryavaipulyaṃ jñānaṃ kṣetrān vibhūti ca |
deśemi jinaputrāṇāṃ śrāvakāṇām anityatām || 10.201 || 
anityaṃ tribhavaṃ śūnyamātmātmīyavivarjitam |
śrāvakāṇāṃ ca deśemi tathā sāmānyalakṣaṇam || 10.202 || 
sarvadharmeṣv asaṃsaktirvivekā hyekacārikā |
pratyekajinaputrāṇāṃ phalaṃ deśemy atarkikam || 10.203 || 
svabhāvakalpitaṃ bāhyaṃ paratantraṃ ca dehinām |
apaśyan nātmasaṃbhrāntiṃ tataś cittaṃ pravartate || 10.204 || 
(121,1) daśamī tu bhavet prathamī prathamī cāṣṭamī bhavet |
navamī saptamī cāpi saptamī cāṣṭamī bhavet || 10.205 || 
dvitīyā tu tṛtīyā syāc caturthī pañcamī bhavet |
tṛtīyā tu bhavet ṣaṣṭhī nirābhāse kramaḥ kutaḥ || 10.206 || 
nirābhāso hi bhāvānāmabhāvo nāsti yoginām |
bhāvābhāvasamatvena āryāṇāṃ jāyate phalam || 10.207 || 
kathaṃ hy abhāvo bhāvānāṃ kurute samatāṃ katham |
yadā cittaṃ na jānāti bāhyamadhyātmikaṃ calam |
tadā tu kurute nāśaṃ samatācittadarśanāt || 10.208 || 
anādimati saṃsāre bhāvagrāhopagūhitam |
bālaiḥ kīla yathā kīlaṃ pralobhya vinivartate || 10.209 || 
taddhetukaṃ tadālambyaṃ manogatisamāśrayam |
hetuṃ dadāti cittasya vijñānaṃ ca samāśritam || 10.210 || 
vaipākikād adhiṣṭhānāṃ nikāyagatisaṃbhavāt |
labhyante yena vai svapne abhijñāś ca caturvidhāḥ || 10.211 || 
svapne ca labhyate yacca yacca buddhaprasādataḥ |
nikāyagatigotrā ye te vijñānavipākajāḥ || 10.212 || 
vāsanair bhāvitaṃ cittaṃ bhāvābhāsaṃ pravartate |
bālā yadā na budhyante utpādaṃ deśayettadā || 10.213 || 
yāvad vākyaṃ vikalpeti bhāvaṃ vai lakṣaṇānvitam |
tāvad vibudhyate cittam apaśyan hi svavibhramam || 10.214 || 
utpādo varṇyate kasmāt kasmād dṛśyaṃ na varṇyate |
adṛśyaṃ dṛśyamānaṃ hi kasya kiṃ varṇyate kutaḥ || 10.215 || 
svacchaṃ cittaṃ svabhāvena manaḥ kaluṣakārakam |
manaś ca sahavijñānair vāsanāṃ kṣipate sadā || 10.216 || 
ālayo muñcate kāyaṃ manaḥ prārthayate gatim |
vijñānaṃ viṣayābhāsaṃ bhrāntiṃ dṛṣṭvā pralabhyate || 10.217 || 
madīyaṃ dṛśyate cittaṃ bāhyam arthaṃ na vidyate |
evaṃ vibhāvayed bhrāntiṃ tathatāṃ cāpy anusmaret || 10.218 || 
dhyāyināṃ viṣayaḥ karma buddhamāhātmyam eva ca |
etāni trīṇyacintyāni acintyaṃ vijñānagocaram || 10.219 || 
(122,1) anāgatamatītaṃ ca nirvāṇaṃ pudgalaṃ vacaḥ |
saṃvṛtyā deśayāmy etān paramārthastvanakṣaraḥ || 10.220 || 
naikāyikāś ca tīrthyāś ca dṛṣṭim ekāṃśam āśritāḥ |
cittamātre visaṃmūḍhā bhāvaṃ kalpenti bāhiram || 10.221 || 
pratyekabodhiṃ buddhatvam arhattvaṃ buddhadarśanam |
gūḍhabījaṃ bhavedbodhau svapne vai sidhyate tu yaḥ || 10.222 || 
kutra keṣāṃ kathaṃ kasmāt kimarthaṃ ca vadāhi me |
mayācittamatiśāntaṃ sadasatpakṣadeśanām || 10.223 || 
cittamātre vimūḍhānāṃ māyānāstyastideśanām |
utpādabhaṅgasaṃyuktaṃ lakṣyalakṣaṇavarjitam || 10.224 || 
vikalpo mano nāma vijñānaiḥ pañcabhiḥ saha |
bimbaughajalatulyādau cittabījaṃ pravartate || 10.225 || 
yadā cittaṃ manaś cāpi vijñānaṃ na pravartate |
tadā manomayaṃ kāyaṃ labhate buddhabhūmi ca || 10.226 || 
pratyayā dhātavaḥ skandhā dharmāṇāṃ ca svalakṣaṇam |
prajñaptiṃ pudgalaṃ cittaṃ svapnakeśoṇḍukopamāḥ || 10.227 || 
māyāsvapnopamaṃ lokaṃ dṛṣṭvā tattvaṃ samāśrayet |
tattvaṃ hi lakṣaṇairmuktaṃ yuktihetuvivarjitam || 10.228 || 
pratyātmavedyamāryāṇāṃ vihāraṃ tu smaretsadā |
yuktihetuvisaṃmūḍhaṃ lokaṃ tattve niveśayet || 10.229 || 
sarvaprapañcopaśamād bhrānto nābhipravartate |
prajñā yāvadvikalpante bhrāntistāvatpravartate || 10.230 || 
naiḥsvabhāvyaṃ ca bhāvaṃ ca śūnyā vai nityānityatā |
utpādavādināṃ dṛṣṭir na tvanutpādavādinām || 10.231 || 
ekatvamanyatvobhayāmīśvarāc ca yadṛcchayā |
kālāpradhānādanyebhiḥ pratyayaiḥ kalpyate jagat || 10.232 || 
saṃsārabījaṃ vijñānaṃ sati dṛśye pravartate |
kuḍye sati yathā citraṃ parijñānān nirudhyate || 10.233 || 
māyāpuruṣavannṝṇāṃ mṛtajanma pravartate |
mohāttathaiva bālānāṃ bandhamokṣaṃ pravartate || 10.234 || 
adhyātmabāhyaṃ dvividhaṃ dharmāś ca pratyayāni ca |
etadvibhāvayan yogī nirābhāse pratiṣṭhate || 10.235 || 
(123,1) na vāsanair bhidyate cittaṃ na cittaṃ vāsanaiḥ saha |
abhinnalakṣaṇaṃ cittaṃ vāsanaiḥ pariveṣṭitam || 10.236 || 
malavadvāsanā yasya manovijñānasaṃbhavā |
paṭaśuklopamaṃ cittaṃ vāsanair na virājate || 10.237 || 
yathā na bhāvo nābhāvo gaganaṃ kathyate mayā |
ālayaṃ hi tathā kāye bhāvābhāvavivarjitam || 10.238 || 
manovijñānavyāvṛttaṃ cittaṃ kāluṣyavarjitam |
sarvadharmāvabodhena cittaṃ buddhaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.239 || 
trisaṃtativyavacchinnaṃ sattāsattāvivarjitam |
cātuṣkoṭikayā muktaṃ bhavaṃ māyopamaṃ sadā || 10.240 || 
dve svabhāvo bhavet sapta bhūmayaś cittasaṃbhavāḥ |
śeṣā bhaveyur niṣpannā bhūmayo buddhabhūmi ca || 10.241 || 
rūpī cārūpyadhātuś ca kāmadhātuś ca nirvṛtiḥ |
asmin kalevare sarvaṃ kathitaṃ cittagocaram || 10.242 || 
upalabhyate yadā yāvadbhrāntistāvatpravartate |
bhrāntiḥ svacittasaṃbodhān na pravartate na nivartate || 10.243 || 
anutpāde kāraṇābhāvo bhāve saṃsārasaṃgrahaḥ |
māyādisadṛśaṃ paśyan lakṣaṇaṃ na vikalpayet || 10.244 || 
triyānamekayānaṃ ca ayānaṃ ca vadāmy aham |
bālānāṃ mandabuddhīnāmāryāṇāṃ ca viviktatām || 10.245 || 
utpattir dvividhā mahyaṃ lakṣaṇādhigamau ca yā |
caturvidho nayavidhiḥ siddhāntaṃ yuktideśanā || 10.246 || 
saṃsthānākṛtiviśeṣair bhrāntiṃ dṛṣṭvā vikalpyate |
nāmasaṃsthānavirahāt svabhāvamāryagocaram || 10.247 || 
vikalpena kalpyate yāvattāvatkalpitalakṣaṇam |
vikalpakalpanābhāvāt svabhāvamāryagocaram || 10.248 || 
nityaṃ ca śāśvataṃ tattvaṃ gotraṃ vastusvabhāvakam |
tathatā cittanirmuktaṃ kalpanaiś ca vivarjitam || 10.249 || 
yad yad vastu na śuddhiḥ syāt saṃkleśo nāpi kasyacit |
yasmāc ca śuṃdhyate cittaṃ saṃkleśaś cāpi dṛśyate |
tasmāt tattvaṃ bhavedvastu viśuddhamāryagocaram || 10.250 || 
(124,1) pratyayair janitaṃ lokaṃ vikalpaiś ca vivarjitam |
māyādisvapnasadṛśaṃ vipaśyanto vimucyate || 10.251 || 
dauṣṭhulyavāsanāścitrāścittena saha saṃyutāḥ |
bahirdhā dṛśyate nṝṇāṃ na hi cittasya dharmatā || 10.252 || 
cittasya dharmatā śuddhā na cittaṃ bhrāntisaṃbhavam |
bhrāntiś ca dauṣṭhulyamayī tena cittaṃ na dṛśyate || 10.253 || 
bhrāntimātraṃ bhavet tattvaṃ tattvaṃ nānyatra vidyate |
na saṃskāre na cānyatra kiṃ tu saṃskāradarśanāt || 10.254 || 
lakṣyalakṣaṇanirmuktaṃ yadā paśyati saṃskṛtam |
vidhūtaṃ hi bhavet tena svacittaṃ paśyato jagat || 10.255 || 
cittamātraṃ samāruhya bāhyamarthaṃ na kalpayet |
tathatālambane sthitvā cittamātramatikramet || 10.256 || 
cittamātramatikramya nirābhāsamatikramet |
nirābhāsasthito yogī mahāyānaṃ sa paśyati || 10.257 || 
anābhogagatiḥ śāntā praṇidhānair viśodhitā |
jñānamanātmakaṃ śreṣṭhaṃ nirābhāse na paśyati || 10.258 || 
cittasya gocaraṃ paśyetpaśyejjñānasya gocaram |
prajñāyā gocaraṃ paśyellakṣaṇe na pramuhyate || 10.259 || 
cittasya duḥkhasatyaṃ samudayo jñānagocaraḥ |
dve satye buddhabhūmiś ca prajñā yatra pravartate || 10.260 || 
phalaprāptiś ca nirvāṇaṃ mārgamaṣṭāṅgikaṃ tathā |
sarvadharmāvabodhena buddhajñānaṃ viśudhyate || 10.261 || 
cakṣuś ca rūpamāloka ākāśaś ca manas tathā |
ebhirutpadyate nṝṇāṃ vijñānaṃ hyālayodbhavam || 10.262 || 
grāhyaṃ grāho grahītā ca nāsti nāma hy avastukam |
nirhetukaṃ vikalpaṃ ye manyanti hi na te budhāḥ || 10.263 || 
arthe nāma hy asaṃbhūtamartho nāmni tathaiva ca |
hetvahetusamutpannaṃ vikalpaṃ na vikalpayet || 10.264 || 
sarvabhāvasvabhāvo ’san vacanaṃ hi tathāpyasat |
śūnyatāṃ śūnyatārthaṃ vā bālo ’paśyan vidhāvati || 10.265 || 
(125,1) satyasthitiṃ manyanayā dṛṣṭvā prajñaptideśanā |
ekatvaṃ pañcadhāsiddhamidaṃ satyaṃ prahīyate || 10.266 || 
prapañcamārabhedyaś ca astināsti vyatikramet |
nāsticchando bhave mithyāsaṃjñā nairātmyadarśanāt || 10.267 || 
śāśvataṃ hi sakartṛtvaṃ vādamātrapravartitam |
satyaṃ paraṃ hy avaktavyaṃ nirodhe dharmadarśanam || 10.268 || 
ālayaṃ hi samāśritya mano vai saṃpravartate |
cittaṃ manaś ca saṃśritya vijñānaṃ saṃpravartate || 10.269 || 
samāropaṃ samāropya tathatā cittadharmatā |
etadvibhāvayan yogī cittamātrajñatāṃ labhet || 10.270 || 
manaś ca lakṣaṇaṃ vastu nityānitye na manyate |
utpādaṃ cāpy anutpādaṃ yogī yoge na manyate || 10.271 || 
arthadvayaṃ na kalpenti vijñānaṃ hyālayodbhavam |
ekamarthaṃ dvicittena na jānīte tadudbhavam || 10.272 || 
na vaktā na ca vācyo ’sti na śūnyaṃ cittadarśanāt |
adarśanāt svacittasya dṛṣṭijālaṃ pravartate || 10.273 || 
pratyayāgamanaṃ nāsti indriyāṇi na kecana |
na dhātavo na ca skandhā na rāgo na ca saṃskṛtam || 10.274 || 
karmaṇo ’gniṃ na vai pūrvaṃ na kṛtaṃ na ca saṃskṛtam |
na koṭi na ca vai śaktir na mokṣo na ca bandhanam || 10.275 || 
avyākṛto na bhāvo ’sti dharmādharmaṃ na caiva hi |
na kālaṃ na ca nirvāṇaṃ dharmatāpi na vidyate || 10.276 || 
na ca buddho na satyāni na phalaṃ na ca hetavaḥ |
viparyayo na nirvāṇaṃ vibhavo nāsti saṃbhavaḥ || 10.277 || 
dvādaśāṅgaṃ na caivāsti antānantaṃ na caiva hi |
sarvadṛṣṭiprahāṇāya cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.278 || 
kleśāḥ karmapathā dehaḥ kartāraś ca phalaṃ ca vai |
marīcisvapnasaṃkāśā gandharvanagaropamāḥ || 10.279 || 
cittamātravyavasthānādvayāvṛttaṃ bhāvalakṣaṇam |
cittamātrapratiṣṭhānāc chāśvatocchedadarśanam || 10.280 || 
(126,1) skandhā na santi nirvāṇe na caivātmā na lakṣaṇam |
cittamātrāvatāreṇa mokṣagrāhān nivartate || 10.281 || 
bhūdṛśyahetuko doṣo bahirdhā khyāyate nṛṇām |
cittaṃ hy adṛśyasaṃbhūtaṃ tena cittaṃ na dṛśyate || 10.282 || 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānā khyāyate vāsanā nṛṇām |
cittaṃ na bhāvo nābhāvo vāsane na virājate || 10.283 || 
malo vai khyāyate śukle na śukle khyāyate malaḥ |
ghane hi gaganaṃ yadvat tathā cittaṃ na dṛśyate || 10.284 || 
cittena cīyate karma jñānena ca vicīyate |
prajñayā ca nirābhāsaṃ prabhāvaṃ cādhigacchati || 10.285 || 
cittaṃ viṣayasaṃbaddhaṃ jñānaṃ tarke pravartate |
nirābhāse viśeṣe ca jñānaṃ vai saṃpravartate || 10.286 || 
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ saṃjñā vai kalpavarjitā |
avikalpadharmatāṃ prāptāḥ śrāvakā na jinātmajāḥ || 10.287 || 
kṣānte kṣānte viśeṣe vai jñānaṃ tāthāgataṃ śubham |
saṃjāyate viśeṣārthaṃ samudācāravarjitam || 10.288 || 
parikalpitasvabhāvo ’sti paratantro na vidyate |
kalpitaṃ gṛhyate bhrāntyā paratantraṃ na kalpyate || 10.289 || 
cittaṃ hy abhūtasaṃbhūtaṃ na cittaṃ dṛśyate kvacit |
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānaṃ khyāyate vāsanā nṛṇām || 10.290 || 
na sarvabhautikaṃ rūpamasti rūpam abhautikam |
gandharvasvapnamāyā yā mṛgatṛṣṇā hy abhautikā || 10.291 || 
prajñā hi trividhā mahyamāryaṃ yena prabhāvitam |
cittaṃ hy adṛśyasaṃbhūtaṃ tena cittaṃ na dṛśyate || 10.292 || 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānā khyāyate vāsanā nṛṇām |
lakṣaṇaṃ kalpate yena yaḥ svabhāvān vṛṇoti ca || 10.293 || 
yānadvayavisaṃyuktā prajñā hyābhāsavarjitā |
saṃbhavābhiniveśena śrāvakāṇāṃ pravartate |
cittamātrāvatāreṇa prajñā tāthāgatī ’malā || 10.294 || 
sato hi asataś cāpi pratyayair yadi jāyate |
ekatvānyatvadṛṣṭiś ca avaśyaṃ taiḥ samāśritā || 10.295 || 
(127,1) vividhāgatirhi nirvṛttā yathā māyā na sidhyati |
nimittaṃ hi tathā citraṃ kalpyamānaṃ na sidhyati || 10.296 || 
nimittadauṣṭhulyamayaṃ bandhanaṃ cittasaṃbhavam |
parikalpitaṃ hy ajānānaiḥ paratantraṃ vikalpyate || 10.297 || 
ya eva kalpito bhāvaḥ paratantraṃ tad eva hi |
kalpitaṃ hi vicitrābhaṃ paratantraṃ vikalpyate || 10.298 || 
saṃvṛtiḥ paramārthaś ca tṛtīyaṃ nāsti hetukam |
kalpitaṃ saṃvṛtirhyuktā tacchedādāryagocaraḥ || 10.299 || 
yathā hi yogināṃ vastu citram ekaṃ virājate |
na hy asti citratā tatra tathā kalpitalakṣaṇam || 10.300 || 
yathā hi taimiraiś citraṃ kalpyate rūpadarśanam |
timiraṃ na rūpaṃ nārūpaṃ paratantraṃ tathā budhaiḥ || 10.301 || 
hemaṃ syāttu yathā śuddhaṃ jalaṃ kaluṣavarjitam |
gaganaṃ hi ghanābhāvāt tathā śuddhaṃ vikalpitam || 10.302 || 
śrāvakastrividho mahyaṃ nirmitaḥ praṇidhānajaḥ |
rāgadveṣavisaṃyuktaḥ śrāvako dharmasaṃbhavaḥ || 10.303 || 
bodhisattvo ’pi trividho buddhānāṃ nāsti lakṣaṇam |
citte citte tu sattvānāṃ buddhabimbaṃ vidṛśyate || 10.304 || 
nāsti vai kalpito bhāvaḥ paratantraṃ ca vidyate |
samāropāpavādaṃ ca vikalpaṃ no vinaśyati || 10.305 || 
kalpitaṃ yadyabhāvaḥ syāt paratantrasvabhāvataḥ |
vinābhāvena vai bhāvaṃ bhāvaś cābhāvasaṃbhavaḥ || 10.306 || 
parikalpitaṃ samāśritya paratantraṃ pralabhyate |
nimittanāmasaṃbandhāj jāyate parikalpitam || 10.307 || 
atyantaṃ cāpy aniṣpannaṃ kalpitena parodbhavam |
tadā prajñāyate śuddhaḥ svabhāavaḥ pāramārthikaḥ || 10.308 || 
parikalpitaṃ daśavidhaṃ paratantraṃ ca ṣaḍvidham |
tathatā ca pratyātmagatimato nāsti viśeṣaṇam || 10.309 || 
pañca dharmā bhavet tatvaṃ svabhāvā hi trayas tathā |
etadvibhāvayan yogī tathatāṃ nātivartate || 10.310 || 
nakṣatrameghasaṃsthānaṃ somabhāskarasaṃnibham |
cittaṃ saṃdṛśyate nṝṇāṃ dṛśyābhaṃ vāsanoditam || 10.311 || 
(128,1) bhūtālabdhātmakā hy ete na lakṣyaṃ na ca lakṣaṇam |
sarve bhūtamayā bhūtā yadi rūpaṃ hi bhautikam || 10.312 || 
asaṃbhūtā mahābhūtā nāsti bhūteṣu bhautikam |
kāraṇaṃ hi mahābhūtāḥ kāryaṃ bhūsalilādayaḥ || 10.313 || 
dravyaprajñaptirūpaṃ ca māyājātikṛtaṃ tathā |
svapnagandharvarūpaṃ ca mṛgatṛṣṇā ca pañcamam || 10.314 || 
icchantikaṃ pañcavidhaṃ gotrāḥ pañca tathā bhavet |
pañca yānānyayānaṃ ca nirvāṇaṃ ṣaḍvidhaṃ bhavet || 10.315 || 
skandhabhedāś caturviśadrūpaṃ cāṣṭavidhaṃ bhavet |
buddhā bhaveccaturviṃśaddvividhāś ca jinaurasāḥ || 10.316 || 
aṣṭottaraṃ nayaśataṃ śrāvakāś ca trayas tathā |
kṣetramekaṃ hi buddhānāṃ buddhaś caikas tathā bhavet || 10.317 || 
vimuktayas tathā tisraś cittadhārā caturvidhā |
nairātmyaṃ ṣaḍvidhaṃ mahyaṃ jñeyaṃ cāpi caturvidham || 10.318 || 
kāraṇaiś ca visaṃyuktaṃ dṛṣṭidoṣavivarjitam |
pratyātmavedyam acalaṃ mahāyānamanuttaram || 10.319 || 
utpādaṃ cāpy anutpādam aṣṭadhā navadhā bhavet |
ekānupūrvasamayaṃ siddhāntam ekam eva ca || 10.320 || 
ārūpyadhātvaṣṭavidhaṃ dhyānabhedaś ca ṣaḍvidhaḥ |
pratyekajinaputrāṇāṃ niryāṇaṃ saptadhā bhavet || 10.321 || 
adhvatrayaṃ na caivāsti nityānityaṃ ca nāsti vai |
kriyā karma phalaṃ caiva svapnakāryaṃ tathā bhavet || 10.322 || 
antādyāsaṃbhavā buddhāḥ śrāvakāś ca jinaurasāḥ |
cittaṃ dṛśyavisaṃyuktaṃ māyādharmopamaṃ sadā || 10.323 || 
garbhaś cakraṃ tathā jātir naiṣkramyaṃ tuṣitālayam |
sarvakṣetragatāś cāpi dṛśyante na ca yonijāḥ || 10.324 || 
saṃkrāntiṃ saṃcaraṃ sattvaṃ deśanā nirvṛtis tathā |
satyaṃ kṣetrāvabodhiś ca pratyayaprerito bhavet || 10.325 || 
lokā vanaspatir dvīpo nairātmyatīrthasaṃcaram |
dhyānaṃ yānālayaprāptir acintyaphalagocaram || 10.326 || 
candranakṣatragotrāṇi nṛpagotrā surālayam |
yakṣagandharvagotrāṇi karmajā tṛṣṇasaṃbhavā || 10.327 || 
(129,1) acintyapariṇāmī ca cyutir vāsanasaṃyutā |
vyucchinnacyutyabhāvena kleśajālaṃ nirudhyate || 10.328 || 
dhanadhānyaṃ suvarṇaṃ ca kṣetravastu vikalpyate |
gavaiḍakāś ca dāsā vai tathā hayagajādayaḥ || 10.329 || 
talpaviddhe na svaptavyaṃ bhūmiś cāpi na lepayet |
sauvarṇarājataṃ pātraṃ kāṃsaṃ tāmraṃ na kārayet || 10.330 || 
kambalā nīlaraktāś ca kāṣāyo gomayena ca |
kardamaiḥ phalapatraiś ca śuklān yogī rajetsadā || 10.331 || 
śailīkaṃ mṛnmayaṃ lohaṃ śāṅkhaṃ vai sphaṭikamayam |
pātrārthaṃ dhārayed yogī paripūrṇaṃ ca māgadham || 10.332 || 
caturaṅgulaṃ bhavec chastraṃ kubjaṃ vai vastucchedanaḥ |
śilpavidyāṃ na śikṣeta yogī yogaparāyaṇaḥ || 10.333 || 
krayavikrayo na kartavyo yoginā yogivāhinā |
ārāmikaiś ca kartavyam etad dharmaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.334 || 
guptendriyaṃ tathārthajñaṃ sūtrānte vinaye tathā |
gṛhasthair na ca saṃsṛṣṭaṃ yoginaṃ taṃ vadāmy aham || 10.335 || 
śūnyāgāre śmaśāne vā vṛkṣamūle guhāsu vā |
palāle ’bhyavakāśe ca yogī vāsaṃ prakalpayet || 10.336 || 
trivastraprāvṛto nityaṃ śmaśānād yatra kutracit |
vastrārthaṃ saṃvidhātavyaṃ yaś ca dadyāt sukhāgatam || 10.337 || 
yugamātrānusārī syāt piṇḍabhakṣaparāyaṇaḥ |
kusumebhyo yathā bhramarās tathā piṇḍaṃ samācaret || 10.338 || 
gaṇe ca gaṇasaṃsṛṣṭe bhikṣuṇīṣu ca yadbhavet |
taddhi ājīvasaṃsṛṣṭaṃ na tatkalpati yoginām || 10.339 || 
rājāno rājaputrāś ca amātyāḥ śreṣṭhinas tathā |
piṇḍārthe nopadeśeta yogī yogaparāyaṇaḥ || 10.340 || 
mṛtasūtakulān naṃ ca mitraprītisamanvitam |
bhikṣubhikṣuṇisaṃsṛṣṭaṃ na tatkalpati yoginām || 10.341 || 
vihāre yatra vai dhūmaḥ pacyate vidhivat sadā |
uddiśya yatkṛtaṃ cāpi na tatkalpati yoginām || 10.342 || 
(130,1) utpādabhaṅganirmuktaṃ sadasatpakṣavarjitam |
lakṣyalakṣaṇasaṃyuktaṃ yogī lokaṃ vibhāvayet || 10.343 || 
samādhibalasaṃyuktamabhijñair vaśitaiś ca vai |
nacirāt tu bhaved yogī yady utpādaṃ na kalpayet || 10.344 || 
aṇukālapradhānebhyaḥ kāraṇebhyo na kalpayet |
hetupratyayasaṃbhūtaṃ yogī lokaṃ na kalpayet || 10.345 || 
svakalpakalpitaṃ lokaṃ citraṃ vai vāsanoditam |
pratipaśyet sadā yogī māyāsvapnopamaṃ bhavam || 10.346 || 
apavādasamāropavarjitaṃ darśanaṃ sadā |
dehabhogapratiṣṭhābhaṃ tribhavaṃ na vikalpayet || 10.347 || 
kṛtabhaktapiṇḍo niścitamṛjuṃ saṃsthāpya vai tanum |
buddhāṃś ca bodhisattvāṃś ca namaskṛtya punaḥ punaḥ || 10.348 || 
vinayāt sūtrayuktibhyāṃ tattvaṃ saṃhṛtya yogavit |
pañcadharmasvacittaṃ ca nairātmyaṃ ca vibhāvayet || 10.349 || 
pratyātmadharmatāśuddhā bhūmayo buddhabhūmi ca |
etad vibhāvayed yogī mahāpadme ’bhiṣicyate || 10.350 || 
vibhrāmya gatayaḥ sarvā bhavād udvegamānasaḥ |
yogānārabhate citrāṃ gatvā śivapathīṃ śubhām || 10.351 || 
somabhāskarasaṃsthānaṃ padmapatrāṃśusaprabham |
gaganāgnicitrasadṛśaṃ yogī puñjān prapaśyate || 10.352 || 
nimittāni ca citrāṇi tīrthyamārgaṃ nayanti te |
śrāvakatve nipātyanti pratyekajinagocare || 10.353 || 
vidhūya sarvāṇyetāni nirābhāso yadā bhavet |
tadā buddhakarādityāḥ sarvakṣetrasamāgatāḥ |
śiro hi tasya mārjanti nimittaṃ tathatānugāḥ || 10.354 || 
asty anākārato bhāvaḥ śāśvatocchedavarjitaḥ |
sadasatpakṣavigatāḥ kalpayiṣyanti madhyamam || 10.355 || 
ahetuvāde kalpyante ahetU_ucchedadarśanam |
bāhyabhāvāparijñānān nāśayiṣyanti madhyamam || 10.356 || 
bhāvagrāhaṃ na mokṣyante mā bhūd ucchedadarśanam |
samāropāpavādena deśayiṣyanti madhyamam || 10.357 || 
(131,1) cittamātrāvabodhena bāhyabhāvā vyudāśrayā |
vinivṛttirvikalpasya pratipat saiva madhyamā || 10.358 || 
cittamātraṃ na dṛśyanti dṛśyābhāvān na jāyate |
pratipan madhyamā caiṣā mayā cānyaiś ca deśitā || 10.359 || 
utpādaṃ cāpy anutpādaṃ bhāvābhāvaś ca śūnyatā |
naiḥsvabhāvyaṃ ca bhāvānāṃ dvayam etan na kalpayet || 10.360 || 
vikalpavṛttyā bhāvo na mokṣaṃ kalpenti bāliśāḥ |
na cittavṛttyasaṃbodhād dvayagrāhaḥ prahīyate || 10.361 || 
svacittadṛśyasaṃbodhād dvayagrāhaḥ prahīyate |
prahāṇaṃ hi parijñānaṃ vikalpyasyāvināśakam || 10.362 || 
cittadṛśyaparijñānād vikalpo na pravartate |
apravṛttir vikalpasya tathatā cittavarjitā || 10.363 || 
tīrthyadoṣavinirmuktā pravṛttir yadi dṛśyate |
sā vidvadbhir bhaved dhāhyā nivṛttiś cāvināśataḥ || 10.364 || 
asyāvabodhād buddhatvaṃ mayā buddhaiś ca deśitam |
anyathā kalpyamānaṃ hi tīrthyavādaḥ prasajyate || 10.365 || 
ajāḥ prasūtajanmā vai acyutāś ca cyavanti ca |
yugapajjalacandrābhā dṛśyante kṣetrakoṭiṣu || 10.366 || 
ekadhā bahudhā bhūtvā varṣanti ca jvalanti vai |
citte cintamayā bhūtvā cittamātraṃ vadanti te || 10.367 || 
citteṣu cittamātraṃ ca acittā cittasaṃbhavā |
vicitrarūpasaṃsthānāś cittamātre gatiṃgatāḥ || 10.368 || 
maunīndraiḥ śrāvakai rūpaiḥ pratyekajinasādṛśaiḥ |
anyaiś ca vividhai rūpaiś cittamātraṃ vadanti te || 10.369 || 
ārūpyarūpaṃ hy ārūpair nārakāṇāṃ ca nārakam |
rūpaṃ darśyanti sattvānāṃ cittamātrasya kāraṇam || 10.370 || 
māyopamaṃ samādhiṃ ca kāyaṃ cāpi manomayam |
daśa bhūmīś ca vaśitāḥ parāvṛttā labhanti te || 10.371 || 
svavikalpaviparyāsaiḥ prapañcaspanditaiś ca vai |
dṛṣṭaśrutamatajñāte bālā badhyanti saṃjñayā || 10.372 || 
(132,1) nimittaṃ paratantraṃ hi yannāma tatra kalpitam |
parikalpitanimittaṃ pāratantryāt pravartate || 10.373 || 
buddhyā vivecyamānaṃ hi na tantraṃ nāpi kalpitam |
niṣpanno nāsti vai bhāvaḥ kathaṃ buddhyā prakalpyate || 10.374 || 
niṣpanno vidyate bhāvo bhāvābhāvavivarjitaḥ |
bhāvābhāvavinirmuktau dvau svabhāvau kathaṃ bhavet || 10.375 || 
parikalpite svabhāve ca svabhāvau dvau pratiṣṭhitau |
kalpitaṃ dṛśyate citraṃ viśuddhamāryagocaram || 10.376 || 
kalpitaṃ hi vicitrābhaṃ paratantre vikalpyate |
anyathā kalpyamānaṃ hi tīrthyavādaṃ samāśrayet || 10.377 || 
kalpanā kalpanety uktaṃ darśanād dhetusaṃbhavam |
vikalpadvayanirmuktaṃ niṣpannaṃ syāt tad eva hi || 10.378 || 
kṣetraṃ buddhāś ca nirmāṇā ekaṃ yānaṃ trayaṃ tathā |
na nirvāṇam ahaṃ sarve śūnyā utpattivarjitāḥ || 10.379 || 
ṣaṭtriṃśadbuddhabhedāś ca daśa bhedāḥ pṛthakpṛthak |
sattvānāṃ cittasaṃtānā ete kṣetrāṇy abhājanam || 10.380 || 
yathā hi kalpitaṃ bhāvaṃ khyāyate citradarśanam |
na hy asti citratā tatra buddhadharmaṃ tathā jagat || 10.381 || 
dharmabuddho bhaved buddhaḥ śeṣā vai tasya nirmitāḥ |
sattvāḥ svabījasaṃtānaṃ paśyante buddhadarśanaiḥ || 10.382 || 
bhrāntinimittasaṃbandhād vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate |
vikalpā tathatā nānyā na nimittā vikalpanā || 10.383 || 
svābhāvikaś ca saṃbhogo nirmitaṃ pañcanirmitam |
ṣaṭtriṃśakaṃ buddhagaṇaṃ buddhaḥ svābhāviko bhavet || 10.384 || 
nīle rakte ’tha lavaṇe śaṅkhe kṣīre ca śārkare |
kaṣāyaiḥ phalapuṣpādyaiḥ kiraṇā yatha bhāskare || 10.385 || 
na cānye na ca nānanye taraṃgā hy udadhāv iva |
vijñānāni tathā sapta cittena saha saṃyutā || 10.386 || 
udadheḥ pariṇāmo ’sau taraṃgāṇāṃ vicitratā |
ālayaṃ hi tathā citraṃ vijñānākhyaṃ pravartate || 10.387 || 
(133,1) cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ lakṣaṇārthaṃ prakalpyate |
abhinnalakṣaṇāny aṣṭau na ca lakṣyaṃ na lakṣaṇam || 10.388 || 
udadheś ca taraṃgāṇāṃ yathā nāsti viśeṣaṇam |
vijñānānāṃ tathā citte pariṇāmo na labhyate || 10.389 || 
cittena cīyate karma manasā ca vicīyate |
vijñānena vijānāti dṛśyaṃ kalpeti pañcabhiḥ || 10.390 || 
nīlaraktaprakāra hi vijñānaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām |
taraṃgacittasādharmyaṃ vada kasmān mahāmune || 10.391 || 
nīlaraktaprakāraṃ hi taraṃgeṣu na vidyate |
vṛttiś ca varṇyate citte lakṣaṇārthaṃ hi bāliśāḥ || 10.392 || 
na tasya vidyate vṛttiḥ svacittaṃ grāhyavarjitam |
grāhye sati hi vai grāhas taraṃgaiḥ saha sādhyate || 10.393 || 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānaṃ vijñānaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām |
tenāsya dṛśyate vṛttistaraṃgaiḥ sahasādṛśā || 10.394 || 
uadadhistaraṃgabhāvena nṛtyamāno vibhāvyate |
ālayasya tathā vṛttiḥ kasmād buddhyā na gṛhyate || 10.395 || 
bālānāṃ buddhivaikalyād ālayaṃ hy udadher yathā |
taraṃgavṛttisādharmyā dṛṣṭāntenopanīyate || 10.396 || 
udeti bhāskaro yadvat samaṃ hīnottame jane |
tathā tvaṃ lokapradyota tattvaṃ deśesi bāliśān || 10.397 || 
kṛtvā dharmeṣv avasthānaṃ kasmāt tattvaṃ na bhāṣase |
bhāṣase yadi tattvaṃ vai tattvaṃ citte na vidyate || 10.398 || 
udadher yathā taraṃgāṇi darpaṇe supine yathā |
dṛśyante yugapatkāle tathā cittaṃ svagocare |
vaikalyād viṣayāṇāṃ hi kramavṛttyā pravartate || 10.399 || 
vijñānena vijānāti manasā manyate punaḥ |
pañcānāṃ khyāyate dṛśyaṃ kramo nāsti samāhite || 10.400 || 
citrācāryo yathā kaścic citrāntevāsiko ’pi vā |
citrārthe nāmayed raṅgaṃ deśanāpi tathā mama || 10.401 || 
raṅge na vidyate citraṃ na kuḍye na ca bhājane |
sattvānāṃ karṣaṇārthāya raṅgaiś citraṃ vikalpyate || 10.402 || 
(134,1) deśanāvyabhicārī ca tattvaṃ hy akṣaravarjitam |
kṛtvā dharme vyavasthānaṃ tattvaṃ deśemi yoginām || 10.403 || 
tattvaṃ pratyātmagatikaṃ kalpyakalpanavarjitam |
deśemi jinaputrāṇāṃ bālānāṃ deśanānyathā || 10.404 || 
vicitrā hi yathā māyā dṛśyate na ca vidyate |
deśanā hi tathā citrā dṛśyate ’vyabhicāriṇī || 10.405 || 
deśanā hi yadanyasya tadanyasyāpyadeśanā |
āture āture yadvadbhiṣagdravyaṃ prayacchati |
buddhā hi tadvatsattvānāṃ cittamātraṃ vadanti te || 10.406 || 
bāhyavāsanabījena vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate |
tantraṃ hi yena gṛhṇāti yadgṛhṇāti sa kalpitam || 10.407 || 
bāhyamālambanaṃ gṛhyaṃ cittaṃ cāśritya jāyate |
dvidhā pravartate bhrāntis tṛtīyaṃ nāsti kāraṇam || 10.408 || 
yasmāc ca jāyate bhrāntir yadāśritya ca jāyate |
ṣaḍdvādaśāṣṭādaśakaṃ cittam eva vadāmy aham || 10.409 || 
svabījagrāhyasaṃbandhādātmagrāhaḥ prahīyate |
cittakalpāvatāreṇa dharmagrāhaḥ prahīyate || 10.410 || 
yattu ālayavijñānaṃ tadvijñānaṃ pravartate |
ādhyātmikaṃ hyāyatanaṃ bhavedbāhyaṃ yadābhayā || 10.411 || 
nakṣatrakeśagrahaṇaṃ svapnarūpaṃ yathābudhaiḥ |
saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaṃ nityaṃ kalpyate na ca vidyate || 10.412 || 
gandharvanagaraṃ māyā mṛgatṛṣṇāmbhasāṃ yathā |
asanto vā vidṛśyante paratantraṃ tathā bhavet || 10.413 || 
ātmendriyopacāraṃ hi tricitte deśayāmy aham |
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ svalakṣaṇavisaṃyutā || 10.414 || 
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ nairātmyaṃ syād dvayaṃ tathā |
pañca dharmāḥ svabhāvā hi buddhānāṃ gocaro hy ayam || 10.415 || 
lakṣaṇena bhavet rīṇī ekaṃ vāsanahetukāḥ |
raṅgaṃ hi yathāpyekaṃ kuḍye citraṃ vidṛśyate || 10.416 || 
nairātmyamadvayaṃ cittaṃ manovijñānam eva ca |
pañca dharmāḥ svabhāvā hi mama gotre na santi te || 10.417 || 
(135,1) cittalakṣaṇanirmuktaṃ vijñānamanavarjitam |
dharmasvabhāvavirahaṃ gotraṃ tāthāgataṃ labhet || 10.418 || 
kāyena vācā manasā na tatra kriyate śubham |
gotraṃ tāthāgataṃ śuddhaṃ samudācāravarjitam || 10.419 || 
abhijñair vaśitaiḥ śuddhaṃ samādhibalamaṇḍitam |
kāyaṃ manomayaṃ cittaṃ gotraṃ tāthāgataṃ śubham || 10.420 || 
pratyātmavedyaṃ hy amalaṃ hetulakṣaṇavarjitam |
aṣṭamī buddhabhūmiś ca gotraṃ tāthāgataṃ bhavet || 10.421 || 
dūraṃgamā sādhumatī dharmameghā tathāgatī |
etad dhi gotraṃ buddhānāṃ śeṣā yānadvayāvahā || 10.422 || 
sattvasaṃtānabhedena lakṣaṇārthaṃ ca bāliśām |
deśyante bhūmayaḥ sapta buddhaiś cittavaśaṃ gatāḥ || 10.423 || 
vākkāyacittadauṣṭhulyaṃ saptamyāṃ na pravartate |
aṣṭamyāṃ hy āśrayastasya svapnaughasamasādṛśaḥ || 10.424 || 
bhūmyaṣṭamyāṃ ca pañcamyāṃ śilpavidyākalāgamam |
kurvanti jinaputrā vai nṛpatvaṃ ca bhavālaye || 10.425 || 
utpādam atha notpādaṃ śūnyāśūnyaṃ na kalpayet |
svabhāvam asvabhāvatvaṃ cittamātre na vidyate || 10.426 || 
idaṃ tathyam idaṃ tathyam idaṃ mithyā vikalpayet |
pratyekaśrāvakāṇāṃ ca deśanā na jinaurasām || 10.427 || 
saccāsacca sato naiva kṣaṇikaṃ lakṣaṇaṃ na vai |
prajñaptidravyasannaiva cittamātre na vidyate || 10.428 || 
bhāvā vidyanti saṃvṛtyā paramārthe na bhāvakāḥ |
niḥsvabhāveṣu yā bhrāntis tat satyaṃ saṃvṛtir bhavet || 10.429 || 
asatsu sarvadharmeṣu prajñaptiḥ kriyate mayā |
abhilāpo vyavahāraś ca bālānāṃ tattvavarjitaḥ || 10.430 || 
abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo vidyate hy arthagocaraḥ |
abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo dṛṣṭvā vai nāsti vidyate || 10.431 || 
kuḍyābhāve yathā citraṃ chāyāyāṃ sthāṇuvarjite |
ālayaṃ tu tathā śuddhaṃ taraṃge na virājate || 10.432 || 
naṭavattiṣṭhate cittaṃ mano vidūṣasādṛśam |
vijñānapañcakaiḥ sārdhaṃ dṛśyaṃ kalpati raṅgavat || 10.433 || 
(136,1) deśanādharmaniṣyando yacca niṣyandanirmitam |
buddhā hy ete bhavet paurāḥ śeṣā nirmāṇavigrahāḥ || 10.434 || 
dṛśyaṃ na vidyate cittaṃ cittaṃ dṛśyāt pramuhyate |
dehabhogapratiṣṭhānamālayaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām || 10.435 || 
cittaṃ manaś ca vijñānaṃ svabhāvaṃ dharmapañcakam |
nairātmyaṃ dvitayaṃ śuddhaṃ prabhāṣante vināyakāḥ || 10.436 || 
tārkikāṇām aviṣayaṃ śrāvakāṇāṃ na caiva hi |
yaṃ deśayanti vai nāthā pratyātmagatigocaram || 10.437 || 
dīrghahrasvādisaṃbaddhamanyonyataḥ pravartate |
astitvasādhakā nāsti asti nāstitvasādhakam || 10.438 || 
aṇuśo vibhajya dravyaṃ na vai rūpaṃ vikalpayet |
cittamātravyavasthānaṃ kudṛṣṭyā na prasīdati || 10.439 || 
mā śūnyatāṃ vikalpetha māśūnyam iti vā punaḥ |
nāstyasti kalpanaiveyaṃ kalpyamarthaṃ na vidyate || 10.440 || 
guṇāṇudravyasaṃghātai rūpaṃ bālair vikalpyate |
ekaikamaṇuśo nāsti ato ’pyarthaṃ na vidyate || 10.441 || 
svacittaṃ dṛśyasaṃsthānaṃ bahirdhā khyāyate nṛṇām |
bāhyaṃ na vidyate dṛśyamato ’pyarthaṃ na vidyate || 10.442 || 
citraṃ keśoṇḍukaṃ māyāṃ svapna gandharvam eva ca |
alātaṃ mṛgatṛṣṇā ca asantaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām || 10.443 || 
nityānityaṃ tathaikatvamubhayaṃ nobhayaṃ tathā |
anādidoṣasaṃbaddhā bālāḥ kalpenti mohitāḥ || 10.444 || 
yānavyavasthā naivāsti yānamekaṃ vadāmy aham |
parikarṣaṇārthaṃ bālānāṃ yānabhedaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.445 || 
vimuktayas tathā tisro dharmanairātmyam eva ca |
samatājñānakleśākhyā vimuktyā te vivarjitāḥ || 10.446 || 
yathā hi kāṣṭhamudadhau taraṃgair vipravāhyate |
tathā ca śrāvako mūḍho lakṣaṇena pravāhyate || 10.447 || 
niṣṭhāgatir na tattasyā na ca bhūyo nivartate |
samādhikāyaṃ saṃprāpya ā kalpān na prabudhyate || 10.448 || 
(137,1) vāsanākleśasaṃbaddhā paryutthānair visaṃyutāḥ |
samādhimadamattāste dhātau tiṣṭhantyanāsrave || 10.449 || 
yathā hi mattaḥ puruṣo madyābhāvādvibudhyate |
tathā te buddhadharmākhyaṃ kāyaṃ prāpsyanti māmakam || 10.450 || 
paṅkamagno yathā hastī itastato na dhāvati |
samādhimadamagnā vai tathā tiṣṭhanti śrāvakāḥ || 10.451 || 
adhiṣṭhānaṃ narendrāṇāṃ praṇīdhānair viśodhitam |
abhiṣekasamādhyādyaṃ prathamā daśamī ca vai || 10.452 || 
ākāśaṃ śaśaśṛṅgaṃ ca vandhyāyāḥ putra eva ca |
asantaś cābhilapyante tathā bhāveṣu kalpanā || 10.453 || 
vāsanāhetukaṃ lokaṃ nāsan na sadasat kvacit |
ye paśyanti vimucyante dharmanairātmyakovidāḥ || 10.454 || 
svabhāvakalpitaṃ nāma parabhāvaś ca tantrajaḥ |
niṣpannaṃ tathatetyuktaṃ sūtre sūtre sadā mayā || 10.455 || 
vyañjanaṃ padakāyaṃ ca nāma cāpi viśeṣataḥ |
bālāḥ sajanti durmedhā yathā paṅke mahāgajāḥ || 10.456 || 
devayānaṃ brahmayānaṃ śrāvakīyaṃ tathaiva ca |
tāthāgataṃ ca pratyekaṃ yānānyetān vadāmy aham || 10.457 || 
yānānāṃ nāsti vai niṣṭhā yāvaccittaṃ pravartate |
citte tu vai parāvṛtte na yānaṃ na ca yāyinaḥ || 10.458 || 
cittaṃ vikalpo vijñaptirmano vijñānam eva ca |
ālayaṃ tribhavaś ceṣṭā ete cittasya paryayāḥ || 10.459 || 
āyuruṣmātha vijñānamālayo jīvitendriyam |
manaś ca manavijñānaṃ vikalpasya viśeṣaṇam || 10.460 || 
cittena dhāryate kāyo mano manyati vai sadā |
vijñānaṃ cittaviṣayaṃ vijñānaiḥ saha chindati || 10.461 || 
tṛṣṇā hi mātā ityuktā avidyā ca tathā pitā |
viṣayāvabodhād vijñānaṃ buddha ity upadiśyate || 10.462 || 
arhanto hy anuśayāḥ skandhāḥ saṃghaḥ skandhakapañcakaḥ |
nirantarāntaracchedāt karma hy ānantaraṃ bhavet || 10.463 || 
(138,1) nairātmyasya dvayaṃ kleśās tathaivāvaraṇadvayam |
acintyapariṇāminyāś cyuter lābhās tathāgatāḥ || 10.464 || 
siddhāntaś ca nayaś cāpi pratyātmaṃ śāsanaṃ ca vai |
ye paśyanti vibhāgajñā na te tarkavaśaṃ gatāḥ || 10.465 || 
na bhāvo vidyate satyaṃ yathā bālair vikalpyate |
abhāvena tu vai mokṣaṃ kathaṃ necchanti tārkikāḥ || 10.466 || 
utpādabhaṅgasaṃbaddhaṃ saṃskṛtaṃ pratipaśyataḥ |
dṛṣṭidvayaṃ prapuṣṇanti na ca jānanti pratyayān || 10.467 || 
ekam eva bhavet satyaṃ nirvāṇaṃ manavarjitam |
kadalīsvapnamāyābhaṃ lokaṃ paśyed vikalpitam || 10.468 || 
rāgo na vidyate dveṣo mohaś cāpi na pudgalaḥ |
tṛṣṇāyā hyuditāḥ skandhā vidyante svapnasādṛśāḥ || 10.469 || 
yasyāṃ ca rātryāṃ dhigamo yasyāṃ ca parinirvṛtaḥ |
etasminn antare nāsti mayā kiṃcitprakāśitam || 10.470 || 
pratyātmadharmasthititāṃ saṃdhāya kathitaṃ mayā |
taiś ca buddhair mayā caiva na ca kiṃcidviśeṣitam || 10.471 || 
dravyavad vidyate hy ātmā skandhā lakṣaṇavarjitāḥ |
skandhā vidyanti bhāvena ātmā teṣu na vidyate || 10.472 || 
pratipattiṃ vibhāvanto kleśair mānuṣasaṃgamaiḥ |
mucyate sarvaduḥkhebhyaḥ svacittaṃ paśyato jagat || 10.473 || 
kāraṇaiḥ pratyayaiś cāpi yeṣāṃ lokaḥ pravartate |
cātuṣkoṭikayā yukto na te mannayakovidāḥ || 10.474 || 
sadasanna jāyate loko nāsanna sadasatkvacit |
pratyayaiḥ kāraṇaiś cāpi kathaṃ bālair vikalpyate || 10.475 || 
na sannāsanna sadasadyadā lokaṃ prapaśyati |
tadā vyāvartate cittaṃ nairātmyaṃ cādhigacchati || 10.476 || 
anutpannāḥ sarvabhāvā yasmāt pratyayasaṃbhavāḥ |
kāryaṃ hi pratyayāḥ sarve na kāryājjāyate bhavaḥ || 10.477 || 
kāryaṃ na jāyate kāryaṃ dvitvaṃ kārye prasajyate |
na ca dvitvaprasaṅgena kāryābhāvopalabhyate || 10.478 || 
ālambālambavigataṃ yadā paśyati saṃskṛtam |
nimittaṃ cittamātraṃ hi cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.479 || 
(139,1) mātrāsvabhāvasaṃsthānaṃ pratyayair bhāvavarjitam |
niṣṭhābhāvaparaṃ brahma etāṃ mātrāṃ vadāmy aham || 10.480 || 
prajñaptisatyato hyātmā dravyaḥ sa hi na vidyate |
skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvat prajñaptyā na tu dravyataḥ || 10.481 || 
caturvidhā vai samatā lakṣaṇaṃ hetubhājanam |
nairātmyasamatā caiva caturthā yogayoginām || 10.482 || 
vyāvṛttiḥ sarvadṛṣṭīnāṃ kalpyakalpanavarjitā |
anupalambho hy ajātiś ca cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.483 || 
na bhāvaṃ nāpi cābhāvaṃ bhāvābhāvavivarjitam |
tathatā cittanirmuktaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.484 || 
tathatā śūnyatā koṭī nirvāṇaṃ dharmadhātukam |
kāyaṃ manomayaṃ cittaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.485 || 
vikalpavāsanābaddhaṃ vicitraṃ cittasaṃbhavam |
bahirdhā jāyate nṝṇāṃ cittamātraṃ hi laukikam || 10.486 || 
dṛśyaṃ na vidyate bāhyaṃ cittacitraṃ vidṛśyate |
dehabhogapratiṣṭhābhaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.487 || 
śrāvakāṇāṃ kṣayajñānaṃ buddhānāṃ janmasaṃbhavam |
pratyekajinaputrāṇāṃ asaṃkleśāt pravartate || 10.488 || 
bahirdhā nāsti vai rūpaṃ svacittaṃ dṛśyate bahiḥ |
anavabodhāt svacittasya bālāḥ kalpenti saṃskṛtam || 10.489 || 
bāhyamarthamajānānaiḥ svacittacitradarśanam |
hetubhir vāryate mūḍhaiś cātuṣkoṭikayojitaiḥ || 10.490 || 
na hetavo na koṭyo vai dṛṣṭāntāvayavāni ca |
svacittaṃ hy arthasaṃkrāntaṃ yadi jānanti paṇḍitāḥ || 10.491 || 
vikalpair na vikalpeta yadvikalpitalakṣaṇam |
kalpitaṃ ca samāśritya vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate || 10.492 || 
anyonyābhinnasaṃbandhād ekavāsanahetukāḥ |
āgantukatvāt tad dvayor na cittaṃ jāyate nṛṇām || 10.493 || 
vikalpaṃ cittacaittārthī tribhave ca pratiṣṭhitāḥ |
yadarthābhāḥ pravartante svabhāvakalpito hi saḥ || 10.494 || 
ābhāsabījasaṃyogād dvādaśāyatanāni vai |
āśrayālambyasaṃyogāt prakriyā varṇyate mayā || 10.495 || 
(140,1) yathā hi darpaṇe bimbaṃ keśoṇḍustimirasya vā |
tathā hi vāsanaiś channaṃ cittaṃ paśyanti bāliśāḥ || 10.496 || 
svavikalpakalpite hy arthe vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate |
artho na vidyate bāhyo yathā tīrthyair vikalpyate || 10.497 || 
rajjuṃ yathā hy ajānānāḥ sarpaṃ gṛhṇanti bāliśāḥ |
svacittārtham ajānānā hy arthaṃ kalpenti bāhiram || 10.498 || 
tathā hi rajjuṃ rajjutve ekatvānyatvavarjitam |
kiṃ tu svacittadoṣo ’yaṃ yena rajjur vikalpyate || 10.499 || 
na hi yo yena bhāvena kalpyamāno na lakṣyate |
na tannāstyavagantavyaṃ dharmāṇāmeṣa dharmatā || 10.500 || 
astitvapūrvakaṃ nāsti asti nāstitvapūrvakam |
ato nāsti na gantavyaṃ astitvaṃ na ca kalpayet || 10.501 || 
kalpitaṃ kalpyamānaṃ hi yad idaṃ na tadātmakam |
anātmakaṃ kathaṃ dṛṣṭvā vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate || 10.502 || 
rūpaṃ rūpātmanā nāsti tathā ghaṭapaṭādayaḥ |
avidyamāne dṛśye tu vikalpastena jāyate || 10.503 || 
vikalpaste yadi bhrāntāvanādimati saṃskṛte |
bhāvānāṃ bhāvatā kena bhrāmitā brūhi me mune || 10.504 || 
bhāvānāṃ bhāvatā nāsti cittamātraṃ ca dṛśyate |
apaśyamānaḥ svacittaṃ vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate || 10.505 || 
kalpitaṃ yadi vai nāsti yathā kalpati bāliśaḥ |
anyathā vidyate cāsau na ca buddhyāvagamyate || 10.506 || 
āryāṇāṃ yadi vā so ’sti nāsau bālair vikalpitaḥ |
āryāṇām atha mithyāsau āryā bālaiḥ samaṃ gatāḥ || 10.507 || 
āryāṇāṃ nāsti vai bhrāntir yasmāc cittaṃ viśodhitam |
aśuddhacittasaṃtānā bālāḥ kalpenti kalpitam || 10.508 || 
mātā yathā hi putrasya ākāśāt phalamānayet |
etad dhi putra mā kranda gṛhṇa citramidaṃ phalam || 10.509 || 
tathāhaṃ sarvasattvānāṃ vicitraiḥ kalpitaiḥ phalaiḥ |
pralobhya deśemi nayaṃ sadasatpakṣavarjitam || 10.510 || 
abhūtvā yasya vai bhāvaḥ pratyayair na ca saṃkulaḥ |
ajātapūrvaṃ tajjātamalabdhātmakam eva ca || 10.511 || 
(141,1) alabdhātmakaṃ hy ajātaṃ ca pratyayair na vinā kvacit |
utpannamapi te bhāvo pratyayair na vinā kvacit || 10.512 || 
evaṃ samāsataḥ paśyan nāsanna sadasatkvacit |
pratyayair jāyate bhūtamavikalpyaṃ hi paṇḍitaiḥ || 10.513 || 
ekatvānyatvakathāḥ kutīrthyāḥ kurvanti bāliśāḥ |
pratyayair na ca jānanti māyāsvapnopamaṃ jagat || 10.514 || 
abhidhānaviṣayaṃ yānaṃ mahāyānamanuttaram |
arthaṃ sunītaṃ hi mayā na ca budhyanti bāliśāḥ || 10.515 || 
māt saryair ye praṇītāni śrāvakaistīrthakais tathā |
vyabhicaranti te hy arthaṃ yasmāttarkeṇa deśitāḥ || 10.516 || 
lakṣaṇaṃ bhāva saṃsthānaṃ nāma caiva caturvidham |
etad ālambanīkṛtya kalpanā saṃpravartate || 10.517 || 
ekadhā bahudhā ye tu brahmakāyavaśaṃgatāḥ |
somabhāskarayor bhāvā ye nāśenti na te sutāḥ || 10.518 || 
āryadarśanasaṃpannā yathābhūtagatiṃgatāḥ |
saṃjñāvivartakuśalā vijñāne ca paraṃgatāḥ || 10.519 || 
eṣā hi mudrā muktānāṃ putrāṇāṃ mama śāsane |
bhāvābhāvavinirmuktā gatyāgativivarjitā || 10.520 || 
vyāvṛtte rūpavijñāne yadi karma vinaśyati |
nityānityaṃ na prāpnoti saṃsāraś ca na vidyate || 10.521 || 
vinirvṛttikāle pradhvastaṃ rūpaṃ deśān nivartate |
nāstyastidoṣanirmuktaṃ karma tiṣṭhati ālaye || 10.522 || 
pradhvaṃsi patitaṃ rūpaṃ vijñānaṃ ca bhavālaye |
rūpavijñānasaṃbaddhaṃ na ca karma vinaśyati || 10.523 || 
atha taiḥ saha saṃbaddhaṃ karma vai dhvasyate nṛṇām |
dhvaste tu karmasaṃbandhe na saṃsṛtir na nirvṛtiḥ || 10.524 || 
atha dhvastamapi taiḥ sārdhaṃ saṃsāre yadi jāyate |
rūpaṃ ca tena saṃbaddhamabhinnatvād bhaviṣyati || 10.525 || 
nābhinnaṃ na ca vai bhinnaṃ cittaṃ rūpaṃ vikalpanāt |
pradhvaṃso nāsti bhāvānāṃ sadasatpakṣavarjanāt || 10.526 || 
(142,1) kalpitaḥ paratantraś ca anyonyābhinnalakṣaṇāt |
rūpe hy anityatā yadvadanyonyajanakāś ca vai || 10.527 || 
anyo ’nanyavinirmuktaṃḥ kalpito nāvadhāryate |
nāstyasti kathaṃ bhavati rūpe cānityatā yathā || 10.528 || 
kalpitena sudṛṣṭena paratantro na jāyate |
paratantreṇa dṛṣṭena kalpitastathatā bhavet || 10.529 || 
kalpitaṃ hi vināśete mama netrī vinaśyate |
samāropāpavādaṃ ca kurvate mama śāsane || 10.530 || 
evaṃvidhā yadā yasmin kāle syur dharmadūṣakāḥ |
sarve ca te hy asaṃkathyā mama netrīvināśakāḥ || 10.531 || 
anālapyāś ca vidvadbhir bhikṣukāryaṃ ca varjayet |
kalpitaṃ yatra nāśenti samāropāpavādinaḥ || 10.532 || 
keśoṇḍukamāyābhaṃ svapnagandharvasādṛśam |
marīcyābhadṛśakalpo yeṣāṃ nāstyastidarśanāt || 10.533 || 
nāsau śikṣati buddhānāṃ yasteṣāṃ saṃgrahe caret |
dvayāntapatitā hy ete anyeṣāṃ ca vināśakāḥ || 10.534 || 
viviktaṃ kalpitaṃ bhāvaṃ ye tu paśyanti yoginaḥ |
bhāvābhāvavinirmuktaṃ teṣāṃ vai saṃgrahe caret || 10.535 || 
ākarā hi yathā loke suvarṇamaṇimuktijāḥ |
akarmahetukāś citrā upajīvyāś ca bāliśām || 10.536 || 
tathā hi sattvagotrāṇi citrā vai karmavarjitā |
dṛśyābhāvān na karmāsti na ca vai karmajā gatiḥ || 10.537 || 
bhāvānāṃ bhāvatā nāsti yathā tvāryair vibhāvyate |
kiṃ tu vidyanti vai bhāvā yathā bālair vikalpitāḥ || 10.538 || 
yadi bhāvā va vidyante yathā bālair vikalpitāḥ |
asatsu sattvabhāveṣu saṃkleśo nāsti kasyacit || 10.539 || 
bhāvavaicitryasaṃkleśāt saṃsāraṃ indriyopagaḥ |
ajñānatṛṣṇāsaṃbaddhaḥ pravartate śarīriṇām || 10.540 || 
yeṣāṃ tu bhāvo vai nāsti yathā bālair vikalpitaḥ |
teṣāṃ na vidyate vṛttir indriyāṇāṃ na yoginaḥ || 10.541 || 
(143,1) yadi bhāvā na vidyante bhāvasaṃsārahetavaḥ |
ayaṃ tena bhaven mokṣo bālānāṃ kriyavarjitaḥ || 10.542 || 
bālāryāṇāṃ viśeṣaste bhāvābhāvāt kathaṃ bhavet |
āryāṇāṃ nāsti vai bhāvo vimokṣatrayacāriṇām || 10.543 || 
skandhāś ca pudgalā dharmāḥ svasāmānyā alakṣaṇāḥ |
pratyayānīndriyāś caiva śrāvakāṇāṃ vadāmy aham || 10.544 || 
ahetucittamātraṃ tu vibhūti bhūmayas tathā |
pratyātmatathatāṃ śuddhāṃ deśayāmi jinaurasām || 10.545 || 
bhaviṣyantyanāgate kāle mama śāsanadūṣakāḥ |
kāṣāyavāsovasanāḥ sadasatkāryavādinaḥ || 10.546 || 
asantaḥ pratyayair bhāvā vidyante hyāryagocaram |
kalpito nāsti vai bhāvaḥ kalpayiṣyanti tārkikāḥ || 10.547 || 
bhaviṣyantyanāgate kāle kaṇabhugbālajātikāḥ |
asatkāryavādadurdṛṣṭyā janatāṃ nāśayanti ca || 10.548 || 
aṇubhyo jagadutpannamaṇavaś cāpy ahetukāḥ |
nava dravyāṇi nityāni kudṛṣṭyā deśayiṣyati || 10.549 || 
dravyair ārabhyate dravyaṃ guṇaiś caiva guṇās tathā |
bhāvānāṃ bhāvatām anyāṃ satīṃ vai nāśayiṣyati || 10.550 || 
ādimān hi bhavel loko yady abhūtvā pravartate |
pūrvā ca koṭir naivāsti saṃsārasya vadāmy aham || 10.551 || 
tribhavaḥ sarvasaṃkhyātaṃ yadyabhūtvā pravartate |
śvānoṣṭrakharaśṛṅgāṇām utpattiḥ syān na saṃśayaḥ || 10.552 || 
yadyabhūtvā bhaveccakṣū rūpaṃ vijñānam eva ca |
kaṭamukuṭapaṭādyānāṃ mṛtpiṇḍāt saṃbhavo bhavet || 10.553 || 
paṭaiś ca vai kaṭo nāsti paṭo vai vīraṇais tathā |
eka ekatrā saṃbhūtaḥ pratyayaiḥ kiṃ na jāyate || 10.554 || 
tajjīvaṃ taccharīraṃ ca yac cābhūtvā pravartate |
paravādā hy amī sarve mayā ca samudāhṛtāḥ || 10.555 || 
uccārya pūrvapakṣaṃ ca matisteṣāṃ nivāryate |
nivārya tu matis teṣāṃ svapakṣaṃ deśayāmy aham || 10.556 || 
atorthaṃ tīrthavādānāṃ kṛtamuccāraṇaṃ mayā |
mā me śiṣyagaṇo mūḍhaḥ sadasatpakṣamāśrayet || 10.557 || 
(144,1) pradhānājjagadutpannaṃ kapilāṅgo ’pi durmatiḥ |
śiṣyebhyaḥ saṃprakāśeti guṇānāṃ ca vikāritā || 10.558 || 
na bhūtaṃ nāpi cābhūtaṃ pratyayair na ca pratyayāḥ |
pratyayānāmasadbhāvādabhūtaṃ na pravartate || 10.559 || 
sadasatpakṣavigato hetupratyayavarjitaḥ |
utpādabhaṅgarahitaḥ svapakṣo lakṣyavarjitaḥ || 10.560 || 
māyāsvapnopamaṃ lokaṃ hetupratyayavarjitam |
ahetukaṃ sadā paśyan vikalpo na pravartate || 10.561 || 
gandharvamṛgatṛṣṇābhaṃ keśoṇḍukanibhaṃ sadā |
sadasatpakṣavigataṃ hetupratyayavarjitam |
ahetukaṃ bhavaṃ paśyaṃścittadhārā viśudhyate || 10.562 || 
vastu na vidyate paśyaṃścittamātraṃ na vidyate |
avastukaṃ kathaṃ cittaṃ cittamātraṃ na yujyate || 10.563 || 
vastumālambanīkṛtya cittaṃ saṃjāyate nṛṇām |
ahetukaṃ kathaṃ cittaṃ cittamātraṃ na yujyate || 10.564 || 
tathatā cittamātraṃ ca āryavastunayasya tu |
vidyante na ca vidyante na te mannayakovidāḥ || 10.565 || 
grāhyagrāhakabhāvena yadi cittaṃ pravartate |
etad dhi laukikaṃ cittaṃ cittamātraṃ na yujyate || 10.566 || 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhābhaṃ svapnavajjāyate yadi |
dvicittatā prasajyeta na ca cittaṃ dvilakṣaṇam || 10.567 || 
svadhāraṃ hi yathā khaḍgaṃ svāgraṃ vai aṅguliryathā |
na chindate na spṛśate tathā cittaṃ svadarśane || 10.568 || 
na paraṃ na ca vai tantraṃ kalpitaṃ vastum eva ca |
pañca dharmā dvicittaṃ ca nirābhāse na santi vai || 10.569 || 
utpādakaṃ ca utpādyaṃ dvividhaṃ bhāvalakṣaṇam |
utpādakaṃ hi saṃdhāya naiḥsvabhāvyaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.570 || 
atha vaicitryasaṃsthāne kalpā ca yadi jāyate |
ākāśe śaśaśṛṅge ca arthābhāsaṃ bhaviṣyati || 10.571 || 
arthābhāsaṃ bhaveccittaṃ tadarthaḥ syād akalpitaḥ |
na ca vai kalpito hy arthaś cittādanyo ’bhilapyate || 10.572 || 
(145,1) anādimati saṃsāre artho vai nāsti kutracit |
apuṣṭaṃ hi kathaṃ cittamarthābhāsaṃ pravartate || 10.573 || 
yadyabhāvena puṣṭiḥ syāc chaśaśṛṅge ’pi tadbhavet |
na cābhāvena vai puṣṭo vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate || 10.574 || 
yathāpi dānīṃ naivāsti tathā pūrve ’pi nāstyasau |
anarthe arthasaṃbaddhaṃ kathaṃ cittaṃ pravartate || 10.575 || 
tathatā śūnyatā koṭir nirvāṇaṃ dharmadhātukam |
anutpādaś ca dharmāṇāṃ svabhāvaḥ pāramārthikaḥ || 10.576 || 
nāstyastipatitā bālā hetupratyayakalpanaiḥ |
ahetukamanutpannaṃ bhavaṃ vai aprajānataḥ || 10.577 || 
cittaṃ khyāti na dṛśyo ’sti viśeṣo ’nādihetukaḥ |
anādāvapi nāstyartho viśeṣaḥ kena jāyate || 10.578 || 
yadyabhāvena puṣṭiḥ syād daridro dhanavān bhavet |
arthābhāve kathaṃ cittaṃ jāyate brūhi me mune || 10.579 || 
ahetukamidaṃ sarvaṃ na cittaṃ na ca gocaraḥ |
na ca vai puṣyate cittaṃ tribhavaṃ kriyavarjitam || 10.580 || 
utpādavinivṛttyartham anutpādaprasādhanam |
ahetuvādaṃ deśemi na ca bālair vibhāvyate |
anutpannam idaṃ sarvaṃ na ca bhāvā na santi ca || 10.581 || 
gandharvasvapnamāyākhyā bhāvā vidyantyahetukāḥ |
anutpannān svabhāvāṃś ca śūnyāḥ kena vadāsi me || 10.582 || 
samavāyavinirmukto yadā bhāvo na dṛśyate |
tadā śūnyamanutpannamasvabhāvaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.583 || 
svapnakeśoṇḍukaṃ māyā gandharva mṛgatṛṣṇikā |
ahetukā pi dṛśyante tathā lokavicitratā || 10.584 || 
samavāyastathaivaiko dṛśyābhāvān na vidyate |
na tu tīrthyadṛṣṭyā pralayo samavāyo na vidyate || 10.585 || 
vigṛhyāhetuvādena anutpādaṃ prasādhayet |
anutpādaiḥ prasādhyante mama netrī na naśyati || 10.586 || 
ahetuvādair deśyante tīrthyānāṃ jāyate bhayam |
kathaṃ kena kutaḥ kutra saṃbhavo ’hetuko bhavet || 10.587 || 
(146,1) nāhetukamahetutvaṃ yadā paśyanti paṇḍitāḥ |
tadā vyāvartate dṛṣṭir bhaṅgotpādānuvādinī || 10.588 || 
kimabhāvo hy anutpāda utpādotpattilakṣaṇam |
atha bhāvasya nāmedaṃ nirarthaṃ vā bravīhi me || 10.589 || 
na ca bhāvo hy anutpādo na ca pratyayalakṣaṇam |
na ca bhāvasya nāmedaṃ na ca nāma nirarthakam || 10.590 || 
yatra śrāvakabuddhānāṃ tīrthyānāṃ ca agocaraḥ |
saptabhūmigatānāṃ ca tadanutpādalakṣaṇam || 10.591 || 
hetupratyayavyāvṛttiṃ kāraṇasya niṣedhanam |
cittamātravyavasthānam anutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.592 || 
ahetuvṛttiṃ bhāvānāṃ kalpyakalpavivarjitām |
sadasatpakṣanirmuktam anutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.593 || 
cittadṛśyavinirmuktaṃ svabhāvadvayavarjitam |
āśrayasya parāvṛttimanutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.594 || 
na bāhyabhāvaṃ bhāvānāṃ na ca cittaparigraham |
sarvadṛṣṭiprahāṇaṃ yattadanutpādalakṣaṇam || 10.595 || 
evaṃ śūnyāsvabhāvādyān sarvadharmān vibhāvayet |
na jātu śūnyayā śūnyā kiṃ tvanutpādaśūnyayā || 10.596 || 
kalāpaḥ pratyayānāṃ hi pravartate nivartate |
kalapāc ca pṛthagbhūtaṃ na jātaṃ na nirudhyate || 10.597 || 
bhāvo na vidyate hy anyaḥ kalāpāc ca pṛthak kvacit |
ekatvena pṛthaktvena yathā tīrthyair vikalpyate || 10.598 || 
sadasanna jāyate bhāvo nāsanna sadasatkvacit |
anyatra hi kalāpo ’yaṃ pravartate nivartate || 10.599 || 
saṃketamātramevedamanyonyāpekṣasaṃkalāt |
janyamarthaṃ na caivāsti pṛthakpratyayasaṃkalāt || 10.600 || 
janyābhāvo hy anutpādaḥ tīrthyadoṣavivarjitaḥ |
deśemi saṃkalāmātraṃ na ca bālair vibhāvyate || 10.601 || 
yasya janyo hi bhāvo ’sti saṃkalāyāḥ pṛthak kvacit |
ahetuvādī vijñeyaḥ saṃkalāyā vināśakaḥ || 10.602 || 
pradīpadravyajātīnāṃ vyañjakā saṃkalā bhavet |
yasya bhāvo bhavet kaścit saṃkalāyāḥ pṛthak kvacit || 10.603 || 
(147,1) asvabhāvo hy anutpannaḥ prakṛtyā gaganopamaḥ |
saṃkalāyāḥ pṛthagbhūto yo dharmaḥ kalpito ’budhaiḥ || 10.604 || 
ayamanyam anutpādamāryāṇāṃ prāptidharmatā |
yaś ca tasya anutpādaṃ tadanutpādakṣāntiḥ syāt || 10.605 || 
yadā sarvamimaṃ lokaṃ saṃkalām eva paśyati |
saṃkalāmātramevedaṃ tadā cittaṃ samādhyate || 10.606 || 
ajñānatṛṣṇākarmādi saṃkalādhyātmikā bhavet |
khajamṛddaṇḍacakrādi bījabhūtādi bāhiram || 10.607 || 
parato yasya vai bhāvaḥ pratyayair jāyate kvacit |
na saṃkalāmātramevedaṃ na te yuktyāgame sthitāḥ || 10.608 || 
yadi janyo na bhāvo ’sti syād buddhiḥ kasya pratyayāt |
anyonyapratyayā hy ete te tena pratyayāḥ smṛtāḥ || 10.609 || 
uṣṇadravacalakaṭhinā bālair dharmā vikalpitāḥ |
kalāpo ’yaṃ na dharmo ’sti ato vai niḥsvabhāvatā || 10.610 || 
vaidyā yathāturavaśātkriyābhedaṃ prakurvate |
na tu śāstrasya bhedo ’sti doṣabhedas tu vidyate || 10.611 || 
tathāhaṃ sattvasaṃtāne kleśadoṣaiḥ sudūṣitaiḥ |
indriyāṇāṃ balaṃ jñātvā nayaṃ deśemi bāliśān || 10.612 || 
na kleśendriyabhedena śāsanaṃ bhidyate mama |
ekam eva bhavedyānaṃ mārgamaṣṭāṅgikaṃ śivam || 10.613 || 
ghaṭapaṭamukuṭaviṣāṇahetukaśaśaviṣāṇānāstitvam |
yaddhetusamutpannaṃ sa ca nāsti te ’vagantavyam || 10.614 || 
astitvasādhakaṃ nāsti nāsti nāsti na yujyate |
astitvaṃ nāstyapekṣyaṃ hi anyonyāpekṣakāraṇam || 10.615 || 
kiṃcidāśritya punaḥ kiṃcitkhyāyate yasya vai matam |
ahetukaṃ yadāśritya kiṃciccāhetukaṃ na tu || 10.616 || 
atha tadanyamāśritya tad apy anyasya khyāyate |
anavasthā prasajyeta kiṃcicca kiṃ ca no bhavet || 10.617 || 
āśritya parṇakāṣṭhādīn yathā māyā prasajyate |
vastu tadvatsamāśritya vaicitryaṃ khyāyate nṛṇām || 10.618 || 
(148,1) māyājālaṃ na parṇāni na kāṣṭhaṃ na ca śarkarā |
māyaiva dṛśyate bālairmāyākāreṇa cāśrayam || 10.619 || 
tathā vastu samāśritya yadi kiṃcidvinaśyati |
dṛśyakāle dvayaṃ nāsti kathaṃ kiṃcidvikalpyate || 10.620 || 
vikalpair vikalpitaṃ nāsti vikalpaś ca na vidyate |
vikalpe hy avidyamāne tu na saṃsṛtir na nirvṛtiḥ || 10.621 || 
vikalpe hy avidyamāne tu vikalpo na pravartate |
apravṛttiṃ kathaṃ cittaṃ cittamātraṃ na yujyate || 10.622 || 
anekamatibhinnatvāc chāsane nāsti sāratā |
sārābhāvān na mokṣo ’sti na ca lokavicitratā || 10.623 || 
bāhyaṃ na vidyate dṛśyaṃ yathā bālair vikalpyate |
bimbavat khyāyate cittaṃ vāsanair bhramaṇīkṛtam || 10.624 || 
sarvabhāvā hy anutpannā asatsadasaṃbhavāḥ |
cittamātram idaṃ sarvaṃ kalpanābhiś ca varjitam || 10.625 || 
bālair bhāvāḥ samākhyātāḥ pratyayair na tu paṇḍitaiḥ |
svabhāvacittanirmuktaś cittam āryopagaṃ śivam || 10.626 || 
sāṃkhyā vaiśeṣikā nagnā viprāḥ pāśupatās tathā |
asatsaddṛṣṭipatitā viviktārthavivarjitāḥ || 10.627 || 
niḥsvabhāvā hy anutpannāḥ śūnyā māyopamāmalāḥ |
kasyaite deśitā buddhaistvayā ca prativarṇitāḥ || 10.628 || 
yogināṃ śuddhacittānāṃ dṛṣṭitarkavivarjitāḥ |
buddhā deśenti vai yogaṃ mayā ca prativarṇitāḥ || 10.629 || 
yadi cittamidaṃ sarvaṃ kasmiṃllokaḥ pratiṣṭhitaḥ |
gamanāgamanaṃ kena dṛśyate bhūtale nṛṇām || 10.630 || 
śakunir yathā gagane vikalpena samīritaḥ |
apratiṣṭham anālambyaṃ carate bhūtale yathā || 10.631 || 
tathā hi dehinaḥ sarve vikalpena samīritāḥ |
svacitte caṃkramante te gagane śukaniryathā || 10.632 || 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhābhaṃ brūhi cittaṃ pravartate |
ābhā vṛttiḥ kathaṃ kena cittamātraṃ vadāhi me || 10.633 || 
dehabhogapratiṣṭhāś ca ābhā vṛttiś ca vāsanaiḥ |
saṃjāyate ayuktānāmābhā vṛttirvikalpanaiḥ || 10.634 || 
(149,1) viṣayo vikalpito bhāvaś cittaṃ viṣayasaṃbhavam |
dṛśyacittaparijñānādvikalpo na pravartate || 10.635 || 
nāma nāmni visaṃyuktaṃ yadā paśyati kalpitam |
buddhiboddhavyarahitaṃ saṃskṛtaṃ mucyate tadā || 10.636 || 
etā buddhir bhavedbodhyaṃ nāma nāmni vibhāvanam |
ye tvanyathāvabudhyante na te buddhā na bodhakāḥ || 10.637 || 
pañca dharmāḥ svabhāvāś ca vijñānānyaṣṭa eva ca |
dve nairātmye bhavet kṛtsno mahāyānaparigrahaḥ || 10.638 || 
yadā buddhiś ca boddhavyaṃ viviktaṃ paśyate jagat |
nāsti nāma vikalpaś ca tadā nābhipravartate || 10.639 || 
kriyākṣaravikalpānāṃ nivṛttiś cittadarśanāt |
adarśanāt svacittasya vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate || 10.640 || 
catvāro ’rūpiṇaḥ skandhāḥ saṃkhyā teṣāṃ na vidyate |
bhūtair vilakṣaṇai rūpaṃ kathaṃ rūpabahutvatā || 10.641 || 
lakṣaṇasya parityāgān na bhūtaṃ na ca bhautikam |
athānyalakṣaṇai rūpaṃ kasmāt skandhair na jāyate || 10.642 || 
vimuktāyatanaskandhā yadā paśyaty alakṣaṇāḥ |
tadā nivartate cittaṃ dharmanairātmyadarśanāt || 10.643 || 
viṣayendriyabhedena vijñānaṃ jāyate ’ṣṭadhā |
lakṣaṇena bhavet rīṇi nirābhāse nivartate || 10.644 || 
ālayaṃ hi manasy ātmā ātmīyaṃ jñānam eva ca |
pravartate dvayagrāhāt parijñānān nivartate || 10.645 || 
anyānanyavinirmuktaṃ yadā paśyatyasaṃcaram |
tadā dvayaṃ na kalpanti ātmā cātmīyam eva ca || 10.646 || 
apravṛttaṃ na puṣṇāti na ca vijñānakāraṇam |
kāryakāraṇanirmuktaṃ niruddhaṃ na pravartate || 10.647 || 
vikalpaṃ cittamātraṃ ca lokaṃ kena vadāhi me |
kāraṇaiś ca visaṃyuktaṃ lakṣyalakṣaṇavarjitam || 10.648 || 
svacittaṃ dṛśyate citraṃ dṛśyākāraṃ vikalpitam |
cittadṛśyāparijñānādanyaṃ cittārthasaṃgrahāt || 10.649 || 
(150,1) nāstitvadṛṣṭir bhavati yadā buddhyā na paśyati |
astitvaṃ hi kathaṃ tasya cittagrāhān na jāyate || 10.650 || 
vikalpo na bhāvo nābhāvo ato ’stitvaṃ na jāyate |
cittadṛśyaparijñānādvikalpo na pravartate || 10.651 || 
apravṛtti vikalpasya parāvṛtti nirāśrayaḥ |
nivārya pakṣāṃś catvāro yadi bhāvā sahetukāḥ || 10.652 || 
saṃjñāntaraviśeṣo ’yaṃ kṛtaṃ kena na sādhitaḥ |
arthāpattir bhavetteṣāṃ kāraṇādvā pravartate || 10.653 || 
hetupratyayasaṃyogāt kāraṇapratiṣedhataḥ |
nityadoṣo nivāryate anityā yadi pratyayāḥ || 10.654 || 
na saṃbhavo na vibhavo anityatvād dhi bāliśām |
na hi naśyamānaṃ kiṃcidvai kāraṇatvena dṛśyate || 10.655 || 
adṛṣṭaṃ hi kathaṃ kena nānityo jāyate bhavaḥ |
saṃgrahaiś ca damet sattvān śīlena ca vaśīkaret || 10.656 || 
prajñayā nāśayed dṛṣṭiṃ vimokṣaiś ca vivardhayet |
lokāyatam idaṃ sarvaṃ yat tīrthyair deśyate mṛṣā || 10.657 || 
kāryakāraṇasaddṛṣṭyā svasiddhāntaṃ na vidyate |
aham ekaṃ svasiddhāntaṃ kāryakāraṇavarjitaḥ || 10.658 || 
deśemi śiṣyavargasya lokāyatavivarjitaḥ |
cittamātraṃ na dṛśyo ’sti dvidhā cittaṃ vidṛśyate |
grāhyagrāhakabhāvena śāśvatocchedavarjitam || 10.659 || 
yāvatpravartate cittaṃ tāvallokāyataṃ bhavet |
apravṛttirvikalpasya svacittaṃ paśyato jagat || 10.660 || 
āyaṃ kāryābhinirvṛttir vyayaṃ kāryasya darśanam |
āyavyayaparijñānād vikalpo na pravartate || 10.661 || 
nityam anityaṃ kṛtakamakṛtakaṃ parāparam |
evamādyāni sarvāṇi (tal) lokāyatanaṃ bhavet || 10.662 || 
devāsuramanuṣyāś ca tiryakpretayamālayāḥ |
gatayaḥ ṣaṭ samākhyātā yatra jāyanti dehinaḥ || 10.663 || 
hīnautkṛṣṭamadhyena karmaṇā teṣu jāyate |
saraṃkṣya kuśalān sarvān viśeṣo mokṣa eva vā || 10.664 || 
(151,1) kṣaṇe kṣaṇe tvayā yanmaraṇaṃ upapattiṃ ca |
deśyate bhikṣuvargasya abhiprāyaṃ vadāhi me || 10.665 || 
rūpād rūpāntaraṃ yadvaccittaṃ saṃbhūya bhajyate |
tasmād deśemi śiṣyāṇāṃ kṣaṇajanmaparaṃparām || 10.666 || 
rūpe rūpe vikalpasya saṃbhavo vibhavas tathā |
vikalpo hi bhavejjanturvikalpo ’nyo na vidyate || 10.667 || 
kṣaṇe kṣaṇe yanna yuktamidaṃpratyayabhāṣitam |
rūpagrāhavinirmuktaṃ na janma na ca bhajyate || 10.668 || 
pratyayāḥ pratyayotpannā avidyātathatādayaḥ |
dharmadvayena vartante advayā tathatā bhavet || 10.669 || 
pratyayāḥ pratyayotpannā yadi dharmā viśeṣitāḥ |
nityādayo bhavet kāryaṃ kāraṇaṃ pratyayo bhavet || 10.670 || 
nirviśiṣṭaṃ bhavet tīrthyaiḥ kāryakāraṇasaṃgrahāt |
vādas tava ca buddhānāṃ tasmān nāryo mahāmune || 10.671 || 
śarīre vyāmamātre ca lokaṃ vai lokasamudayam |
nirodhagāminī pratipad deśayāmi jinaurasān || 10.672 || 
svabhāvatrayagrāheṇa grāhyagrāhavidṛṣṭayaḥ |
lokyalokottarān dharmān vikalpenti pṛthagjanāḥ || 10.673 || 
ataḥ svabhāvagrahaṇaṃ kriyate pūrvapakṣayā |
nivārārthaṃ tu dṛṣṭīnāṃ svabhāvaṃ na vikalpayet || 10.674 || 
chidradoṣān na niyamo na vā cittaṃ pravartate |
pravṛttidvayagrāheṇa advayā tathatā bhavet || 10.675 || 
ajñāna tṛṣṇā karma ca vijñānādyā ayonijāḥ |
anavasthākṛtakatvaṃ ca na kṛtvā jāyate bhavaḥ || 10.676 || 
caturvidhaś ca pradhvaṃso bhāvānāṃ kathyate ’budhaiḥ |
dvidhāvṛttervikalpasya bhāvābhāvo na vidyate |
cātuṣkoṭikanirmuktaṃ darśanadvayavarjitam || 10.677 || 
dvidhāvṛttivikalpaḥ syād dṛṣṭvā nābhipravartate |
anutpanneṣu bhāveṣu buddhervyutthānabhāvataḥ || 10.678 || 
utpanneṣv api bhāveṣu tatkalpatvān na kalpayet |
yuktiṃ vadāhi me nātha dvidhādṛṣṭinivāraṇāt || 10.679 || 
(152,1) yathāham anye ca sadā nāstyasti na visaṃkaret |
tīrthavādāsaṃsṛṣṭāḥ śrāvakair jinavarjitāḥ |
jinābhisamayacaryāṃ ca jinaputrāvināśataḥ || 10.680 || 
vimokṣahetvahetuś cāpy anutpādaikalakṣaṇaḥ |
paryāyair mohayanty etāṃ varjanīyāṃ sadā budhaiḥ || 10.681 || 
meghābhrakūṭendradhanuḥ prakāśā marīcikeśoṇḍukamāyatulyāḥ |
bhāvā hi sarve svavikalpasaṃbhavās tīrthyā vikalpenti jagatsvakāraṇaiḥ || 10.682 || 
anutpādaś ca tathatā bhūtakoṭiś ca śūnyatā |
rūpasya nāmānyetāni abhāvaṃ na vikalpayet || 10.683 || 
hastaḥ karo yathā loke indraḥ śakraḥ puraṃdaraḥ |
tathā hi sarvabhāvānāmabhāvaṃ na vikalpayet || 10.684 || 
rūpāc ca śūnyatā nānyā anutpādaṃ tathaiva ca |
na kalpayedananyatvād dṛṣṭidoṣaḥ prasajyate || 10.685 || 
saṃkalpaś ca vikalpaś ca vastulakṣaṇasaṃgrahāt |
dīrghahrasvādimāṇḍalyaṃ parikalpasya saṃgrahāt || 10.686 || 
saṃkalpo hi bhaveccittaṃ parikalpo manas tathā |
vikalpo manavijñānaṃ lakṣyalakṣaṇavarjitam || 10.687 || 
yacca tīrthyair anutpādo yacca mannayadṛṣṭibhiḥ |
kalpyate nirviśiṣṭo ’yaṃ dṛṣṭidoṣaḥ prasajyate || 10.688 || 
prayojanam anutpādamanutpādārtham eva ca |
ye vai jānanti yuktijñāste ’bhibudhyanti mannayam || 10.689 || 
prayojanaṃ dṛṣṭisaṃkocam anutpādamanālayam |
arthadvayaparijñānādanutpādaṃ vadāmy aham || 10.690 || 
bhāvā vidyanty anutpannā na vā brūhi mahāmune |
ahetuvādo ’nutpādo pravṛttis tīrthadarśanam || 10.691 || 
ahetuvādo ’nutpādo vaiṣamyatīrthadarśanam |
astināstivinirmuktaṃ cittamātraṃ vadāmy aham || 10.692 || 
utpādam anutpādaṃ varjayeddṛṣṭihetukam |
ahetuvāde ’nutpāde utpāde kāraṇāśrayaḥ || 10.693 || 
(153,1) anābhogakriyā nāsti kriyā ceddṛṣṭisaṃkaraḥ |
upāyapraṇidhānādyair dṛṣṭim eva vadāhi me |
asattvāt sarvadharmāṇāṃ maṇḍalaṃ jāyate katham || 10.694 || 
grāhyagrāhakavisaṃyogān na pravṛttir na nirvṛtiḥ |
bhāvād bhāvāntaraṃ dṛṣṭiṃ cittaṃ vai tatsamutthitam || 10.695 || 
anutpādaś ca dharmāṇāṃ katham etadvadāhi me |
sattvāścennāvabudhyante ata etatprakāśyate || 10.696 || 
pūrvottaravirodhaṃ ca sarvaṃ bhāṣya mahāmune |
tīrthadoṣavinirmuktaṃ viṣamāhetuvarjitam || 10.697 || 
apravṛtir nivṛttiś ca brūhi me vādināṃvara |
astināstivinirmuktaṃ phalahetvavināśakam || 10.698 || 
bhūmikramānusaṃdhiś ca brūhi me dharmalakṣaṇam |
dvayāntapatito loko dṛṣṭibhirvyākulīkṛtaḥ || 10.699 || 
anutpādā utpādādyaiḥ śamahetur na budhyate |
maṇḍalaṃ hi na me kiṃcinna ca deśemi dharmatām || 10.700 || 
dvaye sati hi doṣaḥ syād dvayaṃ buddhair viśodhitam |
śūnyāś ca kṣaṇikā bhāvā niḥsvabhāvā hy ajātikāḥ || 10.701 || 
kudṛṣṭivādasaṃchannaiḥ kalpyante na tathāgataiḥ |
pravṛttiṃ ca nivṛttiṃ ca vikalpasya vadāhi me || 10.702 || 
yathā yena prakāreṇa jāyate viṣayo mukham |
varṇapuṣkalasaṃyogāt prapañcaiḥ samudānitam || 10.703 || 
rūpaṃ dṛṣṭvā bahirdhā vai vikalpaḥ saṃpravartate |
tasyaiva hi parijñānādyathābhūtārthadarśanāt |
āryagotrānukūlaṃ ca cittaṃ nābhipravartate || 10.704 || 
pratyākhyāya tu bhūtāni bhāvotpattir na vidyate |
bhūtākāraṃ sadā cittamanutpannaṃ vibhāvayet || 10.705 || 
mā vikalpaṃ vikalpetha nirvikalpā hi paṇḍitāḥ |
vikalpaṃ vikalpayaṃstasya dvayam eva na nirvṛtiḥ || 10.706 || 
anutpādapratijñasya māyā ca dṛśyate nayaḥ |
māyānirhetusaṃbhūtaṃ hānisiddhāntalakṣaṇam || 10.707 || 
(154,1) bimbavaddṛśyate cittamanādimatibhāvitam |
arthākāraṃ na cārtho ’sti yathābhūtaṃ vibhāvayet || 10.708 || 
yathā hi darpaṇe rūpamekatvānyatvavarjitam |
dṛśyate na ca tannāsti tathā cotpādalakṣaṇam || 10.709 || 
gandharvamāyādi yathā hetupratyayalakṣaṇāḥ |
tathā hi sarvabhāvānāṃ saṃbhavo na hy asaṃbhavaḥ || 10.710 || 
vikalpaḥ puruṣākāro dvidhāvṛttyā pravartate |
ātmadharmopacāraiś ca na ca bālair vibhāvyate || 10.711 || 
vipulapratyayādhīnaḥ śrāvako ’pi hy arhaṃs tathā |
svabalādhīnaṃ jina-adhīnaṃ pañcamaṃ śrāvakaṃ nayet || 10.712 || 
kālāntaraṃ ca pradhvastaṃ paramārthetaretaram |
caturvidham anityatvaṃ bālāḥ kalpenty akovidāḥ || 10.713 || 
dvayāntapatitā bālā guṇāṇuprakṛtikāraṇaiḥ |
mokṣopāyaṃ na jānanti sadasatpakṣasaṃgrahāt || 10.714 || 
aṅgulyagraṃ yathā bālaiś candraṃ gṛhṇanti durmatiḥ |
tathā hy akṣarasaṃsaktāstattvaṃ nāventi māmakam || 10.715 || 
vilakṣaṇāni bhūtāni rūpabhāvapravartakā |
bhūtānāṃ saṃniveśo ’yaṃ na bhūtair bhautikaṃ kṛtam || 10.716 || 
agninā dahyate rūpamabdhātuḥ kledanātmakaḥ |
vāyunā kīryate rūpaṃ kathaṃ bhūtaiḥ pravartate || 10.717 || 
rūpaṃ skandhaś ca vijñānaṃ dvayametan na pañcakam |
paryāyabhedaṃ skandhānāṃ śatadhā deśayāmy aham || 10.718 || 
cittacaittasya bhedena vartamānaṃ pravartate |
vyatibhinnāni rūpāṇi cittaṃ rūpaṃ na bhautikam || 10.719 || 
nīlādyapekṣaṇaṃ śvetaṃ śvetaṃ nīlaṃ hy apekṣaṇam |
kāryakāraṇamutpādya śūnyatā asti nāsti ca || 10.720 || 
sādhanaṃ sādhakaṃ sādhyaṃ śītoṣṇe lakṣyalakṣaṇam |
evamādyāni sarvāṇi tārkikair na prasādhitāḥ || 10.721 || 
cittaṃ manaś ca ṣaḍvānyavijñānānyātmasaṃyutā |
ekatvānyatvarahitā ālayo ’yaṃ pravartate || 10.722 || 
sāṃkhyā vaiśeṣikā nagnāstārkikā īśvaroditāḥ |
sadasatpakṣapatitā viviktārthavivarjitāḥ || 10.723 || 
(155,1) saṃsthānākṛtiviśeṣo bhūtānāṃ nāsti bhautikam |
tīrthyā vadanti janma bhūtānāṃ bhautikasya ca || 10.724 || 
anutpannā yato ye ’nye tīrthyāḥ kalpanti kāraṇaiḥ |
na ca budhyanti mohena sadasatpakṣamāśritāḥ || 10.725 || 
cittena saha saṃyuktaṃ visaṃyuktaṃ manādibhiḥ |
viśuddhalakṣaṇaṃ sattvaṃ jñānena saha tiṣṭhati || 10.726 || 
karma yacca bhavedrūpaṃ skandhaviṣayahetukāḥ |
sattvāś ca nirupādānā ārūpye nāvatiṣṭhati || 10.727 || 
nairātmyaṃ sattvavāditvaṃ sattvābhāvāt prasajyate |
nairātmyavādino cchedo vijñānasyāpyasaṃbhavaḥ || 10.728 || 
catvāraḥ sthitastasya rūpābhāvāt kathaṃ bhavet |
adhyātmabāhyābhāvādvijñānaṃ na pravartate || 10.729 || 
antarābhavikāḥ skandhāḥ yathaivecchanti tārkikāḥ |
tathārūpyopapannasya bhavo ’rūpo na cāsti kim || 10.730 || 
aprayatnena mokṣaḥ syāt sattvavijñānayor vinā |
tīrthyavādo na saṃdeho na ca budhyanti tārkikāḥ || 10.731 || 
rūpaṃ ca vidyate tatra ārūpye nāsti darśanam |
tadabhāvo na siddhānto na yānaṃ na ca yāyinam || 10.732 || 
indriyaiḥ saha saṃyuktaṃ vijñānaṃ vāsanodbhavam |
aṣṭavidhaikadeśaṃ hi kṣaṇe kāle na gṛhṇanti || 10.733 || 
na pravartati yadā rūpaṃ indriyā na ca indriyaiḥ |
ato hi deśeti bhagavān kṣaṇikā indriyādayaḥ || 10.734 || 
anirdhārya kathaṃ rūpaṃ vijñānaṃ saṃpravartsyate |
apravṛttaṃ kathaṃ jñānaṃ saṃsāraṃ janayiṣyati || 10.735 || 
utpattyanantaraṃ bhaṅgaṃ na deśenti vināyakāḥ |
nair antaryaṃ na bhāvānāṃ vikalpaspandite gatau || 10.736 || 
indriyā indriyārthāś ca mūḍhānāṃ na tu paṇḍitāḥ |
bālā gṛhṇanti nāmena āryā vai arthakovidāḥ || 10.737 || 
ṣaṣṭhaṃ hi nirupādānaḥ sopādāno na gṛhyate |
anirdhāryaṃ vadantyāryāṃ astidoṣair vivarjitāḥ || 10.738 || 
(156,1) śāśvatocchedabhītāś ca tārkikā jñānavarjitāḥ |
saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtātmānaṃ na viśeṣanti bāliśāḥ || 10.739 || 
ekatve vidyate dānamanyatve cāpi vidyate |
cittena saha caikatvamanyatvaṃ vai manādibhiḥ || 10.740 || 
nirdhāryate yadā dānaṃ cittaṃ caittābhiśabditam |
upādānāt kathaṃ tatra ekatvenāvadhāryate || 10.741 || 
sopādānopalabdhiś ca karmajanmakriyādibhiḥ |
agnivat sādhayiṣyanti sadṛśāsadṛśair naryaiḥ || 10.742 || 
yathā hi agniryugapaddahyate dāhyadāhakau |
sopādānas tathā hyātmā tārkikaiḥ kiṃ na gṛhyate || 10.743 || 
utpādādvāpyanutpādāc cittaṃ vai bhāsvaraṃ sadā |
dṛṣṭāntaṃ kiṃ na kurvanti tārkikā ātmasādhakāḥ || 10.744 || 
vijñānagahvare mūḍhāstārkikā nayavarjitāḥ |
itastataḥ pradhāvanti ātmavādacikīrṣayā || 10.745 || 
pratyātmagatigamyaś ca ātmā vai śuddhilakṣaṇam |
garbhas tathāgatasyāsau tārkikāṇām agocaraḥ || 10.746 || 
upādānaupādātrorvibhāgaskandhayos tathā |
lakṣaṇaṃ yadi jānāti jñānaṃ saṃjāyate nayam || 10.747 || 
ālayaṃ garbhasaṃsthānaṃ mataṃ tīrthyānuvarṇitam |
ātmanā saha saṃyuktaṃ na ca dharmāḥ prakīrtitāḥ || 10.748 || 
eteṣāṃ pravibhāgena vimokṣaḥ satyadarśanam |
bhāvānāṃ darśyaheyānāṃ kleśānāṃ syād viśodhanam || 10.749 || 
prakṛtiprabhāsvaraṃ cittaṃ garbhaṃ tāthāgataṃ śubham |
upādānaṃ hi sattvasya antānantavivarjitam || 10.750 || 
kāntir yathā suvarṇasya jātarūpaṃ ca śarkaram |
parikarmeṇa paśyanti sattvaṃ skandhālayais tathā || 10.751 || 
na pudgalo na ca skandhā buddho jñānam anāsravam |
sadā śāntiṃ vibhāvitvā gacchāmi śaraṇaṃ hy aham || 10.752 || 
prakṛtiprabhāsvaraṃ cittam upakleśair manādibhiḥ |
ātmanā saha saṃyuktaṃ deśeti vadatāṃ varaḥ || 10.753 || 
prakṛtiprabhāsvaraṃ cittaṃ manādyastasya vai paraḥ |
tair ācitāni karmāṇi yataḥ kliśyanti tāvubhau || 10.754 || 
(157,1) āgantukair ānādyaiś ca kleśairātmā prabhāsvaraḥ |
saṃkliśyate upetaś ca vastravatpariśudhyate || 10.755 || 
malābhāvādyathā vastraṃ hemaṃ vā doṣavarjitam |
tiṣṭhanti na ca naśyante ātmā doṣais tathā vinā || 10.756 || 
vīṇāśaṅkhe ’tha bheryāṃ ca mādhuryasvarasaṃpadā |
mṛgayeddhyakovidaḥ kaścit tathā skandheṣu pudgalam || 10.757 || 
nidhayo maṇayaś cāpi pṛthivyāmudakaṃ tathā |
vidyamānā na dṛśyanti tathā skandheṣu pudgalam || 10.758 || 
cittacaittakalāpāṃś ca svaguṇāṃ skandhasaṃyutāṃ |
akovidā na gṛhṇanti tathā skandheṣu pudgalam || 10.759 || 
yathā hi garbho garbhiṇyāṃ vidyate na ca dṛśyate |
ātmā hi tadvatskandheṣu ayuktijño na paśyati || 10.760 || 
auṣadhīnāṃ yathā sāramagniṃ vā indhanair yathā |
na paśyanti ayuktijñās tathā skandheṣu pudgalam || 10.761 || 
anityatāṃ sarvabhāveṣu śūnyatāṃ ca yathābudhāḥ |
vidyamānāṃ na paśyanti tathā skandheṣu pudgalam || 10.762 || 
bhūmayo vaśitābhijñā abhiṣekaṃ ca uttaram |
samādhayo viśeṣāś ca asatyātmani nāsti vai || 10.763 || 
vaināśiko yadā gatvā brūyādyadyasti deśyatām |
sa vaktavyo bhavedvijñaḥ svavikalpaṃ pradarśaya || 10.764 || 
nairātmyavādino ’bhāṣyā bhikṣukarmāṇi varjaya |
bādhakā buddhadharmāṇāṃ sadasatpakṣadṛṣṭayaḥ || 10.765 || 
tīrthadoṣair vinirmuktaṃ nairātmyavanadāhakam |
jājvalatyātmavādo ’yaṃ yugāntāgnirivotthitaḥ || 10.766 || 
khaṇḍekṣuśarkaramadhvādidadhitilaghṛtādiṣu |
svarasaṃ vidyate teṣu anāsvādyaṃ na gṛhyate || 10.767 || 
pañcadhā gṛhyamāṇaś ca ātmā skandhasamucchraye |
na ca paśyantyavidvāṃso vidvān dṛṣṭvā vimucyate || 10.768 || 
vidyādibhiś ca dṛṣṭāntaiś cittaṃ naivāvadhāryate |
yatra yasmād yad arthaṃ ca samūhaṃ nāvadhāryate || 10.769 || 
vilakṣaṇā hi vai dharmāścittamekaṃ na gṛhyate |
ahetur apravṛttiś ca tārkikāṇāṃ prasajyate || 10.770 || 
(158,1) cittānupaśyī ca yogī cittaṃ citte na paśyati |
paśyako dṛśyanirjāto dṛśyaṃ kiṃ hetusaṃbhavam || 10.771 || 
kāty āyanasya gotro ’haṃ śuddhāvāsād viniḥsṛtaḥ |
deśemi dharmaṃ sattvānāṃ nirvāṇapuragāminam || 10.772 || 
paurāṇikam idaṃ vartma ahaṃ te ca tathāgatāḥ |
tribhiḥ sahasraiḥ sūtrāṇāṃ nirvāṇam atyadeśayan || 10.773 || 
kāmadhātau tathārūpye na vai buddho vibudhyate |
rūpadhātvakaniṣṭheṣu vītarāgeṣu budhyate || 10.774 || 
na bandhahetur viṣayā hetur viṣayabandhanam |
jñānabadhyāni kleśāni asidhāravrato hy ayam || 10.775 || 
asaty ātmani māyādyā dharmā nāsty asti vai katham |
bālānāṃ khyāti tathatā kathaṃ nāsti nirātmikā || 10.776 || 
kṛtakākṛtakatvād dhi nāsti hetuḥ pravartakaḥ |
anutpannam idaṃ sarvaṃ na ca bālair vibhāvyate || 10.777 || 
kāraṇāni anutpannā kṛtakāḥ pratyayāś ca te |
dvāv apy etau na janakau kāraṇaiḥ kalpyate katham || 10.778 || 
prākpaścād yugapac cāpi hetuṃ varṇenti tārkikāḥ |
prakāśaghaṭaśiṣyādyair bhāvānāṃ janma kathyate || 10.779 || 
nābhisaṃskārikair buddhā lakṣaṇairlakṣaṇānvitāḥ |
cakravartiguṇā hy ete naite buddhaprabhāṣitāḥ || 10.780 || 
buddhānāṃ lakṣaṇaṃ jñānaṃ dṛṣṭidoṣair vivarjitam |
pratyātmadṛṣṭigatikaṃ sarvadoṣavighātakam || 10.781 || 
badhir āndhakāṇamūkānāṃ vṛddhānāṃ vair avṛttinām |
bālānāṃ ca viśeṣeṇa brahmacaryaṃ na vidyate || 10.782 || 
āvṛtair vyañjanair divyair lakṣaṇaiś cakravartinaḥ |
vyañjitaiḥ pravrajanty eke na cānye ca pravādinaḥ || 10.783 || 
vyāsaḥ kaṇādaḥ ṛṣabhaḥ kapilaḥ śākyanāyakaḥ |
nirvṛte mama paścāt tu bhaviṣyanty evamādayaḥ || 10.784 || 
mayi nirvṛte varṣaśate vyāso vai bhāratas tathā |
pāṇḍavāḥ kauravā rāmaḥ paścān maurī bhaviṣyati || 10.785 || 
mauryā nandāś ca guptāś ca tato mlecchā nṛpādhamāḥ |
mlecchānte śastrasaṃkṣobhaḥ śastrānte ca kalir yugaḥ |
kaliyugānte lokaiś ca saddharmo hi na bhāvitaḥ || 10.786 || 
(159,1) evamādyāny atītāni cakravad bhramate jagat |
vahnyādityasamāyogāt kāmadhātur vidīryate || 10.787 || 
punaḥ saṃsthāsyate divyaṃ tasmiṃl lokaḥ pravartsyate |
cātuṃ rvarṇā nṛpendrāś ca ṛṣayo dharmam eva ca || 10.788 || 
vedāś ca yajñaṃ dānaṃ ca dharmasthā vartsyate punaḥ |
ākhyāyiketihāsādyair gadyacūrṇikavārtikaiḥ |
evaṃ mayā śrutādibhyo loko vai vibhramiṣyati || 10.789 || 
suraktākoṭitaṃ kṛtvā upariṣṭādvivarṇayet |
nīlakardamagomayaiḥ paṭaṃ vai saṃpracitrayet |
sarvavāsair vicitrāṅgastīrthyaliṅgavivarjitaḥ || 10.790 || 
śāsanaṃ deśayed yogī buddhānāmeṣa vai dhvajaḥ |
vastrapūtaṃ jalaṃ peyaṃ kaṭisūtraṃ ca dhārayet |
upapadyamānaṃ kālena bhaikṣyaṃ vā nīcavarjitam || 10.791 || 
divyaṃ saṃjāyate svargād dvau cānyau mānuṣodbhavau |
ratnalakṣaṇasaṃpanno devajanmajageśvaraḥ || 10.792 || 
svargaṃ prabhuñjate dvīpāṃś caturo dharmaśāsanaḥ |
bhuktvā tu suciraṃ dvīpāṃstṛṣṇayā vipraṇaśyati || 10.793 || 
kṛtayugaś ca tretā ca dvāparaṃ kalinas tathā |
ahaṃ cānye kṛtayuge śākyasiṃhaḥ kalau yuge || 10.794 || 
siddhārthaḥ śākyatanayo viṣṇur vyāso maheśvaraḥ |
evamādyāni tīrthyāni nirvṛte me bhaviṣyati || 10.795 || 
evaṃ mayā śrutādibhyaḥ śākyasiṃhasya deśanā |
itihāsaṃ purāvṛttaṃ vyāsasyaitad bhaviṣyati || 10.796 || 
viṣṇur maheśvaraś cāpi sṛṣṭitvaṃ deśayiṣyati |
evaṃ me nirvṛte paścād evamādyaṃ bhaviṣyati || 10.797 || 
mātā ca me vasumatiḥ pitā vipraḥ prajāpatiḥ |
kātyāyanasagotro ’haṃ nāmnā vai virajo jinaḥ || 10.798 || 
campāyāṃ haṃ samutpannaḥ pitāpi ca pitāmahaḥ |
somagupteti nāmnāsau somavaṃśasamudbhavaḥ || 10.799 || 
cīrṇavrataḥ pravrajitaḥ sahasraṃ deśitaṃ nayam |
vyākṛtya parinirvāsye abhiṣicya mahāmatim || 10.800 || 
(160,1) matir dāsyati dharmāya dharmo dāsyati mekhale |
mekhalaḥ śiṣyo daurbalyāt kalpānte nāśayiṣyati || 10.801 || 
kāśyapaḥ krakucchandaś ca kanakaś ca vināyakaḥ |
ahaṃ ca virajo ’nye vai sarve te kṛtino jināḥ || 10.802 || 
kṛte yuge tataḥ paścān matir nāmena nāyakaḥ |
bhaviṣyati mahāvīraḥ pañcajñeyāvabodhakaḥ || 10.803 || 
na dvāpare na tretāyāṃ na paścāc ca kalau yuge |
saṃbhavo lokanāthānāṃ saṃbudhyante kṛte yuge || 10.804 || 
ahāryā lakṣaṇāyāś ca acchinnadaśakaiḥ saha |
moracandrasamaiś candrair uttarīyaṃ vicitrayet || 10.805 || 
dvayaṅgulaṃ tryaṅgulaṃ vāpi candraṃ candrāntaraṃ bhavet |
anyathā citryamānaṃ hi lobhanīyaṃ hi bāliśān || 10.806 || 
rāgāgniṃ śamayennityaṃ snāyādvai jñānavāriṇā |
triśaraṇaṃ trisaṃdhyāsu yogī kuryāt prayatnataḥ || 10.807 || 
iṣuprastarakāṣṭhādyā utkṣepādyaiḥ samīritāḥ |
ekaḥ kṣiptaḥ patatyekaḥ kuśalākuśalas tathā || 10.808 || 
ekaṃ ca bahudhā nāsti vailakṣaṇyān na kutracit |
vāyubhā grāhakāḥ sarve kṣetravaddāyakā bhavet || 10.809 || 
yadyekaṃ bahudhā vai syāt sarve hy akṛtakā bhavet |
kṛtakasya vināśaḥ syāttārkikāṇām ayaṃ nayaḥ || 10.810 || 
[(bm :: 2 :: Verse 811-820)dīpabījavad etat syāt sādṛśyād bahudhā kutaḥ |
ekaṃ hi bahudhā bhavati tārkikāṇām ayaṃ nayaḥ || 10.811 || 
na tilājjāyate mudgo na vrīhiryavahetukaḥ |
godhūmadhānyajātāni ekaṃ hi bahudhā katham || 10.812 || 
pāṇiniṃ śabdanetāram akṣapādo bṛhaspatiḥ |
lokāyatapraṇetāro brahmā garbho bhaviṣyati || 10.813 || 
kātyāyanaḥ sūtrakartā yajñavalkastathaiva ca |
bhuḍhukajyotiṣādyāni bhaviṣyanti kalau yuge || 10.814 || 
balī puṇyakṛtāl lokāt prajābhāgyād bhaviṣyati |
rakṣakaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ rājā balī mahīpatiḥ || 10.815 || 
vālmīko masurākṣaś ca kauṭilya āśvalāyanaḥ |
ṛṣayaś ca mahābhāgā bhaviṣyanti anāgate || 10.816 || 
(161,1) siddhārthaḥ śākyatanayo bhūtāntaḥ pañcacūḍakaḥ |
vāgbaliratha medhāvī paścātkāle bhaviṣyati || 10.817 || 
ajinaṃ daṇḍakāṣṭhaṃ ca mekhalācakramaṇḍalam |
dadāti brahmā maheśvaro vanabhūmau vyavasthite || 10.818 || 
bhaviṣyati mahāyogī nāmnā vai virajo muniḥ |
mokṣasya deśakaḥ śāstā munīnāmeṣa vai dhvajaḥ || 10.819 || 
brahmā brahmaśataiḥ sārdhaṃ devaiś ca bahubhirmama |
ajinaṃ prapātya gaganāttatraivāntarhito vaśī || 10.820 || 
[(bm :: 2 :: Verse 821-830)sarvacitrāṇi vāsāṃsi bhaikṣyapātraṃ suraiḥ saha |
indro virūḍhakādyāś ca vanabhūmau dadanti me || 10.821 || 
anutpādavādahetviṣṭo ’jāto jāyeta vā punaḥ |
sādhayiṣyaty anutpādaṃ vāṅbhātraṃ kīrtyate tu vai || 10.822 || 
tasyāvidyā kāraṇaṃ teṣāṃ cittānāṃ saṃpravartitā |
antarā kim avasthāsau yāvad rūpaṃ na jānati || 10.823 || 
samanantarapradhvastaṃ cittam anyat pravartate |
rūpaṃ na tiṣṭhate kiṃcit kim ālambya pravartsyate || 10.824 || 
yasmād yatra pravarteta cittaṃ vitathahetukam |
na prasiddhaṃ kathaṃ tasya kṣaṇabhaṅgo ’vadhāryate || 10.825 || 
yogināṃ hi samāpattiḥ suvarṇajinadhātavaḥ |
ābhāsvaravimānāni abhedyā lokakāraṇāt || 10.826 || 
sthitayaḥ prāptidharmāś ca buddhānāṃ jñānasaṃpadaḥ |
bhikṣutvaṃ samayaprāptir dṛṣṭā vai kṣaṇikā katham || 10.827 || 
gandharvapuramāyādyā rūpā vai kṣaṇikā katham |
abhūtikā ca bhūtāni bhūtāḥ kiṃcitkva cāgatau || 10.828 || 
avidyāhetukaṃ cittamanādimatisaṃcitam |
utpādabhaṅgasaṃbaddhaṃ tārkikaiḥ saṃprakalpyate || 10.829 || 
dvividhaḥ sāṃkhyavādaś ca pradhānāt pariṇāmikam |
pradhāne vidyate kāryaṃ kāryaṃ svātmaprasādhitam || 10.830 || 
pradhānaṃ saha bhāvena guṇabhedaḥ prakīrtitaḥ |
kāryakāraṇavaicitryaṃ pariṇāme na vidyate || 10.831 || 
yathā hi pāradaḥ śuddha upakleśair na lipyate |
ālayaṃ hi tathā śuddham āśrayaḥ sarvadehinām || 10.832 || 
(162,1) hiṅgugandhaḥ palāṇḍuś ca garbhiṇyā garbhadarśanam |
lavaṇādibhiś ca lāvaṇyaṃ bījavat kiṃ na vartate || 10.833 || 
anyatve ca tadanyatve ubhayaṃ nobhaye tathā |
astitvaṃ nirupādānaṃ na ca nāsti na saṃskṛtam || 10.834 || 
aśvavad vidyate hy ātmā skandhair gobhāvavarjitam |
saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaṃ vācyam avaktavyaṃ svabhāvakam || 10.835 || 
yuktyāgamābhyāṃ durdṛṣṭyā tarkadṛṣṭyā malīkṛtam |
anirdhāryaṃ vadanty ātmā nopādāne na cānyataḥ || 10.836 || 
doṣanirdhāraṇā hyeṣāṃ skandhenātmā vibhāvyate |
ekatvena tadanyatvena na ca budhyanti tārkikāḥ || 10.837 || 
darpaṇe udake netre yatha bimbaṃ pradṛśyate |
ekatvānyatvarahitas tathā skandheṣu pudgalaḥ || 10.838 || 
bhāvyaṃ vibhāvanādhyātā mārgaḥ satyā ca darśanam |
etatrayaṃ vibhāvento mucyante hi kudarśanaiḥ || 10.839 || 
dṛṣṭaṃ naṣṭaṃ yathā vidyuccakraṃ chidragṛhe yathā |
pariṇāmaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ bālair iva na kalpayet || 10.840 || 
bhāvābhāvena nirvāṇaṃ bālānāṃ cittamohanam |
āryadarśanasadbhāvād yathāvasthānadarśanāt || 10.841 || 
utpādabhaṅgarahitaṃ bhāvābhāvavivarjitam |
lakṣyalakṣaṇanirmuktaṃ pariṇāmaṃ vibhāvayet || 10.842 || 
tīrthyavādavinirmuktaṃ nāmasaṃsthānavarjitam |
adhyātmadṛṣṭinilayaṃ pariṇāmaṃ vibhāvayet || 10.843 || 
saṃsparśapīḍanābhyāṃ vai devānāṃ nārakāṇi ca |
antarābhavikā nāsti vijñānena pravartitā || 10.844 || 
jarajāṇḍajasaṃsvedād yā antarābhavasaṃbhavāḥ |
sattvakāyā yathā citrā gatyāgatyāṃ vibhāvayet || 10.845 || 
yuktyāgamavyapetāni niḥkleśapakṣakṣayāvahā |
tīrthyadṛṣṭipralāpāni matimān na samācaret || 10.846 || 
ādau nirdhāryate ātmā upādānād viśeṣayet |
anirdhārya viśeṣanti vandhyāputraṃ viśiṣyate || 10.847 || 
paśyāmi sattvān divyena prajñāmāṃ savivarjitam |
saṃsāraskandhanirmuktaṃ mūrtimān sarvadehinām || 10.848 || 
(163,1) durvarṇasuvarṇagataṃ muktāmuktaviśeṣaṇam |
divyaṃ saṃskāravigataṃ saṃskārasthaṃ prapaśyate || 10.849 || 
mūrtimān gatisaṃdhau vai tārkikāṇām agocaram |
atikrāntamānuṣyagatimahaṃ nānye kutārkikāḥ || 10.850 || 
nāsty ātmā jāyate cittaṃ kasmād etat pravartate |
nadīdīpabījavattasya nirgamaḥ kiṃ na kathyate || 10.851 || 
anutpanne ca vijñāne ajñānādi na vidyate |
tadabhāve na vijñānaṃ saṃtatyā jāyate katham || 10.852 || 
adhvatrayamanadhvaś ca avaktavyaś ca pañcamaḥ |
jñeyam etad dhi buddhānāṃ tārkikaiḥ saṃprakīrtyate || 10.853 || 
avaktavyaś ca saṃskārair jñānaṃ saṃskārahetukam |
gṛhṇāti saṃskāragataṃ jñānaṃ saṃskāraśabditam || 10.854 || 
asmin satīdaṃ bhavati pratyayāś cāpy ahetukāḥ |
vyañjakenopadiśyante tadabhāvān na kārakam || 10.855 || 
pavanaṃ hi vahner dahanaṃ preraṇe na tu saṃbhave |
prerya nirvāyate tena kathaṃ sattvaprasādhakāḥ || 10.856 || 
saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaṃ vācyam upādānavivarjitam |
kathaṃ hi sādhakastasya vahnir bālair vikalpyate || 10.857 || 
anyonyasya balādhānād vahnir vai jāyate nṛṇām |
sattvaḥ pravartitaḥ kena vahnivat kalpyate yataḥ || 10.858 || 
skandhāyatanakadambasya manādyākāraṇo nu vai |
nairātmā sārthavan nityaṃ cittena saha vartate || 10.859 || 
dvāvetau bhāsvarau nityaṃ kāryakāraṇavarjitau |
agnirhyasādhakasteṣāṃ na ca budhyanti tārkikāḥ || 10.860 || 
cittaṃ sattvāś ca nirvāṇaṃ prakṛtyā bhāsurā nu vai |
doṣair anādikaiḥ kliṣṭā abhinnā gaganopamāḥ || 10.861 || 
hastiśayyādivacchāyā(?) stīrthyadṛṣṭyā malīkṛtāḥ |
manovijñānasaṃchannā agnir ādyair viśodhitāḥ || 10.862 || 
dṛṣṭāś ca te yathābhūtaṃ dṛṣṭvā kleśā vidāritāḥ |
dṛṣṭāntagahanaṃ hitvā gatās te āryagocaram || 10.863 || 
jñānajñeyavibhāgena anyatvaṃ kalpyate yataḥ |
na ca budhyanti durmedhā avaktavyaś ca kathyate || 10.864 || 
(164,1) bherī yathā candanajā bālaiḥ kurvanti nānyathā |
candanāgarusaṃkāśaṃ tathā jñānaṃ kutārkikaiḥ || 10.865 || 
utthitaḥ khalubhaktaś ca pātrasaṃśritamātrakam |
doṣair mukhavikārādyaiḥ śuddhaṃ bhaktaṃ samācaret || 10.866 || 
imaṃ nayaṃ yo ’numinoti yuktitaḥ prasādavān yogaparo hy akalpanaḥ |
anāśrito hy arthaparo bhavedasau hiraṇmayīṃ dharmagatiṃ pradīpayet || 10.867 || 
bhāvābhāvapratyayamohakalpanā kudṛṣṭijālaṃ samalaṃ hi tasya tu |
sarāgadoṣapratighaṃ nivartate nirañjano buddhakaraiś ca sicyate || 10.868 || 
tīrthyā kāraṇadigmūḍhā anye pratyayavihvalāḥ |
anye ahetusadbhāvād ucchedaṃ āryam āsthitāḥ || 10.869 || 
vipākapariṇāmaś ca vijñānasya manasya ca |
mano hyālayasaṃbhūtaṃ vijñānaṃ ca manobhavam || 10.870 || 
ālayāt sarvacittāni pravartanti taraṃgavat |
vāsanāhetukāḥ sarve yathāpratyayasaṃbhavāḥ || 10.871 || 
kṣaṇabhedasaṃkalābaddhāḥ svacittārthavigrāhiṇaḥ |
saṃsthānalakṣaṇākārā manocakṣvādisaṃbhavāḥ || 10.872 || 
anādidoṣasaṃbaddham arthābhāvāsanoditam |
bahirdhā dṛśyate cittaṃ tīrthadṛṣṭinivāraṇam || 10.873 || 
taddhetukam evānyat tad ālambya pravartate |
yadā saṃjāyate dṛṣṭiḥ saṃsāraś ca pravartate || 10.874 || 
māyāsvapnanibhā bhāvā gandharvanagaropamāḥ |
marīcyudakacandrābhāḥ svavikalpaṃ vibhāvayet || 10.875 || 
vṛttibhedāt tu tathatā samyagjñānaṃ tadāśrayam |
māyāśūraṃgamādīni samādhīni parāṇi ca || 10.876 || 
bhūmipraveśāl labhate abhijñā vaśitāni ca |
jñānamāyopamaṃ kāyam abhiṣiktaṃ ca saugatam || 10.877 || 
nivartate yadā cittaṃ nivṛttaṃ paśyato jagat |
muditāṃ labhate bhūmiṃ buddhabhūmiṃ labhanti ca || 10.878 || 
(165,1) āśrayeṇa nivṛttena viśvarūpo maṇir yathā |
karoti sattvakṛtyāni pratibimbaṃ yathā jale || 10.879 || 
sadasatpakṣanirmuktamubhayaṃ nobhayaṃ na ca |
pratyekaśrāvakīyābhyāṃ niṣkrāntā saptamī bhavet || 10.880 || 
pratyātmadṛṣṭadharmāṇāṃ bhūtabhūmiviśodhitam |
bāhyatīrthyavinirmuktaṃ mahāyānaṃ vinirdiśet || 10.881 || 
parāvṛttir vikalpasya cyutināśavivarjitam |
śaśaromamaṇiprakhyaṃ muktānāṃ deśayen nayam || 10.882 || 
yathā hi grantho granthena yuktyā yuktis tathā yadi |
ato yuktir bhaved yuktim anyathā tu na kalpayet || 10.883 || 
cakṣuḥ karma ca tṛṣṇā ca avidyāyoniśas tathā |
cakṣūrūpe manaś cāpi āvilasya manas tathā || 10.884 || 
ity āryasaddharmalaṅkāvatāro nāma mahāyānasūtraṃ sagāthakaṃ samāptam iti || 
ye dharmā hetuprabhavā hetuṃ teṣāṃ tathāgato hy avadat |
teṣāṃ ca yo nirodho evaṃ vādī mahāśramaṇaḥ || 
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