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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
3,56 Viśvedevas 
3.LVI Viśvedevas 
ná tā́ minanti māyíno ná dhī́rā vratā́ devā́nām prathamā́ dhruvā́ṇi |
ná ródasī adrúhā vediyā́bhir ná párvatā nináme tasthivā́ṃsaḥ || 
1 NOT men of magic skill, not men of wisdom impair the Gods’ first steadfast ordinances. Ne’er may the earth and heaven which know not malice, nor the fixed hills, be bowed by sage devices. 
ṣáḍ bhārā́m̐ éko ácaran bibharti r̥táṃ várṣiṣṭham úpa gā́va ā́guḥ |
tisró mahī́r úparās tasthur átyā gúhā duvé níhite dárśi ékā || 
2 One, moving not away, supports six burthens: the Cows proceed to him the true, the Highest. Near stand three Mighty Ones who travel swiftly: two are concealed from sight, one is apparent. 
tripājasyó vr̥ṣabhó viśvárūpa utá triudhā́ purudhá prajā́vān |
trianīkáḥ patyate mā́hināvān sá retodhā́ vr̥ṣabháḥ śáśvatīnām || 
3 The Bull who wears all shapes, the triple-breasted, three-uddered, with a brood in many places, Ruleth majestic with his triple aspect, the Bull, the Everlasting Ones' impregner. 
abhī́ka āsām padavī́r abodhi ādityā́nām ahuve cā́ru nā́ma |
ā́paś cid asmā aramanta devī́ḥ pŕ̥thag vrájantīḥ pári ṣīm avr̥ñjan || 
4 When nigh them, as their tracer he observed them: he called aloud the dear name of Ādityas. The Goddesses, the Waters, stayed to meet him: they who were wandering separate enclosed him. 
trī́ ṣadhásthā sindhavas tríḥ kavīnā́m utá trimātā́ vidátheṣu samrā́ṭ |
r̥tā́varīr yóṣaṇās tisró ápyās trír ā́ divó vidáthe pátyamānāḥ || 
5 Streams! the wise Gods have thrice three habitations. Child of three Mothers, he is Lord in synods. Three are the holy Ladies of the Waters, thrice here from heaven supreme in our assembly. 
trír ā́ diváḥ savitar vā́riyāṇi divé-diva ā́ suva trír no áhnaḥ |
tridhā́tu rāyá ā́ suvā vásūni bhága trātar dhiṣaṇe sātáye dhāḥ || 
6 Do thou, O Savitar, from heaven thrice hither, three times a day, send down thy blessings daily. Send us, O Bhaga, triple wealth and treasure; cause the two worlds to prosper us, Preserver! 
trír ā́ diváḥ savitā́ soṣavīti rā́jānā mitrā́váruṇā supāṇī́ |
ā́paś cid asya ródasī cid urvī́ rátnam bhikṣanta savitúḥ savā́ya || 
7 Savitar thrice from heaven pours down abundance, and the fair-handed Kings Varuṇa, Mitra; And spacious Heaven and Earth, yea, and the Waters, solicit wealth that Savitar may send us. 
trír uttamā́ dūṇáśā rocanā́ni tráyo rājanti ásurasya vīrā́ḥ |
r̥tā́vāna iṣirā́ dūḷábhāsas trír ā́ divó vidáthe santu devā́ḥ || 
8 Three are the bright realms, best, beyond attainment, and three, the Asura's Heroes, rule as Sovrans, Holy and vigorous, never to be injured. Thrice may the Gods from heaven attend our synod. 
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