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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
5,51 Viśvedevas 
5.LI Viśvedevas 
ágne sutásya pītáye víśvair ū́mebhir ā́ gahi |
devébhir havyádātaye || 
1 WITH all assistants, Agni, come hither to drink the Soma-juice; With Gods unto our sacred gifts. 
ŕ̥tadhītaya ā́ gata sátyadharmāṇo adhvarám |
agnéḥ pibata jihváyā || 
2 Come to the sacrifice, O ye whose ways are right, whose laws are true, And drink the draught with Agni's tongue. 
víprebhir vipra santiya prātaryā́vabhir ā́ gahi |
devébhiḥ sómapītaye || 
3 O Singer, with the singers, O Gracious, with those who move at dawn, Come to the Soma-draught with Gods. 
ayáṃ sómaś camū́ sutó ámatre pári ṣicyate |
priyá índrāya vāyáve || 
4 To Indra and to Vāyu dear, this Soma, by the mortar pressed, Is now poured forth to fill the jar. 
vā́yav ā́ yāhi vītáye juṣāṇó havyádātaye |
píbā sutásya ándhaso abhí práyaḥ || 
5 Vāyu, come hither to the feast, wellpleased unto our sacred gifts: Drink of the Soma juice effused come to the food. 
índraś ca vāyav eṣãṃ sutā́nām pītím arhathaḥ |
tā́ñ juṣethām arepásāv abhí práyaḥ || 
6 Ye, Indra, Vāyu, well deserve to drink the juices pressed by us. Gladly accept them, spotless Pair come to the food. 
sutā́ índrāya vāyáve sómāso dádhiāśiraḥ |
nimnáṃ ná yanti síndhavo abhí práyaḥ || 
7 For Indra and for Vāyu pressed are Soma juices blent with curd, As rivers to the lowland flow: come to the food. 
sajū́r víśvebhir devébhir aśvíbhyām uṣásā sajū́ḥ |
ā́ yāhi agne atrivát suté raṇa || 
8 Associate with all the Gods, come, with the Aśvins and with Dawn, Agni, as erst with Atri, so enjoy the juice. 
sajū́r mitrā́váruṇābhyāṃ sajū́ḥ sómena víṣṇunā |
ā́ yāhi agne atrivát suté raṇa || 
9 Associate with Varuṇa, with Mitra, Soma, Viṣṇu, come, Agni, as erstwith Atri, so enjoy the juice. 
sajū́r ādityaír vásubhiḥ sajū́r índreṇa vāyúnā |
ā́ yāhi agne atrivát suté raṇa || 
10 Associate with Vasus, with Ādityas, Indra, Viyu, come, Agni as erst with Atri, so enjoy the juice. 
suastí no mimītām aśvínā bhágaḥ suastí devī́ áditir anarváṇaḥ |
suastí pūṣā́ ásuro dadhātu naḥ suastí dyā́vāpr̥thivī́ sucetúnā || 
11 May Bhaga and the Aśvins grant us health and wealth, and Goddess Adid and he whom none resist. The Asura Pūṣan grant us all prosperity, and Heaven and Earth most wise vouchsafe us happiness. 
suastáye vāyúm úpa bravāmahai sómaṃ suastí bhúvanasya yás pátiḥ |
bŕ̥haspátiṃ sárvagaṇaṃ suastáye suastáya ādityā́so bhavantu naḥ || 
12 Let us solicit Vāyu for prosperity, and Soma who is Lord of all the world for weal; For weal Bṛhaspati with all his company. May the Ādityas bring us health and happiness. 
víśve devā́ no adyā́ suastáye vaiśvānaró vásur agníḥ suastáye |
devā́ avantu r̥bhávaḥ suastáye suastí no rudaráḥ+ pātu áṃhasaḥ || 
13 May all the Gods, may Agni the beneficent, God of all men, this day be with us for our weal. Help us the Ṛbhus, the Divine Ones, for our good. May Rudra bless and keep us from calamity. 
suastí mitrāvaruṇā suastí pathye revati |
svastí na índraś cāgníś ca svastí no adite kr̥dhi || 
14 Prosper us, Mitra, Varuṇa. O wealthy Pathya, prosper us. Indra and Agni, prosper us; prosper us thou, O Aditi. 
svastí pánthām ánu carema sūryācandramásāv iva |
púnar dádatā ághnatā jānatā́ sáṃ gamemahi || 
15 Like Sun and Moon may we pursue in full prosperity our path, And meet with one who gives again, -who knows us well and slays us not. 
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