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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
7,16 Agni 
7.XVI Agni 
enā́ vo agníṃ námasā ūrjó nápātam ā́ huve |
priyáṃ cétiṣṭham aratíṃ suadhvaráṃ víśvasya dūtám amŕ̥tam || 
1 WITH this my reverent hymn I call Agni for you, the Son of Strength, Dear, wisest envoy, served with noble sacrifice, immortal messenger of all. 
sá yojate aruṣā́ viśvábhojasā sá dudravat súāhutaḥ |
subráhmā yajñáḥ suśámī vásūnãṃ deváṃ rā́dho jánānãm || 
2 His two red horses, all-supporting, let him yoke: let him, well-worshipped, urge them fast. Then hath the sacrifice good prayers and happy end, and heavenly gift of wealth to men. 
úd asya śocír asthãd ājúhvānasya mīḷhúṣaḥ |
úd dhūmā́so aruṣā́so divispŕ̥śaḥ sám agním indhate náraḥ || 
3 The flame of him the Bountiful, the Much-invoked, hath mounted up, And his red-coloured smoke-clouds reach and touch the sky: the men are kindling Agni well. 
táṃ tuvā dūtáṃ kr̥ṇmahe yaśástamaṃ devā́m̐ ā́ vītáye vaha |
víśvā sūno sahaso martabhójanā rā́sva tád yát tuvémahe || 
4 Thee, thee Most Glorious One we make our messenger. Bring the Gods hither to the feast. Give us, O Son of Strength, all food that fcedeth man: give that for which we pray to thee. 
tuvám agne gr̥hápatis tuváṃ hótā no adhvaré |
tuvám pótā viśvavāra prácetā yákṣi véṣi ca vā́riyam || 
5 Thou, Agni, art the homestead's Lord, our Herald at the sacrifice. Lord of all boons, thou art the Cleanser and a Sage. Pay worship, and enjoy the good. 
kr̥dhí rátnaṃ yájamānāya sukrato tuváṃ hí ratnadhā́ ási |
ā́ na r̥té śiśīhi víśvam r̥tvíjaṃ suśáṃso yáś ca dákṣate || 
6 Give riches to the sacrificer, O Most Wise, for thou art he who granteth wealth. Inspire with zeal each priest at this our solemn rite; all who are skilled in singing praise. 
tuvé agne suāhuta priyā́saḥ santu sūráyaḥ |
yantā́ro yé maghávāno jánānãm ūrvā́n dáyanta gónãm || 
7 O Agni who art worshipped well, dear let our princes he to thee, Our wealthy patrons who are governors of men, who part, as gifts, their stalls of kine. 
yéṣām íḷā ghr̥táhastā duroṇá ā́m̐ ápi prātā́ niṣī́dati |
tā́ṃs trāyasva sahasiya druhó nidó yáchā naḥ śárma dīrghaśrút || 
8 They in whose home, her hand bearing the sacred oil, Iḷā sits down well-satisfied-Guard them, Victorious God, from slander and from harm. give us a refuge famed afar. 
sá mandráyā ca jihváyā váhnir āsā́ vidúṣṭaraḥ |
ágne rayím maghávadbhyo na ā́ vaha havyádātiṃ ca sūdaya || 
9 Do thou, a Priest with pleasant tongue, most wise, and very near to us, Agni, bring riches hither to our liberal chiefs, and speed the oflering of our gifts. 
yé rā́dhāṃsi dádati áśviyā maghā́ kā́mena śrávaso maháḥ |
tā́m̐ áṃhasaḥ pipr̥hi partŕ̥bhiṣ ṭuváṃ śatám pūrbhír yaviṣṭhiya || 
10 They who bestow as bounty plenteous wealth of steeds, moved by desire of great renown-Do thou with saving help preserve them from distress, Most Youthful! with a hundred forts. 
devó vo draviṇodã́ḥ pūrṇā́ṃ vivaṣṭi āsícam |
úd vā siñcádhvam úpa vā pr̥ṇadhvam ā́d íd vo devá ohate || 
11 The God who gives your wealth demands a full libation poured to him. Pour ye it forth, then fill the vessel full again: then doth the God pay heed to you. 
táṃ hótāram adhvarásya prácetasaṃ váhniṃ devā́ akr̥ṇvata |
dádhāti rátnaṃ vidhaté suvī́riyam agnír jánāya dāśúṣe || 
12 Him have the Gods appointed Priest of sacrifice, oblation-bearer, passing wise. Agni gives wealth and valour to the worshipper, to folk who offer up their gifts. 
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