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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
8,31 Various Deities 
8.Deities XXXI Various 
yó yájāti yájāta ít sunávac ca pácāti ca |
brahméd índrasya cākanat || 
1 THAT Brahman pleases Indra well, who worships, sacrifices, pours Libation, and prepares the meal.  
puroḷā́śaṃ yó asmai sómaṃ rárata āśíram |
pā́d ít táṃ śakró áṃhasaḥ || 
2 Śakra protects from woe the man who gives him sacrificial cake. And offers Soma blent with milk. 
tásya dyumā́m̐ asad rátho devájūtaḥ sá śūśuvat |
víśvā vanvánn amitríyā || 
3 His chariot shall be glorious, sped by Gods, and mighty shall he be, Subduing all hostilities. 
ásya prajā́vatī gr̥hé ásaścantī divé-dive |
íḷā dhenumátī duhe || 
4 Each day that passes, in his house flows his libation, rich in milk, Exhaustless, bringing progeny. 
yā́ dámpatī sámanasā sunutá ā́ ca dhā́vataḥ |
dévāso nítyayāśírā || 
5 O Gods, with constant draught of milk, husband and wife with one accord Press out and wash the Soma juice. 
práti prāśavíyām̐ itaḥ samyáñcā barhír āśate° |
ná tā́ vā́jeṣu vāyataḥ || 
6 They gain sufficient food: they come united to the sacred grass, And never do they fail in strength. 
ná devā́nām ápi hnutaḥ sumatíṃ ná jugukṣataḥ |
śrávo br̥hád vivāsataḥ || 
7 Never do they deny or seek to hide the favour of the Gods: They win high glory for themselves. 
putríṇā tā́ kumāríṇā víśvam ā́yur ví aśnutaḥ |
ubhā́ híraṇyapeśasā || 
8 With sons and daughters by their side they reach their full extent of life, Both decked with ornaments of gold. 
vītíhotrā kr̥tádvasū daśasyántāmŕ̥tāya kám |
sám ū́dho romaśáṃ hato devéṣu kr̥ṇuto dúvaḥ || 
9 Serving the Immortal One with gifts of sacrificial meal and wealth, They satisfy the claims of love and pay due honour to the Gods. 
ā́ śárma párvatānãṃ vr̥ṇīmáhe nadī́nãm |
ā́ víṣṇoḥ sacābhúvaḥ || 
10 We claim protection from the Hills, we claim protection of the Floods, Of him who stands by Viṣṇu's side. 
aítu pūṣā́ rayír bhágaḥ suastí sarvadhā́tamaḥ |
urúr ádhvā suastáye || 
11 May Pūṣan come, and Bhaga, Lord of wealth, All-bounteous, for our weal Broad be the path that leads to bliss: 
arámatir anarváṇo víśvo devásya mánasā |
ādityā́nām anehá ít || 
12 Aramati, and, free from foes, Visva with spirit of a God, And the Ādityas’ peerless might. 
yáthā no mitró aryamā́ váruṇaḥ sánti gopã́ḥ |
sugā́ r̥tásya pánthãḥ || 
13 Seeing that Mitra, Aryaman, and Varuṇa are guarding us, The paths of Law are fair to tread. 
agníṃ vaḥ pūrviyáṃ girā́ devám īḷe vásūnãm |
saparyántaḥ purupriyám mitráṃ ná kṣetrasā́dhasam || 
14 I glorify with song, for wealth, Agni the God, the first of you. We honour as a well-loved Friend the God who prospereth our fields. 
makṣū́ devávato ráthaḥ śū́ro vā pr̥tsú kā́su cit |
devā́nãṃ yá ín máno yájamāna íyakṣati abhī́d áyajvano bhuvat || 
15 As in all frays the hero, so swift moves his car whom Gods attend. The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not. 
ná yajamāna riṣyasi ná sunvāna ná devayo |
devā́nãṃ yá ín máno yájamāna íyakṣati abhī́d áyajvano bhuvat || 
16 Ne’er are ye injured, worshipper, presser of juice, or pious man. The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not. 
nákiṣ ṭáṃ kármaṇā naśan ná prá yoṣan ná yoṣati |
devā́nãṃ yá ín máno yájamāna íyakṣati abhī́d áyajvano bhuvat || 
17 None in his action equals him, none holds him far or keeps him off. The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not. 
ásad átra suvī́riyam utá tyád āśuáśviyam |
devā́nãṃ yá ín máno yájamāna íyakṣati abhī́d áyajvano bhuvat || 
18 Such strength of heroes shall be his, such mastery of fleet-foot steeds. The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not. 
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