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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
10,35 Viśvedevas 
10.XXXV Viśvedevas 
ábudhram u tyá índravanto agnáyo jyótir bháranta uṣáso víuṣṭiṣu |
mahī́ dyā́vāpr̥thivī́ cetatām ápo adyā́ devā́nām áva ā́ vr̥ṇīmahe || 
1 THESE fires associate with Indra are awake, bringing their light when first the Dawn begins to shine. May Heaven and Earth, great Pair, observe our holy work. We claim for us this day the favour of the Gods. 
diváspr̥thivyór áva ā́ vr̥ṇīmahe mātr̥̄́n síndhūn párvatāñ charyaṇā́vataḥ |
anāgāstváṃ sū́ryam uṣā́sam īmahe bhadráṃ sómaḥ svānó° adyā́ kr̥ṇotu naḥ || 
2 Yea, for ourselves we claim the grace of Heaven and Earth, of Śaryaṇāvān, of the Hills and Mother Streams. For innocence we pray to Sūrya and to Dawn. So may the flowing Soma bring us bliss to-day. 
dyā́vā no adyá pr̥thivī́ ánāgaso mahī́ trāyetāṃ suvitā́ya mātárā |
uṣā́ uchánti ápa bādhatām agháṃ suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
3 May the great Twain, the Mothers, Heaven and Earth, this day preserve us free from sin for peace and happiness. May Morning sending forth her light drive sin afar. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
iyáṃ na usrā́ prathamā́ sudevíyaṃ revát saníbhyo revátī ví uchatu |
āré manyúṃ durvidátrasya dhīmahi suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
4 May this first Dawn bring us the host of gracious Gods: rich, may it richly shine for us who strive for wealth. The wrath of the malignant may we keep afar. We pray to kindled Agni for feilicity. 
prá yā́ḥ sísrate sū́riyasya raśmíbhir jyótir bhárantīr uṣáso víuṣṭiṣu |
bhadrā́ no adyá śrávase ví uchata suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
5 Dawns, who come forward with the bright beams of the Sun, and at your earliest flushing bring to us the light, Shine ye on us to-day auspicious, for renown. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
anamīvā́ uṣása ā́ carantu na úd agnáyo jihatāṃ jyótiṣā br̥hát |
ā́yukṣātām aśvínā tū́tujiṃ ráthaṃ suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
6 Free from all sickness may the Mornings come to us, and let our fires mount upward with a lofty blaze. The Aśvin Pair have harnessed their swift-moving car. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
śréṣṭhaṃ no adyá savitar váreṇiyam bhāgám ā́ suva sá hí ratnadhā́ ási |
rāyó jánitrīṃ dhiṣáṇām úpa bruve suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
7 Send us to-day a portion choice and excellent, O Savitar, for thou art he who dealeth wealth. I cry to Dhiṣaṇā, Mother of opulence. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
pípartu mā tád r̥tásya pravā́canaṃ devā́nāṃ yán manuṣíyā ámanmahi |
víśvā íd usrā́ spáḷ úd eti sū́riyaḥ suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
8 Further me this declaring of Eternal Law, the Law of Gods, as we mortals acknowledge it! The Sun goes up beholding all the rays of morn. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
adveṣó adyá barhíṣa stárīmaṇi grā́vṇāṃ yóge mánmanaḥ sā́dha īmahe |
ādityā́nāṃ śármaṇi sthā́ bhuraṇyasi suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
9 This day we pray with innocence in strewing grass, adjusting pressing-stones, and perfecting the hymn. Thou in the Ādityas’ keeping movest restlessly. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
ā́ no barhíḥ sadhamā́de br̥hád diví devā́m̐ īḷe sādáyā saptá hótr̥̄n |
índram mitráṃ váruṇaṃ sātáye bhágaṃ suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
10 To our great holy grass I bid the Gods at morn to banquet, and will seat them as the seven priests, —Varuṇa, Indra, Mitra, Bhaga for our gain. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
tá ādityā ā́ gatā sarvátātaye vr̥dhé no yajñám avatā sajoṣasaḥ |
bŕ̥haspátim pūṣáṇam aśvínā bhágaṃ suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
11 Come hither, O Ādityas, for our perfect weal: accordant help our sacrifice that we may thrive. Pūṣan, Bṛhaspati, Bhaga, both Aśvins, and enkindled Agni we implore for happiness. 
tán no devā yachata supravācanáṃ chardír ādityāḥ subháraṃ nr̥pā́yiyam |
páśve tokā́ya tánayāya jīváse suastí agníṃ samidhānám īmahe || 
12 Ādityas, Gods, vouchsafe that this our home may be praise-worthy, prosperous, our heroes' sure defence, For cattle, for our sons, for progeny, for life. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. 
víśve adyá marúto víśva ūtī́ víśve bhavantu agnáyaḥ sámiddhāḥ |
víśve no devā́ ávasā́ gamantu víśvam astu dráviṇaṃ vā́jo asmé || 
13 This day may all the Maruts, all he near us with aid: may all our fires be well enkindled. May all Gods come to us with gracious favour. May spoil and wealth he ours, and all possessions. 
yáṃ devāso ávatha vā́jasātau yáṃ trā́yadhve yám pipr̥thā́ti áṃhaḥ |
yó vo gopīthé ná bhayásya véda té syāma devávītaye turāsaḥ || 
14 He whom ye aid, O Deities, in battle, whom ye protect and rescue from affliction, Who fears no danger at your milk-libation, -such may we be to feast the Gods, ye Mighty. 
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