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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
10,103 Indra 
10.CIII Indra 
āśúḥ śíśāno vr̥ṣabhó ná bhīmó ghanāghanáḥ kṣóbhaṇaś carṣaṇīnā́m |
saṃkrándano 'nimiṣá ekavīráḥ śatáṃ sénā ajayat sākám índraḥ || 
1 SWIFT, rapidly striking, like a bull who sharpens his horns, terrific, stirring up the people, With eyes that close not, bellowing, Sole Hero, Indra. subdued at once a hundred armies. 
saṃkrándanenānimiṣéṇa jiṣṇúnā yutkāréṇa duścyavanéna dhr̥ṣṇúnā |
tád índreṇa jayata tát sahadhvaṃ yúdho nara íṣuhastena vŕ̥ṣṇā || 
2 With him loud-roaring, ever watchful, Victor, bold, hard to overthrow, Rouser of battle, Indra. the Strong, whose hand bears arrows, conquer, ye warriors, now, now vanquish in the combat. 
sá íṣuhastaiḥ sá niṣaṅgíbhir vaśī́ sáṃsraṣṭā sá yúdha índro gaṇéna |
saṃsr̥ṣṭajít somapā́ bāhuśardhī́ ugrádhanvā prátihitābhir ástā || 
3 He rules with those who carry shafts and quivers, Indra who with his band rings hosts together, Foe-conquering, strong of arm, the Soma-drinker, with mighty bow, shooting with well-laid arrows. 
bŕ̥haspate pári dīyā ráthena rakṣohā́mítrām̐ apabā́dhamānaḥ |
prabhañján sénāḥ pramr̥ṇó yudhā́ jáyann asmā́kam edhi avitā́ ráthānām || 
4 Bṛhaspati, fly with thy chariot hither, slayer of demons, driving off our foemen. Be thou protector of our cars, destroyer, victor in battle, breaker-up of armies. 
balavijñāyá stháviraḥ právīraḥ sáhasvān vājī́ sáhamāna ugráḥ |
abhívīro abhísatvā sahojā́ jaítram indra rátham ā́ tiṣṭha govít || 
5 Conspicuous by thy strength, firm, foremost fighter, mighty and fierce, victorious, all-subduing, The Son of Conquest, passing men and heroes, kine-winner, mount thy conquering car, O Indra. 
gotrabhídaṃ govídaṃ vájrabāhuṃ jáyantam ájma pramr̥ṇántam ójasā |
imáṃ sajātā ánu vīrayadhvam índraṃ sakhāyo ánu sáṃ rabhadhvam || 
6 Cleaver of stalls, kine-winner, armed with thunder, who quells an army and with might destroys it. -Follow him, brothers! quit yourselves like heroes, and like this Indra show your zeal and courage. 
abhí gotrā́ṇi sáhasā gā́hamāno adayó vīráḥ śatámanyur índraḥ |
duścyavanáḥ pr̥tanāṣā́ḷ ayudhyó asmā́kaṃ sénā avatu prá yutsú || 
7 Piercing the cow-stalls with surpassing vigour, Indra, the pitiless Hero, wild with anger, Victor in fight, unshaken and resistless, may he protect our armies in our battles. 
índra āsāṃ nayitā́+ bŕ̥haspátir dákṣiṇā yajñáḥ purá etu sómaḥ |
devasenā́nām abhibhañjatīnā́ṃ jáyantīnām marúto yantu ágram || 
8 Indra guide these: Bṛhaspati precede them, the guerdon, and the sacrifice, and Soma; And let the banded Maruts march in forefront of heavenly hosts that conquer and demolish. 
índrasya vŕ̥ṣṇo váruṇasya rā́jña ādityā́nām marútāṃ śárdha ugrám |
mahā́manasām bhuvanacyavā́nāṃ ghóṣo devā́nāṃ jáyatām úd asthāt || 
9 Ours be the potent host of mighty Indra, King Varuṇa, and Maruts, and Ādityas. Uplifted is the shout of Gods who conquer high-minded Gods who cause the worlds to tremble. 
úd dharṣaya maghavann ā́yudhāni út sátvanām māmakā́nām mánāṃsi |
úd vr̥trahan vājínāṃ vā́jināni úd ráthānāṃ jáyatāṃ yantu ghóṣāḥ || 
10 Bristle thou up, O Maghavan, our weapons: excite the spirits of my warring heroes. Urge on the strong steeds' might, O Vṛtra-slayer, and let the din of conquering cars go upward. 
asmā́kam índraḥ sámr̥teṣu dhvajéṣu asmā́kaṃ yā́ íṣavas tā́ jayantu |
asmā́kaṃ vīrā́ úttare bhavantu asmā́m̐ u devā avatā háveṣu || 
11 May Indra aid us when our flags are gathered: victorious be the arrows of our army. May our brave men of war prevail in battle. Ye Gods, protect us in the shout of onset. 
amī́ṣāṃ cittám pratilobháyantī gr̥hāṇā́ṅgānu apuve párehi |
abhí préhi nír daha hr̥tsú śókair andhénāmítrās támasā sacantām || 
12 Bewildering the senses of our foemen, seize thou their bodies and depart, O Apva. Attack them, set their hearts on fire and burn them: so let our foes abide in utter darkness. 
prá itā jáyatā nara índro vaḥ śárma yachatu |
ugrā́ vaḥ santu bāhávo anādhr̥ṣyā́ yáthā́satha || 
13 Advance, O heroes, win the day. May Indra be your sure defence. Exceeding mighty be your arms, that none may wound or injure you. 
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