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Nāgārjuna: Ratnāvalī

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
福慧二種行 如此無邊際
菩薩身心苦 故疾得消除 
bsod nams mtha’ yas źes pa daṅ | | ye śes mtha’ yas źes pa des | |
lus daṅ sems kyi sdug bsṅal dag | | myur ba ñid du sel bar byed | | 
The limitless collections of merit and wisdom
Eradicate most quickly the sufferings of mind and body. 
惡道飢渴等 身苦惡業生
菩薩永離惡 行善苦不生 
sdig pas ṅan ’gror lus kyis ni | | sdug bsṅal bkres skom la sogs ’byuṅ | |
des sdig ma byas bsod nams kyis | | srid pa gźan na de med do | | 
The physical sufferings of bad migrations such as hunger and thirst arise from sins;
A Bodhisattva does not sin and through his merit does not [suffer physically] in other lives. 
欲瞋怖畏等 心苦從癡生
由依無二智 菩薩離心苦 
rmoṅs pas yid kyi sdug bsṅal ni | | chags sdaṅ ’jigs daṅ ’dod la sogs | |
des rten med pa’i śes pa yis | | de ni myur ba ñid du spoṅ | | 
The mental suffering of desire, fear, avarice and so forth arise
From obscuration; he knows them to be baseless and so can uproot quickly [all mental suffering]. 
lus daṅ yid kyi sdug bsṅal gyis | | de ltar śin tu ma smas na | |
gal te ’jig rten mthas gtugs par | | ’jig rten ’dren kyaṅ cis te skyo | | 
Since he is not greatly harmed by physical and mental pain,
Why should he be discouraged even though he leads the worldly beings in all worlds? 
有苦時若促 難忍何況多
無苦時長遠 有樂云何難 
sdug bsṅal ba la yun thuṅ yaṅ | | bzod dka’ yun riṅ smos ci dgos | |
sdug bsṅal med ciṅ bde ba la | | mtha’ yas dus kyaṅ ji źig gnod | | 
It is hard to bear suffering even for a little, what need is there to speak of doing so for long?
What can ever harm a happy man who never suffers for an instant? 
身苦永不有 假說有心苦
悲世間二苦 故恒住生死 
de la lus kyi sdug bsṅal med | | yid kyi sdug bsṅal ga la yod | |
de ni sñiṅ rjes ’jig rten sdug | | de ñid kyis ni yun riṅ gnas | | 
If his body does not suffer, how can he suffer in his mind?
Through his great compassion he feels pain for the world and so stays in it long. 
故菩提長時 智人心不沈
為滅惡生善 是時無間修 
de bas saṅs rgyas riṅ thogs śes | | blo daṅ ldan pa sgyid mi lug | |
ñes zad yon tan don du ni | | ’di la rtag tu ’bad par bya | | 
Do not then be lazy thinking Buddhahood is far away.
Always strive had for these collections to wipe out faults and attain virtues. 
貪瞋及無明 願汝識捨離
無貪等眾善 知應恭敬修 
chags daṅ źe sdaṅ gti mug dag | | ñes par mkhyen nas yoṅs su spoṅs | |
ma chags mis daṅ gti mug med | | yon tan mkhyen nas gus pas brten | | 
Realising that ignorance, desire and hatred are defects, forsake them completely.
Realise that non-desire, non-hatred and non-ignorance are virtues and so practice them with vigour. 
由貪生鬼道 由瞋墮地獄
由癡入畜生 翻此感人天 
chags pas yi dags ’gro bar ’gro | | źe sdaṅ gis ni dmyal bar ’phen | |
rmoṅs pas phal cher dud ’gror ’gro | | bzlog pas lha daṅ mi ñid do | | 
Through desire one is reborn a hungry ghost, through hatred in a hell, through ignorance
Mostly as an animal; through stopping these one becomes a god or a human being. 
捨惡及修善 此法是樂因
若是解脫法 由智捨二執 
skyon spaṅs yon tan ’dzin pa ni | | mṅon par mtho ba pa yi chos | |
śes pas ’dzin pa spaṅs zad pa | | ṅes par legs pa pa yi chos | | 
To eliminate all defects and maintain the virtues are the practices of high status;
To wipe out all misconceptions through the consciousness [of reality] is the practice of definite goodness. 
佛像及支提 殿堂并寺廟
最勝多供具 汝應敬成立 
saṅs rgyas sku gzugs mchod rten daṅ | | gtsug lag khaṅ dag gus tshul du | |
śin tu rgya chen gnas mal sogs | | rgya chen phyug pa bsgrub par mdzod | | 
With respect and without stint you should construct images of Buddha, reliquaries and temples
And provide abundant riches, food, necessities and so forth. 
坐寶蓮花上 好色微妙畫
一切金寶種 汝應造佛像 
rin chen kun las bgyis pa yis | | saṅs rgyas sku gzugs dbyibs mdzes śiṅ | |
legs par bris pa padma la | | bźugs pa dag kyaṅ bgyid du stsol | | 
Please construct from all precious substances images of Buddha with fine proportions,
Well designed and sitting on lotuses adorned with all precious substances. 
正法及聖眾 以命色事護
金寶網繖蓋 奉獻覆支提 
dam chos dge sloṅ dge ’dun dag | | nan tan kun gyis bskyaṅ bar mdzod | |
gser daṅ rin chen dra ba dag | | ñid kyis mchod rten rnams la thogs | | 
You should sustain with all endeavour the excellent doctrine and the assembly
of monks, and decorate reliquaries with gold and jewelled friezes. 
金銀眾寶花 珊瑚琉璃珠
帝釋青大青 金剛貢支提 
gser daṅ dṅul gyi me tog daṅ | | rdo rje byi ru mu tig daṅ | |
anda rñil daṅ bai ḍ’u rya | | mthon ka chen pos mchod rten mchod | | 
Revere the reliquaries with gold and silver flowers,
Diamonds, corals, pearls, emeralds, cat’s eye gems and sapphires. 
能說正法人 以四事供養
六和敬等法 常應勤修行 
dam chos smra la mchod pa ni | | rñed daṅ bkur sti daṅ ldan pa | |
dga’ bar ’gyur ba rnams bgyi źiṅ | | chos drug gus par bsten par mdzod | | 
To revere the teachers of the doctrine is to do what pleases them,
[Offering] goods and services and relying firmly on the doctrine. 
於尊恭敬聽 勤事而侍護
菩薩必應行 亡後亦供養 
bla ma rim gro gus ñan daṅ | | źam riṅ daṅ ni mdoṅs gsol daṅ | |
byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams la yaṅ | | rtag tu gus pas mchod par mdzod | | 
Listen to a teacher with homage and respect, serve and pray to him.
Always respectfully revere the other Bodhisattvas. 
於天外道眾 不應親事禮
因無知邪信 莫事惡知識 
mu stegs gźan la gus pa yis | | mchod daṅ phyag kyaṅ mi bgyi ste | |
mi śes pa rnams de’i rkyen gyis | | skyon daṅ bcas pa chags ’gyur gda’ | | 
You should not respect, revere or do homage to others, the Forders,
Because through that the ignorant would become enamoured of the faulty. 
佛阿含及論 書寫讀誦施
亦惠紙筆墨 汝應修此福 
thub dbaṅ gsuṅ daṅ des byuṅ ba’i | | gźuṅ rnams bri daṅ glegs bam ni | |
snag tsha dag daṅ smyu gu dag | | sṅon du ’gro ba spyin par mdzod | | 
You should make donations of the word of the King of Subduers and of the treatises
He gave, as well as pages and books along with their prerequisites, the pens and ink. 
於國起學堂 雇師供學士
興建永基業 汝行為長慧 
yul du yi ge’i grwa khaṅ du | | slob dpon ’tsho ba’i bya ba dag | |
źiṅ brtsal ba yi ṅes pa ni | | ye śes spel ba’i slad du mdzod | | 
As a way to increase wisdom wherever there is a school
Provide for the livelihood of teachers and bestow estates [for their provision]. 
解醫巧曆數 皆為立田疇
潤老小病苦 於國有濟益 
rgan daṅ byis pa nad pa daṅ | | sems can sdug bsṅal bsal slad du | |
yul du sman pa ’dreg mkhan dag | | źiṅ gi rṅan pa ’jog tu stsol | | 
In order to root out the suffering of sentient beings, the old, young and infirm,
You should establish through your influence barbers and doctors in your kingdom. 
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