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RZQ رزق
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ RZQ_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ RZQ_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘provision, livelihood, earnings, means of living, subsistence, income, bounty, (of God) to provide with means of living, to seek to earn a living, (of God) to bestow with bounties or to favour with bounties, to grant as means of sustenance’
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▪ Ge Risiko, Engl risk has been plausibly explained as deriving (via It) from Ar rizq ‘sustenance depending on the grace of God or on skill’ (cf. Osman 1982: s.v.) but is also considered to come from vulgLat *resecum ‘cliff’, metaphorically ‘danger [for the merchants’ ships]’ – Vennemann2006.
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