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OE01: Vǫluspá

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 1-10
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 11-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 21-30
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 31-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 41-50
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 51-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 61-62
Codex Regius, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Þa gengoreginavll
2 arꜹk ſtola
3 giɴheilog goð
4 oc vm þat gęttvz
5 hverir heꝼði lopt alt
6 lęvi blanꝺit
7 eþa ętt iotvnſ
8 oþſ meẏ geꝼna.
Snorra Edda, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
Þa gengv regin avll
a rǫkstola,
giɴheilvg goð,
ok of pat gettvz,
hverr hefþi lopt allt
læfi blandit
eþa ætt iotvns
Oðs mey gefna.
Hauk’s Book, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Þa gengu regin ǫll
2 ꜳ rǫkſtola
3 ginnheilugh guð
4 ok um þat gięttuz
5 hverr heꝼði loꝼt allt
6 lęui blanꝺit
7 ęða ætt iǫtunſ
8 oðſ mey geꝼna.
Codex Regius, Old Norse, normalized version
Þá gengureginǫll
ginnheilǫg goð
ok um það gættuz
hverir hefði loft allt
lævi blandit
eða ætt jǫtuns
Óðs mey gefna.
translated by G.A.Gjessing, Kristiania, 1899
søgte de magter,
hellige guder.
og herom raadslog:
hvem havde luft
med lyde fyldt,
og jotnens æt
Od's mø lovet.
translated by Henry Adams Bellows, 1936
Then sought the gods |
their assembly-seats,
The holy ones, |
and council held,
To find who with venom |
the air had filled,
Or had given Oth's bride |
to the giants' brood.
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