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OE01: Vǫluspá

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 1-10
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 11-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 21-30
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 31-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 41-50
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 51-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 61-62
Codex Regius, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Broþr mvno beriaz
2 oc at bꜹɴom verþa
3 mvno ſyſtrvngar
4 ſiꝼiom ſpilla
5 hárt er ihęimi
6 hóꝛꝺomr micill
7 ſceɢꜹlꝺ ſcalm ꜹlꝺ
8 ſcilꝺir ro kloꝼnir
9 vinꝺꜹlꝺ vargꜹlꝺ
10 aþr verolꝺ ſteypiz
11 mvn engi maþr
12 oðrom þyrma.
Snorra Edda, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
Bræðr mvnv beriaz
ok at bꜹnvm verþaz
mvnv systrvngar
sifivm spilla;
hart er með hꜹlðvm
hordómr mikill,
skeɢiolld, skalmǫld,
skildir klofnir,
vindꜹld, vargǫld,
aðr verǫld steypiz.
Hauk’s Book, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Bræðꝛ munu beriaz
2 ok at bǫnum verðaz
3 munu ſyſtrungar
4 ſiꝼium ſpilla
5 hart er i heimí
6 hoꝛꝺomr mikill
7 ſkeggǫll ſkꜳlmǫllꝺ
8 ſkillꝺer kloꝼner
39 1 Vinꝺ ǫllꝺ vargǫllꝺ
2 ꜳðꝛ verǫllꝺ ſteypiz
3 grunꝺer gialla
4 giꝼr ꝼliuganꝺi
5 man eingi maðr
6 ǫðꝛum þyrma
Codex Regius, Old Norse, normalized version
Bræðr munu berjaz
ok að bǫnum verða
munu systrungar
sifjum spilla
hart er íheimi
hórdómr mikill
skeggǫld skálmǫld
skildir eru klofnir
vindǫld vargǫld
áðr verǫld steypiz
mun engi maðr
ǫðrum þyrma.
translated by G.A.Gjessing, Kristiania, 1899
Brødre vil brydes,
bane volde,
søsterbørn vil
slegtskab spilde;
ondt er paa jord,
utugt saa stor,
øxtid, sverdtid,
skjolde kløves,
vindtid, vargtid,
før verdens fald;
grunden gjaller,
gygre farer;
ingen mand da
anden skaaner.
translated by Henry Adams Bellows, 1936
Brothers shall fight |
and fell each other,
And sisters' sons |
shall kinship stain;
Hard is it on earth, |
with mighty whoredom;
Axe-time, sword-time, |
shields are sundered,
Wind-time, wolf-time, |
ere the world falls;
Nor ever shall men |
each other spare.
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