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OE01: Vǫluspá

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 1-10
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 11-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 21-30
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 31-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 41-50
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 51-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 61-62
Codex Regius, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
4 gialar hoꝛni
5 hatt blęs heimꝺallr
6 hoꝛn er alopti
7 męlir oðiɴ  
8 við mimſ hꜹꝼ
9 eɴ iotvɴ loſnar
Snorra Edda, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
Hátt blæs Heimdallr,
horn er a lopti,
mælir Oþiɴ
við Mims hꜹfvt;
Hauk’s Book, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Leika mimſ ſynir
2 en miǫtvðꝛ kynꝺiz
3 at hínu gamla
4 giallar hoꝛní
5 hꜳtt blæſſ  heimꝺallr
6 hoꝛn er ꜳ lopti
7 męler oðinn
8 við mimſ hǫꝼut.
Codex Regius, Old Norse, normalized version
hátt blés Heimdallr
horn er álofti
mælir Óðinn
við Míms hǫfuð
translated by G.A.Gjessing, Kristiania, 1899
Mims æt leger,
maalet varsles
ved gnyskarpe
høit blæser Heimdal,
hornet er løftet,
mæler Oden
ved Mim's hoved.
translated by Henry Adams Bellows, 1936
Fast move the sons |
of Mim, and fate
Is heard in the note |
of the Gjallarhorn;
Loud blows Heimdall, |
the horn is aloft,
In fear quake all |
who on Hel-roads are
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