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OE01: Vǫluspá

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 1-10
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 11-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 21-30
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 31-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 41-50
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 51-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 61-62
Codex Regius, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Sol ter ſoꝛtna  
2 ſigr ꝼolꝺ imar
3 hverꝼa aꝼ himni
4 heiðar ſtióꝛnoꝛ.
5 geiſar eími  
6 viþ alꝺꝛ nara
7 leicr har hiti
8 uið himin ſialꝼan.
Snorra Edda, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
Sól mvn sortna,
sꜹckr fold imar,
hverfa af himni
heiþar stiornvr;
geisar eimi
ok aldrnari,
leíkr har hiti
við himin sialfan.
Hauk’s Book, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 ſol ter ſoꝛtna
2 ſigr ꝼollꝺ i mar
3 huerꝼa aꝼ himni
4 heiðar ſtioꝛnur  
5 geiſar eimí
6 ok allꝺꝛnari
7 leikr hꜳr hiti
8 vit himin ſialꝼan.
Codex Regius, Old Norse, normalized version
Sól tér sortna
sígr fold ímar
hverfa af himni
heiðar stjǫrnur.
geisar eimi
við aldrnara
leikr hár hiti
við himin sjálfan.
translated by G.A.Gjessing, Kristiania, 1899
Sol den sortner,
synker i hav jord,
blegner af himlen
blanke stjerner;
frøser da damp
og flammehav,
høi slaar heden
mod himlen selv.
translated by Henry Adams Bellows, 1936
The sun turns black, |
earth sinks in the sea,
The hot stars down |
from heaven are whirled;
Fierce grows the steam |
and the life-feeding flame,
Till fire leaps high |
about heaven itself.
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