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OE01: Vǫluspá

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 1-10
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 11-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 21-30
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 31-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 41-50
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 51-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerse 61-62
Codex Regius, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Geyr. nv ⟨garmr mioc
2 ꝼyr gnipa helli
3 ꝼeſtr mvn ſlitna
4 eɴ ꝼreki reɴa
5 ꝼiolþ veit hon ꝼroða
6 ꝼram ſe ec lengra
7 vm ragna rꜹc
8 rꜹm ſigtyva. ⟩
Hauk’s Book, Old Norse, diplomatic edition
1 Geyr  nu garmr miǫk
2 ꝼyrer gnipa helli
3 ꝼeſtr man ſlitna
4 enn ꝼreki renna
Codex Regius, Old Norse, normalized version
Geyr nú ⟨Garmr mjǫk
fyr Gnipahelli
festr mun slitna
en freki renna
fjǫlð veit hon fræða
fram sé ek lengra
um ragnarǫk
rǫmm sigtíva. ⟩
translated by G.A.Gjessing, Kristiania, 1899
Nu Garm høit gjør
for Gnipahulen,
festet slitner,
Fenre render!
Véd frasagn mangt,
frem jeg ser lengre:
magters, guders
grufulde fald!
translated by Henry Adams Bellows, 1936
Now Garm howls loud |
before Gnipahellir,
The fetters will burst, |
and the wolf run free;
Much do I know, |
and more can see
Of the fate of the gods, |
the mighty in fight.
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