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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrologue
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionGylfaginning
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSkáldskaparmál
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Old Norse, ed. Faulkes, p. 13,1
Gaf hinn fyrsti ǫnd ok líf, annarr vit ok hrœring, þriði ásjónu, málit ok heyrn ok sjón; gáfu þeim klæði ok nǫfn.
English, tr. Brodeur, 1916, p. 21,1
the first gave them spirit and life; the second, wit and feeling; the third, form, speech, hearing, and sight. They gave them clothing and names:
Norwegian, tr. Holtsmark, p. 12,1
den ene ga ånde og liv, den andre vett og rørsle, den tredje åsyn, tale, hørsel og syn.
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