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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrologue
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSkáldskaparmál
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Old Norse, ed. Faulkes, p. 48,1
Þá sá hann at Æsir áttu skamt til hans ok hafði Óðinn sét ór Hliðskjálfinni hvar hann var.
English, tr. Brodeur, 1916, p. 75,1-76,1
Then he saw that the Æsir were close upon him; and Odin had seen from Hlidskjálf where (76,1) he was.
Norwegian, tr. Holtsmark, p. 12,1
Da fikk han se æsene ikke langt unna, Odin hadde sett fra Lidskjalv hvor han var.
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