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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrologue
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Old Norse, ed. Faulkes, p. 52,1
Þá kømr Hlínar
harmr annarr fram
er Óðinn ferr
við úlf vega,
en bani Belja
bjartr at Surti:
þar mun Friggjar
falla angan.
English, tr. Brodeur, 1916, p. 81,1
Then to the Goddess | a second grief cometh,
When Odin fares | to fight with the Wolf,
And Beli’s slayer, | the bright god, with Surtr;
There must fall | Frigg’s beloved.
Norwegian, tr. Holtsmark, p. 12,1
Da gråter Lin
for annen gang
når Odin går
til strid mot ulven
og Beles lyse
bane mot Surt.
Da må han falle,
Friggs glede.
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