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Old Norse, ed. Faulkes, p. 1,1
Hann gerði ferð sína til Ásgarðs, en er Æsir vissu ferð hans var honum fagnat vel ok þó margir hlutir með sjónhverfingum.
English, tr. Brodeur, 1916, p. 90,1
He took his way to Ásgard, but the Æsir had foreknowledge of his journey; he was received with good cheer, and yet many things were done by deceit, with eye-illusions.
Norwegian, tr. Holtsmark, p. 12,1
Han dro av sted til Asgard, men æsene visste ar han kom; de tok godt imot ham, men brukte synkvervin ger til mangt og mye.
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