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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrologue
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Old Norse, ed. Faulkes, p. 46,1
Kom þá Reginn at ok sagði at hann hefði drepit bróður hans ok bauð honum þat at sætt at hann skyldi taka hjarta Fáfnis ok steikja við eld.
English, tr. Brodeur, 1916, p. 153,1
“Then Reginn came forward, saying that Sigurdr had slain his brother, and demanded as a condition of reconciliation that he take Fáfnir’s heart and roast it with fire;
Norwegian, tr. Holtsmark, p. 133,1
Men så kom Regin og sa han hadde drept bror hans; han bød forlik mot at Sigurd skar hjertet ut av Fåvne og stekte det på varmen,
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