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Hurrian-Hittite: The Corrupt Governour

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KBo 32,14 hurr 3
búru têlu tabsuú ardi amulúdùm.
túnidu búdangâi âbi ebriba,
sallaena nessena ebrida biseshum.
KBo 32,14 hitt 3
nas mekki sullit nasta namma URU-an anda natta
auszi, nanza PANI BELIŠU isiahhuanzi tarhuir
nu IGI.DU8.HI.A kue pâsiskit nat PANI BELIŠU
lilhuwan dais.
Kaldhol 3
He becomes arrogant, insolent and quarrelsome? and ignores his city.
They (the citizens) succeed in reporting him to the lord,
and he has to spit out?/return? the unlawfully acquired assets to the lord.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF