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dialAr ²warrà / warrē- وَرَّى / وَرَّيْــ (tawriyyaẗ)
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
vb., II
to show – BadawiHinds1986
▪ The value ‘to show’ seems to be lost in fuṣḥà Ar, but is preserved in many dialects, both eastern and western. According to DRS 7 (1997) #WRY-2, this dialAr ²warrà ‘to show’ can also mean ‘to teach’ in MġrAr, a value prominent, apart from Ar, in Hbr (hence prob. Hbr tōrāʰ, the Torah, > Ar loanword ↗tawrāẗ, grouped s.r. ↗√*TWRā), while notions of ‘announcing’ and ‘new(s)’ prevail among the EthSem cognates. DRS is not sure whether these values should, or should not (“?”), be connected to their value #WRY-1 ‘to lead, guide’, represented only by Akk (w)arū(m), oAkk oAss warāʔum (paralleled by secondary tarū(m) ‘id.’, with a derivation in its own right); vonSoden AHW 1473 regards the Akk forms as cognate to Sem items meaning ‘to throw, cast’, cf. #WRW~WRY, a view that is obviously shared also by Huehnergard2011 when he posits a reconstructed protSem root *√WRW ‘to lead, guide, cast, throw’. In EtymArab, ‘throwing, casting’ is treated as distinct, s.v. ↗WRː (WRR)_4 (SyrAr warrᵃ).
▪ Both this ²warrà (D-stem) and an also attested (e.g. SyrAr, in Hava1899) ʔawrà (vb. IV, *Š-stem) ‘to show, expose to view’ are often derived from ↗raʔà ‘to see’ (√RʔY). In both cases, w as R₁ instead of ʔ as R₂ is difficult to explain – perh., first, as a make-up for “missing” R₂ in the MSA vb. IV, ʔarà (< *ʔarʔà), then thought to be missing also in vb. II?
▪ ...
▪ Hava1899 lists SyrAr²warrà (II, vn. tawriyaẗ) ‘to show’, SyrAr ʔawrà (IV) ‘to show, expose to view’, said to be from *ʔarʔà (√RʔY), and ĭstawrà (X) ‘to ask (-h an advice, -h from s.o.)’
DRS 7 (1997) #WRY-1 Akk (w)arū(m), oAkk oAss warāʔum ‘conduire’.1 – ?2 Hbr (Hi) hōrē ‘montrer (avec le doigt), instruire’; – ? tōrāʰ ‘direction, instruction, loi’; mōräʰ ‘enseignant, maître’; JudPalAram ʔōrī ‘enseigner, instruire’; Ar [dial.] warrà, ʔawrà ‘montrer, désigner’, MġrAr warra (i) ‘montrer, faire voir, enseigner’, OranAr wāri ‘évident’, ? YemAr *warā ‘violer l’honneur d’une femme’; Sab hwry ‘annoncer, publier’, Soq ʔere ‘marque (?)’, Gz waraya ‘dire les nouvelles, raconter’, Te wära ‘annoncer’, Tña wäre ‘nouvelle, avis, renommée’, ʔawräyä, Amh ʔawärra ‘donner des nouvelles’, Amh Arg Gur wäre, Har war ‘nouvelle’; Tña wäräyä ‘être utile, servir, aider, assister, être fécond’.2 -3-6 [...].
▪ (given here only for the sake of completeness, as earlier research would often see Hbr tōrāʰ as akin to ‘to throw, cast’; DRS itself groups tōrāʰ under #WRY-2, see preceding paragraph) : DRS 7 (1997) #WRW~WRR-1 Ug *yrw ‘tirer (une flèche)’, Hbr yārā ‘jeter, lancer, tirer (flèche, etc.)’, ? Syr ʔeštawrī ‘arriver par hasard, venir à la rencontre, percer; oser’; EAr warra ‘jeter, rejeter’, warwar ‘jeter, lancer’; Gz warawa, warrawa ‘jeter, lancer, rejeter’, Te Tña wärwärä, Amh Arg wäräwwärä, Gur wəräwwarä ‘jeter, lancer’.3 / 4 / 5 / 6 -2 [...].
1. Le verbe est doublé en Akk par une forme secondaire tarū(m), de valeur analogue, qui connaît une dérivation propre, [...]; vonSoden AHW 1473 rapproche l’Akk des formes Sem qui signifient ‘jeter’, v.s. WRW~WRY. Elle peut sembler dans un rapport sémantique plus vraisemblable, sans être certain, avec la notion de ‘montrer, instruire’ sous 2. 2. Cf also ↗WʔR. – [...]. – For the place of Hbr tōrāʰ among the cognates, see DISC in ↗tawrāẗ. 3. La racine est présente à Ebla : /tiwriyum/, /tīriyum/ ‘jeter’. – Pour une discussion générale, Nöldeke ZDMG 36:42, 40:726. – Huehnergard2011 reconstructs protSem *√WRW ‘to lead, guide, cast, throw’. 4. Hbr: Gesenius TR. 366 ne sépare pas de mōräʰ ‘maître, enseignant’, interprété comme signifiant ‘lancer la main > désigner, montrer’, v. ici s. ↗WRY; peut-être faut-il invoquer l’usage de l’Ar dans l’expression négative (mā) wuriʔa, wurriʔa ‘(ne pas) savoir’ ?, mais v. s. ↗WRY. 5. Voir aussi s. ↗WRʔ, ↗WRW~WRY, ↗WRY. 6. For poss. cognates outside Sem see complete citation of DRS entry sub ↗*WR‑.
▪ BadawiHinds1986 assigns EgAr warrà (II, vn. tawriyyaẗ) ‘to show’ to a root √¹WRY, distinct from √²WRY (with warā̆ ‘behind; after, following’ (MSA ↗warāʔ), ↗MSAtawriyaẗ ‘allusion’ (vn. of MSA ↗¹warrà ‘to hide, conceal; to allude’), MSAwārà (III, vn. miwāriyyaẗ) ‘to obscure, veil’, ĭtwārà (VI) ‘to hide o.s.’
▪ ...

EgAr ĭtwarrà, vb. V, to be shown: t-stem, pass.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗warà (vb.), ↗warāʔ, ↗¹warrà, ↗tawriyaẗ, and al-warà (n.), as well as, for the larger picture, root entry ↗WRY.
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