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warāʔ وَرَاء
ID – • Sw – • BP 577 • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
n.; (quasi-)prep. (warāʔᵃ)
rear, back, backside – WehrCowan1976
▪ On account of cognates in Akk and Gz (strange distribution!), MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I) #10 reconstruct Sem *ʔ˅rāw-, *w˅rāʔ- ‘back’ which in turn may go back (together with cognates outside Sem) to a hypothetical AfrAs *ʔ/wiray/w- ‘back’.
▪ For the D-stem ¹warrà ‘to hide, conceal, keep secret; to pretend, feign, simulate’ and its vn. tawriyaẗ ‘double-entendre, allusion’, see s.v.
¹warrà (tawriyaẗ), vb. II: warrà baṣara-hū, to avert one’s eyes (ʕan from) – Hava1899
▪ ...
DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ~WRY-1 Ar warāʔ ‘derrière, ce qui est derrière; petit-fils’, Tham wrʔ ‘postérité’, dial. uṛā ‘derrière (préposition)’; ? Sab hwrt ‘partie postérieure(?)’1 , ? Ar waraʔa ‘être rassasié’; Gz warʔa ‘soutenir dans la vieillesse’, warrəʔa ‘soutenir, alimenter, fournir le nécessaire pour vivre’; ? Ar waraʔa ‘repousser, pousser violemment’.2 – Rather reliable cognates also outside Sem.3 - ?2 Ar *tawarraʔa (ʕalà) ‘couvrir, enfermer’, warrà(y) ‘cacher, simuler, feindre, faire croire une chose à la place d’une autre; faire une allusion équivoque’, wārà(y) ‘cacher (quelque chose); enterrer sans cérémonie, enterrer’, tawarrà(y), tawārà(y) ‘être dissimulé, se cacher’,4 EAr PalAr EgAr wāṛa, wāra (i) ‘cacher, tenir secret, dissimuler’, ? SudAr orī(t) ‘erreur’, Gz warʔa ‘cacher, couvrir’.5 -3-4 [...]. – Cf. also DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-1 […]. -?2 Ar waraʔa ‘repousser, pousser violemment’, (↗WRʕ :) warraʕa ‘ramener (le troupeau) de l’abreuvoir’, wāraʕa ‘discuter’, warraʕa, ʔawraʕa, tawarraʕa ‘repousser, s’interposer’; HispAr warraʕ ‘effrayer’, tawarraʕ ‘craindre’, ʕOmAr warraʕ ‘ramener (bêtes, gens)’, Sab hwrʕ ‘intimider, arrêter, repousser; (faire) revenir’, Mhr həwrā ‘faire revenir, ramener (bêtes, gens); tenir à l’écart (les mauvais esprits)’, Ḥrs awrā ‘ramener (le bétail) au soir’, Te wära ‘menacer, battre’; ? wärʕ ‘eau bénite, magique’, wärʕa ‘asperger (d’eau bénite, magique)’; ? Tña wəruʕ ‘vaniteux’. -3-6 [...].
▪ Cf. also MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I) #10 : Akk erûtu (arûtu) ‘back’, Ar warāʔ ‘partie posterieure, de derriere’, Gz ʔurāʔu ‘waist’ (< *ʔurāw- or *w˅rāʔ- ?). | Outside Sem: (?) Eg (OK) i͗Ꜣ.t ‘Rückgrat; Rücken (der Menschen und Tiere)’ (< */ʔir-/ ?); (Berb :) Ahaggar a-rûri (pl. i-rûriaw-ən) (< *rawray, redupl.), Siwa ərrau ‘dos’, Qabyle iri (pl. iraw-ən) ‘dos; cou; épaule’, Zenaga ọ̄ʔri ‘épaule, creux de l’épaule’ (< *w˅ry ?); (ECush :) Sa Af irō ‘Rückseite, Rücken’, Or wiirtuu ‘spine, mid-back’, (SCush:) Iraqw oriya ‘thigh’ (< *wVriy ?), (WChad:) Tsagu āri, (EChad:) Dangaleat āro ‘back’. – Cf. perh. also Ar warr ‘os de la hanche’ (↗WRː (WRR)_2, ?with semantic shift *‘back > thigh > leg’).
▪ ...
1. Sab hwrt : sens douteux; DicSab 57 propose aussi : ‘citerne, pièce d’eau’, rac. HWR, v.s. 2. Ar waraʔa ‘repousser, pousser’ est relié à ‘arrière, dos’ par Cohen Essai 198, entre autres, mais comp. aussi sub W/YRʔ/ʕ. 3. Cohen Essai 198, n° 509. Comp. Eg yʔ.t ‘dos d’homme ou d’animal’? V. sur ce point Vycichl DELC 248 qui fait quelque réserve du fait que les formes nominales Eg et Ar ne concordent pas ; Berb: To arūri (Ahag, Ghat), əruru (Ifoghas), arori (Aïr) ‘dos’; Ouargla iri ‘côte, nuque’; Siwa ərrāo, ərraw ‘dos’, Sened ʕarut ‘épaule’, Kab iraw ‘dos, cou, épaule’, aʕrur ‘dos’; Tmz aruru ‘large dos’. La correspondance semble satisfaisante; en particulier, la finale w/u. Comment expliquer la pharyngale – et éventuellement la laryngale, si ahraw est confirmé à Siwa – qui apparaissent dans un certain nombre de formes ?; Cush : Bed niwa ‘queue’, Af Sa irō ‘dos’, Bilin Qw yewi, Kafa ilō ‘dos’, Iraqw ālu ‘derrière’; Dolgopol’skij 222 reconstruit une forme proto-Cush *ʔyVl(l)Vw- ‘partie arrière’. 4. Pour le sens ‘cacher’, l’expression ClassAr, telle qu’elle est fournie par des lexicographes, est : tawarraʔat ʕalayhi ‘(la terre) se ferma sur lui’ (mais peut-être ‘devint plane sur lui’), synonyme de tawaddaʔat ʕalayhi, selon Ibn Ǧinnī […]. 5. CDG 671: Gz warʔa peut-être reconstruction à partir de morāʔ qui dépend du vb. marʔa ‘porter, transporter’.
▪ Sem cognates given by DRS and MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I) differ (?Sab, Ar, Gz vs. Akk, Ar, Gz, respectively), while there seems to be a rather broad consensus about the reliability of the extra-Sem cognates. MilitarevKogan2000 #10 reconstruct Sem *ʔ˅rāw-, *w˅rāʔ- ‘back’ and Berb *(H)˅r(r)āw ‘back’ (no proto-forms given for the Eg, Cush, and Chad items identified as cognates), from hypothetical AfrAs *ʔ/wiray/w- ‘back’. – Based on ‘back’ is perh. also Ar warr ‘os de la hanche’ (↗WRː (WRR)_2) (with cognates in Gur?); if so, a semantic shift *‘back > thigh > leg’ will have to be assumed. – MilitarevKogan further point out that this root has »[t]o be distinguished from #9 Sem *ʔir(r)-at- ‘chest, breast’«, which is not represented in Ar, but possibly related to metathetic Sem forms meaning ‘lung’, cf. #224 Sem *rayʔ(-at)- , > Ar ↗riʔaẗ ‘lung’.
▪ BadawiHinds1986 assigns EgAr warrà (II, vn. tawriyyaẗ) ‘to show’ to a root √¹WRY, distinct from √²WRY (with warā̆ ‘behind; after, following’, MSAtawriyaẗ ‘allusion’, MSAwārà (III, vn. miwāriyyaẗ) ‘to obscure, veil’, ĭtwārà (VI) ‘to hide o.s.’. For this dialAr warrà, see our entry ↗²warrà ‘to show’
▪ ...

ʔilà ’l-warāʔⁱ, to the rear; backward;
min warāʔⁱ..., prep., 1 behind, from behind; 2a beyond, past; b over and above; 3 by means of, through, by; al-takassub min warāʔⁱ ’l-diʕāraẗ, n., professional prostitution; kāna min warāʔⁱ maqduraẗ al-ʕaql al-bašarī, expr., to be beyond the power of human comprehension
warāʔᵃ, prep., 1 behind, in the rear of, at the back of; 2 after; 3a beyond, past; b over and above, beside, in addition to | kāna warāʔa-hū, to be favorably disposed to s.o., stand behind s.o., support, back s.o.; mā warāʔᵃ ’l-ʔurdunn, n., Transjordan; mā warāʔᵃ ’l-ʔakamaẗ, n., what is at the bottom of it, what’s behind it; warāʔᵃ ’l-ʔakamaẗ mā warāʔa-hā, expr., there is more in it than meets the eye, there is wrong; mā warāʔa ’l-baḥr, n., overseas; mā warāʔᵃ ’l-ṭabīʕaẗ, n., 1 the supernatural, the transcendental; 2 metaphysics; mā warāʔᵃ ’l-nahr, n., Transoxania
warāʔᵘ, adv., behind, in the rear, at the back

warrà, vb. II, 1warà; 2a to hide, conceal, keep secret, secrete (; b to allude (ʕan bi‑ to, with); c to pretend, feign, affect, simulate (bi‑ D-stem, caus. (?)
wārà, vb. III, 1a to try to keep secret (; b to hide, conceal (‑h ‑h in); c to disguise, mask | wārā-hu ’l-turābᵃ, to inhume, bury s.o.: L-stem, assoc.
tawarrà, vb. V, 1 = IV; 2 to hide, conceal o.s. (ʕan, min from): tD-stem, self-ref.
tawārà, vb. VI, 1a to hide, conceal o.s.; b to disappear from the sight (ʕan of s.o., also ʕan al-ʔanẓār): tL-stem, assoc. self-ref.
warāʔī, adj., hind, rear, back, located at the back, directed backward: nsb-formation
ʔawrà, adj., better concealing (li‑ elat. formation
tawriyaẗ, n.f., 1 hiding, concealment; 2 dissemblance, dissimulation, hypocrisy; 3 equivocation, ambiguity, double-entendre, allusion: vn. II

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗warà (vb.), ↗²warrà (prob. related: ↗tawrāẗ), and al-warà (n.), as well as, for the larger picture, root entry ↗WRY.
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