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al-warà الوَرَى
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
the mortals, mankind – WehrCowan1976
▪ Etymology obscure. In DRS, the value is not mentioned at all. Unless it is fig. use of some other meaning of warà (which one?), could there be a connection to pre-protSem *wr ‘to grow, increase in size’ identified by Ehret1995 #974? In AfrAs *-wăr-/-wĭr- ‘to grow (person, animal)’, reconstructed by Ehret as the hypothetical common ancestor of Sem and extra-Sem items (Eg, SCush, CChad, NOmot), the *‘growing’ is a feature of human beings or animals... If valid, the meaning ‘mortals, mankind’ of Ar warà would have developed from *‘the growing ones’.
▪ Any relation to ↗WRY_6 wariya (yarī, vn. wary) ‘to be compact (marrow, flesh)’, warà ‘to be fat (camel)’ and/or ↗WRY_7 wary ‘pus, matter; purulent ulcer’?
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▪ Hava1899 lists waràⁿ ‘creature’ together with the expression mā ʔadrī ʔayyu ’l-warà huwa ‘I do not know what a man he is’
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▪ ? Ehret1995 #974 AfrAs *-wăr-/-wĭr- ‘to grow (person, animal)’: pre-protSem *wr ‘to grow, increase in size’ [? Ar ↗waràⁿ ‘mortals, man’], Eg wr ‘greatness of size’, wr, wrr ‘great; much, many’, (Cush) SC: PR *war‑ ‘mature young person’, protCChad *wr ‘old’, (NOmot) Ometo *orde ‘big’, Gonga *wur‑ ‘male animal’ (i.e., in general larger sex; Mocha wuró < *wer‑).
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ḫayr al-warà, n., the best of all men, the Prophet Mohammed

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗warà (vb.), ↗warāʔ, ↗¹warrà, ↗tawriyaẗ, and ↗²warrà (prob. related: ↗tawrāẗ), as well as, for the larger picture, root entry ↗WRY.
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