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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 6
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 7
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPrapāṭhaka 8
Chānd san, ca. B.C. 600, Prapāṭhaka, khaṇḍa, verse 7,1.2
ṛgvedaṃ bhagavo ’dhyemi yajurvedaṃ sāmavedam ātharvaṇaṃ caturtham itihāsapurāṇaṃ pañcamaṃ vedānāṃ vedaṃ pitryaṃ rāśiṃ daivaṃ nidhiṃ vākovākyam ekāyanaṃ devavidyāṃ brahmavidyāṃ bhūtavidyāṃ kṣatravidyāṃ nakṣatravidyāṃ sarpadevajanavidyām etad bhagavo ’dhyemi ||
Chānd-Mül, 1879-84
2. Narada said: 'I know the Rig-veda, Sir, the Yagur-veda, the Sama-veda, as the fourth the Atharvana, as the fifth the Itihasa-purana (the Bharata); the Veda of the Vedas (grammar); the Pitrya (the rules for the sacrifices for the ancestors); the Rasi (the science of numbers); the Daiva (the science of portents); the Nidhi (the science of time); the Vakovikya (logic); the Ekayana (ethics); the Devavidya (etymology); the Brahma-vidya (pronunciation, siksha, ceremonial, kalpa, prosody, khandas); the Bhuta-vidya (the science of demons); the Kshatra-vidya (the science of weapons); the Nakshatra-vidya (astronomy); the Sarpa and Devagana-vidya (the science of serpents or poisons, and the sciences of the genii, such as the making of perfumes, dancing, singing, playing, and other fine arts). All this I know, Sir.
Chānd-Śaṃ, 8th c. A.D.
ṛgvedaṃ bhagavo ’dhyemi smarāmi yadvettheti vijñānasya pṛṣṭatvāt | tathā yajurvedaṃ sāmavedamātharvaṇaṃ caturthaṃ vedaṃ vedaśabdasya prakṛtatvāditihāsapurāṇaṃ pañcamaṃ vedaṃ vedānāṃ bhāratapañcamānāṃ vedaṃ vyākaraṇamityarthaḥ | vyākaraṇena hi padādivibhāgaśa ṛgvedādayo jñāyante | pitryaṃ śrāddhakalpam | kāśiṃ gaṇitam | daivamutpātajñānam | nidhiṃ mahākālādinidhiśāstram | vākovākyaṃ tarkaśāsram | ekāyanaṃ nītiśāsram | devavidyāṃ niruktam | brahmaṇa ṛgyajuḥsāmākhyasya vidyāṃ brahmavidyāṃ śikṣākalpacchandovicitayaḥ | bhūtavidyāṃ bhūtatantram | kṣattravidyāṃ dhanurvedam | nakṣatravidyāṃ jyautiṣam | sarpadevajanavidyāṃ sarpavidyāṃ gāruḍaṃ devajanavidyāṃ gandhayuktinṛtyagītavādyiśilpādivijñānāni | etatsarvaṃ he bhagavo ’dhyemi || 2 ||
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