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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 6
atha ha śrotram ūcus tvaṃ na udgāyeti | tatheti tebhyaḥ śrotram udagāyat | yaḥ śrotre bhogas taṃ devebhya āgāyat | yat kalyāṇaṃ śṛṇoti tad ātmane | te 'vidur anena vai na udgātrātyeṣyantīti | tam abhidrutya pāpmanāvidhyan | sa yaḥ sa pāpmā | yad evedam apratirūpaṃ śṛṇoti | sa eva sa pāpmā ||
5. Then they said to the ear: 'Do thou sing out for us.' 'Yes,' said the ear, and sang. Whatever delight there is in the ear, that he obtained for the Devas by singing; but that he heard well, that was for himself. The Asuras knew: 'Verily, through this singer they will overcome us.' They therefore rushed at the singer, and pierced him with evil. That evil which consists in hearing what is bad, that is that evil.
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