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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 6
yad eva te kaścid abravīt tac chṛṇavāmeti | abravīn me gardabhīvipīto bhāradvājaḥ | śrotraṃ vai brahmeti | yathā mātṛmān pitṛmān ācāryavān brūyāt tathā tad bhāradvājo 'bravīc chrotraṃ vai brahmeti | aśṛṇvato hi kiṃ syād iti | abravīt tu te tasyāyatanaṃ pratiṣṭhām | na me 'bravīd iti | ekapād vā etat samrāḍ iti | sa vai no brūhi yājñavalkya | śrotram evāyatanam ākāśaḥ pratiṣṭhānantam ity enad upāsīta | kānantatā yājñavalkya | diśa eva samrāḍ iti hovāca | tasmād vai samrāḍ api yāṃ kāñca diśaṃ gacchati naivāsyā antaṃ gacchati | anantā hi diśaḥ | diśo vai samrāṭ śrotram | śrotraṃ vai samrāṭ paramaṃ brahma | nainaṃ śrotraṃ jahāti | sarvāṇy enaṃ bhūtāny abhikṣaranti | devo bhūtvā devān apyeti | ya evaṃ vidvān etad upāste | hastyṛṣabhaṃ sahasraṃ dadāmīti hovāca janako vaidehaḥ | sa hovāca yājñavalkyaḥ -- pitā me 'manyata nānanuśiṣya hareteti ||
5. Yâgñavalkya said: 'Let us hear what anybody may have told you.' Ganaka Vaideha replied: 'Gardabhîvibhîta Bhâradvâga told me that hearing (sruta) is Brahman.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'As one who had (the benefit of a good) father, mother, and teacher might tell, so did Gardabhîvibhîta Bhâradvâga tell you that hearing is Brahman; for what is the use of a person who cannot hear? But did he tell you the body and the resting-place of that Brahman?' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'He did not tell me.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'Your Majesty, this (Brahman) stands on one leg only.' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'Then tell me, Yâgñavalkya.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'The ear is its body, ether its place, and we should worship it as what is endless.' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'What is the nature of that which is endless?'
Yâgñavalkya, replied: 'Your Majesty, space (disah) itself (is that which is endless), and therefore to whatever space (quarter) he goes, he never comes to the end of it. For space is endless. Space indeed, O King, is hearing, and hearing indeed, O King, is the Highest Brahman. Hearing does not desert him who worships that (Brahman) with such knowledge, all creatures approach him, and having become a god, he goes to the gods.' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'I shall give you (for this) a thousand cows with a bull as big as an elephant.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'My father was of opinion that one should not accept a reward without having fully instructed a pupil.'
yadeva te gardabhīvipīta iti nāmato bhāradvājo gotrataḥ śrotraṃ vai brahmeti | śrotre digdevatānanta ityenadupāsīta | kānantatā śrotrasya | diśa eva śrotrasyā'nantyaṃ yasmāttasmādvai samrāṭprācīmudīcāṃ vā yāṃ kāñcidapi diśaṃ gacchati naivāsyā antaṅgacchati kañcidapu |
ato 'nantā hi diśaḥ |
diśo vai samrāṭśrotram |
tasmāddigānantyameva śrotrasyā |
ṣa'nantyam ||4,1.5||
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