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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 6
yad eva te kaścid abravīt tac chṛṇavāmeti | abravīn me satyakāmo jābālaḥ -- mano vai brahmeti | yathā mātṛmān pitṛmān ācāryavān brūyāt tathā taj jābālo 'bravīn mano vai brahmeti | amanaso hi kiṃ syād iti | abravīt tu te tasyāyatanaṃ pratiṣṭhām | na me 'bravīd iti | ekapād vā etat samrāḍ iti | sa vai no brūhi yājñāvalkya | mana evāyatanam ākāśaḥ pratiṣṭhānanda ity enad upāsīta | kānandatā yājñavalkya | mana eva samrāḍ iti hovāca manasā vai samrāṭ striyam abhi hāryati tasyāṃ pratirūpaḥ putro jāyate | sa ānandaḥ | mano vai samrāṭ paramaṃ brahma | nainaṃ mano jahāti | sarvāṇy enaṃ bhūtāny abhikṣaranti | devo bhūtvā devān apyeti | ya evaṃ vidvān etad upāste | hastyṛṣabhaṃ sahasraṃ dadāmīti hovāca janako vaidehaḥ | sa hovāca yājñavalkyaḥ -- pitā me 'manyata nānanuśiṣya hareteti ||
6. Yâgñavalkya said: 'Let us hear what anybody may have told you.' Ganaka Vaideha replied: 'Satyakâma Gâbâla told me that mind (manas) is Brahman.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'As one who had (the benefit of a good) father, mother, and teacher might tell, so did Satyakâma Gâbâla tell you that mind is Brahman; for what is the use of a person without mind? But did he tell you the body and the resting-place of that Brahman?' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'He did not tell me.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'Your Majesty, this (Brahman) stands on one leg only.' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'Then tell me, Yâgñavalkya.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'Mind itself is its body, ether its place, and we should worship it as bliss.' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'What is the nature of bliss?'
Yâgñavalkya replied: 'Your Majesty, mind itself; for with the mind does a man desire a woman, and a like son is born of her, and he is bliss. Mind indeed, O King, is the Highest Brahman. Mind does not desert him who worships that (Brahman) with such knowledge, all creatures approach him, and having become a god, he goes to the gods.' Ganaka Vaideha said: 'I shall give you (for this) a thousand cows with a bull as big as an elephant.'
Yâgñavalkya said: 'My father was of opinion that one should not accept a reward without having fully instructed a pupil.'
satyakāma iti nāmato jabālāyā apatyaṃ jābālaḥ |
candramā manasi devatā |
ānanda ityupaniṣati |
yasmānmana evā'nandastasmānmanasā vai samrāṭastriyamabhikāmayamāno 'bhihāryate prārthayata ityarthaḥ |
tasmādyāṃ striyamabhikāmayamāno 'bhihāryate tasyāṃ pratirūpo 'nurūpaḥ putro jāyate sa ānandahetuḥ sa yena manasā nirvartyate tanmana ānandaḥ ||4,1.6||
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