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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 1
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 2
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 3
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 4
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 5
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAdhyāya 6
jyeṣṭhāya svāhā śreṣṭhāya svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati | prāṇāya svāhā vasiṣṭhāyai svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati | vāce svāhā pratiṣṭhāyai svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati | cakṣuṣe svāhā saṃpade svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati | śrotrāya svāhāyatanāya svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati | manase svāhā prajātyai svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati | retase svāhety agnau hutvā manthe saṃsravam avanayati ||
2. He then says, Svâhâ to the First, Svâhâ to the Best, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar). He then says, Svâhâ to Breath, Svâhâ to her who is the richest, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar). He then says, Svâhâ to Speech, Svâhâ to the Support, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar). He then says, Svâhâ to the Eye, Svâhâ to Success, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar). He then says, Svâhâ to the Ear, Svâhâ to the Home, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar). He then says, Svâhâ to the Mind, Svâhâ to Offspring, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar). He then says, Svâhâ to Seed, pours ghee into the fire, and throws what remains into the Mantha (mortar).
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