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Old Persian-Elamite-Akkadian: Darius Behistun Inscription

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Old Persian
𐎰𐎠𐎫𐎡𐎹 𐏓 𐎭𐎠𐎼(18)𐎹𐎺𐎢𐏁 𐏓 𐎧𐏁𐎠𐎹𐎰𐎡𐎹 𐏓 𐎡𐎶𐎠 𐏓 𐎭𐏃𐎹𐎠𐎺 𐏓 𐎫𐎹𐎠 𐏓 𐎶𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎱𐎫𐎡𐎹𐎠𐎡𐏁 𐏓 𐎺𐏁𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎠𐎢(19)𐎼𐎶𐏀𐎭𐎠𐏃 𐏓 𐎶𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎲𐎭𐎣𐎠 𐏓 𐎠𐏃𐎫𐎠 𐏓 𐎶𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎲𐎠𐎪𐎡𐎶 𐏓 𐎠𐎲𐎼𐎫𐎠 𐏓 𐎫𐎹𐏁𐎠𐎶 𐏓 𐏃𐎨𐎠𐎶 (20) 𐏓 𐎠𐎰𐏃𐎹 𐏓 𐎧𐏁𐎱𐎺𐎠 𐏓 𐎼𐎢𐏂𐎱𐎫𐎡𐎺𐎠 𐏓 𐎠𐎺 𐏓 𐎠𐎤𐎢𐎴𐎺𐎹𐎫𐎠 𐏓
Old Persian norm., 6th c. B.C. I §7
1.17-20: θātiy Dārayavauš xšāyaθiya imā dahạyāva tayā manā *patiyāiša vašnā Auramazdāha manā badakā āhatā manā bājim abaratā *tayašām hacāma aθahạya xšapavā raucapativā ava akunavayatā
English, Sharp
Darius the King says: These (are) the countries, which came into my possession; by the favour of Ahuramazda they were my subjects; they bore me tribute; as was said to them by me, either by night or by day, so was (it) done.
Elamite, Saber Amiri § 7
7. a-ak dda-ri-ia-[ma-u]-iš [diš]LUGAL# na-an-ri dišda-a-ia-u-iš hi ap-pa dišu2-ni-na ti-ri-iš-ti za-u-mi-in [du-ra-maš-da-na] TAŠ# li-pa2-me dišu2-ni-na hu-ut-ta2-uh# [ba-zi]-iš dišu2-ni-na ku-ti-iš ap-pa dišu2 [...] ap ti-ri-ia dši-ut-ma-na dna-an-ma-na hu-uh#-pe3 hu-ut-ta2-iš
English from Elamite, Saber Amiri §
And Darius the king says: These nations who call (themselves) mine, (by) the intercession of Ahuramazda, performed service unto me, brought me tribute, (and) whatever I commanded, night and day, they accomplished.
Akkadian line 7-8
dišda-ri-ia-muš LUGAL ki-a-am i-qab-bi a-ga-ni-e-tu2 KUR-KUR ša2 ana-ku i-šem-ma-'i-in-ni GISSU ša2 du2-ri-mi-iz-da-' a-na a-na-ku lu2ARAD-MEŠ it-tu-ru-nu man-da-at-ta (8) a-na ana-ku i-na-aš2-šu-u' ša2 la-pa-ni-ia at-tu-u-a iq-qab-bu-u' lu mu-ša lu U4-mu a-na ša2-a!(ZA)-šu2 ip-pu-šu-u'
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