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Old Persian-Elamite-Akkadian: Darius Behistun Inscription

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Old Persian
𐎰𐎠𐎫𐎡𐎹 𐏓 𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎺(21)𐎢𐏁 𐏓 𐎧𐏁𐎠𐎹𐎰𐎡𐎹 𐏓 𐎠𐎫𐎼 𐏓 𐎡𐎶𐎠 𐏓 𐎭𐏃𐎹𐎠𐎺 𐏓 𐎶𐎼𐎫𐎡𐎹 𐏓 𐏃𐎹 𐏓 𐎠𐎥𐎼𐎡𐎹 𐏓 𐎠𐏃 𐏓 𐎠𐎺𐎶 𐏓 𐎢(22)𐎲𐎼𐎫𐎶 𐏓 𐎠𐎲𐎼𐎶 𐏓 𐏃𐎹 𐏓 𐎠𐎼𐎡𐎣 𐏓 𐎠𐏃 𐏓 𐎠𐎺𐎶 𐏓 𐎢𐎳𐎼𐎿𐎫𐎶 𐏓 𐎠𐎱𐎼𐎿𐎶 𐏓 𐎺𐏁𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎠𐎢𐎼𐎶𐏀𐎭𐎠(23)𐏃 𐏓 𐎡𐎶𐎠 𐏓 𐎭𐏃𐎹𐎠𐎺 𐏓 𐎫𐎹𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎶𐎴𐎠 𐏓 𐎭𐎠𐎫𐎠 𐏓 𐎠𐎱𐎼𐎡𐎹𐎠𐎹 𐏓 𐎹𐎰𐎠𐏁𐎠𐎶 𐏓 𐎠𐎰𐏃(24)𐎹 𐏓 𐎠𐎺𐎰𐎠 𐏓 𐎠𐎤𐎢𐎴𐎺𐎹𐎫𐎠 𐏓
Old Persian norm., 6th c. B.C. I §8
1.20-24: θātiy Dārayavauš xšāyaθiya atar imā dahạyāva martiya haya agriya āha avam ubạrtam abaram haya arīka āha avam ufrastam apạrsam vašnā Auramazdāha imā dahạyāva tayanā manā dātā apariyāya yaθāšām hacāma aθahạya avaθā akunavayatā
English, Sharp
Darius the King says: Within these countries the man who (was) faithful, him I rewarded well; he who (was) faithless, him I punished well. By the favour of Ahuramazda these countries showed respect for my law; as was said to them by me, so was it done.
Elamite, Saber Amiri § 8
8. a-ak dišda-ri#-ia-ma-u-iš dišLUGAL na-an-ri dišda-a-ia-u-iš hi ha-ti-ma dišRUH-MEŠ-ir-ra [ak-ka4 kan2?-na?-iš?] hu#-pir2-ri ir ku uk-ti ak-[ka4 ...] hu-pir2-ri šil-la-ka4 mi-ul-e ha-pi za-u-mi-in du-ra-maš-da-na [da-at-tam ap-pa dišu2]-ni-na dišda-a-ia-u-iš hi ha-ti ku-uk-ta2-ak ap-pa an-ka4 dišu2-ik-ki-mar ap ti-ri-ik-ka4 hu-uh-pe3 hu-ut-[ta2-iš]
English from Elamite, Saber Amiri §
And Darius the king says: Throughout these nations, the man who(?) was(?) …, him (I) upheld; whoever injured, him greatly (I) investigated. (By) the intercession of Ahuramazda, my law was upheld throughout these nations; whatever I commanded, that they accomplished.
Akkadian line 8-10
dišda-ri-ia-muš LUGAL ki-a-am i-qab-bi ina bi-rit KUR-KUR a-ga-ni-e-tu2 LU2 pi-it-qu-du a-na ša2-a-šu2 (9) ana-ku lu ma-a-du u2-sa-ad-di-id [LU2] ša2 lib3-bi bi-i-šu2 al-ta-ta-al-šu2 ina GISSU ša2 du2-ri-mi-iz-da-a' di-na-a-tu2 at-tu-u-a ina bi-rit KUR-KUR a-ga-ni-e-tu2 u2-ša2-as-gu-u ša2 la-pa-ni-ia at-tu-u-a (10) iq-qab-bu-u' lu mu-šu lu U4-mu a-na ša2-a-šu2 ip-pu-šu-u'
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