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Hieroglyphic-Demotic-Greek: The Rosetta Decree

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1. Date
Click to Expand/Collapse Option2. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse Option3. Reason for the Decree
Click to Expand/Collapse Option4. The King as the Benefactor of his Troups
Click to Expand/Collapse Option5. The King Grants Less Tax Burdens
Click to Expand/Collapse Option6. Waiver of Tax Arrears
Click to Expand/Collapse Option7. Amnesty for Culprits
Click to Expand/Collapse Option8. Confirmation of income for the Temples
Click to Expand/Collapse Option9. Decrease of Priestly Duties
Click to Expand/Collapse Option10. Exemption of the Duty of Priests to Travel to Alexandria Every Year
Click to Expand/Collapse Option11. Exemption of Naval Service
Click to Expand/Collapse Option12. Exemption of Two Thirds of Tax on Byssos Cloth
Click to Expand/Collapse Option13. Reestablishment of Law
Click to Expand/Collapse Option14. Amnesty for Participants of the Uprising
Click to Expand/Collapse Option15. Protection of the Country
Click to Expand/Collapse Option16. Siege and Conquest of Lycopolis
Click to Expand/Collapse Option17. Punishment of the Leader of the Rebellion
Click to Expand/Collapse Option18. Waiver of Debt of Tax Arrears for Temples
Click to Expand/Collapse Option19. Cancelling the Practice of Acquiring Temple Landn
Click to Expand/Collapse Option20. Care for Apis, Mnewis and the other Sacred Animals
Click to Expand/Collapse Option21. Support of the Cult of the Gods in General
Click to Expand/Collapse Option22. For All this the Gods will Reward the King
Click to Expand/Collapse Option23. Honouring the King and his Descendents
Click to Expand/Collapse Option24. The Erection of a Staue of the King in all Temples
Click to Expand/Collapse Option25. Service by the Statues
Click to Expand/Collapse Option26. Erection of a Wooden Image of the King
Click to Expand/Collapse Option27. Displaying the Shrine during Processions
Click to Expand/Collapse Option28. Appearance of the Shrine
Click to Expand/Collapse Option29. Commemorate the Birth Day and the the Ascension to the Throne of the King
Click to Expand/Collapse Option30. Five Days Festival
Click to Expand/Collapse Option31. The Priests should Add the Title
Click to Expand/Collapse Option32. Also Private Individuals
Click to Expand/Collapse Option33. Publication
r ṭyt ḫpr pꜣ mšꜥ jrm nꜣ kyw rmṯw ḏr.w jw.w nfr
ὅπως ὅ τε λαὸς καὶ οἱ ἄλλοι πάντες ἐν εὐθηνίαι ὦσιν
in order that the people and all the others might be in prosperity
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