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Aśvaghoṣa: Buddhacarita

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 1: Bhagavatprasūti
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 2: Antaḥpuravihāra
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 3: Saṃvegotpatti
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 4: Strīvighātana
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 5: Abhiniṣkramaṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 6: Chandakanivartana
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 7: Tapovanapraveśa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 8: Antaḥpuravilāpa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 9: Kumārānveṣaṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 10: Śreṇyābhigamana
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 11: Kāmavigarhaṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 12: Arāḍadarśana
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 13: Māravijaya
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 14: Englightenment
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 15: Turning the Wheel of the Law
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 16: Many Conversions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 17: Conversion (pravrajyā) of the Great Disciples
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 18: The Instruction of Anāthapiṇḍada
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 19: The Meeting of Father and Son
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 20: Acceptance of Jetavana
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 21: Progress (srotas) of the Mission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 22: The Visit to Amrapāli's Grove
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 23: Fixing the Factors of Bodily Life
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 24: Compassion for the Licchavis
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 25: The Journey to Nirvāṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 26: The Mahāparinirvāṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 27: Eulogy of Nirvāṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 28: The Division of the Relics
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
Eng: Johnston (1978)
tat saumya rājyaṃ yadi paitṛkaṃ tvaṃ snehāt pitur necchasi vikrameṇa |
na ca kramaṃ1 marṣayituṃ matis te bhuṅkṣvārdham2 asmadviṣayasya śīghram || 10.25 ||
1. EBC: kṣamaṃ. 2. EBC: bhuktvārdham.
Chi: 曇無讖, T.192 19c19-23
(19)超世聖王子 乞食不存榮
(20)妙體應塗香 何1 故服2 袈裟
(21)手宜握天下 反以受薄餐
(22)若不代父王 受禪享其土
(23)吾今分半國 庶望少留情
1. 故=爲<三> 2. \Kāṣāya.
Tib: Sa dbaṇ bzaṇ po and Blo gros rgyal po, Tg, skyes rabs, ge 37b7-38a1
de phyir źi ba gal te yab kyi rgyal srid la | | khyod kyi yab kyi brtse las stobs kyis mi ’dod ciṅ | |
(38a1)khyod kyi blo gros rim par bzod par ma gyur na | | skyen par kho bo’i yul gyi phyed la loṅs spyod mdzod | |
Eng: Beal (1883)
807. Rejecting the position of a Kakravartin’s son, begging his food, despising family fame, his beauteous form, fit for perfumes and anointings, why clothed with coarse Kasâya garments;
808. The hand which ought to grasp the reins of empire, instead thereof, taking its little stint of food;
if indeed (the king continued) you were not of royal descent, and would receive as an offering the transfer of this land,
809. Then would I divide with you my empire;
Eng: Cowell (1893, 1927)
25. ‘If therefore, gentle youth, through thy love for thy father thou desirest not thy paternal kingdom in thy generosity,--then at any rate thy choice must not be excused,--accepting forthwith one half of my kingdom.
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