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De unges forbund (The League of Youth)

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Ja, hans gode mening kan s’gu lidet hjælpe mig. – Derinde, hvor de nu sidder og klinker og drikker skåler, der sad jeg også; var som en af de andre; var fint opklædt –! Det var vel noget for mig, det; for mig, som havde læst så mangt, og som havde tørstet så længe efter at få del i alt det, som herligt er i verden. Jo, pyt! Hvor længe var Jeppe i paradis? Knald og fald, ud af det igen; – hele herligheden faldt i fisk, som vi siger i trykkeriet.
What good do his “best intentions” do me? You hear them in there, clinking glasses and drinking healths? Well, I, too, have sat at that table in my day, dressed in purple and fine linen, like the best of them -- ! That was just the thing for me, that was -- for me, that has read so much and had thirsted so long to have my share in all the good things of life. Well, well; how long was Jeppe in Paradise?1 Smash, crash! down you go -- and my fine fortunes fell to pi, as we printers say.
1. An allusion to Holberg’s comedy, Jeppe pa Bierget, which deals with the theme of Abou Hassan, treated by Shakespeare in the Induction to The Taming of the Shrew, and by Hauptmann in Schluck und Jau.
他一片“好意”我沾了什么光?你没听见他们在饭厅里喝酒碰杯的声音?从前我也在那张桌子上坐着喝过酒。身上穿得挺讲究,比他们谁也不次--!那种日子很对劲儿,合我的脾胃,因为我念了一肚子书,一直想过好日子-- 可是在天堂里享了几天福?扑通!哗啦!一个筋斗栽下来,好像排字房的铅字架子翻了身。
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