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De unges forbund (The League of Youth)

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Ja, indtil han havde arbejdet sig helseløs og tilslut gik i fossen med tømmerflåden. Kender De noget til livet i den stand, herr kammerherre? Har De en eneste gang prøvet, hvad de folk må døje, som slider for Dem inde i skogtrakterne og nedover langs elvedragene, mens De sidder i Deres lune stue og taer frugterne? Kan De fortænke et sligt menneske i, at han vil arbejde sig ivejret? Jeg havde nu fået lidt bedre lærdom, end min fader; havde vel kanske lidt bedre evner også –
Yes, until he’d almost worked his life out, and at last went over the waterfall with his raft. Do you know anything of life in that class, Chamberlain? Have you ever realised what the men have to endure who toil for you deep in the forests, and along the river-reaches, while you sit comfortably at home and fatten on the profits? Can you blame such a man for struggling to rise in the world? I had had a little more schooling than my father; perhaps I had rather more brains too --
孟 森:
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF