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De unges forbund (The League of Youth)

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(ser i stille beundring på ham og trykker hans hånd).
Sandelig, De har fået store gaver, herr Stensgård!
(ud til højre.)
(Stensgård går et par gange op og ned ad gulvet; snart standser han ved vinduet, snart river han sig i håret. Lidt efter kommer Bastian Monsen fra baggrunden.)
[looks at him in quiet admiration and presses his hand.]
You are indeed a man of rare gifts, Mr. Stensgard.
[Goes out to the right.]
[STENSGARD paces the room several times, now stopping for a moment at the window, now running his fingers through his hair. Presently BASTIAN MONSEN enters from the back. ]
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF