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De unges forbund (The League of Youth)

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Men der er naturligvis methode i bankerotten. Pas på; jeg er en gammel spåmand: Monsen kommer i tugthuset, grossereren kommer i akkord og kammerherren kommer under administration; det vil sige, hans kreditorer forærer ham et par tusend daler årlig i livsvarig pension. Det er sådan det går, herr Stensgård! Jeg kender det; jeg kender det. Hvad siger ikke klassikeren? Fiat justitia, pereat mundus; det vil sige: Fy, hvilken justits i denne bedærvede verden, faer!
But of course there’s method even in bankruptcy. You’ll see; I am an old hand at prophecy. Monsen will go to prison; young Bratsberg will compound with his creditors; and the Chamberlain will be placed under trustees; that’s to say, his creditors will present him with an annuity of a couple of thousand dollars. That’s how things go, Mr. Stensgard; I know it, I know it! What says the classic? Fiat justitia, pereat mundus; which means: Fie on what’s called justice in this wicked world, sir!
海 瑞:
可是,就是破产,也得有个办法。你瞧着吧,不是我夸口,我这人料事如神。孟森得坐监牢;小布拉茨柏得向债主清理债务;侍从官的财产要被托管,那就是说,债权人每年给他两千块钱。事情准是这样,史丹斯戈先生。我心里有数,我心里有数!古书上怎么说的?Fiat justitia,pereat mundus.这句话的意思是:这个万恶世界的所谓公道是狗屁!
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF