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Kærlighedens komedie (Love’s Comedy)

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(til Falk).
Ja, ét er mig dog idetmindste klart:
at De bør holde noget mer i ære
forsynligheden; tænk Dem blot, ifald
De skrev et digt idag og satte al
den dyre restbeholdning ind deri,
som De på lager har af poesi,
og fandt, De intet havde mer tilbedste,
når De imorgen digtede det næste; –
da fik kritiken Dem nok i kalotten.
[to FALK].
One thing at least to me is very clear;--
And this is that you cannot but allow
Some forethought indispensable. For see,
Suppose that you to-day should write a sonnet,
And, scorning forethought, you should lavish on it
Your last reserve, your all, of poetry,
So that, to-morrow, when you set about
Your next song, you should find yourself cleaned out,
Heavens! how your friends the critics then would crow!
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF