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Kærlighedens komedie (Love’s Comedy)

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Da nikked Deres moder over bordet:
„Drik, Svanhild, førend theen bliver kold“.
Og De drak theen ud, den lunkne, vamle,
som den blev nydt af unge og af gamle.
Men navnet tog mig i det samme nu;
den vilde Vølsungsaga med sin gru,
med sine faldne ætters lange række,
mig tyktes ind i vor tid sig at strække;
jeg så i Dem en Svanhild nummer to,
i andre former, efter tiden lempet.
Bag reglens løgnflag er forlænge kæmpet,
nu fordrer fylkingen forlig og ro;
men hånes loven i en samtids brøde,
da må for slægtens synd en skyldfri bløde.
Your mother nodded to your untouched cup:
“Drink, Svanhild dear, before your tea grows cold.”
And then you drank the vapid liquor up,
The mawkish brew beloved of young and old.
But that name gripped me with a sudden spell;
The grim old Volsungs as they fought and fell,
With all their faded aeons, seemed to rise
In never-ending line before my eyes.
In you I saw a Svanhild, like the old,1
But fashioned to the modern age’s mould.
Sick of its hollow warfare is the world;
Its lying banner it would fain have furled;
But when the world does evil, its offence
Is blotted in the blood of innocence.
1. A Svanhild like the old. In the tale of the Volsungs Svanhild was the daughter of Sigurd and Gudrun,--the Siegfried and Kriemhild of Nibelungenlied. The fierce King Jormunrek, hearing of her matchless beauty, sends his son Randwer to woo her in his name. Randwer is, however, induced to woo her in his own, and the girl approves. Jormunrek thereupon causes Randwer to be arrested and hanged, and meeting with Svanhild, as he and his men ride home from the hunt, tramples her to death under their horses’ hoofs. Gudrun incites her sons Sorli and Hamdir to avenge their sister: they boldly enter Jormunrek’s hall, and succeed in cutting off his hands and feet, but are themselves slain by his men. This last dramatic episode is told in the Eddic Hamthismol.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF