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Gildet på Solhaug (The Feast at Solhaug)

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Ja, det skulde jeg vel mene. En våbendrager og sex rustede mænd er hos ham. Nå ja, Gudmund Alfsøn er jo også en hel anden mand nu, end dengang han drog ud på langfærd. Men jeg må ned og tage imod ham. (råber ud.) Læg gyldenlæderssadlen på min hest! Og glem ikke bidslet med ormehovederne! (ser ud i baggrunden.) Au, der er han alt ved ledet! Nå, så min stav da; min sølvknappede stav! Slig en herre, – Krist fri mig – ham må vi tage imod med ære, med stor ære!
(han går skyndsomt ud i baggrunden.)
Aye, by my faith he does. He has a shield-bearer and six armed men in his train. What would you? Gudmund Alfson is a far other man than he was when he set forth to seek his fortune. But I must ride forth to seek him. [Calls out.] The gilded saddle on my horse! And forget not the bridle with the serpents’ heads! [Looks out to the back.] Ha, there he is already at the gate! Well, then, my staff--my silver-headed staff! Such a lordly knight--Heaven save us!--we must receive him with honour, with all seemly honour!
[Goes hastily out to the back.]
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF