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Fru Inger til Østråt (Lady Inger of Östråt)

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I kunde blevet den udkårne, ifald I havde villet. I stammed fra Norges ædleste ætter; I havde magt og rigdom ivente; og I havde øre for klageskrigene – dengang. – – Mindes I hin eftermiddag, da Hendrik Krummedike kom med danske flåden for Akershus? Skibsherrerne bød mindeligt forlig; og tryg ved lejdebrevet lod Knut Alfsøn sig ro ombord. Tre timer efter bar vi ham ind gennem slotsporten –
You could have been the chosen one had you but willed it. You came of the noblest blood in Norway; power and riches were at your feet; and you had an ear for the cries of anguish--then!---- ---- Do you remember that afternoon when Henrik Krummedike and the Danish fleet anchored off Akershus? The captains of the fleet offered terms of settlement, and, trusting to the safe-conduct, Knut Alfson rowed on board. Three hours later, we bore him through the castle gate----
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF