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Hærmændene på Helgeland (The Vikings at Helgeland)

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Jøkul, hendes fader. Da jeg gav ham banehugget, faldt han flad ned på græsvolden, så på mig og kvad:
Jøkuls æt skal Jøkuls bane
volde ve paa alle veje;
hvo der ejer Jøkuls skatte
skal ej glædes ved sit eje!
Da han så havde kvædet, taug han stille en stund og lo, og derpå døde han.
Ay, her father’s. When I gave him his death-wound he fell back upon the sward, and fixed his eyes on on me and sang:--
Jokul’s kin for Jokul’s slayer
many a woe shall still be weaving;
Jokul’s hoard whoe’er shall harry
heartily shall rue his rashness.
When he had sung that, he was silent a while, and laughed; and thereupon he died.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF