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Catilina (Catiline)

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Bacchus vi hylder!
glade vi fylder
bægret til randen,
drikker hans pris!
Saften, den røde,
lifligt lad gløde.
Alle vi ynder
vingudens drik.
Venligt tilsmiler
os fader Liber;
rusen os vinker;
druen er klar.
Kom, lad os nyde!
Vinen kan fryde,
stemme til glæde
tanker og sind.
Du dog for alle
blinkende perler,
klare Falerner,
herlige drik!
Modet du liver;
kraft du os giver;
munterhed sænker
du i vor sjæl.
Bacchus vi hylder!
Glade vi fylder
bægret til randen,
drikker hans pris!
Saften, den røde,
lifligt lad gløde!
Alle vi ynder
vingudens drik!
(Lentulus og Cethegus kommer ind.)

Bacchus, all praise to thee!
Joyful we raise to thee
Brimful the beaker!
Hail to thee, hail!
Wine, red and glowing,
Merrily flowing,
Drink of the wine-god,--
This be our song.

Gracious and friendly
Smiles father Liber;
Drunkenness waits us;
Clear is the wine.
Come, do not tarry!
Wine will make merry,
Joyful and airy,
Body and soul.

Thou above all the
Glittering bubbles,
Sparkling Falernian,
Glorious drink!
Courage and power,
These are your dower.
Gladsome the gift you
Bring to the soul.

Bacchus, all praise to thee!
Joyful we raise to thee
Brimful the beaker!
Hail to thee, hail!
Wine, red and glowing,
Merrily flowing,
Drink of the wine-god,--
This be our song.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF