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Catilina (Catiline)

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Nu vel; – til fører valgte vi en ven,
på hvem, vi mente, trygt vi turde bygge.
Han sveg vor tillid; vender faren ryggen.
Ah, venner, – ej forsagt! Han skal erfare,
vi kan os hjælpe uden ham. Hvad kræves?
Ej andet, end en mand med mod og fasthed,
som går i spidsen –
Yes, yes; we chose a comrade as our chief,
On whom there was no doubt we could rely.
Our trust he fails and turns his back to danger.
Ah, brothers,--be not daunted. He shall learn
We can succeed without him. What we need
Is some one man, fearless and resolute,
To take the lead--
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF