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Catilina (Catiline)

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Kun dette tør en frigjort ånd
ud af din skæbnes bog dig melde:
Du falder for din egen hånd, –
og dog en fremmed skal dig fælde!
(Åndeskikkelsen glider bort, som i en tåge.)
No, first beyond death’s gloomy gate
Shall fade away the mists that hide
The gruesome and the nobly great,
Borne ever on by time and tide.
This from thy book of fate alone
A liberated soul may tell thee:
Perish thou shalt by deed thine own,
And yet a stranger’s hand shall fell thee.
[THE SHADOW glides away as in a mist.]
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF