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Olaf Liljekrans

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Lad livet derude gå sin egen gang,
her er mit hjem, hos dig, min prude,
min dejlige viv! Alfhild, tal!
Er det ikke ret som en højenloftssal
var rejst for os under de grønne lier!
Blåklokken står pyntet på alle stier,
her er gilde herinde, her er fryd og lyst,
mere fast, end der kan rummes i mit bryst!
Hør, fra elven klinger det dybe kvæde;
o, det er det, som volder, at jeg både må le og græde!
Det sælsomme kvad, det koglende spil,
har gjort mig så fro, så salig og vild!
(griber hende lidenskabeligt i sine arme.)
Farvel jeg skikker til bygden dernede!
heroppe vil jeg min brudeseng rede;
farvel jeg skikker over verden ud, –
nu vil jeg favne min fagre brud!
The life that is yonder may go its own way;
Here is my home; with you will I wander,
My lovely wife! Alfhild, behold!
Is it not as if here in the mountainous fold
Were built for us two a bower so fair!
The snowdrops in splendor stand garbed everywhere;
In here there is feasting, there is joy, there is mirth,
More real than any I have found on this earth!
The song rings out from the river so deep;
It is that which makes me both laugh and weep!
The song of magic, the mysterious lay,
Has made me so free, so happy and gay!
[Seizes her passionately in his arms.]

Farewell to the village below I say!
’Tis here that my bridal-bed I shall prepare;
Farewell to the world forever and ay,--
For here I shall hold my beautiful bride!
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF