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Kæmpehøjen (The Burial Mound/The Warrior’s Barrow)

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Jeg hejste snekkens sejl i højen rå,
og vendte stavnen hjemad imod Norden;
der søgte jeg forgæves efter Gandalf,
den unge ørn var fløjen over havet
til Island eller Færø, blev mig sagt.
Jeg stævned efter ham, men fandt ham ej, –
dog navnet kendte de, såvidt jeg fór;
ti skøndt hans drage fløj som sky for stormen,
så fløj hans rygte dog på bedre vinger.
I sommer, véd I, traf jeg ham til slut,
det var i Velskland; jeg beretted ham,
hvad der var sket, hvordan hans fader endte,
og Gandalf svor ved alle Valhals guder
at tage blodig hævn med ild og sværd.
I hoisted every sail upon the bark,
And turned the prow straight homeward to the North;
There sought I all in vain for Gandalf king;
The youthful eagle, I was told, had flown
Across the sea to Iceland or the Faroes.
I hastened after him but found no trace,-
Yet everywhere I went his name was known;
For though his bark sped cloud-like in the storm,
Yet flew his fame on even swifter wings.
At last this spring I found him, as you know;
It was in Italy; I told him then
What things had happened, how his father died,
And Gandalf swore by all Valhalla’s gods
Blood-vengeance he would take with fire and sword.
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF