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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
lat 524 A.D. III,4p
Tu quoque num tandem tot periculis adduci potuisti ut cum Decorato gerere magistratum putares, cum in eo mentem nequissimi scurrae delatorisque respiceres?
ger Notker ca. 950-1022 A.D.
35. ITEM.
Tu quoque num tandem tot periculis adduci potuisti . ut cum decorato putares gerere magistratum . cum in eo respiceres mentem nequissimi scurrȩ et delatoris? Máhtôn sâr díh ánabríngen dehéine fréisâ . dáz tû consulatum mít decorato hínderstân uuóltîst . tén du uuíssôst skírnen . únde méldare ? Tísêr decoratus uuás fautor gothorum . pedíu uuás er méldare dere ciuium. Uuánda er óuh târ-míte spílománnes kebârda hábeta . fóne díu neuuólta er sîn collega nîeht uuérden in consulatu . tóh iz ter chúning uuólti. Táz uuás ímo fréisa uuíder den chúning.
(fra Simon de Freine ca. 1189-1200) fra Jean de Meun ca. 1300
Aussi tu meismes ne peus tu pas a la parfin estre amenée a ce par tant de perilz quant tu cuidoies gouverner la digneté avec Decorat, comme tu veissez en lui courage de tres felon lecheur et tres desloyal accuseur.
eng Chaucer 1343-1400 A.D.
Certes, thou thyself ne mightest nat ben brought with as manye perils as thou mightest suffren that thou woldest beren themagistrat with Decorat; that is to seyn, that for no peril that mighte befallen theeby offenceof the king Theodorike, thou noldest nat be felawe in governaunce with Decorat; whan thou saye that he hadde wikked corage of a likerous shrewe and of an accusor.
eng Elizabeth 1593 A.D. p. 49-50, 9-12
You allso, could you haue bene brought by so many perils to accompany Decoratus in office, when in him you sawe a mynde of a wicked Ruffin, and slanderer tongue?
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