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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
lat 524 A.D. IV,2p
Considera uero quanta sceleratos homines habeat impotentia.
ger Notker ca. 950-1022 A.D.
Considera uero quanta impotentia habeat sceleratos homines. Nû chíus knôto . uuéliche únmáhte dien frátâtigên ána-sínt.
(fra Simon de Freine ca. 1189-1200) fra Jean de Meun ca. 1300
Mes regarde comme grant faute de poissance et comme grant foiblece est es mauvés hommes felons et desloiaus, puis que si grant chose ne leur puet aidier.
eng Chaucer 1343-1400 A.D.
Consider thanne how greet defaute of power and how greet feblesse ther is in wikkede felonous folk; as who seyth, the gretter thing thatis coveited and the desire nat acomplisshed, of the lasse might is he that coveiteth it and may nat acomplisshe.
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